HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-18, Page 8TIIE WINGIIAM TIMES, DECEMBER 18 1913 MINOR LOCALS. --Have you renewed your subscrip- tion to the Ti u s? -Annual Scottish concert on Friday evening, January 9th. - We can give you clubbing rates on any newspaper or magazine at the TIMES office. Ebony goods and friney stationery at Knox's Clearing Sale. An obituary notice of the late John Crowston, a Kinloss pioneer, is crowded out of this issue. -Robert Irvine, a pioneer resident of Bruce county, died at his home in Kin- cardine last v e tk at the age of 82 years. Large stock of pearl- goods and pen- dant neealets at Knox's. -The TIMES office will be open every evening next week for the convenience of parties wishitg to purchase G. T. R. tickets. Mr, John S. I'ringle, who has been visiting here for some weeks, left on Wednesday for his home in Nutana, Sask. Diamonds and pearls• at and below cost at Knox's Clearing Sale. Mr. Walter F. Haines, of the Dom- inion Bank sten', Seaforth, visited for over Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Haines. -. the Salvation Army Band will make the usual serenade un Christmas day and will be pleased to receive liberal donatik.as from our townspecpie. Knox intends leaving town and every- thing must Le sold at his Clearing Sale. --It you are going on a vacation trip during the holidays, buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. --Miss Louie Burgin, of Ethel, who has been in the Hosital suffering from typhoid fever for some weeks, has fully recovered and was able to return home last week. Anything you want,.4n jewellery at and below cost at Kndx's Clearing Sale. -The Turnberry Council is having considerable trouble filling a sink hole at Eadie's swamp on the 10th concession The roadway was unsafe for heavy traffic for some time. -Mrs. W. J. Currie, who was oper- ated upon for goitre, by Drs. Kennedy and Calder at the Hospital last week, is recovering rapidly and expects to be able to leave the Hospital this week. For cut glass and silverware go to Knox's Clearing Sale. -The Wingham Citizens' Band will not serenade our townspeople on Christ- mas day this year. The band intends, in place of the serenade, to hold a series of concerts in the opera horse during the winter months. -Mrs. Rich. Porter, who was operat- ed upon for appendieits by Drs. Ken- nedy and Tamlyn at the Hospital last week, is now able to sit up. At her advanced age the operation was a serious one, and her many friends will be pleased to learn that she is con- valescing. The niece to lniy your mitis presents e s at Knox's Clearing Sale. -The TIMIES is sorry to report that we were in error last weak in reporting that the late D. W. Campbell was sur- vived by one son and two daughters. Mr. Campbell is survived by his widow and two sons and four daughters, viz: - John A. and Victor and Misses Mabel, Luella, Tena and Edna. -Fire broke out in the basement of the furniture store of Mr. Luther A. Ball, in Aylmer, formerly of this town, on.the night of Thursday. December loth, which for some time threather.ed to destroy the entire Bingham Block Hard work by the firemen prevented it spreading to the upper storey, but a large quantity of furniture and mat- tresses were destroyed. The loss which amounted to about $4,000, is fully cover- ed by insurance. -Remember the Junior League Entertainment in the Methodist Church, Thursday evening, Dec. 18th, 1913, at 8 p.m. A cantata entitled "Waiting for Santa Claus" and olher interesting items will be given. Two Christmas trees. The one to receive gifts for the Deaconess IIome, Toronto, for distri- bution among the poor of that city. Tho other tree to be used by everybody to bestow gifts to their own children and frieecise Silver collection. Every- body +:eicome. Come and see Santa Claw. A WARM WINTER COMING. June weather will prevail in •iial,ifor- nia, the land of eternal flowers, the ideal Wintering place, reached comfort- ably and conveniently by the Chicago Inion Par ific & North Western Line, via the fastest and most Airect routes. amidst the luxurious eitirroundings of compartment: club /and. observatior parlor, fir tiie morea'nnoclerale priced and :iimelil:e Tourist tar, Three splendid trains decay --The Overland Limited, fa:itest train to San Francisco --The Los Angeles Limited, three days to the Matas Cita of the Land of Sunshine, via Salt Lola; City ----and the San Francisco Lirnit •1. Double track, electric block, signed ;..',tcction, rick ballasting, finest dining, cut servi^"e. Rates, illustrated matter and full particulars on applica- ti,m. I. 11 it nuett. General Agent, 46 'niece Street, 'Toronto, Ont. 1301;N 1 EAa in 11,1(.rir•, OR December Seth, to it%r. and Mrs. R. IL fear; a sou. C)'DAY In SaginaW, Mich., on Dec. Cath. to Mr. ai.d afrs. James O'Day (nee My ria hena, of Myth); a son. /Hilt. 1inrarl ,r - In Howie k, on Dee. and, Janet Wilson, wife of Mr. Jas. Hunter, :mr.. of the ninth eon., in her 83rd year, SOJV1►ETHINCC NEW IN 'XMAS GIFTS See our Parisian Ivory Goods, Mirrors, Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, Manicuring Sets, &c. The most beautiful designs in Ivory at reasonable prices. See the latest in Perfume Packages. J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. CORNER DRUG STORE L. HAMILTON WINGHAN1 ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices tinder This Head ten cents a line for first insertion: five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. 20 per cent se ved on Diamond rings at W. G. Patterson's. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. -Buy your railway tickete from H. B. Elliott, Towti Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES Office. WANTED- Good general servant girl. Apply to Mrs. J. Walton McKibbon, Centre St. - Envelopes, writing paper and all staple lines of stationery on sale at the TIMES office. -A good assortment of Rocking Chairs suitable for Christmas gifts at Walker's furniture store. Wouldn't mother enjoy a pair of Our comfortaLle house slippers? Remem- ber at Christmas time. W. J. GREER. FOR SALE - 3 hanging lamps, 2 chande- liers with 4 lamps, two bebsteads, etc. Apply at C. N. Griffin's residence. -A complete stock of all kinds of furniture, suitable for Christmas gifts, at Walker's furniture store. NOTICE—Having disposed of my busi- ness, all accounts owing me must be settled at once by cash or note. -J. L. AWDE. Fox "HiS" Christmas there is noth- ing he would appreciate more more than a 1 air of our handsome Slippers $1.0O to $1.50. W. J. GREER. -We are prepared to pay the highese prices for all kinds of grain at our store house at the Grand Trunk Station. TIPLING & MILLS. DON'T FORGET when you want wool and Jute blankets, robes, string bells, shaft chimes and driving Gauntlets, we have the largest stock in Huron County to choose from. Prices right. -Thos. Kew. N( TICE A rewarcj,,of $10 will be given for evidence that wail convict the party who came en my premises between December 7th and/12th and stole traps. The matter has blen left in the hands of Provincial Constable Phippen. ' W. G. S lfsame CLOVER THRESHING. We are prepared to save prompt at- tention to all ordere:left with us for Clover Threshing. C'R:0'; & GILLESPIE, Whitechurch P.O. 'Phone 611- S, or 611-:3. Voice Culture and Violin Tuition. Mr. Peter Wilson will receive pupils in the above at his home, Catherine Street, opposite Public School grounds. Tuition in the evenings only, Special terms to beginners. Modern methods used. TE NDERS. Sealed tenders will be received until the 8th day of Januaay, 191.4,: for the eretion of a new church and, stables on the situ of the present Melville church, Brussels. All tenders Va be addressed to Malcolm Black. Ea:; Secretary of the Building Commif{ee. Plans, speci- fications, details, ne., can be seen at Fox's Drug Mtore The lowest or any other tender not necessarily accepted. Separate and joint tenaere will be rc- e.•:ved for the stables. J. Insexll:, Chairman. M. Bemis, Sec'y. Brussels, Dec. Lith, 1913. C. IdoGriffin GENERAL AGENT FIRM TAPE tCCIbENT 1• PLATO GLASS W RATNER Irisuraiice Coupled with a REAL ESTATII and MoNEr LOANING Thasiness. issuer of Marriage Licenses. Ofoe over Malcolm'r Grocery. Coal That is /Dirt Cheap May he Dirt if Never CHEAP ! The lit tit is always the cheapest. So why waste time and money experimenting with cheap coal, when you can get genuine D.B. & W., SCRANTON The best of the best by actual test J. A. McLEAN 1— Notice to Contractors A contract for filling with stone the sink hole op the prairie road south of Wingham will be let on the ground at 2 r, clack p. m., on Satur- day, December, 20th. The work will be let by the e ard. JOHN ISHORTREED, Reeve of Morris. Walton, Dec. 10, 1913, DE is ENTURES FOR SALE The Corporation of the Township of Morris has for sale $8,000 of five per cent. debentures, drawn at twenty years. Parties wishing to purchase sante will communicate with the under- signed. .�. MACEWEN, Bluevale, Ontario. STRAY HEIFER. [KING KING_ -;ROS. High Grade Dependable There strayed from my premises, lot 37, con. I2, East Wawanosh, about the 15th of November, a two-year old heifer. Heifer was pure red in color with small spot of white on forehead and was not dehorned. Any person giving inform- ation which will lead to her recovery will be awarded. HERB SHIELL, phone 1319-2: R. R. No. 3, Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa - nosh, 100 -acres 85 cleared -all under grass, well underdrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, 1?e story frame house, kitchen and woodshed. Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and stable, 1yssmiles from post office, school and church, A bargain for quick dale. Apply tci WM. WIGHTMAN, Lot 35, con 10 or Belgrave P. 0. Sale of Shorthorn Bulls, 11 Br:,uuviellJ Shorthorns -Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (Imp.) For sale are eight bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and be will sold reasonably. I am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FM, Wingham, Ont. (Farm 11: miles south of Wingham.) Shoe Shine Parlor In store next to Haugh's shoe store I have opened a Shoe Shine Parlor for both ladies and gentlemen. Tan or white shoes dyed to stay black. All work guaranteed. Give me acall. GJ OII;GE MOIR Underwear Marked at Prices that are Right �Illll� �Ild I `,11!"pillijli;+ Ili 5 .. ,!i1,'���NUNI SRNBRAND i!' �; RINKASLEr- I UNOERWEAIL. tri llzi j Men's Fleece Lined Under- wear. Shirks a n d Drawers, 50 each. "Tiger Brand" all wool Underwear, Elastic knit, made from fine Canadian Wool, $1.00 and $1.25 garment. Men's and extra large men's (Woolsley Brand) shirts and Drawers made from extra quali- ty pure Australian Wool splendidly fin- ished throughout. A garment that will give you every satisfaction, Shirt and drawers, 32 to 42—$2.50 each; 44 to 48—$3.00 1 Choice Racoon Fur Coats $'100 up to $150. Every coat is a selection made by experts, fron-i the most choice skins in prime condition extraheavy fur- red and lined with the best quality lining, Extra Value Racoon Fur Coats $69.00. A coat we can recommend made from evenly matched skins and well lined throughout. Manchurian Dog Coats, $25.00 value. Come quick if you want one of these. There are only 14 in the bunch and were bought especially to sell at a price. They are guaranteed and will give satisfaction. Clearing at $19.25. Fur trimmed and fur lined Coats. Our values are greater than ever and the se- lection is good. Prices from $12.50 to $75. Penman's Klosed Krotch Combination Suits, $8.00, sizes 31 to 44. Watson's All -Wool Combination made from extra quality wood all sizes s5 suit. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 SPECIAL ORDERS: We take orders for anything we do not carry and can give best satisfaction. KING BROS. i LEAVING TOWN! , t • �• j+ L1'In` j� 1 1 FI __a:i • � f'•a af�� sXs 44 44 $1,000 Stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware. Cut Glass, Leather Goods, ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, Stationery, Wallpaper, Win- dow -shades, Fancy Goods, etc., to be sold at and below cost. Si1Xt AI 4 As Owner is Leaving Town Everything Must be Sold Sale Starts on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th. A. M. KNOX 'Phone 65. Opposite National Hotel. iiimiTimanaminae �ww.etio-eaa Do not delay your XMAS SHOPPING Our stock is now at its best. Nothing more sensible or appreciated than nice slippers or Shoes. Look at this list below. t For Women and Men : FELT SLIPPERS, LEGGINGS, OVER- SHOES, SPATS, LEATHER SLIP- PERS, COSY SLIPPERS, FINE • SHOES, FOOTEASERS, CLUB BAGS, SUIT CASES, • HOCKEY SHOES For Girls, Boys and Children : CARDIGANS, OVERSHOES, FELT SLIP- PERS, FELT SHOES. LEGGINGS, FINE SHOES, HIGH CUT BUT; TON BOOTS, HOCKEY SHOES And many other articles as are kept in first class shoe stores WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole agents „ar. For Ladies 1 C 1 Christmas Buying Christmas trade now in full swing. The Best Gifts for Ladies. The most useful Gifts for Men FOR LADIES, Silk waists, of Silk by the yard for evening wear. The best Satin and Silk Underskirts from $2,00 to $4.oO. Fownes' Kid Gloves, long and short, fully guaranteed. A large assortment of Handkerchiefs, from 5c to 75c. • Down Comforters, White Bed Spreads, Blankets Motor Scarfs and Hoods, Sweater Coats and Aviation Caps. Hand Bags, &c. FOR MEN AND BOYS Suits and Overcoats Gloves of all kinds Sweater Coats Wool underwear President Suspenders Fine Shoes Rubbers, &c„ FOR THE KIDDIES A splendid assortment of Dolls, Toys, Tops, Fancy Boxes, &c. Fancy Handkerchiefs for the Kiddies. A splendid line of Bear and Cloth Coats for the children. &c. PRODUCE OF' ALL KINDS WANTED J A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. - WINGHAM, ONT.