HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-18, Page 5THE WINGHAM CIMES. DECEMBFFi 18 1913 � Merry Ghristmas This is the season of the year when we always havezethe pleasure of waiting on an army of Lady Patrons. We enjoy it, too. Wish there were more Holiday Seasons; for the ladies can't come too often A Man. Likes Something he can wear Get his presents where he always ouys his wearables. Get them here and then you can't go wrong. Our Christmas Ties—Here's a beauty show surely. Every Man and Boy always expects a Christmas Tie, and generally gets it. 25c to $1.25. A FEW MORE SUGGESTIONS House Coats, the limit f a man's home comfort. Um- brellas, very appropriate this season. Fine Handkerchiefs, in pure linen, silk, exceldas, &c. Silk Suspenders, Mufflers, Arm Bands. Half Hose, in fin cashmeres, silks and worsteds. Gloves in grey and tan, mocha, cape suede and wool. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, Cuff Buttons, Collar Bags, Laundry Bags, &c. When Christmas shopping, come here with your troubles and you'll be sur -prised and gratified to see how easily and satisfactorily we can fix "Him" up. W. 4. GA1P1ThLL THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block - Opp. Bank of Commmerce CHRISTMAS BUYERS ATTENTION Newest Novelties in Christmas Goods for Ladies' Gifts—in the biggest ranges of Ladies' Collars, Collar Setts, Belts, Neck Frills, Frillings, Gloves, Handker- chiefs. Mufflers, Silk Hose, Knitted Ties, Jabots, Scarfs, Sweater Coats, Hand Bags, Fancy Waists. Fur Setts, Kimonas. Initial Handkerchiefs, in all the newest styles suitable for Chrisstman Gifts. Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel for Christmas Buyers. Fancy Shirts, Combination Setts of Braces, Armlets and Garters, Silk Ties, Crochet, Ties, Knitted Mufflers, Silk Mufflers, Collar Bags, Novelties in Fancy Sweater Coats, Grey Suede Gloves, Caps, Un- derwear, Initial Handkerchiefs, Dressing Gown, Smok- ing Jackets, Fancy Knitted Vests, Night Gowns, Pajai'nas and many other useful articles to suggest to Christmas Slippers. ditikasia Ca 'PHONE 70 1 I Wingham Club WINGHAM, ONT. NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP Club to be opened on or about January lst Will have facilities for all Out- door and Indoor Sports Will also have Literary Department The Club has applied for in- corporation with the following provisional directors — N. I. Sinclair, W. H. Gurney. A. II. Wilford, A. L. Posllff, G. R. Smith. W. A. Campbell, Dr. A. J. Irwin, J. Ritchie, R. A. Currie, E. B. Walker, H. C. McLean, Dr. G. H. Ross, Dr. H. J. Adams, J. W. McKibbon, L. Kennedy, W. A. Miller, R Brookes, G. Jacques. The Membership Fee is $2 initiation and $3 annually. Application for membership may be made to any of the above mentioned provisional directors. The Club will meet the wants of all classes. BE SURE AND JOIN IT. s CANADIAN PACI]ril C. Winter Term from Jan. 5. CENTRAL i ii G,z STRATFORD. ONT. Ontario's best Business training school. We have thorough courses in COMMERCIAL, SHORT- HAND and TELEGRAPHY De- partments and nine competent in- structors. We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere. You do not know what an up-to-date business school can do for you unless you have received our free catalogue. Write for it at once.—T �! D. A. MADMAN PRINCIPAL. TRUNK W. J. Moon Veterinary Surgeon LATE GOVT. VET. INSP. Office of late Dr. Wilson Residence Wingham, Ont. Cor. Frances an Patrick Sts. Office Phone170. Phone 1E The Selection of 4? the CIoIh TURN) ERUY. A Christmas tree and Sunday School entertainment will be held in Eadie's church, cn Tuusday, December 23rd, when a fine programme will be given. Everybody come. HLUEVAL). The I3luevale Presbyterian Sunday School will hold their Christmas Tree iz the C. 0. F. hall on Wednvs:lay eve- ning, Dec. 24th. A good programme is being r r ,pared and all will be wel come, 2 SEAFOI2TH The funeral took place from his home, lot 33, concession 6, of McKillop Town- ship, 'Thursday afternoon, of Samuel Porrance, aged 54. He died on Tues- day, after a brief illness. The funeral was conducted by the Masonic Lodg. , of which he was a prominent member. He is survived by his wife and one soy. The funeral took place on Tuesday of Mr. Robert Charters, widely known as a breeder of Shorthorn cattle and thoroughbred sheep. He was 76 years old, and died at his home on the Mill Road, in Tuckersmith. Besides his wife he leaves two sons and two daugh- ters. Rests with you; . the cutting and making with us. If you are as well pleased with your choice as you'll be with the Style, Fit and Finish of our work, mutual satisfaction will result. Our HIGH GRADE TAILORING GORRIE. Rev. Mr. Rivers preached anniver- sary sermons at Maitland on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Granby, of the Minto circuit took the services in the Methodist Church here. At the regular meeting of L. 0. L. No. 767, the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—W. M., Wm. Hays; D. M., A. E. Toner; R.S„ Robt. Spotton; F. S., Wm. H. Gtegr. Chap., Rev. W. S. Roberts; Treas. It. H. Carson; D. of C., D. Cathers; Lect., M. Nash; Com., John Hyndman, It. Cathers, A. M. Hamilton, P. Zimmer- man and J. Armstrong. Meets with the approval of Stylish Dressers and our prices please the economical. Orval Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Wilson Block, Wingham CO Prompt delivery to any part of the town. Try our Hardwood and Kindling; th best and the p- est in Wingham. Orders may be it ft at the store of R, R. Mooney IIELGI2AVE. Next Tuesday evening, December 23rd, the annual Christmas tree and. Sunday school entertainment of Knox Church will be given in the Forester's' Hall, beginning aL eight o'clock. A splendid programme of choruses, dial- ogues, recitations and drills will be given by the members of the school and others. Vocal solos will be given by Miss Lillian Clark, of St. Helens, and Mr. R. Redmond, of Westfield, will give several violin selections. This will be a very interesting event and an enjoyable time is in store for those who attend this concert. The annual meeting of the "Little Builders" Mission Band of the Presby- terian church was held on Saturday, 6th inst. Officers .elected were: -. President, Miss Tessib Halliday; Vice President, Mrs. W. H. Ferguson; Sec- retary and Organist, Miss Jean Geddes; Treasurer, Earl Anderson. There are 25 members and Band is in good heart. R. J. Cantelon P. O. Bo* 127 H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. 0142:Y. Mrs. A. W.Beacom and two daugh ters of Hullett township, were visitor: at Robert Pearson's, the former's par ental home. Archie Barron is home from Edmon ton and will spend a few months her before returning. Geo. is back t Lloydminister, Sask. Rural mail route No. 3 commenced or Monday, Dec. 8th. It embraces Cons 10 and 12, with Brussels as the distribu ting centre tend W. Oakley as mail car- rier. A large number boxes have been taken. On November 1st there was born to A. A. and Mrs. Harkness, at Vigerville, Alta., triplets, a son and two daughters. Special interest centres round this im- portant event from the fact that Mrs. Harkness is • a former Grey township girl, whose maiden name was Miss Belle Pearson, being a daughter of Robert and Mrs. Pearson, old and well known residents. We are sorry to state. that the little sori died on November 25th. Mother and daughters are doing well. SUOCESTIO NS 'XMAS CIFT Silver Ware Gillette Safety Razors Carvers Pocket Knives Hockey and Spring Skates I -Jockey Sticks and Pucks Sleighs Sleigh Bells Carpet Sweepers Aluminum Ware Call and inspect our Stock before buying Rae &Thompson s FOIL DVV E.. Miss Mary Harbour visited her cousin, Miss M. Barbour, of Kinloss. Mrs. C. Milner and daughter, Mrs. W. M. Champian, ,visited With Mrs. Marwood, -Doiinybioolt.• ' • Mrs. Jerry besmolld and Mrs. Daniel' O'Callaghan .spent a. few weeks with friends in dreenock. Mr. John. Martinis:on a business trip to Guelph, Toronto, and other places. We are Very sorry to report that Mr. Peter Mason is not very well, and hope to soon heat' of his recovery. Mr. J. Barbour tcnk, in the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week, and carried off big prizi's on two'fine calves which he had there' . Mr. John Webster delivered some very fine calVes'to ,a buyer in Lucknow recently. With much regi'eV<ii &sport the death of Mr. Thomas Cumtj►iai', Y/n Saturday, December 6th; after a loci°'illness dur- ing which he suffered greatly. Mr. Cummins was a well known resident of this locality and much respected, He leaves a wife ant) faltailyt,,tfl mourn his loss, to which is' ,J tended7.the' sincere sympathy of the cotnmunity, HO WIC K. Mrs. Jas. W. Hunter, sr., was born at Str.,thaven, Scotland, remaining there until she was eighteen when she went to London, England, where sl e was married. After living for some time there they left the Old Land and came to Canada in 1854. They made tqeir first home in Hamilton. After re- siding several years there they moved to Woodstock. From there they moved to Chesterfield and thence to Harriston. They then came to Howick where they spent their remaining days. The fun- eral was held on Friday last, Dec. 5th, to the Presbyterian cemetery and was largely attended, The pall -bearers were:—Mr. R. A. McCready, Mr. Al- bert Connell, Mr. Jas. Connell, Hartis- ton; Mr. Thos. Miller. Londesboro': Mr. A. C. Hutchison, Mr. Alex. Edgar, Fordwich. • Henry CAlilld, 01 ishtville, cattle buyer for a.f'syugu rm, was suddenly killed, and twti d'rov 3 aei'Iously injuw- ed, in a rear -end collision of the G.T.R. Montreal Express,4w4l ;freight train near Oshawa Junction. I IVE $TOUa. MILK ETN Toronto, Dec. 15th—To-day's tun was the heaviest experienced in the past month. A total of 208 cars was on re- cord. They brought in 3,674 cattle, 139 calves, 1902,hogs and 2,357 sheep and lambs. Export$ 8 50 $ 8 75 Butcher cattle choice ... 7 75 8 00 do medium.. ... .. . 6 1;0 r, 50 Butcher cows choice . . 6 25 7 35 do medium.... .... .. 5 1:.)00 0 00 do common .. 4 50 5 n0 do bulls.... 6 21 7 5571) Feeders 6 00 (7;76 Stdoockersmedium .,.. ...... .... 51 0 50 1 20 6 255 . do light 4 50 5 25 Canners and cutters . a 25 4 30 Milkers, t'hoice, 9n 00 11'5 00 Springers .. 5;15,5 0000 11"0d511 001501°00 Common and medium . Lambs 8 25 8 ;11 Light ewes .. t, 25 1l 65 do bucks ... .... .. 3 50 4 • Hogs fed and watered... 8 40 00 • • do f.o.b . 8 15 GO 4' Calves ... 10 00• ♦ • WING/..\M MiAIIK err H r f`,. 'r • • Wingham, Nov. 22, 1913 j Flour per 100 lbs 2 75 to 3 15 • Fall wheat .... 0 80 lo 0 85 • Oats 0 35 to " 36 Barley 48 to 0 50 �� Christmas rreoi3 IN GREAT VARIETY AT ISA LADIES' WEAR STORE Great display of Useful Christ m is G fts for Ladies, Misses and Children. Make your s�edecti'iis early- venule; stock is complete. Store Open Every Night Silk Waists, Silk Belts, Lace Collars, Cuff and Collar Sets, Fancy Frilling. La'Iges' Silk Umbrellas. Dressing Sacques, Kimonas, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Embroidered or Initialed. Sweater Coats, Motor Sclrfs, Back Combs, Side Combs, Barrets, Ilair Bands, Hand 13ags, Purses, S itin Underskirts, Fancy Silks, Mufflers, Ribbons, Kid Gloves. Furs of all kinds at special Christmas prices. VACUUM CLEANERS.—What b tter or more useful present in the home than a go d Vacuum Cleaner. We have b th Hand and Electric Cleintrs in stock. The "Cadillac" does the work thoroughly. It combines all the uses of the Carpet Swteper and Vacuum Cleaner in one operation. Our Cut Price and Christmas Bargain will be $10 for this guaranteed Hand Cleaner. MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Braces in Fancy Boxes, Armbands, Garters, Cuff Links, Sweater Coats, Hockey Caps, Hockey Shoes, Fancy SlipFers, Umbrellas, Fancy Socks, Fur Lined Gloves, Collar Boxes, Fur Caps, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats. BIG PRICES FOR DRESSED POULTRY H. E. ISARD & CO.1 ;44444o4604094♦�3��•?C*O e; ; r 4v" 444.440+•rpOO44•ve4 vs a*46 C O • • 0 • a s • • • • •3 • • • • O � L! r .♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ • •O ♦ e • e • • •0 ♦ • •• ♦ e • ti ♦ P 0 4 Peas . 0 $0 to 0 8111• Butter dairy,,.. 0 23 to 0 251 • Butter creamery.... 0 20 to 0 32 , Eggs per doe 0 20 to 0 22' • Wood per cord ...... 2 75 to 3 25 • Hay per ton . 12 00 to 13 00• Hogs .. 9 10 to 8 iu .444444.4♦44•44444444444••♦ Christmas Buyers Take Notice And follow the crowds to PATTERSON'S JEWELLERY STORE where they get good goods at right prices, and ,sifts that will please everybody, and the man at the hack of them is here to stay Gifts that are sure to please Wrist Expansion Watches at all Prices Wrist Strap Watches from $3 to $10 Cameo Bracelets Cameo Rings Cameo Necklets Cameo Brooches Cameo Tie Pins Pearl Necklets Pearl Pendants Pearl Rings Pearl Brooches Pearl Tie Pins Watches Clocks Silverware Cut Glass Suit Case Umbrellas Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Hand. Bags, &c. • • • 4. O • 0 • fi • ♦ • a • ♦ 0 0 0 ♦ e J 6 a 4> c • • • • • •• • 4, O b w • • e ♦ w • a • a • • • a 6' a ♦ •h • ♦ 4' 4.44; • • 4' e • • 4 A• • 4' 20 Per Cent. saved on Diamond Rings. All kinds to choose from • • W. G. PA` T.ERSON at prices $10.00 to $300.00 THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR • Wingham. - - Ontn,.rio • • *44444444 4 +444.4.4444444.1k CANADIAN PACI]ril C. CHRISTMAS, 1913 NEW YEAR'S, 1914 EXCURSION RATES Between all stations in Canada. Fort William and East. and to Sault Ste. Marie, Detroit, Mich., Buffalo and Niagara Falls, New Yon k, SINGLE FARE Good going Dec, 24, 25, ratty limit Dec. 26, 1913; also going Dec. 31, Jan. 1, return limit Jan. 2, 1014. FARE AND ONE-THIRD Good going Dec. 22, 28, 24, 25, return limit Dec. 27, 1913; Also going Dee, 20, 30, 31, Jan 1, return limit Jan. 3, 1014. MINIMUM FARE, 25c Particularsfrom W.H. Willis, town Agent, phone 74, J. H. Beemer, station agent, phone7. U MIIU TRUNK EM SYLW GtIRISTMAS and NEW YEAR RATES. SINGLE FARE Dec. 24, 25, good for return, until Dec. 23; also Dec 31, 1913, and Tan. 1,1914, goof for return until ran, 2, 1014. FARE AND ONE THIRD Dec 22, 23, 24, 25 valid for return until Den 27; also Dec. 29, 30, 31, 1913, aId Tan. 1, 1014, valid for return until .Jan. 1, 1914. Between all Stations in Canada east of Port Arthur, also to Detroit and Port Huron, Mich., Buffalo, Black Rock, Niagara Ealls and Sus- pension Bridge, N. Y. Full particulars. Tiicketa. etc.. etc,. from H. B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Phone 4. W. F BURG - MAN, Station Agent. 'Plume 50. FOIL DVV E.. Miss Mary Harbour visited her cousin, Miss M. Barbour, of Kinloss. Mrs. C. Milner and daughter, Mrs. W. M. Champian, ,visited With Mrs. Marwood, -Doiinybioolt.• ' • Mrs. Jerry besmolld and Mrs. Daniel' O'Callaghan .spent a. few weeks with friends in dreenock. Mr. John. Martinis:on a business trip to Guelph, Toronto, and other places. We are Very sorry to report that Mr. Peter Mason is not very well, and hope to soon heat' of his recovery. Mr. J. Barbour tcnk, in the Fat Stock Show at Guelph last week, and carried off big prizi's on two'fine calves which he had there' . Mr. John Webster delivered some very fine calVes'to ,a buyer in Lucknow recently. With much regi'eV<ii &sport the death of Mr. Thomas Cumtj►iai', Y/n Saturday, December 6th; after a loci°'illness dur- ing which he suffered greatly. Mr. Cummins was a well known resident of this locality and much respected, He leaves a wife ant) faltailyt,,tfl mourn his loss, to which is' ,J tended7.the' sincere sympathy of the cotnmunity, HO WIC K. Mrs. Jas. W. Hunter, sr., was born at Str.,thaven, Scotland, remaining there until she was eighteen when she went to London, England, where sl e was married. After living for some time there they left the Old Land and came to Canada in 1854. They made tqeir first home in Hamilton. After re- siding several years there they moved to Woodstock. From there they moved to Chesterfield and thence to Harriston. They then came to Howick where they spent their remaining days. The fun- eral was held on Friday last, Dec. 5th, to the Presbyterian cemetery and was largely attended, The pall -bearers were:—Mr. R. A. McCready, Mr. Al- bert Connell, Mr. Jas. Connell, Hartis- ton; Mr. Thos. Miller. Londesboro': Mr. A. C. Hutchison, Mr. Alex. Edgar, Fordwich. • Henry CAlilld, 01 ishtville, cattle buyer for a.f'syugu rm, was suddenly killed, and twti d'rov 3 aei'Iously injuw- ed, in a rear -end collision of the G.T.R. Montreal Express,4w4l ;freight train near Oshawa Junction. I IVE $TOUa. MILK ETN Toronto, Dec. 15th—To-day's tun was the heaviest experienced in the past month. A total of 208 cars was on re- cord. They brought in 3,674 cattle, 139 calves, 1902,hogs and 2,357 sheep and lambs. Export$ 8 50 $ 8 75 Butcher cattle choice ... 7 75 8 00 do medium.. ... .. . 6 1;0 r, 50 Butcher cows choice . . 6 25 7 35 do medium.... .... .. 5 1:.)00 0 00 do common .. 4 50 5 n0 do bulls.... 6 21 7 5571) Feeders 6 00 (7;76 Stdoockersmedium .,.. ...... .... 51 0 50 1 20 6 255 . do light 4 50 5 25 Canners and cutters . a 25 4 30 Milkers, t'hoice, 9n 00 11'5 00 Springers .. 5;15,5 0000 11"0d511 001501°00 Common and medium . Lambs 8 25 8 ;11 Light ewes .. t, 25 1l 65 do bucks ... .... .. 3 50 4 • Hogs fed and watered... 8 40 00 • • do f.o.b . 8 15 GO 4' Calves ... 10 00• ♦ • WING/..\M MiAIIK err H r f`,. 'r • • Wingham, Nov. 22, 1913 j Flour per 100 lbs 2 75 to 3 15 • Fall wheat .... 0 80 lo 0 85 • Oats 0 35 to " 36 Barley 48 to 0 50 �� Christmas rreoi3 IN GREAT VARIETY AT ISA LADIES' WEAR STORE Great display of Useful Christ m is G fts for Ladies, Misses and Children. Make your s�edecti'iis early- venule; stock is complete. Store Open Every Night Silk Waists, Silk Belts, Lace Collars, Cuff and Collar Sets, Fancy Frilling. La'Iges' Silk Umbrellas. Dressing Sacques, Kimonas, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Fancy Embroidered or Initialed. Sweater Coats, Motor Sclrfs, Back Combs, Side Combs, Barrets, Ilair Bands, Hand 13ags, Purses, S itin Underskirts, Fancy Silks, Mufflers, Ribbons, Kid Gloves. Furs of all kinds at special Christmas prices. VACUUM CLEANERS.—What b tter or more useful present in the home than a go d Vacuum Cleaner. We have b th Hand and Electric Cleintrs in stock. The "Cadillac" does the work thoroughly. It combines all the uses of the Carpet Swteper and Vacuum Cleaner in one operation. Our Cut Price and Christmas Bargain will be $10 for this guaranteed Hand Cleaner. MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Silk Mufflers, Braces in Fancy Boxes, Armbands, Garters, Cuff Links, Sweater Coats, Hockey Caps, Hockey Shoes, Fancy SlipFers, Umbrellas, Fancy Socks, Fur Lined Gloves, Collar Boxes, Fur Caps, Fur Lined Coats, Fur Coats. BIG PRICES FOR DRESSED POULTRY H. E. ISARD & CO.1 ;44444o4604094♦�3��•?C*O e; ; r 4v" 444.440+•rpOO44•ve4 vs a*46 C O • • 0 • a s • • • • •3 • • • • O � L! r .♦ ♦ ♦ •♦ • •O ♦ e • e • • •0 ♦ • •• ♦ e • ti ♦ P 0 4 Peas . 0 $0 to 0 8111• Butter dairy,,.. 0 23 to 0 251 • Butter creamery.... 0 20 to 0 32 , Eggs per doe 0 20 to 0 22' • Wood per cord ...... 2 75 to 3 25 • Hay per ton . 12 00 to 13 00• Hogs .. 9 10 to 8 iu .444444.4♦44•44444444444••♦ Christmas Buyers Take Notice And follow the crowds to PATTERSON'S JEWELLERY STORE where they get good goods at right prices, and ,sifts that will please everybody, and the man at the hack of them is here to stay Gifts that are sure to please Wrist Expansion Watches at all Prices Wrist Strap Watches from $3 to $10 Cameo Bracelets Cameo Rings Cameo Necklets Cameo Brooches Cameo Tie Pins Pearl Necklets Pearl Pendants Pearl Rings Pearl Brooches Pearl Tie Pins Watches Clocks Silverware Cut Glass Suit Case Umbrellas Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Hand. Bags, &c. • • • 4. O • 0 • fi • ♦ • a • ♦ 0 0 0 ♦ e J 6 a 4> c • • • • • •• • 4, O b w • • e ♦ w • a • a • • • a 6' a ♦ •h • ♦ 4' 4.44; • • 4' e • • 4 A• • 4' 20 Per Cent. saved on Diamond Rings. All kinds to choose from • • W. G. PA` T.ERSON at prices $10.00 to $300.00 THE GREAT WATCH DOCTOR • Wingham. - - Ontn,.rio • • *44444444 4 +444.4.4444444.1k