HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-11, Page 5CNRISTMAS GIFTS If you desire a Christmas Gift for a Man or a Boy come lyre at once. Come here first and save that trying "Shopping Tour of the Town" that usually takes from the Christmas Season half its joy. We have the sort of Gifts Men and Boys like. Underwear Suits Overcoats Raincoats Housecoats Fancy Vests Night Robes Sweatear Coats Bath Robes Neckwear Shirts Gloves Pajamas Hosiery Dress Shirts Handkerchiefs Mufflers Suspenders Caps Collar Cases Canes Umbrellas Collars, etc. All Our Outfitting is of the Highest Standard, Exclusive and different Presents in Holiday Boxes, and we will make any changes desired after Christmas. W. A. GAf1PI3IiLL THE CLOTHIER MacDonald Block - Opp. Bank of Commmerce CHRISTMAS BUYERS ATTENTION misommormommowasoummei Newest Novelties in Christmas Gbods for Ladies' Gifts -in the biggest ranges of Ladies' Collars, Collar Setts, Belts, Neck Frills, Frillings, Gloves, Handker- chiefs. Mufflers, Silk Hose, Knitted Ties, Jabots, Scarfs, Sweater Coats. Hand Bags, Fancy Waists. Fur Setts, Kimonas. Initial Handkerchiefs, in all the newest styles suitable for Chrisstman Gifts. Gentlemen's Wearing Apparel for Christmas Buyers. Fancy Shirts, Combination Setts of Braces, Armlets and Garters, Silk Ties, Crochet, Ties, Knitted Mufflers, Silk Mufflers, Collar Bags, Novelties in Fancy Sweater Coats, Grey Suede Gloves, Caps, Un- derwear, Initial Handkerchiefs, Dressing Gown, Smok- ing ,Jackets, Fancy Knitted Vests, Night Gowns, Pajamas and many other useful articles to suggest to Christmas Slippers. Hanna 82 Co: 'PHONE 70 THE WINUHAM ITMES, DECEMBER 11 1913 Wingham Club WINGHAM, ONT. NOW OPEN FOR MEMBERSHIP Club to be opened on or about January 1st Will have facilities for all Out- door and Indoor Sports Will also have Literary Department The Club has applied fox:in- 1 corporation with the follrlt'ing provisional directors N. I. Sinclair, W. H. GurnFiy. A. II. Wilford, A. L. PoiFilfr, G. R. Smith, W. A, Cipipbeli, Dr. A. J. Irwin, J, Ritchie, R. A. Currie, E. B. Walker, H. C. McLean, Dr. G. H. Ross, Dr. H. J. Adams, J. W. McKibbon, L. Kennedy, W. A, Miller, R Brookes, G. Jacques. The Membership Fee is $2 initiation and $3 annually, Application for membership may be made to any of the above mentioned provisional directors. The Club will meet the wants of all classes. BE SURE AND JOIN IT. nL(TISVALE • The regular monthly meeting of the Bluevale branch of the Woman's Insti- tute will be held at the home of Miss Collie, on Thursday, llth instant, com- mencing at 2 o'clock p.m. Each mem- ber is asked to bring a short paper on "How to make Christmas Pleasant." Also a sample of Christmas cake and recipe for same. A good program is expected. Each member is asked to bring a friend. Excellent Service To St. John N.13., 3., And Halifax, N. S. Following fast time and modern equip- ment from Toronto to St. John and - Halifax via Canadian Pacific, affordirfg excellent service to and from Canadian Canada's Winter Ports: -Leave_ Toron- to (Union Station) 9.00 a. m. daily, ar- rive Montreal 7.05 p.m. leavrP Montreal 7.25 p.m. arrive St. John WOO a.m. and kialifax 10.20 p.tn. Observation parlor and dining car troronto to Montreal, standard sleeping,caea Montreal to St. John and Halifax.' -Dining car Montreal to Sherbrooke (dinner served from 7.00 p. m.) and Mattawamhe,,g to Truro. Equally good service returning as fol- lows: Leave Halifax 8.00 a.m. daily St. John 4.55 p.m. arrive Montreal 7.10 p.m. Standard sleeping cars Halifax and St. John to Montreal. Dining car Trill o to Mattawomkeag and Sherbrooke to Montreal (Breakfast served coming into Montreal.) Observation parlor car and Dining Car Montreal to Toronto. Tickets reservations etc., from any C. P. R. Agent. The Selection of the Cloth Rests with you; the cutting and making with us. If you are as well pleased with your choice as you'll be with the Style, Fit and Finish of our work, mutual satisfaction will result. Our HIGH GRADE TAILORING Meets with the approval of Stylish Dressers and our prices please the economical. Orval Taylor Ladies' and Gent's Tailor Wilson Block, Wingham Prompt delivery to any part of the town. Try our Hardwood and Kindling; the best and cheap- est in 'Wingham. Orders may be It ft at the Wingham Creamery. R. J. Cantelon P. O. Box 127 H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldoon Lines. Canadian Northern Litres Ocean Steamship. lenawn arum Tuesday evening, Dec. 2nd, John and Mrs. Coates celebrated the Golden An- niversary of their wedding day. Thty were married in Kinburn in 1863, Rt v. Mr. Hunter officiating. Their home Iwas blessed with 3 sons and 2 daughters viz. -John, in Manitoba; Robert, of Seaforth; George, in Idaho; Mrs. N, Askin 14tH con, Grey; and Mrs. Buch-1 anan, of Idaho. All but John and 1 George were home for the celebration. Mrs. Stevenson, a bright old lady of 91 years, aunt of Mrs. Coates', was pres- ent at both occasions. About 20 guests mostly relatives, sat down to dinner et 7 o'clock after which a programme of readings, solos, etc., was rendered. On behalf of the family Mrs. Buchanan read a short address and Master 11. Coates presented the bride and gro( m of 50 years with a purse of gold. A fine time was enjoyed and many go.,d wishes were expressed for a continua -1 tion of life to Mrs. Coates who are well known in this community. TIIONnERRY, Report of S. S. No. 6, Turnberr;•. Names in order of merit, Sr. IV, -Robert McKague, Henry Holmes, Percy King. Jr, 1V. -Norma Foxton, Lizzie Mc- Kague, Sr. II. -Harold Failis, Clifford Jen- kins (absent), Jr. II. --Edith Jenkins, Herbert Fox - ton, Harold Foxton, Mary Roth, Etta Failis, Irlma Chandler, Oscar Holmes, Frank Roth. Pt. II. --Mary Johnston. Alba John- son, Annie llomouth, Alfred Mitchell. Sr. Pt. I. -Genevieve Rotn, Mary McGregor, Ruby Dickson, Joe Austin, Reifa Jenkins (absent). Jr. Pt. I. -Melford Foxton, Hilda Mc- Cormick. Premier -Arno Kelly, Aggie Mc- Kague, Maitland Porter, Harold Case - more. Average attendance 26 A. Haines, Teacher The following is the report of S. M. No. 5, Turnberry, for the month of November. Names in order of merit. Sr. IV Myrtle Deans, Grace Tucker, Alvin Hastings, Roy Hastings, Harold Gilkinson. Jr. IV. -Norman McGill, Mary Haugh, Fraser Haugh, Alvin Smith, Jack Reid, Della Reid. Sr. III. -Jim Hardie, Chester Gilkin- son, Laura Reid. Sr. II -Pearl McLean, Minnie Pringle, Leslie Deans West Haugh, Jean Pringle. Sr. II -Jean Wilton, Edna Gilkinson Part II -Rena Haugh, Ivan Haugh, Edith Reid, Mildred Yeo, Emmerson Armour. Class I -Edna Hastings, Emma Har- die. CLARE COPP, Teacher. \V HITEOBURCB The Literary Society held their usual meeting Friday night last with a good attendance, Rev. Mr. Stewart gave a talk on "The art of Public speaking" which was well received, music, singing, and recitations was enjoyed by all. The reading of the Whitechurch Echo by our School teacher creates lots of fun and is certainly well gotton up. Our chopping mill is progressing and Mr. Wilson intends making a good job of it. Our old friend John Crowston died Saturday at noon We have lost an hon- est man. Funeral took place Wednes- day afternoon atTiffin's. He is about the last old settler round there except Mrs. Crowston. John was a very in- dustrious man and we must say some- thing about him in our next issue. ULIlE'f: ALE Report of S. S. No. 4, Morris and Turnberry for November. * one exam- ination missed. Sr. IV -Maximum 300. F. Taite. 238; L. Elliott, 224; C. Jewitt, 219; J. Gray, 195; *IL Holmes, 94; `'C, Black, 78, Jr. IV -Maximum 300. II. Haney, 178; P. Smeltzer, 151; M. McGee, 134, Sr. III --Maximum 300. A. Smeltzer, 237; C. McDonald, 203; R. Breckenridge, 192; E. McKinney, 173; H. Messer, 158; S. Elliott, 154; *S McMiehael, 153. Sr. fI--Maximum 200. S. Gallagher, 134; *M. Curtis, 106; E. Elliott, 88; "*B. Gannett, 38. Jr. II -Maximum 200. A. McKinney. 149; E. McMichael, 122; .1, Watson, 94. Part II - J. Black, K. McDonald, J. Gray, J. Breckenridge. Sr. Part 1-4. Cook, C. Elliott, C. Gannett, W. Mundell, G. Elliott, IL Elliott. Jr. Part I -R, Thomas, R. Elliott, C. Messer, E. Breckenridge, E. Wilburn, C. Stewart, E. McGee. C. M. MESSER, Teacher. Norman' T. Kearns, a Sell Telephone Co. lineman, touched a live wire at Harriston and fell twenty five feet, being fatally injured. Mise Myrtle Gilroy of Glen Buell, near Brockville, was rendered unconscious by a chock while practising Saturday night for a Christmas cantata, and has not yet recovered.' . 111 SUGOESTI ONS 'XMAS GIFT Silver Ware Gillette Safety Razors Carvers Pocket Knives Hockey and Spring Skates Hockey'- St ks Puk' "� Sleighs Sleigh Bells Carpet Sweepers Aluminum Ware Call and inspect our Stock before buying Rae 8e Thompson BURN, PHAIR--In Howick, on Nov. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Phair, con. 13, a son. MCCLEMENT - In Howick, On Nov. 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McClement, second con„ a son. MANNING -In Morris township, on November 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert Manning, a daughter. ROWLAND -In Grey, on Nov. 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Rowland, a daugh- ter. 1JA.RR!J O BAEKER-THOMSON-In Toronto, On December 3rd, by Rev. Dr. Robertson, Mr. Cleve Baeker to Miss Florence, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Thomson, Brussels. AXED. CARROLL-In West Luther, on Nov. 13th, Jos. Carroll, of Mont View, for- merly of the 4th con., Howick, aged 82 years. SCOTT -In Toronto, on December 2nd, Jessie Inglis, wife of Mr. Walter Scott, formerly of Wingham. MAL LOUGH- Suddenly in Toronto, an December 6th, Isabel J. (Dell), young- est daughter of Mrs. Isabel Mallough, formerly of Dungannon AINLAY -At Brunette, Alta., on Nov. 27th, Emily Sparring, beloved wife of Watson Ainlay, formerly of Brussels, in her 57th year. CLARE. -At Langdon, Alta., suddenly on Nov. 23rd, Dorothy Evelyn, young- est daughter of Robert and Sarah Clark, aged 3 years, 5 months and 15 days. WHITFIELD In Grey township, on Nov. 29th, Thomas Whitfield, in his 92nd year. CUMMINGS In West Wawanosh, on December Sth, Thomas Cummings, aged 65 years. The Corporation of Morrisburg has entered action to obtain return to it of the power plant supplying the Hydro- electric Power Commission in eastern Ontario, and to recover a year's water- power rent, $1,540, from:J. L. Sharkey. Hastings County Council resented the aspersions cast upon the agricultural and especially those upon the moral conditions in North Hastings, in Dean Fernow's report recently published. A new transcontinental railway pro- ject is that of the All -Red Line Railway, backed by British capitalists, to be built from Cape St. Charles to Dean's Channel. LTV1!; STOUn mA1tZ ETS Toronto, Dec. 8 -Trade was compar- atively quiet in the general open mar- ket at the Union Stork Yards to -day, all interest being centred in the Annual Fat Stock Show sale. Prom an early hour there was a large crowd presenr, buyers being here from Ottawa, Mont- real, Hamilton, London and all points west. Bidding was generally of a lively character, and some fancy prices were realized for the prize winners. Export .. , .... $ 7 30 $ 7 70 Butcher cattle choice.... 8 O0 8 ,in do medium.. ........ . 6 50 7 25 Butcher cows choice...., 5 59 8 30 do medium.... .... .. 4 1+0 4 25 do common 3 50 do bulls ... 5 2 k Feeders . ... 5 49 Stockers 5 25 do medium t 00 do light ... . 13 50 Canners and cutters . 3 75 Milkers, choice, ... 60 00 Springers . . ... 50 00 Common and medium.... 33 09 Lambs.,.. ..... Light owes .. ... 5 01) do bucks .,, , . 3 00 Hogs fed and watered 8 50 do f.o,b . 8 li Calves .... . 8 Os co li 59 (1 65 6 25 4 25 4 00 4 a0 11'0 00 65 n0 45 00 s 70 5 65- .1 50 8 60 8 25 10.25 WINGot.'JI 'd,1Olt h•1` +s.•P., ,- l Wingham, Nov. 23, 19131 Flour per 100 lbs ,...27.5 to 8 15 Pall wheat ... ... 0 80 t.•0 85 034to'i31i 4'4 to 0 30 Peas .... .., .. 0 ;0 to 0 Si 1 Butter dairy..., 0 23 to 0 '2.5 Butter creamery ... .. 0 30 to 0 321 Eggs per doz.... .,. 0 20 to 0 22 Wood per curd ...., 3 75 to 3 251 Hay per ton .,13 00 to 13 00 i .; Hoge.... Oats Batley.. .. . CriritissLiir r�a �� 6i113 _� IN GREAT VARIETY AT ARIY5 111 LADIES' WEAR STORE „r 1 .u' Ciro it display of U ' i,.l i�i>r:s ,11 1; ftti 111tssCS and (: 11(1 (t I 11 ti.• , stock k complete, Store Open Every Night Silk Warts. Silk ll(:lt, }, r •n 1 tr.. Cu f Co'l.rr Sets, r cy Fr llint;, 1 a' (s' til; Cm -1r 11 ,s Dres.in; Sacque-, Iii(n(in-t5, Cu!! .r , f l,rt.'lker•chit f-, Fancy Erni r.>idt r(al or Irill) Li' (1. Sweater Coals, M tier Sc ufs, }1'ck Con -,b,, Si e Comb, -1, Ba'rets, I lair B aids, 11a' 1 Li•.g I>Ursr•-, S Underskirts F..1n(y 5 ll:�, Mi,ff1.rs. Ribb'11r, Kit Gloves Furs of all kinds at spec i i1 Cf r„t(li rs prices. VACUUM CLEANERS. -W11 it b truer er more useful plese:nt in the homy- thin a g.) d \',mol!Ill Cleaner. We have b th Bend ani Elcc r,c C e in r, in stork. The "Cadillac" does the wail: t'u,rr,ughly. It combines all the II.( s u! the Carp t ."iv‘, ep r :t ,ti \'a trr.nl Clear.( r in one: out ration. Our Cut Pik.- and Chri turas Birgain will be $10 fur this; gu tr.tr,teed Hand C taner, MEN'S WEAR STORE A store full of useful Christmas Gifts for Men and Boys Silk Ties, Handkerchiefs, GI >veq, Silk Mt -file"=, Braces in Fancy I3o,.e,, Armbands, Garters, Cult Link;, Sweater Coats, Hockey Cap -1, H >ckey Shoes, F n :y Slipl ers, Umbrellas, Fancy S:.cks, Fur Urn- d Gloves, Collar Boxes, Fur Caps, Fur Lined Co•its, Fur Coati. .--- ar BIG PRICES FOR DRESSED POULTRY H. E. ISARD & CO. '?C1•?04+0069 `000+0.0Jf•E@004,00.4,1.I:0•vCO3;4),Ir00C0404004,0 .0 n 0 0 v c+ Head - For CHRISTMAS GIFTS AT PATTERSON'S JEWELLERY STORE We have the largest and best se- lected stock ever shown in the County of Huron. Suitable for Christmas Gifts, Such as: Pearl Pendants Pearl Rings Pearl Tie Pins Pearl Sunbursts Diamond Rings Signet Rings Cameo Rings Cameo Brooches Cameo Necklets Silverware Cut Glacs Clocks Watches Umbrellas Toilet Sets Manicure Sets Hand Bags Sterling Silver Goods 20 Per Cent. saved on Diamond Rings. A large stock of Brace- let Watches from $3.00 to $50.00 W. G. PATTERSON THE GI .EAT WA rem DOCTOR Wingham: a t • w 4 4 • w Ot'tits.rio • • 9 10 to 0 1),,wti4***ts444h0e.4 l+0e,0444,44i0t-e444,03*a*s*t*tti**