HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-11, Page 16'
VOL. XLII,--Nat, 211
V+.1 sit `r lit its, i Wing -
ham to help you solve the Xmas
Gift Problems, "
We have 101 articles suitable
for gifts.
We will mention a few.
Come in and inspect our stock:
Brush and -Comb Cases,
Manicure Cases, in Ind. Ivory
(the new white goods) Ster-
ling Silver and Ebony.
Everything new and up-to-
Stationery in fancy boxes;
Chocolates, the very best;
Perfumes, all prices; Pipes,
best values in town; Ebony
Coods, Military Brushes, Hat
Brushes, Manicure articles,
and in fact ever ything in
Ebony made.
What about a "Kodak"?
Any article reserved until
December 24th on payment of
a small deposit.
77Fo Storer,
. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
OMoe over Malcolm's Grooery.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
'office of late Pr. Wilson Residence
Wingham, Ont Cor. Frances and
Patrick Ste.
Mee Phone159, Phone 182
Christie's Grocery
Store opens 7 A.M. Closes 7 P.M.
(Except Saturday.)
For New Fruits!
Most kinds have now arrived ano
we are confident that no finer fruits
are to be had. Our stock has been
carefully selected from the higher
grades of fruit as our one desire is
to please our customers.
This is a currant that has no equal
Its flavor is peculiar to itself. Get
them at Christie's. 2 lbs for 25c.
Extra Fine Currants
3 pounds for 25c
These ore strictly fresh fr sh stoc k and
the samples speak for themselves.
Already there has been quite a de-
mand. Send for them to Christie's
3 pounds for 25c
Choice Sultana. Raisins
Per pound 15e
peels—Pigs—Dates -- Prune, etc.
This quality will go as far again
as most kinds. It is superb quality
and we believe that when once used
you *ill take no other. Per pound
Cot the Best Baking Results by
ilising the Beat Fruits
Wear Greer's Shoes and RuhbFrs. 1
Municipal nominations will be held on
Monday. December 29th, which is only
two weeks from next Monday and as
yet there is surprising silence as to who
will be candidates for the various posi-
tions. This year, in addition to electing
the regular members of the Town
Council it will be necessary to elect
seven members of the Board of Educa-
tion. Thus far, the only persons we
have heard as definitely in the field are
J, Walton McKibbon, who will seek re-
election as Reeve. Mr. Simon Mitchell
has also announced himself as a candi-
date for the Reeveship,
This year's nomination is a very im-
portant one to the ratepayers of Wing -
ham, Not only is it necessary that we
have the very best available men in
the Council, we must see that good men
are selected to places, on the Board of
Education. Wingham's schools have
been very efficiently managed by two
seperate boards and it is of vital im-
portance that •our schools in future
should be managed by our very best
We hope to see our best men take an
active interest in municipal affairs this
year. Every ratepayer has a duty to
perform in either offering himself as a
candidate or see that proper men are
elected to the various positions.
Hockey Club Concert.
A concert in aid of the Hockey Club
was held in the Opera House on Thurs-
day evening last and was a pronounced
success, the hall being filled. The pro-
gramme was gotten up by the Wingham
Dramatic Club and much credit ie due
to them for the excellence of the enter-
tainment. The Citizens' Band was in
attendance and played four fine selec-
tions, Misses Alice Mann and Jean
Vannorman sang their songs nicely, and
the "Three Maids of Lee" by Misses A.
and E. Mann and M. Currie made a hit
with the audience end had to he repeat-
ed. Mr. T. Dunn and Mr. Weir Elliott
were successful with their bass songs.
Mr. Fred Hinkley, the genial band-
master, showed his versatility as a
musician, by playing a cornet solo, a
banjo solo, and as an encore to the
latter gave a song with banjo accom •
paniment. The drill by the boy scouts
was very interesting, and showed how
boys could act in different emergencies.
A song and dance by two colored Color-
ado coons (Gordon McLean and Stewart
Donaldson) took fine and had to be re-
peated. The concert ended with a
screaming farce entitled "Box and
Cox" by Miss Mable McDonald (Mrs.
Bouncer), R. A. Coutts, (Box the
printer), and H. J. Jobb (Cox, the
hatter). Each made the most of the
parts and the audience was highly
tickled with the humorous situation
envolved. 7.aken all over the concert
was a great success and netted a tidy
sum for the Hockey Club.
Toronto Huron Old Boys.
The annual meeting of the Huron Old
Boys' Association drew a fair audience
to St. George's Hall on Elm Street,
Toronto. An election of officers took
place, Sir John Willison being elected
honorary president. The new acting
president is Mr. Robert Holmes, vice
president Dr, Struthers. The secretary
elected again was Mr. E. Floddy, and
the financial secretary, Mr. M. Crocker.
Auditors were J. D. Martin, F. W. Mac-
Lean and F. W. McTaggart. The
following were elected to the general
committee:—Major Beck. Dr. Stan -
bury, K. McLeod, S. J. Poole, R. S.
Shepphard, L. L. Scott, W. E. Groves,
W. N. Sloan, F. T. Hodgson, A. F.
Johns, W. F. Castleton, F. S. Hicks,
W. O. Budham, C. C. Rance, D. M.
Johnson, R. Q. Rastell, W. Tamblyn
and A. Canstone. In regard to the
early history of the county it was
settled that Messrs. Johns, Grieves,
Sewell, Scott, W. E. Groves and Dr,
San bury should see to the matter.
Progressive Echre Party
The •tnembers of Minerva Encamp-
ment, ress-
me t LO,O.I'.
will hold aprogress-
t�, p g
ive euchre party on Tuesday evening,
166 in the Oddfellows Hall. All mem•
bers of the Encampment branch of the
Order are invited to attend.
Real Estate Sales.
Mr. John McRae of Culross has put
chased Lot 25 in Con. 4 of the same.
Township, known as the Harkness
This farm lies
farm.. t theeek of
b a
M. McR r
fine200 acre propertyand
Mr. se s
will suit him admirably as pasture land.
Mr. W. J. Hotton of Francis Street
has purchased from the, John Elder Es-
tate the house in which he is at at pres-
ent living.
Both of these sales were
made through the Ritchie & Cosens
real estate agency.
Do not delay your
Xmas Buying
Read our ad. on last page
aaMIJ.o s
The Late Duncan Campbell.
The late Duncan W. Campbell, whose
death briefly recorded in our last issue,
passed away on. Wednesday morning of
last week at his home on the first line of
Morris, following an illness extending
over several months. The deceased
gentleman was in his 58th year and had
been a highly esteemed resident of
Morris township for many years. He
was of a quiet=disposition, but had made
a large circle of friends who will hear
of his death with regret. Besides his
widow he is survived by two daughters,
Misses Mabel and Luella and one son,
Mr. John A. Campbell, who have the
sincere sympathy of the community in
their affliction. The funeral on Friday
afternoon to the Wingham cemetery
was largely attended. The services at
the house and grave were conducted by
Rev. D. Perrie.
Death of Mrs. Walter Scott.
There passed away at her home n
Toronto, on Tuesday, December 2nd,
Je ssie Inglis, beloved wife of Mr. Wal-
ter Scott: Mrs. Scott had been in poor
he&ilth for some time. She was well-
known to many of our readers and was
a daughter of the late John Inglis, a
former well-known resident of Wingham
and her husnand was for some years
engaged in the furniture manufacturing
business here with Mr. Thos. Bell. Mr.
and Mrs. Scott and family left Wingham
upwards of twenty-five years ago for
Toronto. Many old friends here will
regret to hear of Mrs. Scott's death.
L. 0. L. Officers.
At the regular meeting of Wingham
L, 0. L. No. 794, on Friday evening
last, the following officers were elected
for the ensuing year:—W. M., John F.
Groves; D. M., Rev. E. H. Croley, B.A.;
Chap., Rev. J. W. Hibbert; Rec-Sec.,
W. B. Elliott; Fin -Sec., A. M. Fralick;
Treas., J. W. McKibbon; Lec., Wm.
Guest; Committee—Roy Stephenson,
Robt. Deyell, Wilfrid McLaughlon,—
Plowright, H. E. Isard. After the
election of officers, light lunch was
served and the members spent a very
pleasant evening.
The first meeting of the Literary So-
ciety for this term was held on Novem-
ber 21st. President Young occupied
the chair and the following programme
was rendered:—Secretary's report;
chairman's address; stump speech, Fred
Colvin; stump speech, Weir Elliott;
reading, Ches. McLean; stump speech,
Miss E. Sandersop; Journal, R. Shaw;
critic's remarks, Miss N. S. Whyte.
The second meeting was held on Nov-
ember 28th. Following was the pro-
gramme:—Secretary's report, J, 0.
Hutton; Auditor's report, A. Henry.
President's address, G. Young; vocal
duet, Misses M. Smith and E. Patter-
son. Delaate, "Country Life vs. City
Life." First speaker, affirmative, C.
McLean; first speaker, negative, Miss
A. Wilson; second speaker, affirm-
ative, Miss J. Johnson; second speaker,
negative, Mr. E. Taylor; reply of first
speaker; instrumental duet, Misses
Biehl and Haugh; quartette, Messrs.
Elliot, Muir, Buchanan, Muir; piano
solo, Miss M. Nicholls; Judge's decis-
ion, Mr. H. E. Ricker. M.A,; critic's
remarks, Miss B. E. Anderson; God
Save the King.
At a recent meeting of the Executive
it was decided to hold an open meeting
on the evening of Dec. 12, 1913, at
which the Field Day prizes and medals,
as well as the class prizes will be dis-
tributed. Parents of the students and
the ex -students are cordially invited.
The standing of the football league is
as follows:—Columbias, S. Donaldson;
Vixens, E. Taylor; Hurons, W. Bu than
an; Never Sweats, J. Campbell.
Examinations will be held the last
day of school, Friday, Dec. 19, 1913.
The prize winners at last year's ex-
aminations are:
Mr. G. W. Geddes —Dr. A. J. lrwin's
prize of ten dollars for highest aggre-
gate marks on Faculty papers.
Mr. J. H. Currie A. Cosen's prize
of five dollars for highest aggregate
marks on Normal Entrance papers.
Mr. G. Y. Cruickshank—Mr. D.
Holmes' prize of five dollars for highest
marks in math
mathematics on Normal
Entrance papers,
Miss Mabel A. Gilkinson—Mr. J. G.
Workman's prize of five dollars for
highest aggregate marks on the Tower
School examination.
Good Shorthorn Calves.
Mr. John Webster, of West Wawan-
osh recently sold five extra good Short-
horn calves to Mr. Nicholson. One of
the calves was a year old last October
and the other four will not be a year,
until next January. The five calves
brought Mr. Webster a return of $425
or an average of $85 for each calf.
Last week Mr. Nicholson exhibited one
of the calves at the Toronto Stock Show
and in a class of foety the calf won sec-
ond money. It certainly pays to raise
good stock.
Northern Hockey League.
The annual meeting of the Executive
officers of the Northern Hockey League
was held in Palmerston last week and
was the best attended meeting in the
history of the League. Group No. 3 is
composed of clubs from the following
places:—Mount Forest, Harriston, Pal-
merston, Drayton, Lucknow and Wing -
Temperance Meeting.
A meeting of the Wingham Temper-
ance and Moral Reform Association
will be held in the C. O. P. hall on
Monday evening next to organize for
the coming vote on the Canada Temp-
erance Act. Rev. Mr. Muir, of Toron-
to will be present and deliver an ad-
dress. All requested to attend this
Women's Institute.
The Women's Institute will hold their
regular monthly meeting on Thursday,
Dee. 18th, at the home of Mrs, A. Rin-
total, at 3 p, m. Subject, Report of
Convention, by Delegate, Mrs. Cruick-
shank. Members please note change
of date being one week earlier. All
ladies cordially invited. �F
CALENDARS 1 OR 1914 • r Calendars
be for i8 ri do tlyda
will read d k n S
Dec 3 th I' .
(;all attdr. —W.ifecurW. J.
—Ao assortmof Rocking
Chairs suitableE. for C istroae gifts
Walker's s
urestore.Wouldn't motie+4nJ
pair of our
comfortable Mute s pere? Remem-
ber at Christmas ti YW. J. GRBER.
Moved to Teeswater.
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Linklater left
on Tuesday for their new home in
Teeswater, where their son, Mr. J.
Harvey Linklater is engaged in the
furniture and undertaking business.
Mr. and Mrs. Linklater have been high-
ly esteemed residents of Wingham for
a number of years and both have been
active members of St. Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church and will be much miss-
ed. They carry with them the very
best wishes of a large circle of friends
for many years of happiness and pros-
perity in their new home.
Death of Frank Davidson.
A message was received on Saturday
last by Messrs. John and William
Davidson, of town telling of the death
of their brother, Frank, of Peoria,
Illinois. No particulars of the sad
event have been received up to time of
going to press. Mr. Davidson was 59
years of age and is survived by three
daughters, Mrs. Karl Smidth, Hawsen,
Texas, Mrs. Martin Fischer, Pennia.
Ill., and Miss Myrtle Davidson, of Jop-
lin, Mont. Mr, Davidson conducted a
dray business in town prior to leaving
for Illinois, and will be remembered by
many residents of Wingham and vicinity
who will hear of his death with much
Royal Black Perceptory
No. 126 met in the Orange H. on
Tuesday evening. PastPerceptor Thos.
Stewart in the chair. Nearly all mem-
bers were present and on reviewing the
year's business it was found to have
had a very prosperous year, The Elec-
tion of officers was then proceded with
and the following were duly elected for
the following year:—A. Bridges, W. P,;
Wm. Guest, D. P.: Rev, E. H. Croly,
Chap.; Jas. Guest, Reg.; W. 13 Elliott,
Dep. Beg.; ,rohn F. Groves, Treas.: 1st
Lett. Wm. Thornton; 2 nd Lect, John
A. McDonald; 1st Cens. A. M, Fraelick;
2nd Cells. W. Deyell ; 1st S. B.,J. Brigdes;
2 id S.B., J. L. Bridges; Pers. Robt.
Baird. Committee—A. Bridges,J. W.
McKibben, Geo. Spotton, W. J. Greer,
Jos Ruddy, W. H. Brandon, Robt.
Owens. The Lodge then spent the re-
mainder of the evening at Miller's Res-
taurant where they did ample justice
l a
especially Chap. Croly and Cens. D yell
it is reported o
whom had considerable
difficulty explaining lale hours 'When
they got home."
Fon. "His" Christmas re is noth-
ing� he would are k
is more more
than a ait of
our dsorae Slippers
$1,00 to $1.50, W. J. GItnEu,
Mr, Chas. Barber is in Goderich this
week serving on the jury.
Miss Minnie McKinnon, of Glammis,
left for Deb sit ,,;i Saturday.
Mrs. W. B. Elliott has gone to Mark-
dale on a short visit to her parents.
Miss Helen Graham and Miss Lottie
Maddisun were in Toronto over Sunday.
Mr. Jas. H, Linklater, of Turnberry,
attended the Winter Fair in Guelph this
Rev. Mt Hibbert preached in St.
James Methodist Church, Exeter, last
Mr. Jas. Boyle, of Lucknow was
visiting with his brother-in-law, Mr. J,
S. Morgan.
Mr. Peter Campbell has ' returned
home after spending the past few months
in the West.
Mr. Harry Wakefield left un Monday
for a three month's visit in Manchester
and Norwich, Eng.
Mr. Geo, Bryce, of Turnberry is visit
ing this week with relatives in Hamil-
ton', Guelph and Galt,
Mr. Wm. Nicholson, of New•Scotland
was visiting for a few days wish old
friends in Wingham during the past
Miss Jennie McLean, of Wingham,
visited friends in Ripley and vicinity
during the past few weeks,—Ripley
Mrs. C. N. Donaldson and children,
of Wingham, spent a couple of days
this week at the home of firs. Donald -
son's mother, Mrs. Caesar Perdne.—
Lubcknow Sentinel.
Mrs. Attridge and four children left
on Saturday for Toronto, where they
will visit the other members of the
family for a week, prior to leaving for
their house in Rapid City, Man.
Mr. and Mrs. John Glenn visited
friends in Carthage over the week end,
'prior to their departure for Wingham,
where they will make their home for
the winter with their daughter, Mrs.
Spotton. —Listowel Banner.
Mrs. J. W. Pattison, of Port Elgin,
is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Rich-
ard Porter, who has been seriously ill.
Mrs. Porter underwent an operation at
the Wingham Hospital and we are
pleased to report that she is now re-
Transferred to Berlin.
Mr. N. Evans, who has been for some
time the popular manager of the local
branch of the Dominion Bank has been
transferred to Berlin and left on Tues-
day to take up his new duties. Mr.
Evans has made a good citizen and
while all will be pleased to hear of his
promotion to a larger place, there is
much regret at losing Mr. and Mrs.
Evans as residents of Wingham. Mr.
T. W. Joyce, of Toronto is here as act-
ing manager until a permanent appoint-
ment is made.
Last Sunday, the second Sunday in
Advent, being Bible Sunday, special
sermons on the Holy Scriptures were
preached morning and evening in St.
Phul's church by the rector, Rev. E.
H. Croly, B.A.
The Pastor will preach at the evening
service in the Methodist Church, his
subject being "Visions," the morning
service being taken by the Gideons. See
announcement in this column.
The members of the Junior Epworth
League of the Methodist Church will
give a cantata, entitled, ''Ready for
Santa," in the Methodist Church on
Thursday evening, December 18th. A
silver collection will be taken and every
person will be made welcome.
At the regular meeting of the A.Y.
P.A. in the school room of St. Paul's
church an interesting address on ' The
second missionary journey of St. Paul"
was given by the Rev. E. H. Croly,
B.A., to which those present listened
with much pleasure and profit.
The Young Men's Bible Class of the
Methodist church held their aunual
Banquet in the Sunday School room on
Tuesday evening. The tables were
daintly arranged and decorated with
pink and white carnations. The menu
was excellent, About fifty guests sat
down to supper, after which interesting
speeches were given by the President
of the class, Mr. W. G. Gurney; Super-
intendent of Sunday School, Mr. Buch-
anan and the pastor. Mr. (4. R. Smith,
teacher gave an excellent reading of
"The Cotters,
Saturdayay Night"
Burns. Instrumental music was rend-
ered by Miss Jarvik and Mr. Bailey;
vocal duets by Miss Tibbs and Mr. Lloyd,
1 0.1 The
and � 1rs. R. Copeland. and.
and Mr,
+class is entering its winter work with
splendid enthusiasm.
The annual Christmas tree and sup-
per in connection with the Sunday
School of St, Paul's church will be given
in the Mills Memorial Hall on Friday
evening, December I9th. A splendid
programme is being prepared by the
children of the school with a Christmas
Cantata as the main feature. Santa
Claus will be there to distribute the
toys and candies. A cordial invitation
is extended to all to attend this enter-
The annual Christmas tree and en-
tertainment of the Salvation Army will
be held in the Army Hall on Monday
evening, December22nd. An excellent
program of recitations, music, dialogues
and songs, in keeping with the festive
season is being prepared. The scenery
representing "Interior of Colonial
House" is an entirely new feature and
of a novel character. Our old friend,
Santa Claus, will be very conspicious.
One of the prominent gentlemen of
town will act as chairman. Keep your
yes o n the hills and remember the date.
Thos. S. Cole, General Secretary of
the Commercial Christain. Commercial
Travelling men, "The Gideons" and
Mr. Herbert MacKenzie a Commercial
traveller and a Gideon will be in Wing -
ham, Sunday Dec, 14 Mr. Cole will
speak and Mr. McKenzie will sing.
They will be in the Methodist church
at 11 o'clock a. m. A men's meeting
will be held in the Forester's Hall at
4 p. m., and then in the Presbyterian
church at 7 p. m. A dordial invitation
is extended to all to come and hear
what is being done by the Gideon organ-
Notwithstanding the disagreeable day,
the Anniversary Services, held in the
Methodist Charch last Sunday were
profitable and inspiring.
The Rev. G. H. McAlister M. A.,
President of London Conference preach-
ed both morning and evening. In the
morning, his text was I Col., 3rd chap-
ter, from the 21st verse to the 23rd
verse, from which he gave •a fine dis-
course. In the evening, I John, 5th
chapter, 4th verse; was the basis of a
masterly appeal.
The choir rendered excellent service.
The duet of Mr. F. Hill and Mr. A. H.
Wilford rendered at the evening service
was much appreciated.
Rev. Mr. McArthur, of Kincardine,
preached morning and evening in St.
Andrew's Church last Sunday. His
morning sermon was in connection with
the communion and wa•3 an eloquent
and striking appeal to Christian people
to be sure they stand on solid ground in
connection with their attitude to Chris-
tianity Mr. McArthur also conducted
the Adult Bible Class in the afternoon
The annual meeting of the W.F.M. S.
of St. Andrew's church was held on
Wednesday, De.. 3rd. Interesting
papers on "Chinese Leaders" and
"Bible Women" were read by Mrs. A.
Campbell and Mrs. J. Cochrane. Offi-
cers for the ensuing year were elected
as follows:—President, Mrs. Perrie; 1st
Vice Pres., Mrs. J. Campbell; 2nd Vice
Pres., Mrs. McGillivray; Sec., Mrs. J.
McLean; Tidings Sec., Miss Waddell;
Givalior Magazine Sec., Miss Lockhart;
Treas., Miss Lewis; Organist, Mrs.
Happy Gleaners Mission Band—Hon
Pres., Mrs. Perrie; Pres., Mrs. J. W.
The Ladies' Aid Society of St. An-
drew's church met on Wednesday, Dec.
for the comm
3rd. Officers
g year were
elected as follows: Pres., Mrs. H. Camp-
bell; Vice Pres., Mrs. James Cummings;
Sec , Mrs. J. J. Elliott; Treas., Mrs.
Alex. Campbell; Organist, Mrs. Clouse.
Collectors for the different wards were
elected as for last year. The Ladies'
Aid Society reports a very successful
year having raised about $105.00 during
the year. It was agreed that the sum
of $100.00 be given to the Board of Man-
agers to help clear off the church debt.
Prior o her removal from town Mrs
John Linklater was presented by tint
ladies of St. Andrew's church with an
address and a tea set of Limoges china
in of her long and cheer-
fully rendered services in connection
with the W.F.M.S. and Ladies' Aid
Society of that church.
Dear Mrs, Linklater:—Realizing that
you are about to sever your connection
with the W.F.M.S. and Ladies' Aid
Society of St. Andrew's church we, the
members of these societies, feel that we
cannot let you leave our midst without
expressing in some tangible form our
appreciation of your labours amongst
You have given unsparingly of your
time and strength and this small gift,
which we now ask you to accept, ex-
presses only very meagerly our appre-
ciation of those services. Our earliest
prayer is that Gods richest blessing
may accompany an you to your new borne
sphere of labour, and thatyou may
, Y
very instrumental in His hands
still be v y uta
in furthering His cause and upbuilding
His Kingdom in that isart of His vine-
of the W.P M.S.
Signed nod on behalfh
. 0 We. D.
and �adies Aid Soclt by
Perrie, Pres. W.r.M.Sf andyMrs. H.
Campbell, Pres. Ladies' A.id "Society,
It matters not how many other Christ-
mas remembraces you may provide for
Him—He must have a pair of Christ-
mas Slippers.
No Man's Christmas is complete with-
out a pair of slippers. They are always
right and are always appreciated.
We have chosen all the best Slipper
productions of the best makers.
Kid Slippers— black or colors— Tan
Slippers, Seal Skin, Alligator, Calf, etc.
Everett and Opera styles.
Then, there are Nullifiers, Romeos,
Fausts, Caval'ers, Bed and Bath Slip-
pers, Felt Slippers, etc.
5Oc, 75c. to $1.25. $1.50 or $1.75
Our Slipper Display is well worth
coming to Fee, for you'll not find another
such a Slipper spread anywhere, here-
/�M �wvw V vnM /�? /�..'�M��.r•�.�
Two Good Grass
Farms for Sale
We are cfferirt,. tw i good
Grass Farms c'os :tl Wing -
ham, for iirlmrd iat • sale,
Good fences a 1 t . n un-
limited supply 0 wa • r on
Never before hair. Cdtile
sold so high as at present
and the shrewd stockman
will call and enquire ;,bout
these farms before th#- other
fellow gets ahead of h:m.
Ritchie & Coens
1 2 3
Best Best Best
Wheat Machinery Mechanics
These are the first considerations in
manufacturing and marketing our
Farmers—We can satisfy your wants,
Townspeople—Our flour will please
1, Special prices on five bag lots.
2. We deliver flour to any part of
the town.
3. We guarantee our flour.
Howson & Brocklebank
'Thousands of nmbftionsyoung peo-
ple are fast pt e>par•i50 in 'their own
hori1Fs to oeeupy lueratsve positions as
atenogi aphers, booklteepers, telegraph-
ers. civil servants, in fact every sphere
of Business Activities. Yon may finih
at college if youwish. Positions ituar-
notet d Enter college any day Indi-
vidual instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty year's experience. Largo t
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges.
rso for tea
r eoibl oau hers r
Arupia Commercial Bdu a
ted with m c
of Canada. Sumpter
clatltln n
School et the famous Spotton Business
college, London.
Wingham Business College
wimoimeisommimmiiiiiinG W.•T. 1K