HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-04, Page 8s TIIE WINGAN TIMES, DECEMBER 4 1913 MINOR LOCALS. —Da your Christmas shopping early, —Annual Scottish concert on Friday ,evening, J armary 96. —Three weeks: from to -day will be • Christmas. Shop early. -Hockey C'ub concert in the operas illintite this'(Thursdayl evening. -Help tllb Wingham. Hospital by ;G:, atte13ding th"e sale of home-made cook- ir4w On Friday afternoon. .--Items from Whitechurch, and uch¢ol' .reports and other matter is crgvitded out of this issue. ->uy your Christmas presents at the TAS office. A complete line of fancy stationery, fountain pens, etc. —Sale of home-made cooking in store . Tarext to Awde's feed store on Friday 'afternoon, in aid of Wingham Hospital, —V. Buchanan offers by private sale .a.t his home on Francis street, a splendid base burner, hall rack and other articles of furniture, —If you purpose attending the Win- ter Fair at Guelph next week, buy your railway ticket from H. B, Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R., at the TIMES office. —The rate -payers of Goderich on Saturday voted almost unanimously to grant a fixed taxation and the guaran- tee of $50,000 debentures to the Ameri- can Road Machine Co„ of Canada. —The following donations have been received towards the building fund of Wingham General Hospiral: John An- derson, $5; R. R. Mooney, $5, balance on $10 subscription. —Mr. and Mrs. George Nixon, Tees- water, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Hattie, terJames W. .Aitchison, of Saskatoon, Sask. The marriage will take place December`17. --For being intoxicated while driv- ing an auto, Edward Kaipe, of Tees - water, was fined $50 and costs before Police Magistrate Morton on Friday last, Chief Allan laid the information. —For having in his possession 169 skins of muskrats and other animals shot during close season, H. Goodman, a Lucknow fur dealer, was fined $300 Thursday afternoon and orderea to pay $31 costs. —Edward Pattison, a former resi- dent of Wingham, died at Dunn's Valley, Algoma, on Monday, aged 73 years. The deceased gentlemen was a brother of Mr. W. J. Pattison, of.,thi s town, and left here for Algoma several years ago. —Winter Fair in (xuelph next week. Single fare for round trip via Grand Trunk Railway. Tickets good going December 9th, 10th and llth, return limit, Dec. 13th. Buy your tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, 4 the TIMES office, —The Ontario farmer hasa good friend and able exponent of:llis cause in The Weekly Sun, Toront / It is good and profitable reading, 'r the thought- ful farmer, andt wiJ7save him many times the sub orttltion price. There is no other paper just like The Sun. You should read it each week during 1914. —A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Fowler, Teeswater, Ont., on Sat- urday evening, November 22, at 5 o'clock, when their daughter, Nellie Rhoda, was married to Edward Joseph Greggory, of Calgary, son of John Greggory, •'Avenue House," Halling - don, England. —A box social will be held in Zetland School House on Friday evening, Dec- ember loth, when a good programme will be given including Scotch songs by Mr. McTavish and Scotch and Irish dancing in costume. Ladies are re- quested to bring well filled boxes. Gentlemen 10c. admission. ALDINGTON--In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, Nov. 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Aldington; a son, WOODS ---In Turnberry, on Sunday, November 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Woods; a daughter. NICITOI.--Tn Morris township, on Nov. 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Nichol, a daughter. WALI6sR.--In. Brussels, on November 25th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Walker, a daughter. hutILItIED, NICIIOLSON—FRAZER--At the home of the bride's mother, lst line Morris township, on November 22nd, by Rev. Mr. Cooke. Mr. ltobt. Nicholson, 4th line Morris, to Miss Margaret Frazer. MED, CAMPBELL ---In Morris, on December mrd, Duncan W. Campbell, aged 58 years, 5 months and 16 days. The funeral will leave his late resi- dence, lot 3, lst line of Morris, on Fri- day, Seth instant, at 2.80 o'clock p.m., rWi p.ngl:am�cnmetery �ieryiep ill the house at 2 o'„ 1..., CAMPBELL --In Turnberry, on Nov - a7' 1 •eri "`'th. MaV' Isabella Gana, h. Caged z7 3'eat'ikt 6 illoirrt i l;nd 2 days.yy AIiA8i8--In 'Neville, on December 2nd, Jciseph Adams, in his 76th year. Itc,II �In Brussels, on November 21st, Eliza Frain, beloved wife of Richard Roe, in h. e 74th year. —Help the Hockey Club by attending the concert in the opera house this U'1"haorrday) evening. The Grand Trunk Railway Co, has shortened the working hours in the Point St. Charles shops, but retained ail the mien the curtailment being ex- plained by large summer output, leaving lege to be lions. DON'T COUGH USE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil It Strengthens the Lungs Builds up the Chest and prevents that Cough from developing into something worse. . J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Died Suddenly in Hamilton. Mr, George Purrott, a highly esteem- ed resident of Hamilton died suddenly on the street while going home to lunch on Wednesday of last week. He was born in Londoncolney, Hertfordshire, England, 65 years ago, and had been a resident of Hamilton for 42 years. He was past master of Doric lodge, No. 382, A.F. and A.M., treasurer. of Har- monic lodge No. 331, S.O.E., P.D.D.G , president of Hamilton district, S.O.E., and a member of the Home Circle and Chosen Friends. He is survived by his wife, one son, George James Purrott, of o, B.C., ad one daughter, Scranton Coal Mary, aat t home. The deceased was a brother-in-law of Mr. John J. Moffat, of the B line of Turnberry, and had visit- ed here several times. Mrs. Moffat went to Hamilton to attend the funeral. When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine Scranton Prices of Deleware, Locawana and Western Coal Co.'s ANNOUNCEMENTS,- &c. Notices t nder This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; five cents for snbse- queut insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big. Stock of select from at lowest prices?, J. GREER. A. M. Knoxintends4avingWingham and is holding a kig clearing sale of watches, clocks and jewelry. —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES Office. —Envelopes, writing paper and all staple lines of stationery, on sale at the TIMES office. A quantity of seco>thand .furniture for sale at Mrs. S. .'Brown* Leopold St., Wingham.,� FOR SALE 3hanging la�snps,2chande- liers with 4 lamps, tw:'bebsteads, etc. Apply at C. N. Griffin's residence. FOR SALE—DriVi h Horse, light wagon and sleigh. et particulars at Wingham Stearn La ndry./2oy SING. Big clearing sale at I ox's jewelry store. Visit the store aid see the many bargains. Don't buy a Vacuum Carpet Cleaner until you see the "Cadillac'' electric and hand cleaners. Sold by 11. E. Isard & Co.,, NOTicE—Having disp¢'sed of my busi- ness, all accounts owing me must be settled at once >by'•'cash or note.—J. L. AWDE. , r% Miss R. Brown, Leopn1d St., wishes to announce that she los a quantity of hand embroidery fox -sale at her- home and also all kinds of embroidery stamp- ing done cheap. ' ' Loaf --At Walker & Clegg's fire, a monogram pin with'•"the initials, "A. T. C." Finder will be awarded by leaving same at TIMES office. FOR SALE—Good .second-hand rose wood square piat, Miller's make. Also good sideboarand other house- hold furniture will; sold at a bargain. Apply bo Robt. Kdox. -- We are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of grain at out store house at the Grand Trunk Station. TIMI ING $L` MILLS. LOST -Near S. S. No. ,''%Turnberry, a black and tan hound: ound has slit in right ear and scar oh ft front foot and answers to name of€ ap. Finder will be rewarded by leaving word with John Bogeys. DON'T FORGET when you Want W061 and Jute blankets, robes, string bells, shaft chimes and driving Gauntlets, we have the latgest stock in Huron County to choose from. Prices right. - Thos. Kew. NorICE--Having d" posed of my busi- ness I would ask all arties owing me tokindly settle the' accouuts at an early date, I thanl i you all for your Pero! patronage in the past. .W: GRAY. 'WANTED Teacher for Union School, No. 7, Turnberry and East Wawenosh, for year 1014, duties to commence first of the year. State salary and qualifi• cations. Applications sht,uld be In by the 15th December. J.Uor s GobkIN, Wingham, Ont. Voice Culture and Violin' Tuition. Mr. Peter Wilson will receive pupils in, the above at his home, :Catherine Street, opposite Public School grounds. Tuition in the evenings only. Special terms to beginners. Modern methods used. • Egg and Stove, $7.50 Chestnut 7.75 Pea - 6.25 Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft Coals, also Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Wood always on hand for prompt delivery. J. A. McLEAN STRAY HEIFER. i i There strayed from my premise's, lot i 37 con. 12, East Wawanosh, ,alfout the i 15th of November, a two -yea old heifer. with small Heifer was pure red in co spot of white on fQqreheand was not dehorned. Any praa giving inform- ation which will Itch`` to her recovery will be awarded. HERB SHIELL, phone 619-2:. R. R. No. 3, Wingham, Ont. NOTICE. The Annual Meting of the Share- holders and Patrkbns of the Bluevale Cheese and Butter Company, Limited, will be held in /the Foresters' Hall, Bluevale, on Fri ay, December 12, 1913, at 1.3G o'clock,m. for the election of a Board of Directors and the tran- saction of any Other business that may come before the meeting. ;By order S. PAUL, Secretary. WANTED. A hustler to take the agency, t sell lots for the Mount Hope Heiglitr yndi- cate of Berlin. Location bests° in the city. Prices right and ms fair. Not four minutes walk to a new Rub- ber Fire Factory'/and t ee minutes to Electric line r1l c o K' St., between Berlin and Waite o. ,�A moneypro- position for the right man. Teritry to suit agent. —Apply Mt. Hope Heights Syndicate L. A. MEHLENBACHER, Sec.-Trea,s. 28 KING EAST, BERLIN, ONT. RING BROS. High Grade Dependable Underwear Marked at Prices that are Right FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con, 7, East Wawa- nosh, 100—acres 85 cieared— all under grass, well underdrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, Il story frame house, kitchen and woodshed. Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and stable, 1/miles from post office, school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to *M. ,0 or W IG11TMAN, . Let 35, con _$elgrave P. O. • Sale of Shorthorn gulls. Broadview Shorthorns—Herd Headed by "Favorite Characters' (Imp.) For sale are eight bulls, eight •to twelve months old, These are choke young bulls with the best of breeding and be will told reasonably. I am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred,to the.Irop..bu11 some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write me or give us a all. J. G. Wingham, Ont, (farm 1°ta tr iles south of Wingham.) i i 111.11,1111.11110 .1...111 Men's Fleece Lined Under- wear, Shirts a n d Drawers, 50 each, "Tiger Brand" all wool Underwear, Elastic knit, made from fine Canadian Wool, $1.00 and $1.25 garment. Men's and extra large men's (Woolsley Brand) shirts and Drawers made from extra quali- ty pure Australian Wool splendidly fin- ished throughout. A garment that will give you every satisfaction, Shirt and drawers, 32 to 42—$2,50 each; 44 to 48---$3,00 Choice Racoon Fur Coats $100 up to $150. Every coat is a selection made by experts, from the most choice skins in prime condition extraheavy fur- red and lined with the best quality lining, Extra Value Racoon Fur Coats $69,00. A coat we can recommend made from evenly matched skins and well lined throughout. Manchurian Dog Coats, $25.00 value. Come quick if you want one of these. •There are only 14 in the bunch and were bought especially to sell at a price. They are guaranteed and will give satisfaction. Clearing at $19.25. Fur trimmed and fur lined Coats. Our values are greater than ever ,and the se- lection is good. Prices from $12,50 to $75. Penman's Klosed Krotch Combination Suits, $3.00, sizes 31 to 44. Watson's All -Wool Combination made from extra quality wood all sizes $5 suit. MOM PRODUCE WANTED. .PHONE 71 SPECIAL ORDERS: We take orders for anything we do not carry and can give best satisfaction. KING BROS. J 1 LEAVING TOWN 1 itis•-. ����.� Is,g' Toji Le 4. $1,000 Stock of Watches, Clocks; Jewellery, Silverware. Cut Glass, Leather Goods, Ladies' and Gent's Umbrellas, Stationery, Wallpaper, Win- dow -shades, Fancy Goods, etc., to be sold at and below cost. imeradvgles,toedie.e.oceila 44 41 tiffs As Owner is Leaving Town Everything. Must be Sold Sale Starts on THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4th. WATCH IEPAIRING A $PiCIA1 • 'Phoite 85. Opposite National Ili Do not delay your XMAS . SHOPPING Our stock is now at its best Nothing more sensible or appreci- ated than nice slippers or shoes. Look at this list below For Women and Men : • FELT SLIPPERS LEGGINGS OVERSHOES `SPATS LEATHER SLIPPERS COSY SLIPPERS . FINE SHOES FOOT EASERS For Girls, Boys and Children : CARDIGANS OVERSHOES FELT SLIPPERS FELT SHOES LEGGINGS FINE SHOES HIGH CUT BUTTON, BOOTS And many other .articles as are $ kept in first class shoe stores WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole agents i�i�a�►.Gi��-i'�sHo�s K For Ladies Cold Weather Needs We are looking for the largest fall business in our history. We cannot explain to you how ready we are, because there is so much to tell, so many lines to deal with that space will not permit ; but come and see Overcoats and Suits A splendid assortment in Men's and Boys'. Suits and Overcoats. 15o to select from, Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children, all at moderate prices. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers The Shoe Section is now in first-class shape. Many new fall lines have been added this week. We buy no seconds in Rubbers. We keep none but the best. Blankets and Comforters We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets, 1 1-4 and 12-4 at the old prices. A splendid stock of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sizes. Special value in Comforters. Flour We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden. City, and Universal. All give the best of satisfaction, Also, Bran, Shorts and Feed. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED Niainert Jot A. M/LLS Successor to Tr Ac Mills '141614E: 89. ING1,Air ONT.