HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-12-04, Page 24.2. THE WIN GII Ali TIMES. DECEM BE1► ' 1913 SANOL An effectiveremedy-for the re- moval; of 1.idney and Gall Stones, Kidney and Bladder troubles, Glravel,Rlleumatic Pains,ailment$ of Uric Acid origin; endorsed by physicians and surgeons. PRICE Correspondence invited. ` Free literature and testimonials from TOE SANOL MANUFACTURING CO, LTD. WINNIPEG, MAN. For Sale by J. W. McliIBBON, Druggist Wingham, Ontario Grand Trunk Railway System Town Ticket Office Ashfield West Wawanosh East Wawanosh Turnberry Ilowicle Goderich I3lyth Wingham Brussels We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America -East, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be make pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with alt prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. If it's about travel, we have the information and wilt give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. THE REDISTRIBUTION OF HURON. (Seaforth Expositor) There will have to be a redistribution of the constituencies in Canada before the next general election. As there can be only two more regular sessions during the present parliamentary term it is expected that a redistribution bill wilt be passed by Parliament at its next session. The general expectation is - in tact it is almost a certainty -that in this forthcoming redistribution the county of Huron will lose one seat and will thereafter be repiesented by two members instead of by three as at pres- ent. In view of this event politicians have been studying the map of the county and scrutinizing the election re- turns with the view of determining how this change can be best and most fairly brought about, After a careful survey of the situation The Expositor submits the following. Whether or not it will be satisfactory to or accepted by the politicians, we think it is the fairest and most fitting division that can be made of the county. We give below the grouping of the municipalities with vote cast in each at the last general election. SOUTH RIDING Lib. 365 201 368 338 207 162 269 309 210 210 151 83 21 Tuckersmith Ushorne Stephen Hay Stanley Goderich Township Hullett McKillop Clinton Seaforth Exeter Hensall Bayfield Total 'Total Votes --6,181. NORTH RIDING Grey Morris Crilbourne 2,937 Lib. 283 283 185 Con. 153 293 432 356 237 334 289 216 26:. 210 238 93 81 3,:144 Con. 300 296 179 thigh Your Lim. If t Is Lazy,Slow 5l or Torpid Stir It lip By the Use of Milbur n's Laxa-Liver Pills. A lazy, slow or torpid liver is a terrible 4lietlon, as it holds back the bile, which is xequired to'move the bowels, and lets it into the blood instead, thus causing Constipation. C:.tzrrtt c•f the Stomach, Sick Headache, tapper, Pain under the Right Shoulder, etc, Mrs. Wesley Ilstabrooks, Midgic Sta- tion, N.B., writes: -"For several years I had been troubled with pains in the liver. I have had medicine from eeversl doctors, but bras only relieved for a time by them. 1 then tried Milburn's Lasa - Liver Pills, and 1 have had no trouble with my Liver sine. 1 can honestly recommend them to eery person who has fiver trouble." Milburn's Laza-Liver Pills are 25c a vast, or 5 vials for 51.00, at all dealers, er mailed direct on tteeipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Total Total Votes -6,17I. The above division would be uniform, geographically convenient, and the two ridings would be nearly equal in point of population. There would be 8 rural municipalities in each riding, and five urban in the South and four in the North; but; Goderich being much the larger will make the division about ` even. Both ridings would be Conserva- tive, but a Liberal would have a fight- ing chance in either. It is also expected that before the next Provincial election there will be a redistribution for the province and in that event, also, Huron will lose a mem- ber. Showed this be the case we could also recommend the same division. It would be a great convenience in many respects to have the Dominion and Pro- vincial constituencies the same. The Conservatives being the dominant party in both houses it is only reason- able to assume that they will take any party advantage from a redistribution that they can fairly obtain. In the above division they are given every ad- vantage they can equitably claim. 372 21U 208 224 170 223 2.39 319 522 412 465 76 85 166 288 96 95 288 3,011 3,1(10 Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pres- criptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possible derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufact- ured by F. J. Cheney & Co , Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the sys- tem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the geuine. It is taken internally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c, per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Cares in All Walks of Life. The idea that there are people who live without cares and worries is a world -old fallacy. But it is one which women especially are prone to cherish. Women in quiet and lonely places long for glimpses of the life which they imagine live in a round of social plea- sure without care or trial, They envy their sisters whom they see endowed with all the things they tong for. She would soon see that the real joys of life are not for the few -but belong to the common lot. She would find that there is friction and care and an- noyance in every walk of life, and she would rejoice to get home again, freed from her spirit of discontent. We are more easily influenced into moods of despondency at this time of the year than at any other. The dull monotonous color of the landscape and the dead leaves are reflected into the house and unless we bar the doors and to our soul with good, common sense philosophy we fall into unwholesome wonderings as to why we are slotted to the road of quiet duties and common- place cares. If you are a house mother are tempt- ed into rebellion at "the general scheme of things" as you see the bare realities of the kitchen with its faded "hit and miss" carpet, the sitting room batter- ed and worn by the tramping feet of irrepressible children, the curtains soil- ed anddusty,don't wish you could run away from it all to find a new world where there is neither care nor worry, and where sunshine and summer reign always. No such world has yet been discovered. The woman who can make a plea- sant and heartsome day for her family has a tremendously important place in the general scheme of things. Keeping Boys on the Farm. At the National Farmers' Congress the chief problem was held to be keep- ing the boys on the farm. It will come abouth w en the farms are made mote attractive to the boys. The mistake of those who give advice in this matter is their suggestion that the farmer's bey works hard all day and reads agricultur- al literature at night, gaining his en- tertainment from sombre bulletins and reports, If the boy is worth his salt he has a right desire for the joys of life. If he cannot have recreations near his home he will go where he can get them. Criticize it as we may, this is an amuse- ment loving age, and the desires of the farmer's boy are as natural as those of the city youth. To leave this fact out of the discussion is to Miss its vital point. Boys will not stay on the farms if they are supposed merely to vege- tate. They want to trove about and see things. -Philadelphia "Ledger." It is unsafe anti unwise to use milk from any diseased animals. Milk from tuberculous Cows is dangerous, espeCi. ally to children. JJ t tti v DIRECTORY. YOUR READING hATTER li The 'Times to January 1 t, 1915 for • - $1.00 Times and Toronto D lily Globe to subscribers on rura routes, 1) ear for Titm-s and Toronto L) ily Globe to subscribe, s n t on rural rout. s, 1 year for - - 4.50 Times and Wer -:k1) Globe to January 1st, 1915 1.60 Times and Toronto Mal and Empire at same rates as above. Times and Uamily Herald and Weekly Star to January lst, 1915 for - - - 1.85 Times and Weekly Sun to January Ist, 1915 - 1.70 We can giv you 1,,w clubbing rates on any n ws- paper or magazine. Your order w 11 receive prompt attention. If it is anything w the reading matter line consult us. 3.50 THE TIMES OFFICE WINGHAM, ONTARIO WINGHAM TWENTY YEARS AGO From the TIMES of Dec. 1, 1893 LOCAL NEWS. Mrs. R. Elliott is in Strathroy this week attending the funeral of Wm. H. Elliott, of Caradoc, an uncle. Mr, Peter McLaren, of the Bluevale road, has purchased the residence of Mr. E. Nicol, on Centre street, Wing - ham, and will move into town next spring, having leased his farm for a number of years. Rev. W. H. Watson, pastor of the Congregational church, of this town, has accepted the call toa Congregational church in Hamilton, and will sever his connection with the church here at the end of the present year. Miss Gussie Preston, a returned mis- sionary from Japan, lectured in the Methodist church, on Wednesday even- ing last, under the auspices of the Woman's Missionary Society, A slick stranger palming himself off as a representative of the Toronto Mail, ran up a board bill at the Garner House, Chatham, hired a horse and rig from Elliott's livery and never came back. The outfit was found in Tilbury Centre Monday, 20th. It is thought to be the same man who stole a horse from Beattie Bros., of this place, and drove it to Stratford. Type setting machines are now being introduced into a great many of the large printing offices The latest one to put in an outfit of machines is the Vancouver, B. C., World. The rain on Monday took considerable of the snow off and pretty nearly spoil - Werner CHURCH -Sabbath services at 11 a, an. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:3J p. 4.n. General prayer meeting on Wedeesday evenings. Rev. G. Vic- tor Collins, pastor. B. Y. P. U. meets 1 Monday evenings 8 p. m. W. D. Pringle, S. S. Superintendent. METHODIST CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a. In. and 7 p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Epworth League every Monday evening, General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. J. W. Wboert, pastor. F. Buchanan, S. S. Superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH -Sabbath ser- vices at 11 a: m. and 7 p, m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. General prayer meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. D. Perrie, pastor. Dr. A. J. Irwin, S. S. Superintendent, ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, EPISCOPAL -Sab- bath services at 11 a. m. and 7. p. m. Sunday School at 2:30 p. m. Rev. E. K, Croly, B. A., Rector. Alex. Al- deron, S. S. Superintendent. SALVATION ARMY CITADEL.-SerViee at 11 a.m., 3 p.m, and? p.m. on Sunday. eft 8 o'clock on Thursday evening. ['here will be special music provided in the S.lnday evening service from 7 to 7.15 POST OFFICE -Office hours from 8a.m. co 6:30 p. m. Open to box holders from 7 a. in. to 9 p. m. P. Fisher, postmast- er. ed our sleighing. The fall of snow on Wednesday has renewed it, and now we have pretty geod sleighing. Monday last being the twelfth birth - clay of Miss Winnie Sellery, she enter- tained about fifty of her compan ons at the Parsonage that afternoon and even• ing, when a most enjoyable time was spent. Chief Bullard received the thanks of our to•vnspeople for having the snow plow out and clearing the sidewalks off so early, on Thursday and Friday of last week. The plow works like a charm, and its visits during the winter will be greatly appreciated by all our citizens. Arrangements are being made for the establishment of a Rebecca Degree lodge, No. 119. I.O.O.F., in this town. A mild type of influenza it quite pre- valent throughout the country, and Wingham has had its share of it. BORN Currie -In East Wawanosh, on Nov- ember 24th, the wife of Mr. Wm. Currie; a daughter. MARRIED. Geddes - Clark In Morris, ore Nov- ember 22nd, by Rev. J. II. Dyke, Mr. Robt. Geddes to Miss Mary Jane, daugh- ter of Mr, Thos. Clark, both of Morris. DiED. McNaugh ton In Culross, on the 22nd, ult., Jas. McNaughton, aged 45 years and 8 months. Northgraves In TurnbPrry, on the 27th Nove ober, Johanna, wife of Mr, Isaac Northgraves, aged 57 years. A Lumberntnn's Opinion, "I was troubled with palpitation of the heart and sleeplessness," writes Mr. William Pritchard. Lumber Inspec- tor, Lumsden Mills, Ont., "and used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food with very great benefit as my whole system was strength. ened and built up " Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new, rich red blood and re- stores the feeble, wasted nerve cells. Community Forests The subject of co-operative or com- munity forestry is attracting wide and earnest attention. In Germany many small villages, as well as some large towns, derive from their publicly -own- ed and managed woodland a revenue exceeding the expense budget, besides furnishing free to every house -holder a a large supply of fuel, The same thing might easily be done in Ontario. A municipal corporation, ora rural town- ship or village, would acquire existing woodlots or create new ones, and care for them under intelligent supervision, the income to abolish taxation, Penn- sylvania has already enacted legis- lation to thin end, and a beginning has been made in some of its towns. Where so much mountain land, unsuitable for other uses, exists, as in this Province, it seems an easy thing to do; but the plan is still more attract• ive although less immediate in results, in the treeless West. Several towns on the plains of the United States have already made public appropriations for shade trees,Denver having planted 17,40.) and Coldwell, Oklahoma, having given its citizen's 12,000, to mention on onl. two cases where fuel and timber are scarce and costly, there would always be a home market for the products of a municipal forest, and the annnal divi- dend of firewood would be a boon, in- deed, to a large class of the benefici aries. BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subject* taught by expert instructors at the -thke V. M. C. A. BLOC,. torment, oNtr. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogues free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt W. Westervelt, Jr, 1!rlaclpa1 Otartertt Accomtitast 17' ►ice-!',1md1a1 CHRISTMAS APPEAL FOR The Hospital for Mak Children OOLLSOM ST., TORONTO Dear Mr. Editor: - Thanks for your kindness in allow- ligttime on behalf of me the privilege of appealing at ospiitalistmas forr dick Children, Toronto.® It would take more space than you can spare to tell of the good work done for the sick and deformed children of his Province. Let me, however, in a Ow words, tell you of the progress of he work of the Hospital. One nurse, six little white beds, a few dollars, a few friends -this was the beginning. The beds have grown to 260, the dollars to thousands, the friends to hundreds. 1875, the first year, 44 In -patients, 67 out-patients; 1913, last year, 1,648 in -patients, 25,507 out-patients; 1876, 1 nurse; 1913, 70 nurses. Since 1875, thirty-eight years ago, the Hospital has admitted within its walls 21,018 children as in -patients, and 159,231 as out-patients, a total of 180,249, or an average of 4,743 per year. Of the 21,01E in -patients, 15,200 were from. Toronto, and 5,818 frons other parts of tile Province; 10,150 .f the total in -patients were Cured, and 0,967 were improved. ii In the Orthopedic Department last year, of the 1,648 in•patt.nte, 271 were treated for deformities, 26 hip disease, 37 Pott's disease, 2 knock-knees, 10 bow-legs, 62 club feet, 1 lateral curva- ture of the opine, 44 infantile paralysis, 9 wryneck andi. 7 tubercular disease ae et knee, hip and ankle. In 1913, th. Surgical Apparatus Shop manufactured 427 appliances for in -patients and out- patients, including ankle braces, spinal braces, hip splints, bbw-leg splints, olub•fest splints, plaster jacket, etc. I* this Department in 31 years near- ly 800 boys and girls have been treat - el for Club Feet and 660 corrects& Ralf of these came from places out- side of Toronto. Surely we have • fair claim for help front the pebple lel this Province, Will you, tke reader, of this letter, help to give crippled Children a fair start in life? Duey dollars are better than idle toots. The sympathy that helps is good, but the Hospital has to have the sympathy that works. I While! Christmas Ig.11s are ringing 1. the glory of Him "Who made the limit to walk and tke blind to see," give, give, give, and kelp the lies, vital to kelp God'if little °netrt, upon whom the heavy hand Of affliction hag been laid. Will you please send a dollar, s mere, if you tan /bare it, to Douglas* laridson, the Secretary -Treasurer el the H.spital, or 4 i. ROSS ROBERTSON, Ckaira►aie of the Treetee t, Ter®1ik PUBLIC LIBRARY -Library and free reading room in the Town Hall, will be )pen every afternoon fr,m 2 to 5:30 clock, and every evening from 7 to 3:30 o'clock, Miss R. Brown, lib- rarian. TOWN COUNCIL -C. G. VanStone, Mayor; J. W. McKibbon, Reeve; J. A Mills, George Spotton, Wm. Isbister, W. J, Boyce, A. Young and D. Bell, Jouncillors; John F. Groves, Clerk and Creasurer. .Board meets first Monday evening in each month at 8 o'clock. HIGH SCHooe, BOARD -Frank Buchan- an, (Chairman), R. Vanstone, Theo. icall, C. P. Smith, W. J. Howson, John A. McLean, W. F. VanStone. Dudley Holmes, Secretary. A. Cosens, treasurer. Board meets second Mon- day in each month. PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD.- A. Tipling, (Chairman), Alex Ross, J. L. 4wde, Dr. A. J. Irwin, Robt. Allen, Wm. Moore. H. E. Isard, Dudley Holmes Secretary-Treas.,John F. Groves;Meet- ings second Tesday evening in each month. HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS -Harry E. Ricker, Principal; G. R Smith, B. A.. Specialist in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing, Specialist in Classics; Miss White, Specialist in Moderns and History; Miss 13 E. Anderson, First Form. PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. L. Posliff, Principal, Miss Brock, Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss Ans- ley, Miss Barber and Miss Bentley. BOARD OF HEALTH.-C.G.VanStone, (chairman), Wm.Fessant, Alex Porter, John 5'. Groves,Secretary; Dr. R. C. Redmond, Medical Health officer. Dr. R. P. Parker, D.B.O.A., P.S.D. OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Eye Specialist Food Scientist Acute and Chronic Diseases Treated. Glasses Scientifically Fitted. Tuesday 11.30 a.m. to Wednesday 10.30 nen., Main St. (over Christie's Store). J. A. FOX, D. C. GRADUATE CHIROPRACTOR/I O.I1:e in Knox house, back of Pos Office. Entrance over Presbyterian Church Walk. Appendicitis, Cancer, Catarrh, Epi- lepsy, all Fevers,,Goitre, Rheumatism, Heart Disease, all Female Troubles, Deafness, and other diseases cured without drugs or surgery. Office hours: 2 to 5 p.m., 7 p.m. CENTRAL STRATFORD. ONT. Sttdent may enter our classes at any time Those who enter now will have an advantage over those who cannot enter untill the New Year Our courses in Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy Departments are thorough and prac- tical We offer you advantages not offered elsewhere in the Province Get our free catalog and see if it interests you D. A. MotACHEAN PRINCIPAL. FARMERS and anyone having lire stook or other ertlole, they wish to dispose of, should adver- tise the same tor sale in the Toile. Our large olrouletton tells and it will be strange indeed 1i ton do net get aonetomer, We can't guarantee hatyou will Nell because yon may eek More for the articles Or stook than it is w•orth.• Send your adt'erlieement to the Trust and ter this plan of disco/liar of rent .took and other artloleu OUTSIDE ADVERTISING Orders for the insertion of edveretestnenti mob as teachers wanted, business chanes, reeohanios wanted, articles for sate, or in teat any kind of an advt. in any of the Toronto or other city papers, may ba teptt atyStilt b. Tigre sad will save peopplel h trouble of �r emitting for and far:larding advertlaemente, Lowes rates will be quoted on impetration, Lewis 1 or send your next work of this kind to the TJCINU S UW*1�011, Wiitgiii<irtll ISSTABLISED I872, THE WINGDAIi► TINES. IB PCIBLIBHaD EVERY THURSDAY MORNING -aa- The Times Office Stone Block. WINi}HA74, ONTARIO. MOW Or BIIIItiOKIYTIOr-81.u0 per ennare in advance, 81,50 it not so paid. No paper dieoon- toptinnedtlUionofthe all pubarrtarelisher.are paid, •:sept at the ADVIRTIBING RATIN. -- Legal and other casual advertisements too per Noaparieltine for first insertion, 8o per fine for iamb a 3besquent insertion. Advertisements is local columns are onarged 10 ots per line for fret ineerteoa, and 5 cents per line for eaeb subsegment lneertin. Advertisements of Strayed, Perms for Sale or to Rent,and similar, SI.Oe for Brat three weeks, and 25 Dente for each subsequent in- sertloa. QoNTaAor R1,Tes-The following table shows our rates for the insertion of advertisements for spcolfiod periods:- aPI,0I. 1 yn, 6 YO, 8 Ifo, IgoOneOolnma 870.00 84000 422.50 48.00 Half Colman 40.00 85.00 15.00 8,0 Qnarter0olumn20.00 12.50 7.50 8.00 One Inc) - 5.00 8.00 2.00 1.00 Advertisements without a eoifio direotions Will be inserted till forbid and oharged accord- ingly, Transient advertisements must be paid for in advance. Tan Jou DIPAnTMeNT is stocked with an extensive assortment of all requisites for print- ing, tturningiout Bret clast equalled w rk in the type and appropriate outs for allaty/es of Post. ere, Hand BiUe, eta., and the latest styles of choice fanoy type for the finer classes of print Ing. H. B. HLLIO?T, Proorletor and Publisher DRS. KENNEDY & OLDER Omem-Corner Patrick and Centre Sts. PHONES: Offices 43 Residence143 Residence, Dr. Calder y 151 Dr. Kennedy speniaUzes in Surgery. Dr. Calder devotes special attention to Dis• eases of the Eye, Sar, Nose and Throat. Eyes thoroughly tested. Glasses properly fitted. �R. ROBT.0. RRDMOND, M. R.C.S. (Sag) L. R. O. P. London. PHYSICIAN and BURGEON. (Moe, with Dr. Chisholm DR. H. J. ADAMS Lute Member Hoose Stair Toronto General Hospital. Post Graduate Lot 10n and Dablin. Successor to Dr. T. H. Agne v, Olfice Mtcio till Block. W. 11. Hatnbly, B.So., M.D., 0 111. Wingham, Ontario. Special attention paid to disease, of women and children, having taken post graduate work in surgery, Bartoriology and Scientific Medicine. Office in the Kerr residence, between the Queen's hotel and the Baptist Unurch, All business given careful attention, Phone 54. P. O. Box 118. Dr. J. R. MaEdonald Wingham, Ont. Office -Stone Block, over the TIMES office, rel .1.9/• VANSTONii, BAR1sI8TRR, 5OL4OJTUn,Pcru rate interesnd t. mortgagee, funds town ando loan at term property bought and sold. Otfioe, Beaver Block, Wtagham U A. MORTON, • 1iA11R]ST ih. so. Wingham, Ont, DUDLEY HOLI`II:S Barrister, Solicitor, Etc. Office : Meyer Block, Wingham. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. 8., L. D 8. Dootor of Dental Surgery of the esaneylvania D fol College and Lioentiate of the Royal ege of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. °Moe onald Block, Wtnehem Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from 1k' 1st to Oct. 1st. a H ROSS, D. D. B , L. D. 8. Honor gesduate of the Royal College of aefheC]eosfrto,lttotbiverity f oToronFacuy of Dentistry. Office over H. E. laard & Co's., store, Wing - ham, Ont. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon from May 1st to qct. 1st. Wingham General Hospital (Under Government Inspection) Pleasantly situated. Beautifully fur- nished. Open to all regularly licensed physicians. RAMS P011 PATIENTS--WhiCh include board and nursing), $4.90 to $15. per week according to location of room. c For further information, ad- dress Miss L. Matthews. Superintendent Box 223, Wingham Ont. RAILWAY TIME TABLES, GRAI+TD TRUIQH RAILWAY• 8YSTIlid. TRAIK'tintYI COR London ..,. 8.85 a.m.. 8.90p.m. Toronto &hast 11.00e m.. 6.45 a.m..- 1.80p,tn, 4ncardtme-11.59 a.m... 1.80 item.,,, 0.15 p.m. ARMY. !MK Kincardine ..6.80 e.t..11.soa.m-4o 1.80 p.m. +• n•loa .... oft -11,54a.m.,; T.15 p.m, P •ne•ctoe sow „-11.21a,m. To unto. v Haat-..._..* 1,80 p.m 4..15 p.m. W.F. BURGSMAN' £tsnt, Wingham CANADIAN PAOIPIO ISAILW,A't. Toronto man Wit ADM 6h40e,r Von .ret.. a 1.05 p.m. Terstrater ,.-.--..- 4.00 p.m....10,23 p.m. Amara moots Twswa'/ae.......... , -0.40 a.ir..+« 1.04 »;at, Toronto Msd Raas......12 4'0 P.M.. wre,22 Litt' J. $.lie)N*u, Ageat,'ptgMa, SELECTL 3 A SEE OF tJaFf C E t Phe Are et heavy draft horsoi. ?hollld weigh front 1.800 lu 2.201' pounds a11td to justify so great 11 weight should, to appear well propurtiuuod. eland at least sixteen and otte-nidi 'lands asixty-six )!wheel in height nit ess of unusually suit)! build sued of the tong Land low type. Every one knows what at lot of infor- mation some 11ot•rt's (•au vout'(3' br merely wagging their eats, writes John I'. Itoss in t'arnl auhl hir1',ade, Tho possession of the above (:(1ued (It tributes almost ::rarely implies a good. appetite anti sound digestive powers.. and when there are adti0tl to all lbws the freedom, boldness and truth of a1' - don in moving which are found only where due proportion of :Is Is com- e It Is charged against American farmers that In the production of pure bred draft horses they have neglected to feed the colt properly, thus failing to get the best results in size Substance nce and 114.5.4.• ore es- sential in drafters, and these C011 not r e obtat it 1 by stinting the teed of the colt during the (La >(.4) or Its We it follows. therefore, that cults must be• fell liberally and not allowed to gain their sustenance in the stalk fluids. 'Che demand Is for big horses, and stinted suinu,ls, (.,en if Cure br,.d, will not all the bill The 1 erel0 ren stallion slam n is n yore bird ,:all weighed about a ton when pltu10 .4(!�)`d. ,4 bed t,ith Ii lively spirit the seeker ,Pier a good horse may congratulate (i,oself tot 0,,Ong found 040. •1'ht' loiva anti bark should be broad. hr chest deep. the ribs close and deep. the hind quarters and limbs especially ,towerful and well nauseled. The legs should he of good length (town to the hocks and knees :1141 short he1uty those Mints. 'rhe Shoulders need not be gtaite 118 sloping as is desirable In the ighter breeds. but it is a had fault for theta to err in the other direction and 'le too straight. '('here should be plen- ty of width het Ween the fore legs and '•I"'u4 for the heart to work lit. No port of the burst's 0ttatuauy is nUre imports ut thin Elie feet. This is •s•lo. hilly so with the draft horse In, - mist. his grt' t ))•eight and the strains 'n,i,aent 4u heavy hauling open up the vuy to 4.n: 1!)' chill es of tujnt:Y to ..(•u( Che st(•01'U(1•e or the feet ern- ,: i:ee some Ve('y delicate bones null ,nerve.;. :ural the flitter covering which 'Ind(' I. 1 hese Shahid he s4. rung, fairly af'pn1:4. (rev front shelliaess and rottgh •011_.4(:„l4s There exists a 511.011:) ''11)11 c i(;r:Ot(st light eulured 14001, h elperience has shown to h1' w01( u;de(1 The foot should he ((((•ge iu .i,,.r1toil to the size and weight 01 0 ' 1(1,5:1:11. intended for fast w01the' '1111tligy anti .loping pastern is 00101ucive to Iighl (111(1 " 7. •, thin, lad fur the heavy draft •••f:. 1 mediate 01 (10.1' respects n:. 4.e Molted for ,as iu,uria_ ore:Itet • 1,4;1y - hdl'in❑ Intl'•!! t: :tits•(. , 'irilnaif.,. :,f 1:,.- ' , •' :;: ')'cl:,:lh 04 the hi(Id qt(:n•I'N. 0)014)5 with innrh r::(1' i'hoy :roc. :!! of Wally of the e1•.•! e„ ,I.na•n .04 o.frtitt'al dls'ased r,rnit:ions..uc4 !•1(1411 or Iln•1'atenod 11't.. lrut•• 1,;.11114 and ,•111.11s., a'lt's, art" general y'L114'11041 1 ((('01(1. 111(!' oir:aa" 00,3 ea ❑e:ee0u•uts ul' bra: k f:nn'0'• tend of ,�•1:<. 014' 11II1"n. 4.l, 11:0e0 -ed (•vi11( a6uls ,tuft.' 1+o•.,hh• or tl'h•f•tlou ),t ,ern olt•erv0•linb .(i:1 0(y p:11030r: 1'141')) pre.e0 9..1-110(101 at on, e l•l(' 1utle •U; t;ra u1 ()sine. :(L^ xnttll:ai a:;.••.,,,4. 1(0 m(3 0f Cie.:, fur !weedily.... p'0.• III'" • moo(:uelt,e..• ,d• who] and .d 0:0 i _Int Ore, of (.011e•)•, ll!•li•pt'usalrlO, Treatment For eog Spavin. floc spa Vitt Is It ttivtensiu)I of the coo. 14111111 Il;:auuatt of the bock joint. The enlist. in some (Irst:nu•es is infection ui the navel :it birth• in others it Is .hie to strain or sprain, and In some it seems to ('01150 troll idleness and Ise ( r• reeding The simplest and best treat- ment Is to cont the hock joint with pine tar and repent the application In it few mouths if it has worn 06. Make the animal live nn outdoor life as much ns possible. Dearth of Dairy Cows. Dairy cows are still scarce and high. 'Chose who are anxious to go into Oak dairy business or keep more cows 011 tire, farm for the home milk supply have ditiietlity in Gliding desirable ani- mals for sale. In fact, those who have good mint producers are reluctant to sell for the simple reason that the cows are profitable. The best way to get good Cows is to raise them. Hiccuping Pigs. Illceuping In pigs le caused by 11 derangement of the stomach. One of the best ways to correct the trouble is to Change the sow's rations, feeding. less Corn and more of such feed a it. ground oate and bran. it the trout* 'does hot Cease give each pig eight dropp } of tincture of asafetida twice a day 94 tis. hiccuping cealler. , t ....„-..,....