HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-11-06, Page 88 Grand Trunk Railway System Your Vacation Trip Tickets on sale to all the leading Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and rail routes. To the West Tourist and Homeseekers Excursion tickets to any point in Western Canada or any point in United States. Popular routes. To Europe We can ticket you through to any I oint in Europe on all leading steamship lines, Prepaid orders also issued. Your Next Trip Whether your next trip be a long or a short one, we will be pleased to issue your ticket. Information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. - The Thins to January lst, 1915, for $1. Subscribe for the TIMES. We give the news. Hallowe'en passed over very quietly. The boys and girls played a few harm- less pranks. - Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. -The stage which has travelled be- tween Brussels and Wroxeter for over half a century has been discontinued. The young people of town held a very succcessful masquerade ball in the Council Chamber on Friday evening. - The Toronto Daily Globe for one year to subscribers on rural routes for $2.30. Leave your orders at the Trams office. -When you require letter paper, bill heads, envelopes oi•anything else in the printing line, leave your order at the 'TIMES office. --Tickets issued to any point, north, south, east or west by H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES office. -The work on the paving Josephine street has been completed and in the course of a few days all the street will be open for traffic. - The annual exhibition of the Huron County Poultry and Pet Stock Associa- tion will be held in Goderich on January eit1i, 21st and 22nd. -The annual )sleeting of the share- holders of the North Huron Telephone Co. will be held in the Council Chamber on Wednesday afternoon, November 19. -Rural mail route No. 3 out of Wing - ham went into effect on Friday last. The farmers on the boundary, 12th and 10th of East Wawanosh are served by this route. -Mrs. Little has sold her house and lot on Alfred street to Messrs. Walker Clegg. The transfer was made through Ritchie & Cosens, insurance and real estate agents. - A large quantity of snow fell in this section last Thursday night and Friday. The sun on Sunday has made it disaappear. Farmers are looking for good weather to finish harvesting their root crop. "Chateauguay has spoken. East )Middlesex has spoken. Next!"-Wing- ham ext!"--Wing- ham Advance. The next in order was South Bruce, where R. E. Truax con- verted a Conservative majority of 103 into a Liberal majority of 12t. South Bruce has spoken. -Mr. and Mrs. John B. Hardie, of 1urnberry entertained a large number c1 their friends on Friday evening last. The large company of friends spent a very pleasant evening in the new home recently built by Mr. Hardie. Mr. and Mee. Hardie's many friends will wish them many years of happiness and prosperity in their beautiful home. In the week ending Saturday, Octo- ber 4, the cash price of No. 1 northern tiaeat at Winnipeg dropped from 83 to tel 2-3 cents. In the same week the price at Minneapolis rose from 84%L to ?1" ,S tents When Canadian farmers have wheat to sell the Winnipeg price drops, while Minneapolis rises, and a &spread of 1 7-8 cents increases to 4 3•8 cents. This is the outcome of the Bor- den policy of "Let well enough alone." Ifs it making the farmers rich and in- creasing their loyalty?-llalifax Chron- icle. .AIJCT1ON SALES rdrs. J. L. Geddes, who recently sold In-: farm near Belgrave, will hold an u),.'eserved auction sale of farm stock and implements on Thursday, Novem- 1 e.' l.",th, commencing at 1 o'eloel: p. m. 'There is an excellent list of stock. .ielin Purvis will be the auctioneer. -ser..Neks.-en' 111E ' 1 NGHAM l'lwES, NOVEMBER G 1313 DON'T COUGH USE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil It Strengthens the Lungs; Builds up the Chest and; prevents that Cough from developing into something worse. J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE W I NGHA'VI Temperance Meeting. A meeting of the Temperance and Moral Reform Association of Wingham will be held in the C. 0. F. hall, on Monday evening, November 10th, com- mencing at eight o'clock. All parties interested in temperance work are re- quested to attend the meeting. •o••oo•oo•0000000000•o•eoo • • WHAT THE COW HATH • • i Toad county, Miun., is one of the illustrations of what the cow • is worth. Prom statistics work- o ell out by the Long Prairie • • Winn.) leader we learn of the • following facts: In tii'elve years seventeen cooperative creamer- • • les have been established in that • county, which last year made b 3,500,000 pounds of butter, for WROUGHT. • which the farmers received over • $1,000,000. The first creamery was started twelve years ago. o Then land was selling for $5 to s $35 an acre; now it sells for $20 • to $95 an acre. The deposits in the banks o1 the county have 1 gone up from $16,1,000.11 to $1,- e G11,132.5$ in twelve years. The prosperity that has come to the • farmers of Toad county is a les- soil in favor of the cow they o should never forget. 0 e• • • • • v • • • • 0 e • • • • e • 0 • • 0 • • 0 a •v7 m o• 00oce 0000c UEr000reocoo E13 A Very End H ibit Caus.cl by 0':. Fee dinj Wiai Crain R ti_i'. The It:tcit someh 1 to.; ,..,.e of eatt annoying to the o;: .er i, usually caused by ()VI)..et,.., lark of ('.11c•i.:e ,.,..I t::t u. ,.f that are leo low 1., .. li;bt The ha1.1 t Far 11 trop! that ;s ea 1't': rat iLr is t.1 vett t,rn,,cr !'• n iu; :11.,1 •, , . 1.:1)1111(1 it Y.itia;l. It is ,. •,.tet_:.ti•., e;:u. ;.i 1:7 f,' •,... tn:, lou: -11 grain, \r.t.1 1;•e` hers 0-1 :,.. e •L8) in 1111 t':i(i't 1 ' ni.t:l;1l glut h:••... :1s :1 rule, the Lia firs, aotpiire., taste for etas by 1 e:•'dal;: at a s ,., Fheiloil egg or o:.e that has l ova beta,. cn in the nest. It is hard to Cate a hon of Ouse Ale 181s nomiroil :1 11:•:fe for th., eggs. The lest tt,isi to di is to sc11 her or eat her. I1• you vrish to try Imeaking the liirti of the i:albit the most: successful methods :11.1` either to use a number of en,' eggs or "loaded eggs" in your nest wht re the bird tvfll he sure to tiiol then). After seviral unsuccessful angel.. on these eggs the hen will prolctlly 1s e 011e discouraged and leave the re>.t of them alone. Tho most effeetivc way of prevent- ing hens from 00(11irifg the habit is to feed a balaiu eil rtttit,n and compel plenty of exercise, to build the nests (lark and :]'lout two feet from the floor, and eonsiru.•t them so that there is no danger of the eggs heir).; scratch- ed out nn the fluor told broken. ---Home) and T'•i,• , Surprised Both Ways. "It Is impossible to satisfy some sight seers," said a man who has conntry relatives. "A cousin visited me last week. One of the sights I showed him was the crowds. The thousands and hundreds of thousands of people strug- gling for a foothold at bridges and sub way stations struck him momentarily dumb. 'When his voice came back the first question ho asked was, 'Where on earth do you get enough stuff to feed all those people? "I answered that by taking hits oil a trip through the produce district. 1 gbeered him for miles through head high ramparts of meat, poultry, vegan tablet and frmdt. At tho end of the trip bit drat astonishment had been absorbed in a deeper Wonder. "'Where On earth, said he, 'do yo'n find the people to eat all that stiffer "' New York Sun. When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine Scra to nimwnoxaismiummmrmuowatl KINO Prices of Deleware, Lacawana and Western Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal Egg and Stove, $7.50 Chestnut 7.75 Pea - 6.25 I31•acksmith, Cannell and Soft Coals,, also Lumber, Lath,. Shingles and Wood always on hand for prompt delivery, J. A. McLEAN J3OKN CRUICKSHANK - In Wingham General Hospital, on October 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Benson Cruickshank: a son. SoTHERN-In Howick, on Oct. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Sothern, fourth con., a son. WHEELER -In Fordwich, on Oct. 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wheeler, a daughter. PYKE-In Howick, on Oct. 22, to Air. and Mrs. Wm. Pyke, ninth con , a son, BIRD In Paisley, on October 20th, to Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bird; a son. MAftRIF:n DAVIDSoN-EwAN-:1,t the residence of the bride's parents, on October 29th, by Rev. A. J. Mann, P.A., Mr. Frank Davidson, to Miss Gertrude A., eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Ewan, all of Brussels. PRICE -ARMSTRONG- At the home of the bride, on October 22nd, by Rev. R. S. Lackland, of Wroxeter, Mr. Thomas Price, of McKillop township, to Miss Teresa, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Armstrong, of Hullett town- ship. DIED. GRAHAM In West Wawanosh, on October 26th, Duncan Graham, aged 90 years. MILI,OY-In Detroit, on Oct. 23rd, Wm. Milloy, formerly of Brussels, aged 88 years. McNEIL-At Golden Valley, Parry Sound District, on October 7th, Hugh McNeil, formerly of Grey township, aged 82 years, Il months and 23 days. ELDER -In Wingham, on November nrd, John Elder, in his 74th year, NOTICE TO CREDITORS I V THE tESTATE OF HERBERT FI1ANKLIN HICKS, DECEASED' Creditors of Herbert Franklisiilicio , late of the Town of Wingham, in•;{lie County of Huron, Butcher, deceased , Who died on or about the 50th day of .titember, 1013, and all others havin claim against or entitled ' 0 sharp in the stateeeef,f said deceased, are hereby notified t serf by post, prepaid, or otherwise deliv r o the undersigned, on or before the , day of November, 1013, their name,, dresses and description.4, anti full particulars of their claims, account:. or interest, And the nature of their se- eurity, if any, held by them. Immediately a ter said last-mentioned date, thecof the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard on: y to claims r interests of which the adminisl, •.itrix shall then have notice, and the said adir.inl:,tratrix will not be liable for the said assets, or tiny part thereof, to any person or persons, of wh, se claim or interest she shall not have received notice at the time of such distribu- tion. J, A. MOUTON, solicitor for the Adaniniatratriix Daisy HMIs. Hated this 1st day of November, 1013 Pasture Farm for Sale. The Executors of the Estate of the late John Casemore desire to sell the North part of Lot No. 10 in the First Coneessio'i of Turnberry, con- taining; 39 acres, more or less. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. 1LIC1I. i'ASEMOIIE, Box 171, Wingham, Ont. A. Display of Fashionable Overcoats, Suits, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear. The New Winter Coats are waiting your inspection. Our stock was never so complete as now. The new Roll Collar is a special feature and is shown on most of the better coats in Chincilla and Tweed effects Prices: $ 10, $ 15, $ 18, $20 and $25 Special Orders made to your measure from $18 to $42 Standard Brands of Men's Wearing Necessitieswhich are recognized as the Best, some of which we have the Exclusive Sale for: Arrow Brand Shirts and Collars. Shirts $1.50 up. Collars 3 for 50c C. N. R. -Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care." $10.00 to $25'.00, .. Phfir Z csi Hats. -The Newest and Best in Hard and Soft Hats Woolsley Underwear, Guaranteed. -Stock sizes $5.00 Suit: Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit. N. . C. English Raincoats which turn the water, All makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman's Stanfields, Tiger Brand, etc. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 Inglialaganignislansmainamll 101111 if BR OSa j ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under 'Ibis Hund ten cents a lino for first inEertion: five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's ° TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. -Buy your railway tickets from Ii, B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. at the TIMES Office. Highest cash prices paid for all kinds of live ponitry. Gunns' Limited, 'phone 10, LosT-On Tuesday, apin, ensign of blue bird. Finder will be rewarded by leaving at TIMES office FOR SALE -Good second-hand rose- wood square piano, Miller's make. Also good sideboard and other house- hold furniture will be sold at a bargain. Apply to Robt. Knox. Fort SALE -A house and lot on Maple street. Get particulars at the TIDIES office. -We are prepared to pay the highest prices for all kinds of grain at our store ]louse at the Grand Trunk Station. TIPLING & JIILLS. NoTIcE--Having disposed of my busi- ness I would ask all parties owing me to kindly settle their accouuts at an early date. I thank you all for your liberal patronage in the post. W. G. GRAY. EGGS WANTED --We are anxious to purchase new laid eggs from now until spring especially. Would strongly ad- vise poultry breeders to have their hens producing .eggs during the winter months. We are now paying 31 cents for new laids. Gu; ns' Limited, 'phone 10. FARM FOR SALE. Centre half lot 42 con. 7, East Wawa - nosh 1 acres 85 1 eared -al u l oder grass,UO - e well underdrained, 4 acres orchard mostly winter fruit, 1?: story frame house, kitchen and woodshed. Barn 60X70 with stonestabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and stable, P4rniles from post office, school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to WM. WIGIITMAN,, Lot 35, eon 10 or Belgrave P. O. J. A. FOX, D. C. CHIROPRACTOR All diseases treated without Drugs. Office in Mr. Knox's house, back of P.O. Office hours -2 to .i p.m. Evening at 7. Morning hours by appointment. Shoe Shine Parlor in store next to Hallgh's shoe store I have opened a Shoe Shine Parlor for both ladies and gentlemen. Tan or white shoes dyed to stay black. All work guaranteed. Give me acall. GEORGE MOIR. Celery, Onions, Cabbage., Till the 1st November we will sell Celery at $3.00 per 100, Onions at $1.20 per bushel, 50 lbs., Winningsted Cab- bage at 45 cents per dozen, R. A. GRAHAM, Market Grocery. Hotel. Property For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale, his hotel property in the village of Belgi ave. The property will be sold on easy terms. Also a quantity of household furniture for sale. Apply on the premises or write Trios. HILL, Belgrave, Ont. Property For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale his property in Lower Wingham, Lot 41, Queen street. On the premises are a good house, stable, good hard water well, Twelve good bearing apple trees: also cherry and plum trees. Get parti- culars on the premises or address THOS. LIND, Wingham, Ont. Sale of Shorthorn Bulls. Broadview Shorthorns --Herd Headed by "Favorite Character," (Imp.) For sale are eight ht el mbulls, eight to twelve ve oaths old. These are choice young bulls with the best of breeding and be will sold reasonably. I am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. FYFE, Wingham, Ont. (Farm 1? miles south of Wingham. We have just received of r'liew fol' stock of Derby Shoes for Men and without any question they are t HE FINEST IN THE LAND The above cut represents the Patent Buttoned Boot in the Derby Shoe. It is made of th'• finest Patent Colt Tops and Soles of the very best Oak TanyLeather. The VERY BEST of EverytEng in this BOOT We have also this same style in Tan Button and n in fact many other sew and natty styles. -IF YOU:WANT THE BEST THAT IS; ASK FOR DERBY WE ARE SOLE AGENTS IN WINGHAM WILLIS THE SHOE STORE Sole agents 61")- e �.�---- seenet CO. For Ladies 1 1 Cold Weather Needs We are looking for the largest fall business in our history. We cannot explain to you how ready we are, because there is so much to tell, so many lines to deal with that space will not permit ; but come and see Overcoats and Suits A splendid assortment 'in Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats. 150 to select from. ' Sweater Coats for Men, Women and Children, all at moderate prices. Boots, Shoes and Rubbers The Shoe Section is now in first-class shape. Many new fall lines have been added this week, We buy no seconds in Rubbers. • We keep none but the best. Blankets and Comforters We have a large stock of Flannelette Sheets, 11-4 and 12-4 at the old prices. A splendid stock of Wool Blankets, in all qualities and sizes. Special value in Comforters. Flour We sell Royal Household, Robin Hood, Golden City, and Universal, All give the best of satisfaction. Also, Bran, Shorts and Feed. PRODUCE OF ALL KINDS WANTED ILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. •