HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-10-23, Page 108
Grand Trunk Railway System
Your Vacation Trip
Tickets on sale to all the leading
'Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and
rail routes.
To the West
Tourist and ilomeseekers Excursion
tickets to any point in Western Canada
or any point in United States. Popular
To Europe
We can ticket you through to any
point in Europe on all leading steamship
lines. Prepaid order s also issued.
Your Next Trip
Whether your next trip be a long or
a short one, we will be pleased to issue
your ticket.
If it's about travel, we have the
information and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Times Ofuce, Wingham, Ont.
- Nine weeks from to -day will be
--The TIMES to new subscribers to
January 1st, 1915, for $L
-Auction sale bilis printed on short
notice at the TIMES office.
-The first taste of winter came on
Thanksgiving Day when we had our
first snow flurries.
-Tickets issued to any point and by
any route by H. 13. Elliott, Town
Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES
-Mr. Joseph Stalker, of Ingersoll,
formerly of Wingbam, has been elected
as a member of the Management Com-
mittee of the Oxford Teachers' Associ-
the girl's auxiliary of St. Paul's
church will give a Talent tea at the
home of Mrs E. B. Walker en Thursday
October 23rd at ;1.3t) to 7 p.m. Admis-
sion ill cents.
--A gentleman's umbrella was taken
in mistake from the Salvation Army
hall on Monday evening. The owner
will be pleased if the umbrella is re-
turned to the Army officers.
-The officers and members of the
Salvation Army held a very successful
banquet and entertainment on Monday
evening. There was a good attendance,
considering the very disagreeable
-Mr. John Dodds bas disposed of his
hop business, plant and property in
Seaforth to Mr. Arnold, of Guelph. KING -In Wingham, on October
Mr. Dodds will likely move to Toronto. to Mr. and Mrs.'Thos. C. King; a
He is a former resident of Wingham t at1 ter.
slid well-known to massy of our readers. BROWN -In Wingham, on October
-Through the columns of the TIMES, 15th. to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown:
M r. Richard Anderson wishes to thank a daughter.
all the friends for their kindness and
assistance to him during the long illness
of his wife and also during his bereave-
ment. The good friends will not soon be
forgotten by Mr. Anderson
I NGH,& 1 am Es, s, OCTOBER 23 1915
Wampole's Cod Liver Oil
It Strengthens the Lungs;
Builds up the Chest and'
prevents that Cough from
developing into something
J. ,9. D..VIS
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
A Display ' of
Suits, Gloves,
Hats, Shirts,
Hosiery and
1 When You Buy Coal Be
Sure You Get Genuine
Rev. Mr. MacLennan, who recently
resigned as pastor of South Kinloss
Presbyterian church, has preached his
farewell sermons. Mr MacLennan and
family purpose moving to Toronto to
On account of the special Thanks-
giving services in St. Paul's Church
last Sunday, Children's Day was post-
poned until next Sunday. when there
will be a special service for children in
the afternoon to which all parents and
friends are cordially invited. The ser-
mons and music at Matins and Even-
song will also be of a nature pertaining
to children.
Necessity has decreed that a special
effort shall be made by the Methodist
Church in Canada to cope with the needs
of the Home and Foreign Missions.
Rapid growth is everywhere apparent,
and the slogan has been raised for one
million dollars for the work of the cur-
rent year. The series of meetings in
the Maritime Provinces held this week,
are regarded as the finest in the his-
tory of the Church, and men returned
home to their work with a great vision
of the needs.
WELLwOOD- In Wingham. on Octob-
er 19th, William Wellwood, aged 73
years, 1 month and 19 days.
AsrELL-In Sask.. on October 10th,
-The 'Thanksgiving holiday was Ellen Matilda Brvdges, wife of Mr.
Itobt. Astell, formerly of Morris, in
quietly spent by the people of Wing- her 37th year.
ham. The weather was too disagree- Wrimeei.--In ylorris, on October
Prices of Deleware, Lncawana
and Western Coal Co.'s
Scranton Coal
Egg and Stove, $7.50
Chestnut. 7.75
Pea 6.25
Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft
Coals, also Lumber, Lath,
Shingles and Wood always on
hand for prompt delivery.
The popularity of Canadian Pacific
service, and the excellence of that
road's equipment. has been so greatly
appreciated by the travelling public
that it has been found necessary to
put into service an entirely new Through
Standard Express Train between'dr-
onto and Winnipeg. f
Commening Sunday, October/ 25th,
the "Gate City Express" will leave
Toronto at 2.30 p. m., and `Will run
daily thereafter, arriving WWtinipeg at
8.25 a. m. second morning," The train
will consist of the higheWelass modern
equipment: Observatiotf' Compartment
able for out of door work or pleasure. 13th, Charles Wheeler, in his 68th year. Car, Standard Sleepin,' Car,DiningCar,
There were many visitors in town and First-class Co 'ch rind Colonist Car.
a number of our townspeople spent the DEFECTIVE CLASSES I£QCRE?.ES. This will be fo in1 /rind
most convenient
holiday out of town. ..r— Winn pe on iaccount of therdayl o gh
--A despatch from Ottawa on Tues- departure from Toronto at any hour
A bulletin just issued by the Census when the Union Station is, not badly
congested, and also on account of the
early hour of arrival at Winnipeg.
The present "Vancouver" will contin-
ue to leave Toronto at 10.20 p, m. daily
and will consist of the same equipment
as the "Gate City express." This train
is the best to take for points west of
Winnipeg, but for Winnipeg and east
the "Gate City Express" is the right
train to travel by.
Full particulars from any Canadian
Pacific Agent or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto.
day says that an order -in -council hes and Statistics Office gives the result of
been passed, authorizing the necessary enumeration of the defective classes in
proceedings for firing a date for taking Canada -blind, deaf and dumb, insane
a vote on the Canada Temperance act and idiotic -in the census of 1911.
in the counties of Welland, Iluron and
Peel. The Canada Temperance act is
better known as the Scott act.
-Mr. 11, M. Schaefer, of Milverton,
brother of Mr. Adam Schaefer of this
town was recently appointed as Ap-
praiser in the Customs office at Strat-
ford. Prior to leaving Milverton, Mr. period the total number of infirm in -
and Mrs. Schaefer and daughter were creased from 20,148 to 29,6I1 an in.
the recipients of beautiful gifts from erose of 9.42 per cent in the decade.
friends in Milverton. In Canada in 1911 there were lnil
-Mr. Justice Britton, a member of maks to every 73 females_incapacitat-
the supreme court of Ontario, will pre- ed through blindness,
side at the fall assizes, commencing at In 1991 there were 6.l65 blind persons
Godericb, on Tursday, November 25th. per le,00:i of population. In 1911 the
A large sized docket is to be dealt with. proportion had fallen to 4.493, per 10, -
There is only one criminal case, being "00.
that of Robert Gordon who is alleged Deaf and dumb persons constituted
to have killed his father in the town- 11,608 per 10,1)00 of population in 1901.
ship of Mellillop about three months The proportion in 1911 was 6,361.
ago. In every ten thousand of the popula-
tion in 1901 there were alga I insane
AUCTION SALESand idiotic persons. The proportion
fell to 28,847 in the year 1911.
The number of blind was 3,238; of
deaf and dumb, 4,501; of insane, 14,802,
and idiotic, 5,387, making a total of de-
fectives of 28,621, of which 15,530 were
males and 13,081 were females.
From 1901 to 1911 the population in-
creased by 31 17 per cent: for the same
Mr. Wm. Breckenridge of lot 47, con. There has been an increase in actual
1. Morriswill hold an auction sale of till -"'Pers and in proportion of the popu-
r tarm stock and implements on Friday, [anon cit' unsound mind in every Pro -
October 3lst. Everything is to be sold viuce except New llrunswiek, The
as the proprietor is giving up farthing, highest proportion is shown by Prince
John Purvis will be the auctioneer. Edward Island, with 41.7 per 10,000
Mr. Theop Finnenhas instructed John r' Ontarir
with 1.4.0 At
populatintt, toueweu by
+o. ova i4eotia, with 33,615,
Purvis, auctioneer, to sell by public and Quebec, with 8 :,141 per 10,000.
auction at lot 2a, B Line, Turnberry, on
Saturday a October 20th at L o'clock
&bee i, a good list of farm etock and im- Negotiations have been resumed with
the United States Fisheries Department
for conservation ox the fish supplies in
boundary waters.
"Forty-four out of seventy-one candi-
dates have passed the first examina-
tions under the new Canada medical
act, qualifying them for the Canadian
Medical Register.
plements. Everything is to be sold
Without reserve as the lease for the
farm has expired.
Wm. Demero, a Pare Laval farmer,
near Mc,ntreal, was accidently shot by
a br:othcr-in-law, Joseph Delorine, while
hinting, dyingg in twenty minutes.
Notices Under This head ten cents a line
for first insertion; five cents for subse-
quent insertions,
The New Winter Coats are
waiting your inspection.
Our stock was never so
complete as now. The
new Roll Collar is a
• special feature and is
shown on most of
the better coats
in Chincilla and
Tweed effects
$10, $15, $18, $20
and $25
Special Orders made to
your measure from $18
to $42
Standard Brands' of Mcn's Wearing Necessities which
are recognized as the Best, some of which we have the
Exclusive Sale for :
Arrow Brand Shirts$and Collars. Shirts $1.50 up.
Collars 3 for 50c.
C. N. R. --Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care."
$10.00 to $25.00.
Phit Eesi Hats.—The Newest and Best in Hard and
Soft Hats
Woclsley Underwear,. Guaranteed.—Stock sizes
$55.00 Suit; Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit.
N. &. C. English Raincoats which turn the water,
All makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman's
Stanfields, Tiger Brand, etc.
IMIMMAM •011111•01.1114
EGGS WANTED -We are anxious to
purchase new laid eggs from now until
spring especially. Would strongly ad-
vise poultry breeders to have their hens
producing eggs during the 'winter
months. We are now paying 31 cents
for new laids. Gunns' Limited, 'phone
10, 1��_
—Ii—ANT ED AT ONCE -An ex rienced
lady operator and a man focutting,
for a Leather Glove Factory / One who
understands heavy workoyes. None
but experienced per o need apply.
Good wages and short,ours. Will ad-
vance railway fare. 'The Henry i,lanu-
lecturing and ImportingCo., St. Thom-
as, Ont.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
select from at lowest prices.
Highest cash prices paid for all kinds
of live poultry. Gunns Limited, 'phone
Los'r--On Tuesday, apin.% sign of
blue bird. Finder; will bo,warded by
leaving at TIMES office. b7
Box WANTED -Goo %tmart boy want-
ed at once to learn ; "y goods business.
Apply to King Bros.
FOR SALE -Several good canary birds
of the roller variety. Good singers.
Apply to Wm. Sneath, Box 403, Wing -
i;; ANTED -Twee smart boys to learn
the upholstering trade, also boys for
other positions. Apply at the Upholster-
ing Factory.
Shoe Shine Parlor
In store next to Hauges shoe store
I have opened a Sl1oe/alahine Parlor for
both ladies and gelt:ttemen.
Tali or white shats dyed to stay black.
All work guaranteed. Give me a/cfill.
PIANO for sale, Bell, used 2'r'years.
Cost $350, will be sold cheap/for cash.
Suitable for home or school room. A
snap. Apply at TIriiss 0
-We are prepared a the highest
prices for all kind4 grain at our
store house at the G nd Trunk Station.
TIMING & Mtnne.
Los- On Saturday, October llth,
on Josephine street, between Victoria
and Patrick streets, a lady's gold ring
and of'so lady's locket. Finder will be
suitably: rewarded by leaving at the
TIMES Office,
Celery, Onions, Cab ge.
Till the 1st November .' e will sell
Celery at $3.50 per It* nions at $L20
per bushel, 50 lbs,, ' inningsted Cab-
bage at 45 cents per dozen.
Market Grocery.
Pasture Farm for Sale,
The Executors of the Estate of the
late John Casemore desire to sell the
North part of Lot No. 10 in the First
Concession of Turnberry, con-
tainini; fl9 acres, more or less.
Further particulars can be obtained
from the undersigned,
Box 171, Wingbam. Ont.
J. A. FOX, D. C.
All diseases treated without Drugs.
Office in Mr. Knox's house, back of P.O.
Office hours -2 to 5 p.m. Evening at 7.
Morning hours by appointment.
Hotel Property For Sale.
'entre half lot 42 con. 7,
EatWa a
nn ,
100 --acres 85 cleared --all under
grass, well underdrained, 4 acres
orchard mostly winter fruit, 13 story
frame house, kitchen and woodshed.
Barn 60X70 With stonestabling, eement
floors, windmill and water in house and
stable, 1miles from
om po
st o
ce, school
and church. A bargain for quick sale,
Lot 35, con 10 or Belgrave I', O.
The undersigned offers for sale, his
hotel property in the village of Belgrave.
The property will be sold on easy terms.
Also a quantity of household furniture
for sale. Apply on the premises or
Trios. HILL,
Belgrave, Ont.
Property For Sale.-/
The undersigned offers fora sale his
property in Lower, W ing}yam, Lot 41,
Queen street. On the premises are a
good house, stable; ,,good hard water
well, Twelve good hearing apple trees;
also cherry and plum trees. Get parti-
culars on the premises or address
Wingham, Ont.
Farm for Sale
At the Lowest Prices
Turn up any Catalogue you
may have in your possession
(that is Fall 19 13) and find
the lowest prices, and in this
way you will know exactly
the prices of our Rubbers
o -
Sole agents
For Ladies
The undersigned offers for sale her
farm property containing 100 acres sit-
uated on the gravel road adjoining the
village of Belgrave, within five minutes
walk of school and post office; conveni-
ent to station and market towns. On
the property are gocd house, line barn
and a new hen house, everything in good'
repair. The land is nearly all seeded
down and ig watered by spring creek.
There are two wells and 10 acres of hard-
wood bush. This is a very desirable
property and will be sold on reasonable
.terms. Apply on the premises to MRs,
J, L, GEODES, or phone 13 on 622 N. H.
T. dieigrave.
Sale of Shorthorn Bulls.
Broadview Shorthorns -Herd Headed
Character," 'e (Imp.)
For sale are eight, bulls, eight to
twelve months old. These are choice
young bulls with the best of breeding
and be will sold reasonably. 1 am also
offering a few good cows and heifers.
All are bred to the Imp. hull Borne due
to calve in December. If youneed any-
thing write me or give us 8 call,
G. P'Yrxi,
Wingham, Ont.
(Farm 13;;; miles south of Wingham.)
\ew Fall Dress
For weeks new goods
have been arriving at this
store and our stock is now
Bedford Brocades
in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey
A well assorted range of Serges in
all shades, at all prices.
Cordury Velvets and
in Black, Brown, Green, Navy,
etc., from 5oc to $1.z5 per yd.
Sweater Coats
in all the leading styles and shades.
No trouble to show goods.
Produce of all Kinds Wanted.
J. A.
Successor to T. A. Mills