The Wingham Times, 1913-10-23, Page 28 ,111 Grand Trnnl Railway System i Ycur Vacation Trip Tickets on sale to all the leading Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and ,rat: routes. To the West d'ourist and llomeseekers Excursion tickets to any point in Weetern Canada or any point in United States. Popular routes. To Europe We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship -lines. Prepaid orders also issued. Your Next Trip Whether pair next trip be a long or a short one, we will be pleased to issue your ticket. Information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. —Butter wrappers '.PINES office. —The Dominion Government will spend $25,00' on extending the break- water at Kincardine. —Mr. Joseph Bradwin picked black- berries in his garden, large and ripe, on the lith day of October. —One of the oldest residents of God- erich, Helen Ogilvie, widow of the late Matthew Hutchison, died last week. — Mr. 1). McPherson shipped two car loads of apples from Wingham on Tues- day to Montreal for export to the Old Country. —Listowel ratepayers passed a by- law to loan $6,000 to the Perfect Knit Mills Co. The company will employ 25 female hands. -- Cheap rates for Thanksgiving holi- day. Buy your tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. at the TIMES office. --Chief Allen has a bicycle in his pos- session, which was found on Josephine street. Owner can have same by prov- ing property and paying expenses. Mr. A. S. Forster, reeve of Oakville, and proprieter of the Oakville Star, eves in town last Thursday, looking over the cement work on Josephine Street. He thinks we are doing good work. —Owing to Thanksgiving Day falling on the day set for the regular meeting cf the Turnberry Council, the date of meeting has been changed to Wednes- day, Oetober 22nd. The meeting will be held in Bluevale. —Mrs. Robert W. Runciman an- nonces the marriage of her daughter, Ada Clara, to Mr. Hubert H. Smith, on Tuesday, October 7th, 1913, at her residence, 1e6 W. Gore street, Strat- ford, Ont. The bride is a former resi- dent of Wingham and many old friends here will extend hearty congratulations. —The postage stamp revenue of Canada for the first six months of the fiscal year was $6,749,690, an increase of $501,141 over the same six months last year, and $4,112,0oe greater than the half your ten years ago. The Sep- tember receipts increased by $128,105 to a total of $1,153,535. —Never send a dollar away from Inane when the article that the dollar will purchase can be obtained at home. Money is our financial blood. Its cir- culation keeps the business body alive. Bleed that body by sending money away and business will soon put on a look of lethargy. Always trade at home. Watch the bargains offered by enter- prising advertisers in this paper and you will learn the beat places to spend those home dollars. for sale at the DON'T COUGH SSE Wane pole's Cod Liver OW 1 It Strengthens the Lungs 11Builds up' the chest and ;prevents that Cough frorn developing into something' worse. ,.m.1. .--.. J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM CHURCH NOTES. Rev. John Pollock hasresigned as pastor of the Baptist Church at Goderich. Rev. A. S.Parnall, B.A., will preach in the Baptist Church next Sunday. Mr. Parnell is a graduate of McMaster and Brandon Colleges and has spent some years in the Western Provinces. In the Methodist Church next Sab- bath, Thanksgiving services will be held. The Rev. C. L.11lcRoberts, B.A., of Kintore, will preach at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Special Thanksgiving music by the choir. Rev. A. J. Johnston. of Dundas ('entre Methodist Church, London, was in Wingham for a short time on Friday on his way to preach at the Jubilee services at Johnston's appointment, The Rev. gentleman is a native of Morris having been born on the old Johnston homestead. Instead of a central convention for the Provincial S. S. Association there will this year be two, one at Owen Sound, Oct. 28-30, the other at Ottawa, 22-24. Those who attend Owen Sound will be privileged to hear the celebrat- ed Marion Lawrence, General Secretary of the International and World's S. S. Association. Prof. Excell of Chicago and Prof. Roper will have charge of the music. Single fare on all railroads. este s. IiuNTER—In Dungannon, on October 2nd, te Rev. and Mrs. Jas. E. Hunter; a daughter. DIEM a..DERsON.--In Wingham, on October llth, Elizabeth Gotby, wife of Mr. Richard Anderson, aged 04 years, McI)OWELL—In East Wawanosh, on October 13th, Harvey McDowell, aged 32 years. SCARF -•In Harriston, Oct. 5th, Louisa Stockton, widow of the late John Scarf, of Ilowick, in her 80th year. MORTON—In West Wawanosh, on October 8th, Edward Morton, aged 98 years. BownER--In Kinloss, on October 4th, John`Bowher, aged 65 years. �j✓ J. A. FOX/D, C. CHIfl°o ��: CTOR All diseases ,sated without Drugs. Office in Mr. Knox's house, back of P.O. Office hours -2 to 5 p.m. Evening at 7. Morning hours by appointment. First Visit of General W. Bramwell Booth to Canada. The Salvation Army in Canada will ahortiy celebrate an event of historical importance to that organization in the Welcome to the Dominion for the first time of their new General, W. Bram- well Booth, eldest son and successor of the late General William Booth, Found- er of this world wide movement. Toronto and Winnipeg are the only centres to be visited by General Booth, find extensive arrangements for public and private gatherings are being made. The General leaves Southampton on October 23rd and proceeds direct to Toronto arriving Saturday, November lot where his engagement will keep him until November 6th. after which he will go on to Winnipeg remaining there until November llth. Commissioner David C. Lamb, Inter - ratite -nal Secretary and Head of the Emigration Department, Commisioner John Lawley, and Colonel Theodore Kitching will accompany General Booth from England. Alt the Officers of the .Army and Delegates in the Territory extending from Port Arthur to Halifax, also from New2oundland will meet their Loader at Toronto, and those from Fort win - to the Pacific Coast, et Winnipeg. NOTICE. C. R. Wilkinson,iEyesight Specialist, Edward street, Wingham, desir0' to give notice to his •�?u:.tourers and,-Ochers that Mr. E. Katz,!who gives KY' head- (uarters as Listoz01, did not-4each him the business and that an bee -statements in regard to him bre false. We give signed statements' below: - The statemen �r I circulated about Mr. C. It. Wilkinson, Eyesight Specia- list. Wingbam,l are false. I nevem taught hint the ;business and he has never had any dealings with me in any form, Witness, II. W. 1, Wingham. Oct,. 10, 1913. E. KATZ. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN 1:lII ESIATE lilt MAli(iAIIET BELL, DECEASED When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine Scranton Prices of Deleware, Locawana and Western Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal , , tllei'lit ER 16 191 ......................................... i KING_BROS. Egg and Stove, $7.50 Chestnut. - 7.75 Pea - - 6.25 Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft Coals, also Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Wood always on hand for prompt delivery. J.A. McLEAN ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line for first insertion; live cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. Folz SALE. —13 acres just out side the corporation of the town of Wingham, one mile from Post Office. Good build. ings, .fruit, new cement well. Apply to box, M. TIMES office. FOR SALE.—At Knox's residence be- hind post office, a good square piano very cheap, a quantity of furniture in- cluding stoves, chairs, beds etc, R. KNox phone 6513. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Rooms for Rent, over the Advance Office. Suitable for light house -keep- ing. Enquire of C. N. Griffin.. WANTED—Two smart boys to learn the upholstering trade, also boys for other positions. Apply at the Upholster- ing Factory. /- Highest cash prices.p (d for all kinds of live ponitry. Guiana' Limited, 'phone 10. PIANO for sale, Bell, used 2? years. ('ost $350, will be sold cheap for cash, Suitable for home or schoolLoom. A snap. Apply at TIMES Office Fon SALE—Several gootcanary birds of the roller variety. '.• Good singers. Apply to Wm. Sncat)i;'Box 403, Wing - ham. EGGS WANTED—We are✓ anxious to purchase new laid eggs from now until spring especially. ,. W,oi la strongly ad- viseltr o re p u y b. eders to have their hens producing eggs during the winter months, We are now paying 30 cents for new laids. Gunns' Limited,`Fih •,one 10. te fi' LOST—On Saturday, O4ifober llth, on Josephine street, betji'een Victoria and Patrick streets, a'ittdy's gold ring and also lady's i tek Pinder will be suitably. rewarded. by leaving at the Creditor!: of Heil, late of th; town TIDIES meet. . of `tJingha,o. in tie. County of Huron, widow dace aced, who died on or about the Lath day o1 Aue,ust, 1913, and ail others having anima i against or Fntit.ed t., share in the estate of said deeeasrrl, are loll by notified td send by prat, prepiid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, on or 1e, fore the 1st day of Nov- .•mher, 191.1, their naineR. a,irlrrc r.., and des• criptions, and full partleoiars of their claims, aeeeainty or interest, aid the nature of their e;e eurity; if any, hold by theta. Irnme dtately anter said Ia7t•znenteoued date, the ascent ratio, dterased will be distributed among the parties entitled, thereto, having regard only to chime or interests of which the PTO (tutors shall then have notieo, and the said executors will not be liable fol the said 013:414.P, or any part tht•rnMt, to say person or per -ons, of where claim or interest they shall not have rel eive1 notice at at the time of inels ,listriMrtion. e,T(,N. iFi int:lraintint. 9olieztoi• for the Exet,ntors of blsrgaiet Eel Doted tide i rd day of October, 1013 FARM FOR SALE. A Display of Fashionable Overcoats, Suits, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, hosiery -and Underwear. 4 The New Winter Coats are waiting your inspection. Our stock was never so complete as now. The new Roll Collar is a special feature and is shown on most of the better coats in Chincilla and Tweed effects Prices : $1o, $15, $18, $20 and $25 Special Orders made to your measure from $18 to $42 Standard Brandslof; Mcn's Wearing Necessities which are recognized as the Best, some of which we have the Exclusive Sale for : - Arrow Brand ,Shirts[ancl Collars, Shirts $1.50 up. Collars 3 for 50c. ..-..1...... C. N. R.—Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care." $10.00 to $25.00. 1 Phis Eesi Hats. -The Newest and Best in Hard and Soft Hats Woolsley Underwear, Guaranteed.—Stock sizes $5.00 Suit; Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit. N. 81. C. English Raincoats which turn the water, MMMINIMINIMINIMMIM Ail makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman's Stanfields, Tiger Brand, etc. BROS.' j PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 • x' - 1 ,, � I(ift.} Pasture Farm for Sale. The Executors of the Estate of the late John Casemore desire to sell the North part of Lot No. 10 in the First Concession of Turnberry, con- taining 89 acres, more or less. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. RICH. CASEMORE, Box 171, Wingham, Ont. Farm for Sale Centre half lot 42e . 7, East Wawa, nosh, 100—acres 85 eared --all under grass, well ';und drained, 4 acres orchard mostlyWi er fruit, 11;; story frame house, ki>hen and woodshed, .Barn 60X70 with-stonestabling, cement floors, windmill and water in house and stable, 1?,zi,miles from post office, school and church. A bargain for quick sale. Apply to WM. WIGHTMAN, Lot 85, eon 10 or Belgrave P. O. The undersignedeeffers for sale her farm property containing 100 acres sit- uated on the gravel road adjoining the village of T3elgrave, within five minutes walk of school and post office; conveni- ent to station and market towns. On the property are good house, fine barn, and a new hen house, everythingin good repair. The land is nearly all seeded down and ig watered by spring creek. There are two wells and In acres of hard- wood bush. This is a very desirable property and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to MRS. J. L. GEnnss, or phone 13 on 62.2 N. H. T. Belgrave. • FOR §ALE. J The undersigned offers the following for sale:—One /Three Horse Tread Power, made tesi Bell and Jane, St George, almost] good as new; One 1 Second Hand W nd Mill, 5u ft. tower, Toronto make. Terms to sur purchaser or will ex- change for a od working horse or cattle. particulars froni A. FOX, Whitechurch. Ont. Sale of Shorthorn Bulls. )3roadview Shorthorns - Herd Headed by "Favorite Character." (line,} For sale are eight bulls, eight to twelve months old. These are choice. young bull's with the bestof . breeding and be will sold reasonably. '1 am also offering a few good cows and heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write me or give us a call. J. G. PYr'E, Wingham, Ont. (Farm 1t 'miles south of Wingham.) Hotel Property For Sale. The undersigned offers for sale, his hotel property 1n the village of Belgrave. The property will be sold on easy terms. Also a quantity of household furniture for sale. Apply on the premises or write THOS. HILL, Belgrave, Ont, PROPERTY FOR SALE • The undersigned hirers for sale her house and Iot on thj/corner of Victoria and Edward stree is. The house with good cellar and Woodshed. Hard and soft water. E1ec trie lights and furnace. House can be used by one or two fami- lies as desired. tet full information on the premises. fe Rs. A. E. SIMMONS. f Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his fifty acre farm, beinglot 24, concession 1, Morris township; , On the premises are a frame house, 20x30 ft., with kitchen attached, 114x18. Bank barn, 34x50 and straw shed 20x30. Farm is on Bluevale road. miles from. Wing - ham and 3A mile from Bluevale. Im- mediate possessiofl if desired. Get par- ticulars on premises or write 1 OBT. TAYLOR, Bluevale, Ont. COURT OFIRE'V'ISION Towykship of Turnberry Nott, e is hereby given that a Court will be held pars tent to the Ontario Voters' List Act .;by His Honor the Judge.of the Coun Courtin the County Huron, at Blueval on the 21st day of October at the ho r of 2 p.n1., to hear anti determine co plaints of errors and omissions in the , Voters' List ( of .,the Municipality of Tweiib 'rry for 911 Dated at Turn rry this 8th day of October A, D,143, PAIL POwELL Clerk of the Township Turnberry. 114011.4111111-449,111~01.11,410101111410141”, This Store Will be Closed on Monday Next, Thanks3ivin Day The Express Office will be open from 9 to 9.30 a.m., and from 1.3o to 3 p.m. . . Special rates on the C.P.R. to all points., good going on Friday, this week and returning on Wednesday next. We can sell you railroad tickets and give you all information. Splendid selection of suit cases and travelling bags at lowest prices. WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE e'rk For 5/yogi Sole agents Ladies AMY New Fall Dress Fabrics For weeks new goods have been arriving at this store and our stock is now complete. Bedford Brocades in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey A well assorted range of Serges•.. in all shades, at all prices. Cordury Velvets and Velveteens in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, etc., from 5oc to $1.25 per yd. Sweater Coats in all the leading styles and shades. No trouble to show goods. Produce of all Kinds Wanted. Successor to T. A. Mills PROM 89. WIN'GHAM, ONT. i•1