The Wingham Times, 1913-10-16, Page 6Pureiy Herbal -110 poisonees coloring
Aetiseptis—Steps blood -poison
Soothing—foils pain and smarting. ele-
Heals all sores.
50c, box, Arr Drugghis and Mores
T11E ti AA s'lMES, OCTOBER 16 1913
Dear Old Sir James.
From the Ottawa Free Press.
Dear old Sir James Whitney! We
can't heip admiring him. He is such is
typical, old-fashioned Tory, and the
breed is getting quite rare.
"Please go 'way and don't bother
me," is a fair interpretation of his re-
marks to a decidedly "influential" de-
putation of labor men.
The sensible way is to let the Gov-
ernment interpret what is best for the
people and what the people want
This is his answer to a long string of
requests for legislation.
"The people," what do they know?
Just a mob of atoms made to show off
the powers of a czar! How dare they
attempt to think for themselves? They
only think they ;think.
wit he Government," meaning James
Pliny, knows what is good for the peo-
ple. They think they want cake and
ice cream, but what they really need is
plain bread and water.
A run about the lawn or floor.
Served well its purposes of yore,
When we dear friend, were younger
And nothing could our pleasure
And we were—well, say, aetat four.
Later, when years—perhaps a score—
Came on us, we would both deplore,
Our early taste, and crave a spar„
A run, a bout.
But now we wish for nothing more)'_""-
Than just a million dollars for
The bare necessities that are
Essential when one owns a car,
A racer, speeder, chaser, or
A runabout!,, :.f,,
Ducks as Mortgage Lifters.
"I have been breeding Runner ducks
on my farm for a number of years, and
for a hardy, beautiful fowl, they can-
not bo beaten," says Robert R.
Stewart, in Farm and Home. The
number of large white eggs which they
lay seems almost unbelievable, and I
Subjects taught by expert instructors
at the
Y. M. C. A. BLDG..
Students assisted to positions. College
in session from Sept. 2nd. Catalogue
free. Enter any time.
J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr.
Principal 17 Chartered i1'rinclyat
have found more profit, with mu
less expense, worry and work, in bre 'd -
them than chickens.
"They require a much less expens
house, and you are not bothered w
lice, mites, roup, canker, bumblefo ,
frozen combs, etc. After they are
few weeks old they take care of the
selves. They are very small eate ,
and their feed is not as expensive a
for chickens.
"I have always been able to dispose
of the eggs in town at more money
than for hen's eggs, and I now find
that the hotels will pay 40 cents a
dozen the year round.
"An Indian Runner duck egg is as
mild as a hen's egg, as white, and
larger. With good care and with only
water enough for them to drink, I
AHr� . �iV_ Vii @ M Uig
Gurney -Oxford
The Aristocrat of the Kitchen
After a glimpse into the kit-
chens of thousands of well
managed homes throughout
Canada, the Gurney -Oxford
Range may truly be spoken of
as the tt Aristocrat of the
Kitchen." It is the first range
to -day in Canada both in point
of appearance and cooking
With a bright nickle trim-
ming that never tarnishes and
that can be lifted off and
polished with the silverware,
this range is to woman just
one beam of gratification.
But besides its handsome
appearance,the Gurney -Oxford
snore than fulfils the purpose
every range is built for—suc-
cessful cooking. It contains
a device called the Economizer
which not only actually saves
one ton of coal in every six
burned in the ordinary range,
but so regulates the heat in
the oven that deliciously dainty
cakes, golden brown biscuits,
and light flaky pastry are sure
results from every baking.
It is a range which elevates
woman from the constant toil
and labor in the kitchen to a
higher level of life. Its Econ-
omizer allows her to go visiting
or shopping and keeps a low
fire ready for her return, when
by simply turning the lever a
hot fire is quickly produced.
Employ the Gurney -Oxford
in your household.
Domestic and Sanitary Engineer WINGHAM
€0026090:0 takiiikekigke! 0011.0490 fileiwtO
Sho Doctored For Three Years But
Was Finally Cured By Milburn's
Heart and hters•e Pills.
Mrs. *JOSEPH Satan, Box 25, Creel -
man, Sask., writes:----" I write you these
rew lines hoping they will be a help to
,omeone suffering from heart and nerve
trouble. I doctored for three years but
continued to get worse. I tried three
different doctor, and got no relief, and
tried all the drubs I could Lind but all
failed. I became very weak, and ray
blood was turned to water. I tried
and after taking five boxes, I got great
relief. I was so thin, I only weighed
1)0 lbs., but after taking five boxes 1
was completely cured, end I am well and
strong to -day, and weigh 159 lbs., and I
can now work all day, and (10 not feel
tired or fagged out. If anyone would
:ike to hear more of my case, I would
be pleased to answer any questions."
Price, 50 cents per box or 3 boxes for
$1.25 at all dealers or mailed direct on
receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co.,
Limited, Toronto, Ont.
find that they will lay from eight to
nine months hard running. The Indian
Runner duck is a pretty goad propo3i-
tion to help lift the mortgage off the
Unappreciated Help.
Tho doctor was once called in to
treat the spoiled child of the family.
After his departure the mother return-
ed to the room and told the child that
the doctor bad complained that he had
been very rude to him.
"Oh. mamma," replied the. child, "he's
just an old fogyl He got angry be-
cause [ put my tongue out for hits
before he asked me."—Youth's Com-
panion. -
Poor Girl.
"May i tell you the old, old story?"
be asked.
She looked down, blushed and nodded
her assent.
So he told her for the twenty-seventh
time how he once won the game for
Yale.—Brooklyn Life.
Madge- Dirt rhe count ask you If yon
would love him? Marjorie—No; ne
asked me If I would marry elm.—
When there to no good within no
good comes Hitt, I'roterb.
Children Cry
The Primary Colors,
Primary colors aro the colors into
which white light is separated by the,
dispersion of a prism. Those named
by Newton are red, orange, yeliovr,
green, blue, indigo and violet Artieta
reduce these to three—red, yellow and'
blue. Scientists generally consider red,
green and blue to represent the prit
mary color sensations, and in one the-
ory there are supposed to be three sed'
of nerves in the retina which can re.'
,pond to these three colors. The idea
of three primary colors is that from
the combination of these three all hues
may be produced which are to be found
in white light.
Paying the Pope's Physicians.
By a long established custom thiel
physicians of the pope are paid erery
week by the pope's chamberlain. When
his holiness is seriously sick the physi-
cian does not receive this emolnmene.
Froin this custom no physician of the
pope has departed since the tits of
Sextus V.—Le Cri de Paris.
When She Nage.
It is not always a sign of 111 temper
when a woman "nags." Sometimes the
most unselfish and sweet tempered fall
into this direful habit Nine times out
of ten the woman Is tired.
Rose to the Emergency.
Newedd—Did you sew the button on
my coat, love? Mrs. Newedd—No,
darling, I couldn't find the button so I
just sewed up the buttonhoie.—Boston
Tra necript.
Headaches and
Heart Trouble
Nervous Prostration of Three Years'
Standing Cured a Year Ago by Dr.
C'hase's Nerve rood.
Anyone who knows the discourage-
ment and despair which accompanies
the helplessness of nervous prostra-
tion will appreciate the gratitude felt
by the writer of this letter.
Mrs. II. C. Tones, Scotch Lake,
C. R., writes: "7 suffered from nerv-
ous prostr^tion for nearly three years.
I had frequent headaches. had no ap-
petite and was trn+,l•lecl with my
heart. "fter censtiltins ttvo doctors,
without obtaining satisfactory results,
I began the rise of I)r. C'hase's Nerve
Food, ami was corenletely cured by
this trratmcnt. It i.3 nearly a year
'ince I was cured, and I wont others
to 1cnon- r.f this 1 nditi medicine. I
now attend to my housework with
pleasure and comfort, and am glad to
have the opportunity of recommend-
ing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food."
At least some benefit Is honml to ho
(loth cd from each dose of this ire It
fool cure. as day by tray it f••rma
net. blood, anti bunds BO the system.
50 cents a box, G for $2.50, ail deal -
ere, or Edmansorl, I.IStes, & Co., Lira-
!Mids. Toronto;
Girls Can Play Baseball When
They Wish to Learn.
Healthfulness of Exercise In the Open.
Girls at Van Cortlandt Park, New
York—The Boy With a Queer Name.
Riddles and Games.
Girls. as a rule, do not care !Mich to
play baseball, although most of them
like to watch a gauge in winch their
brothers and acquaintances are taking
pint. Perhaps girls do not care to play
because they lack the knack of throw-
ing the bail. When they du acquire
this art, however. and can throw over-
h:tnd with precision girls do about as
well !IS buys.
in Von Curt loudt park, New York
city. un Saturdays and holidays man-
ners of girls and young women can be
Sick Ilcadacho and relieve all the troubles inci-
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsiness Distress after
eating, kaln In the Side &c. v,;blle their most
remarkable success hug been shown in curing
Headache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills are
equally valuabloin Constipation, curing and pre-
venting this annoylngcompinlnt,whiletheyalso
correct oil disorders of the stomach, stimulate the
liver and regulate the bowels. Even if theyonly
,Ache they would bo almost priceless to tbosewho
suffer from this distressing complaint; buttortu.
natcly their goodness does notend here,and those
whooncetry themwillandtheeelittle pills vale -
able Insomany ways that they will not be wit -
ling to do without them. Ilut after all sick head
7s the bane of so many Wee that here le where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure itwhile
others do not.
Carter's Little Liver Pills are very small and
very easy to take. Omer two pillemake a dose.
They aro strictlyyegetable and do not gripe or
pure, but by their gentle action please all who
ka,11 hall Doi+ hall
Out el vrdby.
Little Prances—We dot a new baby.
Mrs. Neighbors—You don't sayl Lit-
tle Prances—Yes'm; an' its eyes open
Jest like my dolly's, but 1 dess some-
ilo's the matter wif its works, cause
ds eyes don't go shut evwy time they
my It down.—Chicago News.
An Explanation.
She presented herself at a fashion-
able wedding.
"Friend of the bride or the bride-
groom?' asked the usher
"I'm the fiancee of the organ blow-
er;" she explained, blushing.—Lippin•
Those who jump at conclusions are
more than apt to fall upon uncertain-
Photo by American Press Association.
:seen handling n ball with as great skill
as their male companions. They can
send a ball on a line with the real mas-
culine throw, long supposed to be an im-
possibility for the gentler sex.. The
girl in the picture was snapped by the
photographer as she was reaching for
a throw. You can see that she handles
her glove like a real ball player. There
were several girls on the field fully 09
skillful, but she was the only one
caught by the camera. Exercise in
the open is necessary to robust health,
and the young people of both sexes
should take advantage of the summer
season to strengthen their muscles and
inflate their lungs.
The Boy With a Queer Name.
Little "I will" was a very small boy
wilh the sweetest face any one could
wish to see, and under his white biouse,
with its big sailor collar, beat the
sweetest little heart that ever grew.
Of course "I will" had another name.
Ills "really truly" name he would have
told you was Louis, but those who
kuew him thought that "I will" suited
him better.
"Dear," mother would say, "will yen
run upstairs and get my scissors? You
will find them on tho sewing machine."
"I will, I will!" would sing out the
pleasant little voice, and in a twinkling
the scissors would be put in mother's
Or father would say: "Louts, gather
up your toys. It is almost supper
"I will!" would come the smiling an-
Dear little "I will!" He is a big boy
now, big enough to study Latin and all
sorts of other hard things, but the sun-
shine of his merry baby ways has.nev-
er faded from blsmother's heart.
What a pity there is not a little "1
will" in every home!—Sunbeam.
Game of Portrait.
In fhe game called portrait one per-
son leaves the room, while the oth-
ers choo0 the name of some one they,
all know. The person on entering the
room has to guess the nanie selected
by asking queetionslto be answered by
"ye.s" or "no." II'or instance: "Is she
married?" "No." "Have I seen her
today?" "Yes." "Has she fair hair?'ti
"No." Sometimes the company choose
the one who went outside for the "port
trait" and the guessing is more dill.
Riddles and Answers.
When is.a soldier not half a soldier?
ell►! n he i in quarter&
Why is a hive like a spectator at the
circus? Because it Is a bee holder.
On what day of the year do women
talk the least? On the shortest
What three letters turn girl into
'woman. A -g -e.
What island is nearest heaven? The
Isle of Skye.
What pudding makes friss beat belie.,
bell player? A. good( batter.'
An Bnlottta.
Three-fourths of a Groes and', circle come
Two halt circles on a e dlcular
Aa Ea I a .1P�n'tU'1MiiM OD
111ii amiss ant[ a circle Ootnpletea
Asselner.—Telosents. 431
Do not suffer
another day with
Itching Bleed-
ing, or
Piles. No
surgical oper-
ation required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and as certainly euro you. GOe. a sox' all
dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Go., Limited,
Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this
paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage.
The Prince Enjoyed It, and the Fam-
ished Guests Politely Smiled.
Prince Leopold, the lute regent of
Bavaria, was extremely hospitable, re-
ceiving many guests and keeping npelh
louse, to which Cattle in turn utlicers,,
scientists, artists, manufacturers all,
the best soelety lu Ali -inlets iliiuself•
the wielder of all excellent knife and,
tork be took the pleasures of the ta-
ble seriously and desired that all his.
guests should do the satins
Some weel(s before his test 11111e99.
he fell asleep at 11 dinner party Imme-
diately after the first course. Elis.
guests were restrained by respect for •
etiquette fruul i\'aking him. nut con-
tinued their conversation In law tunes.
T'he servants (lid not dare to continue -
serving the dinner. The prince con-
tinued to sleep alai anus negau to -
snore. The guests continued theircon-
versatiou In somewhat louder tones,.
but the prince slept for two hours, dur-
ing which time no one left his place.
The guests sat famhlied in the same -
room with a marvelously appointed
At length Prince Leopold awoke. fie -
gave a Lurried glance round the table
1113d saw only a 111111 00t of well man-
nered guests successfully pretending
to have noticed nothingPersuaded;
that his doze had passed completely
unobserved. he said. "Now let us go --
and take coffee."
The guests rose accordingly and pro-
ceeded to the drawing roues. They
were served with coffee, liqueurs and
cigars. The prince. thoroughly re-
freshed by His sleep, indulged In a
great deal of excellent conversation.,
which listed till midnight. The party
then broke up. and the guests depart-
ed, tarnished wits hunger, with an offi--
cial sterile spun Molt lips.
ti.e Inartistic Frock Coat.
I e1 nn• (,tour>e wnnnw In all our
clirue.. :11111 n: ti 11 uta vires, but at
ea..i .et Mimi preserve Aster from our
01011 es 1';111 you imagine Confucius•
n: 1, til; mat ,tnil a top hat? i re-
lora ire urn, k s• on as the most boffi-
n:, . est:netil ere: warn by that ab-
SI1111 111111110 - man 1\'hen 1 pass a
temize .statue of a British statesman.
moistest up In n bronze or marble
rr•n. t1 coat 1 covet u.3 eyes and slink
b% nl 11 1wruxysm et horror. There is
1111 one thing wor-e than 0 frock coat.
0i nistew ur marine aoti that is a pair
01 ,:..u.-er. 111 nturhie or bronze. 1
I Bildt "Ir sculptors uugbt to strike
cis est Ute hruuze treck coat and the
u,i rine trunset's. If they must make
•ihe:es of our statesmen let them mod -
m hear m their pajamas. — London .
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
whe>; in need of
Or anything you may require in the printing line.')
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office