HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-10-09, Page 81. ()CIO BE 11 9 1913 Orme. Trak Hallway System Your Vacation Trip P,i^ke tat on Kale to oil tlr leading anlage,• Re; ort.i. All rail or lake lend rail roryjWest TO O 4he YG' est T,xurist and Iitrn;esi c ,:ere Excursion tickets to any point l.; V Qterti Canada or any point in United States. Popular routes. To Europe We can ticket yon through to any point in Europe on nil leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. Your Next Trip Whether your next trip be a long or a short one, we will be pleased to issue your ticket. Information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully.. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Timas Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. -Berlin, Ontario, now has a popu- lation of 18,318. •- Clinton now has a continuous electric light and power service. -Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board next Tuesday evening. -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week, -Mr. DeWitt Holmes has sold his house in Lower Wingham to Mr. Turner, of Detroit. The transfer was made by Mr. Frank McConnell. -Those desiring license to hunt deer may purchase them from Provincial Officer Phippen who has a supply on hand sent by the Government. -The regular monthly meeting of the W. C. T. U. will be held in the C. O. F. halt, on Tuesday afternoon, October 14th, at 3 o'clock. All women inter - coated are invited to be present. --In Wingham Police Court on Mon- day last, Mrs. Lillie Everett on the complaint of Inspector Mitchell was fined $24.25 or 15 days in jail for being found intoxicated in a local option municipality. -There will be a meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of the Wingham General Hospital on Monday, October 13th, at 4.15 p.m. in the Council Chamber. All members and ladies in- terested are requested to attend. -Messrs. C. M. Walker, Richard Clegg, F. Johnson. L. Kennedy, Geo. W. Cline, and Dr. J. E. Tamlyn and Revs. Dr. Boyle and E. H. Croly, attended the funeral of the late J. Harold Broadfoot, at Seaforih on Saturday afternoon last. -An editor who started about twenty years ago with only fifty-five cents is now worth $100,00O. His accumulation of wealth is owing to his frugality, good habits, strict attention to business and the fact that an uncle died and left him $11,999, -Editor and Publisher. -A by-law granting a fixed assess- ment of $20,000 to the Goderich Organ Compnnyfor ten years was carried at Goderich on Saturday, by the rate- payers. The vote was 371 to 180. The company has some important extensions to its plant in contemplation. -While at work at the Armoury building on Saturday morning, a por- tion of the earth embankment fell upon Mr. Wesley Mills. Mr. Mills was promptly removed and while no bones were broken he was badly shaken up. He Woe able to leave for his home in Kincardine later in the day. -Mr. D. A. Ross of the firm of Ross and Taylor, Exeter, died very suddenly in Clinton on Monday last of Heart's Disease He had attended church twice all Sunday and motored to Sea - forth iv the afternoon. He is survived by a widow and three sons. The re- mains were taken to Exeter for inter- ment., --Mr. L. Malcolm, President of the Construction Service Co., of Guelph, left on Saturday last for Kingston to enter nisei his duties as Assisstant Professor of Civil Engineering in Queen's University. Mr. Malcolm expects to be in Wingham next week to wind up the business in connection with the street paving contract, -Mr,. Eddie Pigott, who appeared at Winghaln fall fair concert has been left a Iegacy amounting to several Yriilliono of dollars if he is not mistaken in the claim whiehbe is making, though either Toronto heirs say the whole es- tate only reaches a million. They claim part of a huge English fortune left by Mr. Pigott's grandfather, John Neon, ; �ittingbourne, Dent, England. It includes oyster beds as well as real eitatr'. CHURCH NOTES. a7.srtiiees in the Metl:;t;liet'church next Sunday as usual, The pastor will pre ,ntt hath morning and evening. The oobf ee t of the morning sermon will be e T1,n1et;-:i:OrMat oti" or "A Reapo11so t0 DON'T COUGH USE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil It Strengthens the Lungs Ruilds up the Chest and prevents that Cough from developing into something worse. J. J. DAVIS Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM • an Need", and the evening subject wil be "A Humble Hero". On Friday evening last the Rev. Dr. Boyle of Trinity College, Toronto, gave a very interesting address to the A. Y. P. A. and members of the congregation in the school room of St. Paul's church on the "Life of Dean Swift". Dr. Boyle in a very able manner with clear incisive language protrayed the humor and pathos of the many sided character of that brilliant Irishman and great churchman. Dean Swift. A hearty vote of thanks was ten- dered to Dr. Boyle by those present. Mr. W. H. Willis gave a solo and the evening closed with the National An- them. ri<DRN. DICKRT-In Howick, on Sept. 27th, to Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dickert, 9th con., a daughter. IRA flat LED, HIND - DEADMAN- In Toronto, on Sept. 29th, by Rev. John McNeil, Rev. Thos. J. Hind, B.A., to Miss May Helen, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Deadman, of Brussels. NICHOLSON-OSBORN-At the Metho- dist Parsonage, Brussels, on Septtlmber 30th, by Rev. D. Wren, M.A., Mr. W. G. Nicholson, of Morris, to Miss Alice M. Osborn, of Ethel. 1)a ED. MCGLYNN In Wingham, on October 4th, John McGlynn, in his 06th year. Woon-In Wingham, on October 1st, Charles Wood, in his 46th year. HARRISON-In Gorrie, on September 25th, George Harrison, aged 78 years and 5 months. BROADFOOT - In Toronto, on October 2nd. John Harold Broadfoot, formerly of Wingham, in his 32nd. LEECH -In Penetanguishene Hospital on Sept. 22, Martha Ann Aylesworth, beloved wife Rev. W. W. Leech, aged 68 years. BE:aToN-In Clinton, on October 1st, Alexander D. Beaton, formerly of Whitechurch, in his 60th year. ARE YOU GOINGi''WEST THIS FALL? If so, take advantage of -the remark- ably low one-way Second-class Colonist Rates to Vancouvcir, Victoria, Nelson, Spokane, Seattle, Portland, San Fran- cisco, Los Angeles) San Diego, etc., i effect daily until October 10; or if We ern Canada is your destination, the •w - rate Homeseekers. Excursions, in "' ect each Tuesday until October 24, The route is one of the most sceni,ukrin the world, Bear in mind that the`Canadian Pacific Railway offers tilefi st possible equipment and fa test trai service. It is the only line o,ieratitlg,, rough stan- dard and tourist sleeperaalso dining -car to Winnipeg and Vancouver. By trav- elling C.P.R. you ,avoid the necessity of changing depots.; All equipment is owned and ope"rated by the C.P.R., af- fording the highest things of efficiency. If such a trip is under consideration, apply to any C.P.R. Agent for full par- ticulars, or write M. G. Mur hy, Dis- trict Passenger Agent, Toro O. Pasture Farm f el . ale. f The Executors of thed`Estate of the late John Casemore de0ire to sell the North part of 'Lot NA. 10 in the First Concession l,of ,,a Turnberry, con- taining 39 acresinore or less. Further particulars can be obtained from the undersigned. RICH. ('ASEMORE, Box 171, Wingham, Ont. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE EliT A L OE niAR(3AIlET BELL, DECEAMEI) Creditors of Margaret Bell, late of the town of Wingham, in th County of Huron. Widow deceased, who dud on or about the I2th day of Auoust, 1910, and all others haying claims ngninst or entitle,l to vhnre in the estate of said deceased, are hereby notitikd to send by pat, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, on or Lefore t�omy,, 1st day of Nod- embnr, 1910, their 0amee "Addresses and des- criotions, and full part lore of Their claims, aee.ounty or interest d the nature of their security, if any, he; y them Immediately a r to said la.t•m n� e eft ctl late thenr N}ie of the deceased will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, havin • regard only to els Bus Or intorents of which the ere eut n•s shall then have notice, and the Paid exeeu ors will not he liable for the Bald assets or any part thereof, to any person or peri.onv, of wit se claim or interest they shall not have received notice at at the time of such <liatrituition. J. 41. MORTON. Wina+ham, Ont. Solicitor for the Executors of Margaret Bol Dated this Ord day of October,1013 When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine Scranton Prices of Deleware, Lacawana and Western Coal Co.'s Scranton Coal Egg and Stove, $7.50 Chestnut 7.75 Pea - 6.25 Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft Coals, also Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Wood always on hand for prompt delivery. J. A. McLEAN ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head ten cents a line foe first insertion; five cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.. FOR SALE -A pnfumatic tired buggy. As good as new. apply at TIMES office. WANTED -A good,t general servant pply to Mrs. Robt. girl. Good wages. Beattie. FOR SALE -Sevr andotte Cockerel: office. fol good White Wy- Apply at TIMES Fon, SALE. -13 acres just outside the corporation of the town of Wingham, one mile from Post Office. Good build ings, fruit, new cement well. Apply to box, M. TlniEs office. FOR SALE. -At Knox's,residence be- ind post office, a good` square piano very cheap, a quaptl:tytif furniture in- cluding stoves, chr11 beds etc R. KNOX phone 65B. Coal, wood and kindling. Do not fail to get my prices before purchasing elsewhere. R. J. CANTELON. TRUNKS AND VALISES: Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Rooms for Rent, over the Advance Office. Suitable for light house -keep- ing. Enquire of C. N. Griffin, WANTED -Two smart boys to learn the upholstering trade, also boys for other positions. Apply at the Upholster- ing Factory. Sale of Shorthorn I4lIs. Broadview Shorthorns -He> Headed by "Favorite Character" (Imp.) For sale are eight "dulls, eight to twelve months old. hese are choice young bulls with best of breeding and be will sold easonably. I am also offering a few good cows and Heifers. All are bred to the Imp. bull some due to calve in December. If you need any- thing write me or give us a call, J. G. FvrE, Wingham. Ont. (F'ar'm Yip miles south of Wingham.) COURT OF REVISION ,/ Township of Turn erry Notice is hereby given t' • t a Court will be held pursuant t. the Ontario Voters' List Act b is Honor Ythe Judge of the Cou ty C• . rt in the Count Huron, at Bluev le, . the 21st day oft October at the ti of 2 p.m., to hear and determine cd plaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Municipality of Turnberry for 1913. Dated at Turnberry this 8th day of October A. D,1913, PAIIL POwELL t Jerk Of the Township Turnbary. i aximarmanonsor ,4 . `413511112111111111111111111111111111111111~111MOSIIIIIWINIIIIIIMill iIN t=BROS 111113ZILT,araw...11arzyame.,,WS.F.'77.113WhiliMil, 1061111 A Display of Fashionable Overcoats, Suits, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery and Underwear. The New Winter Coats are waiting your inspection. Our stock was never so complete as now. The new Roll Collar is a special feature and is shown on most of the better coats in Chincilla and Tweed effects Prices: • $10, $15, $18, $2o and .$25 Special Orders made to your measure from $18 to $42 Standard Brands of iMen's Wearing Necessities. which are recognized as the Best, some of which we have the Exclusive Sale for: Arro\ .Brand ShirtsFancl Collars. Shirts $1.50 up. Collars 3 for 50c. C. N. R.—Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care." $10.00 to $25.00. 1 Plait Eesi Hats.—The Newest and Best in Hard and Soft Hats W®®lsley Underwear, Guaranteed.—Stock sizes $5.00 Suit; Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit. N. &. C. English Raincoats which turn the water, All makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman's Stanfields, Tiger Brand, etc. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 0 CROS. 11111110182.12f "01112111316511, J Farm for Sale The undersigned offers for sale her/ farm property containing 100 acres si uated on the gravel road adjoining,' e village of Belgrave, within five ani tes walkschoolandpost office•. eni- of ,,j1if v ent to station and market ns. On the l;roperty are god ho 'fine barn, and a new hen hous , ev thing in good repair. The land i, arly all seeded down and ig watereeby spring creek. There are two wells and 10 acres of hard- wood bush. This is a very desirable property and will be sold on reasonable terms. Apply on the premises to MRs. J. L. GEDDES, or phone 13 on 622 N. H. T, Belgrave. FOR SALE. The undersigned offers the following for sale: -One • Three Horse Tread Power, made by Bell and Jans, St George, almost good as new; One Second Hand Wind Mill, 50 ft. tower, Toronto make. Terms to suit purchaser or will ex- change for a good working horse or cattle. Particulars from A. FOX, Whitechurch, Ont. Farm and Stock for Sale. The undersigned has for sale seven well-bred milch cows, all milking and in calf; and alae fifteen head of one year steers and heifers. The farm, south half of lots 15 and 10, concession 1, Morris is also for sale. The farm contains 100 acres and is all in grass except to acres, Get full particulars on the premises, WM. CLEGG. Wingham, Ont. Stray Heifer. There strayed frompremises, s lm 1 s lot 31, concession 12, East Wawanosh, a few day prior to September 1st, a yearling heifer, red in color, with large, white mark on face. Parties knowing any- thing of the whereabouts of the heifer will kindly phone North Huron, ring 4 0n line (110, or address WILTRID REID, Wingham, Ont. Hotel Property For Sale. i The undersigned offers for sale, his hotel property in the village of Belgrave. The property will be sold on easy terms. Also a quantity of household furniture for sale. Apply on the premises or write THOS. HILL, Belgrave, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale her house and lot on the corner of Victoria and Edward streets, The house with good cellar. and woodshed. Hard and soft water. Electric lights and furnace. House can be used by one or two fami- lies as desired. Getfull information on the premises. MRS. A. E. SIMMONS. Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offers for sale his fifty acre farm, beinglot 24, concession 1, Morris township. On the premises are a frame house, 20x30 ft., with kitchen attached, 14x18. Bank barn, 34x50 and straw shed 20x80. Farm is on Bluevale road. 8 miles from Wing- ham and % mile from Bluevale. InI- mediate possession if desired. Get par- ticulars on premises or write ROBT. TAYLOR, Bluevale, Ont. MEASURER'S SALE OF LAND FOR ,TAXES. 13y virtue of a warrant .-sued under the hands of the Mayor a 1 Clerk of the Town of ,vinghatn and having he seal of the said Cot, potation attached th roto, Learing date the 21st 049 or May, b.l 191.., commanding me to levy upon the lend faun crated hereunder for the arrears of t res respectively due thereuodu t gethcr yr i h cost•. Notice rs hors by given that in acct.':anee with the Assess• gent Act I 4bai1 lln rocs to sell bypublic sue• � r mn h thereof as a tell the Paid lapels o cmay be sufficient for the ps 'niE nt of the taxes and costs thereon, unless the same be scaler paid The sale will coalmen( lit the Town Hall in the Town of Wingharnc�`'n _'BsOay the lath day or October, A.U., 191Q, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon„ Lot. Street, ,Acres. Paten edTerse Costs Tot. Or tnnD f t'ci NO o Centre W,1.0, patented 571.74 $02.10 $03.0:1JO111i F. GROVES, Treasurer, Towa of "Wingham Rubbery o Rubberts! y� You will need them a1n lost right away. We have just received a Big, Bright New Stock and our prices are as low as the lowest. Take a look at these prices : Women's (just like this cut) with double toes and heels, sizes z to 8, per pair - - - 65c Large Girls', sizes I 1 to z - - 55c Children's, sizes 3 to 1012 , perpair 40c Prices of other -Rubbers in The Advance WILLIE � CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole agents „„,a For Ladies i New Fall Dress1 Fabrics For weeks new goods have been arriving at this store and our stock is now complete. Bedford Brocades in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey A well assorted range of Serges in all shades, at all prices. Cordury Velvets and Velveteens in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, etc., from 5oc to $1.25 per yd. Sweater Coats in all the leading styles and shades. No trouble to show goods. Produce o1 all Kinds Wanted. Jr A. ILLS Successor to 1'. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.