HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-10-09, Page 4THE WTN IlAM 1'1 1ES, OCTOBER. 9 1913
Notice of changes mutt be left at this
office not later than saturdat noon.
The copy for changes must be left
not later than Monday evening.
Casual advertisements accepted up
to noon Wednesday of each week.
THE W7INfiiiida k. TINE
S B. E.LIA°rr, i'rnt.LSHIR earl I'Icor •:roil
The South lruee bye eleeti.n Beet at
last been need ci for October l'1, trial the
nominatatu on October 23, Writs were
issued t5, illy b; • tilt, C"erk of the Crown
in Chancery. As yet there ie no an-
nouueceat< ,,; as t., the date of the South
Lnnark e1 eti.m, but it will probably
wind up tin•• series a week later.
- The dat:.e u: p•,liiner for the pending
bye -ride'., a : e•l:.c't..:aT 1y li`:ee1 by
the Government, now stand as follows:
Chateauguay, October 1I,
East a 1,1:e:c1lesex, Oeteeber 21,
South I:rnce, Oetobar no.
The uttu.=u:.l I:01H a pursued by the
Gm-erie:e eani in bringing on the bye -el-
ections at intervals of a week or so
apart; iestead of on the same date, is
not of}}ei Ely (:.plumed. It is however,
apparelitie due to the politica} exigencies
of Hon. Robert Rogers' system of ma-
chine I:o!itiee. Tie holding of the elec-
tionsse•riatint enables the Government
and Mr. Rogers to concentrate all the
election machinery consecutively in
each constituency.
Hon. Geo. E. Foster, Hun. W. T.
White read .:tiler Cabinet Miui;ters will
stump 'a-at:,:uillt,e'xand South Bruce.
Th+> .:1 ail...;al .-.att>:ne it of the Do -
million Or the! Dominion for the first
La of ... I 1 e .:tent 1i•.r ;d year, us shown
be• t`1a` Y a....: f:,r:....ii+•e.l to the Finance
Ieeparta:,• ::e up teen, the end of Septem-
ber, iln+::t::..: that expenditure increases
are ores, a, over three times as fast
a, r..e ens • inereast.s.
Far si;: 111i,:,ths th,a e:':penditure for
con«):iterate: i'urai account, representing
the r.<,... cost c: administration,
toga 1.;;: , u7,U91, an in tcaso of $4,-
7.,5. , 52 tn'etr the iaet fiscal y Lar, The
capital al . • diture for the eke mc'ntbs
t :n an ir:creee of $12, elo.-
toe. i t,'La, exinintlttnrl' 1ea'Yea e
less .... , or ., early ,:-a I. . ...u('.
one _ . t'...a tine eorre.•:.t eeti...
ienetot,. ..,.;t year.
x t' half year totalled
in..leaes of $5, 1311,U•i6.
ceet'.. , i revc'i.u) inert aseu be- 81.3lied,-
.1. oto 5,a.,612and i,ostoi;ice
by :'` e:_T•r, ' ,. It is interesting to note
that t,.., •cenie revenue the /eolith of
neoeeed Ly ' 7,^ „ o
7.,.:., ,1eis..0 Vero
'net' i,e'.... 1 it•:.... iu. the ,w) -'t
n, a ,., ais en ,s :,. I) et
wae at. 1.a :Len:I:lee et aisnent ':[H
t<a. . .•.•
4uJe .w�
September was $299,587,275, s decrease
of $2,163,1120 during the month.
In September, 1911, the last month
of the Laurier Government, the expen-
diture was $0,741,693. The total ex-
penditure for September this year,
after the Borden Government has been
in office practically two years,rwas $13,-
In order to get a good understanding
of the "Manitoba methods" devised by
Mr, Rogers and Sir Rodmond Robin for
winning elections of which Chateuu-
guay is now to get its first taste it
will be instructive to review the con-
duet of the party in the bye -elections
since the Morden Government has been
in power. Let us take, first, the case
of Renfrew South, In regard to this
constituency there was a ' gentlemen's
agreement," by which the Iron. G. P.
Graham was to be allowed election
without opposition. This was broken
by the. Tories, and Mr. Borden's Mini-
sters m'lda strenuous efforts to defeat
Mr. G. P. Graham, with lavish promises
of public works and. promises of large
expenidtures under the proposed high-
ways aid bill for good roads throughout
the country. Farmers of the various A.Knechtel of Ottawa. Afterdejeuner
districts were told to elect the Conser- Mr, and Mrs. Fleming left for Laggan
votive candidate, and they would have and points west Tl
0. A. BOGERT, General. Manager,
This Bank Offers Farmers
a complete and satisfactory"'banking service.
Sales Notes collected on favorable .terms, andadvances made
on such notes at reasonable rates.
The Savings Department is a safe and convenient depository
for your money. interest at'current rates is paid on deposits of
one dollar and upwards.
One dollar opens an account In the Sayings Department.
WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. t;il
A quiet wedding was solemnized in
the Presbyterian Church, Banff, on
Tuesday, Sept, 23rd, when Miss Edith
Jean Gibson, only daughter of the late
Thomas Gibson, M.L.A., of Wroxeter
Ont., was married to Mr. John E. Flem-
ing of Squalax, B, C. Rev. M. Johnson
of Banff conducted the ceremony. The
bride was given away by her uncle, 1VIr.
$500 spent in that particular district. Squalax.. '
The IIon. Mr. Graham was elected, and
South Renfrew got neither public works
nor money. -.Montreal Telegraph.
There is no doubt that the great
questions in campaigns are often obs-
cured bythe
personality and individual-
ity of political leaders. Human beings
count more in vote getting than princi-
ple:: except in very rare cases, and in
circumscribed communities in large dis-
tricts. Examples are furnished in every
campaign in this country and in every
civic election in Ottawa and elsewhere
in the Dominion. The ordinary mind is
more concerned with the tangible than
with the intangible, and therefore the
activities of ward and district politicians
create is the hinds of those who do not
take their citiz 'nship so seriously an
iwpress:trl that the responsibility for
carrying their own particular district
or ward is upon the visible leaders, and
that their vote therefore is more of a
p.!rsonal obligation than a matter of
civic duty. -Ottawa Citizen.
It't'itN ttEltitt
Minutes of Council Meeting held
Sept. 29th. Members all present.
lyeevtin the chair. Minutes of last
meeting were read and on motion of
t( ... Mel:lurney and Wheeler wer,'
., lenptcd.
Wheeler-=-McBurney--That the Coun-
cil meet at Nichol's Corner October
11th at 3 p.m.
The following accounts were passed
anti cheques issued: -
John Smith, damages, $1.0e1; Robt,
Seseinereen, gravel, 04e; Roy Rutherford,
two eidverts, drawing tile etc., $1.5.00;
Weiler, watering cement, $1.00;
C, Gannett, five culverts and remov-
Leber, ,,eir.5o; Mrs. B. Holmes,
t 7 X13.50; McKinnon Bros. gravel -
:nee ;ea'. culvert. $9e.37; Geo. Case:rtore,
::ting, 0.011; Geo. Spotten, part
eor erect for printing, $25 00;J. Ruther- I
feed, balance insp. Wood's bridge, 8.17.r:0
Was Deans, refund statute labor, 73c •
d e l and Damages to the amount
'27,-1.O5 were paid.
nee:el by Mr. Weilwood sec- by Mr.
:'t'¢,i <1 that the t •;)ancil ad j Burn to
t :.3o.:day, Oct. 2tith 1913 at 14 a. in.
P. I'OtvELL, Clerk.
atit,b I
} ae perches. d ids.
o i Il.': -ll',, re. iil+-n.,e, Dr:'t(.ey
eeel tale p iee:.'r: iiia at once,
Ines an e::.:ell t 1)i'ol,er-
P. A. Ia: D ;r eld, who has been
,.1 c.' sea public valieel here
i ea '• }' ,' tilt?, Ela.,
.. i ..... 11 J. .•I. i ar hies been
.a to the p Alma
t'': C-.. t it f,.r
1 '.:J :the: will toile
Mr. and Mrs. Lack. Kennedy, of
Wingham motored down on Saturday,
spending a most delightful time in town.
They were accompanied by a prominent
,eit.izen of Wingham, who seem delight-
ed with the trip. In the evening they
motored back to Wingham.
Fishing has been the order of the'day
since Friday of last week. .
We noticed on Monday, afternoon Gth
of October, Rev. Mr. Pollock of the
Baptist Church and another gentleman
carrying between them, a bushel bag
half filled with fish they had caught on
that day.
Knox Church young people held a
social on Tuesday evening of last week.
The musical talent was first class the
Soloist being Miss McColl a Scotch sing-
er, of town and Miss Glen of Bayfield;
and Mr. Wittes of Clinton and Hiss
Good of town, piano soloists.
A number of names were written on
slips of paper which each member ex-
changed with the other, and whoever
gained the most names, was to receive
a reward. When the time was up for
counting the list t.f names, each mem-
brr received, the pianist Miss Good
gained the reward which same gave
wonderful amusement to all present
being an egg presented to the Rev.
Mr. Ross at the Post Office by a good
Presbyterian farmer who found it in
the back of the carriage when he arriv-
ed is town.
After an illness extending over
several months, Mr. A. D. Beaton, a
former well-known resident of this
village passed away at his home in
Clinton en t ednesday of last week.
Mr. Beaton was in his GOth year and
was Uglily e;tteenle_,I by a large circle
of friends in this locality. The funeral
took place on Friday afternoon • to the
Lueknew cemetery.
Anniversary services will bo held in
the Methodist Church on Sunday, 12th
October, when special serrnoes will be
preached at 10 a. m. and 7 p. m., by
the I-tt'v. L A. Mel:elvie, of Ethel. On
Monday evening the Anniversary tea
will bee : raved aro' 0 to 8 o'clock
followed by a grand cone. rz end public
meeting at 8 o'e'o '. when an excellent
I:1c;lam will be provided. Addresses
tit be diel eyed by Rev. ?.Ir. Stewart,
of Willtc:I:urell aed Ray. I. A. Me-
lie Ivies, of Ethel. Dr. (I. A. Newton,
of Iaue!mere will tell of len interesting
trip to t';-.) all land. Mr. T. Dttt,;), of
going h ' l' will time eome bass :n}0:-,
and is .. Ic eon:tees „:11 OA
ley the e'r...eh eNote tied other l.c l
talent. wG :' poet:" re, for full isrtict:lars.
r>I'(r Q.10,
i'.- .t 1, ate a ..(; .., ti t? i'l:e a: :.,, a ary 1,. ;11,,
1.1;ytit t:no r.. ... int „ni•. Metholii..t t'i_ireh gill l:e e:'.. (r' ed
t'. t("..1. (°t i V < r ' 11I, i ,,. e.:i1 o ill: 1l$
04111 1::7'.; 1.- f , ,e '.; l ,-t' °-;u g
s rvie . - ' trete, e} anti.. d)
e of Me. R. G.
• _ ., ,,C':. i 1;'sI the
-., f ..., f,d ;.r• Luaf•'t
• . ' ' ^ .uantd Oen
'1"1, 14. 1!. t' ,e a 1. r tztro.1I I ae
la t v•t t k ) .: ren .. bo 1 tai.
thane 1 ., c.• t ... st
o',e1 at.1, e.. t
b 1 1, . i 1 i teetepin cf
Se. I onle Etc ea Os.t ..;,. 1, i • ed.-
fingl*..':Seo t.....e' ti I i' 1, I'1
.% 17 a
,.Fete•..1 i0 c':.tt:e '0
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.1,: • idte.l -t `'-'le , 7 a `.
e- . ,3,a.`•. E't*r, tate, .
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be ,
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_... (' e:. t, ,• .It t, it,::'•i a a,yi >... i :. SGnaiti tU f:: CG :re'il
l k 1 , i •'t c e }d t I'(1, tV1_.i.4n13ICtiac ill•1 lllarr:cd ley 0.2el.'f,e Smith, Ciluii; d at
St. '1`laoialas with bigamy,
Lit; e7 et -t',;
tl )t,:sl..
55 r
n 'roi..t- ill
t 1J. a•
After a very pleasant visit to relative
and friends in Manitoba and Saskatch-
ewan Robert and Mrs. Menary, 9th,
con., arrived home safe and sound last
S: R. and Mrs, Crerar and children,
of Toronto, were here for a visit of a
few tt eeks with relatives • and old
friends. The fortner's mother, Oth
can., has not been enjoying. very good
health but we hope she will soon be
quite hearty.
J. G. Turnbull and family moved to
the Lowe homestead, .5th con., along
side of where he was located. He has
now a fine farm of 200 acres with good
buildings. We wish him continued pros-
Mrs. Wm. Armstrong, 9th, con.,
sustained her previous record as a
1 rime butter maker at the big Fairs
and with keen competition. She won
the following awards: 4th at Toronto,
$5,00; 2nd at Ottawa, $15.00; and 1st
at at London, $10,00,
1! O1tDYC 1..
Mr. J. Webster sold some fine cattle
to Mr. McMullen over a week ago.
Corn cutting and filling silos are the
order of the day:
Ed. Haines delivered a few head of
cattle a few days ago to Donnybrook
for Mr. Young of Goderich.
Mr. Albert McQuillen and mother
visited at Edward Haines last week.
Miss Lavina Carrick is visiting at
Peter Leaver's.
Miss Minnie McBurney, who is in
Wingham Hospital with fever, we are
pleased to hear, is as well as can be ex-
pected, and hope to soon hear of her
being out again.
Mr, Ed. Irwin's wrist is not irlrprov-
ing as people thought. Sorry to hear
of him having to .have an operation on
Mr. Wellington Nixon is visiting at
Mr. Champion's. •
Bethel Church intend holding their
anniversary on October 19th.
Owing to the decease of her mother,
Miss McLelland, teacher in S. S. No.
111, Morris,•has gone to Ethel to keep
house for her father. Miss Bessie
Moses, 5nd line, is filling the position in
No. 10.
Johnston's Methodist church, 1st line,
will celebrate the Golden anniversary
of their congregation on Sunday and
Monday, October 12th and 13th. Rev..
Mr. Johnston, of London, will preach
on Sunday and a musical and literary
p.ogratli of more thatlordinary interest
w'.1 be given ZYonlay evening,
tirne i3 expected, so keel) the dates
Tuesday forenoon of Iaet week,
G. Michelson, a we'll -known resident of
the 4th ii:lo, ;a:l iii e Al 3i., daur*h-
ter of Jelin Osherne. of E! he'1, were
united in t;tn:': +t*e at the Methodist
Ia..r •;:ret ' b;• Nev. D. Wren
111. A. e i i Et,• ; !atony :rice. au<l
t. e i 1.:.0 train on
d. •,uksvihe , Tor.
ontt, ..:{o .�i; _'ail:. (;rt -Ain':}
II1 (•5 .. :+• '.. ? ... nt 1. iai:(l;;;rile'
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{;u,.l I i 1•,•;.,,u r<'t :), tat'+St. 'rhe
yr('it t il:ti't, ,t.:ls=d
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1e;aata At.51a•,.art:4 it 1 i,. Y, Y e 14aue.,,vitie, Ont.
t,0,4•v,0044.4.44.040444+44 t►o04444,044:><9440800004,44404?0 444i•.a04401004404110. 4. P
DO YOU? can you
buy whereget
the ,best value forayour money.
Deal with the new man at the
popular store, Kerr's old stand, the same
sterling values, _and a few better ones.
Buy where your money goes f arth e s t .
4 Packages Corn Starch 25c 4 Bottles best Extract - 25c
6 Comfort Soap - 25c 6 Sunlight Soap - 25c
Yeast Cake, per Package, 4c
And a host of other attractive prices, which we haven't room to quote.
This is the Rain Coat Season, and we .a e right at
the head of the procession with the newest and most
stylish rain coats in town.
Ladies' Rubber Lined, with a splendid Silky Finish and absolutely
waterproof seams, special at $10.00.
Men's Paramatta Waterproof coats, new Raglan shoulder; a splendid
heavy coat for fall, at from $8.00 $10.00.
We cannot describe these coats. You must see them to appreciate the values.
Truly this is going to be "Some Store." A full
range of everything that's good, and everything that's
We want your trade.
We guarantee satisfaction.
�a I
Successor to JNO. K K-�;RR &z SON
cti�44C 3�*`°CG7.0.:^4:wOv✓:t •,:.'a . svL•':Dv�3;7,0 c•C4•v SGsO•eev,004.0'9000G00400@40440®b0C®�
Chronic Dyapep. ia,
The following unsolicited testimonial
should certainly be sufficient to give
hope and courage to persons afflicted
with chronic dyspepsia: I have been a.
dyspeptic for years, and of all the
medicine I have taken, Chamberlain's
Tablets have done me more good than
anything else " says W. G. Mattison,
No. 7 Sherman St., Hornellsville, N. Y.
For sale by all dealers.
James Miller, of Guelph, a veteran
miller, died in his 85th year.
The TIMES to January lst, 1915, for $1.
Marion Lawrence to be at Owen Sound
S. S. Convention.
Instead of a Central Convention for ;
the Provincial S. S. Association there
this year,be two, one at Owen Sound'
Oct, 28-30 the other at Ottawa 22-24.
Those who attend Owen +1ul,d will be
privileged to hear the celebrated
Marion Lawrence General Secretary of
the International and World's S. S.
Association, Prof. Excell of Cllieugo
and Prof. flet;)err v. ill ha: c• charge of the
murk:. Si,tgle fare on all refiroads.
There will likely be a It lgo deiagation• -
from Huron County.
((LULL A011.
The monthly meeting of the Bluevale
Women's institute will be held at the
home of Mrs: H. Diment, Oct. 9th.
Some interesting papers are being pre-
pared, as there is important business
the members are all asked to be present.
Mrs. P. King.
Report of S. S. No. 4., Turnberry, for
the month of September. Names in
order of merit. Names marked with
an asterisk absent from sotne examina-
Class IV --Total 351E F Tait, 241; L
Elliott, 235; C Jewitt, 224; II Holmes,
201; `e11 Haney, 139; "•M McGee, 123; aj.
Class III -Total 350 0 McDonald,
274; S McMichael, 259; 8 Elliott, 2.48; A
Sn)cdtzer,240; H Messer, 210; E Mc-
Kinney, 198; R Breckenridge, 155
Class II --Senior-• S Gallagher, 13
Gaenet: Junior --A McKinney, 1 Mc-
Michael, J Watson
Class I--Jesssie Gray, Jean Black, K
Mei;oaald, J Breckenridge
Primer S,nior -0 Elliott, (1 Elliott,
A Cook, 0 Gannett, II Watson, W
Elliott, ,1? :.luedell; Junior - 0 Messer,
R Elliott, 11 illoman 0 Stewart, l3
burn, E Breticenrid,;e, E Mce
C M Moaser,Gereacher.
Mr. J. P.. IDootr, alto millionaire
pi ?lo er iulitilarnran of Otte r, was
usly i_ijuled tall}le :,uperint••ndiog
the t emoval of titnbt r.; from (enc of
his mill:', whit:11 was partly burn' -d.
Jdll,n Ikeeh of I)oo:1 drat' Sed to the
floor and died ir:: t ntiy on enterica
the Grand 1' ..en l:utel in Berlin
NAVY, Y, e`'`e-:
.y �I
,.iYLpm? !'"
nets t, vuQi'a°
etUi„7,eti''d::d1; l oce.vo�&u r' '71'oCYft'
gest hue:2y co. �17oggdj that
Modern science +J.ioyties that
these apar or/nystreatedfroinrun
down heakh. Sim , m -d vt more
zvc irlit:aitang and v;...el `tis. feu
shortldbuilelrotra ern. .41:.,t 11
with ilte (iii -feed $itt a dc.ote.ai
FL`sµ 2dok i -its 110 cal i; hi111g
ISowt '3 will enrich and enliven
the 1 • l
blood, a;,i�b., as.
eirni1atiors add actist nature to
irlac :i. the i.it'nn11aation and
heal the c n"le ve 11`eraal renes
:7liitch 'Are affected.
Scot t'u^ REIntativiOn
will raioe your
s and rd of health
ti's cont e,t catarrh.
unci hake` OA SCOTT'S
Sept. 25th to Oct. ' 10th inclusive
From all stations in Ontario.
at very low rates to
Vancouver, B.C, Los Angeles, Cal.
Victoria, 13 C. San Diego, Cal.
Nelson, B.C. San Francisco, Cal.
Prince Rupert, B.C. Mexico City, rlex.
Portland, Ore .Seattle, Wash.
Spokane, Waste.
One- way second-class tickets only
will be issued.
I rtportionat( low rates .to other points
Ile Are:ona, 13 ;tisk Cteumbia, Cahfornla,
olorle.te,, Montaua, ttextoo, New
Mete t ,,, Oregon, Novena, Texas, Utah,
tea• .-) ngton and Wy0nlfng.
i`nll nartien7ara, berth reservat'0ns, etc.
from H. b 151,LT(,TT, Town Passenger and
Tieliet. Agent. Phone 4. W. b' BUBO --
MA V, .,t.tion Agent. 'Plirrle 50
3 ti ij `
itI FC:: '� :Gara�a e
F i
lOne Way -Second Class]
From all Stations in Ontario to
- e .twin points is
Alberta, British Columh'..a
Califo. e;i. ,.
Oregon, Washington
Aril on a, ldabo, F.tc.
' & rpt. 23th to OGt, 50th
1''ull Partit•nlars, Hate:', (tc., from
,'1 00y C.P.IC,. Agent.
` tl 1 t c:11 twirl Vit e 1 t.:1 (11
t e1 fit. tA. Wi:. t0 a Fit" ft 1 tt•
e t 1 . ( 0
D n. d,fie t,c, let r . l a ut,
Lt ci lti�,
Celine t lie;n' `,) busy t
with til(: t rade we
were.' cicl<1y:.1d in gating the
apple., l t.1. i,..i ll;iiit ready but
we CJ: C3 4 t. f..ad ` rovy for 17.1usiness
and with the : ,tern \\C have
We can lnrtkc r •d
1,40 "
out (,,i ,. y kind nf sound
apples. Mill rltl mutt every
1 , I'( 1T pie butter it requires
• 01 pa 1 of 14-0•,..d and querterod apples
to eauit La; tt5 nl-I,le t for cider.
Ezra Me kley
and Shoes
ts.,..,e�s �3.�C�_•y,eYl W
1 li:1vG: pelt in a stock of
;tl, tt'., i.' l 'el ; awl Ilt)e' 1 anti
:pit etch ;i : 4"•:x"4e, t11 1.11:r p;tt-
ht'g l tilt fir, a', ti„ii .1, will
h ;' d, t,.rt Citi and 3 i o,npt
J. A. Haugh