HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-10-02, Page 88
Ili 1�G1IAl� 1! I,N
(TOI3E1t 2 1913
rand Trunk Railway Sysler
`four Vacation Trip
Tickets on sale to all the leading
.umnte r Resorts. All rail or leke and
ail routes.
Co the West
Tourist and Homeseekers Excursion
iekets to any point in Western Canada
;r any point in United States. Popular
1'o Europe
We can ticket you through to any
,oint in Europe on all leading steamship
ines. Prepaid orders also issued,
'bust Next Trip
Whether your next trip be a long or
t short one, we will be pleased to issue
our ticket,
If it's about travel, we have the
rformation and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
Tie e;, (:Bice, Winghem, On
- lt.dian summer weather this week.
hrussele fall fair on Thursday and
Friday of this week.
llowick fall fair will be held at
;:ozrie on Saturday of this week.
-Regular monthly meeting of the
Town Council next Monday evening.
--I£ you purpose taking a short or long
trip, buy your railway ticket from H.
a. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R.
it the TIMES office.
Werk on the raising of the tower
of the post office building is being push-
ed along. The stone at the top of the
:owls: is nearly all removed.
• The paving work on Josephine St.
ha., 1...en completed past Patrick street.
Contractor M al olm, expects with favor-
able •r: e ather,to have the work completed
within the next ten days.
-Contractor Mills has a large num-
ber c f men at work putting in the foun-
datielr for the armoury building. It is
expeeted the work of laying the brick
will be started in a few days.
--Charles Stuart, of Lucknow, was
slot through the abdomen on Monday
evening while out hunting rabbits. A
:mall rifle in the hands of another lad
ataddently discharged as the boys were
examining it. Stuart will recover.
--The barn of Garfield McMichael, on
concession 2. Huilett, together with the
season's crop, was burned on Saturday.
This lire was caused by a lantern ex-
ploding, the flames spreading so quickly
that only the live stock was saved. He
carried an insurance of $1.:501, which
will ;.nrtly cover the loss.
-"Silver Dan" who recently appear-
ed before Police Magistrate Morton
made such a hasty departure after be-
ing discharged that Constable I'hippen
did nut have time to hand him his money.
The money is now to the credit of "Sil-
ver Dan" in the Bank of Hamilton and
he resee have same by calling at the
The Brockville Times affects the
Iie'ie shat Mr. Borden's switch on the
questisn of a Canadian navy was
.bro: gilt about by conference with the
Ilr*. iela Admiralty. The editor of the
Time, is much too clever and shrewd to
make such a delusion a matter of per-
sonai belief, whatever his paper may
sa.• in this regard. Ile knows that the
contribution idea was imposed by the
Tory -Nationalist alliance, and in trying
to give it effect Mr. Borden was merely
ear/wing- out his pledges to the Nation-
alists. That's all there is to it.-Strat-
forsi Beacon.
v4---1•11)0ITT DREAD
tiNTER'' C Lft
Prepare to
enjoy its exhila-
rating fronts by
making your blood rich,
pure and active to pre-
vent colds, grippe
and rlaeurnatiam.
Goad blood prevents sickness
and Scott's Emulsion will energize
yolr blood and create reserve
St'P'eni'+,ih to endure chart zing
seasons, y
&C e., EriuilSiOn is not an
exlpeitit nntbuthasservedhumanity
faillnhll;; for forty years; it contains
tlac purest cod liver oil ---free from
oleo&a;vl or stupefying drugs.
Scat's Emulsion is nature's
grc ate '; blond -maker and furnishes
the elements necessary' for body
um/nth, rich blood and healthy
cireaalation, q
Sra.st alea)alic su!Dstitafe i and demand
> lid genal#e .Scales Emalsie,t
At MY DRUG SYokE 1143
Wampole's Cod Liver Oil
It Strengthens the Lungs
Builds up the Chest and
prevents that Cough from
developing into something
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
Rev. D. J. Rowland, of Burk's Falls,
will preach in the Baptist church next
Rev. Vietdr E. Orsborn, of Porter,
Indiana, has accepted a call as pastor
of the Baptist Church at Listowel.
Rev. G. Victor Collins. who recently
resigned as pastor of the Baptist Church,
preached his farewell sermons on Sun-
day last.
On Sunday, October 5th, St. Paul's
commemorates the 4Gth anniversary of
the planting of the church in Wing -
ham and the twentieth of the opening
of the presentedifice.
The services in the Methodist church,
morning and evening, will be conducted
by the pastor. The evening subject
will be "The choice of Moses." A re-
ception service will be held in the even-
On Friday evening the Rev, Dr. Boyle
of Toronto will give an address in the
school room of St. Paul's church on the
`Life of Dean Swift" for the benefit
of the A. Y. P. A. The congregation
and friends are most cordially invited.
A silver collection will be taken at the
Will somebody explain to us just what
the policy of the Education department
means? This year the grants to rural
schools have been materially cut down
and -the public has to make it up. There
was a shortage in the funds available,
it appears. A short time ago the mini-
mum salary regulation was passed
which made it compulsory for any poor
sections to raise the salaries of their
teachers, and Dr. Pyne is authority for
the statement that salaries all round
had increased. These schools this year
have to bear the burden of a decreased
grant and increased salary bill. Now,
if the department forces up salaries,
would it not only be fair that they pay
the regulation grant without deduction
and without complaining? We trow
yes. The money should be forthcoming
from some source.- Flesherton Advance
Cor'ELAND--In Wingham, on Septem-
ber 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. G. R, Cope-
land; a daughter.
BART. -In bast Wawanosh, on Sept.
21, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Barr; a
CooK—In East Wawanosh, on Sept.
22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Cook; a
Dict: - COWAN -At the home of Mr,
and Mrs. U. Cowan, Brussels, on Sept,
17, at high noon, Miss Annie Elizabeth,
their eldest daughter, to Mr. J. J. Dick,
of Teeswater. Rev. W. D. Turner,
D.A., performed the ceremony,
IIrcli:;-In Wingham, on September
;loth, Herbert F. Hicks, aged 35 years,
I month and 2i days.
STONe;IIotesei-- In Belgi ave, on Sep-
tember 20th, Stewart Stonehouse, in-
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stone-
house, aged 1 ye.'r, 1 month and 29
days, •
IneenAn -In Grey township, on Sep-
tember 2;rd, Sarah Victoria Ames, be-
loved wife of David W. Dunbar, in her
fifth year.
11ooi, -In Blyth, on September 21th,
Jane Laidlaw, relict of the late George
flood, of Morris township, aged S;;yeara.
Mooteere -At Weyburn, Sask., on
September 10th, henry Mooney, form-
e crly of Morris township, in his 73rd
• year,
Osier--•At'fhessalon, Algoma, on
September 21st. Mrs. Ja a. Oliver,
1 mother of Mrs J. Leckie, Brussels, in
!her 93rd year.
A1.I.AN--In Iiotviell, on Sept. Lith,
I'hihll Allan, Yate postmaster of Red-
grave, aged about 84 years.
When You Buy Coal Be
Sure You Get Genuine
A Display of
Suits, Gloves,
Hats, Shirts,
Hosiery and
Prices of Deleware, Lacawana
and Western Coal Co.'s
Scranton Coal
Egg and Stove, $7.50
Coals, also
- 7.75
- 6.25
Cannel! and Soft
Lumber, Lath,
Shingles and Wood always on
hand for prompt delivery.
The town war greatly shocked last
Thursday morning to learn that little
Margaret Rogues had lost her life by
drowning in the river near her home on
Inglis Street, She was missed from
the house for only a short while when
her mother, on going to look for her,
found her in the deep water at the
bridge on Willoughby Street. She had
evidently fallen from the bridge while
playing about. For an hour Drs.
Elliott and Spence worked on the little
form endeavoring to revive life, but to
no avail. Margaret was a happy little
child less than three years old, and the
only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Bogues. The parents have the deepest
sympathy of all who know them.
The TIMES to January 1st, 1915for $1.
The Willesden, England, council has
decided to allow dancing in the local
park. On payment of a small fee pairs
will be allowed into an inelosure by the
bandstand for dancing.
Miss Gladys Taylor, B. A., LL. B.,
has the distinction of being the only
woman barrister in Australia who has
personally conducted a case in court'
Mr. Edwin Gaunt, of the north half
of lots 21 and 22, concession 1, Kinloss,
will hold an auction sale, on Monday,
October 0th, of one working horse,•two
heavy yearling colts, one cow and thir-
teen one and. two year old heifers and
steers. Cattle are grade Polled -Angus.
John Purvis will be the auctioneer,
Notices 'Under This Head ten cents a line
for first insertion; Ilse cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Get Parneil's Bread at/)Christie's.
WANTED. --Wanted at once, a good
d elivery boy. Thos. k"ield & Co.
Fon SALE: -A pneumatic tired buggy.
As good as new. .Apply atTmuies office.
WANTED -A good general servant
girl. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. Robt.
I''olt SALE --Several good Whiter Wy-
andotte Cockerels. Apply TIMfds
FoR SALE. -13 acres j>,thritout side the
corporation of the town of Wingham,
one mile from Post ()Eike. Good build.
ings, fruit, ilxiw Cement well, Apply
to born, M. TIMEW OfWWee.
The New Winter Coats are
waiting your inspection.
Our stock was never so
complete as now. The
new Roll Collar is a
special feature and is
shown on most of
the better coats
in Chincilla and
Tweed effects
$10, $ 15, $18, $20
and $25
f pecial Orders made to
your measure from $18
to 542
Standard Brands ofiMen's Wearing Necessities. which
are recognized as the Best, some of which we have the
Exclusive Sale for:
Arrow[Brand .Shirts -and Collars.
Collars 3 for 50c.
Shirts $1.50 up,
C. N. R.—Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care."
$10.00 to $25.00.
Phit Eesi Hats.—The Newest and Best in Hard and
Soft Hats
Woolslegr Underwear, Guaranteed.—Stock sizes
$5,00 Suit; Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit.
N. fid. C. English Raincoats which turn the water,
All makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman's
Stant ells Tiger Brand, etc.
P. j
Coal, wood and kindling. Do not fail
to get my prices before purchasing
elsewhere. R. 3. CANTELON.
select from at lowest prices.
Rooms for Rent, over the Advance
Office. Suitable for light house -keep-
ing. Enquire of C. N. Griffin.
WANTED -Two smart boys to learn
the upholstering trade, also boys for
other positions. Apply at tile Upholster-
ing Factory.
The undersigned offers the f dj ,4ng
for' sale: -One Three Hor�s�.%.-Tread
Power, made by B511 an :Tans, St
George, almost gaodnew; One
Second Hand Wind /�M' , 50 ft. tower,
Toronto make.
Terms to suit purchaser or will ex-
change for a good working horse or
Particulars from
A. FOX, Whitechurch, Ont,
Farm and Stock for Sale.
The undersigned has for sale seven
well-bred milch cows, all milking and in
calf; and also fifteen head of one year
steers and heifers.
The farm, south half of lots 15 and
in, concession 1, Morris is also for sale.
The farm eonte,ips 100 ares and is all
in grass except Ii)
Get full partieulars on the premises,
Wingham, Ont.
Stray Heifer.
There strayed from my premises, Iot
34, concession 12, East Wawanosh, a few
days prior to September lst, a yearling
heifer, red in color, with large, white
mark on face. Parties knowing any-
thing of the whereabouts of the heifer
will kindly phone, North Huron, ring 4
on line 619, or address
Wtrxgtn li1;ID,
Wingam, Ont.
Hotel Property For Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale, his
hotel property in the village of Belgrave.
The property will be sold on easy terms.
Also a quantity of household furniture
for sale. Apply on the premises or
Thos. HILL,
Belgrave, Ont.
The undersigned offers for sale her
house and lot on the corner of Victoria
and Edward streets. The house with
good cellar and woodshed, Hard and
soft water, Electric lights and furnace.
House can be used by one or two fami-
lies as desired. Get full information on
the premises.
Mits. A. E. SIMMONS.
Wingham, Ont.
The undersigned offers for sate his
fifty acre farm, being lot 24, concession
1, Morris township, On the premises
are a frame house, 2040 ft., with
kitchen attached, 14x18, Bank barn,
34x50 and straw shed 20x30. Farm is
on Bluevale road, 3 miles from Wing -
ham and 3y mile from Bluevale. Im-
mediate possession if desired. Get par.,
tieulars on premises or write
Bluevale, Ont.
13y virtue of a warrent issued under the
hnnds of the'Mnyor and Clerk of the Town of
Wingham and having the Heal of the said Cor-
poration attached thereto, bearing date the
:1st dap of May, s.7)., 1913, commanding me
to levy upon the lands fntin crated hereunder
for tho arrears of taxes respectively due
thereuodn t other with costs. Notice is here
by given that in accordance with the Assess•
)neat Act I hallroceed to sell by public auc-
tion the said lands or so much thereof AS may'
be sufficient for the payment of the taxes and
Costs thereon unless the same bo sooner paid
The sale will aommenro at the Town Hall in
the Town of Winglihnt on Monday the 13th
day of October, A.D.. 1913, at the hour of two'
o'clock In the afternoon.
Lot. Street, Armee, Patented,
ttTaxes Coats Tot.
No 5 Centre W,1•5, patenannii e SG $22.16 7.42
Tretiaurer; Torre et Wingham
Rubbers! Ru
are as low as the lowest.
d a Big,
You will need them almost right
We have just receive
Bright New Stock and our prices
Take a look at these prices :
Men's (just like this cut) with
double toes and heels, sizes
6 to I?,
- 90c
Boys' of same, sizes I to 5 - 70c
Small Boys' of same, sizes 3 to i a IA 60c.
Prices of other Rubbers in The Advance
Sole agents
,„„,,/ For Ladies
d.,.. -,.o , s,,4e,ea.,s..-o a ,,
New Fall Dress
For weeks new goods
have been arriving at this
store and our stock is now
Bedford Brocades
in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey
A well assorted range of Serges in
all shades, at all prices.
Cordury Velvets
in Black, Brown, Green, Navy,
etc., from 50c to $1.25 per yd.
Sweater Coats
in all the leading styles and -shades.
:\To trouble to show goods.
Produce of all Kinds Wanted.