The Wingham Times, 1913-09-25, Page 8it 8 itlt; (t1AM Tim SEPTEMBER 25 1913 ranI Trunk Railway System '(our Vacation Trip Tiekete on sale to all the leading 'un?mer Resorts. All rail or lake and ail routes. ro the West Tourist and Ilomeseekers Excursion ickets to any point el Western Canada ,r any point ;n United States. Popular To Europe We can ticket you through to any point in h',urope on all leading steamship ines. Prepaid erdt is also issued. Your Next Trip Whether your next trip be a long or r short one, we will be pleased to issue ,,our ticket. information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you eheerfuliy. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Nines Office, Wingham, On MINOR LOCALS. -- Try the TIMII S office with your next order for job printing. —Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday, P,e sure and attend on Friday afternoon. —Cede'lei, butchers have decided to in the future conduct their business on a cash basis. —Buy your railway tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. 11 at the TIMES office. — Six artists at fall fair concert on Friday evening. Secure your tickets at MeKibbon's drug store. —Subscribe for the TIMES. This paper to any address in Canada to January 1st, 1915 for $1. —The fall fair concert on Friday evening will be the best of the season. Secure your tickets early at McKibbon's alrug store. --Mr. Alex. Purvis' barn in Kinlcss to:..v'ldp was destroyed by fir on Sunday evening. The overturning of a lantern caused the fire. — Mrs. Margaret Cargill, relict of the Into Henry Cargill, M.P. for East Bruce. died at her home in Cargill on Sunday after a two weeks' illness. — You can become a subscriber to the TIMES at a bargain price. ' The paper sent to any address in Canada to January lst, 1915, for $1. — Mr. Thos. L. Jobb has been nursing an injured finger for some days. In moving a box in hie shop, the box slip- ped and a bad gash was made in one of Mr. Jobb's fingers. —Mr. E. W. Tritsrryirgton, Cerk at elle Queen's hotel had his left hand bad_ ly cut on Saturday morning In carry_ Lig some bottles down cellar he slipped and one of the bottles broke and Mr. Merrir,gton's hand was badly cut. The injury is giving him a few unwelcome holidays. — Appointments to the offices of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada were announced last week by the Grand Masts:', W. D. McPherson, K.C., M.P.P. In the list we notice that Mr. John Ritchie, of Wingham, and Mr. C. H. Sander;, of Exeter, have been appoint- ed Grand Stewards. AUCTION SALES Mr. Edwin Gaunt. of the north half of lots 21 and 22, concession 1, Kinloss, will held' an auction sale, on Monday, °etcher Lith, of one working horse, two heavy yearling colts, one cow and thir- teen one and two year old heifers and steers. Cattle are grade Polled -Angus. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. Mr. Thos. Aitken, of lot 13, concession 10, Turnberry intends givingup farming and will hold a clearing auction Ale' of farm stock and implements,, on Wedneee day. October lst. Mr. John Purvis will be the auctioneer. Mr. James Kirby will hold a clearing auction at Belmore on Tuesday, Sept_ ember 30th. There will be offered for sale, horses, cows, wagons, cutters, household furniture, etc. Frank Mc- Connell will be the auctioneer, Smut Diseases of Cultivated Plants. It is estimated by the Director of Ex- perimental Farms that Smut diseases of cultivated plants cause an annual loss in Canada of at leastfifteen million dollars. If these diseases were proper- ly understood and the best known reme- dies applied at proper times much of this serious injury would be prevented. In melee to teach crop growers how best to protect their fields against dam- oge by aisiuts there has been issued by the Department of Agriculture a conr- prehensiee, plainly written treatise which is issued as 1sulletin No, 73, of the E':_;perimental Farm. The author, Mr. H. T. Gussovv, Dominion Botanist, has cc.= into the subject very th' r - DON'T COUGH uE Wampole's Cod Liver Oil It Strengthens the Lungs; Builds up the Chest and prevents that Cough from developing into something worse. J. J. DAVM Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM When You Buy Coal Be Sure You Get Genuine Scranton Prices of Deleware, Lacawana and West€ rn Coal Co.'s Scranton Erg and Stove, Chrstnut Pea Coal $7.50 7.75 6.25 BIctcl smith, Cannell and Soft Coals, also Lumber, Lath, Shingles and 'Wood always on hand for prompt delivery. J. A. McLEAN ouglily not only describing the smuts, in their various stages, that affect wheat, barley, oats, corn and millet but attention is given to methods of in- fection as well as the preventive meas ures and curative remedies that have been found useful. The text which occupies about fifty pages is much help- ed by numerous illustrations. This work is being sent out free to all who apply for it to the Publications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. r3ORN. HoecRoFT.—In Wroxeter, on Sep- tember 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Hoperoft; a son. DAtiEY.—In Wroxeter, on September 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davey; a daughter. DonIE—In Wingham, on Sept. 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Dobie; a daugh- ter. MARRIED. DANE—WADE.—At the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Wade, con. 13, Howick, on Sept, 17th, by the Rev. W. H. Roberts, Miss Lor- enda Cecelia Wade to Mr. David Weir Dane, all of Ilowick tp. MAZER. WHEELER—In Grey township on Sept- ember 11th, Gertrude Ann, beloved wife of Lawrence Wheeler, aged 58 years and six months. MAGES—In Howick on Sept. llth, Richard MaGee, end con., in his 83rd year. .MCCRAuKEN—In Brussels, on Sep- tember 20th, W. H. McCracken, in his 73rd year. MCNEIL—In Grey, on September 20th, Sarah Lamont, wife of Mr. Lachlan McMeil, aged 8J years, 9 months and 28 days, The new Guelph Y.M.C.A, building eo;ting $75,000, was formally opened. David IL Clar?c, a Canadian Express official for forty years, died. of heart trouble at Palmerston. The Detroit & Huron Railway, from Cass City to Bad Axe, Mich„ will be opened for freight and traffic on the 28th inst. The officials are all G. T. P. men. James Ross, head of the Dominion Coal Company and a number of other concerns, died at Montreal, aged 65. Fred Adams, for driving a Tilbury liveryman'a horse to death, was fined $75. and $28 costs at Chatham. FIVE BIG Harness Specials At KEW'S For Fair Week 1 set Single Harness, $35 for $30,00 2 sets Single Hierness, $32 for $25.00 1 set Single Ilarness, 625 for $20.75 1 set Single Uarnesss, $19 for $14.75 Ilarness will be en exhibition in our window during Fair Week. THOS, KEW, WINGHAM, ONT, ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Notices Under This Head tencents a line for first insertion; live cents for subse- quent insertions. Get Parnell's Bread at C1'ristie's. FOR SALE— A pneumatic t', ed buggy. As gocd as new. Apply at IMES office. WANTED—A good _eneral servant girl. Good wages. 'u . ply to Mr's. Robt. Beattie. G SHINGLES—Car load of 'Best British Columbia xxx Shingle just arrived. Will be sold at 95 cent per bunch. J. A. MCLEAN. Coal, wood and kindling. Do not fail to get my prices before purchasing elsewhere. R. J. CANTELON. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -131g stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Rooms for Rent, over the:OAdvance Office. Suitable for light •use -keep- ing. Enquire of C. N. Gr' n. WANTED—Two smar,boys to learn the upholstering t a , also boys for other positions. Apr at the Upholster- ing Factory. FURNITURE FOR ALE —As I am leav- ing town, I offer f, r sale a part of my furniture. Call ny afternoon. John Kerr, corner of 'Patrick and Frances streets. AUCTION SALE OF OUSEHOLD FURNI- TURE, will be held a the residence of Jno. MacRitchie, o door west of St. Pars chureie, Jo Street, Saturday Sg. t. 27th, art 2.10 p. m., when the following articles Twill be offered for sale; Piano (squi!re), bedsteads, wash- stands bookcase`' Coal oil heater, Mc - Clary Parlour cook stove, baby buggy, crib, chairs, lamps, etc. —F. MCCONNELL, Auctioneer. Sewing Machines Repaired. fiewingmachines repaired and eleaued. Any age, Canadian, Amercian, English snd German makes. References will- ingly furnished. Drop a card or phone 235 to S. H. Smith, at Lougheed's boarding house. Stray Heifer. There strayed froth Fey premises, 1®t eoncessiotl 12, East Wawanosh, afew days prior to September list, a yearling laeifer, red in color, with large, white mark on face. Parties knowing any- thing of the whereabouts of the heifer will kindly phone, North Huron, ring 4 on line 619, or address WI i orb REID, Wingham, Ont. rKING BROSI A Display of Fashionable Overcoats, Suits, Gloves, Hats, Shirts, Neckwear Hosiery and Underwear. The New Winter Coats are waiting' your inspection. Our stock was never so complete as now. The new Roll Collar is a special feature and is shown on most of the better coats in Chincilla and Tweed effects Prices: $10, $15, $18, $20 and $25 Special Orders made to your measure from $18 to $42 Standard Brands of Men's Wearing Necessities. which are recognized as theD,Best, some of which we have the Exclusive Sale for : ArrowjBrand Shirts and Collars. Collars 3 for 50c. Shirts $1.50 up. C. N. R.—Proper Clothes for "Men Who Care.' $10.00 to $25.00. Phit Eesi Hats.—The Newest and Best in Hard and Soft Hats Woolsley Underwear, Guaranteed.—Stock sizes $5.00 Suit; Oversizes, 44, 46 and 48, $6,00 Suit. N. SI. C. English Raincoats which turn the water, All makes of Hosiery and Underwear such as Penman: s Stanfields, Tiger Brand, etc. OMR PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71 INC BR.OSE Tenders for Debentures. Tenders will be received by a under- signed up till Saturday theh day of October next for the ppurchisFe of $743.- 58 East Wawanosh Dra' Debentures bearing interest at the tate of 5 per cent, per annum,`( a • , repayable in ten equal annual �",,yments of $96.31 principal and interest combined on the 20th day of December each year at the Dominion Bank Wingham. The first of such payments due and payable on the 20th day of December next. F. ANDERSON, Treasurer E. Wawanosh, Belgrave, Ont. Farm and Stock for Sale. The undersigned has for sale seven well-bred milch cows, all milking and in calf; and also fifteen head of one year steers and heifers. The farm, south half of lots 15 and 10, concession 1, Morris is also for sale. The farm contains 100 acres and is all in grass except I0 acres, Get full particulars on the premises, W M. CLEGG. Wingham, Ont. FARM FOR SALE. The undersigned offt rs for sale his fifty acre farm, being lot 24, concession 1, Morris township. On the premises are a frame house, 20x3(, ft., with kitchen attached, 11x18. Bank barn, 34x50 and straw shed 20x30. Farm is on Bluevale road. 3 miles from Wing - ham and "r mile from Bluevale. Im- mediate possession if desired. Get par- ticulars on premises or write ROBT, TAYLOR, Bluevale, Ont. Notice to Coitractors. Sealed tenders 11 be received by the undersigned up o the lst October, 1913, for the erecti of a new wing to the Wingham Genal Hospital. Plans and specifications an be seen at the Hospital. Lowes* or any tender not necessarily aceep"d. Wingham. Ont Sept. Oth, 1913. R. VAN ONE, Secretary. Y Drawer 28, Wingham P.O. Hotel Property For Sale. i The undersigned offers for sale, his hotel property in the village of Belgrave. The property will be sold on easy terms. Also a quantity of household furniture for sale. Apply on the premises or w rite THOS. HILL, Belgrave, Ont. PROPERTY FOR SALE The undersigned offers for sale her house and lot on the corner of Victoria and Edward streets. The house with good cellar and woodshed. Hard and soft water. Electric lights and furnace. House can be used by one or two fami- lies as desired. Get full information on the premises. MRs. A. E. SIMMONS. Wingham, Ont. Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast via Chicago and North Western Railway 011 sale daily Sept. 25th to Oct. 10th inclusive, from all points in Canada to Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Salt Lake City, Seattle, Victoria, Van- , couver, Nelson, Rossland, and many I other points. Through tourist sleepers and free reclining chair ears from Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal stop overs. For full information as to rates, routes and literature, write or call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, TRFASURER'S SALE OF LAID FOR TAXES. 13y Virtue of a warrant isetted under the hands of the Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Wingham and having the seal of the said Cor- poration attached thereto, bearing date the 21st day of ay, A.D., 1918, commanding mo to levy neon the lands enumerated hereunder for the arrears of tuxes respectively due therouodn together with costs. Notice le here t n thatin accordance with the Asses b o s yg v a 4 all sell u public ,11c m nt Act I h pproceocl n t i enie- ti'on the said lands or so a neh thereof as may bo /sufficient for the payment of the taxes and eost5' thereon, unless the sane be sooner paid The halo will commence at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham on Monday the 18th day of October, n.0.. 1013, at the hour of two o'nlonk in the afternoon. Lot. Street. Aefes. Patented. Tas:,.t Ccs?r. Tot. or ttno't't'd No 5 Centre NV, 14, patentI t 57174 5 MG 51'.:32 JOHNTreasurer, Town of Magnate WINGHAM FALL FAIR Thursday and Friday September 25 and 26 (THIS WEEK) We invite you to make our store your headquarters. Leave your wraps and meet your friends here. r You flowers in May. WILLIS & CO. are as welcome as the THE SHOE STORE Sole agents For Ladies New Fait Dresi. s Fabrics For weeks new goods have been arriving at this store and our stock is now complete. Bedford Brocades in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey A well assorted range of Serges in all shades, at all prices. .. Cordury Velvets and Velveteens in Black, Brown, Green, Navy, etc., from 5oc to $1.25 per yd. i - Sweater Coats ' ' in all the leading styles and shades. No trouble to show goods. Produce of all Kinds Wanted. . Jo Am M1LLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.