HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-09-18, Page 88
TILE Ttvl 1'S, SEPTEMBER 18 19]3
1 tl Trunk Rehm System
'our Vacation Trip
sale to all the leading
ratan c I.a•=urts. All rail or lake and
Ai t routes.
'(a the West
T.ririst and holo -eeel:ers Excursion
c•',e'ts to any point in Western Canada
• any point in United States. Popular
ult* s.
'o Europe
We can ticket you through to any
oint in Europe on a: leading -steamship
ees. Prepaid orders also issued.
Irour Next Trip
Whether your next trip be a long or
short one, we will be pleased to issue
our tieket.
raf ormatioru
If it's about travel, we have the
;fe,metion and will give it to you
Town Agent G.T.R.
gimes Office, Wingham, Ont.
—Blyth's tax rate for this year is 22
hills on the dollar.
- Postmaster Dickson, Seaforth, has
,een forty-eight years in office.
Two good horse races at Wingham
air on afternoon of Friday, September
-Make your entries for Wingham
all keir early with the Secretary at
the TiMEs office.
—Kincardine, Lucknow, and Seaforth
fall fairs are being held on Thursday
and Friday of this week.
Attend the high-class concert on
Fair night, September 26th. Secure
year tickets at McKibbon's drug store.
—Fall fair concert on Sept. 26th will
be best of the season. Secure your
tielsese early at McKibbon's drug store.
Henry N. Manto, foreman of the
mae}: ne department in thespiesz Furn-
itii^e Company's factory at Hanover,
lost bis left hand.
—Mr—John John Elliott, who is engaged
by thۥ Ontario Department of Agri-
et:lte e, was judging horses at the New
Hamburg fall fair last week.
—Six high class artists at Wingham
fair concert in opera house on Friday
evening,. Sept. 26th. Secure your
tickets at McKibbon's drug store.
—Mr. Arch. Paterson has pus.chased
the house and lots on Victoria street
which was owned by his brother, the
late Frank Paterson.
Wine ham fall fair will have a larger
membership this year than ever before
in t1 history of the fair. Get your
exhibits ready for September 25th and
—Mr. M. E. Zurbrigghas sold his house
and Iot on Centre Street to Mr. John S.
Morgan, of Huron Township. Mr.
Morgan will move his family to Wing -
ham in the near future.
—Kincardine fall fair en friday of
this week. Horse races and the flying
mach'.r.e are the big attraction. Special
train ;eaves Wingham at S.40 a.m.
Renaming, special train 'leaves Kincar-
dine at 7.:,0 p.m.
H. B. Elliott has this week
sold Lie property on Frances street,
ltecte l= as the Adams house to Mr. J.
G. Stewart, of Toronto, and formerly
of Wingham. Mr. Stewart intends
returning to town to reside.
—We understand that Mr. A. D.
McKenzie has purchased the Lucknow
Sentinel from Mr. Wraith. Mr. Mc-
Kenzie was for some years publisher
of the Sentinel prior to going West.
We ere pleased to welcome Mr. McKen-
zie beet, to Bruce County.
—Although the order in Council has
not rot ",ore through fixing the date
for Thanksgiving Day, it is understood
thee st,- leraet;(ee of the last fete years
will Is- •a lhered to, and the hist Monday
rteter ee will be proclaimed as '°a
des r rational thanksgiving" and a pub-
lic beluga.-.
Mr. E. D. Bolton, P,L.S., of Listo-
wel, was in town this week looking over
the /and °n connectionwith the drainage
or Mr. R. A. Graham's property at the
south end of Josephine street, Mr.
Bolton will take the facto of the care!
int., (7.n,_ 4(dceratinn before makide; his
F°ekes S .
:cepa just issued shows that in
than year 1012 there were 25 persons
killed and 537 injured in accidents dur-
ing the ""last fiscal year on the street
cars and radial railways of Ontario.
There r.e,:e four passengers killed and
Ui fnjrn.ed. Two employees were
loll 3 2 31 injured. Of the traveller.(
oia laighways ID were killed and 109
ili tla< d
—David Cards, aged d Clg ty-ii
pioneer farmer r of Huron town-
ship, Saturda;, Irlelning. Deceas-
oal :.as w ., in Scotland, bat had lived
since 11.VJ.
1833 He first settled
itt ffi Durham county. conning; to Huron
L7 MO. Ho *was a most highly
•atec : 1 member of the Presbyterian
Ills wife died about thirteen
yea1J og ,
25 Cents
Another supply of Razors on hand. They have
given Splendid Satisfactiol, and are proving themselves
to be Snperior to any other Safety Razors on the mar-
ket. Remember the guarantee with each Razor.
Razor with one Blade . . . . 25c
Extra Blades
at `• °
Sucessor to A. L. 'HAMILTON
When You Buy Coal Be
Sure You Get Genuine
Prices of Deleware, Lsecawana
and Western Coal C
nton cal
Egg and Sto
Cht st'nut
Pea -
Blacksmith, Cannell and Soft
Coals, also Lurnber, Lath,
Shingles and Wood always on
hand for prompt delivery.
Epworth League convention in Wing -
ham on Wednesday and Thursday of
this week.
The annual convention of the Mait-
land Presbytery Young People's Union
was held in the Teeswater Presbyterian
Church on Monday last.
Harvest Festival services will be held
in the Salvation Army Hall, on Sunday,
September 21st. 11 a.m.—Thanksgiving
and altar service. :3 p.m. --Harvest
Praises. 7 p.m.—The Heavenly Har-
vest. Soloist, Mr Reginald Sparks, of
Brantford. There will be a sale of
goods on Monday evening, September
The total amount paid to Missions in
the Methodist Church for the past year
has reached the splendid total of $6:3Fe-
246.80. With one exception, British
Columbia, there has been an increase
in the amount given by every Confer-
ence in the Dominion. Adding the
amounts received from interest on leg-
acies and from legacies and donations
the total reaches the sum of $ 7753,577.-
The 4611i anniversary services in con-
nection with Wit, I'aul'sChurch will be
held on Sunday, 0cteber5th. Rev. Dr.
Boyle, Dean ®f Trinity College, Toron-
to, a former well-known rector, will
preach special sermons at both services.
On 1tonday. October title the annual
harvest Home Supper and entertain-
ment will be held. Further particulars
in a future issue.
The regular, meeting of the Presby-
tery of Maitland was held in St. An-
(iee'w,s Presbyterian Church on Tues-
day, When the call of Belgrave and
Calvin churches to acv. A. 11. iiivfre;
of Kemble, Own Sotnd Presbytery,
was csasider ed and Mr. Boyle will "Ac-
cept, eubject to the approval bf Owen
Sound Pr•eOiytern itiev. Mr. Stewart,
of Whiteellurcti t: es bppointcd to attend
the Presbytery meeting in Owen Sound
on the 19th inst. to Iook after the inter-
en,ts of Belgrave and Colvin congrega-
H. S. D
• 2>c manager of the Domini-
H. S. Drake,
On Canners' factory I+onthill, was
fatally shocked in his cellar while put-
ting a Tungsten lamp into an electric
light socket.
Archie Swenor, fireman on the lumber
barge Stephen C. Hall of Sarnia, was
instantly killed by the blowing out of
a flue of the boiler at Blind River.
Economy Prices on
Boys' Stylish Suits
100 Boys' Suits at a
saving of 20 per cent.
Next week we offer you one of the
best values in Boys' Clothing, all
new goods and some exceptional
values for School Wear.
Boys' Furnishings, Hats
Caps, Shirts, Collars,
Ties, Odd Knickers,
Sweaters, &c.
We are showing all the new Fall
Goods Min the Latest Styles and
C.N.R. High -Grade
Men's Clothing
That Will Give Satisfaction
Harnes Specials
• For Fair Week
1 set Single Harness, $35 for 830.00
2 sets Single Harness, $32 for $25.00
1 set Single Ilarness, $25 for $20.75
1 set Single Harness, $19 for $14.75
Harness will he en exhibition in
our window during Fair Week.
Some Remarks.
From the Detroit Journal.
The sun always has time to burn.
The roll all actors are fond of is the
The man who never swears may still
give a cursory glance.
Many a self-made man is made over
again after he marries.
Even a sword swallower may need a
tonic to sharpen his appetite.
Some people are so busy taking about
themselves that they haven't time to
run other people down.
Notices Under This Head ten cents a line
for first insertion; ave cents for subse-
quent insertions.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
Ie'on SALE—A pneumatic t' d buggy.
As good as new. Apply at MES office.
Coal, wood and kin. g. Do not fail
to get my pric fore purchasing
elsewhere. R. J. CANTELON.
FOR SALE—A quantity of fall wheat,
suitable for seed. Apply to Murray
Wilson, Wingham.
TRUNKS AND VALISI:s: --Big stock of
select from at lowest prices.
Rooms for Rent, over the Adva
Office. Suitable for light house -k
ing. Enquire of C. N. Griffin.
1) -
TURE, will be held at the r 'dence of
Jne.-MacRitchie, one door est of St.
Paul's church, hn S et, Saturday
Sept. 27th, at 2,"O m„ when the
following article: 1 be offered for
sale*- Piano (sq 'e), bedsteads, wash-
stands, boekcasi(, ('oal oil heater, Mc -
Clary Parlour cook stove, baby buggy,
crib, chairs, lamps, etc, ---F. McCoNNELL,
Sewing Machines kepairecl.
Sewing machines repaired and cleaned.
Any age, Canadian, An►ercian, English
end German mime. References will-
ingly furnished. Drop a card or pone
235 to S. 11. Smith, at Long, ' ed's
hoarding house.
Stray Heife
There came onto my misee, lot 31,
concession 12, Last 1- wanosh, a few
days prior to 'Sep en . ■r art, a ,yearling
heifer, red in e o with large, white
mark on face. sec can have same
by proving property and paying ex-
penscs. Thune, North 1lureeu, ring 4
on line 619, or addt,t s
Wingham, Ont,
Our new Fall and Winter Stock
is waiting your inspection, We
can promise you some of the best
values, in the most Up-to-date
Styles on the market. Prices from
$10.00 to $25.00.
Men's Rain Coats at
Sacrifice Prices
We received a double shipment
by mistake and are offering these
Coats at a saving of 25 per cent.
'We a. lirsorsitogoviAittwY.!,, .
ing town, I offer for sa
furniture. Call
Kerr, corner of
I am leav-
e part of my
fternoon. John
trick and Fran a s
Farm and Stock for ' :1
The undersigned has sale seven
well-bred milch cows, milking and in
calf; and also ftee : lead of one year
steers and he
The farm, s "half of lots 15 and
16, concession Morris is also for sale.
The farm contains 100 acres and is all
in grass except I0 acres,
Get full particulars on the premises.
Wingham, 0• t.
The undersigned offer or sale his
fifty acre farm, being to 4, concession
1, Morris town. 'rip. n the premises
are a frame •'.0 20x30 ft., with
kitchen attach 11x18. Bank barn,
:34x50 and stra shed 20x30,. Farm is
on Bluevale road. :3 miles from Wing -
ham and 3:i mile from Bluevale. Im-
mediate possession if desired. Get par-
ticulars on premises or write
Bluevale, Ont.
Notice to Contractors.
Sealed tenders will be rectivad by
thce undersigned up to the 1st October.
41913, for the erection of a new wing to
the Wingham General Hospital. Plans
sand speoifecaticns can be seen at the
Hospital. Lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Wingham. Ont., Et- 'It. t'ith,1913,
R. VANSTONE, Secretary,
Drawer 28, Wingham P.O.
Sealed tenders will be eived by the
undersigned up to 4 p. on 1Vlonday
Sept. 22nd, for ee w a : work, metallic
siding and paint ),g, . the Town Machin-
ery building. 1 and Specifications
can be seen a ' 'own Clerk's Office,
The lowest eoe any tender not necessari-
ly aecepted„
Wet. lame'rER.
'Chairman'of Committee.
Hotel Property For `Sale.
The undersigned offers for sale, his
hotel property in the village of Belgrave.
The property will be sold on easy terms.
Also a quantity of household furniture
for sale. Apply on the premises or
w rite
Thos. HILL,
Belgrave, Ont.
•getelet4Meteleeeseeee'Vesistee/UVoen•ser'nVateteltetti,V. 0.14411.0411.4141141,111.114401.41e,
i WILLIS .8z CO.
Sole agents For Ladies
Thursday and Friday
September 25 26
One week from next Thursday
September 25 and 26
One week from Thursday
and Friday
We invite you to make our store
your headquarters.
Leave your wraps and meet your
friends here.
You are as welcome as the
flowers in May.
The undersigned offers for sale her
house and lot on the corner of Victoria
and Edward streets. The house with
good collar and woodshed. Had and'
soft water, Electric lights and furnace.
House can be used by one or tiwo fami-
lies as desired. Get full information on
the premises.
Wingham, Ont.
Low Colonist Rates to Pacific Coast
via Chicago and North Western Railway
On sale daily Sept: 25th to Oct. loth
inclusive, from all points in Canada to
Los Angeles, San,Francisco, Portland,
Salt Laine City, Seattle, Victoria, Van-
couver, Nelson, Rossland, and many
other points. Through tourist sleepers
and free reclining chair cars from
Chicago. Variable routes. Liberal•
stop overs. For full information as
to rates. routes and literature, write or
call on B. H. Bennett, General Agent,
46 Yonge Street, Toronto,
By virtue of a warrant i•siud under the
hands of the MaypAr and Clerk of the Town of •
\Vinghanr and hating the seal of the said Cor-
poration attached thereto. Leering data the
let day of ay, A.D., 151 ' commanding me
to levy upon the lands enumerated hereunder
for the arrears of taxes respectively =7nq
theronodn together with costs. Notice i4 hZrre
by given hot in accordance with the Assess.
moat Aat I shallproceed o sell by public c aun-
tiara the said tondo or so much thereof tss may
be sufficient for the pays, int of the tan( ' and
eosts1 thereon, nniess the Forte hs sooner hotel, p
The sale will comiat nee bt the Town iia -1n
the Town of Wingl.a.0 =n Monday the E,tit
any of October, A.1) 1:x2:1, et the hour of two
o'clock in the afte n a.
Lot. Street. Acres Patented. Taxes Costs Tot.
orx atite't't'ei
No fi W,1-5, 70tr e S
SOViy 104f33.02
TreasurerfTotrn of Wingham
New Fall Dress
For weeks new goods
have been arriving at this •
store and our stock is now
Bedford Brocades ,
in Black, Brown, Navy, Grey
all shades., at all prices.
11 A well assorted range of Serges in
Cordury Velvets and
in Black, Brown, Green, Navy,
etc., from 5oc to $1.°15 per yd.
Sweater Coats
(a in. all the leading styles and shades.
No trouble to show goods.
Produce of all Kinds Wanted.
4111 As MILLS
Successors to T. A. Mick