HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-09-18, Page 31 WINGIWif TIMES, SEPTEMBER 18 1913 3 efraillfail .S30 "la URNEYOXFOR 1) 44-2 The gurney -Oxford tigo CgO ARO t Why it is the Best Range Procurable It stands to reason that the foundry of national reputation for its equipment of the most notable hotel, restaurant, and institutional kitchens through- out the Dominion, also makes the best range on the market for the home kitchen. This Gurney -Oxford range is the result of over seventy years' experience ' and experimental study of improvements to benefit the woman who toils in the kitchen. Even• Bakings By means of a Divided Flue Strip, the heat is divided evenly f) over the top and down the back and sides of the oven. A pan of biscuits in the front and back of the oven will brown with perfect evenness without having to change their places many times during the baking. The two back lids of the range also receive an equal cooking heat that will boil two kettles at the same time. Perfect Control The entire range is controlled practically by one handle, called the Economizer. It turns around a series of six notches to determine the exact degree of heat required. Such control saves time, fuel and labor. Saving of Fuel Then again the special Re- versible Grate saves coal bills by burning the coal to a fine white ash. No unburnt coal can lodge in the rounded cor- ners of the firebox. It's Sanitary Too The smooth clean castings will not catch or retain grease. The nickle trimming may be lifted off and polished with the silverware. The Gurney -Oxford is "diff- erent" from all other ranges- its exclusive devices make an irresistible appeal to every woman. CALL ON US -ASK FOR OUR NEW CATALOGUE,"STOVES AND RANGES" W. J. BOYCE Domestic and Sanitary Engineer; =WINGHAM to E0 lz fsO A rat was killed in a produce com- pany's plant in Missouri, and left four young rats, which the cat has under- taken to bring up, meantime not neg- lecting her duty of keeping the place clear of all adult rats that come in sight. WANTED. Good Local Agent at once to represent the Old and Reliable Foothill Nursuries A splendid list of fruit and ornamental stock for Fal) Delivery in 1913 and Spring Dilivery in 1914. Start at once and secure. ex- clusive tt rritory. We supply handsome free out fit and pay highest com- missions. Write for full particulars. Stone & Wellington, Toronto - - Ontario • Wisdom of Solomon. Righteousness exalteth a nation, but The ministers of Chicago were asked sin is a reproach to any people. - recently by the Chicago Tribun4 to Proverbs 14:34. compile what they considered the ten wisest sayings of King Solomon. The vote in the order named was for the fol- lowing ten proverbs: Ile that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that rut, th his spirit than he that taketh a city. - Proverbs 6: 32. Go to the ant, thou sluggard; con- sider her ways, and be wise. -Proverbs 6:6. Wine is a mocker; strong drink is raging; and whosoever is deceived thereby is not wise. --Proverbs 20: 1. A soft•, answer turneth away wrath; but grievous words stir up angt-r.•-- Proverbs 15: 1. There are three things which are too wonderful for me, year four; which I know not. The way of an eagle in the air; the way of a serpent upon a rock; tiie way of a ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man with a maid. -Proverbs 30, 18, 1!1. Train up your child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. -Proverbs 2?: 6 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor lather than silver and gold. -Proverbs 22:1. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge;,but fools despise wisdom and instruction.-Proverbs1: 7, Diarrhoea Quickly Cured was taken with diarrhoea and Mr. Yorks, the merchant here, persuaded me to try a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. After taking our dose of itI was cured. It also cured others that I gave it to," writes M. H. Gebhart, Oriole, Pa. That is not at all unusual. An ordinary attack of diarrhoea can almost invari- ably be cured by one or two doses of this remedy. For sale by all dealers. The "Mean" Of R. From the Weekly Scotsman. President Cleveland, while talking to a friend about one of his many angling expeditions, told the following story: I had with me on that particular trip two eountry, men who evidently were fami- with my reputation as an angler, Be- fore starting, one of them made the suggestion that the first to Catch 1 a fish must treat the crowd. Now, don't you know, those two fellows both had a bite, and were two mean tO pull them up." "I suppose you lost, then," remarked the friend. "Oh, no!" replied the President "I didn't have any bait on my hook." Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTO E I A Rest and Effecient Work. (From Youth's Companion,) Scientific men have lately made some very inoeresting experiments to learn how to perform the greatest am- ount of work at the highest point of efficiency with the smallest amount of fatigue, These experiments prove beyond question that work that is broken by rest at short and regular in tervals, is more productive, both quan- tity and quality, than steady work, in spite of the time lost in rest. The experiments were made with strong and unimaginative male laborers who were quite unaware of the mean- ing of them. Even in such unskilled mechanical labor as moving heavy bars from one place to another, the man who rests at regnlar intervals moved more bars in a given time than the man who worked steadily. The principles that these experiments confirm can be applied to every kind of work, and by every type or worker. Every one knows that those who work must also rest, but every one does not realize that rest should come at very short intervals. Too many men work unremittingly up to the breaking -point and then have to take time to recover. The new theory of work and rest teaches that there need be no breaking -point, and that g recovery or recuperation should go on constantly, hand in hand with work. This theory is especially important in the schoolroom. The quality of work that pupils of all ages perform will improve if they have a quarter of every hour for rest and recuperation. The theory is of value to the business man also; and none needs it more than the woman in the home who goes on weari- ly, hour after hour, about her endless tasks. She ought to understand shat she can actually do more work, and do it a great deal better, if she will only lie down:sfor fifteen minutes in each hour, quite regardless of the amount of work ahead of her. A quarter of each hour spent this way will seem like a shameful waste of time to many ener- getic people, but a fair trial will prove that it is economical. Mother of Eighteen Children. "I am the mother of eighteen child- ren and have the praise of doing more work than any young woman in my town," writes Mrs. C. J. Martin, Boone Mill, Va. "I suffered for five years with stomach trouble and could not eat as much as a biscuit without suffering. I have taken three bottles of Chamber- lains Tablets and am now a well woman and 16S pounds. I can eat anything I want to, and as much as I want and feel better than I have at any time in ten years. I refer to any one in Boone Mill or vicinty and they will vouch for what I say." Chamberlain's Tablets are for sale by all dealers. He Knew Tommy. From the Casa Blanca Annual.. A lady school teacher was giving a lesson in addition. Striving to make the matter clear to the class, she said: "Now. Bill, supposing that you had three apples, and Tommy would tell you he would give you two more ap- ples. How many would you have then?" "Just three, ma'am," muttered Bill. "No, you would have three apples yourself, and the two which Tommy would give you. Now, how many would that be?" `Three, ma'am," muttered Bill again. "Yvu don't know Tommy as well as I do. He wouldn't give ine any." Caught a Bad Cold. "Last winter my son caught a very bad cold and the way he coughed was something dreadful," writes Mrs. Sarah E Duncan, Tipton, Iowa. "We thought sure he was going into consump- tion. We bought just one bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and that one bottle completely stopped his cough and cured his cold." For sale by all dealers. Cost of Living Higher. The cost of living index number took another jump upwards last month from 135.9, the figures for July to 136.2. In August 1912, the figures were 133. so that there was nearly a three-point in- crease in August of this year comp,,red with the same month a year ago. "And," say the officials at the labor department who compile the average cost of prices every month, "the pros- pects for any pronounced drop in the average cost of the commodities classi- fied under the list of necessities of life are not very bright." The cause for the advance in the average cost last month was principally due to the increase in the price of potatoes, eggs, canned lobster, anthra- cite coal, grains and fodder. Such things as beef, lamb, butter, lake trout, whitefish, canned peas, honey and cof- fee dropped a few points. Meats are a little higher in price than they were a year ago, but grams and fodder are lower. William J. Gaynor, mayor of New York, died in mid -ocean on the steamer Baltic at 1 o'clock Wednesday afternoon of heart failure, When lighting the gas, turn it on for a few seconds, then hold the match one inch above the chimney. It is through applying the match too quickly that sq, many mantels are destroyed. GRATITUDE PROMPTED TillS LETTER Prorilner; Pe �aie Froud To 1'cs.ify F'ur "i'ruit-a-tives" MR. TIMOTHY MOGRATH 130 ATLANTIC AVE., MONTREAL, MARC:I ISt. 1912, "For years, I suffered from Rltcti. matism, being tunable to work for week at a time and spent bun !r'',e of (1-1' 're on doctor's medicines, besides receiving treatment at Notre Dante IIospital where I was informed that 1 was incur- able. I was discouraged when a friend advised me to try "Fruit-a-tives". After using three packages, I felt relieved and continued until I bad used five packages when a complete cure was the result after years of doc- toring failed. I consider "Fruit-a- tives" a wonderful remedy. Yon are at liberty to use this testimonial to prove to others the good that "Fruit-a-tives" has done me" TIMOTHY McGRATII. sec. a 'box, 6 for $2,50 -trial size, 25c. At dealers or front Fruit -a-6 yes Limited, Ottawa. Too Tender With It From the Newark Star. A physician tells a story of a philan- thropic doctor in a Pennsylvania coal mining town who presented each household with a nice new thermometer and told the people the necessity of maintainingproper temperature. When making his rounds one day he observed his thermometer hanging in the room. He inquired of the woman of the house if she had remembered his instructions. "Indeed, sir, I do," was the response. "I hang the thing right up there, and watch it carefully to see it does not get too high." "Good!" exclaimed the doctor. "And what do you do when the temperature rises above 70 degrees?" "Why, sir," she answered with the air of one faithful to a trust, "when it gets too high I take it down and put it outside until it cools off." IL Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed- ing, or .tsrotrud. ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60e. a nog; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Sample box free if you montion this paper and enclose 2c, stamp to pay postage. Fortunate. A city woman who recently passed a few days at a farm bought some poul- try from a farmer:with a view to pro- viding fresh eggs for breakfast every morning, so Harper's Weekly tells us. She sent them to town by messenger, at the same time despatching a note to her husband, tellinghim to look out for the consignment. Her husband, on reaching his home that night, asked if the poultry had arrived. He was in- formed that it had, but, explained the servant, he had carelessly left the base_ ment door open and all the chickens had escaped. A fowl hunt was immedi- ately organized. The next day the hus- band, meeting his:wife on her return, exclaimed: "A nice time I had with your poultry. I spent three hours hunt- ing and only found ten." "You may consider yourself fortunate, then," re- plied his wife, " for I bought only six," Lyman W. Cox, a commercial travel- ler, and a prominent curler, died of blood -poisoning at Truro, N. S. WAS TROUBLED WITH INDIGESTION FOR TEN YEARS. Littlest Respieed wt Ever Getting Well. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURED HEn. NERVOUS, LIFELESS DEBILITATED MEN 'YOUNG MENAND MIDDLE.AGED MEN, the victims of early indiseretioes and later ex- cesses, who aro failures in life --you aro th0 oneswe can restore to manhood and revive the spark of energy and vitality. bt,n't give up in despair because Iyou have treated with other doctors, used electric bolts and tried various drug store nostrums, Our New Method Treatment has snatched hundreds from the brink of despair. has re- stored happiness to hundreds of homes find has made successful men of those who wero "down and out." We prescribe speeiAn rem. edies for each individual case according to the symptoms and complications -we have ne patent medicines. 'Phis is one of the secrets of our wonderful success as our treatment can. not fall, for we prescribe remedies adapted to each individual case. Only curable cases ac- cepted. We have done business throughout Canada for over 20 Years. CURAI;LC CASES GUARANTEED OR NO PAY DEADER Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you intending to marry? as your blood been diseased? Have you any weakness? Our New Method Treatment will cure you. 'What it has done for others it will do for you. Consultation Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion Free of Charge. Books Free -- "Boyhood. Nunhood. Fatherhoou." (illustrat- ed) on Diseases of men. NO NAMES USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. No names on boxes or envet. ones. Everything Confidential. Question List and Cost of Treatment FREE FOR HOME 'TREATMENT. DRS. KENN EDY& KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. WirNOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- onaggsztonswassig ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. MRS. MARY MACIKAY, Bunter's Moun- tain, N.S., writes: ---"I was troubled with Tndigestion for more than tenyears. I tri: d several doctors' medicine, claim- ini, the power to cure, but all without suc- cess. Having heard of the many cures effected by Burdock Blood Bitters, I decided t•, give it a trial. .'after taking two bottles, I was co;;y.lctely cured. app. titc tali"li was %et) poor, is nOw and I r .. t tr• • t t v' rything reit'.:,not :+n P ,.r ,.'•1• feelings. I i 1;.hal?, to any- sutl'ering lr, I:t'nnoc: n:.r,`.' 1`'""'T't": 1'. the best, knu; l r tn.:;i f r '1`rotiblcs. It h . been , t t* ••i f. r thirty- nine years, d rr r ++,ted only by The T Niill,ut n Co., l t.t;ito d, Toronto,. Out. ++++++++434+.10++++++++++++ +++4++++3f44 fiR.44+++++++'l rI, + + The, Times + + e • L 3 + + These Drices are for addresses in + Britain. Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times Times ubing Lis + + ••+ + • and Weekly Globe . .. and Daily Globe and Family Herald and Weekly Stal 1... and Toronto Weekly Sun .... , ... . and Toronto Daily Star s... .... and Toronto Daily News, and Daily Mail and Empire. and Weekly Mail and Empire and Farmers' Advocate and Canadian Farm (weekly) and Farm and Dairy and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press..,. and Daily Advertiser. ........ and London Advertiser (weekly).... .... and London Daily Free Press Morning Edition , Evening Edition ..... ..... and Montreal Daily WitnesG and Montreal Weekly Witness and World Wide and Western Home Monthly, Winnipeg..... and Presbyterian Times and Westminster Times, Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Busy Man's Magazine Times and Home Journal, Toronto Times and Youth's Companion Times and Northern Messenger. Times and Daily World Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly). Times and Canadian Pictorial Times and Lippincott's Magazine Times and Woman's Home Companion . Times and Delineator Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Strand Times and Success Times and McClure's Magazine Times and Mu,nsey's Magazine Times and Designer Times and Everybody's Canada 1.60 4.b0 1.85 1,75 2.30 2.30 4.50 1 60 4. 2.35 1,e0 1 80 1,t0 2.85 1.f 0 + + + + + + + + 3.50 2 90 3.50 1,b5 2.25 1.f0 2.25 2.25 3.25 3.40 2.,,0 1.75 2.90 1.35 3,10 2.90 1.60 3.15 2.6G 2.40 2.30 2,50 2.45 2.60 2,55 1.85 2.40 + or Great d++ + + $ The above publications may be obtained by Times 4i + subscribers in any combination, the price for any publica- + tion being the figure given above less $1.0o representing the price of The Times. For instance : +� The Times and Weekly Globe 81.60 + 4 The Farmer's Advocate (42,35 less 81.00). 1.35 + + 4 'ft $2.95 '1' t making the price of the three papers $2.95. + + + 4. The Times and the Weekly Sun.......... 81,80 + + The Toronto Daily Star (6'2.30 less $$1.00).. 1,30 4 The Week15 Globe ($1.60 less $1.00) 60 4. ++A 83.70 4. * the four papers for $3.70. ,•I,' ,, + b If the pubiicat on you want is not in above list let o ous know. We • +n supply almost any well-known Cana- w dian or American publication. These prices are strictly : o cash in advance s • Send subscriptions by post office or express order to 4. 45. The •Times Office 1 •. . Stone Block t,r•WINGHAM ONTARIO• •r