HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-28, Page 88 %rand Dunk Railway System Your Vacation Trip Tickets on sale to all the leading Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and rail routes. To the West Tourist and lieeneseekers Excursion tickets to any point in Western Canada or any point in United States. Popular routes. To Europe We can ticket you through to any point in Europe on all leading steamship lines, Prepaid orders ulso issued. Your Next Trip Whether your reset trip be a long or a short one, wee dill be pleased to issue your ticket. .Information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Opt. MINOR LOCALS. - -Next Monday being Labor Day will be a public holiday. Kincardine tax rate for this year is 32 mills on the dollar. —Wingham fall fair on Thursday and kinder, September 25th and 26th. —There is $1,070,265,556 worth of life insurance in force in Canada. —The Wingham High and Public Schools will re -open next Tuesday. —The Toronto Fair is attracting a large number of visitors from Wing - ham and district. — Mr. Jas. Walker has treated his hone,. to a fresh coat of paint, which adds t>.reatly to its appearance. — If you purpose attending Toionto Fair, travel via G.T.R. and purchase you tickets from H. D. Elliott, Town Agent at the TIMES Office. - Theop Finnen intends giving up i..rming and will hold an auction sale of farm stock and implements be - tweet. the 1st and 15th of October. —Ills Honor, Judge Doyle, held Vot- ers' List Court in Wingham on Tuesday afternoon. In the neighborhood of one hundred and fifty appeals were dealt with. —A number of the Wingham mem- bers of the Masonic Order were in Teeswater on Monday afternoon at- tending the fnneraI of the late Dr. Stewart. D. Watters last week sold his house and lot on the corner of John and Shuter streets to Mr. W. J. Pattison. The new purchaser will get possession in a nru:ith. —A fire at Mrs. Maddigan's home on Viet: >:•'a street on Wednesday night of last week gave the firemen a run. The fire was put out before any serious dam: • was done. —The big factory of the Kensington Furniture Company at Goderich was destroyed by fire on Friday morning. The loss will be $40,000 and eighty-five nen are out of work. — Many friends will regret to hear that our respected townsman, Mr. James Weir, was stricken with paraly- sis en i.ionday evening and has since been seriously ill. Mr. Weir is in his filth year. —Mr. Ezra Markley has re-purchasd the ehol ping mill and is now overhaul- ing the plant and putting in an apple butter snaking plant. Mr. Merkley will have the plant ready for operation bout the 15th of September. CHURCH NOTES. An effort is being made to revive the Salvatia Army in Goderich. Meetings were lied in the County town on Satur- day and ;•'unday last by Sergeant Major Spooner. of Toronto. The annual convention of the Epworth Leagues of the Wingham District of the Methcdiat Church, will be held in the Wingham Methodist Church, on Wed- nesday teed Thursday, September 17th and 18th. An excellent program has been prepared for the two days' sessions and it is expected that every League in the District will be represented. BORI'i. WALLER—In Wingham, on August 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller; a daughter. LAVIS—In Wingham, on August 16th, to Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Levis; a daugh- ter. LANfoN`a--At Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, en August 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lamont, of Appin, and formerly Of Wingham; a son. lii(Y ran --In 'Turnberry, on July 21=t1s. tip air. and Mrs..TarpesMcTavish; a Clan ;hter. CAMPBELL—In Grey township, on Augnet 15th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivie tri'tmpbell; a daughter. XJiED. .MATHESON— Ili Toledo, Ohio, on ALgust 13th. Harry Matheson, former- ly of I rneeels, aged 15 years. IIIA WL UIIAM TIMES, AUGUST 28 1913 Stock Reduction, •11111•••••• Nmenernall.pamtccminmempa Extra Values During balance of August we New Fall Goods, and to do so be moved out. Everything is from last season and THE PURCHASER IS IMMENSE. show you the values. Men's and Boy's Clothing Odd Pants and Knickers Shirts and Collars Overalls and Smocks Boots and Shoes Work Shirts Underwear, 81c., 81c. are going to make room for all Summer Goods have got to Brand New. No carried -overs OPPORTUNITY FOR THE Read the list, then we want to Ladies' Skirts and Waists Gloves and Hosiery Fancy Collars and Belts Dress Goods Silks and Satins Laces and Embroideries Ribbons and Underwear Fancy Sunshades RAIN COATS ---Very Special purchase of Gents' and Ladies' Rain Coats, will allow us to give you a Brand New up-to-date Coat at a big saving. SUGAR ---An opportune time to buy Redpath's No. 1, per sack $4.75 Highest Prices Paid for Fresh Produce s. Goods not Charged at Reduced Prices GOSSIP. Keep clear of personalities in conver- sation. Talk of things, objects, thoughts. The smallest minds occupy themselves with persons. Do not need- lessly report ill of others. As far as possible dwell on the good side of human beings. There are family boards where a constant process of depreciation as- signing motives and cutting up char- acter goes forward. They are not pleasant places. One who is healthy does not wish to dine at a dissecting table There is evil enough in man, God knows. But it is not the mission of every young man and woman to de- tail and report it all. Keep the atmos- phere as pure as possible and fragrant with gentleness and charity.—John Hall. President W. M. McClemont, in his address at the fifth annual conference of: the Association of Canadian Clubsat Hamilton, voiced ae strong protest• against militarism. Port Weller is to he the name of the new town at the Lake Ontario end of the new Welland Canal, in honor of Chief Engineer J. L. Weller, who has planned all the work on the Canal, ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. FOR SALE—A pneumatic tired buggy. As gocd as new. Apply at TIMES office. `TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg Stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. FOR RENT —Private furn'.hed house- keeping rooms for leve I students. Apply to box 235, Wingh . Looms for Rent, ova the Advance Office. Suitable for l' ht house -keep- ing. Enquire of C. Griffin. 1 WANTED —A girl to do general'house- work. No washing or ironing. Duties to commence Sept. 22nd. MRS. L. KENNEDY. LOST A Gold Watch, "open case, El- gin works, on Alfredreet, between Linklater's store g Minnie street, Finder please leave at McLean's office. HARDWOOD FOR SALE -100 cords good body hardwood, near Pringle's tannery. Price reasonable. All kinds of coal in stock and arriving weekly. R. J. CAN- TELON. SHINGLES - TWO car loads of XXX and XXXX B. C. shingles just to hand. Will be sold at lowest Possible price. J. A. MCLEAN. ICOR SALE—Oak D;ning-tabie, Quar- ter -cut Oak Buffet, ark Red Tapestry Curtains, Stair and all Carpet, and a few other things. pply to Mr. J. C. Smith, Frances St et, NOTICE TO FARMERS - Oats, Feed Wheat, Law Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts. We have abundance of the above feeds which are the best obtainable. Get your feed from us and yo ' have less trouble. Our prices are ri ` t. HowsoM & f, • 0(•KLEBANK. Mn. E. C. WHITE'S ILORING ESTAB- LISHMENT will be c'. d from Tuesday, September2nd, unt Tuesday, Septem- ber 9th, when he ill be open again and ready for business, COAL! COAL! COAL! A car lead of nut coal will arrive in a few days and will be sold at July prices until September lst. Leave your orders early. JAS. WILSON, Whitechurch, Ont. Summer Tourist Rates To The Pacific Coast. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round trip tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles' San Francisco, Portland, Ed- monton, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary. Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during August and September. Ex- cellent train service. Por rates, illus. traced folders, time tables and full par- ticulars address: B. H. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, Id Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. FARM LABORERS E'?XCURSIONS $10 TO WINNIPEG. Via Crand Trunk ilway, plus half cent per mile from innipeg to des- tination, but not bey MacLeod, MacLeod, Cal- gary or Edmonton. ETURNING—$18 from Winnipeg, plus half cent per mile from points east of acLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Win ipeg. • Going Dates. SEPTEMBER 3-'-F om all stations Toronto and easel and east of Orillia and Scotia June ion. SEPTEMBER 5—krom all stations Toronto toNort Bay inclusive, and west thereof in ntario: Farm Laborers' special trains will leave Toronto at 8. A.M. on AUGUST 22nd, via Iiamilto and Lon fon, and at 2.00 P.M. on A UST 25 and SEP- TEMBER 5th via .Guelph, Berlin and Stratford. This is+an exceptional chance to visit the West, %which is truly called the land of 'Golden Opportunities" and many prosperous farmers and business men now residint in Western Canada can trace the/origin of their good fortune to a ';arm Laborers Excur- sion". The repnte via Chicago is an attractive one,fe many large cities and towns being passed en route, which breaks the mdnotony of the journey, there being sofnething new to see all the time. T 'e Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is t shortest and quickest route betwee Winnipeg Saskatoon— Edmonten, ith smooth roadbed, through the n west, most picturesque fend most rap; .:y developing section of Western Can a. Full panic ass at ail Grand 'Trunk Ticket Office or write C. E. Horning, District Pass nger Agent, G. T. Rly., Toronto. COURT OF REVISION Notice is hereby given that a Court will be heldp ursuant to the Ontario Voters' List Act byHis Honor, the Judge of the Couny Court of the County of Huron, at the Court House Tdall, Blyth, on Tuesday, the 2nd Day of September 1913 at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m., to hear and determine complaints of errors and omissions in the Voters' List of the Meniicipality of the Town- ship of East Wawanosh for the year I913. Dated this 19th Day of Augi st, 1913. ALEX, PORTERFIELD Clerk of Tp. Of East Wawanosh. TREASURER'S SALE OF LARD FOR TAXES. By virtue of a warrant issued under the hands of the Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Wingham and having the seal of the said Cor- poration attached thereto, (searing date the 21st day of May, .A ,D., 1913, commanding me to levy upon the lands enne erated hereunder for the arrears of taxes respectively due thereaodn t• gether with costs. Notice is here by given that in accordance with the Assess- ment Act I "ballroceed to Fell by public auc- tion the said lands or so much th-reof as may be sufficient for the payment of the taxes and costs thereon, unless the same be sooner paid The sale will commence at the Town Hall in the Town of M ingltam on Monday the 18th day of October, A.D.. 1918, at the hour of tit o o'clock in the afternoon. Lot. Street. Acres. Paten, ed. Taxis Costs Tot. No 5 Centre W, 1 :5 I atente d :f71, pP � 74 922.10 293.92 JOdN F. GROVES,. Treasurer, Town of Wingham In the Su creme Court of Ontario. High Court Division. KELLY VS MCKENZIE. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Supreme Covert of Ontario, made in this muse and bearir g date the 29th day of June A. D., 1018, there will be sold with the approbation of B L. Doyle, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderich, by Frank McConnell, Auc• tioneer at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham at the hour of two o'clock in the aftertoon of Thursday, the 28th day of August A. D., 1918, thefollowing lands and premises in one parcel, namely:—The south 93 acres of Lot 27 and the south 78 acres of Lot 20, except ten acres thereof sold to the Town of Wingham for a deme. tory, both in the Tenth Concession of the Township of Turnberry in the County of Huron. These premises are situate within a quarter Of 8 mile from the l.rnfte of thf Town of Wing - ham. 'w'if'e are on the premises a frame dwelling, with acne foundation, 28X42, frame kitchen, with stone cellar underneath, 14X22 and frame woodshed 10120: a frame barn with atone stable underneath 50Xe0, straw shed 40X00 and cement silo 30 feet high and a diameter of 14 feet imide. There is stabling for 40 head of cattle and 8 head of horses. There are two good wells and a never failing spring, afford ing abundance of good water. About100 acres ale cleared and in a good state of cultivation, 1 of which about 87 acres are now in grass) a- bout 25 acres of bush and the balance is pas- ture lands. The property twill be put up for sale subject to a reserve bid, which has been fixed by the Master. Ten per cent. of the purchase money will be paid, on the dayof sale and rice balanc'A In 80 days thereafter but the purchaser shall assume tiny existing eneti5nbrances, the amount of which shall, however, be deducted front the purchase price. In all other respects the terms and condi- tions of sale will be the standing conditions of the Supreme:Court of Ontario. Further particulars may be had en applica- tion to the undersigned. Dated 81st July, 1915. R.VANSTONE,VWingltanl. Approved: R. L. DOYLE ENpOR'S i7oLICITnIt, Master at Goderich. 1 OUR SHOE SALE WILL POSITIVELY END ON SAT UR DAY $3,000.00 We wish again to impress the public that this sale 'DOES NOT include everything in the Store OUR SURPLUS STOCK AMOUNTS TO $3,00.00 and it is this stock that we are selling at Sixty Cents on the Dollar Boots and Shoes At 60 Cents on the Dollar SURPLUS STOCK OF 1 Good Shoes of all kinds for Men, Women, Girls, Boys and Children are included in this lot 1 WILLIS & CO, -0,...1 1 THE SHOE STORE Sole agents ?IP.P1L For Ladies MID -S UIVIMER SALE QUR Annual Summer Sale will start on Thursday, August 7, and will continue until August 21 • All Summer Goods will be cleared out at one quarter to one third off regular prices. w'e_ Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 - 75c Ladies' Waists, regular $1.35 to $2.00 - $1.25 Ladies' Waists, regular $2.25 to $3.00 - $2.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $3.25 to $4.00 - $3.00 ell Crums' English Prints, regular 1212 c - 10c Ginghams, Muslins, Cambrics, &c., to7clear at cost A few Nlen's Straw Has, Reg $1.25, 1.50, -- and 1.75 for - - $1.00 Boys' Straw Hats, regular 50c and 60c - 40c All Men's and Boy's Suits 25 per cent. off reg prices See our stock before buying else: where. We must have room for fall goods now corning in. PRODUCE ON ALL KINDS WANTED Drive in at rear of store J. A. MOLLS Sueeetisnir to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT.