HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-21, Page 8HIE W INGlHAM TILES, AUGUST 21, 191; iraiid Trunk Railway System Your Vacation Trip Tickets on sale to all- the leading • Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and mil routes. To the West Tourist and Iton'eseekers Excursion tickets to any point in Western Canada or any point in United States. Popular mites, To Europe We can ticket yen through to any paint in Europe on all leading steamship lines. Prepaid orders also issued. Your Next Trip Whether your rext trip he a long or a short one, we will be pleased to issue your ticket. Information if it's about fruvel, we have the information mei will give it to you theerfully. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. ---Mr. John Goften, of Wroxeter cele - Mated, his 99th birthday recently and he is bale and hearty, ---Lr. Parker has taken offices over Phrietie's store and will have them open on the 26th of August. —Mr. John Chittick, of Teeswater, has become a member of the Canadian Bank of Commerce staff in Wingham. —Mr. Ewin Good has purchased a bake?',• business at Listowel and moved to that town this week to take possess- ion. —Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday. September 25th and 26th, Get a copy: of the prize list at the Trans office. Rev. Joseph S. Coiling, a former peetor of Lucknow Methodist Church, died .,t his home in Toronto last week, at the age of seventy. —.Miss Verna McGregor, daughter of Mr. at:.1 :urs. A. G. McGregor, formerly of Wa:g1aam, died recently at the fam- ily ., r.,e in Kelowna, 13. C. --Koep in mind Wingham fall fair to be heli on Thursday and Friday, Sep- tember 25th and 26th. Prize lists may be ',htained at the TIMES office, --Farm Laborers' Excursion to the West on August 25th. 410 to Winni- peg. Buy your tickets from II. 13. Elliott, Town Agent for the G.T.R. —Mr. John R. Martin, who underwent an operation for appendicitis in Wing - ham Hospital last week is recovering. We hope to soon see him able to be around again. Daniel G. MMlc'Leol, aged yoar::s. r. f•;rr.;r' of Kincardine Town...l_ip, was killed by lightning on Satre„lay last. The young man had or y :n mat rigid about three weeks. Ore Joseph ;talker has secured a !FO= .E7 iI ger rpt;ll and will to that town next week and take up his duti,,- as Frincinal of the Ingersoll School on the 2nd of September. —Tht- total assessment of Goderich this y-e,:r is $2,287,357, compared with $2,210,434 :la for last year, an increase of $16,921. The population this year is 4,(T6, .n increase of 132 over last year. ---Am:;ust 25th is the date of the first Far•=. Laborers' Excursion to the West titer `s,: G.T.R. from Wingham. Buy your ticket and get full information freta L. B. Elliott. Town Agent at the Tieme Office. —Messrs. Ritchie & Coeens this week report the sale of Mr. E. McCloy's dout le house on Carlhig Terrace to Mr. David Galloway, of Howick and Mr. Balla; `. of Culross. Messrs. Galloway and Ba': ogh intend moving to Wingham. --Mr. John Jackson, who left here recentl; for the West, has accepted a free:; 1 e_:ition with the Cockshutt Plow Co. 5 . ` e headquarters at Saskatoon. Mr. Jr .sons many old friends here will him success in his new 1 posi- tsOt _ ---The ;:tray cattle advertised in last we' eek's TIMES by Mr. J. S. Scott wer' owned by Mr. Jas. Thompson, of Cul -1 roee, near Teeswater. The owner found leis cattle two days after the paper had been published. Another 1 ease of "Tt pays to advertise.” St c Reduction. Extra Values During balance of August we New Fall Goods, and to do so be moved out. Everything is from last season and THE PURCHASER IS IMMENSE. show you the values. Men's and Boy's Clothing Odd Pants and Knickers Shirts and Collars Overalls and Smocks Boots and Shoes Work Shirts Underwear, &c., &c. are going to make room for all Summer Goods have got to Brand New. No carried -overs OPPORTUNITY FOR THE Read the list, then we want to Ladies' Skirts and Waists Gloves and Hosiery Fancy Collars and Belts Dress Goods Silks and Satins Laces and Embroideries Ribbons and Underwear Fancy Sunshades RAIN COATS ---Very Special purchase of Gents' and Ladies' Rain Coats will allow us to give you a Brand New up-to-date Coat at a big saving. SUGAR—An opportune time to buy Redpath's No. 1, per sack $4.75 Highest Prices Paid for Fresh Produce S. Goods not Charged at Reduced Prices FARM LABORERS EXCURSIONS $1O TO WINNIPEG. Via Crand Trunk Railway, plus half cent per mile from Winnipeg to des- tination, but not beyond MacLeod, Cal- gary or Edmonton. RETURNING -$18 from Winnipeg, plus half cent Der mile from points cast of MacLeod, Calgary or Edmonton to Winnipeg. Going Dates. AUGUST 22—From all stations Tortinto to Sarnia Tunnel inclusive, via Stratford, and south thereof in Ontario. AUGUST 25 --From all stations north of but not including main' line, Tor- onto to Sarnia Tunnel, via Strat- ford; all stations Toronto and north and east of Toronto to Kingston. 4SEPTEMI3ER 3 -.From all stations Toronto and east,'Yind east of Orillia and Scotia Junctign. SEPTEMBER 5--,k'rbrn all stations Toronto to orfll Bay inclusive, and west thereo Ontario: Farm Labor ' special trains will leave Toronto at 8.30A M. on AUGUST 22nd, via Hamilton and Lon fon, and at 2.00 P.M. on AUGUST 25 and SEP- 'VE1II3ER 5th via Guelph, Berlin and Stratford, This is an exceptional chance to visit the West, which is truly called the land of ''Golden Opportunities" and many prosperous farmers and business 1 men now residing in Western Canada - ean trace the origin of their good fer'tglie tQ a "Farm Laborers Excur- &e »", The route via Chicago is an attractive one, many large cities and towns being passed en route, which breaks the monotony of the journey, there being something new to see alt the time. The Grund Trunk Paeifie Railway is the shortest and quickest route betw<an Winnipeg Saskatoon --- Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, through the newest, most picturesque and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Full particulars at all Grand Trunk Ticket Offices, or write C. Fl. Horning, District g Agent, c Passenger r (. T. Ely., Toronto. -Dtazi g the past three menthe heti,' postoilIces have been opened hi Cahadb, to keep pace with the flowieg1 tide of settlements. The eattension of I rural free delivery bas resulted in the closing of over 250 rural offices, princi- pally in Ontario and the Maritime Pro- vinces. JSORN. n�1CITI.Iiv;s �In Turnberry on August 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Jenkins; a :daughter. ieet1.I1 D. MAsorti—McGI.ISE--At the home of the [a-ido-e Ott Augu,t 6th, by Rev. A. T I �t rti A Ii I3 T. T. Ile Iasctt of 1'4ca It . Girt , to MissMary Winnif�red, only elet e iter of Councillor and Mrs, Mcf;uire, Wililam street, Brussels. DIED. I`v;tr/INTO:-1t.—In Ifinloss Township, on lltrl ; . t i'. .Borah Ann Smith, relict of thaw. into James McIntosh, aged 87 years, t =lathe and 8 days. SMDLL:Iw.—In Lucknow on Ati nst iia =,; Tfeh Lyon, wife of John Spindler, cid gears, fi months and 14 days, The summer hotel youth may be very musical, bet, girls, you'll seldom find a ring in his voice, An Ohio man boasts of having anum- brella that has been in his `possession for more than twenty years. That's long enough, he ought to return it. ANNOUNCEMENTS, c. Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's. Foie SALE —A pne m tc tired buggy. As gocd as new. A t at 'MES office. General servant wan d. Apply to Mrs. C. P. Smith, at ::ink of Hamilton residence. TRUNKS AND VALISESt—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREEn. Fort RENT - Private furnished house- keeping rooms for several students. Apply to box 235, Wingham. ' WANTED—A girl to do general hatise- work. No washing or iraliing. ) uties to commence Sept. 22nd: MRS L. KENNEDY. Auction sale of general ;/household furnti,ure at my sidence, on Maple street., on Saturda after on, August rd commencing 23 Comma cm t a 3 0,%�lo k , g Cock, `°JOSEPH STALKER, HARDWOOD FOR SALE -100 cords good body hardwood, near Pringle's tannery. Price reasonable. All kinds of coal in stock and arriving weekly. R. J. CAN- Poo AN- Port SALE—Oak Dining-tabie, Quar- ter -cut Oak Buffet, Dark Red Tapestry Curtains, Stair and Hall Carpet, and a few other things. Apply to Mr, J. C. Smith, Frances Street, NOTICE To FARMERS - Oats, Feed Wheat, Law Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts. We have abundance of the above feeds which are the best obtainable. Get your feed from us and you have less trouble. Our prices are right. Owsole & BROCKLEBANIC, Summer Tourist Rates To The Pacific Coast. Via Chicago and North Western Ry. Special low rate round trip `tickets on sale from all points in Canada to Los Angeles' San Francisco, Portland, Ed - v mouton Seattle, , a e, Vancouver, Victoria, Calgary. I3anff, Yellowstone Park, etc„ during August and September. Ex- cellent train service. For rates, illus- trated folders, time tables and full par- ticulars address: B. 13. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. SHINGLES—TWO car loads of XXX and XXXX B. C. shingles just to hand. Will be sold at lowest possible Tice. J. A. "LEAN. COAL! COAL! f. COAL! A car load of nut coa'will arrive in a few days and will e sold at July prices until Septeter 1st. Leave your orders early.:e JAS. WILSON, Whitechurch, Ont. COURT OF REVI ION Notice is hereby given t t a Court will be held pursuant t : the Qntario Voters' List Act, by I ' Honor, the Judge of the County //Court of the County of Huron at the Court House Hall, Blyth, on T'esdfy, the 2nd Day of September 1913 a� tYe hour of 10 o'clock a.m., to hear and;tletermine complaints of errors anti Voters' in the List of the Municipality of the Towp- ship of East Wawanosh for the year 1913. Dated this 19th Day of Augtst, 19I3. ALEX. PORTERFIELD Clerk of Tp. of East Wawanosh, TO CON RACTORS. The Municipal Council of Morris is asking for tend s fpr the costruetion of the Black a d Ellis drains, Plans and specificati s at the Clerk's resi- dence, Tender opened at hall Monday, Angust 25th, 2 o,clock. The lowest or any tender of necessarily accepted. Enclose a $50 arked, good faith cheque. Bluevale, g. 8, I913. JOHN SHORT SED, A. MACEWEN. Reeve, Wim ton. Clerk, Bluevale. COURT __[- REVISION. Notice is here y given that a Court will be held pue ant to the Ontario Voters List Aet b his Honor the_Judge n ofthet C of County Co �t of the County Huron at the T n Hall, Wingham, on Tuesday, the 6th day of Angust, 1013, at the hour .cif 12 o'clock noon, to hear and deterrn he complaints of errors and ommissione the Voters List of the Munici allty of the Town of Wing-• ham for the ye r 1913. Dated at Wi gham this 12th day of August, 1913. ,. ft JOHN F. GROVES, Clerk of the Town of Wingham. TREASURER'S SALE OF LAS D FOR TAXES. By virtue of a warraut issued under the hands of the Mayor and Clerk of the Town of Wingham and having the seal of the said Cor- poration attached thereto, Learing date the 21st day of May, A.D., 1013, commanding me to levy upon the lancl3 calla orated hereunder for the arrears of taxes respectively clue thereaodn t gether with costs. Notice is here by given that in accordance with the Assess- ment Act I proceed to sell by public auc- tion the said lauds or so much th,-reof as may be sufficient for the payment of the taxes and costs thereon, unless the swine be sooner paid The sale will commence at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham on Monday the 13th day of October, '-.1).. 1913, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, Lot. Street. Acres.or Patented'. Tasss Costs Tot. unn't'td No :i Certre W, 1-.3, ppatentee X71 `4 $22.10 •;93.02 O-iN F. CSItOVES, Treasurer, Town of Wingham in The Su reme .ourt of Ontario. High Cour Division. KELLY VS eEEEZz E. Pursuant to a Sudginc t of the Suprpure Court of Ontario, made i this cause and bears. g date the 24th daymi€ June A. D„ 1913, there will be sold with the approbation of B. L. Doyle, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderioh, by F ank McConnell, Auc- tioneer at the Qu m's Hotel in the Town of Wingham at th hour of two o'clock In the aftertoon of ttrsday, the 28th day of August A. D., 191 the following Iands and premises In ono parcel, namely:—The south 03 acres Of I�ot 27 and the south 78 acres of Lot 20, e{ccept ten acres thereof tsold to the Town. f wingham for a oeme- tery, both in the Tenth Concession of the Township of Turf berry in the County of pnron, Il 'i'nese 'Remises or situate within a quarter of a mile from the b its of the Town of Wing. ham. There are on the emfses a frame dwelling, with stone foundnt n, 28X32, frame kitchen, with stone cellar u erneath, 14322 and frame Woodshed 161 20; ; frame barn with stone stable underneath Xtitl, straw shed 40X60 and mZment silo 30 feet gh and a diameter of 14 feet inside. Thera s stabling for 40 head of cattle and 8 head f horses. There are two good wells and an: ver failing spring, af1o:d ing abundance of ibi,ed water. About 100 acres are cleared and ing 1i�.' cod state eA cultivation, bout o cres of bn nerds and. the now to pas• tune lands. The property wi' be put up for sale subject to is reserve bid, w loll has been fixed by the Master. Ten per nt. 0f the purchase Money Will be paid on the ay Of sale and the balance in 110 days thereat r, but the purchaser shall assuino imy exi ting eneumbrances, the amount of which s 11, however, be deducted from the purchase rice. In all other resp' is the terms and condi- Further of sale will it the standing conditions of the Supreme.Co rt of Ontario, Further particuls ivay be had. on applies• tion to the undersi ad. Dated Slat Daly, fig. 1{; AN4TONII, Winglia 'i. VtttnOn's Odor u t'0lt•: Approved: IZ, Master at Gedericli. BIG SHOE SALE $3,000 worth of Shoes at 60 cents on the dollar We have $3-,000 0o worth of Shoes' more than necessary—in fact, fully $3,000.00 larger stock than is usually kept in Shoe Stor s in towns the size of Wingham. It is our intention to reduce our stock to normal size in quick time. Beginning, therefore, next Saturday, August 23rd and continuing until Saturday, August 30th (i days all told, no more, no less) we will offer this $3,000 Surplus Stock at SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. For instance: Several lines $5.00 Shoes, less 40 per cent. for $3.00 4.00 CC 3.00 2.00 1.00 cc CC CC Cc .0 cc 5' cc CC 2.60 1.80 1.20 GG A 60c We desire to make everything definite and fully understood and therefore wish to point out that this sale DOES NOT mean that we offer everything in our store at sixty cents on the dollar. It means that we are selling , or offering our SURPLUS STOCK of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls', Children's and Infants' Shoes, which amount to a total 'of $3,000 at the exceedingly low price of SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Sale starts $ SAT NEST, AUGUST 23rd. WILLIS & CO3. THE SHOE STORE Sole agentszree(fryFor Ladies sHa� 1 MID -S U MM ER SALE OUR Annual Summer Sale will start on Thursday, August 7, and will continue until August 21. All Summer Goods will be cleared out at one quarter to one third off regular prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 75c Ladies' Waists, regular $1.35 to $2.00 - $1.25 Ladies' Waists, regular $2.25 to $3.00 $2.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $3.25 to $4.00 $3.00 All Crums' English Prints, regular 12,%c 10c Gi g ams, Muslins, Carnbrics, &c,, to ;clear at cost A few Men's -Striaw Hats, Reg $1.25, 1.50, and 1.75 for - $1.00 Boys' Straw Hats, regular 50c and 60c - 40c All Men's and Boy's Suits 25 per cent, off reg prices See our stock before buying else- where. We must have room for fell goods now coming in. PRODUCE ON ALL KINDS WANTED Drive in at rear of store J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89, - WIN "fAIVI, ONT. $3,000 worth of Shoes at 60 cents on the dollar We have $3-,000 0o worth of Shoes' more than necessary—in fact, fully $3,000.00 larger stock than is usually kept in Shoe Stor s in towns the size of Wingham. It is our intention to reduce our stock to normal size in quick time. Beginning, therefore, next Saturday, August 23rd and continuing until Saturday, August 30th (i days all told, no more, no less) we will offer this $3,000 Surplus Stock at SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. For instance: Several lines $5.00 Shoes, less 40 per cent. for $3.00 4.00 CC 3.00 2.00 1.00 cc CC CC Cc .0 cc 5' cc CC 2.60 1.80 1.20 GG A 60c We desire to make everything definite and fully understood and therefore wish to point out that this sale DOES NOT mean that we offer everything in our store at sixty cents on the dollar. It means that we are selling , or offering our SURPLUS STOCK of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls', Children's and Infants' Shoes, which amount to a total 'of $3,000 at the exceedingly low price of SIXTY CENTS ON THE DOLLAR. Sale starts $ SAT NEST, AUGUST 23rd. WILLIS & CO3. THE SHOE STORE Sole agentszree(fryFor Ladies sHa� 1 MID -S U MM ER SALE OUR Annual Summer Sale will start on Thursday, August 7, and will continue until August 21. All Summer Goods will be cleared out at one quarter to one third off regular prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 75c Ladies' Waists, regular $1.35 to $2.00 - $1.25 Ladies' Waists, regular $2.25 to $3.00 $2.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $3.25 to $4.00 $3.00 All Crums' English Prints, regular 12,%c 10c Gi g ams, Muslins, Carnbrics, &c,, to ;clear at cost A few Men's -Striaw Hats, Reg $1.25, 1.50, and 1.75 for - $1.00 Boys' Straw Hats, regular 50c and 60c - 40c All Men's and Boy's Suits 25 per cent, off reg prices See our stock before buying else- where. We must have room for fell goods now coming in. PRODUCE ON ALL KINDS WANTED Drive in at rear of store J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PRONE 89, - WIN "fAIVI, ONT.