HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-14, Page 8'and Trunk Railway System 'sur Vacation Trip 'Tickets on sale to all the leading immt'r Resorts. All rail or lake and Ail ratites. 'o the West Tourist and Ilomeseekers Excursion ekets to any point in Western Canada r any point in United States. Popular ares. fo Europe W'' can ticket . t:u through to any pint 111 Ent one en c:1 It nding steamship s. Pr'e,c.t.l e: de : s also issued. Dour Next Trip Whether your next trip be a long or short one, G, Mt be pieased to issue our ticket. nforration If it's abe't's travel, we have the il•)rmati,in and will give it to you neerfully. . B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. rimes Office. Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. --Clinton's tax rate for this year is ,::l.1 mIlls. -Nest ',•ublie holiday will be Labor f lay. Monday, September 1st. ''he telephones ,of Canada number -one for every twenty persons. Ti TIMI;s will be sent to new sub - 1.• .o any address in Canada to Jant.t: ; 1st, 1914, for 25 cents. ---Wingham fall fair on Thursday and rigay. September 25th and 2Gth, Get copy ,if the prize list at the TIMES Jtiiht'. - Ml. R. A. Graham picked new green Born in his garden on Saturday last. Earliest corn for this season in this sec tion. --ai.'. Frank Rice, piano tuner, will be in t:,wn in a few days. Orders left ti, Jit•,. s music store will be given •rompt attention. -•-Iris Honour, Judge Doyle, will hold i Court of Revision on the Wingham .'ort. ' List, in the Town Hall, on Pees dal•, August 26th. - Richard Harrison, aformerresident f ! t.'l-erton, died in London on Friday isr, aged 67 years. The remains were ta +.,-n to Walkerton for interment. - Farm Laborers' Excursion to the W t+: t an August -5t11. 410 to Winni- peg. Buy your tickets from H. B. r;'liett, Town Agent for the G.T.R. -'.' -•• Royal Scarb•t Chapter will hnld its regular rnet:ting on Thursday evening. August 14th, at 8 o'clock in the 1.+1.L. Hall. Business of Irnport- ure; rifS Thomas Bowles, of Dufferin t•• • passed away in C)r'angeviI1e on Saturday at the age of S:i. Deceased was t:•* -er of the late T. E. Bowles, of Wingham. -Brussels Sunday School excursion to Kincardine on Thursday, August 14th. Special train leaves Wingham at S.13 a.:r. Fara 71 cents for adults and 40 cents for children. -Vow: rinks of Clinton bowlers were in 1.'4irgham on Thursday afternoon iast and ;flayed a friendly game with the local bowlers. The visitors were a sew shots to the good on the several games. -A heavy electrical storm passed over this section on Friday night. Not :nt;cl1 d. mage is reported in the im- mediate vicinity of Wingham. The heavy rain will do much good to the growing crops. -The Wingham Bowling Tourna- ment. announced to take place on Mon- day, Aartst ISth, and following days, has {,e -•t ieclared off. It is impossible to get ti'.• green in shape for a tourna- ment thi- year. --The annual meetings of the Grand Encan.;Irr..-'nt and Grand Lodge of the Indcpent it Order of Oddfellows are being held in Belleville this week. Mr. N. L. FF2.. is representing Minerva En- campment and Messrs. W. W. Hough and Peter H. Deans are representing Maitland Lodge. -Hiss Aileen Fleron, of 'Tessalon, teacher in the school at Michipicoton Harbor, recently recommended four of her pupils to writo on the entrance ex- amination and the four were success- ful, two of them with honors. Miss Fleron is a former student of Wingham High School and a niece of Mrs. Thos. J. McLean. Summer To :riat Rates To The Pacific Coast. r and to ( � h1� , u and Iv tth Western W Ry. g S, i,eri i l . rate. roUn• trip tittlelts on • sale hon_:11 ]e,iuts in Canada to Los Angeles' it y '• in l•ranciseo Portland, ..Bd - crier,r t > �tl t mat c Vancouver, V ic oli a *-., l a2v l'ellowstonePark, etc during Auf.ust and September. Ex -1 eellent tr•u-.n cervice. For rates, illus- trated iolt t,srs, time tables and full par- ticular3 a?dress: Ir. H. Bennett, Gen- =rai 13;,c1,1 tit �ionge Street, Toronto, t)lrJtal i,,. THE W1NG11A•i1 TIKES, AUGUST 11, 1913 Stock Reduction, During balance of August ye New Fall Goods, and to do be moved out. Everything is from last season and THE PURCHASER IS IMMENSE. show you the values. Men's and Boy's Clothing Odd Pants and Knickers Shirts' and Collars Overalls and Smocks Boots and Shoes Work Shirts Underwear, &c., &c. "Extra Values re going to make room for all Summer Goods have got to Brand New. No carried -overs OPPORTUNITY FOR THE Read the list, then we want to Ladies' Skirts and Waists Gloves and Hosiery Fancy Collars and Belts Dress Goods Silks and Satins Laces and Embroideries Ribbons and Underwear Fancy Sunshades RAIN COATS ---Very Special purchase of Gents' and Ladies' Rain Coats, will allow us to give you a Brand New up-to-date Coat at a big saving. SUGAR ---An opportune time to buy Redpath's No. 1, per sack $4.75 Highest Prices Paid for Fresh Produce Col* s. Goods not Charged at Reduced Prices CHURCH NOTES. Next Sunday the services in St. Paul's will again be taken by A. E. Du Plan of Centralia. The services in St. Andrew's Pres- byterial, Church will be conducted next Sunday by the pastor, Rey. D. Perrie. The services its St. Paul's church were ably conducted by A. E. Du Plan and large congregations were present both morning and evening. Mr. Du Plan is a young tnan of great promise and will conduct the services next Sun- day. Mr. A. E. Du Plan is a brother of Mr. C. F. Du Plan who was in charge of St. Pauls du ring the past three months. At the evening service Mrs. J, C. Smith .who is about to sever her connection with St, Paul's choir sang very beautifully "The Ninety and Nine.'' George Hewitt. an employee of the McCormick Biscuit Manufacturing Company at London, was fatally crushed between the elevator and the floor. The munic'palities of Windsor, Walker•ville. Fowl ('ity, Sandwich and Ojibway are uniting in the formation of a Publicity and Developement Bureau. FALL FAIR DATES. `--" HARDWOOD FOR SAI}I•: - 100 cords good body hardwood, near Pringle's tannery. Price reasonable. All kinds ef coal in stock and arriving weekly. R. J. ('nt rELON, ANNOUNCEMENTS, &c. Get Parneil's Bread at Christie's. WANTED. -Two y ng ladies as room- ers. Convenient schools. Apply at Tian :s Office, TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W., J. GREER. FOR RENT Private furnished house- keeping rooms for .'several students. Apply to box 235, Wingham LosT - A Tile Pin. arge, greenish white cat's eye s ti gold band. *1.00 reward for retur o Miss Henderson or to the TIMES office. FoR SALE -Oak Dinii}i-tabic, Quar- ter -cut Oak Buffet, D • Red Tapestry Curtains, Stair and all Carpet. and a few other things. pply to Mr. J. C. Smith, Frances Street. LOST Ladies f old Heart -Shaped Locket, near G.T . station on civic holiday. Half In,,n and star on front. Name engraven side. Finder kindly leave same at T ES Office. NOTICE TO FARMERS Oats, Feed Wheat, Law Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts. We have abundance of the above feeds which are the best obtainable. Get your feed from us and you have less trouble. Our_prices are right. OWSON & BROc'KLI•:RANI(. 'l'ix: following are the dates of a num- ber of fall fairs: Mildmay ... .. .... Sept, 29.30 Ripl<:y Kincardine Lucknow . Walkerton wept.. 3- ... Sept. 18-19 .... Sept. 18-19 Sept. 11-12 1 .ett' aws er.. ............ Oct. 7-8 Tiverton . .... Sept. 16 Underwood. ......... Oct. 14 Blyth. y h Sept. 30 -Oct. 1 I3rrssels. Oct. 2-8 Goderieh .... ..... ..... .. Sept. 17-19. Listowel Sept. 16.17 Seaforth ... .... ....Sept. 18-19 Wingharn ....... ......... Sept. 25-26 Zurich ....Sept. 17-18 STRAY CATT Six yearlingsteers r. w E, recently em - pounded y pounded on the pr •mi; s of the under- signed, Lot 12, o 10, Turnberry. Five steers were ay undyed and one red azul white. A so oneyearling Here- ford seer frayed on to thepremises of Edward Jenkins, Lot 21, Con. 10, Turn- beray. Owner may have these cattle by proving property and paying ex-, pensts. J. I. Sco'rr, Gienannan, Ont. SHINGLES -TWO car loads of XXX and XXXX B. C. shingles just to hand. Will be sold at lowest possible price. J. A. McLEAN. TO CONTRACTORS. The Municipal Cou of Morris is asking for tenders f the costruction of the Black and +' lis drains. Plans and specifics ions. -'at the Clerk's resi- dence. Ten rs <fpened at hall•Monday, Angust 25thf, o,clock. o cl k. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Enclose a $50 marked, good faith cheque. Bluevale, Aug. 8, 1913. JOHN SHORTREED, A. MAcEWEN, Reeve, Walton. Clerk, Bluevale. COURT OF REVISION. Notice is hereby giv 1that aCourt will be held pursuant o the Ontario Voters List Act by h' Honor the Judge of the County Court f the County of Huron at the To Hall, Wingham. on Tuesday, t e ' ith clay of August, 1013, at the h t of 12 o'clock noon, to hear and dete ins complaints of errors and ommissions in the Voters List of the Municipality of the Town of Wing - ham for the year 1913. Dated at Wingham this 12th day of August, 1913. JOHN F. GROVES. Clerk of the Town of Wingham. TREASURER'S SALE OF 1Aft D FOR TAXES. By virtue of a warrant Issued under the hands of the Mayo, and e'1,•rk of the Town of Wingliam to 0 having the ,cal of the said C'or• poration n'techcd thereto, hearing date the t*t day of May, n •1)., 391J commanding me to levy upon +he land) ,nun created laratmder f*r the arrear of taxes respectively due with:� • • ouodn t +thcr C4`t13. Notice .. l.' tLc r t Ere F, b given Ptinn,c mtccwith the Ac Bess•et Act I -hall procecd to tell by public auc- tion the said laude or so much thereof as may Ltaxes be sufIIcie t for the payment of the and 1 S tincts thereon, unless the same he sooner paid The ,ale will eomm*;tee at the Town Hall in the Town of W Ingham on Monday the 13th tiny of October, A.D.. 1013, at the hour of to o o'clock in the afternoon. Lot. Street. Acres. Patented. Taxss Costs Tot. or unu'f t'd No 0 Centre W, 1-5, ppntt'ntea $71 74 $22.10 ;lel 112 JOrIN F. GROVES, Treasurer, Town of Wingham NOTICE TO CREDITORS. • In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Wheeler of the Township of Morris in the County of Huron, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to 1 Georte V, Chap.' 20, section 5e, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Daniel Wheeler, who died on r r about the 13th day of June, A.D., 1913 are required ou or before the 15th day of August, 1913, to Ole with Henry Johnson and Arohibala Brydgts of Belgravo, the Executors of the said Estate or with the undersigned, a statement with full particulars of their claims, and of all the security held by them, if any, and after the said date the said Executors will proceed to distribute the asatts among the persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Wingliam this I2tlt day of July A. D., 1013. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor for Executors. In The Supreme Court of Ontario. High Court Division, KELLY VS MCKENZIE. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Supreme Court of Ontario, made in this cause and bearie g date the 24th day of .lane A. D., 1913, there will he sold with the approbation of B L. Doyle, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderi^h, by Frank McConnell, Auc- tioneer at the Queen's Hotel in the Town of Wingham at the hour of two o'clodk in the aftertoon of Thursday, the 28th day of August A. D., 1013, the following lands and premises in one parcel, namely :-The south 93 acres of Lot 27 and the south 78 acres of Lot 20, except ten acres thereof sold to the Town of Wingham for a ceme- tery, both in the Tenth Concession of the Township of Turnbel ry in the County of These Ire'ris•.s are sit tate• within n quarter of n mile ri on the 1 mi .'ef the Town or uM Ing hrta. I here are on the premises a frame du ell'ng, with sttne fcundation, 25x:12. frame kit -ellen, with stone cellar underneath 14X114 and frame woodshed NI:O: a frame 'l a n :with *tont stable underneath StI .nd, straw shed 40E00 and cement silo Ile ft.t.t high and a diameter of 11 feet inside. There is stabling for 40 head of cattle and 5 head of hoses. There are two good wells and a never failing spring, afford ing abundance of good water. About 100 acres are clear* d and in a good state of cultivation, (of which about 87 acres are now in grass) e. bout 25 acres of bush and the balance is pas• Lure lawgki. The jl1 perty will be put up for sale subject to n reserve bid, which has been fined by the master. Ten Per cent. f the purchase money willbe id n fhedayof sale a�g the balance a 0ti b la ca P in days thereafter,but the '�'1°chsser h 30 yp s All assume anyexistng eneumbranees, the nm n of ich shall. however, be out wh al attic deducted from the purchase ° Inuit other rt•.s{ a tits the tertn8 and condi- tions of sale will t.e the standing conditions 1,1 the SniSrcme;Court of Ontario. Fur tier particulars rainy be had on applica- tion to the and, rslgnrd. Dated 31st July, 1i11>'. E.VANSTONE. Win,tham. VENDOR'S S0ru'i't'OR. Approved: R. L. Dovt.t, Master at Goderieh. 1 1 The Best Shoe Of Its Kind in the World ueed7, THE FAMOUS SHOE FOR WOMEN • Over 400 Women in Wingham and vicinity wear QUEEN QUALITY SHOES and once worn it is seldom indeed a women can be induced to wear any other. Buttoned Boots are very fashionable and this cut represents one of the most popull3r lines. ... PRICES ,.. $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00 Queen Quality Shoes are the nearest to perfection made in fit and style, and the most satisfactory way by far, to both customer and seller, is to have them properly fitted at the store, WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole agents For Ladies sdatt ,„..._____________„____,............._,....„._,....„ ,. • c 'AwSU fr f . -' R ' A i I ! , t 1 } OUR Annual Summer Sale will start on Thursday, August 7, and will continue until August 21. All Summer Goods will be cleared out at one quarter to one third off regular prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 - 75c Ladies' Waists, regular $1.35 to $2.00 - $1.25 Ladies' Waists, regular $2.25 to $3.00 - $2.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $3.25 to $4.00 - $3.00 A11 Crums' English Prints, regular 12.c - 10c Ginghams, Muslins, Cambrics, &c., to clear at cost A few Men's Straw Hats, l'Reg $1.25, 1.50, and 1.75 for - "" $1.00 Boys' Straw Hats, regular 50c and 60c » 40c All Men's and Boy's Suits 25 per cent, off reg prices ' See our stock before buying else- where. We must have room for fall goods now corning in. PRODUCE ON ALL KINDS WANTED Drive in at rear of store A 11V MILLS • z: .. Sttt.���taoi� to T. A. Mills PHONE B3. 'VV'INGHA.IV.I, 4NT.