The Wingham Times, 1913-08-14, Page 5W1Ni:1I A►( 11 I':s, Ii'(rli» i 11. 1913
soy's school suits
At Orae -Quarter Off!
I1 the B )y is in net d of a School Suit for the Fa11
Term, these prices will sur ly interest you.
25 per cepa. Discourzt
\kTe are off, ring B'y's Suits at the e
prices at a time when our patrons will be benefited the
Our School Suits are unusually good. They
are made of the most durable fabrics and are strongly
and excellently tailored. No School Suits could be
made better in any particular.
$10.50 Suits for - $7.50
7.50 " - 5.62
6,00 " - 4.00
5.00 - 3.75
3.75 6, 2.80
Bring the Boy here and allow us to fit him cor-
MacDonald Block - Opp. Bank of Commmerce
..1.111,11/11AW1/114.441/444111,114 a‘,..101,11011,11.141,41411016441,114,11641,4111/11,1111
New York Styles
In Our Winter Coats
We are ready to show .
our full line of winter
Coats in the newest
models for Fall Wear
The design and pat-
terns in this Season's
materials are the
choicest selections of
Canadian Buyers.
The up-to-date cloths are the
diagnol lama goods soft wool
materials in in Brown and White
Blue and Black, Black and White
Black and Red, Grey Tweeds,
Chinchilla and fancy Tweeds.
We have many of our new Coats
on display in our window and
now is the time to choose your Winter Coat. One
Style to Each Person -and Price to suit Everyone.
Orders Han-na &
Prom. t'y always in
Filled ■ Stock
We are pleased to sea Mr. John Mc-
Gee, sr., able to be ar>und again after
his serious illness.
Misses Susie end Rona Power, of
Clinton are visiting with East Waw -
nosh friends.
Miss Mary Gibtois is visiting with
friends in Seaforth ane Mitchell.
Whitechurch is a town in the making.
Births recently reported are: a daugh-
ter to Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKay; a on
to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gactrn; a :on to
Mr, ar.d Mrs. Thos. Henderson; a son to
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott; a son to Nr.
and Mrs. Harry Calvert.
Harry Golkin's new cement silo is
nearly completed.
Mrs. McIntosh, who resided in Kinloss
was buried in Kinloss cemetery on Mor .-
Mr. R. W. Simpson recently held a
very successful barn -raising. One hun-
dred ladies sat down to supper together
and more than that number of gentle-
men were present. A very good attend-
ance and a successful bachelor farmer's
barn -raising.
Brussels School Board has engage 1
the services of Miss Sheriff, formerly
of Lucknow, as sucessor to Miss Dora
Smith, who resigned as Entrance class
teacher in Brussels public school. Her
salary will be $650.00 per annum and
her duties will commence on September
Following officers were installed for
the current term in connection with
Western Star Lodge, No. 1.49, Brussels:
-Jr. P. G., W. J. McCracken; N. G.,
W. P. Fraser; V. G., W. Williamson;
R. S., J. G Jones; F. S., A. McGuire;
Treas., F. S. Scott; Warden, • James
Thuell; Con., S. T. Plum; 0. G., W.
Martin; I. S., S. Wilton; R.S.N.G., R.
Henderson; L. S.N. G., Wm. Baeker;
R.S.V.G., F. Hunter; L.S.V.G., W
Little; R.S.S., Geo. Manning; L,S.S.,
R. Oliver; Chaplain, R. Leatherdale.
Awards have been made in connection
with the Standing Field Crop competi-
tion, the crop being oats, and resulted
as follows: -1st, R. J. Hoover, Grey
township, 954 per cent; 2nd, Jr.o.
Crerar,Grey, 9212 per cent.; W. Moses,
Morris, 92 per cent.; R. F. Patrick,
Howick, 9IY2 per cent; Wm. Work,
Grey, 91 per cent.; T. R. Bennett, Grey,
88 per cent.; James Burgess, Grey 57
per cent. The seven prizes range from
$20.00.. J.uiLipg was.done by Mr. Len-
nox. There were some fine fields, es
may be judged by the percentage taken.
Remarkable Cure o[ Dysentery.
"I was attacked with dysentery about
July 15th, and used the doctor's medi-
cine and other remedies with no relief,
only getting worse all the time. I was
unable to do anything and my weight
dropped from 145 to 125 pounds. I suf-
fered for about two months when I was
advised to use Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. I used
two bottles of it and it gave me perma-
nent relief," writes B. W. Hill of Snow
Hill, N. C. For sale by all dealers.
A driving shed 24x36 feet, on a cement
foundation, is being erected on the
farm of Thos. Davidson. Dressed lum-
ber is being used. Hugh R. Elliott, of
Brussels, has the job.
Drain contracts were let by the
Council to the following: -Pollard, to
H. Alcock, for $2819, he to put in sur-
face culverts; Silver Corners Improve-
ment, to D. Reed, at $1285; Inglis, to
J. Matthews, at $2266. 14th and Coates
drains are not let yet.
Mrs. Chas. Burrows, sr., Dr. C. H.
and Mrs. Burrows and their two sons,
Chas. and Raymond, of Washington,
D.C., John Fletcher, of Toronto, and
John A. McIntosh, of West Summer -
land, B.C., were welcome visitors at
the home of Thos. C. Stevenson, 10th
Robt. and Mrs. Menary, 9th con.,
left on ;rttesday, of lastweek .for a two
month's visit in the West. They took
tickets to Deloraine and will spend most
of their time in Southern Manitoba.
We wish them a good time.
Frank and Mrs. Baker of Marine Chy,
Mich., are visiting Mrs. Brker's father,
Adam Duke, of Grey. Mr. rnd Mrs.
Baker made the trip by auto and Mr.
Baker says he found excellent roads
1 through Canada, enjoying the trip fin •.
Mr. Baker's two nephews, George s nd
Frankie Baker, accompanied them.
Oliver Hemingway, 10th con., was
awarded 1st prize for barleys in the
Standing Crop competition in connec-
tion with Blyth A;ricultnral Society.
The prize is $2.00. Judging was done
by an expert amointnd by the Provir,-
tial Government.
particuiarly need the pre -
,digested nourishment in SCOTT'S
AMUISION. it creates strength
jjR1d rich, acture blood. k insures
phundant nourishment and keeps
hr ittewing.
Scott & Howne, Toronto, Oat. 13.2t
National Annals Are To Be Found in
Their Postage.
Everyone who has collected stumps
must have noticed the surprising ab•
sence of Sovereigns' heads from those
of Turkey. That this is so is due to
the fact that Mohammedans consider
a representation of the human face
or figure unlawful. Therefore Turkish
stamps carry the crescent, which the
Turks borrowed from the Byzantine;
after the fall of Constantinople. They
also us 1 a complicated, arbitrary
sign, supposed to be the signature of
the Sultan.
Egyptian and Grecian stamps are
peculiarly expressive of the history of
the countries which they represent.
The pyramids, the mystic Sphinx, tall
palm trees outlined against the night
sky, a train of camels stopping to
drink from the river Nile, all carry
us back to the very beginnings of
history and remind us that Egypt, the
mother of civilization, is still called
by her ancient name, and is yet a
growing power in the world she has
known so long.
Beautiful, artistic Greece, the home
of beauty. from which our sculptor -i
and architects draw their finest inspir-
ations, gives us pure classic lines on
her stamps, which show the famous
discus thrower, Hermes of the winged
feet, or a chariot race, or a tall, slim
vase, an antique mould.
The stamps of Persia show the lion
and the sun -the lion as a symbol of
power, arid the sun as an emblem of
the ancient fire worship of the Per-
Korea displays the plum blossom
on her stamps. It is the royal flower
of her last dynasty -a dynasty which
reigned for .500 years, until the hardy
little Japanese wrested it away.
The Mexican stamp hears the coat
of arms of the country, an eagle on a
cactus, holding a serpent in its talons.
This device is the outgrowth of a leg -
and that the first Aztec settlers chose
the site of their city from seeing an
eagle so engaged, and situated at that
Courteo a Rather Than ::eglectful.
When husband and wife go travel-
ing together, in the Orient, •the man
walks in front, careless and free, and
the woman walks behind carrying the
bundle. Therefore you say, "The
Oriental cares not for his worsen; lie
despises his wife and uses her as a
beast of burden," Most Occidentals
never get further than that. But if
you are observant you go out in the
Jungle yourself, and you discover
things. When you walk abroad, there
az.: difficulties and dangers. The paths
are overgrown and thorny, creepers
tn-1at he cut back, there are cattle and
buffaloes to be driven off, and buf-
faloes are ugly creatures; there are
snakes. In the villages are village
dogs, which snarl and snap. You are a
man yet you will be glad of someone
to go in front of you with a hatchet to
clear your way. No 'woman would
walk in front, and the nra,p,,snust be
free. Now you see the reason why the
man walks in front. If `you ¢want to
confirm it you inquire and find that
this is true. Thus the . Japanese, the
Burman, goes in front of his wife for
the same reason that the Occidental
goes behind -from courtesy. If he
continues to do so when it is unne-
cessary, as in towns where there are
roads, it is because a convention once
formed is' hard to break, east or west.
Penny -In -the -Slot Machine.
It has been generally understood
1• ` the penny -in -the -slot machine is
a modern invention. It will surprise
many • therefore when it is told that
more than 2, 1 years ago Egyptian
priests were using a device, the iden-
tical with that of the machines to be
found in most every railway station
to -day.
The ancient machine, the inventor
of which. was Hero, was used for sup-
plying sacred water at the doors of
the temples. A coin was dropped from
the top, fell on one end of a balanced
horizontal lever. which, being depress-
ed, opened a valve suspended from a
chain on the other end, and the water
thus begin to flow. When the lever
had been depressed to a vertain angle
the coin fell off, and the lever. being
weighted, returned to ',its scat, and
thus cut off' the supply.
Nilsson's Tribute to Patti.
When Christine Nilsson, the great
singer, was asked her opinion of
various singers she gave it very
candidly of every one, including
herself and Mine. Albani• but she
never :once alluded to Rinne. 'Patti.
"Yon have not mentioned Mine.
'atti," remarked the pertinacious
"No " said Mme. Nilsson. "1 have
are asking about singers.
T do not regard Patti as a singer. 1
place her among the angels. .A Patti
cerins to a planet only once during
that planet's existence." Such an
absence of stage jealousy has probably
never been equnlyd.
Music on the Jump.
Some years ago the Jones tinnily
had an old organ which had been
discarded by the young people of the
family, and they sold it to a German
family living near by. A few days
after the sale one of the little Ger-
man girls came to the house and
asked to see the young lady of the
house. Upon her going to the door
the little girl said, "Mother wants to
know if you can come over this
afternoon and teach Annie to play
on the organ, as we are going to have
company to -morrow?"
A Tiny Book.
The smallest book in the world
was made in Italy. It is not much
larger than a man's nail. It is four -
tenths of an inch in length, a quarter
of an inch' in width and contains 209
pages, each with nine lines and from
95 to 100 letters. The 'text consists
of a letter written by the inventor of
the pendulum clock to Mme. Chris-
tine of Loraine in 1615.
A Consolation.
The man who cherishes no hopes.
has no disappointments.
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Only THREE DAYS More 1
�O F--
I Isard's
N Reduction
Ending Saturday Ni , August 16th
Two Stores of Bargains. Money saving
1 chances on Men's and Boys' Clothing,
Gent's Furnishings, Groceries, Boots
and Shoes, Dress Goods, Silks, Hosiery,
Gloves, corsets, Embroidery, Laces,
„...... ,,+r lir' ^IV"ti...... Vd.../'ise"'ae1' i V
Carpets, Rugs, Curtains, Blinds, &c.
A long value at a short price will reward
those who want to save cash by attend-
ing this Sale during the closing days this
E. ISARD <a�. CO.
Seaside Excursions.
At Very Low Rates.
August 15, 16, 17, 18. 19.
From all stations in Canada east of
and including Port Arthur, to Amherst,
N. S., Charlottetown, P. E. I., Chatham,
N. B., Digby, N. S., Fredericton, N. B.,
Halifax, N. S., Kennebunkport, Me.,
Moncton, N. B., North Sydne$ N. S.,
Old Orchard, Me., Portland'' 3le., Sf.
Andrews, N. B., St. Jon's, Nfld.,
Summerside, P. E. I., Sydney, N, S.,
Truro, N. S., Yarmouth,N.S. Return
limit Sept. 4, 1913. /'
Those contem lathnt. a 'Seaside trip
should hear in ind,ct'he excellent train
service offered ,yethe Canadian Pacific.
Fiat Express trains leave Montreal
9.15 p. m. daily at 9.00 a.m. daily, ex-
cept Sunday, for Portland and oteer
Maine Coast Resorts.
Connecting trains leave Toronto 9.00
a.m. and 10.30 p.m. daily. Day train
carries dining -car and parlor -car and
night train standard sleepers to Mon-
Through standard sleepers for St.
Andrews, N.B., leave Montreal 7.25
p.m. daily. Connecting train leaves
Toronto 9.00 a.m. daily.
The Canadian Pacific is the only line
operating through parlor and sleeping
cars between Montreal, Old Orchard
Beach, Biddeford, Saco, Kennelrunk
and Kennebunkport.
Full particulars from any Canadian
Pacific Agent or write M. G. Murphy,
District Passenger Agent, Toronto, Ont.
Toronto, Aug. 11 -A. fairrun was re-
ceived at the Western Cattle Market
this morning, consisting of 6 cars, to-
talling 113 cattle, 56 sheep and 30
Dunn and Levack sold the cattle with
choice butchers, $6.00 to $6.25; common
at $5.00 to $5,500; good cows, $4.75 to
$5.25, and common cows, $3.00 to $4.00,
The market is dull in general, and
small receipts add to the depressed
Export $ 6 60
Butcher cattle choice 6 23
do medium. 5 23
Butcher cows choice 4 75
do medium ... .... .3 50
do common. 3 50
do bulls........ 5 25
feeders 4 75
Stockers ... ........ 4 50
do medium ... 4 50
do light 4 00
Canners and cutters 2 00
Milkers, choice, .... 55 00
Springers 65 00
Common and medium, 30 00
Lambs .. 7 25
Light ewes ..... .. 4 25
Hogsdo feducks.and. watered...... 103 0000
do f.o.b...• 10 00
Calves 5 OG
$ 6 75
0 50
5 75
5 50
4 25
4 25
5 75
5 50
4 75
3 50
75 00
75 00
50 00
4 75
3 50
8 50
Mark Cross Safely Razors
Guaranteed to be superior to any $5.00 Safety Razor
or Money Refunded. Razor with one Blade at the
Introductory Price
Extra Blades, 5c.
Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON
Mr. Hamilton's business will be carried on in
precisely the same upright, straight, forward :manner
as before, and all Mr. Hamilton's prescriptiont and
recipes may be obtained as in the past.
We Close Wednesday afternoons During
July and August from 1 to 7 p.m.
Effective gust i, I g I 3
Model T Runabout
Model T Touring Car
Model T Town Car -
With Full Equipment, f. o. b. Walkerville
Ford Motor Company
of Canada, Limited
Walkerville, Ontario