HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-14, Page 1• THE WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL* X1.11, --NO. 210
Compound Syrup of
Tones up the Nervous
Stimulates the Appetite
Enriches the Blood
Try a bottle. We know it will do you
good. If you are not thoroughly satis-
fied we will refund your $L00.
Satisfaction Guaranteed
every week. 50c Cadillac Choc-
olates 33c lb. 35c Imported
Turkish Delight 19c ]b.
?7io Store
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
li'Iene r LOANING Business.
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm's Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
Otl(ee of late Dr. Wiikon Residence
Wingham, Ont. Cor. Frances and
Office Phonon!). Phone 182
Christie's Grocery
A very superior vinegar
suitable for table use.
Herring in Tomatoes
This is a fresh shipment
and we believe there is
no better brand to be had.
Kippered Herring
These are acked heNote
.way for • I elbroole Ltd.
'They're good. Are
practically ready to use.
Turkey and s T'cingue,-••('hickert--•Tur.
key and Ham.
».rte. Mtre.wr-..•,,..
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
And the Wgrkof the Consumptive
Sa aerie,
The town hall was nicely filled with
the good people f our town on Sunday
night last, to h r the illustrated lec-
ture on the abov subject, by Mr. J. B.
Watson, the Fiel Secretary of the Na-
tional Sanitariu Association. Dr.
Redm ond, Medi al Officer of Health,
adm irabiy filled, the chair, and Mr.
Watson dexter° ly handled the lantern
and slides.
The lecture dealt firstly with the
diseases, and the means by which it is
propagated in this and all communities.
Much valuable information was given
as to what mayibe done to combat the
great white plague.
The latter pari; of the lecture outlined
in picture with lucid explanation, two
of the several Consumptive Hospitals
established and •managed by the above
Association. The Muskoka Cottage
Sanatarium opened to receive patients
in the year 18 6 has done work from
the first, very encouraging to its pro-
moters. Thousands of patients have
passed through it of whom a large num-
ber have been aptual cures, and many
others reaching,a condition of improve-
ment described as With Disease Ar-
rested. This Innstitution, however has
done more than, to make cures, it has
done much to stir up interest, and con-
sequently to increase the intelligence
of the public along the line of tuber-
cular and other germ diseases. Further
than that it showed the need of, it ac-
tually called for an institution where
the poor, afflicted with tubercular
disease, might have care and treatment
free of charge when that was necessary,
and hence the Muskoka Free Hospital
for Consumptives, where at present
accommodation is provided for nearly
two hundred Consumptive patients, of
whom fully 80 per cent. pay nothing at
all. The maintenance of it for the
present year ,• will cost over $75000.00,
and since it is mostly dependent upon
the contributi'p ns of the people of this
Province, appeal is made for financial
help. A handsome collection to that
end was taken up at the close, and in-
timation was given that a canvas of
this town would be made for personal
contributions. It was stated in the
lecture that, When canvassed before,
Wingham surpassed any other town of
equal population, and• the hope was ex-
pressed that it would continue to hold
that worthy emminence.
• Junior Matriculation Results.
The following lista contain the names
of the Huron county candidates who
were successful in whole or in part
on the pass junior matriculation exam-
ination. Normal entrance candidates
who were also candidates for matricula-
tion have been considered in the results.
Group 1.-D. I. Barr, E. C. Beacon,
E. M. Beattie, *F. M. Bower, J. W,
Button, H. R. Cantelon, C. P. Cowan,
R. P Dougall, R. A. Dundas, F. Fing-
land, W. H. Forrest, S. Geiger, E.
Gray, L. C. Harvey. P, W. Hoag, R.
E. Jackson, T. E. Johns, J. E. Kelly,
eM. E. Linklater, H. H. MacKay, A. M.
Maines, D. J. Matheson, W. McGregor.
H. A. McKay, R. G. McKercher, C. G.
Nicholson, T. Pendale, E. D. Reid, M.
C. Reynolds, A. A. Rice, E. Sanderson,
F. A. Smith, L. E. Stevens. C. E.
Stewart, C. Wood, J. M. Wylie.
Group II. --*V. 0. Currie, N. Griffin,
`'a. G. Rintoul. •
Group III. -A. Arebibald. L. W.
I3rown, E. A. Burn, A. F. Cooper, L.
E. Greig, IV. H. Baines, J. W. Kehl,
V. H. Lobb, S. J. ateCloy, J. 'McKen-
zie, W. E. O'Brien. H. Quakenbush,
J, V. Ross, G. Thompson, W. E. Turn-
bull. '•
Those marked with a are students
of Wingham High School. Five can-
didates applied for Junior Matriculation
certificates and three obtained chmpiete
Junior Matriculatign and two partial
Junior Matriculatioi . Will Haines ap-
plied for partial J1inior Matriculation
and was successful.,
honour Matriculaeion--John V. Dick-
son, English ((leek II), Mathematics
(Class I), Physics ie'aiss III). Chemis-
try (Class III).
Lillian Ross, Latta» 'Plass III), Biol-
ogy (Class III), t;
Six candidates W ote on fewef than
eight papers for Matr!eulation standing.
The standing of tutee was not issued
and will not be kne it until the certi-
ficates are received,/
Mid -Summer kleering Sale.
In our advertisieg columns this week,
Messrs. King Bre ri announce their an-
nual mid -summer hlearingg sale. There
are big bargains tin general mercban-
dose. As the stn k is all new, people
`ef this district c n - look for good bar-
l;a�ns, See their advt, on page eight,
Read about
Queen Quality Shoes
in our ad. on last page
Death of
The death took
morning of Marga
late Alexander Be
The deceased lad
health for some ti
rs. Bell.
place on 'Tuesday
et Farr, relict of the
I, in her 75th year.
had been in poor
e and a few days
prior to her death was stricken with
paralysis. With tier husband and fam-
ily, Mrs. Beli came to Wingham thirty-
five years ago an during these years
had been one of •our most highly es-
teemed residents, ' She was a member
of the Methodist hurch and until fail-
ing health had been a faithful attendant
at public warship. Mrs. Bell's husband
died iu 1887 and the eceased is survived
by six sons, viz:-]vid, Marshall and
Albert, of Wingham•' Walter, of Tor-
onto; Robt, J., of Farmington. Wash.;
Wm. S., of Spokane, Wash. The fun-
eral will take place from the residence
of Mr. David Bell, pdward street, on
Friday, 15th inst., at'2,30 o'clock p.m.,
for Wingham cemetery. Service at
the house at 2 o'cloclt.
Death in Ashfield.
One of the pioneer;residents of Ash-
field township passed away on Friday
morning last in the. person of Jane
Johnston, relict of the late Alexander
Hackett, aged 81 years. The deceased
lady had for many years been a highly
esteemed resident of Ashfield, and had
seen many changes from the pioneer
days to the time of her death. Mrs.
Hackett was mother of Mrs. Chas.
Barber of this town. Mr. and Mrs.
Barber and Miss Ann Barber attended
the funeral at Lucknow on Saturday
Wingham Boy Scouts.
There will be a special meeting of
th e first Wingham Groupe Boy Scouts
to -night (Wednesday) at 8 o'clock, to
make final arrangements for the Scouts
taking part in the three days camp.
R. E. N. Barron,
W. S. 1J.
Free Catalogue.
To get a good start in Commercial
life you should attend Stratford Business
College which is the best business train-
ing school in Ontario. Write the Col-
lege for a free catalogue.
Wingham High School.
The Wingham High School will re-
open on Tuesday, September 2nd. The
staff of teachers will be Harry E.
Ricker, Principal; G. R. Smith, Specia-
list in Mathematics; Mr. Ewing,
Specialist in Classics, Miss White,
Specialist in Moderns and History;
Miss B. E. Anderson, First Form.
Mr. Ricker has moved his family to
town and will occup the house recently
vacated by Mr. A. loss.
The Woman's Institute.
The regular monthly meeting of the
Wingham branch of the Woman's In-
stitute was held on Thursday afternoon
last at the heme of Mr. Geo. Cruick-
shank, B. Line of Turnberry, when the
members were entertained by Mrs.
Cruickshank and Mrd. John J. Moffatt.
After the business had been concluded
1.a pleasant afternoon was spent in play-
ing baseball and other games. Supper
was served in the evening and all the
ladies who attended voted Mrs. Cruick-
shank and Mrs. Moffat model enter-
, tainers, and all returned home well pleas-
; ed with the afternoon's entertainment.
Dr. J. P. Kennedy kindly placed his
l auto at the disposal of the ladies for
' the conveying of the members to and
from the place of meeting.
An explosion of gasoline at Sault
Ste Marie did $10,0,10 damage to the
• Lock City Anto Company's garage and
twenty cars stored therein.
Miss Mary Meade, reported to have
been killed with her brother in a runa-
way near Radisson Sask., bas confessed
she spread the ruiner to escape a marital
One dozen shorthorn bulls, chosen
from the finest h ?rds in England, are
to be shipped to Canada in ten days'
time. This selection of high-grade
breeding cattle has been made by Prof.
Geo. E. Day, of *Ontario Agricultur-
al College at G•uel»b, along with Mr. C.
E. Bailey. t eputt Assistmlt Minster
of Agriculture, wleb have spent the last
two months in th+ld country.
orosse Game.
The Goderich and Wingham lacrosse
teams played 4 good league game on
the Town Par on Wednesday afternoon
ast before a ood crowd of spectators.
During the fir t five minutes play the
Goderich boys scored three goals and
it looked as t Pugh the visitors would
have ea waik peer. Before half time
Goderich boys °scored another goal and
Wingham boysi scored one goal. In the
last half some good lacrosse was played
and Wingham scored five goals, thus
winning the game by a score of six to
four. Referee Kinder gave good satis-
faction. The Wingham players were: -
Goal, Knechtel; point, Gurney; cover -
point, H. Mc • ean; first defence, C.
Hanna; secon defence, F. McLean;
third defence, W. McCoy; centre, Van-
wyck; third hqtne, W. Elliott: second
home, D. Holmes; first home, C. Mc-
Lean; inside hime, T. Elliott; outside
home, E, Groves. The Goderich Star
in reporting the game says: -In the
first half Godrich piayed rings around
their oppone'ts, scoring three goals,
while the Winhamites failed to land
any, and it certainly looked rosy for
Goderich. hat just the same as a
horse race or the weather, lacrosse is
uncertain, and in spite of all the
"rooters" conic] do the Winghamites
came back in the second half and played
the Goderich twelve off their feet,
scoring 6 goal ' to 1, the score at the
finish standin 6 t 4 in favor of the
Northerners. The contest was a good
exhibition of Canada's National game,
and we are informed both teams played
clean lacrosse.
Field Crop Competition.
Mr. P. 0. Vi(nsickle, of Albertan, the
Judge appointed by the Department of
Agriculture in the Standing Field ('rop
Competition of the Turnberry Agricul-
tural Society, was here last week and
did his work, The Competition was in
oats and prizes were awarded as follows:
1st, Frank He�nry, Kinloss .. . • 89 1-2
2nd, J. W. Fortune, Turnberry. 89
3rd, Rich. Wilton, Turnberry ... 85
4th, H. T. Perdue, E. Wawanosh. 83 1-2
Sth, P. Leaver,, E. Wawanosh... 82
9th, Abram Proctor, Morris. 81 1-2
7th, S. I3utchill, E. Wawanosh.. 76
Position of other competitor is as
8th, W A. Taylor, W. Wawanosh 75 1-2
9th, .1. F. Davidson, E Waw'sh • 74
IOth, Jas. Henderson, Morris... 60
for 25 Cents
The TIMES to new subscrib-
ers, to any address in Can-
ada to January lst, 1914
for 25 cents,
Leave your orders early.
Mrs, R. Webb is visiting with friends
in Hamilton.
Miss Nora Gracey is visiting with
friends in Essex.
*.i Miss Della Haugh is visiting with
friends in Kincardine.
Mrs. A. Shortts is visiting with rela-
tives and old friends in Peterboro.
Miss Eva Gracey is visiting with
friends in London end St, Marys,
Mr. J. C. Kayser is spending this
week at his old hornle in Hagersville.
Miss Eleanor Cornyii is spending
several weeks in Hamilton andMuskoka.
Miss Maud Fluete left on Tuesday for
�ltrip to Winnipeg end points further
dr. and Mrs. W. H. Greer, of - Rainy
A 2'ver are visiting with old friends in
Miss. Board, of Toronto, is spending
part of her vacation with Miss
Mrs. 3. C. Smith spent a few days
in St. Thomas, the guest of Mrs. J. A.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones, of Chicago,
are visiting at the home of Mr. Walter
gi,llr. S. Young is visiting for a few
days with his daughter. Mrs. Bard, at
lijrincipal Smith of the High School,
int a few days in Ingersoll and
Grand Bend.
i-e.,:elr. Clare Adams, of Toronto, is
"spending his holidays at his parental
home in town. ;
Advertising Huron County.
Reeve Leckie, of Brussels, chairman
of the County Clerk Lane, with two
assistants, were very busily engaged
last week in mailing several thousand
copies of the book issued by the com-
mittee for the advertising of Huron
county. A large number of copies are
being sent to booking agents in Great
Britain, it being considered that in this
way a wider circulation • of the book
will be secured than by any other means
The Good Time.
I put a mortgage on my home, to bny
a motor car, and now all joyously I
roam on rural roads afar. I take the
children and the wife, and scour the
countryside; I'm bound to lead a merry
life and let all business slide. We pass
the poorhouse as we race, and wearily
my frau remarks: "Alas! that dismal
place! It's where we're headingnow!'
I go in debt for gasoline, and this and
that repair; hut, oh, the country's
bright and green, and I am happy there!
We pass the poorhouse as we scoop.
and wife she says to me: "Oh, mo'
it well my dear galoot-that's why •
we'll shortly be!" I used to deal .a
earthern jars and made all sorts of
chink; but now the chugging motor car
is all of which I think, The clerks con-
duct my little storey and when I am
away, take their ceats and lock the door,
and fishing go, folk say. But merrily my
good car spins, and on the poorhouse
grass the paupers stroke their chins,
and hail me as I pass] -Walt Mason.
Big Half Price Sale.
Mr. 3. K. Irwin, who recently pur-
chased the John Kerr & Son stock has
put the business in the hands of the
Northern Brokerage Company and a
big half price sale is being put on,
when special prices will be in order on
dry goods, cl °thing, groceries, crockery,
etc. Store will be closed on Thursday
and Friday for Marking down goods
and sale will start. on Saturday morn-
ing. Store will be open evenings for
first two weeks et sale. See advt, on
page four for fulli iarticulars,
Mrs. Palmer egsales, of Brampton,
was instantly killfd when she jumped
from a buggy behind a runaway horse,
Mrs. J. S. Davenpot•t and children,
of Brantford are visiting at the home
of her father, Mr. Wm. Holmes.
Miss Maggie Holmes of Owen Sound
is visiting at the home of her uncle,
Mr. Wm. Holmes. -
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Latronico are
spending a few days with relatives and
fjiends in Hamilton.
. Mr. and Mrs. W..1:. Greer are visi-
ting for a few days with relatives and
friends in Toronto.
Mr. Vernon Scott, of Toronto, for-
merly of Wingham, is visiting old
friends this week.
a Mr. T. C. Graham*.and Miss Helen
Graham are enjoying the cooling breezes
at Kincardine Beach.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 Patterson visited
for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R.
Patterson at Kincardine.
Misses Vera Webb and Gertie Robert-
son are spending part of their holidays
with friends in Seaforth.
fMr. A. J. Jeffrey, of the Chronicle
Arnprior, was in town on Friday last
and gave the TIDIES a call.
Mr. Ed. Everett, -of Hanover was
visiting for a few days with old friends
in Wingham and Whitechurch.
Mrs. Walter Paterson has returned
home a few weeks vieit with her son,
Mr. Allenby, sr. of Toronto is visiting
at the home of Mr! Simon Mitchell.
Rev. J. W. an Mrs. Hibbert are
spending their boli aya in Aylmer.
j Miss Maude Hanna, of London, is
visiting at her parental home in town.
Mr, and Mrs. Jesse Button, of Luck -
no v were calling oni' Wingham friends
on Tuesday. ,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J.Leslie, of Toronto,
were visiting for a few days with Mr.
and Mrs. F. Buchanan.
Mrs. P. Bridel of Phris and R. P. Gill
and Miss Eileen of Edmontor, Alta.,
are visiting at the home of Mr. endears.
J. E. Bradwin. E
Mrs. A. J. Nicholls ''and son John are
spending a few week's with relatives
and friends in Elk Rapids and other
points in Michigan. r
Rev. E. H. Croly, Mrs. ('roly, Master
Jack Croly, Miss Wgltace and Miss
Marion Lynch are spending a short
holiday at Grand Bend.
Mr, A. E. Bradwin, and four sons, of
Parry Sound, were visiting for a few
days with the former's parents, !dr.
and Mrs. J. E. Bradwin.
Rev. D. and Mrs. Perrie and family
have returned home after spending
their holidays at their cottage on the
lake shore near Pine River.
Miss Lorna Kennedy of Acton re-
turned home on Monday after spending
her vacation at the homes of her aunts,
Mrs. A. Tipling and Mrs. .1. W. Dodd.
Dr. and Mrs. James Agnew, who
have been visiting with the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Agnew, re-
turned to their home in Fosteria, Ohio,
on Tuesday.
Apple Dealers in Western Canada.
The success of apple growing as an
industry depends to a great extent on
the securing of a good market. It is
no uncommon occurrence almost every
fall for great quantities of apples to lie
about under the trees to rot or to be
fed to hogs because no good market is
accessible, While the; fruit is thus
going to waste there are thousands of
householders, more especially in the
Prairie Provinces, tha are longing fc:r
fresh fruit of a sort thiat can be stored
and drawn upon during the winter
months. The difficult' of the one class
is to reach buyers for the fruit and of
the others to find a supply at a moder-
ate price. To bridge the gulf that sep-
arates these two classes. and thereby
do both an invaluable service. the Dairy
and Cold Storage i'onlmissioner has is-
sued a list of the wholesale and retail
apple dealers in Manitoba, Saskatche-
wan, Alberta and sections of New On-
tario whose addresses were available.
These, which number about 275 dealers
and firms, with few exceptions are said
to be in a position to buy at ]east one
carload of fruit. This information is
eve in Circular Dairy
given C cu ar No. 8 of the I airy
and Cold Storage Ilrancb, copies of
which may be secured free from the
Publications Branch of the Department
of Agricult:ire, at Ottawa.
i elcKAv-In Whitechurch. on July
18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Dan McKay. a
IIENDERSON-In Whitechurch, on
August 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Henderson, a son.
LoTT-In Whitechurch, on August
2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. a
CALVERT-In East Wawanosh, on
August 7th, to Mr, and firs. Harry
Calvert, a son.
Mr. Percy Paterson in Toronto. DIED.
Mr. and Mrs. John Reading of Hamil
ton who have heen visiting Mr. J. C.
Reading returned home last week.
Mrs. W. Herd, of Toronto was visi-
ting with her aunt and uncle, Mr, and'
Mrs. E. C. White, Josephine street,
Messrs. John Quirk, Win. Powell and
Geo. W. Cline are' in Hamilton this
week attending the Centennial celebra-
t or.
Mr, and Mrs. I3lackhall and daughters.
Annie and Elsie Were visiting with
relatives and friends in Aylmer and St.
Mr, and Mrs. Kenflier and three sons,
of Walkerton, spent: Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs. James Stapleton, of Turn-
Mr. and Mrs. A. g Smith and Miss
Nora Smith were Visitors for a few
days with Mr. and ]Slee. 3. W. Shott at
Mrs. M. M. Hawkins of Rosedale,
Toronto, is visiting her cousins. Mrs.
R. Anderson, Mrs. A., Tipling and Mrs,
3. W. Dodd. .a
Dr, and Mrs. TZII. Agnew and two
ehildren, of Edn'j,nton, Alta., are
spending a reouthlipt the home of Mr,
John Agnew. it
HAOKETT--In Ashefild, on August 8th.
Jane Johnson, relict of the late Alex-
ander Hackett, and mother of Mrs.
Chas. Barber, of Wingbamaged t1
Biguser -In Wingham, on August tth.
Marion Pearl Grant, of Henfryn, in her
19th year.
BELL -In Wingham, on August 12th,
Margaret Farr, relict of the late Alex-
ander Bell, in her 75th year.
September 5th to 13th.
The programme of attractions for the
Exhibition has just been issued and is a
very attractive book. There will be
ten free acts before the Grand Stand
twice daily. In addition to this the Boy
Scouts and Collegiate Cadets will give
a very fine drill each evening. The 7th
Field Company, of Civil Engineers will
put on a very interesting and instrue-
tive feature each night before the Grand
Stand. There Will be six different
bands in attendance giving an abund-
ance of music all the time. A pro-
gramme of firework's, such as has never
been seen in Londen before, will be
given each night. The Midway will be
a source of great attraction and will be
open all the time.' The management
have secured excellent Railway rates,
being single fare ffom the first day of
the Exhibition with several speeialeex-
eursion days, all tickets good until Sep-
tember 13th. Witte the Secretary,
London, for all information,
r4 LL THAT'S left of our Spring
and Summer Stock Rill be
sold at pi lees } ou can't
ignore, ai:d that wi i force Sou to
Men's, W,» en'-, R•is'8, sees'
and Children's Pee twc;u• of any
and all sorts mast go We want
the roe,m and we want the money,
We don't want the Sh es.
Now is the Time to
Shoe the Family
W. kJ. Okb[ !
Mr. James Angus has placed bis
property in our hands tor immediate
sale. either in one block or in parcels
to suit ptu chaser. '1 hirty or more
acres of exc,•llent hili dry land a
part of which is surveyed into town
lots. and the plan registered. A good
brick house and frame barn on the
premises, No more desirable place
to Ike in Wingham. An excellent e
site for factories.
VESTMENT—A Fine Farm z
In Culross
No better in the County. It al-
pays to buy a goad faun and
this ie one of the best. Good 1.uild-
ings and fences, tine land, nice l.i'ee
of hardwood hush, close to mallcet
and eehoois. telephone installed,
rural mail applied tor, gravel read,
everything in chip shape, Best of
reasons for selling. Intending lair -
chasers apply to
Ritchio Cosen&
Dr. R. F. Parker
Osteopath and Eye Specialist
Tuesday's 11.3e a.m. to Wednesday's
11 a,m.
Take notice that we have age, el to
close our offices during the months of
July and August, after the hour of
one p, m. Saturdays and 4 p. tn. on
other days.
June .5th re13.
Thousands of ambition*. young pe•o-
pglo are fast preparing in their mit:
Moines to oeotspyylucrative paeitior,i as
stenographers,bookkeepers. telegraph -
era civil servants, in fact every sphere'
of Easiness Activities. You may r,viah
at calico if you wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Linter college any day Indi-
vidualinatraetion. Expert teaehere.
Thirty year's rxperi. ae, I,arge,t
trainers in Cfroda. -.i,n eulle,:es
Npecial mute( for teacl.rr..
Affiliated a ith Commercial Edina
tors' Association of Canada Summer
SchOoi at the famous Spotton business
College, London.
Wingham Business College
Cleo. 8pottoe. R`, •r u, , ..
Prtrodent. 1 i 4,. ;ii