HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-07, Page 8min-su SALE iteaf OUR Annual Summer Sale will start on Thursday, August 7, and will continue until August 21. All' Summer Goods will be cleared out at one quarter to one third off regular prices. Ladies' Waists, regular $1.00 and $1.25 Ladies' Waists, regular $1.35 to $2.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $2.25 to $3.00 Ladies' Waists, regular $3.25 to $4.00 All Crums' English Prints, regular 12.%c Ginghams, Muslins, Cambrics, &c., to clear at cost A few Men's Straw Hats, Reg $L25, L50, and 1.75 for 75c $1.25 $2.00 $3.00 1Oc - $1.00 Boys' Straw Hats, regular 50c and 60c - 40c All Men's and Boy's Suits 25' per cent. off reg prices See our stock before buying else- where. We must have room for fall goods now coming in. PRODUCE ON ALL KINDS WANT .ED Drive in at rear of store J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. THE GINGHAM TIMES, AUGUST 7. 1913 - Brand Trask Railway System Your Vacation Trip Tickets on sale to all the leading Summer Resorts. All rail or lake and I reit routes. To the West Tourist and Ilomeseekers Excursion r tickets to any point in Western Canada or any point in United ivtates. Popular routes. To Europe We can ticket you through to any 1$1 point in Europe on all leading steamship • line@. Prepaid orders elect issued, Your Next Trip Whether your next trip he a long or a short one, we will be pleased to issue your ticket. Q(i Information If it's about travel, we have the information and will give it to you cheerfully. H, B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont. MINOR LOCALS. —The business men of Lucknow, have agreed to close their places of business every Thursday afternoon. —Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. —Mr. J. C. Cunningham, of Belgrave, and a former resident of Wingham, has been appointed as G. T, R. station agent at Milverton. —Mr. J. F. Money, who for many years published Money's Directory for the different counties in Ontario, died at Walkerville on Sunday. —Mr. H. V. Holmes, of Gerrie, is acting as manager of the Bank of Hamilton during the absence of Mr. C. P. Smith, who is away on vacation. —Mr.. Bell, mother of Coun. D. Bell, Vv as stricken with paralysis on Friday last and has been seriously ill. Mrs. Bell is advanced in years and her illness is serious. —Mr. Wm. Ament has been elected Mayor of Seaforth to succeed Mr. J. C. Greig, who is Division Court Clerk, and was unable, under the new regulations, to hold both offices. —Provincial Constable Phippen was at Jamestown on Tuesday searching the hotel in that place. The search was in vain as Mr. Phippen found no intoxicating liquor on the premises. --The many friends of Miss Nina E. Lockhart will be pleased to know that she is recovering from the severe attack of pneumonia from which she has suf- fered since her return from the West. —Mr, J. W. Dodd, D,D.G.C.P., ac- companied by Messrs. W. J. Haines, H. Hinsclitre, A. J. Alderson, Jos. Guest and II. B. Elliott, were in Brussels on Tuesday evening and installed the officers of Brussels Encampment and assisted in conferring the first degree on two candidates. —Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hamilton, and family, who have been residents of Wingham for some years left this week for London, where they purpose resid- ing in future. They will carry with them the very best wishes of a large circle of Wingham friends. —Frank McConnell, auctioneer has a quantity of good househood furniture which he is selling by private sale at the auction room. There are bed room suites, cooking stoves, chairs, and many other useful articles, See Mr. McConnell if you are in need of furni- ture. CHURCH NOTES. FAMOUS Mark Gross Safety Razors 1912 Patent. CORRECT ANGLE STROKE. Guaranteed to be superior to any $5.00 Safety Razor or Money Refunded. Razor with one Blade at the IntrC:ClLICtory Price j.j. 25c. DAVIS Extra Blades, 5c. Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON CORNER DRUG STORE WINGHAM Mr. Hamilton's business will be carried on in precisely the same upright, straight, forward manner as before, and all Mr. Hamilton's prescriptiont and recipes may be obtained as in the past. We Close Wednesday afternoons During July and August from 1 to 7 p.m. BORN. RoBARTS—At the Rectory, Gorrie, on July 26th, to Rev. and Mrs. W. H. Roberts; a daughter. KineezaICK—In Belgrave, on July 26th, to Rev. and Mrs. I. W. Kilpatrick; a daughter. DIED. MILLER -In Wroxeter, on July 24th, Jane Munro, relict of the late Andrew Miller, aged 68 years and 15 days. MILNER—In Winham, on August2nd, Charles Alvin Milner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Milner, aged 6 months and 13 days. KENNEY—In Kinloss, on July 22nd, Patrick Kenney, aged 62 years and 26 days. Baden-Powell Boy Scouts. The "Lord Charles Beresford's Own Canadian" lst Wingham Troop of Boy S touts, intend to go for a three days camp in the country from Aug. 30th to September lst. .All members wishing to go to camp must hand in their names to the Scout -Master not later thanTues- day, Aug. 12th. It is hoped the Whole troup will go, as a real good time is ex- pected. There will be meetings twice a week in future, on Wednesdays and Fridays, at 7.30 p.m., 'starting Wednes- day, Aug. 6th. Re Local Option Hotels. An important decision has been de- livered by His Honor Judge Doyle in three assessment appeals in Clinton. Joseph Rattenbury, John J. McCaughey, Joseph Reinhardt and T. G. Pike ap- pealed to the County Judge against the assessment on the grounds of over- charge on land and further that they are not liable for business tax. Since local option came into force on the first of May, it was shown by the evidence that these hotel properties have de- creased in value more than one-half. Judge Doyle reduced the assessment as follows: Rattenbury House from $62011 to $3500 and business assessment of $1500 wiped out; J. J. McCaughey, Commercial, from $4200 to $2500 and business assessment of $1300 wiped out; Jos. Reinhardt and T. G. Pike, Station Hotel, from $2500 to $800 and business tax of $625 wiped out. Regarding busi- ness tax it was held that hotels in local option places are not liable for business tax. Rural Dean Doherty of Hensall con- ducted the services in St. Paul's Church on Sunday last. Mr. A. E. Du Plan of Centralia will have charge of the services in St. Paul's on Sunday next. The congregation and members of the Sunday School of St. Paul's Church with their friends will hold a picnic on the flats in Lower Wingham on the afternoon of Wednesday, August 13th, The services in St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church on Sunday last were conducted by the Rev. Mr. Young, of Clifford, who preached eloquently at morning and evening services. In the morning Miss VanNorman and Mr. Cline rendered a duet; and at the even- ing service a solo was sweetly sang by Miss MCMnrchie, of Blyth, who is visit - Ring with her aunt, Miss Gracey, the organist. Rev. Mr. Young will officiate again next Sunday. HOUSEHOLD HINTS. A mixture of one teaspoonful of black ink to a saltspoonful of liquid gum will do ranch to brighten a black straw if rubbed well into the interstices of the plait it with a stiff 1 rush. Eisen filled into cheesecloth bags is entidlcelt for cleaning wall paper. It is also better than soap' for the bath- tub, and for the neck, face and hands nothing is better. It is as cleansing for clothes as for the body. Boiled, ard the water used the same as soap suds, it is as satisfactory for delicate fabrics as soap and does not injure the color. FIX THE RESPONSIBILITY. When a disastrous railway accident occurs the whole trend of the enquiry is to ascertain the cause, so that meas- ures may be taken to prevent a recur- rence of the wreck. If a fault is notic- ed in any workshop is not the particular delinquent sought out? Every travel- ler on a steamer pays passage money: the several branches a departmental store are all expected to show a profit on the year's business. So the dairy farmer will do well to enquire as to whether he has any delidquents in his present herd of cows, perhaps one or two are in a fair way to wreck his for- tunes, their passage money may be paid by some better producers, for 'often two or three out of every herd of twenty cows show no profit at all on the year's production of fat. Plenty of cows in June dl'id July gave over one thousand pounds of milk and over thirty-five pounds of fat. What dairyman would voluntarily keep the kind of cow that yielded only twenty— four pounds of fat, or those that gave only four hundred pounds of milk during last month? Yet some men got only that much from arest manycows in g Ontario and Quebec. This is the point: each dairy cow has a certain responsi- bility, that of producing plenty of milk and fat ata profit. So, also, has the dairyman his responsibility, that of knowing his cows do not skirk theirs. His business is to know what each cow does; she won't tell, he has to keep in- dividuai records to find out. They cost little, they do much. W. C. T. U. Meeting. The regular monthly meeting of the W.C.T.U. will be held in the C.O.F. hall, on Tuesday afternoon, August 12th, commencing at 3 o'clock. The program will be in charge of the Fran- chise Department and will be of special interest. Every lady will be made wel- come. ANNOUNCEMEI'S, &c. Get Parnell's Bread eft Christie's. WANTED.—Two yo g ladies as room- ers. Convenient t chools. Apply at TIMES Office. WANTFD-A competent maid to go to Ingersoll. Apply Mrs. J. C. Smith, Frances street. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Blg'stock Of select from at lowest prices W GREER. FOR SALE—Quick—B •gain—No. 9-18 Crown Huron ran ; so one bed -room suit. Apply to Mr hurtleff, Diagon- al Road. GREAT VALUE for little cash at Isard's Clean Sweefile. Two stores of Bargains. You' be pre d of your purchases. LOST—Ladies Gold 'Heart -Shaped Locket, near G.T.R. ation on civic holiday. Half moi? d star on front. Name engraven inside. Find kindly leave same at TIMES Office. NOTICE—Having dispose of our busi- ness, all accounts contra ted between May 24th and August 4 will be pay- able to John Kerr. Kit dry call at old stand and settle as soon as possible. JOHN KERR & SON. NOTICE TO FARMERS Oats, Feed Wheat, Law Grade Flour, Bran, Shorts. We have abundance of the above feeds which are the best obtainable. Get your feed from us and you have less trouble, Our prices are right. HOWSON & BROrKLEBANK. HARDWOOD FOR SALE -100 cords good body hardwood, near Pringle's tannery. Price reasonable. All kinds of coal in stock and arriving weekly, R. J. CAN- TELON. SHINGLES—Two car loads of XXX and XXXX B. C. shingles just to hand. Will be sold at lowest possible price. J. A. l LEAN. Summer Tourist Rates To he Pacific Coast. Via Chicago and North/Western Ry. Special low rate round ,trip tickets on sale from all points ize!' Canada to Los Angeles' San Francisco, Portland, Ed- monton, Seattle, Vtgncouver, Victoria, Calgary. Banff, Yellowstone Park, etc., during August and September. Ex- cellent train service. For rates, illus- trated folders, time tables and full par- ticulars address: B. H. Bennett, Gen- eral Agent, 46 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ontario. In The Supreme Court of Ontario. High Court Di?ision, 1 KELLY VS McKENZIE. Pursuant to a Judgment of the Supreme Court of Ontario, made in this cause and bearing date the 24th day of June A. D., 1013, there will be sold with the approbation of 13 L. Doyle, Esquire, Master of this Court at Goderich, by Frank McCoenell, Auc- tioneer at the Queen's Hotel its the Town of Wingham at the hour of t •o o'clock in the aftertoon of Thursday, . e 28th day of August A. D., 1013, thefolt, ing•lands and premises in one parse namely :—The south 03 acres of Lot 27 nd the south 78 acres of Lot 20, excel, ten acres thereof sold to the Town of ngliam for a eeme• tery, both in the Ten Concession of the Township of Turnb ry in the County of Enron. These premises re dtaate within a quarter of a mile from tk 11 its of the Town of W in g- lum. Thee() are on the premises a frame; dwelling, with stone foundation, 28X32, frame kitchen, with stone cellar underneath, 14X2'2 seal frame woodshed 162t20; a frame barn with steno I stable underneath 50X00, straw shed 40X00 and (lenient silo 30 feet high and a diameter of 14 , feet inside: There is stabling for 40 head of cattle and 8 head of horses. There are two , good wells and n never failing spring, afford ing abundance of good water. About 100 acres are cleared and in a good state of cultivation, c of which about 87 ner, A are novel in press) a-; bout 25 acres of bush and the balance is pas. tureland4, Theproperty be put upfor sale subject ect r to a reserve bid,which has been fixed bythe oe Waster. Ten t er Cant. of the purchase money will be paid on the day of sale and the balance in 00 days thereafter, 'but the purchaser shall assume any existing encumbrances, the amount of which shall, Yowever, be deducted from the purchase price. In all other respects the terms and condi• tions of sale will ao the standing conditions of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Further particulars may be had on applies• tion to the undersigned. Dated 01st July, 551:1. R.VANSTONrr:, e�Wingltem. issnOR's Ilo21C'ITOR. Approved: 11. L. Dotty, Mester at Godorich. GOODSKING BROS. OOD 1 PRICES 1 RIGHT Extra .Values In Women's and Child's Summer Wearing Apparel Ladies Long Silk Gloves Re-inforced double tipped Fingers, 24 in. long. Colors: White, Black, Pink, Sky Blue and Champagne. Special $1.00 pair. Long Lisle Gloves Made of fine even Egytian Thread. Colors: Black, White and Tan. At 50c. a pair. Summer Parasols Our stock is complete. We have just received a number of samples; no two alike. Prices from 5oc to $5.00. Japanese Verandah Mats For the hot summer months they are just the thing all sizes and very pretty patterns. Prices 25, 35, 50c. and $I.00. Silk, Lisle and Catton Hosiery For Women and Children in plain and fancy lace effects. Prices from 15c to 75c pair. SUMMER WASH 0000S Our Stock has been replenished in a good many of the better selling lines, White Bedford Cords, Cotton Voiles, Vestings, Plain and Fancy Crepes, etc. Produce Wanted. 'Phone 71. KIN BROS, GIVE US A TRIAL WE WANT YOUR TRADE 1 1 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the Estate of Daniel Wheeler of the Township of Morris in the County of Iluron, deceased. Ne tice is hereby given pursuant to 1 George V, Chap.20, section 51, that all persons having claims against the estate of the said Daniel Wheeler, who cued on or about the 13th day of June, A.D., 1513 are required on or before the 15th day of August, 1013, to file with Henry Johnson and Atchibald Brydges of Belgrave, the Executors of the said Estate or with the undersigned, a statement with full particulars of their claims, and of all the security held by them, if any, and after the said date the said. Executors will proceed to distribute the assets among the persons entitled, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. Dated at Winglrarn this 12th day of July A. D.,1013. DUDLEY HOLMES, Solicitor for Executors. HOTEL SUNSET Goderich, Ontario OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15th tisnr aa sed locnfi n on eat shore of - r climate, Splendid wtrmmc Lake lira ear. e ice first- class r din s S beautiful surr u i s , hotel service class in every respect Oonvei lent by rail or boat to Toronto. Iianiilt n, Buffalo. ( levelattd, Detroit. BMW a steamer city of Detroit II. (D. &O. Liner leaves Gcderich every Saturday 7 nemfor Detroit; ret.erning leaves Detroit Monday 9.00 a m , arriving at Goderjeh 7 Tenn Day trip both ways. 'This makes a delightful weekend outing. Folder with rates And other information sent on application. Address: MANAGER, fiOTitL SUNSET, Gatericli, Ontario. els Scotch ourtship. This story is tol of two old Scotsmen in a train who wer tit cussing the do- meatiC unhappiness i a mutual friend. "tAy, ay," said one : "Jamie Thompson has a sair time wi' that wife o' his. They say they're aye echtin'." "What else eat ye expect " said the other creature • reckless "The 1 ck scornfully. � scP marrit after coorti ' for only seven year. Man, he had a chance to ken the woman in sneh a ort time. When I was coortin' I e rted for twenty year." An amuse listener to this dialogue now venture to ask • if this long courtship had cured connubial bliss, whereupon the d Scotsman re- ! turned, "I tell ye I co ted for twenty year, and in that ti I kent what woman was and so 1 na marry."-- Enchange. 1 I TShe Best Ladies' Shoe in the Wort seems a big statement to make and still it is a recognised fact that the SHOE inade by the Thos.' G. Plant Go., of Boston, is the best fitting, most classy and most up-to-date Shoe for Women. made, Over 400 Women in Wingham and vicinity wear Queen Quality Shoes This cut shows the flexibility of the soles of the Queen Quality Shoes. They are comfortable froth the first time you wear them; and women who once wear them will wear no other. Kindly note that this is the only store in these parts where you can buy Queen Quality Shoes WILLIS & CO THE SHOE STORE Sole agents For Ladies SH08t - PACIFIC ' GREAT LAKES SERVICE FIFTY-SEVEN HOURS Toronto to Winni- peg, leaving Tues- day and baturdays. Other luxurious steamers Mondays, Wednesdays a n d Thursdays. STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto daily except Friday and Sunday 12.45 noon, and arrives shipside 3.55 p.m. Parlor cars. First class coaches. A SERVICE PERFECTED BY STUDIED EFFORT AND YEARS or EXPERIENCE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until October 28th. Winnipeg and Return -• $35.00 Edmonton and Return -• 43.00 Other points in proportion. Return limit two months, IIOMESEEKERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p m. each Tuesday flay to August, Inclusive. Beat train to take. EXCELLENT SERVICE TO MUSKOKA LAKES RAWARTBA LAKES POINT AV BASIL FRENCR AND PICKEREL RIVERS RIDEAU LAKES, &C. Summer Tourist Rates Now In Effect Full particulars frr nr W. H. Willis. town agent, phone 47, or J. H. Beemer, station agent, phone 7. els Scotch ourtship. This story is tol of two old Scotsmen in a train who wer tit cussing the do- meatiC unhappiness i a mutual friend. "tAy, ay," said one : "Jamie Thompson has a sair time wi' that wife o' his. They say they're aye echtin'." "What else eat ye expect " said the other creature • reckless "The 1 ck scornfully. � scP marrit after coorti ' for only seven year. Man, he had a chance to ken the woman in sneh a ort time. When I was coortin' I e rted for twenty year." An amuse listener to this dialogue now venture to ask • if this long courtship had cured connubial bliss, whereupon the d Scotsman re- ! turned, "I tell ye I co ted for twenty year, and in that ti I kent what woman was and so 1 na marry."-- Enchange. 1 I TShe Best Ladies' Shoe in the Wort seems a big statement to make and still it is a recognised fact that the SHOE inade by the Thos.' G. Plant Go., of Boston, is the best fitting, most classy and most up-to-date Shoe for Women. made, Over 400 Women in Wingham and vicinity wear Queen Quality Shoes This cut shows the flexibility of the soles of the Queen Quality Shoes. They are comfortable froth the first time you wear them; and women who once wear them will wear no other. Kindly note that this is the only store in these parts where you can buy Queen Quality Shoes WILLIS & CO THE SHOE STORE Sole agents For Ladies SH08t