HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-08-07, Page 61;
This label, on
every bag, iden-
tifies Canada
Portland Cement.
MAKE certain of complete success in your concrete work
by always using
We are supplying Canadian fanners with the highest quality of Portland Cement it is possible
for human skill to make.
We have reduced the price of Canada Portland Cement until it is within your reach for practically
every purpose. It is the only building material that is not increasing in cost.
Be sure to ask for Canada
Cement, in bags.
Canada Cement Company Limited, Montreal
If los haste net received a free copy o "Il hat the farmer can do with Concrete, "'write our Information
Department and get one. It's a complete practical concrete encyclopedia.
[Grace Crowell in National Magazine.]
The wide road, the long road,
The road for the heart o' the rover.
Follow it up and follow it down,
lender the world and over.
Light u the firefly blink and dance.
Whose tents have the need o' candle?
Ail day o' the road, all night o' the
A flick o' the unloosed sandal.
Blink o' the stars, dip o' the dew,
Wind o' the eerie passes.
A journey o' sleep where dream -ways
Tryst with the bounding grasses.
Dawn o' the morning, flush o' the
Breath o' the wayside clover,
Shake o' the sleep from eyes that keep
Thrall o' the world-wide rover.
And all in the day they are comrades,
Who pass him by in his going.
Ulan o' the mountain, man o' the plain,
Man e1' the way field hoeing.
For 'tis a wide road, a long road,
The road for the heart o' the rover.
He follows it up and it leads away,
Under the world and over.
Paralysed tenths.
To -day it is sleeplessness, headaches.
digestive trouble, and irritability. Next
thing you know some- form of paralysis
has developed. Mr. Alex. lionsburger,
10 Moore street, St. Catharines, Ont.,
writes: "Nervous trouble developed
into paralysis of the limbs so that I be-
came helpless. hoctors failed me, but
after using ten boxes of Dr. Chase's
Nerve Food I resumed work, and now
feel better than I did for 20 years.
The following was written by and old
Huronite who has been a resident of
the United States for a good many years:
There's owe'r much that a Scotchman
lace fra Scotland far awa
Nae Ian' is like his ain fair lan', wi'e
its erage and peaks sae brave.
Its valiee s green and lochs sae dear, to
ev'ry Scottish son,
No ither scenes can please him so, e'er
the sun shone on.
His fielde may broad and bonnie be,
and rich wi'e gowden grain,
But he canna' hale his greetin' frae
the land he eit's his ain.
The skies may be baith clear an' bright
an gentle be the breeze.
Put ye ken. he canna see them weel
wi' the tear drap in his e'es
The beauty of the babbling brook, he
uranic froe when a boy,
M..kes tame the brooks, an' hills and
dells he fends in Illinois,
Hie sheep may wear their noses sharp
twuxt Hielan' flinty rock,
But ne'er sic lambs and goodly ewes
e'er graced the Yankee flock,
Though he boast a thousand acres of
rich and waving corn
They ne'er can fill his heart sae full as
the heath where he was born.
He may ha'e great herds o' cattle and
own a castle fine,
But it seemeth nae like hame to him,
for his faither's cot he'll pine.
He'd rayther see his Heiland hame, or
the ain upon the moor,
And his mither waitin' fir her bairn,
when the lang day's work is owe'r.
He canna wi' his lassie sing the sangs
he lo'ed sae weel,
And steal a kiss frae her lips at e'en,
as she turns the spinnin' wheel
His poor hairt sighs for pleasures, that
his siller canna buy
For nae sic lassie nae sic lo'e is here to
The want that iv'ry Scotchman feels
deep down within his hairt.
Twas in him bred, an' in him born, an'
it wull ne'er depart.
Ye may talk to him of ither lands, be
they far awa' or near,
Ye canna wean his lo'e awa' froe the
land to him sae clear,
Be he blessed we'e power and station
to Scotland he'll incline,
An tears unbidde•i fits his e'en when
he thinks of Auld Lang Syne.
'Tis not he lo'es this country less, but
lo'es the mair his ain,
An' there's that that's pu'in' at his
hairt, to see Scotland once again.
What shall I say o' Robbie Burns who
gently scanned mankind,
Ye may sairch among the poets, but
his like ye wull nae find,
He knew the cup o' human joy an its
dregs o' sorrow well
He drunk them baith; and sung their
songs wi'e words nane else can tell.
So now this nicht wi'e thankfu' hairts
we reco'nize his worth.
Let ane an' a' thanks to God 'twas
Scotland gie'd him birth.
The war'! gi'es thanks to Scotland for
Robbie Burns o' Ayr,
And he has his corner in their hearts
an' he'll live forever there.
Sae ye canna' ca' him a' yer ain, for
God gi'ed him to all
The God that lo'ed baith you an' me
me 'an marked the sparrows fall.
D. J. Ross,
3211 W. 25th St., Cleveland, 0.
The Burdens of Old Age,
The kidneys seem to be about the
first organs to wear out and fail to pro-
: perky perform their work. The result
is weak, lame, aching hack, rheumatic
, pains and failing eyesight. Many people
of advanced years have recovered
health and comfort by using Dr. Chase's
Kidney -Liver fills. They ensure the
action of liver, kidneys and bowels.
Why We Should Masticate Our Food.
When we do not chew our food rop-
s St erly the evil consequences are many
and often serious in their effect upon
Gr74 avi- v e fz.: health, and even life. Ina first place,
says a writer in Youth's Companion, a
i person who does not chew his food
P sufficiently is sure to eat too much,
That is especially true in the case of
soft foods. which are sometimes liter-
ally shovelled into the stomach! Food
that needs mastication will generally
get a little, even from the worst sinner,
although sometimes it gets only enough
to make the act of swallowing possible. , way to relieve it is by an enema of salt
Thorough mastication acts in two solution (a teaspoonful of salt to a pint
ways to diminish the amount of food of warm water). If you don't know
you take. If a proper proportion of how to give it, consult a doctor. Don't
the time spent at the table is occupied i try to do too much without his help.
by the work of mastication, the amount o
of food taken is naturally less. Further- 'i Costly Treatment
more, those who chew properly do not 9 "I was troubled with constipation
crave food an others do,
they 1
and indigestion rsti
on an spent
hundreds of
what they swallow, and are free from a
for II. Hines, of Witl w, treatment.'
the unnatural hunger that torments the "I went to a St. Louis hospital, also to
rapideater. Mr. Fletcher, the dietitian, a hospital in New Orleans, but no cure
has proved that he can maintain a Hifi,' ; WS/5 effected. On returning home I be -
degree of health and vigor on a much gan talcingChamberlain's Tablets, and
worked right along. I used them for
smaller amount of food than most some time and am now all right." Sold
people think they need, 1 by All dealers.
An^i Fotin,l a C'' r.% in Pr. C ense'a
:3ei'te feel
i.'•tter• t,';e is
lou:i ,iieeasee of tate nerv's-• There are
ere'ey =miners, ;uch :•s nl, e:,;,.c,r;r.et.
leer ,i"rafit.y, lread,.ci1''a :i[ul t 1':.,•c.,
: 'roe trite;a, pr refs" ., .-n 1 :,,:• ..
t0 atax.,t Ohilf ('(,,)n' Wiat^I the L6•rv-
oua SY:A. Zit i1; greatly enha•,ste•L l:vc.'n
though Z:inn; ailment May not y,•r 11.,3
v(•ry eri•1t,:I.;hese leagreat :':tip€:e-
tion in knowin' tiat I)r, (elase'a
Nerve food em. :•,,:e eataly:;ie in he
earlier star
Mee. 1'_. I:. wl,'.. 215 1%Ootll 3. er:ue,
Teton! en' •'.'Pita `:: '••Pwo years ago ray
•,nolle which left him
r e.i;a condition. xi
.• tee., 2e
rt. ' ; 1):•.'C'h:?ae.'r,Nene, fi„od
and I: c° a ;r 1.i'.:. Pilih and we sew
the ;;e oil re:ulte almost immediately.
Thee have matte a new man of my
111181%1nd :incl w,' eanunt speak too
highly of then:."
Lr. Chaee'n Nerve Fowl, •r,C eents a
.bou, C fur $2.50, all dealers, or This
rrlanson, hates & Co., Limited, Totentos
Do not suffer
another day with
Itching Bleed=
ing, or Protrud-
ing Piles. No
surgical oper-
ation required.
Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once
and as certainly cure you. 60c. a box; all
dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited,
Toronto. Sample box froe if you mention this
paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage.
Another real danger to the health of
the rapid eater arises from the unbroken
lumps of food that pass into his stomach.
In some cases the digestive juice strug-
gles with them in vain, and they cause
much discomfort and often serious dis-
orders—perhaps appendicitis.
Children should be taught to chew
their food well, for the healthy condi-
tion of the mouth and teeth in after
Life depends upon their doing so. If
the jaw does not grow properly, there
is not enough room for the teeth. Now.
the growth of the jaw depends in large
measure on the mastication it is called
upon to do. The teeth themselves,
suffer also. They miss the active cir-
culation of the blood, the stimulation of
the gums, and the cleansing of the
mouth by the salivary glands that follow
upon the act of chewing.
Good Reason For His Iinthustarm.
When a man has suffered for several
days with colic, diarrhoea or other form
of bowel complaint and is then cured
sound and well by one or two doses of
Chamberlain's Colic, Coleraand Diarr-
hoea Remedy, as is often the case, it
is but natural th at he should be enthus-
iastic in his praise of the remedy, and
especially is this the case of a severe
attack when life is threatened. Try it
when in need of such a remedy. It
never fails. Sold by all dealers.
If clothespins, when new, are plunged
into boiling water for a few moments
there will be less danger cif their split-
ting when'used. Always put scrubbing
brushes away with the bristle side down.
If you lay the wooden side down the
water left in the brush will soak into
the wood and loosen the bristles.
To enamel—Set your can of enamel
in a dish of hot water just before using
it; yon will find it works very easily
and smoothly. The trick is to have the
enamel warm when applying it.
If you are annoyed with flies in your
bedroom, soak a sponge in oil of laven-
der and tie it to the top of the bed.
Flies hate the smell of lavender and
will not approach it.
When the sandal rubbers break where
the narrow strip goes around the back
of the foot, mend thea, with adhesive
plaster. This comes in narrow strips
and lasts forever.
For a burn, apply dry flour, and then
bind it up with raw cotton saturated
with sweet oil or vaseline.
To whiten stained marble us a paste
made of Muller's earth and water. A1 -
low it to remain on over night and in
the morning wash off and polish.
Two big eyelets worked in the oppo-
site corners. of the kitchen towel are
better than loops to hang it up by.
A well padded ironing board is a la'bor
saver, and Turkish towelling is one of
the best materials to pad it with.
Bow the Trouble Marts,
Constipation is the cause of many
ailments and disorders that make life
miserable. Take Chamberlain's Tab-
lets, keep your bowels regular and you
will avoid these diseases. For sale by
all dealers.
Pillows may be washed at home in-
stead of being sent out to be cleaned,
and in the country, or where there are
conveniences for drying in the open air,
the result, from a hygienic point of
view, will be much more satisfactory if
they are washed with soap and water
and dried in the fresh air than if they
are dry-cleaned. '
Nearly fill a large clothes boiler with
water, dissolve in it plenty of good
soap or soap powder and if necessary
add a tablespoonful of ammonia. When
the water is nearly tepid put in one or
two pillows, according to the capacity
of the boiler, and let them boil for
twenty minutes. Then have ready a
large tub with plenty of clean hot
water and plunge the pillows into this
(a small pair of tongs will be very use-
ful for lifting the pillows out of the
boiler), sousing up and down to remove
all soap. Next in a fresh tub of tepid
water repeat the sousing process.
When the pillows are clean press as
much water out of them as possible,
and hang them on the line to dry.
Choose a breezy, sunny day for this, and
when the pillows are dryingkeeppunch-
ing and shaking them as often as pos-
A down quilt may also be quite suc-
cessfully washed in this way, but it
does not require to be boiled, if plenty
of good soapy water is used. Indeed,
unless the pillows are very dirty, the
boiling i..: 'iedispensed with, but when
dirty that fling process is undoubtedly
M. M. Carrick, M.D.
Because they are tired lying on one
side and they are unable td turn over.
Turn a baby once in a while.
Because their diapers are wet or
soiled and therefore uncomfortable.
Because they are thirsty. Babies
must have water (boiled and cooled—
but not iced) to drink.
Because they are too warm and wish
to lie down and be left alone.
Because their clothes are too tight
or perhaps a pin is sticking them.
Because crying is the only way they
(know to tell you something is wrong
with them.
Of course, babies cry when in pain,
but you should find out if it is not some
of the above stated causes before de-
ciding that it is pain that is causing the
Above all else, get the notion out of
your head that every time the baby cries
it is hungry.
If you are sure that none of the things
spoken of above are the cause of the
crying, then the most probable cause
is intestinal indigestion and the quickest
Children Cry
The above is s% p1kture of' "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first
inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at win, NOW the i1lrmer tills the laud
Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water Il
CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country1
It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It hat
VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. a
OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS' from the centre of business,
*gad for our illustrated booklet describing the property, we have Au •,seg ira
Work for your Money in the East, but invest It in the WesI
Western Canada Real Estate Company
Head Office .--502 TEMPLE BUILDING,,
Toronto, Ont:
a ecrrazA1. as.•r:
302 L.tw Ci..bees .11 D.,ulafw 644 Cieia►iia
.502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont..
Please send me without obligation on my
part, literature containing fads,, figures and
Address -
MRS.WIxsr,ow's SOOTHING &MVP has been
used for over SIXTY YEARS by MII,I,IONS of
is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab.
solutely harmless. Be sure and ask for "Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-kre cents a bottle.
A Night Call for the Dominie.
A clergyman's small daughter was
sent to bed supperless just before her
fathers' return from a short trip.
Hearing him enter, some time later
the young lady called down:
"Mamma, I want to see Daddy."
There was no response from below.
A moment later:
"Mamma, please let Daddy get me a
drink of -water."
When that, too, failed, a small white
figure came to the head of the stairs
and said sternly:
"Mrs. Hastings, I am a very sick
woman.- I must see my pastor at once.'
Needless to say, her pastor went up.
A Word to the Wise.
See that the collar does not pinch at
the top of the horse's neck.
The rest at noon goes a long way in
keeping the.team in prime condition for
hard and constant work.
A slobbering horse probably has sharp
teeth. Have them attended to by some
man who knows how to do it.
If young, soft horses are being work-
ed with older and seasoned ones, the
young ones should be given more rest,
when it is possible.
A good, clean, well-oiled harness adds
to the attractiveness of the horse about
as much as any one thing. It almost
seems as if horses know when they are
well dressed.
In August the flies, heat anddrought
combine to deprive the dairyman of his
profits. any find it profitable to tie
the cows in the stable during the day
and feed on soilage.
The most urgent need of stock at
this season of the year is plenty of good
fresh water. See that the herd does
not suffer in this respect.
The milk records published from time
to time by the various associations in-
dicate a steady increase in individual
milk production. It is impossible to
predict when the limit of yield will
have been attained.
A hog is a hog, with queer ways and
obstinacy, but he will never refuse
green food nor fail to pay for it. Have
g reen food near the yard, so that
it will be no trouble to throw it over
every day, if you do not expect to turn
his pigship into the field.
Children Cry
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphene) will
make you a new man. Price 53 a box. or two for
55. Mailed to any address. The Scobell Drug
Co., St. Catlinrines. Ont.
Mrs. Perrin of Colbourne was instant=
ly killed and two othee women seriously
injured in a level crossing collision of a
motor car and a light engine.
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable Prench regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion of the female system. Refuse
all cheap imitations. Dr. de'Van'a are sold at
16a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
The Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharine,, Ont.
rllibttrri's Lnxa��-Leber Piil3
'Could Hardly Eat on f ^.^:fah of 'digestion.
Me. Devin Iii:aamcrt, Claremont,
N,S., writes:• -"I have had indigestion
for some yc::r,, ;.nd could hardly cat.
It then turned into a sour stomach, and
the doctors said I could not get cured.
I used a lot of medicine until at last (,ire
of my friendstold me to use lell,m. RN's
LAXA-Ltvrim I'hh,t.s,,and after I had used
three vials, I was completely cured, and
keeptl'r. tle1t
e epee"
".+metre's Lex; -l.tvi;r:Mehra. art a
weetheful remedy tier all di':h,i-es or (115
order•.; of tilt liver, anti Ii.ive'been univel
sally used de-iag the twenty odd years
they liove even on the :Market.
Prise 2:1 vent; a vial, e.r i for $1:00,
al v11 eic;,l r• , r niafleA'direot on receipt
of price by The '1'. 1liilbura Co., Limited,
Toronto, Oat.
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require:in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office