HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-07-24, Page 8R THE WINGIIAM TINES, JULY 24, 1913 Grand Trunk Railway System Town Tickel Office We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America -East, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will he made pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing lidvantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. H . B . ELL I OTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont MINOR LOCALS. - Chesley's tax rate for this year will be 27 mills on the dollar. - Buy your G. T. R. tickets from H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, at the TIMES office, -The Lucknow Sentinel staff is holi- daying this week and the paper will not be issued. -Miss Nellie Wade hassoldherhouse and lot on Alfred street to Mr. Wm. Sanders, of Lower Wingham. -Joynt's apple evaporator was com- pletely destroyed by fire last week, with a loss of about $7,000, -Regular meeting of Court Maitland, Canadian Order of Foresters will be held on Friday evening of this week. -Wingham fall fair on Thursday and Friday, September 25th and 26th. You can get a copy of the prize list at the TIMES office. - Owing to Civic Holiday on Friday, August 1st, all three Meat Markets will be open on Wednesday after bon, July 30th. -Provincial Constable Phippe . found the emply beer barrel which w stolen from the Dinsley House on he flats near the G.T.R. bridge. SHINGLES -TWO car lo +s of XXX and XXXX B. C. shin 1 just to hand. Will be sold at loweste.ssible price. . A. McLEAN. -Wm. H, May, one of the most pros- perous farmers of Ashfield was instant- ly killed one day last week by breaking his neck in falling off a load of hay. --At the meeting of the Masonic Grand Lodge in Ottawa last .week, Dr. Geo. L. Fowler, of Teeswater was elected D. D. G. M. for the .District of North Huron. -Wingham civic holiday on Friday, August lst. Big union Sunday school excursion to Kincardine. Buy your tickets at the Town office at the TIMES office. -Judge Holt was seriously ill at his home in Goderich last week. We are pleased to report that His Honor has recovered and is again able to resume his work. -A rink of Wingham bowlers com- posed of Messrs. A. E. Porter, L. F. Hinkley. C. Dallas and C. Knechtel attended the tournament in Mount Forest last week. -The Wingham lacrosse boys went to Goderich on Wednesday of last week and played a league game with the boys of that town. The town players lost by a score of 8 to 3. -Three rinks of Brussels bowlers visi- .t;ted Wingham on Wednesday afternoon of last week and played a friendly game with local bowlers. The visitors were three shots up on the game. -Many friends will regret to hear of the serious illness of Mrs. John Tervit, of Turnberry. who underwent an oper- ation at the' Wingham hospital last weal-. We wish her a speedy recovery. --Mr. Wm. Sneath, baggageman and express messenger on the L., H. & 13. train, who was off duty for a few weeks nursing a crushed foot was able to take up his duties again on Tuesday last. A church shed at Sombre, in King Township, was destroyed by fire one day last week and eight horses were burned. Mr. Jas. Trainer, son-in-law of Mr. F. McConnell, of this town, saved }flu horse. -0, D. G. M. Black of Brussels will be in town on this (Thursday) even- ing for the purpose of installing the officers of Maitland Lodge, No. 119, I. 0. 0 F. A full attendance of members is M requested. Last week Mr. Alex. 14IcNevin of ; this town moved a log house from Mr. Cleo. Simmons, of Turnberry. The • house was built in the early days and 141.r4 Menteill r'a'ved the building with - Out datnaging it. J. Whittaker, of Seaforth, Ont., its the successful candidate for the 1lreparator of inverti brate palaeontology in the geological survey branch of the mines department at Ottawa, at an initisl salary of `;1,200 per annum. -Mr. Wm. Gannett wishes to thank }Vir. Wm. McPherson and themembers >of the fire brigade for their good work in saving his barn last week. Mr. Gannett's barn was destroysd in the wind storm on Good Friday and the Berger's Paris Green Has been giving the Best Satisfaction. Fresh supply on hand. Readily Soluble. 3 5c, per lb. Extremely Effective.Z, zoc. per half lb. J. J. DAVIS' CORNER DRUG STORE. Sucessor to A. L. HAMILTON Mr. Hamilton's business will be carried on in precisely the same upright, straight, forward manner as before, and all Mr. Hamilton's prescription and 'receipts may be obtained as in the past, We Close Wednesday afternoons During July and August from 1 to 7 p.m. BURN. MARES -In Morris township, on July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Marks, a son. STEWART-In West Wawanosh, on July 6th, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Stew- art, a son. MARRS-In Teeswater, on July llth, to Mr. and Mrs. John Marrs, ason. CtAI{RIED MCKELVEY- W ENZEL-At Regina, on June 18th, by Rev. Murdock McKinnon, 2dr. Alex. McKelvey, of Pense, Sask., son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKelvey, of Brussels, to Miss Lydia Wenzel, form- erly of Palmerston, Ont. CoLVIN-BONE--At Wingham, on July 22nd, by the Rev, Robt. Thynne, Norman B. Colvin, of Toronto, to Margaret Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bone, Wingham. STRINGER -ANDREWS. -At the resi- dence of the:bride's parents, Fordwich, on July 14th, by the Rev. J. W. An- drews, father of the bride, Estella J. Andrews. to Mr. Walter C. Stringer. of Mitchell. DIED. MCKINLAY-In Wingham, on July 21st, Duncan McKinlay, in his '79th year. DIED. COULTER -In Turnberry, on July 22nd Janet McGee, wife of Mr. William Coulter, aged 63 years and 5 months. THOMSON-In Wingham, on July 18th, James Thomson, in his 74th year. REID-In Wingham, on July 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. Reid; a daughter. SMITH. -In Wroxeter, on July 10th. Henriella (Rella) Jean Smith, aged 111 years, 3 months and 4 days. WEIGHT. -In Howick, on July 10th, Christina Kreller, beloved wife of Wm. Wright, con. 14, aged 24 years, 8months and 13 days. FoIuREST-In Morris township, on July 13th, Joseph Vermon, only son of Walter and Christinna Forrest, aged 11 months. HINGSTON-In Brussels on July, 14th, Albert Edward, youngest son of R. T. and Mrs. Hingston, aged 23 years, 5 months and 13 days. CHURCH NOTES. Mr. C. F. Du Plan was ably assisted in the services in St. Paul's Church on Sunday last by his brother, Mr. A. E. Du Plan, of Centralia, who preached in the evening, 0006.0••••••••• ••0••••o4•• 440•00.0*•0••••••••••00000 w 0 t i> ei * B Tornado ,: * ryt 4 • * O • While we are disolving partnership, $2,000.00 worth • 0 of stock must be sold from. our store within only 20 • 0 days. Therefore commencing on ` o SATURDAY, JULY 19th • and ending on 0 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9th47 0 owe are going to sell everything below cost. The P • cash is more necessary to us than the stock. • Below are a few of our Special Sale Prices. A o0 Suits, regular $i6.00, on sale at - $9.49 0 o ,i r, 12.00 - - - 7.79 `° I, 4 t 4 4 I0.00 — -'— 6.48 • Men's Raincoats, guaranteed waterproof, $8 for 5.48 : •Overalls, all colors, regular $I.00 and $1.25, for 79c • 4, Summer Underwear, special Sale price - - 19c o Balbriggan Underwear, regular 35c, at - - 25c • Boys' Jerseys, special at - - - - 19c Men's Sox, regular 2oc a pair; special 2 pairs - 25c Men's Cashmere Sox, reg. 25c, special per pair 19c Colored Sox, regular 25c, special per pair - 15c Cotton Sox, regular 15c, special per pair - - 8c Also f3Oo4s and Shoes, Boys' Suits and Pants at cut prices 0 0 • 0 • 0 0 e • • • • A • 0 • A • • • • • 00 4 • �D O REMEMBER a • • • z • • • 0 • • • •O • • • • • • • • Don't miss this chance. There won't be another chance to buy goods as cheaply as you can in this Big Tornado Sale, Remember the Sale starts on GOODS KING EROS. RIGHT IExtra Values In Women's and Child's Summer f Wearing Apparel .'o J � G SATURDAY orni , JULY 19th Buy during this Sale and Save Money 1 Ladies Long Silk Gloves ,Re-inforced double tipped Fingers, 24 in. long. Colors: White, Black, Pink, Sky Blue and Champagne. Special $1.00 pair. Long Lisle Gloves Made of fine even Egytian Thread. Colors: Black, White and Tan. At 50c. a pair. Summer Parasols Ou r stock is complete. We have just received a number of samples, no two alike. Prices from 5oc to $5.00. Japanese Verandah Mats Fur the, hot summer months they are just the and very Prices 25, thing all sizes F retty patterns. 35, 5oc. and Si.00. Silk9 lisle and Colton Hosiery For Women and Children in plain and fancy lace effects. Prices from ii5c to 75c pair. SUMMER WASH coons Our Stock has been replenished in a good many of the better selling lines, White Bedford Cords, Cotton Voiles, Vestings, Plain and Fancy Crepes, etc. Produce Wanted. 'Phone 71. GIVE US A TRIAL cirartsIsmataws WE WANT YOUR TRADE II: EuiE 1full= El'Ji: E fir: 114 G ails STRAY C a. ..+ ice'® 11 1TTLE. Strayed from Lot 2 , Concession 0, Howick, 7 yearling ca ves, among them 1 grey heifer, 1 red ,teer with white spots, other 5 calves3red color. Any one finding them pleas notily t GRAINGER, ; Wroxeter P.O. Cooper & Herman!;, The Bargain Store •, considers himself fortunate in that it -Opp, Presbyterian Church WINGHAM Next the Picture House was saved from tire. •++++•••++ +•4++++4•++++•+ •++•++i++++++++400.0+4.++++ AGENT WANTED. An influential man; or woman with some spare time atid a large circle of acquaintances, to introduce our Special Representative in connection with investment proposition. Liberal retainer paid to right•merson. Canadian General Securities Co., Ltd., 47 Scott Street, Toronto, Ont. HOTEL SUNSET Goderich, Ontario OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15th Unsurrascd location on east shore of Take Huron. Sple/ d d rummer climate, beautiful sol r ,undines, hetet service first- class in , very re;ry,eet Convenient by rail or boat to Toronto, Hamill n, Buffalo, ( leveiand, Detroit. Polar o steamer city of Dotrcit II. (D. & C. I.iffei leaves (}ale rich every Saturday 7 a.m. for Detroit; returning leaves Detroit Monday 0.50 a , arriving at Goderich 7 de1iE;htful trip ou ways. This makes a Polder with rates and nthor information sent on application. Address: MANAGED, I1O7'l.T, SrNHET, podericlt, Ontario. 1 C!°► ACi1 F1 c.` IP ALL .. • NOW NEW / . BEING 'Er:\ 11 STYLES /./ SHOWN OF0;17 IN DERBY OUR SHOES. SOUTH DERBY SHOES ARE REPRESENT THE WINDOW HIGH STANDARD OF VALUE IN FOOT WEAR FOR MEN d Derby Shoes are the Nicest, Most Classy, and Most Up -to -Date line of Men'slShoes Made in Canada. Come in and see. We are anxious to Show Them. S,.^.. -, ) ./�iLL -, SPECIAL NOTICE ) re the WEDNESDAY HALF -HOLIDAY G We close our Store every Wednesday afternoon tJ in July and August, but owing to the fact that the Wingham Civic Holiday will be held on Friday, August lst, (next week),. our Store will remain open I) on Wednesday nekt, July 30th. We will close how- ever every Wednesday Afternoon during August. ILLISCO. THE SHOE STORE . z. Sole Agents ���s7tl �' mcg! for Ladies. • II: EuiE 1full= El'Ji: E fir: 114 G ails STRAY C a. ..+ ice'® 11 1TTLE. Strayed from Lot 2 , Concession 0, Howick, 7 yearling ca ves, among them 1 grey heifer, 1 red ,teer with white spots, other 5 calves3red color. Any one finding them pleas notily t GRAINGER, ; Wroxeter P.O. Cooper & Herman!;, The Bargain Store •, considers himself fortunate in that it -Opp, Presbyterian Church WINGHAM Next the Picture House was saved from tire. •++++•••++ +•4++++4•++++•+ •++•++i++++++++400.0+4.++++ AGENT WANTED. An influential man; or woman with some spare time atid a large circle of acquaintances, to introduce our Special Representative in connection with investment proposition. Liberal retainer paid to right•merson. Canadian General Securities Co., Ltd., 47 Scott Street, Toronto, Ont. HOTEL SUNSET Goderich, Ontario OPEN UNTIL SEPTEMBER 15th Unsurrascd location on east shore of Take Huron. Sple/ d d rummer climate, beautiful sol r ,undines, hetet service first- class in , very re;ry,eet Convenient by rail or boat to Toronto, Hamill n, Buffalo, ( leveiand, Detroit. Polar o steamer city of Dotrcit II. (D. & C. I.iffei leaves (}ale rich every Saturday 7 a.m. for Detroit; returning leaves Detroit Monday 0.50 a , arriving at Goderich 7 de1iE;htful trip ou ways. This makes a Polder with rates and nthor information sent on application. Address: MANAGED, I1O7'l.T, SrNHET, podericlt, Ontario. 1 FARM FOR SALE. Lot 25, east half concession 6, West Wawanosh, farm of 100 acres, clay loam, 95 of which is cleared. Well Watered with spring creek. Situated half Hole from St. Augustine and half mile from school. Barn 40 x 60, 20 ft. leanto, stone foundation under barn; hay shed 301160; driving house with pig pen 'Underneath 20x30; implement shed 20x30; sided house 20x30, kitchen at- tached 14x20; woodshed 16x20; 2 wells on place and good orchard. Apply to MRS. CIIAS. MILNER, or PETER L1Av14n, Ex. Fordyce P.O. John Williams was drowned in the Thames near Wonderland, his canoe up- setting. A. companion tried in vain to save him, li :II El "xi; .417 OOL WANTS In large quantities, dash or Trade. I am prepared to buy any quantity of Wool at the highest market price. Never has this store been in a better position to serve the . wants of the people than at present. We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheeting, Sheets and Blank- ets, all of the best make. 0 Men's and Boys' Suits, made to fit, and fit to wear. Ladies' Waists, Skirts and Dress Materials. I1111111100111111 Rugs, Carpets, Linoleuxns, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best Grade of Flour always in stock. Produce of All Kinds Wanted. MILLS Jt :rl 1 1 IIIIIC 18111 19`1"17 nl 1 1 Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGEAM, ONT. NEER; i N} f >s i mal :iliiiffilSinlLN• t:i.filiin:gili131111611111V111611111MINEi4ri C!°► ACi1 F1 c.` CREAT LAKES SERVICE FIFTY-SEVEN HOURS Toronto to Winni- peg, leaving Tues-- day and «aturdays. Other luxurious steamers Mondays, Wednesdays a n d Thursdays. A SERVICE PERFECTED EFFORT AND YEARS STEAMSHIP EXPRESS Leaves Toronto daily except )friday and Sunday 12.4:1 noon, and arrives shipside o.55 p. in. Parlor ears. First - claw coaches. BY STUDIED or EXPERIENCE HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until October 28th. Winnipeg and Return - $55.00 Edmonton and Return - 43.00 Other points in proportion. Return limit two months, HOnSSEEKERS' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p.m. each Tuesday nay to August, inclusive. Best train to take. EXCELLENT SERVICE TO einsicome LAKE8 RAWARTITA LAKES POINT ATT BART'. FaENen AND PtoiLEnnL RIVERS RIDEAU LAKES, &O. Summer Tourist Rates Now in Effect Full particulars from W.13, Willis. town agent, phone 47, or J. H. Beemer, station agent, phone 7 FARM FOR SALE. Lot 25, east half concession 6, West Wawanosh, farm of 100 acres, clay loam, 95 of which is cleared. Well Watered with spring creek. Situated half Hole from St. Augustine and half mile from school. Barn 40 x 60, 20 ft. leanto, stone foundation under barn; hay shed 301160; driving house with pig pen 'Underneath 20x30; implement shed 20x30; sided house 20x30, kitchen at- tached 14x20; woodshed 16x20; 2 wells on place and good orchard. Apply to MRS. CIIAS. MILNER, or PETER L1Av14n, Ex. Fordyce P.O. John Williams was drowned in the Thames near Wonderland, his canoe up- setting. A. companion tried in vain to save him, li :II El "xi; .417 OOL WANTS In large quantities, dash or Trade. I am prepared to buy any quantity of Wool at the highest market price. Never has this store been in a better position to serve the . wants of the people than at present. We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheeting, Sheets and Blank- ets, all of the best make. 0 Men's and Boys' Suits, made to fit, and fit to wear. Ladies' Waists, Skirts and Dress Materials. I1111111100111111 Rugs, Carpets, Linoleuxns, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best Grade of Flour always in stock. Produce of All Kinds Wanted. MILLS Jt :rl 1 1 IIIIIC 18111 19`1"17 nl 1 1 Successor to T. A. Mills PHONE 89. WINGEAM, ONT. NEER; i N} f >s i mal :iliiiffilSinlLN• t:i.filiin:gili131111611111V111611111MINEi4ri