HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-07-24, Page 6THE WINGI1AM TIMES, JULY 24 1913
How Concrete
Work Was Made
Easy For You
This Label is your assurance 1
satisfactory concrete work
UNTIL a few years ago fanner considered concrete a rather
mysterious material, that could be used successfully only by
experts. They knew that upon the quality of the cement
depended much of the success of concrete work. They had no
means of testing cement, such as big contractors employ, and so could
not be sure of its quality.
Yet the farmer needed concrete.
He was kept from using this best and most economical of materials by
L Lack of knowledge of how to mix and place concrete.
2. Lack of a brand of cement upon the quality of which he
could absolutely rely.
Canada Cement
has supplied -both these requirements.
We employed men to make a thorough investigation of the farmer's
requirements; to find out where and how he could use concrete with
profit to himself; to discover all problems he might come across and to
solve them. This investigation was expensive. But when it was
completed we had the material for our campaign to show the farmer
how and where to use concrete, and we printed a book, "What the
Farmer Can do With Concrete," for free distribution. That book
makes every farmer who reads it a concrete expert, as far as his needs
are concemed. He finds that there is nothing mysterious about con-
crete—that a few simple rules supply all the knowledge required.
At the same time we met the farmers' second objection—inability to
test the quality of cement—by producing cement of a quality that
does not need to be tested.
The Canada Cement that you buy by the bag is the same Canada
Cement that is sold by the train -load for great elevators, buildings' and
Theme is a Canada Ceseot Dela is Year Neisbborbood
l/' you have not already done so, write for the book
"What the Fanner can do with Concrete." It is Free.
Canada Cement Company Limited
To Prevent Ivy Poisoning.
A reader tells the Boston Transcript
that the effects of poison ivy can best
be mitigated by the application of
goldenrod juice. Here is important
information, if true, and there can be
no harm in making the trial when
afflicted. This person found the poison
ivy vine to be the bane of his summer
vacations, and he failed of quick relief
until he learned about and tried the
goldenrod remedy. Here is his state-
"It is possible to buy exttact of
goldenrod from the druggist, but it un -
variably takes several days to procure,
and, to the victim of ivy poison, every
moment is precious. Just as soon as
the poison appears or the itching begins,
the sufferer should apply the juice of
crushed leaves, blossoms or stems of the
goldenrod plant of any species. The
poisoned places should be rubbed
briskly and if the skin is broken, the
effectiveness of the goldenrod juice
will be increased. Frequent applications
should be made, and in two or three
hours all the soreness and stinging
will be gone, If the poison is not recog-
nized until it has a goodstart itis much
harder to cure. Even in this case
golden -rod will work wonders, but the
juice must be more lavishly and fre-
quently applied."
Electric Restorer for Men
Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body
to its proper tension ; restores
vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual
weakness averted at once. Phosphonol will
make you a new man. Price 33 a box, or two for
$S. Mailed to any address. The Soobell Drug
Co.. St. Catharines. Ont.
New Livestock Department
Everything in Agriculture
Exhibits by the Provinces
Exhibits by Dominion Government
Exhibits by Foreign Countries
Acres of Manufactures
Paintings from Germany, Britain,
United States and Canada
Educational Exhibits
Cadet Review
Japanese Fireworks
Canada's Biggest Dog Show
America's Greatest Cat Show
The Musical Surprise
The Musical Ride
Auto -Polo Matches
Circus and Hippodrome
Roman Chariot Races
athletic Sports
Creat Water Carnival �7 p 1 �t --�
IP,Isn GL'A€illy 1)ANfl
Score of other Ferrous rands
Twelve Band Concerts Daily
Wreck of the Airship
Withington'e Zouaves
New Giant Midway
Grand Double Bill of Fireworks
Aug. 23 1913 Sept. 8
To every mother:
Teach your boy good manners, incid-j
entally bringing to his attention the;
great advantage they will lend in fut-
ure years.
It may be a small trifle for him to
acquire a habit of saying "If you
please" and "thank you" readily and
spontaneosly, but it is no trifling defect
in a young man to fail to do so.
If he does not jump up to open the
door and get a chair for his sister and
mother he will never be able to do the
thing for any other woman with the nat-
uralness that is true grace. And some
day he may forget to do it when the
neglect will tell against him in the es-
timation of those to please whom he
would gladly do much.
A Tear Indoors,
"For thirteen months I was so bad
with chronic indigestion that I could not
go out of doors. Nerves were unstrung,
the heart bad and smothering feelings
came on till I thought I would choke.
Doctors treatment failed me, so I began
the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver
Pills, which I thank for my present
good health I am now doing my house-
work and have a family of ten."
The boasting boy usually boasts of
what he can do; the boasting girl usually
boasts of her clothes, her personal be-
longings, or the wealth and position of
her friends. Most persons are acquaint-
ed with the girl who accompanies nearly
every allusion to her acquaintances
with such remarks as, "They have loads
of money," or "They are awfully
swell." "Well-bred people," a writer
has said, "never publish their friends'
financial standing; there are mercantile
agencies that make a business of that."
Girls who boast about their belong-
ings or their friends, says Youth's
Companion, do so with the mistaken
idea of advancing their own importance,
You have seen the level that carpenters
sometimes use? It contains a sealed
tube so nearly full of liquid that space
is left for only a single bubble of air.
Turn the level how you will, you cannot
force anything except the air -bubble to
the top. It is so with human beings.
Like the air -bubble, The Companion
says, they have their natural level, and
are sure to find it, No amount of boast-
ing will ever raise you to a higher level
among your acquaintances than you are
worthy to occupy.
Surprising Cure of Stomach Trouble ,
When you have trouble with ,your
stomach or chronic constipation, don't,
imagine that your case is beyond help
just because your doctor fails to give
you relief. Mrs. G. Stengle, Plainfield,
N. J., writes, "For over a month past
1 have been troubled with my stomach.
Everything ate upset it terribly. One
of Chamberlain's advertizing booklets
came to me. After reading a few of
the letters from people who had been
cured by Chamberlain's Tablets, I de-
cided to try them. I have taken nearly
three-fourths of a package of them and
can now eat almost everything that I
want." For sale by all dealers.
A girl of sixteen accepts love; a
woman of 30 incites it. Antoine Ricard.
Argentina buys almost one•half of
its electrical goods from Germany and
less than ten per cent. from the United
It must be trying for the haughty
cauliflower to admit its kinship to the
common cabbage,
Now that the smoke has blown away
from the North Grey battle, the most
striking feature is the manner in which
the Liberal party has met defeat.
Some parties might be discouraged, for
Liberal losses in by-elections have been
rather persistent, but the fundamental
strength and agressiveness which the
Liberal party has developed in the last
couple of years never was more clearly
shown than this week.
Instead of lying silent and dejected
Liberals immediately took the offensive
and made a heavy attack on the Whit-
ney Government for its union in North
Grey with the liquor interests. The
truth of this charge cannot be doubted;
the co-operation of Government workers
and liquor men was open and abashed.
"Whitney and Whiskey" truly repre-
sents the situation.
It is not claimed that the electors of
North Grey or Owen Sound were wit-
tingly and openly pursuaded to vote
for the liquor interests. The trouble
occurred within certain well-defined
areas of Owen Sound; in three or four
sub -divisions, to be exact. Here where
the Government liquor combination had
been most zealously active, quite ab-
normal majorities were given for the
Conservative candidate. In the rest
of the city the conditions were differ-
ent and outside of Owen Sound the
Liberals actually had a majority.
The amazing thing is that the Liberal
party had sufficient powers of recuper-
ation to hit back at the visitors, and to
hit back hard. This vitality is the
bright spot in the picture. A party
which even in defeat continues and
even increases its efforts is a party
which eventually must be victorious.
A Good Investment,
W. D. Magli, a well known merchant
of Whitemound, Wis., bought a stock
of Chamberlain's medicine so as to be
able to supply them to his customers.
After receiving them he was himself
taken sick and says that one small bottle
of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy was worth more to
him than the cost of his entire stock of
these medicines. For sale by all dealers.
When navigation officially opened,
April 24, there were in elevators, on
steamers and on railroad cars at Fort
William and Port Arthur, at the head
of Lake Superior, more than 42,750,000
bushels of grain awaiting transportation.
Headaches and
Heart Trouble
Nervous Prostration of Three Years'
Standing. Cured a Year .Igo by Dr.
Chase's Nerve I''ood.
Anyone who knows the tlis.'nurage-
rnent and despair whieli accompanies
the heiplessnesa of nervous prostra-
tion will appreciate the s ratitrde felt
by the writer of this letter.
Mrs. Ii. ('. Jones, Seoteh Lake,
C. B., writes: "I suffered from nerv-
ous t.rostrati'm fr neerly t':rce years.
I had 1'r3Gucnt heada,•h, :•. h1t7 no cep=
petite and was troubled with my
heart. After consulting two doctors,
without obtaining satisfar•t•.ry results,
I began the :iso of Dr. P'hase's Nerve
Food. and was eerepictele eut•cd by
this treatment. It is eeerly a year
mince X was cured, and I want others
to know of this splendid medicine. I
now attend to my housework with
pleasure and comfort, and am glad to
have the opportunity of recommend-
ing Dr. Chase's Nerve Food."
At least some benefit is bound to be
derived from carat dose of this great
food cure, as day by day it forms
new blood, and builds up the system.
50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50, all deal-
ers, or Edmanaon, Bates as Co., Lints
Red, Toronto.
Into award of the whitewashed walls,
Where the dead and dying lay,
Wounded by bayonets, shells, and.
Somebody's darling was borne one
Somebody's darling so young and so
Wearing yet on his pale, sweet face,
Soon to be hid by the dust of the
The lingering light of his boyhood's
Matted and damp are the curls of gold,
Kissing the snow of that fair young
Pale are the lips of delicate mold—
Soniebody,'a darling is dying now.
Back from his beautiful blue -veined
Brush all the wandering waves of
Cross his hands on his bosom now,
Somebody's darling is still and cold.
Kiss him now for somebody's sake,
Murmur a prayer soft and low;
One bright curl from its fair mate
They were somebody's pride you
Somebody's hand had rested there—
Was it a mother's, soft and white?
And have the lips of a sister fair
Been baptised in those waves of
God knows best; he has somebody's
Somebody's heart enshrined him
Somebody wafted his name above,
Night and morn on the wings of
Somebody wept when he marched
Looking so handsome. brave, and
Somebody's kiss on his forehead lay,
Somebody clung to his parting hand.
Somebody's waiting and watchiug for
Yearning to hold him again to the
And there he lies with his blue eyes
And the smiling, child -like lips apart.
Tenderly bury the fair young dead,
Pausing to drop on his grave a tear;
Carve on the wooden slab at his
"Somebody's darling slumbers here.'
—Marie Lacoste.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re-
ward for any case of Catarrh that can-
not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F.
J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be-
lieve him perfectly honorable in all busi-
ness transactions and financially able
to carry out any obligations made by
his firm.
Welding, Kinnan, & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal-
ly, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. Testi-
monials sent free. Price 75 cents per
bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa-
Woodstock Sentinel -Review.
Hon. S H. Blake has gone on record,
it appears, as never having played a
game of cards, never having been at
the races and never having attended a
theatrical performance, and some es-
teemed contemporaries are discussing
the question of what he has gained or
What he gained or lost depends part-
ly on the point of view and partly on
the other things he has been able to
fall back on for the filling of his life.
It is probable that a man like S. H.
Blake would be able to show that he
had gained a good deal more than he
had lost.
For many people card -playing seems
not merely a refreshing and useful
recreation, but a necessity. For many
people the theatre, is something more
than a source of harmless pleasure. So,
too, the races from different points of
view may be commended to those who
feel the need of a change and the tonic
of mild excitement. For those who
have nothing better—or at least nothing
that suits them better—card-playing,
theatre -going and horse -racing may
be regarded as useful or even needful;
but interesting as horse -racing may be,
useful as card -playing may be, and
helpful as theatre -going may be, it is
conceivable that a man may be so
equipped mentally and by temperament,
and so situated in regard to his life, his
work and his means of recreation, that
he may neglect all of these and still be
a gainer rather than a loser,
It is a matter in regard to which it
would not be safe to lay down general
rules. Much depends upon individual
tastes and tempers and upon circum-
stances. Each individual must be left
largely to judge for himself. One
man's experience may prove useless
to another who is very differently con-
stituted. This is a large world, and
there is room for us all, if we are only
agreeable about it.
Children Cry
A mammoth oil -driven harvester that
is being tried out on Australian wheat
fields, strips about 60 acres a day.
Designing, etching and engraving of
fine book plates is a thriving profession
in Vienna. Some of the greatest art-
ists are engaged in the production of
these works,
The Awe bahli the first
initahilsart' CARMAN�GAY, opiiituro nce the savage rottle amed at bwal, NOW o was �the iorroer tib the lima
Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water !``
GARMANGAY is M NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of rhe topography of the country;
It, is, situated. as the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE. WATER lit had.
VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL dose to the town.
QUB PROPERTY -is WITHIN theIT.OWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKSrfroai the ceiitte.of 411400.
.o -
*.end far our g ustratid booklet describing the property we haft to ,s�tlll b
Work for your Money in ri'e East, but invest it in ifle West
Western Canada Real Estate Company
Head Office. -502 TEMPLE RUILDINGr
Toronto, Oats
1001rrlitAL a)L
$$ Imo LN, A.
HAIat.TON. ONT:, 1, 0ND0K 0111''.),
eau ubw c mmiour i1 D.tl is. amt Cae.iaw
502 Temple Building. Toronto, Ont.:•
Please send me without obligation on my)
'part, literature containing facts, figures and
,view, of,CARIxANOATJ
Canada's Forests.
The area of the forest -bearing land
in the Dominion of Canada has been
variously estimated, and even now it
is not exactly known. A few years
ago Mr. R. H. Campbell, Dominion
Director of Forestry, after careful
study and correspondence with author-
ities, placed the total forest area at
535,000,000 acres. The present uncer-
tainty as to the actual extent of the
forest areas of Canada bids fair, how-
ever, soon to be dispelled. Already
the Government of Nova Scotia has
made a survey of its timber lands, and
the returns, which may be regarded as
approximately correct, show that the
area in that province at present actu-
ally forested is about 6,600,000 acres.
The amount of coniferous (or soft-
wood) saw -timber is in the neighbor-
hood of 10,000,000,000 feet, board mea-
sure, and that of pulpwood is about
24,000,000 cords. 'Every summer for
some years past the Dominion Depart-
ment of the Interior, through las
forestry branch, has had several parties'
in the field investigating the resources
of areas reported to be forested. During
the summer of 1912, and again in the
present summer, the forestry branch of
the British Columbia Government has
energetically investigated the vast
forest wealth of that. province.. Que-
bec, too, has an efficient and active
forest service working along similar
Dr. de Van's Female Pills
A reliable French regulator; never fails. These
pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the
generative portion Refuse l cheimitations.
d. Vanmare
ES a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address.
Tit. lo.bell Drug Co.. at. cath.rine., oat.
Sour Stomach and Biliousness are
caused by a sluggish Liver, for when it is
not working properly, it holds back the
pile, which is so essential to promote the
movement of the bowels, and the bile
gets into the blood instead of passing
through the usual channel, thus causing
many stomach and bowel trou bics.
"There is only one way to prevent the
jiver from becoming up -set, and that is
x 3; the �usc o '�j,y 3uR 's LAXA-LIVLR
lvliss Julia Late, \ arl:o, Sask.,--is
•-"1•or several years I was troubled
with sour stomach and biliousness, s n d
did not get any relief until I used MiL-
nutree. LAXA-14Vaylt PILLS. I had only
taken them two weeks when my trouble
was quite gone, and I will recomnaenil
them to all who trifler as I did."
The price of MILBURN'S LAXA-I,wrR
Pn,I.s is 25 cents per vial, or 5 vials for
$l,00. They can he ;uncured at all
dealers, or will be mailed direct on re:aipt
of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
Toronto, Ont,
We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple
Stationery and can supply your wants in
We will keep the best stock in the respective lines
and sell at reasonable prices.
We are in a better position than ever before to attend
to your wants in the Job Printing line and all
orders will receive prompt attention.
Leave your order with us
when in need of
Or anything you may require:in the printing line.
Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers
and Magazines.
The Times Office
Wingham, - Ont.