HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-07-10, Page 1THS INGHAM TIMES.
VOL. XLII,--NO. 214:.
Olivine e
50 per cent.
We purchased a very large
quantity of this Soap at the
right price.
The Factory wanted the
money, hence this saving to you.
Regular Price
25c per Box.
Special, Sale
13c per Box.
(3 Cakes)
' 2 Boxes for 25c.
(0 Cakes)
A fine grade of Toilet
Soap, made as cheap
to you as Common
every week. 50c Cadillac
Chocolates 33c lb. 35c Im-
ported Turkish Delight 19c lb.
W. iekibbon
77ta Store
N. Griffin
FIRE odd flys_
WEATHER all°a°fe°N
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
omoe over Maloolm'a Grooery. -
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
Office of late Dr. Wilson Residence
Wingham, Ont. Cor Frances and
Patrick Sts,
Mee Phone270. Phone 182
Christie's Grocery
We Specialize is
To Arrive
Californian Peaches
and Plants
The Best Obtainable in
Tomatoes, &c.
Wear Greer's
Shoes and Rubbers.
Are Yc
Take a glance a
paper and if it isn
us hear from you.
has been eorrectet
June and if your 1
or 1914 show you
paper by forward
yi Behind?
the label on your
t paid in advance let
Our subscription list
up 'till the end of
bel isn't dated 1913
interest in the home
g us your renewal.
select from at lowest prices,
Starting on We nesday of this week
and continuing th ugh the months of
July and August, early all the places
of business will be closed on Wednesday
afternoons. Groc ry stores and restau-
rants may open a 1 er '7 p. m. The fol-
lowin g business p: ople have signed a
docu ment agreein . to close every Wed-
nesday afternoon:
J. W. McKibbon Swanson & Jacques
J. H. Christie Bank of Commerce
W. Bone H. Marshall
M. E. Zurbrigg W. A. Miller
W. W. Hough J. W. ]Sell
L. Kennedy Mrs. P. Linklater
M. Holmes W. J. Patterson
E. B. Hart Elec. Light Office
R. A. Graham ea. Carr
C. G. VanStone W. Robertson
Bank of Hamilto• Dominion Bank
C. N. Griffin J. W. Hewer
M. Grisdale R. A. Currie
Mrs. Green William Bradley
A. W. Webster A. H. Wilford
Fred Johnston M. Reynolds
Jas. Walker E. C. White
King Bros. J. A. Mills
W. A, Campbell Jno. Galbraith
Hanna & Co. J. L. Awde
Cooper&Herma H, E. Isard & Co.
Geo. Mason Willis & Co.
J. A. McLean J. Somers
W. J. Greer T. Moon
Fred Carter A. E. Smith
J. J. Davis T. T. McDonald
Mrs. Runstedler r itchie & Cosens
A. M. Knox . J. Nicholls
W. G. Patterson Tony Nichol
Edith Rush Jno. Kerr & Son
Alex. Young W. 'J. Boyce
Rae & Thompson ' obt, Mooney
A. E. Louttit f hos, Field & Co.
Tho . Fells.
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
Death of Mrs John Menzies.
Death came su • enly to Mrs. John
Menzies of East awanosh early last
Saturday morning The deceased lady
had been visiting : t the home of her
daughter, Mrs. R•bt. McGee and was
apparently in her sual health and on
Friday evening a-sisted in milking the
co ws and while a the barn was sudden-
ly stricken and pa sed away early Sat-
urday morning. rs. Menzies maiden
name was Mary .lizabeth Powell and
was born near orna village, in the
tow nship of Stanl y. Here she remain-
ed until her mar age some forty-four
years ago, when Ir. and Mrs. Menzies
rn oved to the 10t concession of East
Wawanosh, resi ing there up to the
time:of her deat Mrs, Menzies was
highly esteeme• in the community
where she so Ion resided and her sud-
den death is dee •ly regretted by her
large circle of fri nds. In religion, Mrs.
Menzies was a Presbyterian and for
many years had been an honored and
respected 'member of Calvin Church.
Besides her husband, two sons and one
daughter survive, viz.;—Messrs. John
A. and James Menzies and Mrs. Robert
McGee, all residing in East Wawanosh.
Three brothers and two sisters also
survive, viz: ---George Powell, Blyth;
Thos. A. Powell, Swift Current, Sask.;
Wm, Powell, Seattle; Mrs. Jas. Switzer,
Bayfield, and rs. John Cochrane,
East Wawanosh. The funeral on. Mon-
day afternoon to he Wingham cemetery
was very Ifargely attended -
Voters' ists Printed.
The voters' list or the Town of Wing-
ham for 1013 has been printed and was
first posted in lerk (Troves' office
on Monday last. he list this year con-
tains the. names • 807 voters. In part ,
one there are 532 oters; part 2, 286 and
part :3, 79. The umber of persons qual-
ified to serve as j rors is 394. The vot-
ers' list for the ' 'ownship of East Wa-
wanosh has also been printed and was
first posted in • erk Porterfield's office
at Marnoch on uesday. This list con-
tains a total of ! 47 voters, made up of
480 in part 1; 92 in part 2, and 19in part
3. Total numb r qualified to serve as
jurors is 284. esidents of these muni-
cipalities shouit see that their names
are properly entered on the lists. Ap.
peals may be entered within thirty days
after the first posting of the lists.
You are respectfully requested to
buy your railroad tickets at our
Shoe Store, the C.P.R. Agency
Read our ad. on last page
A very quiet w
Thursday afternoo
o'clock at St. Bar
contracting partie
Patterson and Mis
rector of the paris
officiating. The br
by Mr, Arthur Pea
enue, and was atte
trude Peacock. M
son left for a short
visit the former's p
return will reside at
dding took place
June 26th, at three
abas, Toronto, the
being Mr. Percy
Nellie Stevens, the
Rev. F. E. Powell
de was given away
k, 163 Balsam av-
ded by Miss Ger-
and Mrs. Patter -
rip to Wingham to
rents and on their
the Beach.
July We
A quiet pretty lit
place at the home of
Wynn, Frances Stree
July 9, at one o'cl
youngest daughter, M
the bride of Mr. J.
of Toronto, the Rev.
officiating. The hous
with marguerites an
bride, who was giv
father, wore a gow
French crepe, over
veil caught with li]ie
carried only a small
wedding march wa
Mollie Hammond.
wedding luncheon
left on the aftern
home in Toronto.
away costume w
suit with bronze -b
le wedding took
r. and Mrs, Geo.
, on Wednesday,
ck, when their
a Pearl, became
Oscar Rogers,
J. W. Ribbert
was decorated
ferns, and the
away by her
of cream silk
earn satin, tulle
of the valley, and
white Bible. The
played by Miss
After a dainty
r. and Mrs. Rogers
on train for their
The bride's going-
s a brown tailored
own hat.
Married a Ridgetown.
In Ridgetown,
Wednesday, Jun
was solemnized of
Mr. David H. Fi
Immediately after
newly wedded coup
trip to Toronto at 'er which they re-
turned to Ridgeto n for a few days,
where the bride reeived a large num-
ber of beautiful presents from her num-
erous friends. 0 their arrival in
nt., at 9 a.m., on
25th, the marriage
iss Ethel Ford and
ay, of Wingham.
the ceremony the
e left for a short
Wingham a recep
them by their frie
the groom's moth
About eighty gue
bountiful supper at
spent very enjoyab
and songs. Mr, an
reside in Wingha
sister of Mrs. J. R
who attended the we
ion was tendered
ds at the home of
, Mrs. Finlay, sr.
is sat down to a
d the evening was
by all with music
Mrs. Finlay will
. The bride is a
Finlay, of town,
ding in Ridgetown.
Button—Cop land Nuptial.
At 12.30 p.m. W
the marriage of M
daughter of Mrs.
Lower Wingham;
Button, of Vangu•
James Button, of
emnized at the
mother by the
pastor of the
Church. The bri
her brother, Mr.
Mrs. E. J. Jackso
matron of honor.
of Teeswater, c
played the weddin
wedding luncheon
Mrs, Button left
leaving for the
Vanguard, Sask.
dnesday, Jt-ly 9th,
ss Lulu M. Copeland,
Copeland Reath, of
and Mr. William B.
d, Sask., son of Mr.
eeswater, was sol-
ome of the bride's
ev. J. W. Hibbert,
Ingham Methodist
was given away by
Arly Copeland and
or Teeswater, was
Miss Annie Button,
usin of the groom,
march. After the
as served Mr. and
n a short trip before
r future home in
Huron Old oys' Excursion.
The annual Hu on Old I3oys' Excur-
sion from Toront was held on Satur-
day last to Luc snow and Goderieh.
Two special trill +s left Toronto and
there was a Largs' number of people in
the party. Owin. to a wreck between
Guelph and Pal ierston, the special
train for Luoknt w had to travel via
-Stratford and Li owel and in place of
reaching Wingha ,i at 12 o'elock noon it
was nearly four
pulled in. Fro
Huron Old Boy
through the coup
Grand Bend, Sea
Goderich, Wingh
forth, taking th
Monday evening
party arrived in Wingham shortly after
four o'elock on •Sunday afternoon and
were met by a Humber of Wingham- I
ites in fourteen autos and were given
a hearty welcome to town. Among
the party were W. W. Sloan. E.
Floody, Roger Crocker, 1?. T, W. Hodg•
son, W. T. Timmins, Major Reck, John
Robertson, R. 1:1 Sheppard, W. W.
Bern, W. B. Coblediek, Norman
Hocken, Charles Humber and James
'clock before the train'
Clinton a party of
took an auto trip
ry, visiting at Exeter, I
ortli, Zurich, Bayfield,
tn, Brussels and Sea -
train at Seaforth on
for Toronto, The
Miss Irlma ennedy is home from
Toronto for the summer.
Miss Jean St art of Toronto, is vis-
iting with friends in town,
Mr. Harvey Linklater of Toronto is
visiting his parents in town.
Miss Rae is spending part of her holi-
days with friend in Longwood.
Mr. Ross Maxwell is spending his
holidays in Brantford and Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. `. N. Rush, of Toronto
were visiting with old friends in Wing -
Miss Lillian 11/ offatt, of the Hospital
nursing staff is hpending her holidays in
Hamilton. }i
Miss Dulmagl, of Detroit, has been
visiting for a few days with Mrs. W.
J. Greer.
Mr. Robt. Johnston of Toronto was
calling on old friends in Wingham for
a few days.
Mr. E. B. Waker and Mr. Dudley
Holmes spent the week end at Kincar-
dine Beach. i{
Mr. E. L. Mit.hell of the Bank of
Hamilton staff i:on a visit to his home
in Hamilton.
Mr. Young, of Detroit was visiting
for a few days atr,',the home of Mr. F.
G. Sperling.
Miss Leo. Kerr of Toronto was visit-
ing for a few dal+s with her sister, Drs.
A. 3. Alderson.
Mrs. McLaren,' of Toronto, was visit-
ing for over Sunday with her mother,
Mrs. Lawrence.
Miss Edith Buchanan returned home
on Saturday, afker a couple of months'
stay in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvie Fleming, of Tor-
onto are visiting with Wingham rela-
tives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Newton, of
Toronto were calling on old friends in
Wingham on Monday.
Miss Franky Wilson is spending a few
weeks with her sister, Mrs. (Dr.) J. W
Scott, Sandusky, Mich.
Mr. Morse, Principal of the Business
College, is spending the vocation at his
home in South Paris, Me.
Mr. Fulton Timmins of Toronto, for-
merly of Bluevale, came up with the
Huron Old Boys on Sunday last.
Miss Marjorie Gordon has returned to
her home in Toron'o after a visit with
her friend, Miss Olive Cruickshank.
Mrs. (Dr.) W. J. Scott, of Sandusky,
Mich., was visiting for a few days with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Wilson,
'Miss Lille B. Isbister of Saskatoon,
Sask., is spending her vocation with
her parents, DIT. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister.
Miss Hazel Drummond is home from
Toronto to spend a couple of months
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, T. Drum-
Mrs. Errold Drummond and two
daughters, Margaret and Louise, are
visiting in Toronto, attending her sister's
Mrs. John A. McLean is visiting with
relatives and friends in Detroit and Mr.
McLean visited in Detroit for over
Mrs. Robinson and the Misses Lititia
and Lillian and Miss Tucker are spend-
ing a couple of weeks at- Kincardine
Mrs, Fred J. King and son, Milton,
of Hamilton, were visiting for a few
days with the former's sister, Miss J.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Scott of Detroit
are on a visit to the latter's parents
Mr. and Mrs. A. McEwen of the Let
line of Morris,
Mrs. D. C. Pope and Master Ituss
and Mrs. Andy Hopper of Wroxeter
spent a few days at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. J. D, McEwen.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Y. Taylor, of Cal-
gary, Alta„ were visiting on Tuesday
with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Henderson
and Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Scott.
Mrs. Alex. Ross, Miss Lillian Ross
and Miss Maud Davis left on Friday for
Edmonton and Vancouverrespectively,
going by boat from Owen Sound.
Mrs, Cadwell and children, who have
been visiting with thefori er's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Isbister, left last
week for their home .in Saskatoon,
Mrs. (Dr.) E. II. look left on Monday
for St. Stephen, N.B., where she will
reside in future, her husband having
been practicing his prtlfession in that
city fol' some time.
Mr. John Elliott, of East Wawanosh
was in Guelph for a few days attending
a test in judging et the Ontario
Agricultural College. About two hun-
dred Departmental Agticultural Judges
from Western Ontario attended the
lectures and demonstrations.
Mr. Fred Piper is,visiting at Mr, C.G
Vanstone's in ICineprdine.
Mr. and Mrs. W.J. Haines were vis-
iting for over Su day with Mr. and
Mrs. Haines of Du gannon.
Mrs. Wm. Struthers and Mrs. • Robt.
McMain of Attwo d was visiting with
their neice, Mrs. J. D. McEwen.
Mr. and Geo. Thomson, Goderich;
Mr. and Mrs, H. TR Thomson, Belmore;
Miss Duke, Leamipgton, and Miss Ver-
na Cline, Lakelet, were among those
from out of town',' who attended the
Wynn—Rogers welding yesterday.
The Huron Old Ij3oys Excursion on
Saturday last brou4ht a happy re -union
of the Walker family. The following
were present from out of town:—Mr.
and Mrs. R. A. Walker and Miss Zelma
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Pettit, Wendel
and Hardy Andera'on, Misses Ruby,
Stella and Emma Anderson, Miss
Beatrice Walker, all of Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Walker, Teeswater;
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Walker and
children, Clinton. —
Watches and jewelry at half price at
Knox's sale.
New Post Office Regulation
The Post Office Department have is•
sued a new regulation forbidding the
putting up of any kind of notice, written
or printed, in any post office, unless it
be a department notice. The public
need not become annoyed if the post-
master removes any notices put up in
the office. Those are his intentions.
Fon SALE—A good three -horse power
gasoline engine. Apply to A. E. Lou-
Seats for Park
Tho Property Committeee of the Town
Committe has purchased twenty of the
seats formerly used in the Baptist
Church and they will be fitted up and
placed in the Town Park. The seats
will be very convenient and useful on
band concert nights, and will be much
appreciated by our townspeople.
Knox's sale of watches, jewelery,
silverware, cut glass, etc., continued
to July 19th. _.—
Sunday Scho¢1 Excursion.
Arrangements h ve been completed
for the annual unio Sunda,' School ex-
cursion which will this year be held to
Kincardine on Friday, August Ist.
The fare from Winghatn is 75 cents for
adults and 40 cents; for children. The
special train will leave Wingham at
8.56 a.m. and arrive in Kincardine at
9.55 a.m. There will be the usual free
supply of prepared tea and coffee and
hot water. This is tie popular holiday
of the season.
Slaughter prices in watches, jewelry,
silverware and cut glans to July 19th,
at Knox's.
Tampering With Mail Boxes.
A resident of Turnberry writes the
TIMES to the effect that some person is
tampering with mail boxes on rural
route No. 2 out of Wipgham. It is also
said that mail rinatter,:has also been re-
moved from the boxes. This kind of
work is an infraction'ef the law and of-
fenders had better bpware or they may
spend a term in jail. We hope this
warning will be sufficient and that mail
matter will not in future be removed
from boxes by any person other than
the proper person.
FOR RENT,---Otlhces with a good fire-
proof vault. Apply -to J. A. Morton,
barrister. Wingham.
Train Service for Twelfth.
The Grand TrunklRailway will run a
special train on Sattirday of this week
in connection with the Orange demon-
stration at Luck ow. Special train
will leave Bluevale .t 8.20 a. m.; Wing -
ham 8.35 a. m.; Whitechurch 8.50 a. m.; •
arriving in Luckijow at :1.15 a. m.
Returning, speci41 train will leave
Lucknow at 6.30 p.'m. The fare for
round trip is 40 cents. The fare for
1111 is $1.25 and to
els are good going
Friday and all trains
to return up to
buy your tickets
round trip to Hens
Guelph $2.30. Tics'
on p. m. trains on
on Ssturday, vain
Monday. You ca,
from H. 13. Elliott,l;Town Agent at the
TIMES office on Iiday afternoon or
evening and avoid the rush on Satur-
day morning. L. ]. L. members are
requested to meet set the lodge room at
7.30 a.m. in place 4f 8.30 a.m. owing to
train leaving Wingham earlier than
was expeoted.
Car of XXXX 13
at $1 per bunel
shingles at 95e
Douglas, hardware
C. shingles, selling
; also some XXX
per bench. John
nerahant, Wroxeter.
The July meetirig of the Town Coun-
cil was held on Mndayeveningwith all
the members present except Coun.
Bell. Mayor VanStone presiding.
Minutes of last, regular and special
meetings were road and approved.
The Finance C9mmittee recommend,
ed the payment of a number of accounts
for the three departments and on
motion of Reeve McKibbon and Coun,
Spotton, the report was adopted,
The Electric Light Committee recom-
mended that the: recommendations of
Manager Campb 11 be accepted by the
Council and that he offer of Goldie &
McCulloch for engine . and condenser
and offer Canadian General Electric
Co. for switchboar() and central appar-
atus be accepted. Y The offers from
these two firms iieng the lowest and
The report of the Committee was
adopted on motion of Couns. Young and
The Street, Sewer and Sidewalk Com-
mittee recommended that W. A. Currie's
lot for gravel be purchased. That
man hole and galley covers be purchas-
ed from the Hunter Bridge & Boiler
Co. That Allan Fralick be appointed
Inspector on Storm Sewers.
The report of this Committee was
adopted on motiop of Couns. Isbister
and Mills.
The matter of striking the tax rate
was left over until next Monday even-
ing when a special meeting of the
Council will be Held.
An account for $12.50 for five special
constables for Dominion Day was read.
The Celebration Committee agreed to
pay $5 of this amount and on motion of
Couns. Spotton and Boyce, the balance
of the amount was ordered to be paid.
On account of $170.00 for service of
firemen for three months ending June
30th, was read. The account included
pay for firemen for services at fires,
practices and drying hose. The amounts
varied from $15 to $3 for each fireman.
Moved by Couns. Spotton and Boyce
that tiie $65 recommended by Fire Chief
for services at fires be paid and that the
accounts for drying hose and practices
be referred back to the committee —
Applications for the position of
Engineer on road roller engine were,
received from E. Peterman, Reubin
Garniss, John A. Campbell, Jos. Baird,
R. H. Solomon and John H. Reid.
The matter of freaking the appoint-
ment was referred to the Street Com-
mittee on motion of Reeve McKibbon
and Coun. Boyce.
Council then adjourned.
Change in Times Staff.
Mr. Peter Wilson, of London, has
taken a position as foreman in the
TIMES office. Mr. Wilson is a printer
of twenty years experience and has
been employed in some of the best
offices in Ontario and has had experi-
ence in all branches of the Newspaper
business and comes to Wingham very
highly recommended. Mr. Wilson will
move his family to town in the course
of a few weeks. Mr. Ernest Greer who
has been a member of the TIMES staff
for some ten years and for the past,
three years has been foreman, will
leave in a short: time for the West,
where he has secured a good position.
Mr. Greer is a good printer, an honor-
able young man and the TIMES is sorry
to see hint leaving Wingham. He win
carry with him the very best wishes of
a large circle of friends for abundant
success and happiness in his new West-
ern home.
NOTICE.—All accounts owing me
are now due and may be paid at my
residence at the rear of the drugstore
ITL tTr1.
Considerable excitement was created
in Blyth on Tuesday when it was learn-
ed that Herbert Dexter, aged 33, was
under a cave -its in the gravel pit on
Mr. Taenan's farm, adjacent to the'
town. A large number of citizens
autood out, and after a strenuous hour
and a half's work he was freed from
his perilious positian, little the work
for his mishap. He was covered with
over two feet of earth and how lie es-
caped instant death was a puzzle to all
who saw the cave-in.
Prices in watches, jewelry. -never
heard of before in Wingham at Rnox's
to July 19th.
The opposing candidates in the North
Grey campaign were formerly nominat-
ed at Owen Sound.;.
According to the; report issued by the
Forestry Departmwnt at Ottawa, Can-
ada's home manuf eture of wood pulp
and paper is grow g.
The Fruits of
Our efforts
to supply you with the best
Footwear are found in our
present display of SUM-
MER SHOE -i. Tbey are
the smartest in style, the
best fit, the greatest in com-
fort of any
Shoes We Have Ever Shown
Come and see them and
you'll surely want at least
one pair. When you learn
the priees you will see that
if you want more than one
pair the cost will not be an
obstacle to the filling of
your needs.
W. J. GIttk
The Safest Investment on
Earth is The Earth Itself.
Buy an Ontario farm. We have
a number of bargains on hand,
We specially advertise for
two weeks only :
Lot 1 and west 1-2 Lot 2, Con. 12,
Howick, close to school, Church
and market; farms contains 150
acres, all under grass, with
brick house and bank barn with
cement stables; drilled well.
This property will be sold cheap
to wind up an estate.
Valuable town properties for sale in
Wingham a n d surrounding
Fire, Life, Accident, Health, Boil-
er, Tornado, Live Stock, Plate Glass,
Automobile and all other kinds of
Insurance in first-class Companies
at lowest rates.
Ritchie & Cosis
Qualified teacher for S. S. No. e,
East Wawanosh. Apply stating salary
and qualifications to
Marnoch, Ont.
Take notice that we have agreed to
close our offices during the menthe ee
July and August, after the lour of
one p. m. Saturdays and 4 p. 01. on
other days.
June .15th 1n13.
AT 1101,E
Thousands of ambitious ni; peo-
ple arc fast preparing in their own
homes to occupy lucrative positioi s n,+
steno:;raphore; 'bookkeepers, telegraph-
ers. civil Savants. in fact every sphere
of Busines4 Activities. YOU may finish
at college if you wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Eater college any day Indi-
viduai instruction. Expert teachers.
Thirty roar's t. perience. Largest
trainers in Canaria. seven colleges.special course for teachers
Atfillated with Commercial $suss•
tors' Association oftkinada bummer00 fit the f amous Spotton Business
College, London.
SChI f
Wingham Business College
Geo. Spot ton, W. T. Morse,
President. Principal.