HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-06-19, Page 1•
• VOL. XLII,—NO. 21.40
39 Cents
Buys a. barge
50 cent Bottle
This Week Only s
Nothing makes a nicer cooling
drink than a small quantity
of Wine in a glass of Clear,
Cool Water.
We carry "Unfirmented Wines"
in the following flavors.
II Port Wine Grape Wine
1 Red Cherry Wine
]Black Cherry Wine
Large 50e Bottle
This Week for 39c,
every week. 50c Cadillac
Chocolates 33c Ib. 35c Im-
ported Turkish Delight 19c lb.
1 W. McKibbon
)Jn td�® Store
'".C. N. Griffin
•�QAW+ ��
' Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.'
Offioe over MMalcolm's Grooery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
Office of late Dr. Wilton
Wingham, Ont.
Phone 179.
Liss Gracey's
Phone 1.9.
ChriIies Grocery
Rose's Lime
25c Per Bottle
The Best Hot
Weather Beverage
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
Hospital L
The Wingham G
much indebted to t#1
kind donations:
Mr. David Weir,
son of James Weir
Whitechurch Yo
George E. Tuckett
Empire Coal Co„ M
kington Bros., Toro
neral Hospital is
following for their
Galston, Scotland,
f this town, One
ng People, $5.00;
Son,Hamilton, $10;
ntreal, $5.00; Pll-
to, $5,00.
FOR SALE—A good three -horse power
gasoline engine. Apply to A. E. Lou-
Public Sch
On account of a
measles being in to
children the Public S
the school closed on
week. The mid-su
ing so near at hand t
Board deemed it ad
school. The usual p
tions will not be hel
ing of school the sch
moted on the standi
the past term. The
trance examination
of Closed.
mber of cases of
n among the school
hool Board ordered
ednesday of last
mer holidays be-
e members of the
isable to close the
omotion examine -
On the re-open-
lars will be pro -
obtained during
tudents on the en -
are writing this
ing good domestic help should enquire
from Lougheed, Immigration Agent.
A Gift to Th. it Teacher. � e
The members of e Young Ladies'
Bible Class of the ' ngham Methodist
Church spent a ver ' pleasant time at
the home of Mrs. V. J. Greer on
Thursday evening la t, when they pre-
sented their teache Mrs. (Rev. Dr.)
Rutledge ' with a be utiful fitted club
bag, prior to her de arture for Clinton.
The presentation as male by Miss
Copeland who gave a short address and
Mrs. Rutledge tha {ed the young ladies'
for their be autifu gift. Following the
presentation eve y enjoyable evening
was spent by the embers of the class.
WANTED—Good general servant girl.
No washing. Apply to Mrs. P. Fisher.
The Greyh
The 15th annual e
Greyhound from G
has passed into the
this year was again
weather, though a bi
ings. The moonligh
ronized, but the nu
longer trip was so
usual. Much of th
annual outings issue
Ayer, whose courtes
-obliging and painst
every detail have w
friends throughout t
ern Ontario. May
activities for many y
and Trip.
cursion of the str.
erich to Detroit
"has beens," and
vored with good
cool in the even -
ride was well pat-
ber who took the
newhat less than
success of these
to Excursion Agent
in business and
king attention to
n him a host of
is corner of West-
ou continue your
ars yet, Bro. Ayer.
Greatest Bargains in watches and
jewelry ever heard of in Wingham, at
YCNox:'s Annual Sale.
A June 'W1
A very happy even
home of Mr. and Mrs
in Turnberry at 4 O'(
afternoon last, whei
Miss Verna E., was
with Mr. Fred Beatt
ceremony was perf
Victor Collins, past
Baptist Church, in
immediate relative
ceremony a recept'
evening when a v
spent by a large
Mr. and Mrs. Beata
in Toronto, on Mon
best wishes of a la
took place at the
James Stapleton
ock on Thursday
their daughter,
joined in wedlock
, of Toronto. The
rmed by Rev. G.
• of the Wingham
he presence of the
hollowing the
n was held in the
y happy time was
Inumber of friends.
y left for their home
lay followed by the
ge circle of friends.
Watches,clocks, silverware and jewel-
ry slaughtered at Krvox's this month.
Medical Men i
A most successful
Huron Medical Assoc
on Wednesday of Ia.
lor, Macklin, Hunt
low, and Holmes,
Gunn, Shaw and T
Dr. Gillies, of Tee
of Belgrave; Dr. Al
Dr. Weir, of Aubut
dy, Redmond, Ta
Wingham. F. W.
R.C.S., of Toronto, c
Interesting papers
Drs. Kennedy, Rei
'Thompson. An add
on Pioneer Practice.
was much apprecia
resent Dr. Tamly
l mY.
tive praetiee in this
years. The next m.
Goderich, the see
Wingham. >t�
meeting of the
ationhel here
was c
t week. Drs. Tay-
, Emmerson, Gal -
of Goderich; Drs.
mpson, of Clinton;
nater; Dr. Stewart
ison of Londesboro;
; and Drs. Kenne-
lyn and Calder, of
Marlow, M. B., F.
elivered an address.
ere presented by
mond, Calder and
•ess by Dr. Tamlyn
inHuron Hut n Count
est by the members
having been in ac -
county for over 51
eting will be held
nd Wednesday in
Dancing Tops For Boys
And Girls
Read our ad. on last page
W omen;
The monthly in
branch of the Wo
be held in the Coun
day, June 24th, a
"Housekeeping as
Mrs. Jos. Hall. R
]embers please not
:'this month, All la
to attend.
eting of the local
en's Institute will
'1 Chamber on Tues -
3 p.m. Subject:
a Profession" by
11 -call. Discovery.
change of date for
ies cordially invited
Get Parnell's Bread at Christie's.
Re -Open"
The work of reps
Baptist Church has
the church is now fi
shape. Re -opening
next Sunday when
B.A. of Buffalo, a
pastor of the Chu
both the morning a
and special music
the choir. A speci
taken at both ser
afternoon at 2.30 o
Sunday School servi
3.30 o'clock a pub
held when Mrs. J.
.deliver an address.
son will sing solos a
public is cordially i
re -opening services
ing the Wingham
been completed and
ted up in excellent
ervices will be held
ev. J. J. Patterson,
ormer well-known
ch will preach at
d evening services
11 be provided by
1 offering will be
ices. On Sunday
clock, the regular
e will be held. At
+c service will be
J. Patterson will
Miss Jean Patter -
the services. The
ited to attend these
AUCTION SALE —A car to 'd of good_
dairy cows will be so d b blicauction
at the National Hoe/ Wingham, on
Saturday, afternoon
une 21st, com-
mencing at 2 o'clock. D. E. McDonald,
prop; John Purvis, auctioneer.
Si}ccessful hooting.
The annual shoot ng matches of the
Huron county rifle clubs was held at
the Point Farm on Friday last and a
very pleasant day was spent by the
members of the rious clubs The
county cup was wo by the Dungannon
club. Mr. Robt, I arrison, a Wingham
High School stude t was in attendance
as a member of th Whitechurch club,
and he made a n• me for himself, in
winning two meda s: one for highest
individual score an one for the highest
score made by a erson who had not
before shot on th range. This is a
particularly goo:i ecord when one con-
siders that this i the first time that
illr. Harrison ha, taken part in match
competitions. T e members of his club
were proud of s work at,•the Point
HAY FOR SAES—Te car loads of
choice No. 1 Hay co g to Wingham.
$13.50 ptr ton off r. If in need of
hay place order early. POST. IIEATTIE.
Gwent Gl
Although nearly
months' tour of Ca
States, the voices
Singers did not sho
at the concert in A
dist Church on Tue
doubtedly it is one
choirs ever seen in
cision, harmony an
left nothing to be
gram included so
pieces in a sing
most pleasing n
Richards' "Men of
ing Welsh war son
by the choir in a
vividly to mind the
The glees, "Timbu
Crows," were hea
audience. The sol
hers of the choir
and each had to
The concluding nu
l&lujah Chorus,"
;'a program of ext+
choir sang the Wel
Hen wlad fy Nhad
Fathers), in cont
vertiser. In opera
Friday evening, J
your tickets at Mc
t the end of a nine
da and the United
the Gwent Glee
any signs of wear
kin Street Metho-
day evening. Un -
of the finest male
London. The pre -
attack of the choir
esired. Their pro-
of the most difficult
's repeatoire. The
ber was Brinley
Harlech," that stir-
, which was sung
way that brought
attlefield of the past.
too" and" The Three
tily encored by the
work of the mem-
as also appreciated,
espond to encores.
ber, Handel's "Hal-•
s a pleasing end to
Alone] merit. The
h National Anthem,
u (The Land of My
sion. --London Ad -
house, Wingham, on
ne 20th. Secure
ibbon's drug store.
Summer Tourist R tes to the Pacific
Co at.
Via Chicago and North Western Rail-
way, special low rate round trip tickets
on sale from all points in Canada to Lo
Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Tac-
oma, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria, etc.,
etc., during June, July, August, and
September. Excellent train service.
For rates, illustrated folders, ime
tables and full particulars, addr -s B.
H. Bennett, General Agent, Yonge
Street Toronto, Ont,
WANTED. --A go •"rl for general-
hougework. Appl o rs. Robt, Beat-
A First -Class F1'rogram For.
Celebration in Wingham.
The committee in charge of the cele-
bration which is to be held in Wingham
on Dominion Day is making arrange-
ments for a good day's sport. The
morning program will consist of a base-
ball match between the Blyth and
Lucknow teams and a demonstration by
the Firemen.
For the afternoon there will be a
lacrosse game between the Dufferins of
Orangeville and Wingham; a baseball
game between Clinton and Wingham; a
football game between Brussels and
Wingham, and a good program of races,
etc., for the boys and girls.
The Wingham Citizens' Band will fur-
nish the musical program throughout
the day and will give a concert at the
park in the evening.
The above list of attractions will
make a good day's sport and a large
crowd of people will be in Wingham for
Dominion Day.
Come, and bring your friends to Wing -
ham for Dominion Day.
Mrs, Aley, o
Mrs. W. G. Pa
Mrs. Sisters
with her da
Mrs. Gray,
with Miss Mul
St. Paul.
Mr. and Mrs.
onto are visitin.
Mrs. Fred 1
merston, are v
C. R. Capelanc
Mr. Roy Sm
was visiting fo
friends in tow
Miss Mina -
visiting for ov
Mrs. Jas. H.
Miss M. Fes
Terre Haute,
visiting for so
Miss Jean M
Ill., is visitin
and Mrs. Arch.
Mrs. John L
of Brantford,
tives and frien
Mrs. Wm.
Mrs. Jas. L
visiting at the
Mr. W. B.
known reside
ing on old fri
past week.
Messrs C. • DuPlan, Wm. Moore,
and John Net ery are in London this
week attendin the meetings of the Sy-
nod of Huron.
Miss Annie • err, who has been visi-
ting at the ho e of Mr. and Mrs. A. J.
Alderson, retu ed to her home. in Tor-
onto on Saturn y.
Mrs. A. L. T lor of London, who has
been spending few weeks with her
mother, Mrs. Jo n McCracken,returned
home on Saturd y.
Mrs. Lowery, of Orillia is visiting
with her parent., Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Anderson. Mr. bowery was a visitor
in town over Su day.
Mr. and Mrs C. R. Copeland and
child and Mrs. allot and child visited
for over Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
W. Duncan at G.derich.
Mr. Howard M,.Mane and cousin, Miss
Tena Petrie, of ttwood, were visiting
with their cousin Mrs. J. D. McEwe•t,
Morris, for over unday.
Detroit is visiting with
n, of Toronto is visitink
ghter, Mrs. Jas. H.
sho has been visiting
ey left on Thursday for
Wm. Isbister, of Tor -
at the home of Mr. Wm.
allot and child, of Pals
siting with Mr. and Mrs.
tli, of Rossland, B. C.
a few days with old
isterson, of Toronto, was
r Sunday with her sister,
antleft on last week for
.cl., where she intends
'Gillivray, of Evanston,
with her parents, Mr.
ckeridge and daughter,
are visiting with rola
s in Wingham.
tinkley of Dundas and
ngton of Hamilton are
home of Mr. L. F. Bink-
utton, a former well -
t of Wingham, was cail-
ncls in town during the
Mr. and Mrs, ed Carter were vi ••.
ing in Toronto for a few days this w,.ek,
Mr. Carter attening the convention of
the Bread and C a Manufacturers.
Mr. G. Mclnty of Oak River, Man,
was calling on of friends in Wingham
last week. He ame East to attend
the Presbyterian ongress in Toronto.
Mr. John L. V nstone was a visitor'
in 4Wingham over Sunday, returning to
his home in Niag, ra Falls on Monday,
accompanied by Mrs. Vanstone and
child, who have ben visiting here for a
few weeks.
Mr. R. G. W Ills left on Monday
morning for Term to where he has taken
a position as sal man in Blatchford's
large shoe store on Younge steeet,
(terry has a largnumber of friends in
Wingham who wi 1 wish him success in
his new position.
select from at lowest prices.
Blind for eleven onths, a Manches-
ter, Eng. girl roc vered her sight sud-
denly while wee ing bitterly at the
graveside of her randmother.
A s; ecial meeting of the Town Coun-
cil was held on Mon ay evening with all
members present except Councillor
The Street, Se er and Sidewalk
Committee reported recommending that
the contracts of
(1) Putting in man hole at the
factory corner and digging drain from
%chair factory to th river be awarded
'to Wm. Guest.
(2) That the co tract for putting in
sewer on Catherine street be awarded
to T. J. McLean & o.
(3) That gravel lot on Scott street
be purchased from rs. Bloomfield.
(4) That the contract for paving
Josephine street an placing curb stones
be awarded to the onstruction Service
Co., of Guelph.
(5) That we pu chase a road roller
and stone crushing Outfit from the J. 1.
Case Co., of Racine Wis.
(6) That the to der of T. J. Mc-
Lean & Co., for pu ting in the storm
sewer be accepted
On motion of Co ncillors Isbister and
Bell, that the repor of the Street, Sewer
and Sidewalk Com ittee was adopted.
The Waterwork Committee recom-
mended that:
(1) That the rep
work s pumping ho
Barber & Sons, of
(2) That the pi
new water main o
between G`T.R. t
street be purchased
Thompson Pipe and
(3) That the ne
be purchased from
(4) That Wm.
contract of pointin
(5) That the con
reservoir be award
of Hanover.
(6) That the con
new water mains o
be awarded to the (
Co. of Guelph.
On motion of Cou
illcKibbon, the repo
Committee was ad
On motion of Re
Coun. Bell the Pro
given authority to
in front of the To
cost as last year.
On invitation of
bers of Council a
Kenneday's restu
ments were serve
1 The several con
to commence wort
at once. Mr. Sp
here working on
pumping house
machinery should
of two weeks.
irs to the old water -
se be made by Chas.
es and fittings for
Josephine street,
acks and Patrick
rom the Gartshoro-
oundry Co.
hydrants required
he Canada Foundry
and be awarded the
the stand pipe at
rant of building the
d to Frank Prast,
ract of laying the
Josephine street
onstruction Service
. Boyce and Reeve
t of the Waterworks
ve McKibbon and
rty Committee was
t up the flower beds
n Hall at the same
Coun. Mills the mem.
d officials adjournde
rant_ where refresh
rectors have agreed
on different contracts
tzie, of Hanover is
e repairs to the old
d the road making
reach Wingham inside
Shoe Clerk Wanted. Either lady or
gentleman.' Apply to Willis & ('o.
Buying Re 1 Estate.
.The real estate b om in this country
appears to be pret well over, espec-
ally as regards sub ivisions near our
Western cities. T s will, of course,
affect all real estat more or less, and
it is feared that a good many people
have been victimiz by agents selling
real estate. Parti buying from trans-
cient agents should
first obtain reliab
disinterested people
ground. It is impos
ligently from
ent a map
take the word of the
It is the business of
sales and secure t
He Stakes His Reputation.
If the Royal Welsh
are not the best aggr
came to Wingham (o
the ocean) I will nev
my natne to a concer
Town of Wingham.
These singers are
best musicians of t
them in the Opera
Tale Glee Singers
gation that ever
that ever crossed
r 'again submit
program in the
endorsed by the
e world. Hear
ouse on Friday
HARDWOOD FOR SALE— 1('0 cords good
body hardwood, near Pringle's tannery.
Price reasonable. All kinds of coal in
stock and arriving weekly. R. J. CAN-
The thirty-fourt
the High Court of
of Foresters was
week 4vith nearly
sentatives in atte
vince in the Domini
The annual repo
officers of this orde
isfactory nature sho
progress that the
Foresters has exp
its inception in 18
annual meeting of
he Canadian Order
eld in London last
ve hundred repre-
dance. Every pro -
n was represented.
•ts of the various
are of a most sat-
ving that the steady
Canadian Order of
rienced ever since
9 was continued in
the year 1912, me ids is covered by
these reports.
This order confi;.es its business en-
tirely to the'Domi ion of Canada, and
is, therefore, peculi rly a Canadian or-
ganization. In all is departments the
result of the busin ss of 1912 shows it
to have been the be:tyear in the order's
experience. The )crease in the in-
surance funds of th, order amounted to
$380,727.]5. This
end of the year, a
death claims amou
at 43,980,976.21,
present time bein
revenue now deri
ments of the ord
substantial amou
come. Last yea
investments of in
ed to $167,166 16.
In respect to
ments, it is int
the order confin
to the purchas
school debentu
Canada, and th
from the inve
recent years,
committee to
on such inves
sideration the
ed in this clan
Both the si
general funds
1912 than in a
est earned on
funeral bene
similar nature
surance funds
and after the
sick and fune
ing to $166,53
44 was added t
p , as t
for the year u
amount standin
fund at the pre
In respect to
stantial progres
nd standing at the
er payment of 506
ting to $508,951.19,
e amount at the
$4,105,799.58. The
ed from the invest -
.r constitute a very
t of the annual in -
interest earned on
urance funds amount -
he matter of invest-
esting to know that
s the use of its funds
ng of municipal and
es of the Dominion of
advantageous market,
tor's point of view, of
s enabled the executive
tain a handsome return
ents, taking into con-
ndoubted security offer -
of investment.
and funeral benefit and
show larger increases for
y previous year. Inter -
investments of sick and
t funds, which are of a
to those made of the in -
amounted to 812,208.0.4,
payment of nearly 7,000
1 benefit claims, amount -
30, the sum of $51,783. -
the balance in this de -
of the
er review. The total
to the credit of this
ent date is $306,927.03.
membership also sub -
was made. The net
's operations showing
10; the membership of
31, 1912, standing at
nefits accruing from
the ordinary sick and
department of this
at special provision is
those of its members
ing from tubercular
kind, a special grant
their care in any of a
riums provided in this
I treatment of patients
result of the yoea
an increase of 4,
the order on Dec
Besides the b
life insurance an
funeral benefit
order, we note tl
being made for
who are sufie
e very careful to troubles of any
information from being made for
who are on the number of sanit
ible to buy Intel- country for spec
and one should not
so afflicted.
real estate agent. A point of sp
ents to make the ing the eautiou
eir commission. death rate, whi
per thousand,
perienee of thi
5,25 per cent p
Good boy wanted. Apply at Christie's
cial interest as indicat-
selection of risks is the
h for 1912 was only 5.78
d over the order's ex-
ty-three years less than
r thousand.
We have some very pretty and
dainty, Soft Sole, Nature t•haped,
"First Shoes for Baby."
Delicate shades of Pink, Blue,
Tan and albite Kid, also Patent
Leathers and Tan Kid with White
Tops, ete., ete.
Then, there are very trim little
Slippers in many styles.
25c, 50c, and $ 1.25
These soft little Ha by Shoes are
very carefully and daintly made.
Come to see, for we're the Store for
Baby Shoes!
we V. 6REER
( Forty years ago our cousins south
of the line were singing "Uncle Sam
is rich enough to give us all a farm"
and thousands upon thousands of
Canadians accepted the offer and
settled in the Western States, but
now ibe situation is changed, Uncle
Sam has no more farms to give away.
and the people are treking north and >.
west to the great provinces of Sast,:-
atchewan and Alberta. The Great
Home Land is rapidly filling up, peo-
ple are flocking in from all over the
world, every day two new schen]
houses are opened, the railroads are
being rapidly extended in all direc-
tions, the buffalo runs have given
place to broad fields of grain and
wealthy cities have grown up where
only a few short years ago nothing
but the smoke from the Indians
teepee blurred the evening sky.
( Two great facts stand forth pro -
5 minently as one studies the condi-
tions in our great west at present, viz:
(1) The people must have railroads.
(2) The railroads must have people.
This brings us to the subject of the
C.P.R. ready made farms in Alberta,
for which we are sole agents. A113
preliminary improvements made,
house, barn, well, 30 acres under
crop, etc. Nothing to do but move
into the house and go to work. The
chance of a lifetime.
Ritchie & Cosos
Town OFFice for C.P.R. Tickets.
Painting and Paper Hanging
Mr. S. A. Gary, late of Owen Sound,
is here prepared to do all kinds of
painting and paper hanging. All work
guaranteed. Anyone having work to
would do well to call at W. H. David-
son or write to P. 0. Box 232.
FOR RENT.—Offices with a good fire-
proof vault. Apply to J. A. Morton,
barrister, Wingham.
PASTURE TO LET --Parties wanting
pasture apply to W. J. Deyell, P. 0.
Box 281, Wingharn.
AT H01'1E
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are Past preparing in ir own
homes to occupy lucrative mittens tim
stenographers, boohkeeper4,telegraph•
ers, civil servants, in fact every sphi re
of Business Activities. You may finish
at college if you wish. Positions guar-
anteed. Enter college any day Indi-
vidual instruction. ];evert teachers.
Thirty year's expo i, a ... Lerl;ost
trainers in (vends. se‘ en con, g• v.
Special course for teach ol s
with Commercial Educa-
tors' Association of Canada Summer
School at the famous Spotton business
College, London.
Wingham Busines College
Geo. Spotter, sr. T. verse,
Pr esid( nt. 3 s t,,, ,pal.