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The Wingham Times, 1913-06-05, Page 8
MMPI,,■, roll■ ■ Mothers We Wish To Bring To Your Notice Our Particularly Good Display of Hot Weather Slippers for the Kiddies. We know you are very busy and probably • have not the time at ) our disposal to read discriptions of the nice lines we have in stock and therefore refer you to DISPLAY IN NORTH WINDOW. This cut] shows you one of the most popular lines for algia,,. Girls, Children and Infants. e. TAKE A LOOK AT OUR NORTH WINDOW WILLIS & CO. Sl,le Agents THE SHOE STORE sfruCl for Ladies. a. :{11101• III01: "11:11. :I,yl I11i. Ell I�1!I Ciilll. 11'11: Ili IMI- :yll4. CIIMI�I�I: • r'41" elee :SII EV :11X1 ler Y1i111 :1111 :91r C�I! 111 Pr l,12 ull. 1,71 r Grand Trunk Railway System Town Wicket Office • -wr .. WINGJW4 TIMES JUNE r, 1913 We can issue through tickets via popular routes, to any point in America —East, West, South, Northwest, Mani- toba, Pacific Coast, etc. Baggage checked through to destina- tion and full information given whereby travelling will be made pleasant and free from annoyance. Tourist and return tickets to above points also on sale at lowest figures, and with all prevailing advantages. Single and return tickets to any point in Ontario. Your business will be ap- preciated, be your trip a short or a long one. H. B. ELLIOTT Town Agent G.T.R. Times Office, Wingham, Ont MINOR LOCALS. —The regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next Tuesday evening. —The Royal Gwent Glee Singers in the Wingham opera house on Friday evening, June 20th. Wingham Citizens' Band will fur- nish music at a garden party in James- town next Tuesday evening. —.According to the Assessor's returns Walkerton's population grew from 3,077 to 3,138, on increase of 61 during the year. —Tuesday was King George's birth - and the day was observed as a holiday by the High and Public Schools and the banks. —Mrs. Wm. Wesley, wife of the pub- lisher of the Walkerton Herald -Times, died suddenly while visiting with her daughter in Toronto. — Miss Margaret and Mr. Ezra Po- cock wish to heartily thank all the friends and Hospital staff for all the kindness shown to their motheer in her recent operation. —Any person wishing a real estate investment where they may double their money in a very short time. Apply Box B, Times office, or direct at this office. This offer is open for only a few days. —Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Chapman of Teeswater, Ont., announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Effie, to Mr. T. N. Treleaven of Saskatoon, Sask., the marriage to take place the latter part of June. —Mr. and Mrs. James Stapleton, of Turnberry, announce the engagement cf their eldest daughter, Vera E., to Mr. Fred A. Beatty, of Toronto, the marriage to take place on Thursday, June 12th. —Farmers' Excursion to Guelph will be held on Monday, .June 23rd. Special train and tickets good to return on the following day. This makes one of the best outings of the year. --A new time table went into effect on the C.Y.R. on Sunday. There are slight changes here. The noon train now arrives from Toronto at 12.40 p.m, in place of 12.41 p.m. and the night train from Toronto at 10.22 in place of 10.17. The afternoon train for Toronto leaves at 3.05 in place of 3.10. —Mr. A. D. McKenzie, former editor, of the Lucknow Sentinel and Teeswater News, has disposed of his newspaper and allied interests in Wilkie, Sask., and is returning east to visit with his mother, who has been dangerously ill in Culross. Mr. McKenzie is a brother of Mrs. W._ A. Fryfogle of this town. CHURCH NOTES. The London Conference of the Meth- odist Church ie meeting in London this week. Next Sunday, owing to the absence of Rev. D. Perrie, there will be no ser- vice in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in the morning. In the evening a song service will be held and Dr. A. J. Irwin will have charge of service. Owing to the absence of Rev. Dr. Rutledge. who is attending Conference, for next Sunday in the Methodist Church Mr. J. W. Ansley will preach in the morning and the evening service will be in charge of the Epworth League and Miss Wellwnorl wall elelivel' en address, Women's Institute Meeting. A public meeting will be held under the Auspices of the West Huron Wom- en's Institute, to be addressed by Miss Gilholm, of Bright, in the Council Chamber, Wingham, June, 12th, at 3 p.m. Subject "Our Opportunities." The local branch will also provide some of the programme. A table of home made baking will be for sale at ose of the meeting. All Ladies co ially in- vited as this is a public me ing. Men and Boys _ 4nted. Steady work in the wo working factory. Taylor, Scott & Co., Palmerston, Ont. Summer Tourist Rates to th ' Pacific Coast. Via Chicago and North ' estern Rail- way, special low rate ro d trip tickets on sale from all points ' Canada to Los Angeles, San Fra i o, Portland, Tac- oma, Seattle, Vane. •ver, Victoria, etc., etc., during June, July, August, and September. Excellent train service. For rates, illustrated folders, time tables and full particulars, address B. H. Bennett, General Agent, 4G'Yonge Street Toronto, Ont. RMo1 itxis the death occurred in Concord, Ca:0 forma, on Saturday, May 17, of George ,'shite Hetherington, aged 49 years and -nCrnths, The deceased was a former Westford boy, brother of Chris. Hether- ington, of Culross. He left his home here 'u8 years ago, returning only once afterwards, and his life since that time was spent principally in mining. Death .vas caused by his being struck by a conveyor belt iii t11l mine in which he was working. The remains were sent home, arriving on the 24th inst., and the funeral was held on Monday, the 266, to Teeswater cemetery. Four brothers of the family survive, viz.: Robert, of let line, Morris; William, of Wilkie, Sask.; James, of Valley Springs, N. D. and Christopher, at home. AUCTION SALE— On turday, June 7th., Mr, D. E. Mc o' .Id will hold an auction sale of lair ows in the village of Teeswater. Successful High School Students. The following 1Vingham High School students have graduated in Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Education at Tor- onto University:—Miss Gertie Cruick- shank, general course. Miss Irene Davis, English and History. Clifford Pugh and Thomas E. Robinson, PhiolL ogy. Miss Cora Currie and J Cannon Strothers, permament first-class certi- ficates. Miss Maud Fryfogle, Roy Gal- laher, Gordon Goble, Will Hiscocks, Miss Viola Isard and Andrew Wallace, interim first-class certificates. Miss Cora Currie, Roy Gallagher, Gordon Gable, Will Hiscochs, J Cannon Strot- hers and Andrew Wallace, interim High School assistants' certificates. Harry Dore, interim second-class certi- ficate. Canidates who have been successful and have reached the age of 21 years and who have taught in Public Schools receive a Permament First Class Certificate and an Interim High School Assistant's Certificate. Those of 21 years of age who have not taught receive an Interim First Class and an Interim High School Assistant's Certi- ficate. Others receive an Interim First Class Certificate and will receive the other certificates on reaching the re- quired age with experience in teaching. WANTED—A good strong boy to learn tinsmithing and plumbing. Apply to W. J. Boyce. BABY'S TEETHING TIME. Mothers find baby's teething a source of great anxiety —the little one becomes restless. and nervous; he becomes cross and cannot sleep, and sometimes consti- pation, diarrhoea, colic or convulsions seize him. Baby's Own Tablets will prevent all this. They regulate the stomach and bowels; allay the feverish- ness, and baby will cut his teeth with- out pain or worry. The tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. HO RN. FRY In Wingham Hospital, on June 1st, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fry; a daughter. WooD—In Wingham, on June, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wood; a daughter. MED. MARSHALL- In Wingham on June 3rd, Violet 3. Cooper, wife of Mr. H. J. Marshall, in her 28th year. ENANs--In Blyth, on May 23,Benjamin Evans, aged 79 years, 5 months and 8 days. POLLARD -.In Blyth, on May 29th, Williazn Pollard, aged 75 years, 11 mos. and 16 days. BOSSIAN—In Turnberry, on May 28th, John Henry Orval Bosman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Bosman, aged 3 weeks. Roriersolv--In McKillop township, on May 2• th, the beloved wife of Richard Robinson, aged 56 years and 5 months. ADDIR—In Grey township, on May 26th, David Addie, aged 81 years. DAVIDSON -• In McKillop township, on May 26th, Thomas Davidson, aged 66 years, 11 months and 14 days. Dr. R. F. Parker Osteopath and Eye Specialist AT MR. J. STALKER'S Tuesday's I1.30 a.m. to Wednesday's 11 a.m. Imported Perchron Stallion Jaz- eneuil (88,579) (2909). Jateaeu1l was bred by Mr. Chalapine, Frdne.e, and was imported by tl0ott Baa. East Wawahoah, in 1012, foaled .April 10th, 1000, He is a beautiful horse of a dark dapple grey with light Mane and tail. 11e Is a thick -set horse with heavy Meeks and the heat of feet and limbs: stands 10 hands high, tvi11 make gyma tun borer', 311i,i lie , Aare fortbie alp,', Sire l ltalnpion-ex-Robson 1150,21, ' Bally, l'b'asealino 0100'101. Route:—MONDAV:•-T ,aCb his own n s ,lr• lot 811 con.. n r .taid Proceed 2 ii end o Alex Rim tout's, Fordyce, for noon • twat triton Wither - head's, for night. TirRSDAY;-•-To Walter Lott's, Whitechurch, for noon; and along- the boundary to Zetland and to his own stable and remain until Friday morning. FRIDAY; To Belgrave and Henry Johnston's, 5th line, Morris. for noon; tveat to Sunshine corner and to Archie Herr's, 3rd line, Morris, for bight. SATURDAY.—To Wingham to Lepard's Hotel staale 1 r noon , and then to his own Stable. and remain until Monday morn Ing TERMS. to Insure $15 00. Psr1;fes Paying be- fore .April 1st. 1014, will. be refunded $1.00. 'Phone 1.3 on 021 SCOTT BROS., Prep. Belgrave; Ont BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the ..2fitazr/&ere, Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON. ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free, Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Principal Is Chartered Accountant Ell 1 HAL " %• STEATfi ORC9. 0Nfi.V We have thorough courses and competent, experienced instructors. We do more for our students and graduates than do other schools. At present we have applications offering from $600 to $1,200 per annum for trained help. Business men know where to get the best help. We have three departments: Commercial. Shorthand and Telegraphy Get our free catalogue. D. A. McLACHLAN PRINCIPAL. CAND TRUN:f .$ EMf: HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS To Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta. Each Tuesday until October 28 in- clusive via Chicago or Sarnia. WINNIPEG and RETURN - $35,00 EDMONTON and RETURN - 43.00 Proportionate low rates• to other points. Return limit two months. Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars are operated to Winnipeg with- out change via Chicago and St. Paul, leaving Toronto 11.00 p.m. on above dates. Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. R B. ELLIOTT, Town Passenger & Ticket Agent,Phone 4. W. F. BURsIe,Arrl, Station Tibket Agent, Phone 50. 4.©044W00.404000004004000000 4, o 4. 4, fM a 4 lrxy+.. g: 4 ,p JOIN NOW! 13, Go., 33rd REGIMENT ; 7.; 0 Goes to Camp June 16th to June 27th, at London for Training Manoeuvres. • Rates of pay $1,00' to $1.25 per day) Every- thing found, 0 eC C 1i6Yie •o J. A. MANN, OiNSLEY HOUSE. 'Phone 30. It. E. N. BARRON, phone 65 B. 4, O • e 0 1st. T. SINCLAIR, Capt. e WINGHAM, ON's. 4 o itop0404b4449944m4p004444444. CI 1 1 Gus) I KING BROS. PRICES RIGHT The New Store With The New Goods High, Merit in Clothes For Men Who Care West of England Serge Suits Priced at $ 18.50 We call your atten- tion to this particular number and can safely say it is the best for the money. English Tweed and Worsted Suits We are showing ' a very large range of these in the new grey and brown effects. Prices $10 to 820. Black Vicunna Suits For men who care for something, real gentile will find this line ex- ceptionally good. Price 818 50. . Semi Tailored Odd Pants • Very exclusive in de. sign and values which will please y o u . Prices 83.50, 84.00, 85.00 and 86.00. The Most of Style and Service in Gents' Furnishings 1 ie Arrow Brand Collars, made in Arrow Brand Shirts, $1,50 to sizes, 3 for 50c. a'0 1 o Gents' Fine Straw Sailors, ad ;EA' $1.50 to 83.00. C4 Fowne's Kid Gloves, guaran- teed quality, 81 75. Fowne's Grey Swede Gloves, guaranteed quality, 82.00. Radium Silk and Lisle Hosiery, 25c to $1.00 per pair. Penman's Fine Wool and Balbriggan Underwear in combination or 2 piece suits. Prices $1.00 suit to $3.00, PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. Phone and Mail Orders given prompt attention KING ROSR PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE 0 404 40000000.0040440004 0 04,044 COOPER & HERMAN This and Next Weeks Specials (s A A 0 O Q> N Ob 0 0 a A O 0 4 We offer you herewith a few of our lines below cost for this week and next week. Don't miss 9 this opportunity. $ 8 Men's three pieee Suits, they were sold at Toronto at $8, we offer a them for $4,98. o 3 dozen Men's Stiff Bats, all latest styles, low and medium Shapes, s regular $2.00, for 98c.• Boy's Knickers and Bloomers, sizes 24 to 33, all colors, good quality, regular 76e at 49e, o Men's Rain Coats, guaranteed waterproof, should be sold at 88, we • will sell them at $4,98. • • Remember to come before anybody else, maybe if you would not be here early tbere would not be anything lett for you. i 0 v ' Cooper & Herman s • The Bargain Store • X Opposite Presbyterian Church, Wingham e 4444,4,•1t4400004+44•444•44.9 O4O4.0000000A000Od404444.4'4 TENDERS F R RESERVOIR.TENDERS R' LAYING WAT RMAIN. TendersI i w undersigned up' Tuesday, June struction of Co feet and 12 fee fle:ttions Carl b . Undersigned. net necessarily, be i'aeived by the 0 4 o'clock p.m., on 0th 1913,for the con- crete e Reservoir, 40 x 40 deep. Plans and speci- seen at the office of the the lowest or and tender accepted. P. GROVES, irk, Town of Wingham. Tenders will bt signed u to 4 da , June loth, 1 day, R h 920 feet o f inc tion to furnish al to furnish all lab and specification office of the and or any tender no �reetived by the un- clock.III , on Tues - 13, 13, for the laying of waterpipe. Corpora material; Contractor r and tools. Plans can be seen at the signed. The lowest necessarily accepted. OHN F. GROVES, Town Clerk of Wingham. WOOL WANTED In large quantities, Cash or Trade. I am prepared to buy any quantity of .Wool at the highest market price. Never has this store been in a better position to serve the wants of the people than at present. Nimgammomm IMO We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheeting, Sheets and Blank- ets, all of the best make. Men's and Boys' Suits, made to fit, and fit to wear. wisitiminniaimmingswain Ladies' Waists, Skirts and Dress Materials. monmommirsinatagemmmatiolimmuntion Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best Grade of Flour always in stock. Produce of All Kinds Wanted. J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. 1VlilIs PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. na IiINS. :11Ip. :1110 : 141, 1111 112, tlVl: 11 pp1D $a ,1.1111■ . III. : girt "�iiii.•. 151 elliii Puri: !MR 1,11141 ** altINEMMINUMMINEWOur CANADIAN HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each Tuesday until October 28th. Winnipeg and Return •- $35.00 Edmonton and Return -• 43.00 Other points in proportion. Return Limit two months, flOrIESEEKER5' TRAIN leaves Toronto 2.00 p m. each Tuesday May to August, inclusive. Best train to take. Upper Lakes Navigation. Steamers leave Port McNichol, Mondays Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, for Sault Ste. Marie, Port Ar- thur and Fort William. The steamer"Manitoba" sailing from Port McNicon on Wednesdays will call at Owen Sound, leaving that point 10.30 p.m. COMMENCING MAY 10. Steamship" Express leaves Toronto 12 95p.m. on sailing days, making direct e'nnections with Steamers at Port McNicoll. General change of time June 1st Get particulars from Ritchie & Cosens, Town Agents, 'Phone 123. J. H. Beemer, Station Agent, 'Phohe 7. 4.©044W00.404000004004000000 4, o 4. 4, fM a 4 lrxy+.. g: 4 ,p JOIN NOW! 13, Go., 33rd REGIMENT ; 7.; 0 Goes to Camp June 16th to June 27th, at London for Training Manoeuvres. • Rates of pay $1,00' to $1.25 per day) Every- thing found, 0 eC C 1i6Yie •o J. A. MANN, OiNSLEY HOUSE. 'Phone 30. It. E. N. BARRON, phone 65 B. 4, O • e 0 1st. T. SINCLAIR, Capt. e WINGHAM, ON's. 4 o itop0404b4449944m4p004444444. CI 1 1 Gus) I KING BROS. PRICES RIGHT The New Store With The New Goods High, Merit in Clothes For Men Who Care West of England Serge Suits Priced at $ 18.50 We call your atten- tion to this particular number and can safely say it is the best for the money. English Tweed and Worsted Suits We are showing ' a very large range of these in the new grey and brown effects. Prices $10 to 820. Black Vicunna Suits For men who care for something, real gentile will find this line ex- ceptionally good. Price 818 50. . Semi Tailored Odd Pants • Very exclusive in de. sign and values which will please y o u . Prices 83.50, 84.00, 85.00 and 86.00. The Most of Style and Service in Gents' Furnishings 1 ie Arrow Brand Collars, made in Arrow Brand Shirts, $1,50 to sizes, 3 for 50c. a'0 1 o Gents' Fine Straw Sailors, ad ;EA' $1.50 to 83.00. C4 Fowne's Kid Gloves, guaran- teed quality, 81 75. Fowne's Grey Swede Gloves, guaranteed quality, 82.00. Radium Silk and Lisle Hosiery, 25c to $1.00 per pair. Penman's Fine Wool and Balbriggan Underwear in combination or 2 piece suits. Prices $1.00 suit to $3.00, PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. Phone and Mail Orders given prompt attention KING ROSR PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE 0 404 40000000.0040440004 0 04,044 COOPER & HERMAN This and Next Weeks Specials (s A A 0 O Q> N Ob 0 0 a A O 0 4 We offer you herewith a few of our lines below cost for this week and next week. Don't miss 9 this opportunity. $ 8 Men's three pieee Suits, they were sold at Toronto at $8, we offer a them for $4,98. o 3 dozen Men's Stiff Bats, all latest styles, low and medium Shapes, s regular $2.00, for 98c.• Boy's Knickers and Bloomers, sizes 24 to 33, all colors, good quality, regular 76e at 49e, o Men's Rain Coats, guaranteed waterproof, should be sold at 88, we • will sell them at $4,98. • • Remember to come before anybody else, maybe if you would not be here early tbere would not be anything lett for you. i 0 v ' Cooper & Herman s • The Bargain Store • X Opposite Presbyterian Church, Wingham e 4444,4,•1t4400004+44•444•44.9 O4O4.0000000A000Od404444.4'4 TENDERS F R RESERVOIR.TENDERS R' LAYING WAT RMAIN. TendersI i w undersigned up' Tuesday, June struction of Co feet and 12 fee fle:ttions Carl b . Undersigned. net necessarily, be i'aeived by the 0 4 o'clock p.m., on 0th 1913,for the con- crete e Reservoir, 40 x 40 deep. Plans and speci- seen at the office of the the lowest or and tender accepted. P. GROVES, irk, Town of Wingham. Tenders will bt signed u to 4 da , June loth, 1 day, R h 920 feet o f inc tion to furnish al to furnish all lab and specification office of the and or any tender no �reetived by the un- clock.III , on Tues - 13, 13, for the laying of waterpipe. Corpora material; Contractor r and tools. Plans can be seen at the signed. The lowest necessarily accepted. OHN F. GROVES, Town Clerk of Wingham. WOOL WANTED In large quantities, Cash or Trade. I am prepared to buy any quantity of .Wool at the highest market price. Never has this store been in a better position to serve the wants of the people than at present. Nimgammomm IMO We have Wroxeter Yarn, Sheeting, Sheets and Blank- ets, all of the best make. Men's and Boys' Suits, made to fit, and fit to wear. wisitiminniaimmingswain Ladies' Waists, Skirts and Dress Materials. monmommirsinatagemmmatiolimmuntion Rugs, Carpets, Linoleums, Floor Oilcloths, etc. Best Grade of Flour always in stock. Produce of All Kinds Wanted. J. A. MILLS Successor to T. A. 1VlilIs PRONE 89. WINGHAM, ONT. na IiINS. :11Ip. :1110 : 141, 1111 112, tlVl: 11 pp1D $a ,1.1111■ . III. : girt "�iiii.•. 151 elliii Puri: !MR 1,11141 ** altINEMMINUMMINEWOur