HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-06-05, Page 6SCARCITY OF LAEOR FORCING i.AND INTO GRASS. From one and of the Province to the ether the cry goes up for hell= en the kland. The call is voiced in The Sun's ,'special rt_ports on the present situation on the farm. It is voiced with Nun] vigor in the spring bulk tin of the Pe tapertinent of Agriculture, extracts from which are also given in this issue. De- e of the scareity of help land all • (aver Wean) is going taut o, eelovation land is being laid down in pasture. The rancl:iiet system is net beim; applied to • broken land merely; it is being., adopted in Mariposa to Victoria, in Middlesex, and in others of the very best town, hips. It is not in remota` sections that pro- duction is being curtailed owing to the '° •shortag; of help i'quired for prodnet- a son. Itis in townships adjoining Toror- , to and other centres that the ctinpiaint of l«tbour scarcity is meet insistent. Never was there more general dissatis- faction among Ontario farmers than there is just now. Nevar was the situ- ation of the Province, from aa. agricul- tural standpoint, more critical. Numerous remedies are being propes- «1, but non:' seem to ton,'h the point. Grineirening tlae cine hest, as proposed by some, will simply aggravate the evil by spreading o.;r people :till more thinly upon the land. Ii,. re money for high way building in Old Ontario will not solve the difficulty. McGillivray. with 200 miles of gravelled highway and with a fine leading road tuning right in- to London is going into grass. A Fed- eral grant of a million a year for mere educational work will not bele. It le not more knowledge of how to do it but more man power with which to do it that is needed. The country is covered with educators while land remains un- titled. Something more radical and far-reaching than any or all of these things is called for. The condition un - tier which the GROSS RETURNS from agriculture on the capital invested there- in are less than the PROFITS on capit- al invested in manuftac.urieg, must be changed. -Sun. 799 L5GYAti. Vi. V$17o-lSF3 1.,."1 •., • is teat ilirect tote, .ts by the a IanrovedL n..r.11ca,stheulcers. clears the air na•:sae;es. stops drop. rags in the throat and perr. aneut- ly cures Catarrh and Fisk Fever. 25c. abox; to! :ncr7 free. ti,Yrrt rc :- substitutes. Ail do lois or Eetuanson, Sates & Co., Limited, Toronto. PRACTICAL RECORDS. Almost every dairy farmer who com- mences to weigh and sample his cows' milk individually says at the end of a few months "I find some in my herd were kept ata loss". Some men find only one or two cows, others state that they have found too many in the herd play a losing game. NEW ;VIUSKOKA TRAIN. Now leaving Toronto leen a. ni. daily, except Sunday, arriving Musl:o1 a Wharf 1.4tt p. m. making direct connec- tion with steamers for all points on Muskoka Lakes. A brand new train. ecnsistirg of bag- gage car, Vestibule Coaches, and par"er- Library-Buffet ear will be operated at:ti passengers are assured of a comfortt,ble ride along the most intertetirgroute to Muskoka Wharf, which is the eriginal gateway to the far-famed Muskoka Fakes. This train runs right toside of steam- ' er at Muskoka Wlaarf, thus avoiding any ineonvenieneo to passengers. Return connection is made with train leaving Muskoka Wharf at 'iii. is a. m. deity, except Sunday, arriving Toronto ,l.lti p. m. Ttenrists Tie1 ets at reduced rates are row er sale to Muskoka resorts. good 1 for stop -over at any point and good to return until November ettle bile. Full particulars aid tickets from Grand Trunk Agents. H. 1). Elliott Town Passenger and Ticket Agent. Phone 4. A. F. Burgenan,Station Ticket Agent. Phone 450. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR 1A FOR PROTECTION OF MOTORISTS. (Exchange) A gentknan with a "grouch" has drawn up the following brief summary of the provisions of a bili for the pro- tection of motorists, The preample points out the great annoyance mental anguish. and damage topreperty, which are oceassioned to motorists by pedes- trians getting in front of their cars and suffering either death or serious injury. It declares that there is already sufficient strain on the nerves of the owner of a motor car without its being aggravated by the constant necessity of keeping a lookout for incautious foot passengers. The. bill asks: 1• That persons on foot be allowed to cross a street only at certain points two hundred yards apart to be marked by posts. 2 That persons on foot shall be com- pelled to carry a red flag and wave it at least a minute before attempting a crossing. 3. That every person struck by an automobile, whether on the appointed crossings or elsewhere, shall be at once placed under arrest and taken to the hospital under police surveillance if seriously hurt, and to the police station if their injuries shall be of aminor nat- ure. 1. That the penalty for being struck shall be, in the case of a first offence a fine of y200 and six months in the com- What does this paean? Just this: ?non jail, for the second offence a fine That despite all the experience gained ofzOs, and two years, and for a third iroro years c f practical dair' irg, the c roe life knee:sor:mt nt and confisca- 1arri;c•r diads that in order io become tion ef all the otgender's property. thorougbty `practical' ha must requisi- ,s. That all persons killed by being tion the aid of dairy records. Neither struck by an automobile shall be refus- the cows appearance, nor the owner's t -d the right of Christian burial. Half lenowledge of tome short -period yield of Vet it lrnperty to go to the owner of milk (extraordinary .s that yield of the ear. mill: may have been for atlas., or one That newspapers be prohibited week, or. a month) will testify with , lishing any details of automobile certainty to each individual cow's abiti- dents. ty to pey her wry for tee whole year. ("o. its, -in,: Int:vides a simple end emi- nently practical way of discovering. not only if ea:'h craw trays, but which cows ray the most profit on the twelve months' trancaetie.n or feed =Fumed, and milk and fat lirc'c:t.eed. Those large profit ce-^'s are re;: casted o.);;• by practical cow testing. Cow;; are apt to cheat unsuspecting dairymen melees he keeps tab on the per- formance of each one; many dairymen have found the cut to their. utter as- tonishment and regret. Don't 'take AN INSECT INJURIOUS TO CATTLE chances with your herd, be certain that RAISING. eat eow pays; it.pays cru to find out. I:±:;iv,dual cow records help the practi- cal fernier to build up aproftableberd. Cattle raisers in almost all parts of Canada are familiar with the small lumps that appear on the backs of their Electric Restorer for Men animals during the winter months and IDLsnsi honol restores every nerve in the body " t+ its proper tension ; restores from which white grubs or maggots v:s to 1 Cita' a. Premature d.''•av anti all s xaai emerge at a later date. Many theories a .ttc3 et Ince. Ph®ophoaol t..,/ nw;:e 1;...1 a new loan. Price S8 a box. or two for eNtst as t0 the exact life history of the $6,°0..6-.1Cataxiin_s dgnt. Tho9coloilDrug insect, known as the Warble Fly, of which the white grub is the larva, The A vegetarian may live longer than' opinion generally held that the eggs are other )People; then, again, it may only laid on the backs of the cattle, and when sC' art 1<,nl;er. hatched work their way beneath the skin, is proved by careful investigation I-4 the residence of a Connecticut to be incorrect. Dr. Sey niour Hadwin, Paan there has bee.: installed a private 1 t Assistant Pathologist of the Health notion picture theatre, so located that guests can view the pictures. as from a of Animals Branch the Dominion ,1.lepartmont of Agricucu lture, who has Si gas or Iiiciney Trouhte. pub- acci- In the early stages kidney troubles are known by backache and urinary disor- del's. Later come dropsy, stone, rheu- matic pains, and perhaps diabetes. But don't wait for these. Dr. Chase's Kid- ney -Liver Pills will help you in a few hours. Their thorough action on the liver, kidneys and bowels will clear away the pains and aches and make you web again. bo::, while at the dinner table. !studied the subject, claims that the eggs catarrh cannot 136 -0 are i. + are not laid on the back but on the legs cvi h LOCAL APPLICATIONS, its they can- I of the cattle. This appear' to bear out Tanners consulted on the a!ibject claim that during tee "grubby season," ex- tending from January to July, from 251 to 75 per cent. of hides are warbled and I that about 20 per cent.. of Canadian , hides are more or less damaged. The extent of damage is variously estimat- ed by 10 large tanners to be from about 50 cents to $1.9 per hide; the estimate of one Ontario tanner was 10 per cent, which is equal to $191,000 per annum, The author observes that the man who undoubtedly loses is the farmer; the tanner does not want warbled hides at any price and several of them testify that they buy hides only during the sea- son when hides are not grubby. Ile estimates the annual loss to be between kdiet reach the seat of the disease. (a- the theory that the newly batched in- tlliikksh is a blood or constitutional disease, sects are licked by the animals and thus eta in order to cure it you must take r taken into the system and ultimately ilbttli'nal remedies. Hall's Catarrh ('sure is�laken internally, and acts directly on ' tom+ blood and mucous surface. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine, It was prescribed by one of the best phpaieians in the country for years and is areauler prescription. It is Composed Of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting i daft :stJ per relit, This bulletin of twenty pages, which is the first to have been issued on the subject in Canada, is helpfully illustrat- ed. Copies will be mailed in response to applications made for it to the Pub- lications Branch of the Department of Agriculture at Ottawa. Cidamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Aiar- rhuea 1Zentedy, Every family without exception should keep this preparation at hand during thehotweatherof the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera, and Diar- rhoea Remedy is worth many times its cost when needed before the summer is over. It has no superior for the pur- poses for which it is intended. Buy it now. For sale by all dealers. It's a comforting thought than there are people in the world who are worse then we are. More small towns in Norway use el- ectricity than in any other country, owing to the abundance of water power. Dr. de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse aachoeaxp, or imtihraeteiofnosr.$1D0.r.MilVeanosanayreasdodlrdesast Th. Scobell Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Women are peculiar. They'll cry all afternoon over something trivial and when they have a real cause for tears they can't cry. Shake Off Your Rheumatism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Chamberlain's Liniment and see how quickly your rheumatic pains disappear. Sold by all dealers. To test milk dip a well polished knit- ting needle into a pitcher of milk and quickly withdraw it in an upright posi- tion. If the milk has only a small pro- portion of water this will prevent•even a drop of milk adhering to the needle. find their way to the backs where they develop beneath the skin. The matter (}f chief importance to' the cattle raiser is not the exact course taken by the insect within the body of the cattle beast butrttther the economic effect of the grubs upon theibusiness of ltreetlv on mucous surfaces. Thie cattle raising.. To throw light n this ;perfect combination of the two ingred- ents is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. r. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. :old by Druggists, price 75c.Take Hall's Family Pills for constipa- tion. plisse of the subject Dr. Iladwin has written a bulletin, which is numbered 16 of the Health of Animals Branch, dealing with the economic aspect of warble flies. In this it is shown that ,enormous losses occur each year through damage to hides caused by these insects, Csu't Reeb it Secret. . This splendid work of Chamberlain's Tablets is daily becoming more widely known. No such grand remedy for stomach and liver troubles has ever been known. For sale by all dealers. LARC w Q SUER. The Fellow Who Made a Bad Guess and Was Embarrassed. Two men sat in the nubile room of a local hotel.. Neither of them could read or write, and each was ignorant of the other's failing. A waiter, coming into the room, banded one of then a telegram. He opened it at once and pretended to read, sating as he did so. "Very good—very good indeed:" loud enough for the other to hoar, He then hand- ed him the telegram, asking him if he would advise him to accept the offer. No. 2 also pretended to read and said that it was very good, but he could not think of advising him in a matter of that sort. The first man then got a telegram form to write his acceptance of the offer he pretended he had received. Not being able to write, he pretended that he had sprained his wrist and asked No. 2 to write it for him. But be at once refused on the plea that they would recognize his handwriting. The waiter was then called in, and No. 1 addressed him as follows: "Will you kindly answer this tele• grain for me?" handing it to him to read. "Tell them I'll take a dozen at a dollar per head." "But, sir," said the waiter, "there must be some mistake. That is not the answer to this surely. Your tele- gram says, 'Come at once; twins.'" "Great Segtt!" yelled the man. "I've given you the wrong onel" And be hastily departed amid the Laughter of the eompany. New York loulnal. WL? lA31 Tim 1','S JU111i. 5, 1913 GOT ALONG ALL RIGHT.. The Father's Feere For His Son's Susi- nese Ability Were Groundless. ne`aONIEBOPY ought to offer a prize for the best "demand cut dia- mond" story. Such poetic justice is putted oft day after day, but the dra- matte quality is only recognized by the victirus of the system, Here is a flue tustanee, no less poignant because it happens to be true: 1 eertaiu Cleveland youth went out to Nevada a year or so ago to "seek his fortune," «ts they say in the romances, iteeently he returned home. Ws father had sent him forth that he might learn to ,t11111 011 his owes legs. We must ane • der:.tang neither father nor son was a helper nor anything like it Well, when the boy got home be told his father that he clad bought a flue silver Paine for• $10,000. `i knew they'd get you, you linguini. tied dub!" stormed the father. "Ilui, dad, 1 (P'lo't lose anything on it." answered the kid. "Yon didn't? Well, you will. But why 40 you think you didn't?" "1 farmed a company and sold it out for S;iu.0ltO." "You -you--where did you place the stoe•k?" "In Cleveland." "Great snakes; 111 bet a million that I'm the Ulan Haat bought it!" "i)on't bet, dad. You'd win, and I enn't afford to let you do tbati"—Cleve• rand Plain Dealer, When She Gave In. A domestic gnarret was in progress. (loaded beyond ondurance at his in- difference, she rose to ber feet at Inst and exclaimed in accents wild and dra- matic: "1 will go: 1 will not lire a single in- stant longer with n man such as you a r•e!" "Mena that?" queried the husband, glaircieg up for second over the top of his paper. "1 do," came the reply, in a voice cleverly laded with tears. Then. with a slight wavering of the dignity. albeit still in measured tones, "but why do you ask?" "Oh. nothing really"—and the cruel brute only partially hid a widening griu—"only I should tell the police my wife bad mysteriously disappeared and should then furnish them with a de- scription of her. I should say she had carroty hair, squinted, wore nines in boots, possessed n jaw of almost mas- culine immensity, sniffed painfully ev- ery other second and that her voice"— But she had left the room—to take off her hat—and so missed the remain- der of the details.—Answers. -1-1-14-e-1-1-1-444-1-1-1-1-144-14-1-44+-14 '1- '1' Two Reasons. Some old maids are that way because they ran away from the • men. And others are that way • because they ran after the men. 4- —Cincinnati Enquirer. -' 444 4-1-1-1 I I I 4-1-1 1 I I 1 I 4 -1 -1• -1 -1 -1 -I -I' Speaking of Clothes. Louis Tiffany, at the Egyptian fete that be recently gave in his New York studio, was led by the magnificence of some of the Egyptian vestments of his guests to say: "These beautiful robes make me think of an old fellow whom I once met on a cold day down south. "The air was bleak, and it beat on the old fellow's flesh through the many holes in his . tattered garments. Yet, despite his tatters, be had a whole side of bacon on his shoulder. " `Uncle,' said 1, 'why don't you spend your money on a warm coat in- stead of on all that bacon?' "The old man answered gravely: "sah, when 1 asks my back for credit I giis it.' "Tben, patting and rubbing his stom- ach. he added: "•:;tit dis gayer, sah—dis Bayer al. way, ,mils for cash: "—Detroit Free Press. Dependency of Man. Al Pepperdine had called upon his niece to unburden his marital woes. One of his chief grievances was that he often bad to help around tho house —earre water or coal or build fires. "Cynthia, I'm just plumb wore out havin' them women folks -depend on ine for evveytliing, and• they don't seein to thiol; I'm doin' anythin' extra. I 'tell you, them women folks o' mine are that dependent they couldn't get a meal's victuals without Inc to ' help. Brit they're soon goin' to find out haw dependent they are. Then they'll are predate me." "Why, Mete Al, are you going away'?" inquired Cynthia in surprise. "I'm horn' to become a recluse," an- uouneed Pepperdino portentously. " I'tn goin' miles into the country and live all along; in n cabin for six months,' s ti and . u. aih and thein girls will see wholes been (Coin' the work." "But. Chole Al," exclaimed Cynthia, "who will do your washing rind succi line':" "Why, I'll bring that to Susan on Saturday night when t come in to get my bread.Jt.tlge. Advantage. Doctor V.—But you must admit that your profession does not make angels of men. Lawyer B.—No, my, dear sir, you doe - tors certainly have the best of us there. 'Pittsburgh Press. rack .lumber. 'Visitor -•-So that fellow over there doesil't'amount to much? 17ncle Eben -•He's he 'count at all. Fia's the only fellow in town •who doesn't` claim to . have received a live baby, a box of snakes, it sea serpent or ate iceberg by parcel post since it caulein.—fuck" . ii.:. ,. Safi That Tithe. " Sportsman (In Auto, calling to boy plowing in • field by roadside) -111, there, sonny! See anything to shoos Around here? toy—Yep 13ttya needn'tt be scare, mister. mister. Ws jest my, luck always not to have my gun. along with•me.—Judge. The above la a picture of "Chien Little Bow, ` who was probably the first hauabifmt`of CARMANGAY. where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the Mariner tills the land. t and Water!! %e�.t'Co1 Raiways, CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country It• i situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It hat VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY -is WITHIN the?OWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS front the centrnof bttgineui e *sod for our illustrated booklet describing the property, we. have to sell Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West CUT OUT THE' COUPON NOW 111 AND SEND IT TO US Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office .-502 TEMPLE BUILDING„ Toronto„ Ont: BRANCHESsI ti0ittT1EAL. QUI' IIAM14TON. ONT., LONDON; ORIS, IS 3,. Li. Ayr.. 302 Liar Chamber. 11 D.. iuieo B..1, Cr.ofad 0 WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building. Toronto. Ont. Please send me without obligation on my "part, literature containing frets,• figures. and ,.Views of CARMANOAYJ• Marne :..,,..- Address THE WINGHAM TIMES, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S ASTOR9.i GOOD RICH MILK GOOD The critical consumer of milk may give a snap verdict on the glass of "good rich milk" given him in the restaurant or at home, and may vaguely wonder what percentage of fat the milk is sup- posed to contain. -Certain standards of richness are fixed byvarious cpuntries, A , and by municipalities, while some pur- chasing companies and dealers also set a standard below which the milk must not fall. The knowledge of the aver- age test of the herd, interesting as it is, is not valuable • to the progressive dairyman as a knowledge of what each cow's milk tests. •When it is 2.9, 8.4, 4.5, 5.6, per cent of fat depends on var- ious factors, and can only be ascertain- ed after systematic sampling and testing. Such testing sometimes re- veals curious facts. A pet cow whose `good rich milk' was reserved for table use was recently discarded by a farmer when cow testing proved to his dismay that her milk was nearly the poorest in in the herd. The average test of the herd is a vit- al matter to every dairyman whose milk is paid for at the cheese factory by the test; it is of decided importance to to both creamery manager and patron when considering the by-product of skim milk for feeding, and the loaded wagon for the cream -hauler. For two lots each of 165 pounds of .normal milk may contain either 500 or 900 pounds of fat; one Iot is scarcely the best for cheese - making, while the other would be 'good rich milk'. Syniptomi. lzsicker—ls he deeply in love? ' lioctter--l'es; he thinks all the Mlrle on the magazine overt tools like tier. —Rtra, 1513L°d3,735 eY'e,'i,P ".a fren"SER Ul ? OE,41''L It la one of the most prevalent troubles .1! iz'td life, and the roar dyspcipile :'1 1;3y1twearwitituutdisirt•3r- i .a' .r flc cts, for nearly eve rytLint: drat 'mot « a week dys optic stomach abets as rn irritant. Burdock Blood Bitters will ,erltlato the stoinach, stimulate sere tt T"off the saliva, and nlrie juice to fttcine:Ite digestions ren y neidity, and tone up the dale('3ystcm. - F Mrs. Dennis Hebert/ 6% 13onita04; Man, writes:—"I have used Burdock Ba .:d.Bitters,', Bitters,', tvit.h great success, for dyspepsia, indigestion and sour stomach. L. was terribly troubled with my stomach r. spent lot of alone s en for months, and Y p without tY('ttuht, any tirelief, until I hap- pened a ppend to see about a, woman using 1t, and her trouble seemed the same as mine.. I tried one bottle, anti was so nur,'h relieved, 1 bought five more, and (nice taken them, and i now ran eat any- tlting I wish."' 'Manufactured only by The T. Milburn to., Limited, Toronto, Ont. INTING AND ST Pn NE V We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII•:G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants hi the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us whey: in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALO1UES Or anything you may require:in the printing line Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, - Ont. '16. _