HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-06-05, Page 5%Wow...._._. Yak THE WINGIIAM. TIMES, JUNE 5 1913 23 Boys' Extra Good School Suits In Bloomer. and Straight Knicker Styles in Brown, Grey, Blue and Fancy Striped Tweeds. Lion Brand, To be cleared out at once as they are broken lines. Size 25 were 26 26 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 33 33 34 34 $5.00 3.50 6.50 4.50 5.00 7.00 7.00 6.50 5.50 8.50 5.75 8.00 5.50 6.00 7.00 8.50 10.00 for $3.75 2.19 4.90 3.25 3.90 5.25 5.25 5.00 4.25 6.50 4.50 6.25 4.25 4.50 4.98 5.99 7.75 W. A. GAflPIThLL THE CLOTHIER SUCCESSOR TO McGEE & CAMPBELL .•••••o••4>•••o0:04,4**e-t0+.44 ..e.eo•+oo++•+•••••••o•ee• Clothing. 0 • News4 • .4 -• .o -+ • .0 .• .• .• • -0 .4 -0 -• •• .4 -• -• -• .4 • -• -• O ,‘ O • • • •• • -4 ,o �.7 • • • • • • IIS�I� • • 2 Our Clothing Depart- partment has many good values in Men's Clothing. • This Week's Special • in Men's Men's Suits, 2 sizes 34 to 44 in new • worsteds a n d tweeds, 2 broken sizes, on sale this week at • • • 0 0 • • • regular$i5,00 and $16.5o suits. Our suits are + guaranteed to fit perfectly • • and satisfactory. Call in • and try them on. i $11.39 • • • e• ' Rnuo Qn®niQIo in Clothing! ..• • i •'+• • Wd are this week offering our Boys Suits, size; -. 27 to 34, bloomer pants and straight knickers, all good r• patterns in worsteds and tweeds. Our plan is to clear t :• out th odd sizes. On sale this week $5.98, regular �• r ;•• $7.5c ,$8,5o, and $9,00 Suits. 44. .A ..S t, • 4 4 • Mailed Orders Promptly Filled. Phone 70. • • HA� �T 1'�T 1�A & CO.•• • • • • -•..see•+e++e.•+....+t►..+• ..........................A, PHONE 70. worr ttcauma. Mr. Carrick is rushing along the work on the addition to Mr. Thos. Henderson's store. The young men are busy chasing a bag of wind in the evenings, We hope they will tire of the sport and devote some attention to the burdocks and other weeds. On Sunday evening, May 25th, a very interesting meeting was held in the Methodist Church. The young men of the circuit formed a choir and furnished the musical program. Mr. J. Mc- Cleneghan read the lesson and Mr. Bassett preached one of his best ser- mons on "The Glory of a Young Man is his Strength." The speaker laid great stress on moral and spiritual strength. JAMESTOWN. Owing to inability to get Wingham Band on date announced for the Garden Party to be held at Samuel Snell's the day has been changed to Tuesday even- ing, June 10th. 'A big time is promised. Jamestown Branch of the Women's Institute held their annual meeting on Wednesday, May 21st, at the home of Mrs. T. Smith. Secretary's report was read which showed favorable progress and a neat cash balance on hand. The newly elected officers for the coming year are as follows: -President, Miss Rae Moses; Vice -Pres., Mrs. J. D. Mil- ler; Secy.-Treas., Miss Mary Smith; Directors, Miss Elsie Strachan and Miss Bessie Miller. District Director, Miss Elsie Strachan; Auditors, Mrs. D. Mac- Donald and Miss Nellie Miller. Meeting closed with the National Anthem. RLUEVALE The monthly meeting of the Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. H. A. McCall on Thursday, June 12th, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. All members are requested to be present as very important business will be dealt with, each member is also asked to bring a friend. Rev. Mr. Taite, who was recently inducted into the pastorate of Knox Church, graduated from Knox College in -1896 and soon after was settled in Moorefield where he spent 9 years. In 1905 he went West and took up work at Okotoks in the ranching district of Southern Alberta and in 1908 went to St. Catharines where he spent a pas- torate of five busy years, just completed before accepting call at Bluevale. During the years his ministry has been greatly blessed in the congregations to which he ministered and he has been singularly happy in his work. Mr. Taite is a good preacher and a successful pastor and will do good work on his charge. He and Mrs. Taite and family are cordially welcomed to this locality and we wish them the best of success in their work. BELGRAVE. The annual garden party under the auspices of Knox Church Sabbath School will be held on the church lawn, Bel - grave, on Wednesday, June 11. Wing - ham Citizens' Band will furnish music. Tea served from 6 to 8. Admission 26e. Children 15c. The annual meeting of the Belgrave Women's Institute was held on Tues- day afternoon, May 27th, at the home of Mrs. Wray, with Miss Jennie Cole, President, in the chair. Encouraging reports were presented showing that good work had been done and $54 was reported in Treasurer's hands. Officers elected were: -President, Mrs. W. Procter; 1st Vice, Mrs. Jas. Taylor; 2nd Vice, Mrs. McKenzie; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. Ferguson; District Director, Mrs. Jos. Brandon; Branch Directors, Morris, Miss Cole, Mrs. C. Wheeler and Mrs. A. Procter; Wawanosh, Miss Minnie Nethery and Mrs. Geo. Cunningham. Mesdames Clegg, Geddes and Brandon were appointed a Committee to assist in arranging programs. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Cole for her efficiency and interest during the past term. EAST WAWANOSR, The Council met on May 26th as a Court of Revision and Appeal; members all present. Having each subscribed to the statutory declaration the following appeals were brought up and dealt with; J. Laidlaw complained of too high ass- essment on the N% Lot 28,Con. 13, ass- essment reduced $100. Thos. Taylor, complained that he was assessed too high on the S. H. Lot 35, Con. 9 this assessment was also lowered $100, F, D Stalker said he was also assessed too high compared with other property in the same locality, assessment conformed. Robert Taylor was added as F, M. F. Part Lot 29, Con 2, Isaac Snell tenant Lot 33 Con. 5, struck off. There being no other alterations or changes made it was moved by Mr. Currie sec'd by Mr. Irwin, that the assessmeut roll as now revised be adopted and the Court closed for the present year. -Carried. Council resumed and general business proceeded with. Minutes of last meet- ing read and passed on motion of Irwin and' Stonehouse. Application was again made for the cleaning out of the North and South branches of the Hailahan drain. Coun- cillors Buchanan and Stonehouse were appointed to attend to this matter, con- tracts on same to be let on Sat. after - AFTER EFFECT OF FEVERS Banished Through the Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Following wasting diseases such as fevers, many people find it difficult to regain their former strength. They become breathless and tired out at the least ex•'rtion; their appetite is fickle and the./ often feel as though death was staring them in the face. The trouble lies with the blood which has not returned to its normal condition and is lacking in the red,corpuscleswithout which good health is impossible. It is at a time li e t is that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills r e their great tonic value. Every dosehelps to make new, rich, red blood which means health and vit- ality. Mrs. Theodore Foley, Athens, Ont„ says: "Following an attack' of typhoid fever I was left in a very weak and disheartened condition. The smal- lest exertion left me worn and tired out, and I was hardly able to get around, and naturally felt despondent. I deci- ded to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and they proved of the greatest benefit to me. I am now as well and strong as ever, and can do all my own work, and as we live on a farm, it goes without saying that there is much to do. I feel. therefore, that I cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Wiliiams' Pink Pills." If you are suffering from the after effects of fevers, la grippe, or any acute disease, you should begin to get new strength to -day through the tonin treat- ment with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ont. noon, June 7. The contractor being ready to place the concrete floor on the river bridge, the Clerk was instructed to notify the Hunter Bridge Co. of a mistake being made in the expanded iron now on the ground and to have the same replaced by proper material at once. Representatives were again present regarding the purchasing of a new road grader but in view of a heavy outlay anticipated for the coming season throughout the township on roads and culverts the purchasing of a grader was laid over till another season. By -Laws No. 7 and 8,1913 were both read and passed. Orders on the Treasurer were drawn for payment of Assessor's salary $65.00; Hall rent $25; and J. Gillespie $12, for grading on the Northern and Western Boundary. Next meeting of the Council will be held on Monday,June 23rd,at one o'clock. A. Porterfield, •Clerk. Another of the old residents of East Wawanosh has passed away in the person of Mr. Alexander Morton of the 6th concession. M'r. Morton was born in Arbroath, Scotland, on Nov. 28th, 1822. He came with his wife and family to America in April, 1854, and lived for a time in Beverley township, coming to East Wawanosh in 1861'. The family lived for eight years on the 10th con., then moved to the farm which they purchased on the 6th, where he has since resided until called to a Higher Home on Wednesday, May 21st. Mr. Morton was a man of sterling character and studious mind. Being of such a retiringdisposition.hewas better under- stood by those most intimate with him and best appreciated by those nearest and dearest to him. Mrs. Morton pre- ceded him in death by about 4 years. TURNOERRY Minutes of council meeting held in Bluevale,on Monday, May 26th. Mem- bers all present. Reeve in the chair. Minutes of the last regular and special meetings were read and on motion of Messrs. Wellwood and McBurney were adopted. • The Reeve was instructed to see Mr. D. Miller, in reference to moving fence of sideroad. The following accounts were passed and checks issued: Jas. Hooper, $3.00, repairing sideroad; Eli Bott, $2.00, work on bridge; Jas. T. Wylie, $20, repairing culvert on side - road; Robt, Yeo, $7.00, repairing culvert on sideroad; A. Thomas, $10.00, tile and digging Tp. share Smith's drain; Muni- cipal World, $10.80, supplies; P. Powell, $1.30, express and stationery; Wm. S. King, $05.00, salary and postage; John Reid, $14.00, foot bridge and work on road; Jas. Weir, $4.50:putting in culvert; Stephen King, $8.00 computation road work; McKinnon Bros,, $5.00, work on road. At 4 p.m. tenders for the Bolt drain were opened and on motion of Messrs. Rutherford and Wellwood that of Con- nolly and Nicholson, of Kenniecott, was accepted, the amount being $3888.00. Drain to be completed this fall, accord- ing to agreement. Moved by Mr. Wheeler and seconded by Mr. McBurney, that John L. Mc- Ewen be inspector on Bolt drain at the rate of 30c. an hour. Moved by 31r. McBurney, seconded by Mr. Wheeler, that tha meeting do now adjourn to meat at Bluevale on Monday, June 23rd, 1913, at 10 a.m. P. POWELL, Clerk. Hon. Mr. Pelletier, Postmaster Gen- eral, annolinced"that further salary in- creases would be given to postal em- ployees. 499••••e444e44++4444 0 0 4 Q 0 • 0 • • 0 a 0 • 0 v 0 o-:"..• p ••4e6++•+++++•••4+4,+•+•++ •e..+++•+•.•+ee+,•,,....+ 4 4 M 4 /BARD'S Cut Price Specials For The Week End This is our Busy Season, yet we are always after more, so we run a sale of specials at the end of the week so as to increase our business. Our stock is large and complete, of the newest models, styles and fashions, so we feel we can suit one and all, Read the list then come and share in the bargains. Mon's dear Store 8 Men's Suits, dark tweed, good style, regular $10.00, week end special $7,95 Men's Cravenette Coats, regular $7.50, week end price $6.00 Men's Tweed Trousers, one li e to ' -ar $1.19 A broken line of Boys Suits, egular $5,00 and $6.00, special .. - . 3,75 Boys' Short Pants, lined, week end. price50e Men's English Stripe Worsted Trousers, cut price . 1.75 Men's Socks, grey or bl'tek, reg. 20a pair, special price 2 for 25e Men's Working Shirts also Light Color Skirts with Soft Colars, special to clear 69e Youths' Leather Belts, our cut price, 25e Boys' Wash Suits, new style, special 75e Men's Fancy Print Shirts; a bargain. 49e Men's New Styles Hard and Soft Hats, week end price 1.50 Men's Dongola or Box Calf Boots, cat price 2 50 ladies' Wear Store Ladies' Ready -to -Wear House Dresses, reg, 1,25, special price 1.00 White Top Skirts with Embroidery Trimming and Buttons, reg. 1.50, spec al price. 1.25. Ladies, Fancy Tweed Top Skirts, regular 5.00 and 6.00, week end price 3.90 1000 yards Lace, value 8e and 10e, to clear. Se 50 yards Black Pailette Silk, yard wide, reg. value 1.25, week end price.... 90e 39 inch Black or Colored Pailette Silk, 1.50 value, special price 1 25 Ladies' Black Hose, 10 dozen to clear at... 10e Ladies Fancy Strap Slippers, reg. value 2.50, special price . , ..... 1.90 Girls' Ready -to -Wear Dresses, special .... 100 Ladies' Princess Slips, embroidery trimmed 1.50 Childrens' Wash Dresses, small pattern print 50e Ladies' Rain Coats, special 5 00 to 10.00 Ladies' White Cambric Embroidery Trimmed Underskirts, special. 1.00 Pongee Silk, natural shade, wide, special .. 50e Queen Quality Hose Always in the Lead With Bargains. 00004004.^,,,,, 44400^ 0440..4^4404^444.44.44^ 4 • Quality Gloves E. ISARD CO Queen 1 + • 2 a 2 • • • • 2 4 • • • • • • • • 4.• 4. • • a • • 4. • • e • • Q. • • • 4 •• • w • 4 • • • •. • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • w • • a e, 4^^44.^4440044044006004.04,444, James Pollock Brown, M. P. in the Liberal interests for Chateaugnay, died after two months' illness. Men's Boots and Shoes I have put in a stock of Men's Boots and Shoes and solicit a share of your pat- ronage. Repairing, as usual, will have careful and prompt attention. J. A. Haugh NOW FOR YOUR Spring Suit OR Overcoat I have received a full line of the very latest styles of goods for Spring Suit- ings for both Ladies and Gentlemen. Your order will receive prompt attention. t. G. WHITE The Tailor. Maxwell's old stand, apposite Bank. of Hatnllton. .'hone 227 'oaaao40 +0000044+44O04•0e4 ++++4'++++++•+•++•++++•++•• • June S�..le at Knox s. • + • • :Watches, Clocks • •to0. ware, Cut GI a • • 0 b • WATCHES • • • Ladies' 14 k Solid Gold Watch • 15 Jewel Waltham Movt. + reg. $40.00, June Sale $30.00 2 Ladies' 14 k gold filled 15 jewel 2 Waltham movt„ reg $16.00 • June Sale 1$12 00 2 Ladies' 14 k gold filled 7 ; ewe . • Waltham watch, reg • June Sale $9.00 • • Ladies' Silver watch, reg $5.00 June Sale $3.50 ass, Jewelry, fGents' 18 size open face 14 k • gold filled case 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin movt., • reg $25.00 June Sale $18.00 • Gents' 18 size open facegold fill - 2 ed case 17 jewel Waltham or Elgin movt., reg $20.00 June 2 Sale $14.00 2 • Gents' 18 size open face gold fill- ed 15 jewel Elgin or Walth- 2 am movt., reg $16.00 June 2• Sale $10.50 2 Gents' 16 size open face 14 k gold filled case 17 jewel Elgin or • • Waltham movt., reg $22.00 • June Sale $16.00 4 Cents' 16 size gold filled Walth- am watch reg $15.00 June Sale $10.00 • Gents' 17 jewel Silver watch reg $17.00 June Sale $12.50 Gents' 17 jewel Waltham movt., Nickle case reg $12.50 June Sale $8.75 Gents' 7 jewel Elgin or Walth- am movt., ra Nickle ease reg $6.00 June Sale 85.50 Boys' watches reg $L50 June Sale 98c. x • • • • • • • • • • • • 4' • • 4, LADIES' BRACELETS 4' Reg $10.00 June Sale $6.7500 Z' 2 Reg 8.00 " " 0. Reg 5.00 " " Reg 00 " 3.00 4.2.50 2 NDAPIT NECKLACES • eg $2i5,00 June Sale $1(67)..0n0 Reg 15.00 " " 1 + Reg 10.00 "•s LADIES` RINGS • Reg $75 00 June Sale $58.00 + Reg 55 00 " " 39,00 • Reg 40 00 28.00 • Reg 25 00 17.50 • Reg 20 00 14.r 0 • Reg 15 00 9.75 2 Rrg 10 00 1 , 50 • Reg ; 00 3.25 • Reg 3 50 2.25 I II f. f ff ff CLOCKS Reg $12 00 June Sale $S.50 Reg IO 00 " " 0.75 Reg 8 00 " " 5.50 Reg 5 00 " 3.25 JEWELERY • • • • • • • • • • • • LADIES' CHAINS w • Reg $10 00 June Sale $0.50 w Reg 6 50 " 3.75 • • GLNT$' CHAINS Reg $10 00 June Sale $6,00 +°ti Reg 800 " " 4.75= Reg 5 00 " 8.931 Reg 3 00 " " 1.45 • fi Leat.s' and Gents' stone ring r'0 at exceedingly low prices. Speciall, June prices on Lockets, Chains. + Ladies' aid Gents' Fobs, Broach- • es, Scarf Pins, Cuff Links. etc. Z Large stock of Silverware and • Cut Class at cost and below. 4 • • A. •' e • Watch Repairing a Specialty. • • Phone 65, Opposite National Hotel • ssL+$slt+_i_+.. tit tit••••••+ • eeesee•••+eeeeees••••+•••