HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-06-05, Page 4or 1 TilE WINGIIAM TIMES. JUNE 5, 1913 TO AD>ERTISERS Notice of changes must he left at this °Mee. not later than saturday noon. The copy for changes mast be left not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Wednesday of each week, TIM WINGLIAM TIMES. R. 13 RtarTO TT Ps BB.astma AND px` ODIE:�It THURSDAY, JUNE 5-, 1913 . BIG MEETING AT GODERICH. (special to The THMzFsB Goedrich, May 31 -"After suet: unfair tactics on the part of the Government in the Privileges and Elections Coma- mittee, what could self respecting amen do?" asked Mr. N. W. Reweb at the Proudfoet demonstration in Mr. Proud - foot's constituency at Goderich on Fri- day night. Mr. Rowell meant to say that self respecting men would have withdrawn as the Liberal members did but one man in the audience misunder- steed the question and shouted "they would chuck the Government out." Mr. Rowell caught the point in a moment and replied quick as a flash, "Yes, and that is what the general public will do at the next general election." This statement was greeted with prolonged applause and formed the keynote of the meeting. Visitors were present from all parts of the district and Liberal members of the Legislature from constituences all over the Province. Mr. Proudfoot was given a warm demonstration and in his tarn asked Sir James Whitney a series of scathing questions. H. H. Dewart, Mr. Proudfoot's counsel before the Committee, scathingly condemned Sir James Whitney and declared that he was implicated in the charges as well as Mr. Hanna. Other speakers were Hugh Munro, M.P.P., Glengarry, J. C. Elliott, M.P.P , West Middlesex, aid C. M Bowman, M.P.P., North Bruce, who read the famous Thorne letter, much to the interest of the crowd. Air. Rowell, after paying tribute to Mr. Proudfoot as a man who had dis- played great courage, patience, persis tense and a fine public spirit in his course in the Legislature and after criticising Sir James Whitney severely and placing upon him the responsibility for blocking the investigation, went a step further. He said that no one for a moment supposed that the particular contribution secured from Mr. Taylor was the only contribution secured from Government contractors or parties hav- ing relations with the Government. He also charged that the Government se- cured contributions from holders of liquor licenses. "In the East Middle- sex campaign," he said, "a collection or subscription or contribution in some form was actually taken from the liquor license holders in the City of Toronto to assist the Government candidate in East Middlesex, and some thousands of dollars, according to my information, were sent up to assist the Government candidate. Will anyone for a moment suggest that thousands of dollars were necessary simply to pay the ordinary and legitimate expenses of the Govern - rent candidate in East Middlesex? Was the contribution made by the liquor interests in the East Middlesex fight and the prospective contributions to be made in other contests one of the considerations which induced the Gov- ernment not to carry out their proposal to introduce anti -treating legislation during last session." Mr. Rowell said that the members of the Opposition were not only exposing wrong doing on the part of the Gov- ernment, but they proposed and were proposing now a constructive policy in order to prevent, if possible, the re- occurrence of such offences in the future. Uit.YTH ++++++s+1?++++++++++++Q++++ +44++44.+4++++++++++4+++4°:•a + + • + 4. + + 4. + e. + 144444444 JUNE WEDDING GIFTS At Pattersun's Jewellery Store The largest stock of Diamond Rings ever shown in W n ;harp ranging from $10.00 to $300.00 in price. You can save 20 per cent. ley buying Diamonds her Pearl Rings of all kinds, ranging from $3.00 to $50.00. 04460OC All kinds of Pearl Necklets, Pearl Pendants, Pearl Brooches. '' e 4. We have a full line of all kinds of the newest "e 4. styles of Jewellery. a For Cut Glass and Silverware we have every- • 4,e • • thing beat. t • W. . PATTER.SON o d4. + • ZXinrrham O The Great Watch Doctor - • + 444+4+++4.++4+++++0+++++•++ ++++$++++++++0*4+00++++4+4 -WH ITEC. STAR, LI NE 15th ANNUAL EXCURSION GODERICH to DETROIT and RETURN BIC STEEL STEAMER GREYHOUND will leave Goderich June 10th, 9;30 a. m. Arrive Detroit, June 10th, 5:30 p. na. Returning, leave Detroit, June 12th, 1;00 p. m. Tickets, 1.50 Round Trip MOONLIGHT EXCURSION, JUNE 9 rr.see •��rH. A R, PARTICl/Lilt!, u..write *cis.. THE DOMINION BANK sus EDMUND O. OSIER, M.P.. PRESIDENT. W. D. MATTHEWS. VICE-PRESIDENT. C. A.' BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up - Reserve Fund Total Assets 55,000,000 $6,000,000 S76, 000, 000 Financial Headway of the sure and permanent kindis rarely made without the assistance of a Savings Bank Account. It stimulates saving, keeps the money in absolute safety. increases it with interest, and provides the ready cash to take advantage of the business opportunities which come ones way. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. Mr. Donald Sutherland severely criti- cized the Federal Government's method of oealing with immigration, particular- ly in regard to discrimination against Ontario. LICE STOCK ALAHKETN Toronto, June 2 -Six car Ioads of live stock met with a good enquiry at the Union Stock Yards this morning. The majority of the receipts were composed of cattle which were selling freely, while there was also a fair trade in the smaller with the prices generally ruling steady at last week's quotations. Good butchers' cattle weighing around L000 lbs. apiece, ran up to $7.00 per cwt. while 1,000 lbs. cows were selling at around 85.55. Milkers and springers were selling at around $50.00 to $65.00 apiec for good selections. The sheep and lamb trade was slow, owing to light receipts. and the same applies to the calf market, Sheep were At the regular meeting of the 0ddfel-i selling at from $5.0) to $6.50 per cwt., laws, the following officers were elected while calves were firm at from $7.00 to for the current term: N. (i., John Petts; I 18.5, a V. G., W. Philli;,s; R. 5., A. W Robin- r There was a fair run of hogs on the • Ion; F. 3.. Geo. E. McTaggart; treasnr-1 market which soldsteady atlast week's er, Joseph Stot -rs; representative to quotations. grand ledge, G. E. MeTaggart. After Export .....s w Co the e?eerioa the brethren went to Barr's 1, Butcher catile choice ... 6 6.5 restaurant, where .'aceh was served. do medium.. 5 75 The Hodge es in a °svrsh%cg condition. Butcher cows choi.:e . 5 50 as odium .. and is receevt,, new [..e Crr°s :5 the o "'. . do common time. da bulls .............. Two of iiaµ oldest residents of Blyth t Peeders were busied Gast weea: Mr. Benjamin Stockers do rnediurn Evans elle s at the age ati 7.9 years. His +< cls funeral t.4,R alaceto Brn-s els Cemetery. Canners and cutters . Mr. W na P Marl. a -rd 75 years, *he Milkers, choice, ... 50 00 tied Mo:ud sy. the funeral tali »- pace Springers. 50 00 4 25 2 JJ 4 50 550 5 50 300 2 75 275 onWi e $ ean7a;'.alsu to t t.� B assets ('oma en and medium .... 40 0" Cem- etery. .. O. After any sees or Operation doctors prosy:raft scot `S EhfULSIOf k c afaiab the vital oloosea%s Mara craves to repair .root., creta Ir;?.d aridbad physical s4ecastb.. filo AIIcobsol or Optato Rr+tit !ic b.,.re.'rr' 'n, rent. 32-:3 Lambs.... 5 00 Light ewes .. ... 6 300 do bucks... . - 3 00 ':;cogs fed and watered .. 9 95 do f.o.b .. . . 9 60 ('sFves . 490 $725; 7 10 6 60 64•r' 550 425! 5 00 6 00 6 25 3 8,5 322j 3 01 40 00 663 51) 50 00 8 00 6 75 5 25 9110 'ti INGI4 t t MARKET 2tEPOKT4. Winghain, June 4th, 1913 Flour per 100 lbs .... 2 60 to 3 15 I Fall wheat ... 090 to 090 gats ............... .... 0 25 to 0 36 Barley ........... 30 to 0 55 cnpas ..... O S.5 to 090 Butter dairy 022 to 0 24- Batter 4Bartter creamery ... ..... a 30 to 0 32 Eggs per doz.... 0 18 to 0 18 'R'ood per cord .... 275 to 325 Iiaq per ton ..11 00 to 12 00 EDP* .... .....»..,• 9 10 to 9 10 Seven young men were ordained at the Hamilton Methodist Conference session in Centenary Church, Hamilton. Cobalt miners decided not to strike, the vote in favor falling considerably short of the two-thirds required under the constitution of the Western Feder- ation of Miners. Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. Total Assets Over $45,000,000. Providing for Your Family. SUPPLYING your family with present day •com- forts. does not constitute your only financial obligation to them. Their future de- mands more consideration than their wants of to -day, If an thing shouti happen to you, you would not want your boy to give up his edu- cation, or your wife and daughter to be thrown out on the world to struggle for a living. The surest way of provid- ing for your family's future is to save your money. De- ny yourself a few extrava- gances now, that they may have comforts always. One dollar will open an account with this bank, and interest at the righett car - rent rate will be credited every six menthe. C. P. SiMITH Maeaser, Wing'. ERE'S AN OFFER YOU CAN'T REFUSE AND BE FAIR TO YOURSELF. a Prices Smashed to Smithereens Only 9 More days Of This Big Clearing Sale. Nine Days Of Most Terrific Selling Prices Cut Deeper than Ever, We're Not After Profit, We're After Money. BUY WHEN PEOPLE ARE FORCED TO SELL If You Want The Big Plums Be Here On Time. Sensational Bargains will move this stoc'z in a Hurry. Get you share of the Bargains now. The smallest thing about this Clearing Sale is "Price." The biggest thing is "Value." Tremendous Cut in Prices. Dress Goods, Muslins, Ginghams, Vestings, Linens, Poplin, Bedford Cord, White and Colored Crepe, Wash Goods, Prints, etc. Window Shades. Curtain Poles, Lace Curtains, Curtain Net, Bungalow Curtains, Muslin Curtains, Creton, Art Mus- lins, etc. Big cut in prices. Bargains in Carpet Squares New Goods, every pretty designs, Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry, etc. 25 per cent. off regular prices. Wo31 Car- pet Bargains. $1.Io Carpet for 79c 90c Carpet for 68c 8oc 116oc 75C 45C 50C C 37c Stair Carpet very low prices. Boot and Shoe Bargains Our stock of Boots and Shoes, nearly all new goods. This season's styles, tor Men, Women, Boys, Girls and ChiId- ren, at prices that will move the stock out quick. You'll have to move quick if you want any of them. Hand Bags at Big Cut in Prices $4.oa Bags for $ 3 00 $3.0o Bags for $2.25 2.00 " " 1.50 I.50 " " 1.12 1.25 .. :. 94c 6oc " 45c 75C t: 50C " " 38C 55c Big Sale of Fancy Silks $1 oo yard Fancy 75C ,c 65C .. 50c t. .t (r 14 Silk for :. Qt 44 .4 ,r only .L 75C 54c 48c 35c i i Everything goes at this sale. Be on hand early in the morning. Shopping in the morning will be more pleasant for you. All accounts up to May 24, 1913, will be collected ny Mr. E. H. Bird, during the sale, at this store. 25 to 331-3 per cent. off. Think of it! Men's and Boys' Clothitlg, mostly new goods. Only in stock a few weeks, Suits, Pants, Overalls, Smocks, etc. Damask Curtain Bargains $6.5o Damask Curtain for $4.88 4 50 ,. .. 3.38 ,f t, 1, J.50 2.63 Art Sateens 3oc Art Sateen for 23c 25c Art Sateen for 19c 20C Art Sateen for 15c 15c Art Sateen for x lc Big Sale of Corsets Corsets at the following prices:- $r.5o Corset for 89c $l.00 corsets for 59c 75c " " 49c 50C " " 34c This Season's Styles in Corsets as follows.- $I.5o corsets for $I.r5 r.25 corsets for g8c Imo corsets for 75c 75c corsets for 58c 5oc corsets for 38c Big Bargians in Allover Laces Allover Embroidery, Real Linen, Torchon Lace, Val. Laces and Insertions. Fine Embroideries for Trimmings. Embroideries in all widths. Rain Coats for Men and Women Only a few left. They will go quick. 75o Coat for 5.62 7.00 Coat fot 5.25 9.00 Coat for 6.75 I o.00 Coat for 7.5o Tremendous Price Cutting in the Chinaware Department. All our large stock of Plain and Fancy China at Slaughter Sale Prices. If you are needing anything in Chinaware, Glassware, Cut Glass, 8.c., it will pay you to come now and get your supply. Discount off Chinaware 2o, 25 and 33 1-2 per cent. off. Hurry if you want these goods. They'll soon go at the prices. Everything in Grocery Department at Clearing Sale Prices CannedGoods, Currants, Raisins, Cereals, Tea, Spices, Biscuits, etc. Granulated Sugar 20 lbs for $1.00, 30c Tea mixed black green or 4 lbs for $1.00 Sweet Wrinkled Peas, Early June Peas, French Peas, all worth 15c can for i tc. We have not room to quote price hese. Come and see for yourself. Mangel Seed, Beet Seed. Turnip Seed, Garden Seeds all at reduced prices. 2 packages Rennie's Seeds for 5c. TERMS 01 SALE Jno. Spat Cash or Farm Prcduce. No goods .charged at reduced prices. No goods allowed but on approval during sale. Kerr (Sc. Son, - Winghan