The Wingham Times, 1913-05-29, Page 6LP t= « i INWIAM TIMES; MAY ( 29, 191.3 .44404 Iu.J.4 <i,a..✓:e-el r ,.ems ate"., teeen•we7e-0'"-rIm',.�, Why he Blood the Spring?himpure Tlie artifie1;. o n tit(' '<villt(?r—tile artificial fotels--••--tilt' Illijure air of in- door life---t.,e habits ---the look of outdoor exel'eise----ttll tend to make the 1).lr)tt thin, weak, watery and impure. rh.i: nerve -4 `-S`'t-evetl, ex- hausted, :- 11au ,tell and,.sval. fort e required foe Cie tag, e'('- i+: t)i'liill s t)1 the heart, re, ".' . i it' :.t')'11:'.('11 t�1t' liver, the kit'.. '? tt' .;°i ,).;..Ins IN not fortilt'oitlil)'r le I the whole system becomes weal: eee.:el i run down. :When spring comes vitality is at low ebb, and nine persons out of ten re- quire restorative treatment to form new, rich blood ail revitalize the nerv- ous system. Disease lurks mi every hand in the spring time, and finds lodgment in the weak, run-down. and exhausted system Dr. Ch.se's -----Voll can protect yourself by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The spring air is often. laden. with disease germs. The waste and decayed matter of winter is thawed out, and forms a regular hotbed of disease, from which arise poisonous gases and germs of disease. People with rick. blood throbbing through their arteries need have little fear, for disease seeks out the weak and exhausted for its easy victims. Por moll there is no season more to be dreaded than spring. is this spring to be pleasant or dis- agreeable to you '? Are you to feel in- vigorated by the fresh Spring air; to rejoice in the opening bud, the sprout- ing blade, and chirping of the birds Or will you be overcome with languor and weakness, suffer from headaches and body pains, and drag yourself languidly about as though you had no interest in life and had lost all vigor and energy ? It is for you to decide this question, for the difference is in the state of your health, the richness and purity of your blood, and the vitality of your nervous system. A!fter the de- bilitating influence of the artificial winter life, nine people out of ten require some restorative preparation to put their system in order for the enjoyment of life. As a means of enriching and purifying the 'blood, building up the system, and revitalizing the wasted nerves, there is yet to be discovered a preparation in any way equal to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This great food cure is composed of the most powerful restoratives to be found in all Nature's realm. It actually forms new, red cor- puscles in the blood, feeds and builds up the shrivelled nerve cells, and gives new vigor and activity to every organ of the body, erve Food The great nerve restorative, 500 a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. ,.,:.1,, - Win;7.7r,==1...".= 000001110.4 He Stopped His Paper. The other day a cranky sort of an old man came into this office and stopped his paper because something in it didn't suit his fancy, says the Powhatan Bee. We have frequently met him on the street since that time and it is amusing to note the look of surprise on the old fellow's face that we are still in ex- istence regardless of the fact that be stopped his paper. Snme day and it won't be long either that okl gentle- man will turn up his toes. His heart will be stilled forever. Neighbors and friends will follow his lifeless remains to the silent city and lay his remains to rest among the flowers. An obituary will be published in these colums tell- ing what a kind neighbor and beloved 111.t1111111.. citizen he was—which the recording angel will overlook for charity sake, and in a very short time he will be for - g i ten. As he lies out there in the cold, cold graveyard wrapped in silent slumber of death he will never know that the last kind word spoken of him. was by the editor of this paper which he through life spitefully "stopped." Did you over pause for a moment to thihk that your editor whoever he may he will write your obituary some day? IL Do not suffer another day with Itching Bleed- ing, or Protrud- ing Piles. No surgical oper- ation required. Dr. Chase's Ointment will relieve you at once and as certainly cure you. 60c. a nox; all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., ted, Toronto. Sample box free if you mention this paper and enclose 2c. stamp to pay postage. rrsw.c,r. Loot: to Tour Plumbing. You know what happens in ahouse in which the plumbing is in poor condition— everybody in the house is liable to con- tract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Victor Brewer, five years old, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brewer, Galt, fell into an unproteced mill race and was drowned. A sewing machine for tufting mat- tresses and furniture is a Pennsylvani- an's invention. *- 4 ABROAD statement --Yet literally true, The aim of man from the beginning has been to make his building materials as nearly like net- ' ural stone as possible. The greatlabor required to quant' atone led hits to seek various manufactured substitutes. The only reason he ever used wood was that it was easiest to get and most convenient to use. .. Wood is no longer easy to get. Like most building material, its cost is in- creasing at an *lagging rate. Tile cost of concrete is decreasing. So, from the standpoint of either set - vice er economy, Concrete is the best building material. Canada's farmers are using more concrete, in proportion to their muskets, than the farmers of any other country, Why? Because they are being ,supplied with Canada. dement .�- @* t:d?ient of the highest possible quality, which is,. sures the success of their concrete work. The secret of concrete's popularity in Canada lies ii► the fact that while we have been advertisiog the use of concrete, we bare also been producing. by aeIem. tific methods. a cement act uniformly high int quality that the concrete wada with it gives the cotapieto satisfaction our advertisements promised. Concrete would not bare been sn such uaiver$il ID today, had an inferior grade of cement lalaseseeaupplis*. Theist upon getting Canada Cement. It is yo>n' Ltd auuuraalces of 401111101 thoroughl.yy..', satisfactory' teeultskegs your **nasals**nasalswork. There is $ Cahtada tint dealer in your neighborhood. qtst this label it it oda" Cannata. *vies for our Fro x6o-fagtbeak "What The. Pahaer Can .bo With Cs"asik" Aik�i►Ammercart afford to beagthout a espy. 41101204111 Cement Company Limited Montreal I'A sines Cf Tho Gentile Cynic. Some people wouldn't enjoy perfect peace, because then there wouldn't be anything to kick about. Many a man wouldn't mind being tongue-titd so long as he could have v free foot. The spring poet knows all about verses and reverses. It takes more courage for a man to admit that he is wrong than to insist that he is right. Don't pay more for your experience than it is worth. Dame Fortune seems to smile on some people without the formality of an introduction. It is, hard work for the diffident young man to propose, but the girl will gen- erally be assister to him. A deliberate lie is pretty hard to swallow, but the truth isn't always palatable, either. There is always a sure remedy for the ills of other people. If you are looking for an encore, all you have to do is to lend money. Women of fashion acquire embon- point. Other women just get it. The saloon may be the poor man's clue, but the dues are pretty high. When a man has money to burn the chronic borrower is a match for him, It is better to feel blue than to have a streak of yellow. Death is no respecter of persons, not even of the man who feels that he is too busy to die. It doesn't take a dressmaker to put ruffles on a woman's temper. It's the luck of other people that makes us dissatisfied with our own.— New York Times. Fouud a Cure for Ithheumat)sm, "1 suffered with rheumatism for two years and could not get,my right hand to my mouth for that length of time," writes Lee L. Chapman, Mapleton, Iowa. "I suffered terrible pain so I could not sleep or lie still at night. Five years ago I began using Chamber- lain's Liniment and in two months I was well and have not suffered with rheumatism since." , For sale by all dealers. Open the Door for Trade, If trade comes knocking at the door of your business place help lift the latch and say "Come in" by a live advertise- ment in the TIMES. Don't forget that the public is on the lookout for bargains and that papers are carefully scanned by intending purchasers to ascertain where those bargains are. There is a doubt;manifested when royal big offers as to quality and price are not unfolded to the people on the tip -toe of expect- ation. What page did you say your advt. is on Mr. Business man? BOW'S mils We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any case of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, & CO,, Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honest in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & I\1ARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Test- imonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. Demonstration in Goderich. A public demonstration of approval of his course in the Legislatnre is to be tendered to Mr. W. Proudfoot, member for Centre Huron, by his supporters in the riding, The demonstration is to take the form of a publicmeeting to be held in Goderich, on Friday, May 30th. Mr. N. W. Rowell, leader of the Oppo- sition in the Legislature, has promised to be present, and it is expected that most of the Liberal members of the Legislature will be here. The West street rink, containing the largest auditorium in Goderich, has been engag- ed, and arrangements for the event are in the hands of a strong committee. The United States Consul General at Havana says that Cuba last year pur- chased food stuffs in the United States to the amount of $16,000,000, and from the rest of the world to the extent of about nineteen and one quarter millions. Canadian flour is, says the Consul General, sold in Cuba to a larger extent than American flour, and the same is true of potatoes, while Spain sells more onions to Cuba than the United States does, and Mexico more beans The abase iti si' plieture of "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inbabiia*I of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land. Railways, 'Went, Coal and Water 1! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country; k is situated on 'the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has , VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. • OUR PROPERTY'is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business( e for our illustrated booklet describing the property, we have .to sell ist armangay , Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the Wes, 0 CUT OUT THE' COUPON NOW Ill AND SEND .IT TO US Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office ,-502 TEMPLE BUILDING,, Toronto, Onto BRANCHESSI secerrnrah. 0(2. HAMILTON, OWL, WIDOW ON's), to sk.s. IN. A. 302 Liars C5...., 11 Madams Oro Cssaaw WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO, 502 Temple Building. Toronto, Ont. Please semi me without obligation on my. part, literature containing facts,, figures and ,Views Of CARItsAN4A'V WOO11e1.4....4441.4.44....4.... Address - THE WINGHAIYt TIMES Straight at It. There is no use of our "beating a- round the bush. We might as well out with it first as last. We want you to try Chaimberlain's Cough Remedy the next time you have a cough or cold. There is no reason so far as we can see why you should not do so. This pre- paration by its remarkable cures has gained a world wide reputation, and people everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. Itis for sale by all dealers, College on Wheels. For the next two months there wil be a perambulating,Agricultural College traversing the western portion of old Ontario. This takes the form of a free train granted by the railroads, and filled up with exhibits and class rooms from which lectures will be delivered at all the stations through the Province. It is expected that the itinerary for the west of the Province will take until the middle of July, after which the east will be instructed in the same manner. The agricultural trainis strictly under the control of the Department of Agri- culture. The staff of instructors will be drawn from the Agricultural Col- lege, the Department of Education, and the regular institute staff. The horse breeder, the beef cattle man, the sheep raiser, the poultry man, the general farmer, and all interested in any special feature of farming will have the oppor- tunity of visiting the train and taking advantage of the free lectures. Ques- tions will be answered and demonstra- tions and explanations given. Litera- ture will also be distributed, the whole object being the betterment of the rural districts. We Want the New. Yes, all the news that is fit to print— real estate transfers, business changes, accidents, births, marriages, deaths, wedding anniversaries, church and society news, in fact, any event of gen- eral interest has always a news Value, and it will be appreciated by the pub. lisher of The TIMES, as well as the readers. Even if you are not a regular correspondent, we will be pleased to get the news. If you are in touch with a phone, just call Us up and we will arrange the particulars you give us or write them down and send to us at the earliest ptossible moment, Remember that news is news only 90 long as it is nuw and we demand that every cor- respondent sign communications,. not for publication, but as a guarantee for good faith. If you have anything of interest let us know NOW. Suffered With A Lame Back COULD NOT STRAIGHTEN UP. Many people fail to understand the significance of a lame, weak, sore or aching i..ck, When the back aches or becomes weak it is a warning that the kidneys are affected in some way. aged the warning, cure the back and dispose of ,any chances of serious kidney ls trouble following. oasts' 1 C. !C rttL'i4; Hamilton, Ont., writes: --" via5 suffering with a lame back, and for two weeks I'as not able to straighten up to walk, and hardly ablg to sit flown for the pains in my bne1 hips, and legs. I had used different kinds of pills, plas- ters, liniments and medicines, without any relief. Ono day I read about Dean's Kidney Pills and decided to try them. llefore I had half a box used I felt a great deal better anti b3t the -time I had used two boxes, I was cured. nave no hesitee tion nt 'recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." Price, ISO Gents per box or 3 boxes fox SI.25, at all dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. iWhen ordering specify`s'OUan'a.. ' ,t c 14. PRINTING AN12 STATION E R1' We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEItIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYING CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us whei'i in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require`in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for alI the Leading Newspapers and IVIagazme5, The Times Office atom BLOCK Wittgham, w Ont.