The Wingham Times, 1913-05-29, Page 1THE_WINGAM TIMES.
It is just one year ago that
we moved into our present
We are pleased with the
way you have patronized tis.
The next 10 days we are go,
ing to give away '"Absolutely
Free" Tooth 13rushee, Wash
Cloths and Face Chamois to
show our appreciation and help
increase our sales in Rexall
Goods. How to procure:
1 "Harmony Glycerine
Soap" 15 cents.
We give you a WASH
Rexall Tooth Paste or
Powder 25 cents.
We give you a TOOTH
Rexall or Harmony Tal-
cum Powder 25 cents. i
We Give you a FACE
W. McKibbon
?1io Slbre
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses,
Of@oe over Mtelcolm's Grooery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
:Veterinary Surgeon
Office of late Dr. Wilson
Wingham, Ont.
Phone 179.
Miss Gracey's
Phone 148.
Rol brooks Marmalade
Has The Right
Marmalade Taste
Marmalade, if the right
kind will verve as a good
appetizer-. Many kifids are
like so rnucll syrup and
water. Holbooks is Good.
When their name is tabled
Try a Jar at 20c
Wear Greer's Shoes and Rubbers.
An Amnia y Plant.
At a special me ing of the Town
Council on Monday evening a by-law
was passed authori ng the expenditure
of $8,500 in puttingan auxiliary plant
at the electric light power house,/ The
work of installing t e new plant, will be
started in the near future.
Get Parnell's ;Brea a. Christie's.
First Band Concert.
The Citizens' Ban
open air concert fo
park on Friday e
providing weather
members of the ba
that they will not
any injury to child
the electric light po
and come in conta
Parents are asked t
from the band stand
1 will give their first
the season in the
ning of this week,
is favorable. The
d wish uv to state
be responsible for
en who slide down
e on the band stand
t with the wires.
keep children away
FOR RENT—Good stable with room
for feed and storing rigs. Get part-
iculars at TIMES office.
A Coming
The Royal Gwenl
of Newport, Wale
for an evening's ej
Wingham opera h
10th or 20th. The
balanced choir of
by George Davies
the best entertai
Watch these colu
date and other par
Male Glee Singers,
have been engaged
tertainment in the
use on either June
singers are a nicely
wenty-two ably led
This will be one of
reents of the year.
inns next week for
select from at lowest prices.
Lacross Schedule.
Mr. C. E. M
groupe three, In
reports the follow
June 10—Wingh
" 18—Clinto
" 25—Kinca
4—Goder ch
11— Clint' n
14—Kinc trdine
21—God ich
28— Kincardine
Lean, convener for
ermediate O.A.L.A.
ng schedule:
m at Clinton
" Goderich
" Clinton
" Kincardine
" Kincardine
" Clinton
` ingham
Greatest Bargair
jewelry ever heard
KNox'sAnnual Sal
pfi watches and
in Wingham, at
Alice in onderland.
Miss D. Hope
Extravaganza "A
was produced at
Monday and Tues
matinee on Tuesdr
auspices of the
Church. The per
attended and the
appreciative. Ab
took part in the o
themselves in ,a v
especially wathis
afternoon and eve
ent parts were p
well. Personal m
be almost impossi
plause that follow
ed the pleasure w
ceived by those p
Kennedy made a
might well believ
truly stepped out •
Miss Griffin, "Kin
"Cook" Mrs. T.
Mrs. Willis, "W
Mann, "Caterpil
"Hatter" Mr. A
Mr. H. Hicks, "C
Allen, and all th
well done. The
pretty and execu
young people taki
Grand March ofN
and inspiring ape
Smith looked reg.
special mention
little people in th
Mother Goose
and especially th
from three to fo
"I'm Nothing
and acted their
Much credit is d
son who trained
Mr. Willis and
much to bring s
to s0 suecessfnl
onard's Spectacular
ice in Wonderland"
e Opera House on
ay evenings with a
afternoon under the
hoir of St. Paul's
ormances were well
audience were very
ut 150 local people
eratto and acquitted
y creditable manner;
the case on Tuesday
ng when the differ-
rformed exceedingly
ntion of each would
le But the hearty ap-
d each number show-
th which it was re-
esent, Miss Heloise
erfect "Alice." One
she had really and
the book. "Queen"
" Mr. Percy Jenkins,
McLean, "Duchess"
ite Rabbit" Harold
ar" Gavin Holmes,
x, Coutts, "Hare"
esshire Cat" George
various parts were
.ecialties were very
ed splendidly by the
g part in them. The
tions was a beautiful
tacle and Mrs. J. 0.
as .Britannia. But
ust be made of the
fairies, elves, sailors,
edley, Japs, Injuns,
dolls; six little tots
r years of age sang
t a Big Wax Doll"
art wonderfully well,
e to Miss Patti Pater -
he performers nd to
is choir o did so
ch a heavy ndertaking
an end.
No washing. Ap
ofiera] servant girl.
y to Mrs. P. Fisher.
In the t anufac
worker, by the a
the work of one
ers, and in cutti
machinery four'
work of one h
old time meth
re of wall paper one
d of machinery, does
undred manual labor -
g and drying paper by
lett and six giris'do the
dred operators by the
Queen Quality Shoes ,For
Read our ad. on last page
Woodstock— Wi
On Saturday, I4
exhibition of ass
given on the Tow
stock Baptist Col'
H.S. for the final
Cup Series. Alth.
3-1 in favor of
such one mightjudi
sided, such was n
teams in ability
matched and the bal
found on one side o
on the other throug
visitors seemed to
close plays neargoa
the home team. St
played right throul
rough play was c
Although our tea
the members do not
all„ their steady pia
them to the finals..
quite an honor. Als
has played against
things to say about
conduct and this alo
team. Ability, co
practice of real foo
reward and were it
College has, perhap
not enjoyed by th•
outcome may have
Our genial friend
refereed the game
tion to both sides.
The managemen
to thank the citiz
support, the resul
spite of heavy e
closes with a =mal
ham Football Game.
y 24th, a splendid
iation football was
Park when Wood-
ge met Wingham
ame of the Hough
ugh the score was
oodstock and from
e the play was one -
t the case as the
ere very evenly
was as likely to be
the centre line as
out the game. The
.e able to convert
a little better than
eight football was
h to the end and
nspicuous by its
has lost the cup
feel disgraced at
having brought
This in itself is
every team which
em has had good
their gentlemanly
e is a prize for any
pled with regular
• all has won its own
of that Woodstock
some advantages
ordinary H.S„ the
een better still.
from Brussels who
ave entire satisfac-
committee wishes
s for their liberal
being such that in
penses the season
Good boy wanted. �iply at Christle's
ow, oss.
A very happy ev ning was spent at
the home of Mr. a d Mrs. D. McCor-
ick on Monday eve ling on the oceassion
of Mr. McCorm ck's 66th birthday.
About fifty neigh ors and friends sat
down to supper anthe evening was
spent in a program .f. music and danc-
ing. During the e ' ening Mr. McCor-
mick was presentewith a beautitul
Morris chair. The . ddress was read by
Mr. Jas. F. Young . nd the presentation
made by Messrs Fr nk and John Mc-
Cormick. The folio ing is a copy of
the address:—
Culross, fay 26th, 1913.
Mr. Donald McCor ek:
Dear father,—To ay we are cele-
brating your birthdaand we desire to
take this opportunit of renewing our
love and devotion anof expressing to
you how glad we a e that you have
been spared to watch over us and pro-
tect us+end our des mother thrpugh
these many many yea s. Now that we
have come to be men and women our-
selves, we realize w; at a heavy task
you and mother have ad to bring up a
large family and keep sur footsteps saf-
ely in the narrow pat way of right liv-
We rejoice with yo to -day that in
spite of many discou •agements along
the way you have no reached the age
of 66 years, and thou `i the work has
been laborous and t e responsibility
sometimes almost to• great to bear,
you are still in the en, .yment of good
health and strength an we hope that in
the good Providence o God you may be
spared for many year' of health and
the enjoyment of a w 11 desired rest.
We can assure you hat our hearts
are full of rejoicing t. -day that your
life has been a splendid success and our
prayer is that notbin s may occur to
break the happiness of our united fam-
As a token of our good wishes on
this anniversany of yo,r birth, and our
gratitude for all your care in the past,
we ask you to accept his Morris chair
and may you have m ny years to en-
joy its comfort.
From your effecti.. ate boys and girls.
WANTED—A good strong boy to learn
tinsmithingand plumbing. Apply to W.
J. Boyce.
The Mission B nd of St, Andrew's
Presbyterian Chu eh held a very suc-
cessful meeting o Wednesday after-
Communion se ice will be held in
St. Andrew's Pr byterian Churehnext
Sunday morning. Preparatory service
will be held on riday evening, com-
mencing at 7.30 'clock.
The W. 1;'. M.
Church will not
afternoon, June
finers of the soe
Vention in Toro
ing day.
ociety of St. Andrew's
feet until Wednesday
lath, owing to the of-
ty attending the son-
o on the regular meet-
Mr. Murray Wilso
last week on business
Miss Halliday was
days with friends in
Mrs. N. Evans was
days with friends in
was in London
isiting for a few
visiting for a few
Mrs. Jas. Weir wa visiting for a few
days with friends in • eaforth.
Mr. John Jackson pent the holidays
with his brother at L-amington.
Mr. George Tees . • Windsor visited
his home here over t e holidays.
Mr. and Mrs, Ric and Clegg visited
in Ingersoll for over he holiday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ra Dunlop spent the
holidays with friend in Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. A, L Hamilton and fam-
ily spent the holiday at Drayton.
Miss Hannah n hil•
W on is visiting for a
few weeks with fri: ds in Toronto.
Mrs. H. Mead, of oronto, is visiting
with her sister, Mrs L. F. Hinkley.
Mr, C. C. Brock, +f Dundas, spent the
holidays at bis pare al home in town.
Mrs, Jas. Dennis as visiting for a
few days with friend: in New Hamburg,
Mrs. W. P. Griers,n, of Parkhill, was
visiting for a few da, s with old friends
in town.
Mr. Harry Hopper left on Tuesday on
a two months trip th ough the Canadi-
an West.
Mr. E. H. Biro vis ted at his paren-
tal home in Woods .ck for over the
Mr. and Mrs. F. Sturt, of Blyth,
were visiting with ingham friends for
over Sunday.
Mrs. Jas. Burges • visited for a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. Martin,
at Caledonia.
Mr. and Mrs. W , Field spent the
holidays with Mr, and Mrs. Elliott
Fleming at Fergus.
Mr. W. H. Tole, fo Perth, was
visiting for a few days with his son,
Mr. W. R. D. Towle.
Mr. Arnot Br k, of London, was
visiting•for over t e Holidays at his par-
ental home in tow
Mrs. Thomas Sinclair of Toronto,
formely of Win am is the guest of
Postmaster Fish r.
Mr. and Mrs. , E. Mahood spent
the holidays at t e former's parental
home, near Kinc. dine.
Mr, Wm. Fess t and Miss M. Fessant
were visiting for over the holiday with
friends in Owen ound.
Mr. Alex. Mo att, of Morris visited
for a few days w th Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
Maxwell at Lea ington.
Mr. Lewis
was visiting for
his son, Mr. H.
Mr. J. W.
Tuesday for Ha
intends residin•
Mr. and Mrs.
ing for a few
John McMannu
Mr. and Mrs.
home from the
take charge of
Mr. and Mrs.
tored from Lond
the week end w
Mr. and Mrs.
were visiting fo
Mr, and Mr. Ge
Mr. and Mrs.
Wawanosh, visi
Mr. and Mrs. G.
Mr. L. F. Bin
the Bell Teleph
this week atten
ephone officials.
Rev. F. E. P
visiting for a fe
Mr. T. K. Pow
calling on old fr'
Rev. G. Vict
on Friday afte
in Toronto atte
tors' Conferenc
Mr. Percy Ke has returned home
from Toronto, having entered into
partnership wit his father. Many old
friends will be • eased to welcome Mr.
Kerr back to W ngham,
Mr. and Mrs. ' . J, Greer were in To-
ronto on Wedne day attending the wed-
ing of Mr. Gre 's nephew, Mr. Thos.
Welsh to Miss Hamilton, daughter of
Rev. and Mrs. `. M. Hamilton.
Mr. Spotton, itor of the Wingham
Advance, visite at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John a lenn, over the week-
end, where Mrs Spotton and daughter
have been visiti g for some time. --Lis-
towel Banner.
PUasa LOST --'On Winghgnf streets,
on Saturday, a black parse containing
a sum of mone pd''"railway tieket
reading Wingh to Ailsa Craig,
Pinder will be re aided by leaving at
Thins Office.
,nscliff, of Stratford
+ver the holidays with
. Vannorman left on
iota, Man., where he
in the future.
eo. Wraith were visit-
ays with fir. and Mrs.
at Powassan.
.A. Kelly have returned
est and Mr. Kelly will
is father's farm.
. F. McCracken mo -
n on Saturday to spend
h relatives in town.
Jas. Bryce, of Clyde
over the holidays with
Bryce in Turnberry.
lisha Walker, of East
ed for a few days with
Walker at Brantford.
ley, local manager of
ne Co., was in Toronto
ing a conference of tel -
well, of Toronto v..s
days with his fail,. r,
1 of Turnberry and was
nds in Wingham.
Collins returned home
spending two weeks
ing the Baptist Pas -
at McMaster Univer-
_, e
Judging from the terest displayed
throughout the distri t, the Proudfoot
demonstration to be eld in Goderich
on Friday, May 30th, promises to be a
big event in the po 'ticai history of
Western Ontario,
Mr. N. W. Rowell, he leader of the
Opposition in the L gislature, will be
there to address the athering, and as it
will be his first visit o this section—at
least in his political c pacity—there will
be great interest in is appearance.
J. C. Elliott, M.P. , for West Middle-
sex, one of the lead' g Liberals in the
House; Hugh Munr , the able member
for Glengarry; J. G Anderson, M.P.P.
for South Bruce, an other members of
the band of fighti g Liberals in the
Legislature, will be resent.
Toronto is sendin a good delegation,
including a man w om the people of
Centre Huron will e especially glad to
see—Mr. H. H. De art, K.C„ who was
Mr. Proudfoot's co nsel in the famous
"investigation" be ore the privileges
and elections comm ttee.
Many other prom nent Liberals from
other parts of the Pvince are expected.
The meeting is t be in the evening
at 8 o'clock. The est street rink will
be seated for the erasion, and space
will be reserved or persons coming
from outside poin s. The r: nk will
hold an immense cr wd, and thzre need
be no fear that a one going from a
distance will be ul'iable to secure ad-
Detroit Vapor Stoves are the
best. See H. W. Deere demonstrate
on them at A. Young's hardware store
on Friday and Saturday, May 30th and
Pretty Ho
The home of
Wheeler was these
on Wednesday ev
when their daught'
er, became the bri
Hogg, son of Mr.
of Turnberry. Th
formed by Rev.
Clinton, a former
of St. Paul's Chur
mony a very plea
spent. 'dr. and M
the very best wish
friends for a ha
wedded life. -- -
e Wedding.
and Mrs. Henry
ene of ahappy event
ning of last week
r, Miss Mary Wheel -
e of Mr. Fred M,
d Mrs. Robt. Hogg,
ceremony was per -
E. Jeakins, of
well-known Rector
. After the cere-
ant evening was
Hogg will have
= of a large circle of
•y and prosperous
PASTURE TO LET—Parties wanting
pasture apply to W. J. Deyell, P. 0.
Box 281, Wingham.
Maitland Pres
At the meeting
terial Society het
week the reports
were 27 auxiliari
the Presbyterial an
$23,088 were raised
and $175 by the
remitted in all to
"Tidings" has 548
of clothing sent to
$900.00. Officers e
are as follows:—Pr
Perrie, Wingham;
Mrs. Deadman,
Mrs. (Rev.) Bel,
Vice, Mrs. (Rev.)
Rec.-Sec., Mrs. (R
Cor. -Sec., Miss
Treas., Mfrs. (Rev.
now; Sec,-Suppli
Wingham; Tiding
Ferguson, Belgrav
vention will be
It was a most sue
largest in the hi
and removals thro
reports from Auxi
couraging. All
interest and ent
Tlie contributions
over the proce
afternoon session
Elora (returned
gave a most excel
Needs of India."
Rev. S. B. Rollo]
Jews in Toronto s
is being done amo
Rohold briefly ske
the treatment of
nations both in th
The address was 1
full of enthusiasm
self a Jew and sp
dish language.
yterial Society.
Maitland Presby -
in Bluevale last
bowed that there
s connected with
10 Mission Bands.
taring the past year
ands, $25,066 being
general Treasurer.
subscribers. Value
Indian schools was
cted for next year
sident, Mrs. (Rev.)
1st Vice President,
russels; 2nd Vice,
Molesworth; 3rd
v.) Lundy' Walton;
ether, Kincardine;
McKenzie, Luck-
s, Miss Lockhart,
Sec., Mrs. W. H.
Next year's Con-
eld at Kincardine,
ssfui gathering, the
:tory of the Society.
the many changes
ghout the year the
iaries were most en -
indicated unabated
siasm in the work.
showed an increase
ing year. At the
Miss Thompson of
issionary from India)
nt address on "The
In the evening the
, missionary to the
oke of the work that
g these people. Mr.
ched the history of
the Jews by ether
past and present.
ost interesting and
Mr. Rohold is him -
fluently the Yid -
Summer Tourist Rates to the Pacific
Via Chicago and North Western Rail-
way, special low rate round trip tickets
on sale from alloints in Canada to
Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland,
Tacoma, Seattle, Vancouver, Victoria,
ete., etc„ during June, July, August
and September. Excellent train ser-
vice. Por rates, illustrated folders,
time tables and full particulars, address
B. H. Bennett, General Agent, Yonge
Street, Toronto, Ont.
The induction o'. the Rev. Crawford
Taite, B.A., into t pastorate of Knox
Church, Bluevale a d Eadies congrega-
tions, took place on Thursday, the 22nd
inst. The Rev. J. L. McCulloch, of
Cranbrook, preache 1 the induction ser-
mon from Luke 1 t 1.12. It was an
earnest, practical di: course, The Rev,
A. J, Mann, Brussel„ gave an excellent
address to the newl inducted minister.
It was replete wit wise counsel and
advice, The Rev..8. Perrie, Wingham,
addressed the con ; regation, At the
close of his address Mr. Perrie read the
following letter t' the congregation
from their forme pastor, Rev. W. J.
To the members a d adherents of Knox
Church, Bluev+le and Eadies con-
Dear Friends: - 1 wish to express my
hearty congratul.--ions and best wishes
on your havinga •ettledpastor inducted
among you, and p 'ay that the minister
of your choice ma be long spared to go
in and out amon•.t you, and that the
kindness and sy pathy you showed to',
me duringmy pas orate of fifteen and a
half years in your midst will be continu-
ed l�obe. I Mus a that the blessiI am ng of
the Great Head •f the Church may be
upon you and yo r pastor and that the
work in Knox C urch and Eadies will
continue to prosp•r.
Your fo mer Pastor,
Before the me • ting closed, Mr, Perrie
was presented ith a purse of forty
dollars from the congregations of Blue -
vale and Eadies as a token of their ap-
preciation of his services as Interim
Moderator. It ,vas accompanied with
the following address embellished with
a beautiful drawing of Knox Church,
To the Rev. D. Perrie from the congre-
gations of Knox Church, Bluevale,
and Eadies Church, Turnberry:
Dear Sir: - Now that your duties as
Moderator of this charge during the
vacancy in the pastorate have come to
an end, we wish to express our appre-
ciation of the courteous and painstaking
way in which you' have discharged the
functions of the office. Your labors on
our behalf have re ulted in the choice
of a minister who is acceptable to all
and to effect this ; appy result as well
as providing a .nstant supply of
speakers for the p ]pit during the five
or six months in wh _h it has been vacant
must have require + no little work and
trouble on your pa t. As a slight re-
cognition of what y u have done for us
we beg you to ace pt this purse with
our hearty thanks. It has been our
privilege at differe t times to receive
the benefit of your preaching and we
would like to take his opportunity to
tell you of the hel • and pleasure we
have often found in your sermons.
They always reveal sincere and cul-
tured mind and ar marked by a no-
bility of thought anbeauty of expres-
sion that are an i spiration to your
That your life may be blessed with
increasing powers d opportunities in
the high service t which your gifts
are devoted is the united wish of the
congregations whos interests have been
under your care.
Signed on behalf .f Knox Church and
Eadies Church.
J. ite H. SMITH,
J ( S. M. SMITH,
In the evening a tea -meeting was
held at which add •sses were given by
Revs. Taite, Wes]: y, Perrie and others.
A splendid musica programme was also
rendered. Among those who assisted
from a distance ere Mr. and Mrs.
Jos. Stalker, Win u am, and Mr. Dugald
Strachan, Jamest. •n. Their selections
were thoroughly appreciated by the
large audience pr ent.
bench hands wanted at once on day
or piece work. Married men preferred.
Excellent prospect for steady men.
Apply stating experience and wages
expected TheKnechtel Kitchen Cabi-
net Co„ Ltd. Box 370, Hanover, Ont.
B. Company
The members of
Regiment held an
Thursday night at
Quite a number of
the town have sig
of going to camp
however, still ro
good men. Withi
quarters have
ground from Gode
no doubt will m
everyone. It is e
armoury to be bui
Wingham will sti
a large extent,
dition to the reg
proposed to hold,
all kinds of indoo
etc. The boys le.
o London.
e B. Company, 33rd
nthusiastic meeting
he Brunswick Hotel.
the young men of
ified their intention
is year. There is,
m for a few more
the last week Head-
anged the training
ich to London. This
et the approval of
.ected that the new
t at an early date in
ulate recruiting to
he armoury in ad-
ar drills which it is
'11 be available for
sports, rifle practice,
vefor London on June
This "Empress" Two -bar Strap Pump
Shoe is the latest creation in Parisian style
of footwear, the style of last giving the
foot a very short appearance.
We are Exclusive Agents.
This "Empress" "Empress" Shoe illus-
trates the kind of footwear
that instinctively catches the
eye of every well-dressed
woman. We can readily ex-
plain why we are enthusiastic
about our stock of "Empress"
this season. It is complete in
every detail. We are "Em-
press" agents.
Fire Insurance
Life Insurance
Accident Insurance
Plate Glass Insurance
Tornado Insurance
Live Stock Insurance
Real Estate
C.P.R. Tickets
Steamboat Tickets
Something doing all the
Ritchie & Cosens
Seed Headquarters.
I have in stock all kinds of No. 1
seeds: Mammoth Clover,Red Clover,Ai-
sike, Lucerve, Timothy Mangle seeds,
etc. A car load of Essex selected Seed
Corn to arrive in April. •Guaranteed
to grow. We buy nothing but the best
that can be secured. No risk when
buying from us. J. A. Mills, Wingham.
Pon RENT.—Offices with a good fire-
proof vault. Apply to J. A. Morton,
barrister, Wingham.
DEMONSTRATION -H. W. t ee1'e will f'
be at A. Young's hardware store on
1e'riday and Saturuay, May 30th and 1
31st, to demonstrate .on the Detroit
Vapor Stoves, Ladies are requested to
visit Mr. Young's store on these days.
AT 1011
Thousands of ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in their own
homes to wimpy lucrative positions a'
stenographers, booldreepers,telegraph•
era, civil servants, in fact every sphere
of Bus.ness Activities. Yon may finish
at c011egelf you wish. Positions gnur-
antced Enter college any day. Indi-
vidualinstruction. Expert teae1u re.
Thirty year's experience. Largest
trainers in Canada. Seven colleges.
Speeialcoursefor teachers
Affiliated 'with Commercial tidewa-
ters` AsSocint+on of Canada. :umrncr
Minot at the tanieus Spotton Business
College, London.
Wingham Business College
Geo. Spotton, W. T. Morse.
President. Principal,