The Wingham Times, 1913-05-08, Page 5esu::ac+ams�..,er.-sm.��„e„_•7.-,
i Cagy lf[ ri
110 n lorgay
WC haVe moved im (n, ' stane_l in the Mac-
donald lilt )ck, 'Wait i,l, n)1' t() MCI%ibbon's Drug
Store, t )i .`:,t,';,te (.)1 Commerce, and are
olio;' re;i. i`' to serve \ Ou better th<1n ever.
We irlaaii.0 you all to rt:)rne and see us in our new
quarters. whether you want t() buy or not.
During our three t•ipeanimg Days,; Thursday,
Friday and Sattaxday of this week we will
give you a discount of 25 per cent. off the
regular price of all goods bought and paid for.
This means that a purchase amounting to $1.00
will cost you 75 cents, a $5.00 purchase will
cost you $3.75 and a $10.00 purchase will cost
you $7.50,
We have a complete range of all lines of Spring
and Summer Wear for Men and Boys.
Don't forget the New Stand, Macdonald Block.
W. 4. GAP1P
0.04®.44.00 C. ,..4..:.64-0.4*4.4.300.00.r.
Straw T Tats at all Prices
No. 777
Just a little care in selecting your
corset will make all the difference
in the appearance of your gown -
and add much to your ease and
Ask your dealer to show you
d izeirce
For full figures, we recommend
Model 777.
There is a complete range of sizes
in each .model.
But -be sure to get a C/C. a la
Grace Corset. Then you need not
sacriftc4ase and comfort to the
dictates of fashion.
In the newest goods of
Cotton Whipcords, Bed-
ford in greys, white,black
and white checks, some-
thing different in material
than we have shown this r
season. Biggest choice
in Cotton Goods in Repps, e
Mulles, Voiles, Prints, ,e,
Muslins and Ginghams
watch our window this
. 4
C -C •
A la Grace Corsets and r
our other styles in Cromp-
ton Corsets are perfect
fitting for this season's ;
styles. You will get a
really up-to-date model,
one that suits your figure o
perfectly by asking for A
C -C a la Grace Corsets. :
The well known advertis•
ed line of "Holeproof
Hosiety" in Women's, :
Children's and Men's, a
guaranteed three and six $
months or new ones re-
placed for same. We have 'r
the agency for this line.
Ask to see Hosiery when 7.
purchasing; price, 6 pair N
$2, 6 pair $3, 3 pair for e
Phone 70. A
Mailed Orders Promptly Filled.
I CO.1
Slut** ,0* •+* 0t00000000000.00 •,•,••••+
THE VAN 'HAM TD1Aal ,, ];)Aa4 8 1913
. own,-K•,:.ere-+,:,.+.,,+=,.aa..,+.m.m=.v:...a+...•e..Aw,..w..ara.w+r. ,n..evn,.•.,eoea
Is at asens.s
Bru4,'b' lt•,•rt:,Eti.).), b;,^ Asa...00a
Lonaaa e+n ma, in :i.;1, al paam sof %5 ovor
la vote.„
It ,l, . t 1 ,.r..) ctn ll't') toot tett 'tau apple
tree,' on ldi: acel'.1 ;A311:141,7I'+rmas,'hi.
• 11 + i •; ,'l: o .?,�: .:to lip. pl,alitr; heal-
1) t) Wttr:tT.,oi' Ite'7;aiuta, forte, ray of
t:hia locality, was macti, malttl as.000tla to
ifs:; : is 1atl' l of l r. 'rhe l,.tei'a
' brother -la -haw, Par:. Mr. 1 ..tet , r , ti,•d
j the matrimonial ?m::. .ole. atntl alata
Walker ara viaitiog hese, batt ill ;nave
sootily fog tte r Ma.
lair? J. aa taaat•.fl1 ,ass; antanrsoad
!to I'lcto:: on Tame slay owingul-
Jame a Me iilr tater n, ief (1'h, I i
i-sw ,,.a.k;',with hia brat aals,
! Wm. McC'rlelaell, 4€h finer. 'i'he loather
i:, atilt tUtaw:cr', as:nal te)gat : boatbei. we
!hope he will sorra Ifs aids- t. throw Hearn
{ atwaly.
On?sprit IOth, Robert lint;hc'a, a for -
riser. reside at of the 7th lin el '•i a. the
! home of sasn 'Henshall, E 1 aontia,.
faged 8`i y' s? Mrs.llu;gh''aa die . la
years a're, al Math whartr thoy moved
from Morris."' :11r. Hughes went west
four years a aQ. II' is survived by 2;sous,
Milton, of 11.'troit and ar a t'1 0 lid.
naonto,); and 2 1 await rat, Mrs. Jao.
Wheeler, of London, and :alias Annie. of
Edmonton. 0020:1,30d (i wt14 al member of
til j ti7tnii I.:al rt•1i wad
trete e m: •d.
was hi:',111y
a;saln' ta^3tt^asta,)r..
The following is the report of S. S,
No. 11, Last Wawanosh for the month
of. April, based on diligence, atteildal;::e
and general demeanour,
Sr. IV. --Sandy Young, 77; May Shiell
Sr. III. Flora McNeil, 7S; John Mc-
Burney, 50.
Jr. III,-Euphemia McNeil, 65; Grace
Wightman, 64; Violet McBurney, 62;
Rena Deacon, 58; Alba Walker, 55;
Luella McGregor 55;
Jr. Second. -Donald Young, 65.
Sr. Pt. U. --Doris Walker, 55; Harry
Deacon, 54.
Jr. Pt, I1.--13essie Deacon, 55.
{ Sr. Pt. L -,Lizzie Young, 60.
Jr. Pt. I. -Alberta Walker, 60; Fred
Deacon, 55.
Ola M. Woods, Teacher.
t rr.xosS
Council met in Town Hall, Te,eswater,
April 28th. Members all present. The
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last
meeting were read and adopted.
Donaldson- Thompson - That John
Armstrong have an arch culvert put in
at lot 1, con. 10, and have the tile tak-
en out and put in on sideroad No: 1,
con. 10. -Carried.
Armstrong- Case- That Donaldson
and Thompson be appointed to have the
sink -hole repaired on con. 10 opposite
lots 27 and 28 as it is reported to be in a
dangerous condition and to have it re-
paired as soon as possible. -Carried.
Armstrong -Thompson -That we ap-
point Mr. Case to have the culverts op-
posite lots 20 and 21, con. 2 repaired as
soon as possible. -Carried.
Thompson -Armstrong -That as the
25th sideroad is out of repair that Jas.
Donaldson and the mover will have the
same repaired as soon as possible. -
Case -Donaldson -That we appoint
the Reeve to go and investigate and in-
terview the parties connected with the
O'Malley drain as we have been notified
that it is blocked in several places.-
Carried. '
Thompson -Armstrong -That we give
the Greenock Council until the 12th day
of May, 1913, to pay their share on the
Bell & Settler drain, and if not paid by
that time, that the Reeve take the pro-
per proceedings to collect the same. -
We, the undersigned beg leave to re-
port as follows: -That we examined
the grader and found it in a very bad
condition and would recommend that a
new one be bought. -Jas. Donaldson,
John S. Armstrong.
Moved by Thomson, seconded by Case,
That we appoint .lames Donaldson
and John Armstrong to buy a grader
and deal the old one as part pay, and
we would recommend them to purchase
A Peck plough as we would consider it
a good driver on grader. -Carried.
Case -Thompson -That all parties
who have been putting stones or other
obstructions on sides of roads must
have neem removed immediately, other-
wise, said parties will be held respon-
sible for any accident that might occur
as provided in the general Township
By -Law. -Carried.
Frank Wocks and others, building
ctalvert................ ..... $7.00
Robt. Smith, cutting trees off road
con. 18 . 2.00
A. Schumacher, sheep killed by dogs 3,00
Jno. Aitkens, inspecting sheep kill-
ed by dogs.... .. 4.00
D. McIntyre and others,haulieg tile
and putting in culvert ....... 8.50
A. McDonald rep, culvert and haul-
ing earth. ....... ..... &00
Armstrong--- iompson -That the fin-
ance report as now read be adopted.
Donaldson -Case -That this Council
do now adjourn to meet again ,on Mon-
'h,r, , May t:', a lE (e)u't of lievislon and
Apt,. al, and other h,a.tineas. Court to
open a;i, 10
.'al a. 131-T•rota,. Clerk.
C1'..17,.FRC1i-I NOTES.
Itt>v. N.J. Beaton, formerly of White-
charch ( spurred aha nI 1i s ,t Jnr Ary
prize at Vietoria Uiiive r:•,i,. ^, T+)itlnt'm,
in 3:n•;ti ;la Bible study.
Th, r:; Rev. Doan 1) avi ; of Loon l')n
preacl, - 1 two splendid re+rmons in St.
Peelers' ('1)tlr,+h 1arlt f3tunlay*. Being Mis-
sionary Sunelay throughout the Area -
deanery of London ta,•re E:1s a gsmaaal
e:.':,an;;'te of pulpits.
t 'rnu'1'on serve., t. ^a9 lid in the
l: a ath't Meech on antalay last. iie.r-
vi . as won! ' held in the Bible, Class room
of th•' Chureh last Sued.:?, the iir.t .:) er-
vi'tc's to be held in the blailii'.ig since the
Oro ...aY1a.'',.rc;'i:., ago.
Itev. 1). Perri-' -end Mr, las Elliott,
« re it; „.
) St.< athatua_s an
Tuesd ay r. ldinlr ri, ' ,:ll r Pae abytey
i'1 contra:dt)n with t o to 9 •.tended by'
th:> Diu ovale anti l' all.'; Presbyterian
congregations to Rev. Crawford Taait,
of St. Catharines..
The Dt'an.'ry (".iat;i','r oriel Paan'1:Ly
.'hoot E1asioa )tinnl a!' "il+ C'QUntw ttf
Huron held their annual meeting at Ex-
eter on TU[ lay, M Ly,nil. alias CT - ); a
and Miss L. Plenty were tIolegatearam
Trona St. Paul's St .lane School to ,ale
Next Sunday will b„ anniversary flay
with the Gingham :deklaa:last• i unsay,;
School an 1 t•pacio' seervi'ae,s will be held.
Itev. A. J. Langford. of Kincardine'
wilt preach at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. In
the afternoon, commencing at 2.3a u'
clack, a platform ineetin g will be held
and especial program has been arrange;1,
The public cordially invited to attend
Upper Lakes Navigation via Canadian
Pacific 8teamohips.
The Canadian Pacific, commencing
May 10th northbound, and May th
southbound, will .operate Great Lakes
Steamship Express trains betwein Tor-
onto aid Port McNicoll on the following
schedule, with first class coach and Par -1
for Car running through without fecal
NORTHBOUND -Leaving Toronto 12.45
p m arrive Pora McNicoll 4 p.m., each
Monday,Tu y, Wednesday, Thursday
and Saturday, connecting with the Pal-
atial C. P. R. Upper Lakes Steamships
leaving Port McNicoll on above days for
Sault :ate. Marie, Port Arthur and Fort
SOUTHBOUND -Leave Port McNicoll
each Sunday and Thursday at 8.45 a.m.
arriving Toronto 12.0Qnoon, and leaving
Port McNicoll Mondays, Tuesdays and
Saturdays at 11.45d. m., arriving Toron-
to 8.15 p.m. Until Steamship Express
goes into commission connection is made
with Upper Lakes Steamships by leav-
ing Toronto 9.45 a. m.
Full particulars from any C. P. R.
Agent or write M. G. Murphy, District
Passenger Agent, Toronto. Ritchie &
Cosens, Town Agents.
FEED OATS—We have on hand agood
stock of Ontario and Western Oats,
suitable for feed.-Tipling & Mills.
Ion. Robert Rogers -responsible for
Federal interference with Saskatchewan
Provincial elections; for the Russian
reign of terror in the Macdonald bye -
elections; for the attempt to bribe the
whole constituency of Richelieu with a
railway; for the attempt to bribe Ant-
igonish by premature publication of
public works for that district during an
election campaign; for the introduction
of Manitoba methods. into Dominion
Government, with its reign of terror in
civil service, for the acquisition of a $350,-
000Prince Albert city subdivision
"homestead" by apolitical friend at a
cost of $10. -Moose Jaw Times.
Succession duties for the month of
April received by the Provincial Tree s-
urer amounted to $60,881, as compared
with. $88,615 for the corresponding
month of 1912. In the six months of the
fiscal year ended April 30, the total
amount received is $385,894. For the
same period of last year the amount
was $356,675.
select from at lowest prices.
Death of Former Winghamite.
Mr. 'Frank Kling, died atSeaforth on
Saturday evening, April 26th, after a
severe attack of typhoid fever. Mr.
Kling was a young man,- just in the
prime of life, being not 35 years of age.
He was born in Teeswater in the Coun-
ty of Bruce. When a lad he removed
with his parents to Wingham, where
he learned the bakery business. He
came from Wingham to Seaforth and
for eleven years he was engaged in the
Dick House and finally became prop-
rietor of that well-known and popular
hostlery, and which he conducted until
his death. He was a skillful and exper-
ienced horseman and was considered
one of the shrewdest and best judges
of light horses in this part of the coun-
try. He was from time to time the
owner of manyvaluable animals and
at the time of his death he owned four,
thorobred stallions and two racing
horses. He is survived by his widow
and one son, also by his parents and
two brothers. He was a warm . patron
of sports of all kinds and was promin-
ent in the bowling and curling clubs as
welt as all athletic sports, and . he was
an officer of the town band. He was
of 41 genial and friendly disposition.
13PICTS B TTL!`,t5,
Baby', battles for health are many.
The preeiotn littl • life is in constant
danger frr.,m the many ilia that atil'et
little one; such as constip(Ltion, indiH*,es-
tion, colic, Mat rit•)t' L, eta , and tutleal
the mother guard.;, little ones ngains
these tre)nbl s seaiona , ..ults may fol-
low. Baby's (Pao tablets 1's tot! twit
me (i1ln0e l) light .),Ines .i battles. They
are a mild lanativ,s that will r••gulate
the o)~,•),-ria[h ...i taffeta atal wilt thus
wt'al°'dl rlal siert),+y;i tti:•1 will ' keep bal,y
happy, lt'n tl y a )Id strong. I'h(.'f-
let (Irl) sold by Irl i), ane+ ,i galea:; er boby
mail at 2a renis a krt. from The Dr.
Williams' ltle>tti'in ' o„ 13rockville, Oat.
'Winter Clothe read Suat:aar
The time at al proat•hing when tl e
winter clothier;• Iiia ;t be dispo..sed of safe
from moth:] fur the novo-:. )r season. If
your packing 13 el l i r in trunks, you will
want only camphor fi Lke.+.4 with naptha
moth -balls or l-lveaeler fist:'s.
It the garment.. are loft h a vin g in
closets, tack on 'am w allaaa fear sheets
of tar paper, whie i can be bought in
sheets .P) x Ii inches. ('edarized hags
are also goof, all are du.itproof a al
moth -proof, provided the clothing put in
them is first well bru'abed and eleantt,l.
The ehannt'a are that the only things
you will need taro tooth balls or flakes,
and perilap; a few tarpaner ba •4. And
if you wish to avoid the expense of the
Iatter. it is 1 e.,, )1' to make them
yourself frond goad atrong papor that
you may parcha e from a:u.Aarhy,;r )cert
or general merchandise store. In real-
ity, the chief virtue of'' bels is
that they are :sir -tight. The odor in the
prepared paper i., something of a de-
tere:'nt, a; mr,tt:.4 da not lily., it --hut
the principal advantage lie's ie the fact
that no insect may enter.
Only 2:5 per cent of the lana art of
the United .'.at*; i. improver farm
TIMEe./ 4 La
Homesec kers'
To Manitoba, Saskatche-
wan, Albzrta.
each TUESDAY until Ont, 28th, inclusive
Winnipeg and Return - - 835.00
Edmonton and Return - - 43.00
Proportionate low rates to other
points. Return limit two months.
Through Pullman Tourist Sleeping
cars are operated to Winnipeg with-
out change via Chicago and St. Paul,
leaving Toronto 11.00 p,m. on above
Tickets are also on sale via Sarnia
and Northern Navigation Company.
H B. Eoraor•r,'Pawu Passenger & Ticket
Agent,Phone 4.
W. N. BURI)M&,l•, Station Troket Agent,
Phone 50.
65 cents will pay for the
Tullis to January Ist,.1914,
52.50 will pay for the 'l'Itlss,
and Toronto Daily Globe
to Januar,y 1st, 1914.
S1 will pay for TIMES and
Toronto Weekly Globe to
January 1st, 1914.
S2 will pay for Toronto
Daily Globe to January
let, 1914.
Leave your order at once.
It will receive prompt at -
The Times Office
Wingham, Ont.
Headquarters for N.t.IfIS0 ':. c ;t ,, 004110t7.1.3, dli aw'>:d, Lanoleawiis,
p�[ fc �p fl P,p�
Mattings, �iV b`nd(A"'r",% S'atal'�':�, `.$l"W'"liilt S� J s, Mairas
Curtains, Lace Curtains, Te.pes>r/ Curtains,
Art Sateens,Asi
ri 1Z1Iax:,Iix�� Furniture re Iia- d
mask anda� ll kinds of Howie ie Furnish-
ing Goods d s at less than city prices.
4:, da'wi:lde ;4.41 at 5) ;'t. ,'a'd �
... ., -..r a��. < .<... .. s=..... .>... 4
CARPE'r-3 -- lr•; steak th ch r) r ):n i a'ti-lits; 'rt..v pt,t'tr+t4 in 4
Wool 1'etpestry, 13:'u-,•:. . aad liens,) ;'z,1).,. 803'411 g
bargain, vivid wide for
t* 4
RUGS. -Largo rimam'of New Diaigns and0 )1 win in all sizes of g,
Wt1ton, liras':el , t'aptstrv, :rix ain,sar, tV))1 i it tfatoa P
Square.. Seca our leader, size 3 K 1. 4100i).
LTNoLEUe1S --Nets Patterns, all 'wil` + :. 2 v1,4, 1 y:14 :3 a. vtsr,i;'a.ld:
o •--'®• ----- G
aLACI': ,CURTAINS -Never so many to chane frons. See the sam- 4
.* ries displayed (Il the ground floor, I'ciees begin at 25e. 3
as See cur spe,lai line at $2.00. g
4 .—.. .—.-.,..,�,-- .,-.--. . 4'
ART DI.<1PER[I+7S.--New patterns and s'tarlea, including very pretty 0
4 ' horde ed g''od4, 1',1004 are 103, 15e, 20; and 25e
3 WIND )W ULAN Di —Washable Oa atria Linen, m Inn -el on 0->od g
°r Spring R'11 ,rs, with Lama: Inserr•i'n, our priee;We. 4
v 4
a 0.
i;a ,I`r
17:?' IS
AA..A.....Ad,O--4.e.•.,..,, 3r,-•� '!,e:h .A h rs .;.
- s V •i? •V�/4-0- -04.-4 4r ., ,.; •4,--'`+-* 44.o115
c e . , ,,,;,'.. V(.�/..'�. 1.'•'J1' ..m., 4'1- ,7 .::y^.`V.�f.. CY c,.. eV S1r 01 ftS @1 4'a ! fid sl 1?� : 0V'R'w I'•: t.Y, 4
J cas
o n
o We are sole ag nts for o
o 0
We Guarantee r cF'nts for evor,' Button that tames off .9
aand 25 cents for every rip.
o For every Six Pockets cut from worn garmen's we will 4o.
4 <''
f' 0
v to
G 4.
0 ea
O o
0 4 0
give you O c pia- of
Overalls or Smock Free
Get the habit of Saving your Pockets.
Sold and Guaranteed by
H. E. IS ARD & CO.
Also by the Walker Pant and Overall Co.
Walkerville, Ont.
044340•0.04.40o�C.n0w..' - '-..,,,, .
The best practical training school
n Ontario. -Three departments,
Commercial, Shorthand
and Telegraphy.
All courses are thorough and prac-
tical. Teachers are experienced and
graduates are placed in positions.
We give individual attention and
tudents may enter any time.
Write for free catalogue at ince.
We have in stock a car of the choice,t Seed
Corn of all popular varities grown on high
Essex land and of an exceptionally fine sample.
You wilt not have seen the best till you call and
examine our Corn. All varities both sh 'lied and
on the cobs.
We have also a good supply of Seed Potatoes,
Green Mountain and De!eware, Bliss' Farcy
Triumph, Irish Cobblers.
Fine Tomato Plants,• etc., for Saturday, first
Large and complete stock of Mangel and Tur-
nip Seed.