The Wingham Times, 1913-05-08, Page 3BLOSSOMING SPRING. [From "In Memoriam."} Now fades the last long streak of snow, Now burgeons every maze of quick About the flowering squaree, and thick By ashen roots the violets blow. Now rings the woodland loud and long,. The distance takes a lovelier hue, And drowned in yonder living blue The lark becomes a sightless song. Now dance the lights on lawn and lea, The flocks are whiter down the vale, And milkier every milky sail On winding stream or distant sea; Where now the seamew pipes, or dives In yonder gleaming gleam, and fly The happy birds that change their sky To build and brood; that live their lives. From land to land; and in my breast Spring wakens, too; and my regret :Becomes an April violet, And buds and blossoms like the rest. Alfred Lord Tennyson. sow's ,rluxs We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- -ward for any ease of Catarrh that can- not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY, & CO., Toledo, 0, We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be- lieve him perfectly honest in all busi- ness transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous eurfaces of the system. Test- imonials sent free, Price 75 cents per bottle, Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. South Huron Licenses. The South Huron License Commis- sioners met in Hensall on Tuesday of last week. John Middleton of Goderich township was elected chairman and commissioners John Sherritt and W. H. Delbridge were present, with In- spector Torrance. Ezra Brenner, the Grane Bend hotel man, who is now facing a charge of bribery, was given one month to sell out and John Morely, of the Metropolitan opolitan hotel, Exeter, three months to dispose of his stock. Mrs. Elliott of Bayfield will only get a six months' license. Wm. Moffatt of Centralia is given three months to im- poove his premises. A. deputation was present from Stephen township asking for a further reduction of licenses but this was not granted. The follow- ing will be given year licenses: Exeter - W. T. Acheson, of Central; Mrs. J. A. Newell of Commercial. Hensall -Fran- cis Carling of King George; W. J. Perkins of Commercial. Bayfield - Henry Darrow of Commercial. Zurich -R. R. Johnson and J. P. Rau. Cred- iton- August Hill, Dashwood -William Zimmer. - ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Cenuine Carter's Little Liver Pills,. Must Bear Signature of $see Vac•Slmile Wrapper Below. quantor Very small and as easy to take as sugar; FORHEADACHE. FOR DIZZINESS. FOR OILIOOSNESS. FOR,�TORPID LIVER, FORtQONSTIPATIOH FOR SALLOW SKi$ FOR°THECOMPLEXION GE1iV.rNe 1.0U$ LAV[ NATUMC. £URF. SICK HEADACHE* CARTERS ITTLE IVER PILLS. WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and sur.ounding District to sell high-class stock for THE EONTHILL _ NURSERIES'; More frtlit trees will be planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm, We Mach our leen Salesmanship, Tree Cultlure and how big profits in fruit -;rowing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent employ+ went, estelnsive territory. Write for particulars, STONE &I WE1.LfNGTON 'Thrown). Farm aria (hrden FIGHTING THE DAT SMUT. Formalin Treatment Is a Simple and Well Recommended Remedy. The effectiveness of the rormalin treatment for stiuking smut of wheat, smut of oats and covered smut 02 bar- ley when properly used has been re- peatedly demonstrated. It is easily ap- plied. inexpensive and very effective. The treatment consists of treating the seed with a solution of commer- cial formalin in water. Commercial formalin, which is a 40 per cent solu- tion of formaldehyde gas in water, :nay be bought by the pint or in bulk at a cost of 50 cents to $1 per pound, and one pound (10 ounces avoirdupois) will treat twenty-five to fifty bushels of grain. The foru:albs solution should be guaranteed to contain 40 per cent of formaldehyde gas by volume. if there Y �T Photograph by United States department of agriculture. SMUT OF OATS, SFIONSLIa A SMUTTED BEAD AND FOB COMPARISON A SOUND OAT BEAD. is any doubt as to its strength a halt taint sample should be sent to the state agricultural station for anal-r.�is.h This formalin is mixed with water at the rate of one pound at formalin to every forty-five gallons of water. 1f the grain is sown immediately ul'tee treatment c'onsider'ably more than usu- al should be sown to the acre. us the water absorbed causes the grain to swell. Sprinkling is one of the most con• venient methods of using the foru:alin treatment, The seed is placed on a clean floor or canvas in a pile or layer several inches thick. It is then sprin- kled with the formalin solution by mens of au ordinary sprinkling can or spraying machine and is shoveled over and over until every kernel is thoroughly wet. The grain Is thorn placed in a pile and covered with sacks, blankets or 0 tarpaulin for two hours or overnight. It is then dried Sufficiently to run through the drily, after which it may be sown.-i3nllel10 United States Department of Agricul- ture. FORM AN ANTi-WEED TRUST. • u Every farmer ought to take b pride in destroying weeds, Fawn:- °• et's, In fact. ought to work in • unison toward preventing all a pestiferous tweeds front going to • seed 00 their 'lands, 1f they r would only combine and form a 0 "trust" for this purpose, there is • • no legislation that would kick, • and greatly would they be bene - e fited by it. • m 0 0 0 0 0 m 0 ID 0 0 • 0 0 e a • •msa••e•m• 00000sO..500000• The Gain Colts Should Make. The average farm colt should snake 0 daily gain of at least two pounds. Also good colts can be raised when the mares are working. A colt should :weigh at tett months one-half its weight at maturity. -Farm and Fireside. With the Wax and Honey Makers. Bees winter better if they have part honey and part sugar to live on daring cold weather. Look out for the weak colonies ut bees and give them honey from those that have more than they need. Thou- sands of colonies starve to death every winter. If you feed the bees sirup be sure It is not too thin or trouble will result. Three parts water and four parts. sugar will be about the right mix- ture. It is economy to buy hives in the Oat and put them together at leisure time, rather than to buy them A11 nailed and painted, as the tatter cost about oue- third more. Even a novice can put hives together without trouble, as ma- chine made hives are so accurately Cut that ail parts fit easily and interchange- ably. -Farm Journal. Throughout the winter period of in- activity it is best to keep the bees as quiet as possible. After providing for their comfort by properly housing and them it is best to let them sheltering t e severely alone during frosty weather. It will be important. however, to 'watch the entrances to the hives and keep them open. There Is danger of these openings becoming stopped up with dead bees, even when only a small per' tentage of the cluster meet their detail In winter.-0ountxy GetttloWan... 111E `\ tNta1IA , INNS, L 81 1013 The Columon Mau -Why is it you ae. tors weal' heavily rurred eoute in all seasons? Great Actor -The fact is, my dear fellow, my prol'cssiou is the only one liable to frosts In all seasons.•--Syduey Bulletin. To debate matrimony she Attempted. She was sly. His arguments were good, and the Wise judge announced a tle, -Cincinnati Inquirer. Bookkeeper (to boss] -Mr. Grouch, I'm going to get married. Gropch-Glad to bear it. You won't be so all fired anxious to get home early, -Boston Transcript. One life is all we have to live. Why cling to hate' or scorn a smile? The joys we gain and those we give Are all that make the world worth while, -Chicago News. She (meaningly)-Do you consider kissing really dangerous? He (meanly) -Yes; it often brings on marriage. -New York Journal. Some years ago the sages spake the wet- come household word That children should be seen at times, but never, never heard. It's different with the dictograph, for here is a machine That should be heard when spoken to, but never, never seen. -Cleveland Plain Dealer, Mother (entering bedroom) -Why, children, what are you crying for? Bobby-! wanna dirk. Mother -Well. I'll get you a' drink. Elsie, what are you crying for? Elsie -You didn't bear Bobby, mam- ma, so 1 was helping him cry. -St. Louis Republic, The snow's on the ground, .And the bees haven't hived, But the government seeds Have already arrived. -Uetruit tree Press. Mother (after reading pathetic story) -Now, Reggie, wouldn't yell like to give your bunny to that poor little -boy you saw today who Hasn't any father? , Reggie (clutching rabbits -Couldn't we give him fattier instead?-Fuucb. }le didn't think he ought to be Forever in the spotlight's glare. When people were applauding he Believed in letting others share. Be often sat in silence when Another fellow had the floor. And thus among his fellowmen He never carne to be a bore. -Chicago Record -Herald. "That dressmaker's model always wears a long wrap when she goes out." "Hers is evidently a sinister motive. She wants to cloak her designs." -Bal- timore American. The secret or wealth I aro giving. With glad news my message is fraught+ lust give up the high cost of Iiving And live on the cheap food for thought. Cincinnati Enquirer. "Say, ma, who said 'Neither a bor. rower nor a lender be?'" "Some' person who'd never lived in the suburbs, Tommie." -Life. "At night -to -he -I always peep Beneath the bed To look for men before 1 sleep," Miss Elder said'. "Wise," mused Miss Pert, "he must have been Who first expressed The thought 'Ilope springs eternal in The human breast!' " -Kansas City Star. Biobbs-There is only one thing a woman loves more than to be told a secret. Slobbs-And that is? Blobbs-To find it out herself. - Philadelphia Record. A lesson his exit is giving. • Let It not challenge your smiles. He elimbed to the high cost of living And fell twenty miles! -Atlanta Constitution. "She has great confidence in 'her husband." "That so?" "Yes. She even takes it for granted that he has fixed the furnace for the night before he retires." -Detroit Free Press. Since Dr. Young announces That shaking bands is wrong, Because it helps the microbes Too gladsomely along; I see that I shall simply Be forced to substitute Somewhere on your complexion An ardent, chaste Salute. -Chicago Inter Ocean. Crawford -To do a thing well, you know, you Must do it yourself. Crabsbaw-But you miss the fun of seeing the other fellow work, ---Judge. Little drops of nonsense, Little grains of verse I{eep the pessimistic world From growing any worse. -Spokane Spokesman -Review. "So you are going on a strike?" said the cafe patron. "Yes," replied the waiter. "Great Scott! If I have put up with this place all these years I don't see (vhy you can't." -Washington Star. Riches have wings, So I've often heard tell. But rm eager to know Have they drumsticks As Lve111 -Denver RepublIcon. Griggs --your wife sada danger obdWet9 to your staying out lthtt now did you m it? >mfib'C 13rfggs-I began sniokihtg in the house the cigars she b4'bght to keep me at home. -'-Boston Transcript. Ypu.raay think you're. a fast young man an your Vero Mut speed-+t�y:doa11111 you oeuldn't dodke the old tin oaa, /;'or you shan't outpace troiiible. }-Cincinnati muleteer, °Every Wenim Reid Take 66Frat'wajntivesIf I,AI:zr. r, ONT., MAY 12111. 191I "Kindly publish this letter of trans- it you think it will benefit other women who tnight be afflicted with the diseases 1 have bad in the past, but am now, thanks to "Fruit-a.tives", completely cured of. It is my firm belief that every woman should take "Fruit -a -Lives" if she wants to keep herself in good health. Before taking "Fruit-a-tives", I was constantly troubled with what is com- monly known as "Nerves" or severe Nervousness. This Nervonsness brought on the most violent attacks of Sick Headache, for which I was con- stantly taking doctors' medicine without any permanent relief. Constipation was also a source of great trouble to me and for which the Doctors said "I would have to take medicine all my life", but "Fruit-a-tives" banished all these trou- bles and now I am a well woman" Mas. FRED. GADKE. 50c a box, 6 for $2,50 -trial size, 25c, At dealers or sent prepaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. RIGHT WILL PREVAIL. Toronto Star: In the heat of parti- san controversy all are tetnpted to say extreme and absurd things; and one of the absurd sayings is that the Liberal party has been crushed because a point of order has been decided against it, The rules of order must be observed but they do not decide the fate of eith- er party. The uitimate success of a party de- pends upon its principles and upon the enthusiasm which these evoke. In these respects the Liberals have every reason for encouragements. The have stood firmly and consistently the ground of self-government and confidence in Canada, in Canadian patriotism, and enterprise. You cannot rule those great principles out of order. The fight has brought Liberals together and has drawn upon immense reserves of Par- liamentary skill and debating power. Working and fighting for a great cause, The Liberals at Ottawa have become move than ever, comrades and loyal friends. The memory of the last few months will be treasured all through their lives and the tempor- ary reverse will only cement the bond of union. The same forees+have been at work all over Canada. Liberals are united, enthusiastic, proud of the work of their representatives at Ottawa. Though they feel that the naval bill violates the principles of self-government they know that in the long run self-government must win, as it won in 1848 atter a strug- gle of 21) years. Time is on our side. The great forces which in spite of oc- casional reactions govern the world are on our side. Our cause is too strong to be killed with such of lath as a rule of procedure. Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASToRIA Save the Robins. Teachers and parents can accomplish a real service to the country by in- structing the children to spare the rob- ins. The robin and its nestlings are perfect gormandizers when it comes to taking a meal of bugs, caterpillars - the enemies of mankind. The fledge- lings eat one and two-fifths times their own weight of worms and insects each day. No wonder men speak of these little birds as "worth their weight in gold." No bird is more welcome in the spring and summer than robin red- breast. Robbing the nest, breaking the eggs and killing the young birds make cruel sport and cause us all to suffer from a lack of economic wisdom that permits heartless destruction of nor songster friends of the thrush Tamil. . All Skin ®iwwww ARE OCCASIONED BY No one can expect to he free from some foray or other of skin trouble unless the blood is kept in good shape. The blood can easily be purified and the skin dtsettee cured by the use of aurdock Blood Bitters, that old and 'Fiddly known blood medicine. It Ilse been on thc' market for over :9 i ye.trs and its reputation is unrivalled. :,I:.;. Ellie Mitchell, Guelph, Ont., itcs:---"I was troubled with eczema. slybad was covered with awful itching an eruptions. Although I tried many i lomat• remedie3 I could get nothing to ',lye nae relief. Finally I get a bottle of i,.t.dock Blood Bitters, which completely c' t".'cl mel' (lanud:tante:I only by The T. Milburn 'Porotito, Ont. • G 1<IR 'POPULATION. The following is the population of the County as Amnon the assessment rolls for 1912, furnished by Mr. William Lane, County Cleric: - Ashfield Colborne Goderich Grey Hullett Hay Howick Morris McKillop Stanley Stephen Turnberry Tuckersmith tisborne Wawanosh, West Wawanosh, East Bayfield Blyth Brussels Clinton Exeter Goderich Hensall Seaforth Wingham Wroxeter Total Total in 1908 Total in 1909 Total in 1910 Total in 1911 2,640 1,486 1,820 2,099 2,251) 2,282 3,207 2,122 2,174 1,758 3,270 i 1,603 2,053 1,805 1,362 1,541 34,780 4881 711 931 2,252 1,479 4,774 677 2,015 2,541 086 50,079 54,955 54,017 53,239 52,622 Look to Tour Plumbing. You know what happens in ahouse in which the plumbing is in poor condition - everybody in the house is liable to con- tract typhoid or some other fever. The digestive organs perform the same functions in the human body as the plumbing does for the house, and they should be kept in first class condition all the time. If you have any trouble with your digestion take Chamberlain's Tablets and you are certain to get quick relief. For sale by all dealers. Good Banking. , It is not often that we farmers have an opportunity to borrow money from the banks without interest, Such an opportunity, however, has been extend- ed to the farmers of Iowa by a number of public-spirited bankers who can see far into the future. They have offered to loan money to farmers withoutinter- est who will use that money in building silos. '?'his offer has been accepted by some farmers, and already the arrange- ment, although running only one year, has resulted in mutual benefit. We are not urging that Canadian bankers fol- low the example of their lowa breth- ren and loan money without interest. We do believe, however, that when a farmer comes to a banker with such a good proposition as the erection of a silo that the banker should be as willing to accommodate him as is the business firm. Besides, the silo offers an oppor- tunity for investment that is just as safe as the best proposition that a busi- ness man could place before a banker. -Farm and Dairy_ Congh Medicine for Children Too much care cannot be used in selecting a cough medi I nc for c i] d ren. It should be pleasant to take, contain no harmful substance and be most effectual. Chaimberlain's Cough Rem- edy meets these acquirements and is a favorite with the mothers of young children everywhere. For sale by all dealers, Seeking Vain Excuses. Deliberate attempts have been made by Conservative members of Parlia- ment and the Conservative Press throughout Canada to make it appear that Rule 17, under which the Govern- ment so insultingly deprived the Leader of the Opposition of his opportunity to speak or move an amendment to the closure resolution, had been put in the rules by Sir Wilfrid Laurier himself. The records show that Rule 17 was adopted when the orginal rules of the House were formulated after Confed- eration, and that it has continued in existence since then. But during 46 years neither Liberals nor Conservatives have availed themselves of it. It remained for Mr. Borden under the in- fluence of Hon, Mr. Rogers to discover and enforce this rule in a manner never intended by its framers. That the rule was enforced in an im- proper manner by shutting off Sir Wile frid Laurier after he had been "recog- nized" by the Speaker is shown by Bourinot, the .standard authority of Parliamentary practice, who says on this very point -"It is irregular to in- terfere with the Speaker's call in favour of any other member." Lieut. Col. John Munro, President of the Farmers Bank, died at Embro, John Mitchell, who was conductor on the train which experienced the Komoke disaster on the Great Western Railway, died at Sarnia, aged 81 years. REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WINSLOW's 'SOOTAINO SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WIIII,$ TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES tete CHILLI, SOFTENS the GUMS. ALLAYS alt PAIN l CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRIICRA. It is ab. solutely harmless. BC sure -and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup*** and take ;mother kind. Tnemtty-five cents a bottle. The Nationalists have swallowed themselves as completely on closure and the naval question as Premier norden himself has done. Premier Bordon, a few years ago, was solid for Canadian navy, as suggested by his colleague, the Hon. George E. Poster. Ile has made as complete a change of front as any man ever attempted. -Guelph ,.Guelph Mercury. rJLI Y1( jl\l1 HIS WILD OATS REAPING A 1 -HARVEST OF SORROW Row many youtlg twee 1kback ,mr�lr'Ooc ontheir i T „� jJ �/h ; early life and regret their .fir i misdeeds, "Sowing their wild oats" in various ways. Bsscesses, violation of - ture's laves, "wine, women and song" -all have their victims. Yloa have re• formed but what about the peed you have sown -what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are et present within the clutches of any secret habit which is sapping your life DEB *TY• fering ` a. by degrees; if you are suf- is v �,, +, past from the results of dare not marry; if indiscretions; if your blood has been tainted from any private disuse and you e in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a misspent life -DRS, K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable.. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAINTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Die. eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE, Books Free on Diseases of Men. if unable to call, write fora Question Blank for DOME TREATMENT. DRs.KENNEDY. KENNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. Ma`'NOTICE All letters front Canada must be addressed to our sn sem- Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are )ised for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: • DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for our private address. 'i•k +++++446'344+W$+>i'+++ ++++++.t ¢tw+++++++, .:.41. 4 + :t, The Times +� d+ d 3+ ,„ ., CIubising +i d'+k t 4+ + ,1, ,1, r iTimes and Weekly' Globe . 1.50 i; + Tunes anti Daily Globe 4.t.0 + Times and family Herald. and Wseedy St*: .... 1.t5 l+ .l+ Times and Toronto VI' eekly Sun. , ..... , 1.`r 5 + Times and Toronto Daily Star .... 2 ZO + Times and Toronto Daily News..........,..... `2.idi'O +i' 4. Times and Daily Mail and Empire,..... 4.150 + a+ Times and Weekly Mail and Empire.......... 1 €0 4. Times and farmers' Advocate ,.... se 2'..05 + + Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) 1,FOe. Times and Farm and Dairy..............1 80 .(. Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press..,,,...... 1.iO �. Tithes and Daily Advertiser 2:$5 'i' Times and London Advertiser (' ek.ly) ... ..., 1.i 0 + a Tithes and London Daily Free Pres: itis ; reel g Edition ....... "a.i 0 Everting Edition ... 2 ; 0 + + Times and Montreal Daily W1tnes�'::1:::: 0 Times and Montreal Weekly Witness1,t:5 Times and World Vide •2 5 Times and Western Home Monthly, VCinnix<c;..,, 1.(11 ,; Times and Presbyterian .... 2.2 5 Times and Westminster ... , f' + Times, Presbyterian and Wtsixninster i;. 5 . Times and Toronto Saturday Night ..., 3 40 sy. 4. Times and Busy Man's Magazine, ....... •,.. , ..�0 Times and Home Journal, Toronto,,, , , .. 1.75 e. 4.Times and Youth's Companion 2,90 :;: + Tithes and Northern Mesacnt;er.....,.+. 1.55 'i' ae se Tunes and Daily World .... .. 3.10 Times and Canadia�l Magazine�(monthly),2.90 Times and Canadian Pictorial ... 1>E0 Times and Lippincott's Magazine B ,15 ''' Times and Woma'n's Home Companion .... .... `?,r"U ' Times and Delineator +2 0 Times and Cosmopolitan 0 i. i• Times and Strand 2,;i0als Times and Snceess 2.45 +Times and Mcelure's Magazine...........,..., 2 80 + Times and Mnnsey's Magazine 2,5'5 Times and Designer 1. Ell, Times and Everybody's 3,40 These prices are for addresses in Carada or Great q Britain. 1' The above publications may be obtained by Tln,(s $ subscribers in any combination, the price for any public a- I: tion being the figure given above less S I,co repre'eentirr ' : the price of The Times. For instance : :gym + The Times and Weekly Globe �l.tl(1 The Farmer's Adgocate ($2.35 less $1,00), 1. 5 M '1. d+ Sy) Vii) ^+ makin4.g the price of the three papers $2.95. 4. 4.The Times and the Weekly San .... ::.11:.7i.7:4 -:.: The Toronto Daily Star ($2.30 less $1 oC+`;>. .. ++ Tlie Weekl3. Globe ($1>G0 less $1.00) .. ' t : 4. d' 4* M the four papers for $3.7o.4, + If the pllb.icat on you want is not in above li:,t let 4' us know. We • n supply almost any well-known din4e- + dean or American publication. These prices are strictly 4. r cash in advance 4. S.:�nd subscriptions by post office or express order to u +i+ ÷ 1 Lie Times Office •1• +$ 4.Stone Block 4.WINGII .M ONTARIO kt+ ,+_+i +.4,.d +iktl dr+.42irtit'k+1+i**+ 'h+ ++ +d++ k 1' t 6 'tl!I * +4 alfebtaitaiintatilintininknakkehEntetil 11.