HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-24, Page 8WINGIIAN TIMES APRIL 21 1913 I MINOR LOCALS. Qiiu OF WiN61iAM -Clean up your front and bail:yard Wall Paper from 5e ler roll up at ; y -Law O. 670 1913. Knox's. -Support the Football boys of Wing - 'High $ehool on Saturday. For Wall Paper and Window Shades go to Knox's. -Buy your railway tickets frem H. B. Elliott, Town Agent for the G, T. E. -Come and cheer for the Wingham HIigh School Football boys on Saturday, April 26th. Call in and • sea the new 1913 Wall Paper at Knox's. - If yc u intend going West, buy your ticket from H. F. Elliott, Town Agent for the G. T. R. Newest and latest Designs in Wall Paper at Knox's. opposite National .hotel. Phone 65. -Wingham High School plays Listow- el High School for Hough Cup on town park, Saturday, April 26th. A House to rent. Apply to -F. McCONNELL. - We are pleased to see Mr, Chester Walker able to be around again after being a patient in the Wingham Hos- pital for a few weeks. -In North Perth twenty-nine tavern and three shop licenses were granted, compared with thirty-four tavern and three shop licenses last year. -Thursday, May 1st, a Special Con cert in Picture House, will be given by Wingham Bowling Club. Watch for notice in next week's issue, when programme will be given. -Miss Irene Cavanagh, who has been undergoing a siege from typhoid fever at Wingham hospital, is progres- sing faborably and will soon be able to return to Brussels we hope. -Brussels .Post. - Provincial Inspector Ayherst, of To- ronto, with Inspector Beckett, of Owen Sound, and Provincial Constable Phip- pen, of Wingham, were in Lucknow on Friday looking up evidence in connect- ion with the sale of liquor in local option teroitory. - Mr. C. V. Blatchford, late city editor of the Windsor Record, has pur- chased the Listowel Banner and took possession last week. Mr. A. H. Smith, the,late publisher has taken a position on one of the newspapers in Medicine Hat, Alta. -The first trial of its kind in Canada will be heard at the spring assizes in Goderich as a result of Ezra Brenner, of Grane Rapids, being committed for trial at Exeter on Saturday on charges of having paid money to buy votes against local option in the recent contest in Stephen Township. -Mr. C. P. Smith has disposed of three of his cottages. Mr. D. Watters has purchased the one on the corner of John an Shuter streets; Mr. F. W. Stricker takes the ore on Shuter street and Mrs. John Alderson has purchased the one on John street which she has been occupying for some time. - Isaac J. Wright, of the 6th con- cession of Turnberry recently purchased a line Scotch Shorthorn hull from Mr.S. Dyment, of Barrie. Mr. Wright is an up-to-date farmer and is to be commen- ded for his enterprise in endeavoring to improve the live stock in his community. The Army Staff Band. The famous Salvation Army Staff Band, of Toronto, consisting of thirty- three bardsmsn, will visit Wingham on May 3rd and 4th. On Saturday even- ing, commencing at li o'elocck, they will give a musical festival in the Town Hall. Mayor VanStone will preside. Sunday afternoon, commencing at 3 o'clock a musical service will be held with Mr. F. Buchanan presiding and on Sunday evening, commencing at8o'clock C a special service willbe held he d by the members of the Band. The Sunday morning service will be held in the S. A. Citadel. Several prominent officers of the Army will accompony the band. The people of Wingham last year show- ed their appreciation of this Band which is second to none in the Dominion. North Huron Licences. The North Huron Licence Commiss- ioners held a meeting in the Town Hall Wingham on Monday when licences for the ensuing year were granted to Messrs J. E. Swarts, John Putland, 13. J. Doyle and C. E. Lepard, of Wingham and Geo. Town, of Wroxeter. The matter of granting licences to John Schaefer, of Wine:ham and the two hotels atBlyth was defered until the itth of May when another sleeting of the Commissioners will be held. Local Option cuts off three licences this year in North Huron, being the hotels at Bleuvalo, Belgrave and Walton. The new Inspector, Mr. J. J. Mitchell, will take up his work on the let of May. BORN. A lir 1(11x. -In Wingham, on April 17th, to 91r. and Mrs. John Amsbury; a son. M `3•AYn.ETON. -In alrloclr bon'6ire- d neaday. April 23rd, to Mr. and .Ells. E. Stapleton; a daughter, ARMSTRONG- Lucknow, on April 14th. to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Arm- strong; a son. LIE() • • ELI.IuTT.-In Turnberry, on April 18, `. 'Min Elliott, aged 42 years, 2 months SCHEDULE "B" ,t117T-L2 days. Showics in respect to each installment of A I3y-Law to provide for the improve- ment and extension of the present waterworks system of the Town of Wingham and for procuring a supply of pure water for domestic purposes and to authorize the issue of debentures of the said Town to the amount of $501'0.00, for the pur- pose of raising the sum required therefor. WHERFAS the Mnnieipal Council of the Ccu porrtion of :he 5 own of Wingliam deemed it erg edit nt and peersssry that the present Is at( rworris n3stc10 shouldbe improved and that the ratepeyt rs and residents of the sold n owe nhetitd he supphnd with pure water for domestie purposes and in order thereto duly pasnt d a By-law of the said Corporation on the t, nth day of January, A. D., 1910, for the purpose c f ex u-1161 g the sum of $11000.00 in the ;Mit rmprev. tnents and in procuring pure water for domestic purposes 88 aforesaid in pursuer ee of the estimates of W. Mahlon Davis, the engineer of the said Town, which said e. tnnates were appended to said By law and which said By-law rs numbered 593, 1009. AND WBEIREAS pursuant to said By-law debentures of the said Town of Winrhamhay° been issut d to the amount of $0000.00. AND WHERIIAS it has now been nseer• taint that the sold estimates of $0000.00 are all ogethtr inadequate for the purpose of car- rying out and completing the said improve - nit nts and extensions to said waterwerlts sys- tem. AND WHEREAS the said "municipal Coun- cil have precured estimates of the cost rf the improvements referred to and the in- stalling of the sa d system of pure water for the puller aftre=aid, which said es - tin ates ai e appended hereto marked Schedule "A" and u hieh amount in the whole to the sum of $5.000.00. AND WHEREAS in order to carry out and corm lete the eeid works it will be necessary to issue further debentures of the said Town of W ineham ft r the suns of $5.000.00 as herein- after poovided, which sum is the debt intended to be creel ed by this By.low, the proceeds of said debentures to 1•e applied to the said pur- pose and no other. AND WHEREAS it is desirable to lame the said Debentures at one time and make the prineitel of the said debt repayable by yearly sums during the period of thirty years, being the currency of the said Debentures, said yearly sums of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year for principal and interest in respect of the said debt shalt be nearly its possible equal to the amount so payable in each of the other twen- ty-nine years of said period as shown in Schedule 'E" hereto annexed. AND WHEREAS the total amount re• quired by the Municipal Act to be raised an- nually by speeial rete for paying the said debt and interest as hereinafter provided,.3s $825.26. AND WHEREAS the amount ofr the whole rateable property of the Town of Wingham, according to the last revised assessment roll thereof, is $804,098 00. AND WHEREAS the amoi 4it of the exist- ing debenture debt of the said Municipality, exclusive of local improvement debts secured by special rates and assessments, is $147.258 04, whereof there is nothing in arrears for princi- pal or interest. Therefore the Munici el Corporation of the Town of Wingham nac tas follows:- 1 ollows:1 The Municipal o oil of the said Town of Wingham shall ex the sum of $5000.00, in addition to the su 11$6000.00already provid- ed as hereinbefore set out, in improving the present waterworks system of the said Town, and in procuring pure water for domestic pur- poses; and for the purpose of raising the said sum, debentures of said Town to the amount of $5000.00 as aforeeaid in sums of not less than $100 00 eaen shall be issued on the First day of August, A. D., 1910: each of which debentnres shall be dated on the date of the issue thereof and shall be payable within thirty years there- after at the office of tht3 Treasurer for the time being of the said Town of Wingham 2. Each of said debentures shall be signed by the Mayor of the said Town of Wingham, or by some other person authorized by By -Law to sign the same and, by the Treasurer. there- of, and the Clerk shall att, ch thereto the Cor- porate Seal of the Municipality 3 The said Debentures shall bear interest at the rate offive per cent. per annum, payable yearly et the Office of the said Treasurer on the First day of Augustin each and every year during the curet -trey thereof. 4. Louring the currency of the said Deben- tures there .hall be raised annually by special rate on ail the rateable property of the said Town of Wingham the sum of $325 20 for the purpose of paying the amonet due in each of the said yens for prtncipai and interest is reepeet of the said debt as shown in Schedule "B" hereto annexed. 5. This By-Lnw shall take effect on the date of the final passing thereof. f, The votes of the electors of the said Town of Wingham shall be taken on this Ry -lav, at the following times and places that fs to On Monday Monday the Nineteenth day of May next commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon nod continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, by the following Deputy -Returning Officers and Poll Clerks, namely: - Ward 1 -At W..f. ,Tohnston'e Tailor shop on Josephine Street by W. .7. Haines. Deputy. Returning Officer; E. A. Hammond, Poll Clerk. Ward 2 e t Wm. Gannett's Implement shop on Josephine Street by . .,T. Alderson, Deputy Returning 0fllcer; P. H. Leans, jr., Poll Cle's. Ward 3 -At the Town Hall by Albert Flem- ing, neput3-Returning Officer; .Allan Fralick, Poll Olerk. Polling Sub division 1 of Ward 4 at Ritchie S Cosens' Office on Josephene street by J. W. Dodd, Deputy -Returning Officer ; John Ritchie, Poll Clerk. Polling Sub -division 2 of Ward 4 at Albert Bell's house on Josephine Street by T. 7. Mc- Lean, Deputy -Returning Officer; T. Miller, Poll Clerk 7. On Saturday, the 17th day of May next, the Mayor of the said;Town of Wingham shall attend at the Town Hall in the said %own at eleven ' o'clock ocic inh c inthe forenoon to ap- point persons to attend at the various polling places aforesaid, and at the final summing up of the votes by the t.lerk on behalf of the per- sons interested in, anddesirous of promoting or opposing the Tangoingof this By-law re,peet- ively. 8 The Clerk of the said Town of Wingham shall attend at the said Town Hall at eleven o'clock in the forenoon of Tuesday, the 20th day of May next, to sum up the number of votes for and against the By-law. Dated at the Town Hall in the Town of Wingham, the 21st day t.f April, A. D., 1913. MAYOR CLERK SCHEDULE "A" TO THE PROPOSED BY-LAW. Being au estimate of the expenditure refer- red to in the foregoing Bylaw. E'TIMA%E. Concrete reservoir $2400 00 Mains and water services 1500 00 Pump and pump house 110000 $5000 00 Total amount NOTICE TAKE NOTICE that the above is a true copy of a propo.tetl By-law which has been taken into eonslderatfon and wbich will be I finally pawed by the council of the Municip- ality of the Town of Wingham (in the event of the ascent of the electors being obtained thereto) after inn month from the first pub- lication thereof in the Wingham TIMER the date of which publication was the 24th day of April, A. D., 1013 and the votes of the el- ectors of the said iiluniel ollty will be taken thereon on the day and at the hours, and places therein fixed. And that the names of It asehold eT3neglecting tn file In the office of the Clerk r f the said Municipality init atl least p yt ten days next preceding the day of polling, n statutory declaration stating that their leases 101000 the requirements of subsection 1 of see. tion 0054 of The Consolidated Municipal Act, 1003, shall not be placed on the Voters' list for such voting. Town 11a11, WIhghanr, April 21st, AD, 1013, .T HN P. GROVES, Clerk. the debt to 1'e thereby created how much of 1 the amount to be annually raised is ler prim- 1 Opal and how much isfor interest. Year Interest Principal Total 1014 $210 00 $ 75 26 $325 20 1915 240 21 70 02 325 20 1010 242.9 102 07 1,23 26 1917238 14 0712 102120 19121 233 78 01 48 325 20 1010 22921 96 05 1325 96 1020 224 41 100 85 323 20 1021 "19117 105 89 325 26 1922 214 07 111 19 825 290 3923 205 51 110 75 325 26 1924 203 67122 19 82o 26 1925 190 t5 128 71 323 26 1026 190 18515 025 26 1027 183 3514104 525 26 1028 176 26 140 000:5 20 1929108 81 lfili 45 32a 26 1030 160 08 hit '2s 84.5 21 1031 152 77 172 40 325 26 1082 144 14181 12 :as :.6 19:03 13109 19017 0120 26 1084 125 58 109 68 025 20 1935 115 60 200 00 325 26 1480 103 11 2'2015335 26 1037 9411 201 13 325 26 1038 02 55 242 71 32a 26 100970 41 254 85 :321 26 1010 57 07 207 59 325 20; 1941 44 29 280 07 32.126 1942 3: 24 295 02 525 211 10443. 15 49 809 77 328 20 Spring Millinery Having purchased the Millinery business of the late Miss MacPherson, I extend a, cordial invita- tion to the ladies of Wingham and locality to visit my show rooms and inspect the Spring Mil- linery. The latest and most fashionable goods are on display and at prices that are in reach of all. Your patronage Solicited Miss E. Rush 00414 D"4a0V6.*000Gt:•a.a 041:46 49.040 ISUGAR 0O O- • To the present time I have not advised my customers to buy sugar, but I think it has m reached the bottom price now. For a limited time 1 will sell Redpath's Extra Granu- lated for $4.75 per e hundred lbs. Wallaceburg Granulated for $4.55. f) These prices are for cash only. • A 6096.6406•0434>*00e . >06/3.<J006.3 4) W. BONE Central Grocery Phone 113. NOTICE. All accounts owing McGee & Camp- bell area able to R. S. McGee cGee and must be settled at once. All accounts not settled by April 15th will be placed in court. R. S. McGEF'. FOR SALE. Lot 25 on the 4th con. of Culross; 100 acres, 80 acres cleared, well water- ed and good buildings. Wingham six miles. Apply to RITCHIE & COSENS, • Wingham. SEEDS We have a full line of the finest Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy and perman- ant pasture mixtures etc., etc. Good fresh Garden and Root Seeds not a single last year package left over, Now for a rush season in High Grade Seeds at very reasonable prices for cash. We are els r also seltlag Seed Corn. Leave your orders. • • Plot of Wingham, comprising three acres more or less and being the prem - Our motto, "Nothing but ises lately occupied by the late Edward the best." Haines. Upon this property is situate a brick house and stable. A. desirable property. For further particulars ap- ply to the undersigned. DUDLEY HOLMES, Wingham, Ont. 11..x......... GOODSKING RIGHT i For House Furnishings Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, Oilcloths, Linoleums, Window Shades and Lace Curtains Curtain Madras, Fancy Scrims, Arab Netts and Spot Muslins, ranging in price from toe to 75c per yard. LACE CURTAINS IN WHITE AND CREAM We are showing a very large assortment of these, and our values are sure to please. Prices from 5oc to $7.5o per Pair. WINDOW SHADES We carry a nice assortment of thesc in stock in plain colors with Lace and Insertion to match. Prices 5oc to $i.5o each. RUGS ! RUGS ! RUGS ! Tapestry, Velvet, Wilton and Axminster, sizes from 2 x 3 yds to 3z x 4 yds. Prices range from $7.00 to $50.oO. We take special orders•for anything we have not i,z stock and guaranteed to give satisfaction. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. KING EROS. PRODUCE WANTED WE WANT YOUR TRADE `4k i 1 0•04.6•••••••••••••••••••0 0 • • 0 A A O 4' • O O • O • 4> O • • O • O 4> O 2nd. 03000••••••••••i••0•••••00a' A COOPER & HERMAN The Store of Qodlity and Quantity A few of the many reasons why it pays you better to buy at Cooper & Herman's. 0 4 O 10 O • 4 n 0 lst. BECAUSE our system of buying is the very best and it could be proved that we are buying cheaper than anybody else. BECAUSE our expenses are very little and therefore it is easily O 9 0 0 0 O A • 10 b • • • e 0 4> 4- e • G u understood that very little profit buys the article in our store. A 3rd. BECAUSE we are for quick returns, we think it is better for us and for you that the same profit, which anybody else takes from one person, we shall take it from five persons. It is easier • for you and not much matter to us. These above mentioned reasons are enough to make you think why it pays you better to buy at Cooper & Herman's. We have in a large range of Men's Ready -Made Clothing, best make and best prices, also Gents' Furnishings and Boots and Shoes at very low prices. • We are making Suits to to Your Measure. •O Cooper & He.rmanj The Bargain Store Opposite Presbyterian Church, Wingham • 4) 0 4 A • 0000001E 64••••0•.00.0..•••• •000•••••ee•e•••04•000@c..?O FOR SALE, Part of lot number thirty-three -three on the South side of the 13 Line in the Town V. .. AWoE FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being entre part lot 42, c eon. '7, East Wawanosh, 85 acres clear- ed, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, balance in grass, well under - drained' 4 acres orchard; 1 1-2 story noiori BIG SHOE SALE AR MEN On Monday rickct, April z 8th At 7 . i 5' p.m. Precisely 41 Pairs Men High Grade Shoes Usually sold for $3.5o and $4.00 FOR $1.97 PER PAIR Nothing whatever wrong with these Shoes simply a clearance of Odds and Ends. One shoe of each pair shown in South Window. Note the time 7.15 p.m. precisely (Monday) WILLIS & CO. Sole Agents THE SHOE STORE for Ladies. 1111. ill ilii: 'l 1119 119 i11u1Y 911 11 11111 iG ilnmY IU 5 e:1r: C 111. lei: I: null 1111 Sued 1111 .„111 an�Ji 11 111'. .11 1 al�ri n 91 frame house, kitchen and woodshed; 9oil barn 00 x 70with stone stabling, cement floors; windmill, with water in house and barn; 1 1-4 miles from post office, church and school. WM. WIGHTMAN, Belgrave, F.O. HOUSE FURNISHINGS Now tha,t spring is drawing near the busy house wife will be making preparations for house cleaning and some particular room will want a new Linoleum another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or Carpet. Never has this store been so well stocked in all these lilies as we are passing into stock the last few weeks Nairs Scotch Linoleum excellent designs, English Floor Oils, lovely patterns, border Oilcloths and Inlaid Linoleums. Rugs and Carpets We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in including Union Rugs for bed room, Granite Rugs, something entirely new from $4.00 to $io.00, Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English Manufacture; Brussels Rugs, Axmioister and W iltons, price from $6.00 to $40.00.. We lead in House Furnishings, call and see our stock before buying else- where. 2 Cars Soar Now In For a shoe t time we will sell for cash Wal- : ' laceburg Sugar at $4.75cwt.. Red Path Granulatedi Extra $4,85 n 300 lb. lots, 5c 'cwt, less. • 20 ib. sack $1.00. (Produce of All Kinds -Wanted. iiil�i$• -1 i1a 91 aWu aaw CI" J, A.- MILLS`; Successor to T. A. ' Mills, PHONE 89. WINGEAM, ON's. iiIIMMENVEIMMEMEHERMINMEREIMMUMW