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The Wingham Times, 1913-04-24, Page 6
t WIN GIIAM TIMES APZt i L. 24, 1913 ILL) k llovd ---.-orfLioIli... Spring T11e trtifieial life of the winter—the artitT(i.11 1iot1.+-----t 'e impure air Of in- tl(a,)r dl'ti:•utiary habits—the la:•k ui' liuttioor exercise --alt tend to 111,t1.0 $.l:' 'i:'t.►t.I tili3l. ov.411a, watery and it i rt. nerve i °,'ed, ex- lia'•.1`- td•aa. .. 1"a ivastt'd t'.fe i, 4rve fort 1•� �. ;!:(• ' , ey..11:fhin�.;.� Oji at;i'l :1e•lt, tit t, Pot !�D1'1 ..°t:tt�iai.,t. .,., l .tli % dn',:�',' •y'dt� lIl n.:.:it.,.. ',;'i'ti<:t'.., .. 911 rp.i ('°&Dwn. When spring cones vitality is at low. ebb, and nine persons out of ten re- quire restorative treatment to form new. rich blood and. revitalli::e the nerv- ous system. Disease lurks on every hand in the spring time, and find; l,D,l.:;.111e1lt in the weak, run-down. and exhausted system 9 —you can protect yourself by using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The sawing air is often laden with disease germs. The waste and decayed matter of winter is thawed out, and. torula a regular hotbed of disease, from W11ic11 arise poisonous gases and germs . oi: /linear e. People with rich blood. throbbing through tiler arteries need have little f(:;'•. i•Or disease seeks out the weak and exis;:;l.: ed for its easy- victims. For such there is no season more to be dreaded than spring. Is this spring to be peasant or dis- agreeable to you '1 Are you. to feel in- yiptil"died. by the fresh 8pring air; to re•loit ,= is the opening bud; the sprout - hi g blade, and chirping of the birds .1 Or will r:)u be overcome with languor and weakness, suffer from heada('hes and bad,; pains, and drag yourself languidly about as though you had no interest in life and had lost all vigor and energy ? It is for you to decide this question, for the difference is in the state of your health, the richness and purity of your blood, and the vitality of your nervous system. After the de- bilitating influence of the artificial winter life, nine people out of ten require some restorative preparation to put their systeni in order for the enjoyment of life. As a means of enriching and purifying the blood, building up the system, and revitalizing the wasted nerves, there is yet to be discovered a preparation in any way equal to Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This creat food cure is composed of • the most powerful restoratives to he found in all Nature's realm. It actually forms new, red cor- puscles in the blood, feeds and builds up the shrivelled nerve cells, and gives new vigor and activity to every organ of the body, er e o The great nerve restorative, 50c a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. RIDDLES AND ANSWEBS Where did the parachute? At the gas range. Why did the k . scram? Because the egg -beater. Why -did the catnip? Because it heard the Peruvian bark. Why did the candlestick? Because it saw the library paste. Why did the milk punch? Because it saw the soap box. What made Plymouth Rock? It saw the Vienna roll. What made the gum drop? It heard the ear drum. What made the •.'skey still? It knew the wheel spoke. Why did the white pine? It liked the beach, but loved the sycamore. Why did the willow :hoot? It knew the iron wood. ZA31-I;t'd; PIAS IIIEALED IIT Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickson Ave., Toronto, says: " Abent four ye:..re; nee a soee spot ap2.earQt' on the ri,;ti't side of my face. This allot increased in size until it became ,:.'rout half an inch in diameter and vary pairful. T went to a doctor, br. quo ointment he gave me did not have any geed effect. 'the 4+,ro continued to die,- ,;charge freely, and spa:, most painful. I had it epl;terIzecl, tried politicos and all kinds of seit-us, tried, it q s n©,. 'd, and I continued to 'suffer ' £rom. t f g. j'euy ^ e! rnt "APinpio ei: Z'oinsf.sutt was one dog given, to itis, and 1 u:,cd it. A1'houl the qunntitp T613 so small, it SOS's'ed to des me soma good, so purceaased Ta ggtzther 'Gtuiviy: "14e'h box aid ane more and more goad, and, to my deli bt, before 1 had been using Zam-Iluk three week::. 1 taw that it we:: going to heal the .sore. 1n less than a month it wan healcd! "I know a, lady in the east: of the icily, whose husband suffered for • gears v: fth an open sore en his leg. it)n any recommendation, Zara-Buk 'was tried in that taw. The other klay. 'when 1 saw her, she told mo that It had Nettled the sore completely. "My daughter, 'eho lives in Leth- bridge. Alta., has also need Zam-Bak twlth. the came cw.tisfaetory result. 1 think it is, beyond art doubt, the finest healing balm kn0lws.M St:rli is the opinion of ail persons -Bak. It triedZam call (bVilO h �e really Is a sere cure for eczema, piles, e 1st C.,..'S, uieers, sAi11 Bates, ring - Sorra, Buts. barns. scat % bruises, and alt a?Gia injuries and diseases. 50e. box. all druggipte and stores, or Poct free from Zani-Butt Co., Toronto, Ser vriei°. In case of shift disease too *also Pees -Duk -Soap, Ze. tablet. il EHOLD SUGGESTIONS. Spa (vgeeeiregreat germ collectors and should be scalded frequently. Milk is very good to take out ink spots when they are fresh. It has no effect on dry ink spots. When velvet is spotted with rain, al- low it to dry thoroughly, then brush well with a stiff brush. Rub porcelain and enameled surfaces with a cloth saturated with kerosene oil to remove stains. When the top of the kerosene lamp becomes loosened, it may be tightened by applying a little melted alum. To clean bedsprings use an ordinary dish mop. The bottom of the coils can be easily reached with it and all dust removed. Prespiration stains on silk waists can sometimes be removed by sponging with a clean cloth, wetin clear cold water. Then cover the wet place with powder- ed prepared chalk. Let dry and brush off carefully with a soft brush. Tirett•oat Kidneys. Kidney troubles are so frightfully com- mon because the kidneys are so easily upset by over -work or excesses of eating and drinking. Cure is affected not by whipping them on to renewed effort, but by awakening the action of liver and bowels by the use of Dr Chase's Kidne't. Liver Pills. This rests the kidneys and makes them well. Kackache and urin- ary disoraers then disappear. Care of Veils. Veils should be laid loosely in long boxes, light colored ones, separately, and with wrappings' of tissue paper. In this way the veil does not become creased, as when folded flatly, and it will be found to retain its good ap- pearance for a much longer period. If your ,veil has become damp it should be laid quite flat across a table, and al- lowed to dry in that position, so that it does not wrinkle as it dries. furs should always be thoroughly skaken and brushed before putting away, and they are best kept in wrappings of newspapers or in large bags of un- bleached calico, these things having a tendency to to keep moths away. Every hat should have its own spe- cial box, no matter how simple it may be, and immediately after it has been removed from the head it should be thoroughly dried, placing plenty of tis- sue paper into the crown to prevent its losing its shape. ' NEEDLEWORK NOTES Cheap handkerchiefs for school child- ren can be made out of sheer lawn or Indian linen dresses. Some of the most exquisite modern point lace is made in the Vienna schools by trained peasant labor. Crocheted bed spreads. are the fashion again. One of the prettiest patterns is formed of blocks crocheted together and may he made of carpet warp or a coarse white twisted crochet cotton. A practical overall apron has the sleeves reaching to the wrist, and is cut slightly square at the neck, fastened at the back. Many people are having these in a light make of silk or wool to slip over a good dress when housekeep- ing 'and so save the trouble of too many changes of attire. When sawing buttons on, if a narrow piece of tape is threaded through the button and a small hole pierced through the article and the tape drawn down through, and the end of the tape stitch- ed down flat on the wrong side, the button will be found to last as long as the article. Cheap thread and sewing silk are dan- gerous economies, and it is better to use such bastings and coarse machine sewing. Breaking thread or thread that knots is maddening, and silk that fades and breaks after it is sewed on the goods wastes one's time and ruins the temper. Catarrh Cannot be Cured with LOCAL APPLICATIONSS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- ease, and in order to cure it you must take internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and act di- rectly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians in this country and is a regular prescription. It is compos- ed of the best tonics known, combined with the best blood purifiers, acting di- rectly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two ingredi- ents is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by Druggists, price 75r. Take Hall's Family Pills for teonsti- pation. The man that a woman says she does not care about is generally the one sho cries over. Over $300,000 is the estimated sum required for the Home and Foreign De- partments of the Methodist `Church hi Canada for 1912.13. RAINFALL From out the west, where darkling storm -clouds float, The 'waking wind pipes soft its rising note. From out the west, o'erhung with fringes The wind preludes with sighs its rounde- lay. Then blowing, singing, piping, laughing loud, It hurries en before the gray storm - cloud. Across the hollow and along the hill, It whips and whirls among the maples til With houghs unbent, and green of leaves blown wide The silver shines upon their underside. A }+tasty freshening of humid air, With showers lade), and with fraganee rare; And now a sprinkle, with a dash Of great cool drops that fall with sudden splash: Then over field and hollow, grass and grain The loud, crisp whiteness of the near- ing rain. —E. Pauline Johnston. The h'orty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find nothing better for a cough or cold. Try it and you will understand why it is a favorite after a. pericd of more than forty years. It not only gives relief— it cures. For sale by all dealers. Pre English Examination Papers. The following quotations from British examination papers and themes, ridicu- lous as they are, might be matched from many a Canadian teacher's experience: The Seven Great Powers of Europe are gravity, electricity, steam, gas, fly- wheels, and motors, and Mr. Lloyd George. Queer Elizabeth was tall and thin, but sht: was a stout Protestant. During the Interdict in John's reign, births, marringes and deaths were not allowed to take place. Henry VIII. gained the title Fidei Defensor because he was so faithful to his Queen. Cave Ganem—Beware lest I sing. A vacuum is an empty space with nothing in it; the Pope lives in one. A vacuum is an empty space full of nothing but Germans (germs?) A Conservative is a sort of greenhouse where you look at the moon. Parliament assembled in September and dissembled in January. The Habeas Corpus Act was that no one need stay in prison longer than he liked. Wolfe gained fame by storming the heights of Abraham Lincoln. Where was Magna Charts signed? At the bottom. .Where was Mary, Queen of Scots born and why was she born there? Mary was born in Linlithgow because her mother happened to be there at the time. Wellington threw up earthquakes be- hind bim as he retreated. The plains of Siberia are roamed over by the lynx and the larynx. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve in the body to its proper tension ; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all sexual weakness averted at once. Thosphonol will make von a new man. Price 33 a box, or two for $5 Mailed to any address. Tho Soobell Drug C*.,St. Catharines. Ont. Navigation opened at the head of the lakes, eight days earlier than last year. P'•airie fires are reported from Sask- atchewan, several farmers having been burned out. BR. A. w0 CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. meals the ulcers, dears the air passages, stops drop. pings in the throat andermanent. Iy cures Catarrh and Hay Fever. 25c. a box ; t.lowcr free. Accept no substitutes. All dealers or Edmanson, nates & Co., Limited, Toronto. c■ Mrs. John Stewart of Woodstock was possibly fatally burned while raking rubbish on to a bonfire. The four-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Deans of Fergus, while playing on the bank of the Grand River, fell in and was drowned. 9 REST AND HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE `i•IEETHING with PI•;RPECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHns tite CHILD, SOirr$NS the GUMS ALLAYS all PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and ,s the best remedy for DIARRHf A. It is ab. rotutely hartnless, Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no Other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle, ;Hiss Gladys Meredith of Brantford was awarded $1,500 damages against the chief of police and two other officers for false arrest, imprisonment and as- sault. Chamberlain's Tablets for Conatipatlob For constipation, Chamberlain's Tab- lets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. Besides the $240,000 salary he receives every year from the French Republic, President Poincare will get vegetables for his table from the gardens at Ver- tailles, game from the state forest and fruit froin the orchards of Fontainbleau, all free 'of charge. The above is a picture of " Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the 'tamer tills the hand. ailways, . t, Coal and Water !! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTFIL on account of the topography of the country. It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town, OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have to sell int • ay York for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West AND CUTOUT , THE IT US°N NOW !!! Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office. --5102 TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Ont: BRANCHES.. CIONTRLIL QUE. HAMILTON. ONT. LONDON. OWt 18 Now Ltl. Aims 302 Lister Q..,cben 11 Demintou S. Cw..b... WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building,' Toronto, Ont. . Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMANOAY. Name Address THE WINGHAM TIMES WHY THAT $35,000,000 NOW? (file Weekly Star) Next year the British navy will have, as pointed out by J. Allan Baker, M P., in the article recently summarized in these columns, 29 Dreadnoughts, or one more than the number possessed by the Triple Alliance formed by Germany, Austria and Italy. In 1915 Britian will have 35 vessels of the first class to 33 possessed by. the Triple Alliance. In 1920 Britian will pos§ess 41 ships all of which will be superior fighting power to the orignal Dreadnought. This will be exclusive to the ships which the Malay States and Canada are expected to provide. By the same date, at the rate of construction provided for in the German naval law, Germany will have twenty-four ships of the same class. Thus the British navy will exceed that of Germany, not by sixty per cent, but by over seventy per cent. These are the British Admiralty's own figures. How absurd it is, then, to speak of an emergency either present or prospective. Never were a free people asked to vote $35,000,000 on such flimsy grounds as those advanced in support of the demand for the approp- riation now being forced through at Ottawa. Never was a greater outrage perpetrated on popular governthent than in the attempt to stop discussion and drive this $32,000,000 vote through by brute force. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C .fit, S i ®lam I ,int. Mad a Weak Heart. Doctored For Three Years Without Any Benefit. Through one cause or another a large r:etjority of people are troubled, more or Las, with some form of heart trouble. Little attention is paid to the slight weaknees, but when it starts to beat irregularly, and every once in a while, pain seems to shoot through it, then it causes great anxiety and alarm. hlilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief to all those suffering from any weakness of the heart or nerves. " Mrs, M. Shea, 193 holland Ave., Ottawa, Oat., writes:—"I write you these lines to let you know that I have used 1`Iilblirn's Heart and Nerve Fills. After doctoringfor the last three years with all kinds of medicines and pills for weak heart, I heard of your Heart and Nerve Pills, so thinking I had never used any- thing that did me so much good, I kept on using then, and I had only used four t,oxes, when I was perfectly cured.' '"rice, 60 cents per box. 3 boxes for at all dealers, or mailed direct on :eceiipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. PRINTING STATION E RY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII: G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us ;I, whey' in need of LETTER HEADS; NOTE HEADS BILL HEADS STATEMENTS ENVELOPES WEDDING INVITATIONS CALLING CARDS POSTERS .-. CIRCULARS [CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, - Ont.