HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-24, Page 1q �!
VOL. XLII.—N0, 2132
Fresh Every Week
Special Prices
50c Assorted Cadillac
3 3 c lb.
35c Imported Turkish
r qc lb .
We intend offering these fi
`"Candy Specials" every
1 Saturday until further
J. W. McKibbon
721. Store
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Offioe aver Malool,ai's Grooery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
Veterinary Surgeon
Office of lake Dr. Wilson d Miss Giaeey's
Wingham, Ont. Residence
Phone 179. Phone 148.
Chrisfie's Grocery
Heinz Goods
India Relish
Spanish Queen Olives
Tomato Catsup
Select Onions
Baked Beans
Tomatoe Soup
We recommend these goods.
Their . quality is unbeatable.•
They are put up under the Deg
Sanitary Conditiolis, a•
Wear Greer's ShOes and Rubbers.
Final Euc
The membersof
adian Order of For
final progressive eu
season in their Cou
evening, April 25t
the Order are invit
re Party.
urtMaitland, Can-
sters will hold the
hre party for this
t Room, on Friday
. All members of
d to attend.
Headquarters for Wall Paper
Window Shades at Knox's.
New Divisio
Mr. Alex. Ross,
Wingham, recent],
as Division Court
day of last week
appointed as'his
will fill the positi
ory manner and h
satisfactory to th
and district,
Court Clerk.
who intends leaving
resigned his position
llerk, and on W ednes-
Ir. C. N. Griffin was
iccessor. Mr. Griffin
n in a very satisfact-
s appointment ill be
people of Ingham
EGGS FOR SALE—F m pure-bred
White Wyandottes a Black Orping-
tons. Apply to W. J. Deyell.
Mr. A. J. Nish
baker was in T
purchased urachi
factoring of brea
stant demand fo
bread it has nese
of up-to-date ma
motor will be us
new machinery.
and laundry work.
345, Wingham.
is in Bakery.
Ds, our progressive
onto last week and
ery for the manu-
. Owing to the con -
Mr. Nicholls' good
itated the installing
hinery. An electric
d for opera ' g the
Mr. Dan. McKee'
accident while foll
at Mitchell's mill i
day last The blo
working on fiew o
struck him on the
quickly taken td
and on examinatio
sustained a fractu
nedy, of the Win
called in and it was
injured man to the
ework and washing
A y to P. 0. Box
ie met with a serious
ing his occupation
Lucknow on Thurs-
of wood he was
of the lathe and
forehead. He was
e. Elliott's Surgery
was found to have
d skull. Dr. Ken -
ham Hospital, was
decided to move the
Feed! Feed! Feed? Just received
a car load of good oats. We also have
bran, shorts, good Day AMERICAN CORN
and other feeds.
Ontario and W - t Shore Railway.
An investigation
by the Ontario Rai
Board into the aff
West Shore Electri
of the four muni
guaranteed the bo
The situation appe
Mr. J. W. Moyes
control of this line
icipalities of Goderi
field township and
guarantee bonds to
000 to build the ro
miles of line from
and rails laid, bu
has been done
the distance
entire $400,000
and Mr. Moyes h
ed the road. No
last year. Mr, M
000 has been spen
up to date.
will shortly be held
way and Municipal
'rs of the Ontario &
Railway application
ipalities that have
s of the company.
.s to he that in 1906
f Toronto secured
nd induced the mun-
h, Kincardine, Ash-
Iuron township to
the extent of $400,-
d. About eighteen
oderich were built
little or no work
or the balance of
Kincardine. The
has been absorbed,
apparently abandon-
ing was done an it
yes claims that$639,-
upon the enterprise
Alsike. Alfalfa, Timothy. All new
and Government Tested.
Forthwith Coming Musical Event.
The visit of England's Great Organ-
ist, Gutty Sellars to the Methodist
church, Wingham, Thursday evening,
May 1st, 1913, is arousing widespread
Gutty Sellars, the great English or-
ganist -composer, was Dor in 187?• and
received his training at etersborough
Cathedral, and from a ell -known pro-
fessor of the Roya Academy of
Music, London. It w s • through being
heard in Switzerland however, that he
obtained his fir. t gagement at the
Queen's Hall, L on concerts, appear-
ing with Agnes ichols, Kirby Lunn
and Sir Charles Stanley. His after ap-
pearances in Europe were with Albani,
Busoni, Marchesi and in the same series
as Paderwski, Kubeolik and Dr. Hans
Richter, etc. Well known as a compo-
ser, one of his compositions was select-
ed as a test piece at the National Band
Contest at the Crystal Palace for per-
formance by the massed Bands of 3,000
performers. Mr. Sellars is a son of the
Rev. S. Sellars, his mother being form-
erly a Miss Gatty, a name w 11 -known
in musical circles through e reputa-
tion of Sir 'Alfred Scott G: ty, Principal
King of Arms, His prog mine is the
most unique in the auris s of Musical
history of America.
• FEED'OATS--W e h ve• oh hand a ood
stock of Ontari. • d Western . Gate,
sttitablo for feed,,-Tipling & Mills,
Standard Bre c)1 Road Horse,
Mr. Win. Caslick
standard -bred roa
chist," and will thaw
Wingham during t
chist" is a fine ani
mile went in 2.10 a
race in 2.171as a t
wishing to improv
see this horse.
WANTED - A boy
ing and paper hangi
to Adam Schaefer.
jias purchased the
horse, "Monar-
him for service in
season. "Monar-
al and in a trial
d was second in a
ee-year o ., Parties
their s oek should
am the paint -
business. Apply
Social E
The members of t
a very pleasant eve
room of the church
men of the Society
programme, consis
by Mr. Taylor and
and humorous re
Nash, Jobb and
After the progra
were served..
e A.Y.P.A. spent
ing in the school
when the gentlie-
ntertained. A good
ing of vocal solos
Ylr. Percy Jenkins
dings by Messrs.
YIurch were given,
ame refr'shments
A SNAP —A lot of 10
maple and oak, at
Pringle's Glove and ^
Dwelling Des
During last T
James McGee's d
first line of Mo
destroyed by fire.
such headway bef.
the inmates were
only a portion of
supposed that t
sparks from the c
be a heavy one f.
Foundry B
At a meeting on
the Western Foul
was re -organized is:,
ficers:—Hon. Presid
dent, J. J. Cunnin
N. T. Sinclair; Se
Treas., C. Beihl;
Captain, P. Staple
the Town League
gallon casks,
ach, for sale, at
eather Works.
rayed by Fire.
ursday night, Mr.
elling house ou the
ris was completely
The fire had made
e being noticed that
ble to escape with
heir clothing. It is
fire started from
imney. The loss will
Mrs. McGee.
seball Club.
riday evening last
dry Baseball Club
h the following of-
nt, W. Vary; Presi-
amjVice President,
'y, R. J. Brooks;
nager, H. Hendrix;
on. It is likely that
111 be re -organized.
Seed Headquarters.
I have in stock all kinds of No. 1
seeds: Mammoth Clover,Red Clover,Al-
sike, Lucerve, Timothy Mangle seeds,
•etc. A car load of Essex selected Seed
Corn to arrive in April. Guaranteed
to grow. • We buy nothing but the best
that can be secured. No risk when
buyingfrom us. .1. A. Mills, Wingham.
Death of Ir in Elliott,
Their passed awa on Friday evening
last at the home o the Oth concession
of Turnberry, Irwi Elliott, in his 43rd
year. The deceas had been in poor
health for some ti e. Mr. Elliott was
a son of the late J n Elliott and was
born on the hom stead on the 12th
concession of Turn rry, and spent all
of his life in this ection. He was a
man held in high es eem in the comm-
unity and his deat is deeply regretted.
He is survived by is widow, one son
and one daughter, who will have the
sympathy of the community in their
affliction. The fu eral to the Wingham
cemetery on Mo day afterno n was
largely atteneed.
NOTICE— On Saturdays after May lst,
we will close our works at 12 o'clock
noon. Parties havi g ides and sheep
skins to sell will ase bear this in
mind. We pay highest cash prices for
hides, sheep skins and tallow.
Five Teams or Hough Cup.
It has been ane,
Feibig, of the We.
ation, that the 11
grown in populari
pectations. The
there are too man,
to allow a separat
There are five W
football centres w
to meet Listowel
trophy at the pre•
that a winner be d
there will be a seri
games between Cli
Stratford, Woodsto
champion Listowel
have been grouped
games in which go
groupes are as fo
Stratford, Galt and
el 'and Wingham.
be played with Lis
pir'k on Satttrdaya
win- go to Listowel
unced by Secretary
tern Football Associ-
ugh cup series has
y far beyond all ex -
F. A. finds that
challenges on hand
play-off in each case.
'stern Ontario sehooi
are seeking a chance
the holders of the
nt time. In order
dared in this event,
s of home -and -home
ton, Galt, Wingham
k College and the
levee. The teams
for home -and -home
s will count. The
lows:- Clinton and
oodstock, Listow-
he first game will
owel on. the town
• the Wingham boys
on .Saturday, May
incense in Assessment and
Popu ation,
Assessor Griffin h
his work for this ye
be handed to Town
few days. The fig
that Wingham is g
essment and po
tal assessment • f
098 and this ye
The population in
this year it is 2619
58. The number
and 21 years is 5
ages of 5 and 16
There are 56 dogs
comparison we gi
for 1912 and 1913:
Total assessment..
Business assessmen
Income assessment
Taxable real prop'
s almost completed
r and the roll will
Clerk Groves in a
res this year show
owing, both in ass -
elation. The to-
' 1912 was $804,-
r it is $841,534.
1912 was 2561 and
being an increase of
persons between 5
, and between the
the number is 388.
For the purpose of
e the figures below
1919. 1913.
. $804,098 $841,534
71,655 82,9
11,543 :,869
720,900 29,755
NoTIcE.--Ten per ce t. • ill be added
to all water rates not } : id on or before
May lst.
Picture H
For Wednesday'
special reels includ
Friday our animat
events, this Pictur
edly popular. Re
urday afternoon at
use Notes.
d w�
ng o
efeature.day four On
ekly of current
is becoming decid-
alar matinee on Sat -
4 p. m.; children 5c,
For the best value in Wall Paper,
go to Knox's.
Salvatio Army.
The Officer in co
Corps desires to inf
Wingham that an
given them in a fe
the yearly effort p
vation Army, Calle
Our own town has
fitted in many ways
good work of the
local work the Arm
the largest mission
heathen lands. Do
fully received by t
or any of the aut
sincerely hope th
response to the a
of our town.
suitable for pum
light work on far
see it at Machin
mend of the Local
rm the residents of
pportunity will be
days to help with
forth by the Sal -
Self Denial Week.
undoubtedly bene -
by the presence and
rmy. Apart from
is certainly one of
organizations in
tions will be thank -
e Officer in charge
rized collectors. We
e will be a liberal
peal from the/citizens
ood gasoline engine,
ttyyeter and doing
rice $65. Call and
e Sh
A very succes
on Friday eveni
the Children's
gram was give
al Society unde
J. Henry Chr
choruses inclu
Chores," "T.
"The Rising o
ney," "Rule
also solos by
S. Farquhars
Hyles, of Ki
audience with
do we have th
to as fine a pr
the Choral So
rendering of "
all that could
ous moods an
song were w
other numbers
heavy, were
C. Smith's son
both numbers
forts. The to
marked and
Special mentio
excellent pian
G. C. Hanna,
in attendance a
the success of t
excellents acro
The Choral Sac
in training the
town and is de
s Aid Concert.
ful concert was held
g last, on behalf of
id Society. The pro -
by the Wingham Chor-
the leadership of Mr.
stie and consisted of
ing "The Hallelujah
e Soldiers' Chorus."
the Clans„” "Killar-
ritanria," and others;
s. J. C. Smith and Miss
Miss Amy Pearl
cardine, delighted the
er readings. Not often
opportunity of listening
gram as that put on by
ety of our town. Miss
ang beautifully. Her
he Auld Fisher" was
e wished for. The vari-
intense pathos of the
11 interpreted, and her
although exceptionally
11 sustained. Mrs. J.
s were well chosen, in
he excelled all. past a '-
po of each was a-11
er expression per.eet.
should be made of the
solo rendered by Mrs.
so of her faithfulness
rehearsals, as much of
e concert is due to her
ety is doing good work
young people of the
rving of bettersuppor`t
from the town people. The proceeds
of the concert is being donated to the
Children's Aid .ociety, which is doing
some excellent ork in all parts of On-
tario. Mr. 'Ge.. M. Elliott, the Huron
County Secretary gave a short address
on Friday even ng, giving a general
outline of the cork being carried on by
the Society in 1 uron County. He also
intimated that he was looking for
suitable homes, or a brother and sis-
ter, 2 and 9 yeas of age and also for 2
other boys and girls. Parties who de-
sire at any tim - to adopt children can
get full inform • lou by communieating
with Mr. Elliot at Goderich. The con-
cert concluded •ith a hearty vote of
thanks being tendered the Chorol So-
ciety on motio of Mr. Geo. M. Elliott
and Rev. Dr. utledge,
Mr. Jno, Kerr as in London this
Mrs. J. W. Mc " ibbon is spending a
few days in Toro to.'
Dr. A. T. Fore, of Neustadt was call-
ing on old Wing •am friends.
Miss Margare Vannorman has retur-
ed home from S.uthampton.
Mr, Dudley .lines was in Windsor
for a few days .n legal business.
Mr. and Mr Jas Phalen left this
week for their ew home in Chatham.
Miss M. Ron sten, of Ripley, is visit-
ing ber sister, Mrs. Richard Solomon,
of town.
Miss Hyles. •f Kincardine was visiting
at the home o Mr. A. E. Lloyd for a
few days. °
Miss Mahe , of Markdale, arrived
last week to ' 11 the position as trimmer
at Mrs. Gree 's.
Mr. and J. ' . Moynihan intend leav-
ing next week for Waterloo where they
intend residin
Ex-Alderma Welsh, " of Toronto,
spent Wednes ay with his brother-in-
law, W. J. Gr er.
Mr. Kayser, of Hagersville has taken
a position as salesman in Rae & Thomp-
son's hardwar' store.
Mr. Bert R.ss, of Chicago was visit-
ing for over S nday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. . Ross.
Mr. and rs. Alf. Schaefer, of
Palmerston ere visiting for a few
days with Mr. !and Mrs. Adam Schaefer.
Mr. E. Lore Bradwin, of Saskatoon,
Sask. was isiting for over Sun-
day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. Bradwin.
Mrs. D. Mc herson was in Guelph
last week attending the funeral of her
sister, Mrs. Ilonathan Hugill, who
passed away ather home in Milton.
Miss Mary M�son of Hamilton and
Miss Millie an Mr. John Mason, of
East Wawanosh were visitors at Wm.
Chandler's in Tu nberry, on Sunday.
Mr. 0. Pender, who has been a mem-
ber of the staff o the local branch of
the Dominion Banc has been promoted
and transferred to the Guelph agency.
Mr, B. Gerry, o' Brussels was in town
on Monday callin on old friends. After
many years resid; nce in Brussels, Mr.
and Mrs. Gerry in end moving to Fort
William in the nea future.
Mr. T. Spence, at d son, a large Lin-
en Manufacturer of ortadown, Ireland,
who is on his re urn home from a
trip around the wor d paid a short visit
to his friend, W. J. Greer this week.
Mrs. Wm. Iiogg, who was visiting
her sister, Mrs. Ge.. H. Phippen for a
few days, left last eek for Wroxeter
and will leave in . few days for the
West, where her h sband has been re-
siding for some ti . e.
Mr. and Mrs. . ert Elliott Left on
Tuesday for their ome in Saskatoon,
Sask., where they will reside in future.
Mr. and Mrs. Elli tt were accompanied
as far as Toronto .y Mr. Allen Knech-
tel and Miss Alice Mano.
Messrs Harper and Archie Simmons
and Misses Alice. Simmons and Elsie
Stone, left on Tuesday for Brandon,
Man., where t ey purpose residing.
The party was ti keted by Mr. H. B.
Elliott, Town A ent for the G. T. R.
The Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Hastie of
Ladner, British Columbia are leaving
Vancouver on 21 h May enroute to Tor-
onto, v here th-;i will attend the great
meetin s of th Presbyterian Church.
They also inte d spending a couple of
days in Belgra e and East Wawanosh
before leaving Toronto for the Coast.
WANTED—A girl fo general house-
work. Apply to W. 11. Rintoul,
Leopold street.
Appointed Gov
',merit Inspector.
Mr. W. A. Ellio t, one of Brandon's
architects, has r eived notice of his
appointment as c 'el inspector of the
new parliament r uildings which it is
proposed to build in Winnipeg for the
members of the rovineial legislature.
Mr. Elliott has b:en one of Erandon's
prominent profes.ional men for a peri-
od of thirteen ye rs. He was born in
East Wawanosh, and prior to going to
Brandon spent t ee years in Montana.
He has done co siderable work for the
Govment, havin y. charge of the new hos
pital for the ins e from December a
year ago until its completion. He has a
branch office at oosejaw and is res-
ponsible for deigning quite a large
number of the p ncipal buildings in that
city. In Brand., he designed the old
winter fair bui ding, the Collegiate,
Park School, Cl. tic Hail, the new fire
hall, First Bapt .t church, Victoria ave-
nue Methodist c ureh and St. Matthews.
NOTIck —As I am leaving town, I
offer for sale my house, corner of John
and Leopold streets. Furniture,car-
pets. etc. will be on sale at residence.
A special meetin
ell was held on Mo
the members prese
Stone presiding.
ed to consider two
being submitted to
Mayor VanStone
Coun. Young had i
McIntyre, of the
Municipal Board,
the Council could
ed in 1911 for wat
laying mains on
that as the plans
new by-law sbou
ratepayers. C
structions, By.l
for the raising o
purposes was gi
ordered to be p
By-law No. 6
ing of $6,500 f
hose tower was
date of voting
and ordered to
The ratepaye
laws on Monde
The Council
cussing the pa
Engineer T.
ford, who has
ing levels, etc.
considerable va
finite action on
ferred until t
Jones' report.
of the Town Coun-
ay evening with all
t and Mayor Van-
e meeting was call -
by -laws which are
the ratepayers.
eported that he and
terviewed Chairman
tario Railway and
d were advised that
otuse the $5,000vot-
rworks purposes for
ctoria street, etc and
ave been changed a
d be submitted to the
rying out these in -
No. 670, providing
$5,000 for waterworks
en two readings and
blished in the TIMES.
, providing for the rais-
r road machinery and
altered to change the
nd given two readings
e published in the Ad-
s will vote on these by -
May 19th.
pent some time in die-
ing of Josephine street,
arry Jones, of Brant-
een here this week tak-
n Josephine street, gave
uable information. De -
this matter will be de -
Council receives Mr,
FOR SALE- . set of shaft hangers.
Apply to L. Kennedy.
The first footbal
will be played in
Saturday, April 2
School teams of Li
in competition for t
cup is held by Lis
is the first of a se
being -in competiti
of the Hough Cup ,games ever played
in Wingham, the High School wishes
the hearty support of the citizens.
Two First Form boys, Milton Groves
and Hardy Gedde , are at present in
the Hospital, the f rmerill with typhoid
fever, and the lar er recovering after
an operation for a pendicitis.
Test examinatio s are being held in
the lower forms this week, and will
next week be het in Third and Fourth
game of the season
the town park on
between the High
towel and Wingham,
e Hough Cup. This
wel, and the game
ies, six high schools
n. As it is the .first
EGGS FOR SALE Best laying strains.
Single Comb White Leghorns. $1 per
15; $5 per 100. Wm. Field, Wingham,
Bowling Clu. Re -Organized.
At a meeting of he Wingham bow-
lers held in the h remen's Room on
Thursday evening last, the Bowling
ed for the present
presented for last
b to be in a good
or this year are as
ident, C. Dallas;
nt, Wm. Holmes;
s; Vice President,
Sec.-Treas., L. F.
mittee, D. Holmes,
W. A. Campbell, . E. Smith; Recep-
tion Committee, ' H. Musgrove, C. G.
VanStone, A. M. rawford; Executive
Committee, Office rs and members of
Ground Committ. e; Auditors, C. N.
Griffin, A. E. S ith It was decided
that the fees be he same as last year,
$3 for old mem rs and $2 for new
' Club was re-organi
year. The reports
year showed the el
position. Officers
follows:—Hon. Pr
Hon. Vice Presid
President, N. Eva
Dr. G. H. Ross;
Binkley;Ground C
Stable wanted to
Apply to W.
Health E hibit Car.
The Ontario Pu - lic Health Exhibit
Car arrived in Win ham on Monday and
remained here unti Wednesday morn-
ing. Theicar cont. ns charts and ill-
ustrations of dine ent infectious and
contagious diseases and what is being
done to cure them, nd also photographs
of the different s t itariums and the
methods employed i combatting tuber-
culosis, with models of tents and shacks
used in these sanita ums by the pat-
ients. The exhibit .,s a very interest-
ing and instructive o e, and was viewed
by a great many of o , r town people. On
Monday and Tuesday evenings exhibi-
tions of moving pictu , s on health sub-
jects were given in the .'Town Hall,
which were very in restia'ig and in-
structive. Mr. E. H. ones is in char-
ge of the car. Dr. T. J. McNally,
District Offreer of He, lth delivered an
excellent address on uesday evening.
PASTURE TO LET—Parties wanting
pasture apply to W. J. Deyell, P. 0.
l3ox 281, Wingham.
Take No Chances
Your feet were made to last
you a lifetime.
Don't ruin them by wearing
cheap, ill-fitting shoes.
Wear INVICTUS shoes for
they will prove a safeguard
and a comfort to your feet.
Specials in 3y�
Real Estate
Brick veneered Dewe, 2 storeys,
3 lots, in good situation. Just
the place for a retired farmer.
Brick house, centra licon veoiences,
A nice home, price right
Brick house, all modern convent
enees, stable, central, in excel-
lent repair, nice grounds. Will
be sold cheap.
Brick veneer new, all tnodern
comforts, central corner. No
better or cheaper home in
Wingham. A snap.
O.her properties in all parts of
the Town and in Town Plot.
Ritchie & Conn
COAL.— We are prepared to receive .
your spring order for best D.L.&W.
Scranton Coal at usual spring prices
for delivery in April or May, Chest-
nut, $7.15, delivered; Stove and Egg,
$6.90, delivered; pea, $6, delivered.
via "Empress of Asia"
The "Empress of Asia" will leave
Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira,
Cape Town, Durban, Colombo, Singa-
pore and Hong Kong, arriving Vancouv-
er August 30th. Vessel remains 14 days
at Hong Kong. "Rate for entire cruise
$639.10." Exclusive of maintenance
between arrival time in England and
departure of"Empress of Russia," and
stop over at Hong Kong. Pai?tieulars
from Canadian Pacific Agents or w 'te
M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Ag-
ent, Toronto. Ritchie & ('osens, Town
Thousands or ambitious young peo-
ple are fast preparing in. their own
]tomes to Occupy lucrative pa.itionn as
stenographers, bookkeepera,telegraph-
ers. ci.nt servants, in fact every sphere
of Business Activities. You may tinish
at college if you wish. Positions guar-
anteca tatter colleen any dao Ie di.
"lanaiinatruetlon. Expert teaehrrs.
Thirty year's :experienee. Largest
trdinera 1n Canada. Seven eoileges,
$i,ecialcoursefor terulers"
Affiliated with Com..merciai i?duca•
tors' Association of carmen. Sumner
Soiled at the famous Spotter' Business
College, Len don.
Wingham Business College
Geo. Spetton, w, x. blot+.s,
Presitlent• 1 , a :spat.