HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-17, Page 7M 'rug WIl GTHA-M TIDIES, APRIL. lig 1913 t t �(r��.,M ,�(r.��(j�,,�(r�,,r*,F1�,.rA�,r,�({,,,�^�/t� �n�ymoved to safer quarters, so that his Ing to her a -stay and comforter. In- was the thought constantly in Mor- t •T•'- •W i •I• •I• 7•F T •F- •F * 1•� ; chances for being exchanged de: d. but for I�atS's Fre^once, Hel- ris's mind as he experienced more .. seemed eery far away. Weey en often felt that site could not en- and more how tic:,olate were the y after week, month after month dsare th sictcenrnr; su<rpense and dans which dirt not bring her to Children Chi/ for Flet n her ; ria9sed on, until came the memorable d"Uht. fah€ch hung so darkly over her i hint. "It is twenty months sin^ta siii*,Want Bob,eWWilderness. when Lieu IW.`band's fate, Wilford died," he said to himself one s ' ' . • . 11 * " t ' s yet unharmed. stood' ' FIe is alive: he will come back," [ wet October afternoon, when he sat N Purif h v 1, in the. thickest of the fight, T; aty aliva., s said, drid from her per. ` listening, dreamily to the patter of c,si• ra e ` g itis tall fgure towering above the• fs,rt faith• Helen, too, caught a the rain tatting upon the wrntIows, M ARY I 1 r st. and his soldier's uniform but t-rialit a (It hope. and looking occa5'ion,tlty across the t <J* d i kf faaty tnittu,;h►. of Morris she nos- fields to the fat in-lnausC, i'n the hoi,eCraned over a dart; tress of hair, anr ti poke of hint wheni *��+ n, tare lite 1lelY Cameron'f. Udsx-, j I he geoid help ' of spying in the dist.anrt the llttie,*, ®Llitli5I ,:Want T!ob had taken two Or thittA { It. tt isay a rrxu'bid fancy to Which asry feint, which. in its wateypruoFc-Xby Sul'-feriong, ^h•• ehing. that duty to tiTilford's and cloud. hail brai,ed worse storisis �ctrrkort•�'Its: but the, one which had left ,- � i ". � : •..�,\�- ,, ., • � •,. . (�•4, h,n sccr!ete:st. pleasantest memory in 'r, -mom re ,rurt!cl her to avoid the thein this at tilt, time. he was 2;o ill. \ Ila heart. was that of tate autyaan rncn v h•t l:atd so innocently come be, "Surely,. she would some day tee ' ' �'t� •t w"en Iwat; and wh,•n she heard he his own," and leauinF: his heat! ufr• The Sind X, ori Have Always SOtitght, and whicg heal f rIp hform, maple. the Crimsongold leaves of of V -V- -V_ he maple, ani tk4o golden tints. ql "t5 to ting home she felt more pain. an the. cane ht rarrud. h Iray'ed in use for over 30 years, has bora'athe signature _,...taco. vi tt,x ,.....•.. he beech. were burning ithemselvet Qw.n i te;e,u:e, though for an instant earn=stly for thu gooel he, coveted, and has beep, made under his PDX6. t I am a better woman for having i nut on the hills of Silverton, wherd! :: h2ds blond t hrobbed through her veins l Peping his lit -a-1 down fiO tang that � somal supervision since its infa . , Snow, vett. God bless oil, Katy Isis furlough was maatTyppesad, u>Ol`• vQ sha thought, of Morris at Lin- until it had left the strip Of Woods , � Allow no one to deceive you int4U6 c Y the battle was over and up the nor- ' od, just as he used to be. and emerged Into the open fitetds, he All Counterfeits, Imitations and feJust-;acs-good" are but „ vhere with Bell Cameron he seottretl "°' Cameron ! thern hills came the dreadful story, ._. �.__ .-. _ - did not set the figure wrapped in Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of of thousands and thousands, slain, the length. and breadth of Uncle The day of his return was balmy g there was a fearful look in her eye, waterproof and hood, whit a hugs Infants and Children—Experience aj",aini3jr ExperiRie2a€t. I CHAPTER XLV, and beautiful, and at an early hour Y hraini s farm, now stopping by the umbrella over its head, and a basket I The rand funeral which Mrs, and her features were rigid as mar- ::,hore of Fairy Point, and again sit- :Ittfen went over to Linwood to see. Picking� pct, g ble, while the quivering lips could int; for hwirs. an a ledge of rocks, that everything was in of+der for his upon its arm, which carte Ouse,sit- What 1� h a 's C SAO R I A I CCameron once had planned for Katy scarcely pre for the great fear to airivat, while Katy followed her at tiny daintily toward the house= step- y� ` \rjll% Y S' far up the hill, cohere beneath the iwas a reality at last, but the ging at her heart. Mark Ray was softly whispering pines, nodding a tater hour, wondering a Wilfordgo- ping occasionally, a,td oral, up the tbrt,athless form lying so cold and not with his men when they came tabove their heads, Bell gathered the ; would ottject if he knew she Was go- little hfgh-heel ui :g sorco which Criteria o a harmless substitute . Castor asa t. It Atilt fn the darkened room at No. --, Irom tfiat terriittic onslaught. A light Drawn canes and said to film :n; to ceelcame DForris, who aught the mud was rrtining so completely. goriC,: Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It Vifth Avenue, was that of a. soldier dozen had seen him fall, struck down utisconstri a her motives if she staid Katy was comin'; to Linwood. It contains neither Opium, Morphine Roc other- 2garcQtt s " embalmed --an only son brought back the words lie had so thirsted to hear. had been baking day at the: farm- substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys ear it by a. rebel ball, and that was ail. :blurb t Bt the time was Passed 'ata Il to his father's house amid sadness she heard for more than a week, .with Iia:ty. at the farm -house, and "Iia will: be tired," she said. "He house, and remembering, haw much and allays Feverishness. lj`Or more than: thirty years it aind tears. They had taken him there when there came another relay Of here lieutenant Rey Ids found her, ,colli tj, down after dinner," and she Morris used to love her custards, has been in constant use for the relief of ConstipaAiOns rather than to his own house, be- news, accepting readily of Uncle Ephrafm.'a laid' a few sweet English violets up- ,Aunt Betsy had paepared him some, Flattaleney, '4vi11d Colic, all Teething Troubles and cause it was the wish of his mother, k t°spial, Mark Ray was a prisoner ;lenity invitation Ca remain, and ori his Pillow, thinking their per- and asked Katy to take them over, Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, who, howeaer hard and selfish she of war, with several of his. own fame int ht be grateful to him ,.if- so he could have them for tea. assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural" sloep. might, be to others, had idolized her spending his entire vacation there R S '*The rain won't hurt you an at a g t company. An inmate of Libby pris- with the exception of three days, giv- ter the pent-up air of the hospital The ChitdrBn s �'anacea—The lYZOthCl'�8 Friend. sen, and rttaurned for him truly, for- on and a sharer from choice of the en to his fancily. Perfectly charmed ` c:nd,ctars. "lie will think Helen put ora," she said as Katy began to de-sky. getting in her grief to care how i apartment where- his men were can- tl:etn there, or Mrs. Hull," she rani', an:I glance at the r waterproof ain proof *■ C p with quaint Aunt Betsy, he flattered *'You can wear your water rpof GENUINE CA�TO R M AL -m s grand the funeral was, and feeling . fined. As an officer he was entitled and courted her almost as much as : thauglit, as she ,tote softly out and � y p only a I)assfng twittgo when told to better quarters but Mark Ray he did Beit, but he did not take her' .1 9t lite door behind her, glancing boots and my shaker, ft sett like, and that Dins. Lennox had tomo from had a large, warm heart, and he with hint in his lou rambles over test at the clock, and feeling alit- I do so want Morris to have theta Bears the Signature of Silverton to pay the last tribute of would' not desert those who had been , tie irni,atfrint that n whole hour io-night," —�.r®► 4Z respect to her late son-in-law. Some so, faithful to him, and so- he- took the hills, h sit for her at night. Katy made no reply, little comfort it was to have her alone in the parlor till the clock : ter4tst elapse before they could expect p , , and walked their fare, and by his genial humor struck twelve—a habit which Aunt: hill'. - away, while Aunt Betsy went. bactc boy lauded as a faithful soldier, and and unwavering cheertuiness kept Betsy greatly disapproved, but over- Poor Morris! he did not dream to the coat she was patching for to hear lite commendations lavished many a heart from, fainting, and Poolced for this once, seeing, as she h+aw anxiou it he was waited for ed her brother, saying to herself upon hitt during the time he lay in made the prison life more bearable "I'm bonnet to ietcii that round. P •said, that— F.utiie, nor to the crowd assembled :state, with his uniform around him: !than it could have been without •that you, leftenant was Want of at the depot to welcome back the it's a shame for two young folks= • .f but when the whole was over, and i him, To young Tom Tubbs, who g • lavt•d physician, whose name they !list fitted to each ether, to lYva her kirk, and Isabel only a little.' P in the gray wintry afternoon her I had enlisted six months before, he y h2:d so often heard coupled with apart when they might be so happy. ' Kind Tho. a were ,it -Si v days. which with Hannah, and Lucy. and me,. The Yoit Nught ,husband returned from Greenwood', was a minisCering angel, and many iTobert passed. at Silverton: but one t a:ais.= as a titre hero, even though Always there came over her a feeling of such times the: poor homesick boy crept stood out prominently before him 1 i post was mut in the front of the close by the see to 'eat,. and anus !esalation as she had never known— , to the side of his captain, and lay- P y t=•ttlp make their Snap and see to the :a £ening which drove her at Tast fug his burning head in his lap, whether sitting before his ,rap fire Untelt-rin', besides savin peneryle In Use For Over 30 'Years or pittngiafi into the battle•�„nra that ,,1 smell time pond lilies; we must to the little room upstairs, where ` wept himself to steep and dreamed the one when. casting aside' all pride lr' near Silverton." he said, and a and catnip for the children, ff there TMt: CENTAUR COdMPAlaY, Tf MURRAY eTrdLc't, NSW 101t,a CrtT, .at a lonely man, his head bowed k he was at home again. The horrors s'gh escaped hirn as he thought of tea; any•" S and foolish. theories, Bell Cameron Aicnt Betsy had turned Ynatchmal - upon his hands, and his tears drop- of that prison Iife have never been freely acknowledge her love for the trtuiing home and not being able to ping silently upon the heartTtstone as told, hilt Marls bore. u manfull ` P 5 man to, wham site had Dee, so long 'eP it or the woods and fields around er in her old age, and day and lie, too, thought of the vacant par- sutiering less in mind, perhaps, than engaged, and paid film back the kiss- ft. "Tho witY be done," he had said night she planned stow to bring 11or below and the new grave at i did the friends at home, who lived, iucny times since the fear first crept abort the match between Morris and. f es site had before refused' to give. Katy. With. no suspicion whatever to her feet. left the room soddenly, E:reentvaod• I as it were, a thousand ears in that feta his heart that for hiih the light t Y "I sitatf be a better soldier for of the good damn's intentions, Katy and throning on her wrappings, quit- the+ hour Of retiring. sat in Iter "Oh, husband, comfort mel. :" loll one brief summer while he remained this," Robert had said, as he guid- had. faded. 'front her lips as she tottered to her I in Pfchmoad• ed her down the steep ledge of Just then the long train stopped at pie',, -ed her way to Linwood, and ted the house without another word, c:=amber watching Katy y she husband, who opened his arms to re- At last, as the frosty days of file- d with her hand in his, ; `:liverton, and, led by his attendant, leaving; her damp garments in the leaving basket and umbrella behind, , br-31td her hair• occasionally curlYng E ceive her, fod'gettitig all the years toter came on, the began to hope rocks. an t e. stepped feebly into the crowd, hall, went at once into the library. and never Inowing, sha had left . a. tress around her fingers and letting y g ,walked slowly back to the farm where Dforris neat sittin neer to a thew, oc bans the rain was i)ovring ; it fall v7 on her =nowt' night-dress. which had made her the cold, proud he might be exchanged, and Helena house, winch, oa the morrota, he left which sent up deafening cheers for g woman, who needed no sympathy, face grew bright again, until one e again his lace fn the army. Ili-. (.rant come home again. At the large chair kept sacred for her, his clown upon her unsheltered Person, ! TIt l a'd been talking of DfaAdnc and remembering only that brY ht to tab ag P si "tit of his helplessness, however, a Paco looking unusually cheerful, and until, as she entered the narrow strip 1 wi•out Naaty had seen but Once .since g Y S , d day there came a soiled, half -worn There were no• more furloughs for t, P green summer when she was first his letter, in 1larles own handwriting. him after that; and the winter pass- • it Ing, of awe came over them, and the ream unusually pleasant, with of waodlancY, she was met, by Aunt that rafnc niahr, and that $- bride, and carne to him for comfort It was the first word received. from rd away, bei Marg tfie spring again, whispering to each other, "I did not the bright wood Arc on the hearth• Itetsy, who exclaimed at seeing her, ,hdreh. tch^re be l:ad Dr en the pre - every little grievance, just as him since his capture in July, and when came- t battle in the Wilder- supPase he was so bad," they press- "I have been so lonely, with no an,t asked: :•out tiund:ty, t;a,y half written an she CCLIA/ to him tiow in this great, ncith a cry of jay Helen snatched it ed: around him, offering their hands company but the rain,' he staid. • What has become of your umber- a••ossnt c,f the tritribact. to her ' ,erushint sorrow. ( Y �, ness, where, like a hero, he fought �d in uirin• anxiously how he was. pushing the chair a little towards ell? Your silk ono, too. It's hope- sister, who h:fd rhosect to r.: ply t - from T•nclt Ephraim, for she was antil, becoming,separated from his a I 4 by let - With lir. Cameron the blow struck still at the faint -house. and sitting comrades, he eal into the enemy's It was very pleasant that after- her, and bicid'ng her sit near the fill you haven't Yost It. Uhat has word of mouth rather than deeper, and his TVa11 Street friends deco upon the d000u a tact where noon, and. Morris enjoyed the drive Are, where rhe could dry her fret. happi n :1 you?" ;and conning closer to t"r• and so th•• first moment they I n P P 1 banns; and two days after, there talked together of the old man he she had hetet standirif;, read the go much, assuring F:ncle Ephraim Morris had done well to wait if he Matt. Aunt Betsy Faokrd searchingly 'were alone she seized t the .santp mitt' 4 lead cute, since 1121ford died while sped along the telegraphic wires• to that he was growing better eve could win her now, Perhaps he to est, if Katy was of tbP same mind g words which Ata rk had ,,eat to her- g S every a 'n her Paco 1t sons not so clack Fie was veer well, he said, and had New York: 4 3' th4t she cotikct nor tier the traces of Katy often found him bendingover moment. Tie did not seem stronger thought so, too, and this was why stja ay Rh n ,he refused the doctor. rhis Ion -ne lected B2Ule, as be sat Lieutenant Robert Reynolds cap- les, c, h <ho ;ldn't 1 De?" Katy g g hien all the time, hitt he Lined fur tared the first day of the battIe." wile, the carriage stopped at Lin- his spirits hccatne so gay as he kept jerrnt fears, nn I in�tinrtfvety sus - alone in his •room at night. And hnu,r, lnuRing for the dear girl -wife wood, and he went up the steps, talkirtr; to her, suggesting at East i,ertin_r their n,tfure she continuecT, r•=;+li d. Yon. better than any one Afterwards came the• news that. Aar' that she should stay to tea. 'Ihc ale.•. 1 n.,w viIt t passed between Wil` - when at last she ventured to speale noncr so dear as now, when separ- inhere Helen, Katy and Mrs. Hull •f a hcrinc, pace ,you gin Arorris the dersonvilie was his destination, to- L g mitttnt" ,to him upon the tall important sub- ted by so many miles, with prison $ether with many others made: pris- were ,salting for hi_n, He could not rain was falling iu torrents when he ford sect, he put his hand -in hers, and ' walls on e' t•ra' side, and ;til t•n •in.'s overs that dry. by sight distinguish one from the made the proposition. - She could "Eco co+r love lforris?" Helen ask - bade her teach him the narroR:waLy tine Ibc•taveru nc�ti,• Other, but wtthout the aid of her not So th••n, even had she ncfshed it, "Aunt Betsy, is it possible that rd. :abruptly, without waitirig for which site had found and wherein t err, d;ulinc .,, "It in better thin being shot and voice, he would have known when and though it was earlier than his you and Morris contrived this plan?" Naty to finl<h her sentence. 'But b.• of good c,l a eat deal better titan beingbarn- too had walked at the very Ire wrot I. =•i shall cottre hack, to Katy's hand was put in his. She u<inal time, Morris rang far Mrs. Katy asked. halt indi der tan as she � F'th an rncYourY the haY's stopped last, they holy+'e: cIw s•an• ttfno and lif,• will ),e all �'' as some of the pear wretches forgot Wilford in her excitement, Hull, anti ordered that tea he served heg:irt in Part to understand t hes in their croak said I: drop eyes fill - For mon • weeks Katy lingered in were," .luno said,, trying to. comfort g g j r3 nn ith trans, cab ch CtroTrTred into10 5 Y g the h••fe;hicr fern Wbat you Suffer Bell, who doubted a little her sis- Pity was the strongest feeling of as soon as I ossito aunt's great anxiety For her to visit Drew York, and the June roses were n,•tv. I stir, so Rl=td its,, dcet•!ing ron- which she was conscious, and it man- "1 au,^ht not to stns, It is not Linwood that afternoon. her Ln;t tat !the replied blooming when site went back to Sil- ter's• word. 4 • g "More than i wirh T did, seeing I scnted to be nt}' wCe, •ecru though I ifested itself in various ways. proper," linty kept tliinkiuS, a4 she ":lotris had nothin to do with f smite,, a widow and rightful owner ronld stay tivith her but a moment. "Let me lead you, Cousin Morris." fidgeted in her chair, and watched the it." Aunt Betsy replied. "It was most always tell him no. It's, ,, ill 1„-,. of all tiViltord's ample fortune. They Thu knowing ynu arm really mine CHAPTEP, XLVTL she raid, as she saw him groping girl setting the table for two, and my dam's wholly, and this it the sirs wee, too. how pit love for him had found among his papers a will, makes me halal); even here. for I hie way to his room, and without occasionally deferring some debatable thanks I git. You quarrel with him, Jeodo. naming•, in spite of all I cart d'riawn u and executed not long bo,, a Xorris had served out his time, as naaitin for his reply, mint to her as if :ha were mistress and git mad at mm, who thought do. T have not Ireera there since, nor p think O. you Uy dam, slid in m} y p y, she held his 1 only of your gool. Catherine, you spo•ccn with him until last Sunday, fore his illness, and in which Katy , dreams I always hold you in my surgeon in the armk, had added to hand again in hers, and led him to there. aths made his heir, without condition' arms and press sou to niy heart." it an, extra sic months; and by his Ilii room, where the English v9o- "Yo,i can go now. Tleelcie," Morris know you like 7ltacris l=rant, and if hitt I i,nrty the moment he enterers or stipulation. A11 was hers to day E A hint he gave of being sent forth- humanity, his: skill, sad Christian lets were. said, when the boiling; coater was, he asked you to have hint why the church, and when in the first with as she pleased, and Katy wept er south and then hopa died out of kindness. made for himself a name ,It used to lean you," Morris said, poured into the silver kettle, .and don't you?" chant T heard Ws noire, my fingrry ' ='•ssionately *when she heard hone FieIea's heart. which would. be long remembered by . as he took his seat by the window, tea was • on the table, "If we need "I can't, Aunt Betsv. I can't, af- trembled so that Y could hardy play= 1►a you we will ria 1 ter all that has pat .,ed. It would tchile all the time m,• heart �enerous Wilford had bec+n. Then, as , "I shall: never ere him again," she the living to vFhom he had y a= -'and I little thought thin that you a goes out h ' thou bt of Marjan, and the. life s 'd des I2aSring'ly: and vxlien the. mes- tared so carefully, while many a ccoaild one day return the compll- With a vague wonder a9 to who i !>e t n use to Wilford." After the rest I al be. tinct wild. 5 e g sf T dein soldier had, blessed: him for would toast. the doctor's bread and: "i: rt ust to 1VYIr'xpress ve re Wilford—fiddlesticks!" <}f povcrt before her, she crept ko sage came that Mark hail Tseea re* 3 ,rent. It i� very hard to be blind.'_ l � him, Itut it cannot be. Oh, IFeI- n ion's side, and said to v and that too uyt a$ the tdma pointing out the v¢tay Which Jead- The tone of his voice was inexprrs batter it, Raekie departed, arnd the was Aunt Betsy's repressive reply, as t rn! l wish 1ViTtard had never known father Cane mo ed, 1 Iim pleadingly : when an exchange was constantly ex- t:th to life eaerTasting; and in many sit ie Pad, but his smile was as two were left together. It tins T: a- I he started tocnard Linwood, saying, ,that Morris laced me." p C I she was going a%ter the umberetl be She was sobbing now, with tier "Let Genevra. share it with me. pec$ed, she gaveiltiYa7a up aa: tort, feet a mourning family his mane was a cheerful as ever as his face turned to- ty who toasted the bread, kneeling t3 B Sha nerds it quite as much." ing almost as nLueh widowed as lGatg heti.,•ho,d word, for the good ha wards Katy who could not answer upon the hearth. burning her face fore it got Yost, with nobody there h, ad is Helen's lap. and iielrn. Father Cameron wortdd not pernift is her' weeds. had dobe to, a dying son and bro- fol` her tears. .. scorching the' bread in her ner- I to tend to things as they should be ! suatro: Ring her bright. hair, sold I sty to divide equally with llFari:tn• Slowly • the winter pt+a�etii away, anQ th¢r• But AkrFr•is's, hospital work Towards the middle ,of July, Helen, votrsness at the novel position in tended to. Have you any word to is.'Viif,ntly i £ 3 was over. He had gone a little torr band'?'" site asked, hoping KLAY had ! j»a,t. da not rrasrr4i carrertty. It Ib was not just, he said but he did the country was rife faith stories of whose health was suffering from the which she so unexpectedly found her- ati'C object to a few thousands geeing iy, far= and incurred too much risk, un- ctn•cfaty concerning Mark, :vas taken self. It was 7n'aty, too, who prepay, reButerl. Ys richt for can to, d say Morris our men, tial dying Ess hnndireds;, S -to:• her and before Katy left New while those survived were reduced to: til his owls strength had failed; and by Mrs. Banker to Nahant, where ed Morris's tea, and tried to eat, lint linty had not. And with a toss i ve9, and �m i;ford would !stay sa, tea. Sark far 5ilnerton, she wrote a icing now in the month of June, when-i,ark's sister, Dfrs. Ernst, was spend- hilt could not. She was not hungry, Of her head:, which shook the rain- Tth:n I received your letter T read mtaaniacs or• imbeciles:. Asci 73elen, as r she said, and the custard was the drops from her tapeless shaker. Aunt land letter to lfarian. piesentila her ,h, 1'istened, grey. na*XlT frantic 7-t.it, Linwood was. bright witiL the early fur the summer, and thus on Katy , Betsy went on her way, and was soap with ten thousand daliars, which she the sickeniagf aualiaEa^xl Site did not s!imirtrY blossoms, her was, coming fel1 the duty of paying to Morris only thing she tasted, besides the ,begged her to accept, not so much know where her husB�ad Waas. S. back with health greatly impaired, those acts of sisterly attention such tes, which she sipped at frequent in I confronting'Morris, Sitting just wheat (Te � cOatindy,rd,� lig t9rvaYs as to make Morris- Nltink she t Katy had left hint, and loe,king very ____ - nl:, a Rjft, but iia her riahtfill due• hid made several aEtempts to escape and a d:aric cloud before his vision, so. as no Other ,,ember of the fatal Jy f ale- and sad. Tjiere cons a moment's hesitancy on and with each fiflure had been re- , that Ile could not see Bola' beautiful ' knew how to pay. In the, roc7m was eating more than she was, But I` lite, part of Marian wire, she read hi;• home, w..s looking; or ganze into, nvh••re he lay so helpless Katy was not Morris was not deceived nor dis- ! •I met mistrusted Aunt nets' at "" I' the faces of those who waited, so afraid of him, nor did she deem her- heartened. Perhaps she suspected � Rafe= "and mistrt:steci . once: tgirl eft letter', a feeling that she could sometliin aaS to i:dc, for a SirY i test take so much From Katy; Lot anxiously to welcante their beloved self faithless to Wilford's memory, his intention, and i! sa, the sooner � g i CIRCULATION physician. Lund some ;Lid he was: ir<;truse each day seen ilei at LfttWood, hew reached the point the better. So- don't itace her unit eri,ll in ,ue h a when she looked at the pale sufferers " NEXT TO, HEWER ,brae the few lines sent to Helen, an- omelinies. bathing Morris's inflamed when the tea equipage tray put away. ;rain and g eryjn' h erne in for ,n i „ around ler, and remembered how i myruncinM the day at' his arrival. con- Win him the slid she Ise u to apea3c of. going + Dfarris enlaced, re.,'titinb frit' ,tn tan- puny wretched hearts that money g� !! est sonietinies Drfn. g stant this snterFrrrnre ,n a tined AGENT l:ould help to cheer, she said : 'M: A� ��tlf ! tradacted that report. His eyes were cooling drink, and nisi, reading to 'ds6nie, he said: f tarty but Sunt IEr•ts; ta':as sl' burr "Z will keep hoe Ii very touch diseased, his amanuensis i trios by the hour, until, soothed by ' Nor Katy, you can't. go yet, till I F 4 wrote: but he, trusted that the Pure s est and kfm-,Te-I ,-. i, that h.' could t.rae arrrsic of her voice, he would kave� said what is in my mind. to i not be an rc• Yon.. .tied ft= listcit•d Ct 1_aailrxg i'ltoaatrestt 19a5ty t a',r of .his native hilri, and the in- awa, to strep and dream he heard. say, and laying his hand upon her • R ( tnuora.sGiPE PiLL CHAPTER XLVh ���� � � ���� tlra�nrd. cyf old scenes and associations. r shculder, he' made her sit dozen, be calmly, white he rotatituaer!-- I�') lOn • Pa'S Oa the an,,els_ sins;• T titve eat livid sixty o1'l ?,°aI-s e^.1 g q iv.>utd :lust, effect a cart, "If noC mettin better," he side• hlui: and listen -while told 1 orf suffering t`nrnt °its ewes xrr o a tfar ,,thin„ and t now ;h• .431.4 The heat the smoke the thundeY / toa°muely trouble," added, =•plekL%e' ":,;aid to her one day towards the Int- her of the love he had borne. for her �'�, i, tdttcgl'r,+':`, c— Th y I r tt: well. I've i:ecn thr.vv, t:,.• of, the battle were over, and thb (him Any Mid' Ll 'ItI��M�°' 2:t� Thaat the house ds made comfort- t,.r p;u•t of August, when she came as long before she had knoWn the mean- d mill rnysetf,r, ­, � tern boxes of CrIN fiTde of Gettysburg were drenched i ablw. and have John meet me ons ,..,mal to his roam. "I knew last inn of that word, as she knew it 1,11,1's—and it's Friday at lite station." tight that Mrs. iTvil's d'reSs was nrtw—of the struggle. to keep' that i Morris lar:;;hed a laud. he arty • Il elle. ThAt F as ..With human blood and covered with laugh. ,shill, embold n d his mir'i'ng• ;, - l K ` l.tx dead and din The contest Pneumonia e%aytbIngmo;teOr'tMthW I ff, len waw glad Morris was Coming ;,tilt land I sane lite son shine lave in hounds' after its indulgence to sat more than SJtL h:i.! it.trnd rt i,centireexpctie::ce ! dying. haat been earful and its results car- I patobeeaLedre`In$%haMati01t* , haate, for he. ataxy s' did her good; .th•'au5ria the shutterY. Very soon I wa8 a sin; of his temptations. sad (l Iife. Eugenie 1 [ ;ilial its ba"'Ong. t,«. *; n;— Irl- C14icf City rif'd; sorrow and anguish to many a cc n, ht ctarld comfort her better than tra;am ten sa<e you Iiaaty, mid laow victories, of his sincere regret for „You just usl• h• r ut"a. tin, e r anxiously for the t theLutiZa' ; • am ,vol el:ie, tifstess it were, Kk'ty, if you, have ctnnng'ert." Wilford, and of his deep respect for ..°r�, Q irculatiott 4gr:nt ylij!A t looking so a y Conaura tioty m{t�t bc+salracted $ZoJa",, bar clef, which hard made her fora ain't nothing at ,tit, and the li coti,r 11 of La l`atrte, a ntitotes of the Tdysed of}ea who, on thoi p 1 whose loving. gentle word.; of hope She was standing close by hint, and. S to. :the lines vo 'taunt that will. In a l err' buteestctale�pa0tU11Q*iisnscatz'lie&'; w.tre. very' :oatlaing to lser. :t.t, h, tailed hr raised his land' to tftnr as a sister to h?nt. But that :.fotsfceal. Ile a nniversary of the d,ay which ;;W t►t to y tnxde her sav nil. Ft's onie foolish . tt e s c r i b e s i ., .0fir nation's independence, lay, upon t 09dt3re tO' CoId find Wtt►.�d if t$ii:' I -•P,nor Iforris," she sighed, an she• ' nest it on her hoad. but. VAth a sod- time had. passed-. She wwa not lain idea about farith�ishtes� to, Tl.ilfcwd. t k n p by ex p sister now, nor rrer cooed ba asst,. feelingly l t hills and plains of Gettysburg, t "cot stteaderl'ta imned*ately nes- fD'=:,jhc-4 his letter, and then took: it d, -n move.alont. Katy eluded the a+r it he de,•:rr,wif that i;he should Uc ;r tatte< . t is white faces upturned to the j iiam mllo,ir to the fit:ntily. who. were sitting ups daucl, anti steeped a I•tt:te (rather `h` was linty. dewier, more pre - t', wet with the tats tCiafl'resnita stare aialb to £ E tui the pl: IsanL pia. ya, which, at ctous, more- desired even than, La(erar faithful. They Hetet ortO lramr b nd hSaq gyral "gt: f4litcaner sky, an I Ae w► prey front him. ;li,athec catleYF Pier trite, wed hi asked One another--nccee., all l nnca• teat ,.I hast bees. sti6'eri glf*=1'irlmey . 'elt:o s, which like tears for the nobly Them 4 oialy 0 9 liat••'�a (`Sponse and her own. bad r a e his tcv coaar• u nitre to Trouble for over foe long stats: I i ot��iecoldoW, beet, ,±added to the house, and over- T+it..n next she trent to LinwOed. he t D t« ht's well in h I Ah, :a t d ser y�firopcn-e sr 11 , ,d the pitying clouds hail shed , up- pnetamofu3 aatktT►ad a�� there was in her manner a shade of he is, it ain't T a ha h:aail.a=c fo+ h f�i N l g pay, Ii>oLrsCl, paltry Pard anrb the pTeuan:tnt I inmvood and live• with hist,. azalrcin� Iiad. salsas RTieuti„tkissrt in all, sato Sat is them. AnQ, nowt as pe hAP , di!,nity, which both •,mused and. in to Come f•ael . '�eith•r dues Not', a - yc , ittti3trat tlppee►'tAlattc t eta rainy days brighter, balmier,. a Yci matscsea, conic ,aa. ^.e P nigTtts anal i eIe a ahtta�t facdt:'or a more ants t t little Iyw;.uYi3, and all slit need, is a little ttilt;r. . • Dr. Woodfa. NQ`-1*A3 Pirie 3ytp , . rerested wfarris. at tial? farm -house; ,; ;fire ars is coming home.' she !hart the• sunniest st hwd coir dacha, s:ud 0.11 Some occasineas cenai,i lnartlly walk 1ko cis heart that t o taT[a! it i1r` Tai his great pity for Y:a:ty when: to tell you yes. do as1- i • r aga,n, 1.l Itarl seen treated bb sc: e of our 1•,056:: I t° re both ;EieTcn and. her mother de this for 7oti tl sail ,acid. "1 t will be• herr: un Fridwv, � hriping Taiark in 1�is work of caraaa� for will you!" T'Ia� +icia,is ksa.t exit ;.,::t -e.ic f alc2$ T .ass^ o �!e leak July t cTyr hats deet a nvidow, ' Fr4rris had 'tit• poor and sick around theses. were spending itch Vie, and Ste wishes *rs to sf•.e• thatt 4l• statrelc remPtnUceytltl that she utas a '•F thine+ it. eery diaratitF+•1. Ttiaatc OSer fi:"feert o -,ride. a.be;d ,pay I ntCt 1 a + �` thin*s .yrs iti order alt Littsadd, fOi* •Will Katy come. Will she br the y, .'n t noatnt P .t.e t t.atselkee cis, lit: .11101 , :Since thO.,.Chrysttx}ps et ►11µe, . iiOdd err lyto iliac ,g11Sti Cot1i•' «. fP,'e. OL" if it, did ITase rinnOYi li:iS' my ile of OrtWin 11OTr1!?rr knew what Silt taa4 da'r. out 4zf Q:Ea 1ta21in - r p In b d lediched Ir a husband go- heslsa Iain r,.ception. Tits Az?es slier [sadly,>t edttiDmt ge GO lung t- , nc'nd,- ht, thrust the, thought aEida as `there was a world ol,ratko5y and what els saitfi," hies ala nttelv+rl; ai,ri Cratl iscem asrtcl by woxr .asnoras tp"I. from r atcrostt'tlftr artFnttg snot. titauelt &a, the trrsc•a.,erf, .00tt lr- hope,., thin't coWn, T1r i mitt -Prams tree. .. .tsiif3tic-e to the dead; but its •the with. lore consoling rersaoe& }hat ii T>iw� c, ah :sae a.?ai ca: i"te to tee tL-tri. t ' K cr social : nets tNl tlaie,Ff i :'+-°tm I t>a,.tc t,4 ns will cure Hint. site added, pTeadinr in the cdire whit t agaked this . o l t s ht two t,a,x_a at tav din A hk.had tt►iat tree, bade', though s po utontlis annd the year :cent •tv, and yot.nt; fol s would Be fico°d tt mSat« � i!t», 4 11 d i wrran emtnts. to I r. Hugh M01'eodl: FAttyi'j►tial" 8"k4 re•an; ling at l at:v Who sat upon, w - ,nue+tion, lust as these ww+r' a lrorld t cos he had ma R h• heard: constantly roan 1.cten dfwithWan* of her 6u5tateGe' to li¢stlnhr cvislt ata.l lrcfmte $ lea j •-r2''a .,lac $ser H frf a I tit, . oarac r hwd al•' t t « - adf. Somethan It e , -° Di 9attS; 1.',s9" tonic �' rem strep o2 th. lila. a h;.r hands folded of tend. nese in the manna « slaatv4 y; eliata t lie Titre 1 5raisiaerl the Something,, states. Y »n PY' lap. and h•r Istum 1, r'; 'R n ceasing cheerYrrin•:ss, it t'ht•nw. Aunt tmsta pYltned t:t, rw&nt, tutee it ante. tt vW4 t r, m h I which atorrt+i rarnst3ed and, fondled,' g Is hap}sehtd' top ld • Anil it d. vtlo PwIt v tq ,,,it cn itj!s nature Weyer to think o,° ra+aa her altsst, slid Yruitttri F rap ,er yl'.. sane l vra3 ec ^p:ztely mitred' t tiaihi h k E h' in bed aarere co a 4 a, ( 'th • betttied head restin oYs mho chair aickness c kept i^, , m .•.n .atv:.:ay f o^ O5 loin, iiia; .afditsg . • , d+p�tpt' pfd '11e COtLti AOI. .', _ " ' of tir'ttant titigTtt bt, and IuctYe than. botlY lyratcket grad u:YaUrella. Fattdtt ilio^- ca aa�ure dna i cat, laa.4 r*' l:r :cep ea wdxk or toot ay lits redia Vis. , sr -r ytV • , arm. F to, i mo oneo Ile had prarald, that if cr.l.sis- t i*• �,nytiid night. cis ` wr• _C hark aarrsFs i;:.cr'si< $ Pt141 Not Iiaa gpentiat I id:aaccsr v wndi , alt semis Oi YOUr Die W"s. K_,,; h:vf ti -ver be+,a prettier tilan it c,til rhe+ we- •t ," rho fie -oh, whin, k p cwtr- , . Apr « v - 1 was ordered tar ed anti, yie, I d t..-nt tnt.It hen. Lathery rbc faelds to rhe far •t-It,y2:st+, to a.'ta- ttaw^ I vto::a'! tar+LL a K G u A e enc Q With ttl s aand loft bttdaaa tsr, syM twrcts €tow. iia tier r_tature virwh0r- nGt Ter.;`sine arilhed, r►1 n hal pit asttrl.,third titad ft WAS mat NoT#sy •Putti• «�jiru r r,aan h• Ilad tocpd $0 v: etl,. stcoarid: front .t ![ra'. T etihat r1nAt Flat_+. Ia,cl lTerre$tdeal ilal:9a a tcg i.�.iattag &,11 two v" d era:' rrtr fiesit 1' Tinted, oat: td tIIWQ pen: t iI attrrulita+ her for an answer. "lMn't oak+ ,oate3 a►ft`I:i pFi,l. c'.tex:ra v°t tag to eta the int . e ; ro-re. 9'OW w` • ut . l fit'- esho':e 3ya ems s9 tliPrf ed, sari' of- ; et Tit li's, Ff eat, he eartrYd Ro aYs .ivtiy—data't eeer arention it lignin, far Koatt to lsed with w rat..in head- i. rL}`r* P�I,L. *.N,Va,. F r gwlvaniat, t§tsli. BadK y to t sGt tt�lf9 'Ol*te`' eaftin 'tell. iia: eK•tr: an ernEi`i c►f goddntaik. his r.a•, aa.an=. just les' lite he at- al- F tell you. it cazrnat Sae. U answer . aclst. ,recti a ester,dP w;.& n . ,T" F'rls7 NIMS snit: v • R d ppoirit YEit Y ; , � . t 1 n'it's Oiin., knowing that a,. wan r7 , C1IA�Els 7fumt. a q «,r her chebk aiweaye areal pater sad b3ictrla s 11l oe, tvayc:d' miss, her nit the tat•` i- i4 CAM: tY it canis+t tis g tLt1[ ttbr fief <y i, r teeth.: a. is aortal' C>lll' Ftsi:.1 € vi>a rttrsm thrix= thm,- dial', wi>`& rt;;ht. yait, so aarryy! I wise you at+sr- sept J)3! At t t w:n rtineaan. IV., eye darker in ite hue -hen tk r h6Lpile,! of tots rc7 ala silt r w -a4 the' state of Moreis 6 ntar.t oSas_ctw.t canes o. Itllitutttaa.ris ile . « ; r ,%i fie' '.l wIU aawast, for sl' a tYftil k, .' er loved ane, far it. cannel ke." 'at;ce' sail' of is,t s:nafid ,land ter i,!,` ° amain *,I kisads of %idntw'I'sb-Atilt. Ing gallows taaxte, ttM[t T t!�e ltd cEnte bottlx. 1ta'@ti'-tapr:ift&7ellalt# •rind when. he rktutn6d frown: %ash- + ,.1+4 8,stdi %'fes t had ittwdtY i fly+ vr.zta'i ter ot"` thoir hB:Yft, fttl•tri+¢ + it writkei herself front his srisHa ; Hdelelu afelatsd, wheat r.I tc,a wiarG+t• tares ddsC a>ilxaz. it fA, � � t pragtest oaf' aoYdim�t h ,,. treftlbtu. tra&, > , +, y "e 2nston, blit isaw it *OL41 mewha.t ba tt a was inevitairiar, + 1nraPPt . 3 1 IIS_..a;a. pl'u � wh. yi td_tet vm to Ter '0! bw ., which tend' ter' detwia herr,• ti;Yafd r1VJAV: she return d from 'ti err YOck, And At isyon fi.eNIt" yttai933szs aildl°tttitt:f2►» ! itrd That e, t dc,.cn,-n,. t cannot lase her n r1 ptaytn� tett ctrncaJttly tlyat I1faYk sad is tnaati,rstttlr«d ryallt' l!l' TU • fire^k, jazi, wlat-a slit eame� back proves Co. a£ G xrtiada, I,ze► ","lit ergiif:ii, tl+k Ui' IllijAt. bs spatad., Tkent A �,Ca,+yip} �' �l' ' .. ___--- ,I