HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-17, Page 6t; WilkG AR1 TTM ES APB! iI 1913 BLOOD IS E Y IN G It is lacking the essential, lifeagiving principle, which is best obtained by the use of DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD—This great Food Cure brings new hope, new vigor, new en orgy .. :-.A new health to overcome tired, languid and depressed aeesings which come with Spring and are the outward indications of the we v ned condition of the blood and the 1 w state of vitality. ody Mrs. J. Donnelly, 105 Portland Street, Toronto, anti formerly of Ham- idton, Out., writes : "I can highly recommend Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. My little girl's nerves were so bad that she would wake up nights in hysterics, and we could not get her quieted for a long time. Since tak- ing a treatment of Dr. Chase's Nerve Pood she is greatly improved in health and her nerves are steady. "I knew of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 'because I used it myself several rears ago when the nervous system got run down and I could not sleep nights. I was also weak and suffer- ed from dizzy spells. The Nerve Food made me strong and well." Mrs. J. B. Berryman, 35 Bay Street, North Hamilton, states : "I was so very nervous that frequently I could not sleep at all, and would be so un- easy that I could not remain in bed, but would have to get up during the night in order to quiet my nerves. I also suffered considerably from faintness and dizzy spells, and though I had doctored for some years I never seemed to get anything that did me any real good until I be- gan the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. It worked a great change in my condition almost immediately, and after a regular use of this prepara- tion I believe that it has effected a permanent cure." The Body Feeds on Rich, Red Nod. The blood is the medium by which nourishment is supplied to the various parts and organs of the body. •When the blood fails to derive proper nourishment from the food, or is depleted by overwork, worry or disease, a general breakdown of the system is sure to follow. Because of the readiness with which it is taken into the blood stream, and because of its exceptional vitaliz- ing powers, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is the greatest blood -builder and enricher which it is possible to obtain. S chlorosis or green sickness, general debility and physical this food Mrs. Thomas Peacock, 23 Hia- watha Street. St. Thomas, Ont., and whose husband is conductor• on the ,I Wabash Railway, states : "I was quite uq�n run down in health, was very nerv- ous,Black,Mr.HenrySte.Catherine did not sleep well and had fro- Street East,Montreal, Clue„ writes :—� quent dizzy spells, Believing this to , , s. unertul results I obtained, be the result of Ii exhausted n xv^ ti !k ous system, I began using Dr. Chart's Proal the use of Dr, Chase's t Nerve Nerve Food, and can say that thin Food r',nstrtunS me to write this let- t, r in order that others who suffer medicine did me a world of good. Et fr>^x nervous exhaustion and weak- entirely freed me of the symptoirs medicine with equal- stated above built up my health nc may use this i ( •+h,na , / ! ,:. „dr l 1 1 ' results. As the result ]y atisfactory ccs orally, so that to -da I Ecol that gen Y e ex- ams completely lY yJI a ii, `. • .t'. of �verworic I hoc p I am quite well again." Under date of Sept. 5, 1913, Mrs, haunted, and was unable to work for Peacock writes : "Dr. Chase's Nerve fourteen months, As I am the father Food has done me a world of goad, of a family, these were sad days for "t ind I would. be pleased to telt every- me, but after I had used six boxes of Mrs. John Walfxeld, L' Have body so." Dr. ("base's Nerve Food I had im-Islands, Lunenburg Co., N.S. writes : proved so greatly that I continued the ,+Two years ago my system became treatment until I was completely x'e- greatly run clown, and I was awfully stored to health and strength. I now nervous. St was very difficult for me Such ailments as anaemia, woe!: twelve to fifteen hours a day and keep in excellent health." to o my doctored,houorand did felt very and are overcome T eds Sprir t t tO a` ww HEN the blood gets thin and wate;•y the wa��ie of the human body is more rapid than the process of reconstruction. Uraclually the action of the heart grows weaker and weaker, the lli::;;' do not ',;(irk 1.(i their full capacity, the stomach and other digestive (r';' l:. , ;:Ili ,.., 1)( -;ir'.:i i...«ii' ct(:i it �, aid the result is all sorts of bodily derangeme:it'. .: c......:; 'l.(' l 1, (ii ; i1;,, i.iidig(I tio'i, feelings of weakness and despondency, l:l,-�:, ':..:•,:.'(, i:. .. (:.'Altai (:i• the (lily, loss of �ipp.,t!. •, .'..;0,.' • ...,..(' •e,.ver of ('Wleedtl'ation of "(h .`1't _'l.i , iii, .. -„,••vi i.- -1('; ; n1i1(i K'('i)lts' "less are cl1:.0 f'le `'T':1?� t Thio' 'ei•!:i(•lt (l.`'tl'('�S you, and all t'an be a' -y(:1._ .1 l` �' E ie n:1 ;' (. ' i )"t'. (r yl: ° a'F'Nervt' r -t) 'i. There is 1l() 1'1 e .i 'ti i' t ;' compare'', u'e+l. t() Dr. Chase's Nerve �, � i (� :) 1. (. (t.Il:'.)<. i . � � � ' l ` ii Food a a",-pr.i7,, , 1'er-fire. 1`-�i. F : (loci+ not ;'ti?., 1 .plate and ') v.-11.; i le'organs o(- 'il't' body to overexertion, but by . L.... t.-....:.!:"31,4 the ';1otl(1 P1 :;.1' new v42.:ol.' !.lit() Ole. system. -T.::,.‘” P(,1:'"1.� VOUP ?l'("•f'":'('' ill w'oie'llt while using this ( .-.._ great, food cure you can !!' j, , � r ,rr 'r"" .sss, 1P'(:','(' tl?:.t new. firm flesh �. ) t 1 tissue ) t+tt --..Nr,. ( ..I( (.. added miserable.yI tuntilbut n not use ' ceive any benefit until I began the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This medicine proved of wonderful benefit to me, building up the system and restoring health and strength. I al- ways feel now that if I do get run down I can depend on Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to make me strong and well. "3Iy husband was troubled with the quantity and improves the quality of the dizziness and nervous headache, and was cured by the Nerve Food. lie would not be without it in the home," - by ('Lire. re, Chas 's ) ve r Gradually but certainly Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, increases blood, nourishes the nerves back to health -and vigor, and through the blood and nerves carries new vitality to every part of the body. This great food cure brings health to the broken-down, energy to the worn:out, strength to the weak, sleep to the sleepless, and health and happiness to the sick and despondent. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edlnanon, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. To protect you against unite tions the portrait and signature re of Dr. A. . Ch araase, the famous Receipt Book author, are On every box of his medicines. A well known (i•-t^ran economist, Pre-' fessor Riesser, reckons that if war broke out between hrance and Germany each country clueing the first six weeks of hostilities would have to lay hands on £60,Ov00+00 to cover the cost of mobilisa- tion and to support their armies in the field. Private interests would also make a sudden demand fer;,;old. In Germany at least 3.-150.1(.11,e(0 would bb required to finance war contracts, and a further £12,100,00'c 1,;' the business world to meet "anxiety calls," that is demands due to suddt )x cancelling of credit, and ; air gin (f leans and r:tsxtgag:E:t Tired•ont moneys. Kidney troubles are so frightfully com- mon because the kidneys are so easily upset t over -work or excesses of eating c d drinking. Cure is affected not by v. -hipping them on to renewed effort, but by awakening the action of liver and l,owels by the use of Dr Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills. This rests the kidneys and makes them well. Backache and urin- ary disori.ers then disappear. The total quantity of wheat to the ports of Liverpool and Manchester for 1012 was 33,785,188 cwts., an increase over 1911 of 4,079,288 cwts. Canada's share of this trade for 1912 was a total of 8,099.20() cwts., an increase over 1911 of 2,594,700. cwts. The Mothers' Favorite. be'A cough icine for dren harmless. ed It should bellpleasant should to Charles Hough, a young Englishman, take. It should be effectual. Cham - was killed at Cooper Cliff by a locomo- berlain's Cough Remedy is ail of this tive, His fiance is crossing the ocean, and is the mothers' favorite every - expecting to marry him in Sudbury. where. For sale by all dealers. - .-,x...= �HETHER for a silo, a milk - house, or a million bushel grain elevator, concrete is the most economical building material in use to- day. Concrete never requires repairs, and the saving in repair -expense alone makes the greater economy of u•in;; concrete more apparent every day. The cost of other building materials is constantly increasing. The cost of concrete is being reduced. Cadca, CeraThent which Canadian farmers use, with their own sand, stone and gravel to make concrete, is the only :ngred:Mist you have to buy. by ?ease:i of our large output and sdentir;; methods, been able to bring i.iu price. of "Canada" Cement so low that it is within the reach of everyone. An increase in demand results in a greater economy of production, and when conditions have warranted it, we have, from. time to time, shared this saving with the consumer by reduc- ing the price of Canada Cement. This demand will continue to increase --.--as fast a:, farmers learn of con- crete's on- erete s superiority over other materials. When you buy cement, see that you get 'Canada", Cement; by so doing you will assure the complete sur of all your concrete work. . Send a post card for our book `°\Vhat the Farmer Can do With Concrete." It is free. There is a Canada Caned dealer in your nei.hberliood. Canada Cement Company Limited If thislritel is not on every bag it is not Canada Cement, MViontreail J. W. Barnes, ex -Councillor of Steel-' ton, was fatally injured in the rail mill of the Lake Superior Corporation at Sault Ste Marie. REST AHD HEALTH TO MOTHER AND CHILD. MRS. WIxstow's SOOTIIINO SYRIIP has been used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of "MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING with PERFECT SUCCESS. it SOOTHES tate CHILD, SOr-TENS the GUMS ALLAYS alt PAIN ; CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab. solutely harmless lie sire and r "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup,"and takeother kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. The total value of cheese iinportation into Lancashire for 1912 was £1,225,- 906, and Canada's share of this amoun- ed to £1,105,325, leaving a balance of importation in value from all other countries into Liverpool and Manchester of $60,581. The Forty Year Test. An article must have exceptional merit to survive for a period of forty years. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy was first offered to the public in 1872. From a small beginning it has grown in favor and popularity until it has attained a world wide reputation. You will find nothing better for a cough or cold. Try it and you will understand why it is a favorite after a period of more than forty years. It not only gives relief— it cures. For sale by all dealers. Note your increase in weight while using - Dr. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD. This i i the proof that it actually for Iles new, firm flesh and tissue. George Sebbon, retired farmer living in Ingersoll, was suddenly stricken with heart failure while reading a newspaper. The wife's appeal in the Tremblay- Depathie marriage annulment case will now be carried to the Privy Council, the required security for costs having been obtained. Electric Restorer for Men Phosphonol restores every nerve is the body to its proper tension; restores vim and vitality. Premature decay and all saxual• weakness averted at once. Phoaphonol will make you a new man. Price CI a box or two for $5. Mailed to any address. The Sco'beU Drug Co., St. Catharines. Oat. Two lemons, one gill of milk, four heaping tablespoonfuls of cake crumbs three tablespoonfuls of sugar, three eggs, some scraps of pastry. Decorate the edges of a pudding dish with some pastry. Then put into a basin the cake crumbs, any stale cake will do. Add to them the grated lemon rinds. Pour over them the milk, add the sugar, mix all well together. Then add the yolks of the eggs well beaten, the strained lemon juice and mix again. Beat the whites of the eggs up stiffly and fold in lightly. Pour into the prepared pudding dish and bake for half an hour in a mod- erate oven. to -S camp!). `s"t, illi .'axilla Street. c , St ahs :m)' O li.., writes : "For roesssitss I a.,., i;., hc.thcred with nerv- ousness erv- ou rnrss 'hat I could list :Teen nights. There • were other symptoms of ex- hausted xh .u'.ted nerves, but non.• caused so much misery, and I found myself con- tinually getting worse. "I began using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and was not long before I noticed great improvement in my ;health. it built up the nervous sys- tem wonderfully, strengthened the nerves and enabled me to rest and sleep well. We have also used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and Syrup of Lin- seed and Turpentine, and could not do rwitlxout them in the house" Mr. J. Iluribert, 28 James Street, Brantford, Ont., writes "I was very much run down in health, and as a consequence my nervous system was very much exhausted. Close confine- ment at my work, I think, brought on the trouble. I started using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, ani by the time T had used up one box I felt a great improvement. The continued use of this preparation has thoroughly re- stored my system, so that I feel strong and vigorous and fit for any amount of work. I have also used Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills and Ointment with splendid satisfaction, and recommend them at every opportunity." The above is a picture, of "Chief Little Bow," who wasprobably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where`once the savage roamed at will, NOW the limner tills the land. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water la CARMANGAY is. a NATURAL RAILWAY' CENTRL on account of the topography of the countrlt; It is situatedon the Little Bow River; and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN theaTOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO. BLOCKS:from die centre•gf 63mincia Sand for our illustrated honlilet describing the property, we hive bti sell ilk, armartg Work for your Moneyin the East, but nvest it' in the West FSA CUT OUT THE' COUPON Nov iif, AND SEND IT TO US Western . Canada Real Estate Company Head Office .-502 TEMPLE 5UILD.ING,, Toronto. Ont: BRANCHESS, MOKIIMAL, MIL is A . 30, HAMILTON. CiwG..,,s 1t'w.tte Baal.CI.�ib WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE CO. ,502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my, part, literature containing foots,, figures and tviews of OARMANOAY.1 Name, Address _.:......m.,.... __ 0