HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-17, Page 1VOL. XLIZ.--NO, 2131 WINGII.A.1 , ONTARIO .TIJURSD.AY APRIL 17, 1913, $1 A YEAR IN ADVAI`E 13/RCAlN Saturday Candy Specials We have contraeted for a large amount of the following goods at a special price and we are going to give you the benefit of our saving in price. These prices are good on Sa- urdays nt lc', all other days regular prices prevail. Regular 5oc lb. Cadillac Assorted Chocolates. Sa turday Special 33c lb. Regular 35c Turkish De- light, Saturday Special 19c lb. Try a pound and be convinced. J. W. MCKibbon DRUGGIST AND OFTICIAN Tho 042,.. Store 6I1>�7B I C. N. Griffin • GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDEN T PLATE GLASS WEATHER fi�ati�o Insurance eW� v�M Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and • MoNEit LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Office over Maloolm's Grocery. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines ,Ocean Steamships. Wear G.ieer's Shoes and Rubbers. Final Eu The members o adian Order of F final progressive season in their C evening, April 2E the Order are in lire Party. Court Maitland, Can - esters will hold the ochre party for this Irt Rgom, on Friday h, All members of ted to attend, Headquarters for Wall Paper and Window Shades at Knox's. Meeting A meeting of th ham will be held ii in the Town Hall, April 17th, comme All persons intere. are requested to a the club is to be coming season, f Bowlers. bowlers of Wing - the Firemen's Room n Thursday evening cing at eight &'clock. eted in lawn bowling tend the meeting as e -organized for the Wall Paper from 5c per roll up at Knox's. Call in and see the new 1913 Wall Paper at Knox's. Brick Fa The Swift Curr that Mr. Wm. Ell in that town look! proposition. Mr. ion that as fine a can be procured i any section of Sas prospects for es that town are veif W. ' J. Moon ' • Ve#erinary Surgeon . LATE GOVT. VET. INSP. 'Office of late Dr. Wilson Miss Gracey'a : Wingham, Ont. Residence • Phone 179, Phone 148. Christie's Grocer PHONE .y GROCLRIES THAT PLEASE :When leaving the table have you. got :that deep sense of satisfaction:which comes from . a really enjoyable meal, OR is there an unexplainable some- thing causing just the least 'bit of discontent. • The reason for this is often found in the use of a 'poor quality food. • TRY CHRISTIE'S FOR FOOD THAT PLEASES. GOOD CHEESE—That's the kind • we're selling, and it i ,GOOD. Per lb20c. • •• CREAM CHEESE •• Is a most econo- mital food. When good butter 'is scat&e it makes a grind sub- stitute. ''Per packet 15d and 25c FY;( I,' RS, Tt1 .FERNS, i ,'-• Drop in and see our. fine assortment of Pot' Plants, flowers, bdaiitify the Borne. RIGFIT PRICER RtIIPS-The best obtainable in snftoe5s'rnsppleheatcOageIm . tory in West. nt, Sask. Sun reports ott, of Glenannan is g into the clay brick !Mott is of the opin- ample of brick clay Swift Current as in atchewan, and that bushing a plant in encouraging. TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. _ W. J. GREER. New C. P. . Bridge. The Hamilton Br ge Company has a large force of woe en in Wingham at present working n the' new bridge which is being but by the C. P. R. Co. over the river t the north of the has done 1 town. The old w den bridge duty for a numbe of years and is be - replaced by a ste bridge. It is ex•• pected that the w rk will be completed in a few weeks. • Feed! Feed! Feed! Just received a car load of good oats. We also have bran, shorts, good DRY AMERICAN CORN and other feeds. ' HOWSON & BROCKLEBANK. Died at Word was receiv the death in Portli Callicotte. Mrs. Mary Cornyn) spe iting at her parent and left here four her husband passil after her arrival. been ill with pn cotte will have th old friends here i Important Notice The C.P.R. Telegraph and Dor minion Express office are now located in our store, Prompt, Ef- ficient and Courteous Service guaranteed. WILLIS & CO. Nowageamiuxamoras Ratepayers The ratepayers w May 5th, on a by-1a� issuing of debentur $6,500, the money t chase of road marl ion of a proper buil of the machinery ection of a hose to pears in the Wi may also be seen The vote will be polling places. ortland. d here last week of d, Oregon of Mr. allicotte, (nee Miss t several weeks vis - al home in Wingham veeks ago for home, g away a few days Mr. Callicotte had imonia, Mrs. Celli - sympathy of many her affliction. t11 Vote, 11 vote on Monday, to provide for the s to the amount of be used in the gur- ney and the erect- ing for the storing nd also for the er- er. The by-law ap- ham Advance and the Clerk's office. taken at the usual For the best value in Wall Paper, go to Knox's. '• SEEDS FOR SALE —Red 'Clover, Alsike. Alfalfa. Timothy. •All. new and Government Tested. KING BROS. Newspapcjt Bargains. Toronto Globe o including the Sats tion by mail to a (Toronto expecte Great Britain fr previousexpiry i for $2'and the VG adian Farmer fo or call at the Ti. to secure these ditionnl will sec dates. Reward to Convict The Clinton Tow ed to offer a reward that will secure th persons who tampe cast on the local Provincial Attornj Crown Attorney vel{ take up the matte down the culprits made the motion a half the reward. its third reading: ers the daily edition, day . illustrated see - address in Canada, . United States or n date of order or 11 January 1st, 1914 eekly Globe and Can - 35 cents. Send names n.'S office at once so as argains. 65 cents ad - re the Tiwiis for same Seed Headquarters...; , I have in stock all 'kinds of No. I seeds:.Mammoth Clover,Red Clover,A1- sike, Lucerve, Timothy Mangle seeds etc. A car load of Essex selected Seed' Corn to arrive in April. Guaranteed to grow. We buy. nothing but the best that can 'fie, secured. No risk when buyingfroiiius. J. A. Mills, Wingham. Want Bett Mayor Mitchell Kincardine were seeking the eo-oi ites to secure mo train service to t erly lines runninj It is asked that Palmerston for and that the aft Csrd ine leave ab G. T. R. audio viewed aria lire ition, It is' to itble •to accede mean much to as it relates t enger seryiee Train Service. Ballot Tamperers, Council has decid- f $ 200 for evidence conviction ' of the ed with the ballots tion by-law. The y -General• and the ill also be asked to and assist in running Councillor Paisley d offered to pay one - he by-law was given WANTED —A good rehab man to rep- resent the Canadian acific Laud Department in this v' inity. For full particulars, apply S. O, Mitchell, District Sales Ag nt, 601 C. P. H. Building, Toronto, Ont. and Reeve Hunter of in town last week ration of Wingham- e accommodation in e public on the north - out of, Palmerston. the first train leave tincardine at 8 a.,m., moon train from Kin- ut ut 2 or 3 o'clock. The ties' have been inter- onsidering the propos- be hoped •they . will be to the request as it would he towns alongihe route postal, express and pass- Picture •F -louse N tes. Do not forge,t one fou reel special for Wednesd y and Thu sday nights. Also ani a ed special o Friday and Saturd ights. Big in inee on Sat- urday afternoon at 4 o'cl k. Children 5 cents, to matinee. Field Crop Competition The Turnberry gricultural Society has decided to xtend the time for receiving entries i the Standing Field Crop Competition p till May 1st. The C•Qmpetition is for' be hest field of white oats, and liberal pri es are being award- ed. A number of entries have already been received but he Society is anxious petitors as possible. have' heen very sue- rts of Ontario and received good prices n. Get full informa-' lliott, Secretary; at to have as many cod These competition cessful in other p prize winners hay for their seed gr tion from H. B. the Times office. ' For 'Ws. Paper and !i#ida(v.'Sha'des go to I ribI0s. WANTED.—An apprenti the barbering. Apply to Jacques. — --....._ We The local bre stitute will hol meeting on Thi at the home of ject for this in ence" by Mr, Members and cordially invitE /to learn wanson & n's Institute. neh of the Woman's In - their regular monthly rsdayApril 24th, 3 p. m. �Irs. William Bone, Sub- eting "Women's Influ- (Dr.) J. P. Kennedy. I1 others interested are 1 to be present. A House to rent. A McCONNELL, EGGS FOR SALE - Best laying. strains. Single Comb White Leghorns. $1 per 16; $5 per 100. Wm. Field, Wingham, Ont. —F. Sale of Farm Stock and Implements. Mr. W. J. $, concession 1 Ing sold his fa served auction implements, There is an ex implements. auctioneer. Public i-lleal h Exhibit. Tbe,Government Public Health Car which is making a our of Ontario to educate and interes the public in mat- ters pertaining to ,-alth and .sanitary improvement, will each Wingham at IL 54 at G.T.R. Stati non Monday morn- ing, April 21st, and ill remain here un- til the early train o ' Wednesday morn- ing, April 23rd. T e public are cordial- ly invited to visit t • car and see the demonstration. Ar , ngements have al- so been made for th holding of public meetings in the Tow Hall on the eve- nings of April 21st • d 22nd. It is ex- pected that Dr. T. J McNally, District Officer of Health 11 be ,,present and deliver an address, .OATS AND POTATOES.— We have on hand a quantity of good seed oats and a ear load of Deleware potatoes will arrive in a few days. • Duff & Stewart, Bluevale. Death of Ja s Netterfield. Say You can hel Choral Concer concert is give yen's Aid So Clenaghan, of lots 7 and near Whitechurch, hay - m, will hold an unre- sale of farm stock and Monday, April 21st. ellent list of stock and ohn Purvis will be the The`Children. do so by, going to the on Friday evening. This on behalf of the Child- iety, an organization worthy of all i ublie.sympathy and lib- eral support, Thousands of children have been say d to lives of usefulness, who, but for ' aid might have sunk to lives of degr: • ation and crime. There can be no nob er work than the conserva- tion of Chile -Life. They are not to blame for th it early environment, and when this is . etrimental to the moral and physical life of the child, a society such. as the a cove becomes a necessity and by no meod of reasoning can we refuse our,supp rte Maney alone can carry, on this gr, nd and noble work and in this everybor•y can lend a helping hand. COME TO TII ' CONCERT. The pro- gramme will b a good one, and not only will you b. giving aid to the Chil- dren's Society, ut you will be encour- aging one of th best organizations of the town, viz. The Choral Society. You want to herr them sing, "The Ris- ing of the Clans " This is a decidedly brilliant chorus, till of difficulties and the Choral deser e credit for attempt- ing its rendition. The Soldiers Chorus from "Il Trovat re" will be another treat and also t ' famous song "Kill- arney" by Tial e. Miss Amy Pearl Hyles will give everal readings some of them highly timorous. Youecan se- cure your ticke at McKibbtfi's drug store' PERS NALS, Mrs. King, of II with her sister, Mis Dr, J. R. Macdon been spending a friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. Ro Tuesday to spend latives in Chase, Mrs. Jas, A. H Haugh were vis Brussels for over Miss H. Douce iting during the friend, Mrs. H. Mrs. M. E. Zur for a few days wi in Listowel and Miss. Nantel, o a position with W in the C. P. R. Te Mr. and Mrs. wood were visiti with Mr. and Mrs. Turnberry, Mayor VanSton were in Toronto t Hon. Adam Beck question of Hydr ham. milton is visiting J. Struthers. ld, of London has ew days with old t. Rotlson left on few weeks with re- ich. ugh and Miss Nina fug with friends in Sunday.• of Delaware was vis - past week with her . Elliott. rigg has been visiting h relatives and friends avistock. Port Hope has taken Ills & Co. as operator egraph Office. bt. Walker, of At - g for over Sunday John B. Hardie, of Another of the of i pioneer residents. ,of this section pass d away on Friday last in the person o James Netterfield, at his home in the, own Plot. The de- ceased gentleman • as in his 67th• year and was born in I •land and came to Canada in early ]if:, settling at Belle- ville. Some forty five years ago he Baine to this sectio and since that time has been an honor d and respected resi- dent. Mr. Netter ield had been in poor health'for some •nths. He was mar- ried to Sarah Mc `onley, of Dundalk, who, with a fami y of three sons . and two daughters, rvive. The children are: -Thos. Nette field, Monkton; James n.i Ne terfieid Tor to; RoyNetterR old t, Mrs. 'F. Sell and Mrs. Herbert Walsh, of Wiiighazn. he deceased had for many years been = member,ef, the Wing - ham Loyal Oran , e Lodge and the fun- erdl•on Sunday a fterneon was conduct• edeby the: mentb rs if' • the Qfder, and was•iargely'att* ded.. Mr. Duplant, of Landon, conduc ed the serviges at the house . and , gr : ve. The : pallebearers were Messrs A. . Musgrove,•,:young, Geer' Spotton, H Rocierlig!'.Will, Gust hrid Clic: Iiarbex` Fon SALE— OU opposite found y, th stable. Apply at the TIMES O'iee. a d 3 acres of land and Coun. Young interviewing is week in reference to the Electric for 'fng- NOTICE —As I am Ieavi g town, I offer for sale my hous c ner of John and Leopold streets. urniture, car- pets, etc. will be on s a at residence. —ALEX. ROSS. WE TECHURGH. Mr. John La dlaw, of West Wawa - nosh, has mov d into his house in the village which as lately occupied by Mr. Jas. Wils•n, Mr. James "ilson has moved into the Tumouth hous ', next to the Methodist church. Mr. Chamle• , of Wingham, has pur- chased the Mi ner house and has taken possession, Mr. Clubb h : s moved to the village from the Ingle. farm and has moved into the Holm a house. Mr, Frank a ouster has moved (11'0 Charles Taylo • homestead, whic'i. is owned by Mr. in. Purdon. • • Mr. 'John Mo vbray, of Zetland, has purchased . Mr W. J. McClenagban's farm. near the village, Mr. McClena- ghan ,will hold n auction • sale of farm stock and imp! a vents on Monday, April atterson •continues in d that Mr. Morrison, the butter factory wilt ker.for. thisseason. s been attending the :t. Guelph during the nd he is highly 'recom- ident Creelman., nd property the Kew iert p y . station hhs been sold Langaide, ; ents have been complet- opening of the White- ry for the season and ill start out on Monday, 21st. Mr.. Frank very poor healt We understa fate assistant a be our butter Mr. Morrison h Dairy . School winter months mended by Pre We uner st d near the G. T, to Mr. Reid, o All arrange ed for:. the r church ,Crea the drawers Aptril 18th, Accident ii While at work o his farm in Turnl: morning, Mr. Mb a bad accident. I in contact with the ers were badly cu was necessary to cond joint. Mr, enforced holiday PASTURE TO—Parties wanting ppasture apply tJ. Dcyelr, 'P. O. l30x 281, Wingham. Turnberry. a circular saw at rry on Wednesday :rt Homuth feet with is right hand came saw and two fing- one so badly that it imputate it at the se- Iomuth will have an t a very busy season. Garden to rent --For summer.' Apply to Mrs. Sutherland, Pleasant Valley. Fell of In% RoofOn Monday afrnoon Mr. Leslie ' ht have been et with wtmi Bryce m g a fatal accident. Ie was on the peak of the barn roof, a sisting his father in removing shingle and in throwing down a board, nail caught in his mitt and in losing his balance the young man fell to the ound, a distance of some thirty feet Mr. Bryce, we are pleased to say, e caped without serious injury, but he re eived a bad shakingup and will be condo e. to bed for some time. FOR SALE - A set pfe shaft hangers. Apply to L. KennedW Hospital P onations. The following ovations have been received by the Ingham General Hos- pital:— Western Foundry. Co., Wingham $100 Nasmith's Ltd., ionto ngham ' .. • en The trimmings „ Montreal..,. 5, were part of the 75' iginal, while sem 5 • linen used has be 25 ily for four or fiv 5 LAURANT GIVE GREAT SHOW. Laurent, the man gave two great sh Thursday and Frid week. Eugene La ted to be the worl and the entertain were the first re that we have Fia number of years. members of his c on a clean, up -to - their visit here wi The many tricks med were much e The Wingham present both e choice selections. of many mysteries, 's in Wingham on y evenings of last irant is uow admit - 's greatest magician cents of last week 1 ones of the kind in Wingham for a Mr. Laurent and the mpany certainly put to entertainment and I be long remembered. nd mysteries perfor- joyed by the audience. Citizens' Band was enings and rendered Newest anc10 latest Designs in Wall Paper at Knox's, opposite National Hotel. Phone 65.-_` Golden edding: 'Mr, and Mrs. this town, celebrate ding on March 24th Catherine street: were present to and best wishes hart and daughter S. M. Whaley, St Hill, Toronto, and the family four o their only son, Ile and his wife; Mrs. of Port Hope; Mr. lick, and daughte Lockhart, of to members being Mrs. Rev. J. D. • bert Lockhart of 1 their golden wed - at their home on Among those who tend congratulations re Dr. R. J. Lock - of lIespeler; Rev. tford; Mrs. Newton friends in town. Of of six were present, E. H. Lockhart H. N. Grant and son and Mrs. Wm. Cas - and Miss Gertrude n. The two absent he oldest daughter, yer, Balcarres, Sask , and the youngest Miss Nina, of Sask. atoon. Mrs. Loc chart was beautifully gowned in purpl: velvet with trimmings of purple silk a d cream lace. The house decoratio were very pretty. f the wedding cake ecorations of the or - of the silverware and n in use in the fain - generations. W. D. Pringle, W Martin, Senour C T. A. Mills, beau st Newsome & Gilbe t, Toronto John Martin, Cob it Norman Macdonal , Toronto 5 Lackawanna Coal Co 5 In May of last ar $300 of the T. A. Mills bequest was paid the Hospital. At the final windi g up of the estate a further amount w II be received. ' ' CHURCH NOTES. The Presbyter of Huron has sus- tained the call of he Londesboro-Burns congregation to R • . Mr. Reid, of Alvin. Rev, Geo. Gilmo a was presented with a purse of $151.50 ey the Presbyterian, congregation of F gal, prier to his re- moval to Ripley. The London Con erence of the Meth- odist Church will h Id its thirtieth annu- al session in Lend n, commencing on June 5th. Rev. Ja es E. Ford, of Clin- ton, is President o the conference, and Rev. Jas. Elford, o Corinth, secretary, Mr. Israel Taylor, , London, is presi- dent of the Layman : 'Association, and Mr. Charles Austin, of Chatham, secre- tary. • •Owing to the illno s of Rev. E. H. Croly, the services i St. Paul's church on Sunday were talc n by Mr. Duplant, of Huron College. ext Sunday, Rev. Mr. Shipley, of Lak side, will take the services and in the vening will preach a specialsermon a young people on the subject:---`Ib`r endship--It's trial " tr ed and tragedy." g y Very successful s: *vi res were held in the Methodist Church on Sunday last, Rev. Geo. A. Raley President of the British Columbia onferenee was the preacher and his dis ourses were listened ham , to with much intere • t by the congreg- r COAL. -•We are prepared to receive your spring' order for best D.L.&W. Scranton Coal at usual spring prices for delivery in April or May. Chest- nut, $7.15, delivered; Stove and Egg, $0.90, delivered; pea, $6,Aevered.MCLEAN.1. Death of Rev. ' . L. Newton. The death of R late of Hartney, Ma day, April 7th, •at t er, C. G. Newton, ich'in his sixty first health, the deceasee orate of the Baptis late last' year and s nee then had been with ' his brother. of Cambridgeshire, Canada with his p. hers of the family learned the Karnes was in business for before commencing. eer, which was pref McMaster College, ty-seven years he w the Baptist Church, Victoria, Norwich a and Hartney, Man. a daughter of the let son, of Guelph, prod: eighteen months. D., Carl San An of Keith L., of Toronto deceased gentleman Mr. Geo. A. Newton, v. W. L. Newton, occurred on Mon - home of his 'broth- orth Street, Goder- year. Owing to ill - resigned the past - Church at Hartney He was a native England, coming to nts and other mem- t'an early' age. He making trade and me time at Clinton is ministerial car - cod by a course at route. For twen- in the ministry of Ding charges at d Durham, Ont., is wife, who was Rev. Dr. David - eased him about o sons survive: once Texas and University. The as a brother of ormerly of Wiiig- Talo No Chances Your feet were made to last you a lifetime. Don't ruin them by wearing cheap, 'ill-fittii.g shots. Wear INVICTUS shoes for they will prove a safeguard and a comfort to your feet. Tile BEST GOOD SHOT itivoy W. J. Gy'caLt ■v THE SHOE MAN rwir OF THE ations. On Monde evening a banquet was held under the auspices of the Ep- worth League an evening was spent of Indian Mission district, British supported by the Wingham Distri' . a very enjoyab e Mr. Raley in charge ork at Port Simpson oltiiii}iia and he is pworth Leagues of • I g er a SHINGLES. � I ____ --We have a quantity of British Columbia Shingles arriving almost daily and are able to supply' all persons in need of shingles. Price, Si per bunch. Leave your early.JA.MC WEST Because of the immigration to our Western Provinces' we oc- casionally have a good '•farm placed in our hands for sale at a sacrifice price, Just think of a 200 acre farm with fine buildings, good 'land, big orchard, well fe'teed, in a good 5 loe.tlity, convenient to school and churches fir ti,e price of 100 acres. We have seldom had an offer like this in our bands Two thousand dollars cash, balance on mortgage. Must be stela at once. sena REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "BUY YOUR C. P, R. TICKETS FIIOM US" AROUND THE WORLD. via "Empress of Asia" The "Empress of Asia" will leave Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira, Cape Town, Durban, Colombo, Singa- pore and Hong Kong, arriving Vancouv- er August 30th. Vessel remains 14 days at Hong Kong. "Rate for entire cruise $639.10." Exclusive of maintenance between arrival time in England and departure of"Empress of Russia," and stop over at Hong Kong. Particulars from Canadian Pacific Agents or write M. G. Murphy, District Passenger Ag- ent, Toronto. Ritchie & (}osens, Town Agents. COAL—April • prices for hard: coat; nut, stove and egg, $6.50 on the ear, $6.75 delivered, Pea,$5.50 on car, $5.75 deliver- ed; also soft coal and coke at popular prices.—R, 3. Cantelon, Enquire at Mooney's; shed G. T. R. COLLEGE AT 11011. . Thousands of ambitious yot,na peo- ple are fast preparing in their own homes to croupp .luerative engem a as stenographers, boolsiteeperA, tt.le graph• r'y era, civil sErvants, to fact , very sphere of Business A tfvitie . You may finish B ne C 8 i 6 r gnat, at eolteges if you villi. , t}ei, its fns anteed Enter college any dpy Inds victual instruction. Expert teachers Thirty year's experience. t.argmat traincrain tanalr, l'ea'n• ecileres. :+penial course t , s or teller~ Affiliated with Commercial lidac s' tors' Association of Canals; Summer SAW at thetantousspefton Business College, London. Wier ham Bnsine s College Geo. gpotton:iv, 7`, Morse, Presie'en'. Pe raga'.