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The Wingham Times, 1913-04-10, Page 8
III» 11 11112 "1111111 5111112 'C11 1119"8: CI" "N»I12 25111 CV11 1 .II: 1551 "FIlu2 2:1111 i1x12 210 WIN GRAM TIMES APRT 10, 1913 MINOR LOCALS. Wall Paper front ' per roll up at Knox's. —Regular monthly meeting of the Public School Board will be held next 'Tuesday evening. For Wall Paper air' Window Shades $o to Knox's. —Regular meetingof Court Maitland, Canadion Order of Foresters on Friday evening of this week. " For the best valutiein Wall Paper, go to Knox's. —Children's Aid Society ooneert by Choral Society in the op? house on Friday evening, April 1 Headquarters for all Paper and 'Window Shades at I ox's. — The Wingham four piece Orchestra has been engaged er a ball at Gorrie en Friday evening, April 11th. —The Huron and Bruce Mraicipal Telephone Commissioners have decided to charge subscribers an anuual rental of $12.50. —The Monetary Times' estimate of Canada's fire loss during March is $1,7- 10, 750, compared with $2,261,414 for March of last year. —Be sure and attend the Choral 3o- cicty Concert in the opera house on Friday evening, Apcil 18th and as .ist the Children's Aid Society. OATS AND POTATOES.— We have on hand a quantity of good seed oats and a car load of Deleware pcta.oes will arrive in a few days. Duff & Stewart. Bleevale. —The A.Y.P.A. held them weekly meeting on Monday evening. Miss May Smith gave an excellent paper on "The Life of Tennyson." —The local option opponente in Clin- ton, have decided se appeal the decision of Judge Holt, and make another effort to defeat the recent by-law. —Commencing on the first Wednes- day in May and continuing until the last Wednesday in Septembe., the den- tal offices will be closed during the Wednesday afternoons. —As a result of the passing of local option in Kincardine the hotel -keepers have decided to increase their rates. Two hotels charge g2 per day and two $1.50 per day. Farmers will be charged 40 cents for dinner and 35 cents for breakfast and supper. --The Greyhound Detroit Excursion, for 1913, will be arrarged so those who have to remain home Saturday and Sun_ day, can enjoy the trip. Going to leave Goderich 9.10 a. m., Tuesday, June 10th and return Thursday, June 12th. Full particulars first week in May. —The Toronto Globe management has decided to discontinue, in its pre- sent form, the publication of the Christ- mas Globe. This paper has enjoyed a good circulation and was appreciated by the people of Canada. The paper was not a paying venture and the pub- lishers lave slo•.;n good jcde -ere in discontinuing it. —Mr. Laurant is above all an invent- or of new and difficult feats of legerde- main, and this combined with an easy and graceful stage presence, a bright and witty flow of conversation, makes a combination that is more than appreci- ated by his audience. Hear and see Laurant in the opera house on Thursday and Friday evening of this week. COMVliNG. ARE YOU GOING WEST TRIS SPRING If so, exceptional opportunities are now being offered by the Grand Trunk Railway System in connection with Colonist, Homeseekers and Settlers ex- cursions. The Colonist rates are one-way tickets applying from stations in Ontario to Vancouver, I3.C., Victoria, 13.C., Prince Rupert, B. C., Seatle, Wash., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., San Francsiso, Cal., Los Angles, Cal., San Diego, Cal., and other points in Arizona, British Columbia, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah and Washington,. and are on sale daily until April 15th, inclusive, The Settlers excursions apply from stations in Ontario, Port Hope, Peter- horo and West to points in Alberta and Sitskatchewan every Tuesday until April 29th inclusive at low rates. Homeseekers' round trip tickets will be issued at very low rates from stations in Canada to points in Manitoba, Saskat- chewan and Alberta and are in effect each Tuesday until October 28th inclus- ive via Chicago and St. Paul, and will also be on sale on certain (Tuesdays) during above period via Sarnia and Northern Navigation Company. The Homeseekers' tickets are good returning two months from date of issue. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars are operated every Tues- day in connection with Settlers and Homeseekers excursions, leaving Tor- onto 11.00 p.m. and running through to Winnipeg via Chicago and St.Paul without change. Reservations in Tour- ist cars may be secured at a nomial charge on application to Grand Trunk Agents. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg -Saskatoon -Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleep- ing cars, through the newest, most pict- uresque and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Through tickets sold and reservations made by all Grand Trunk Agents. Costs no more than by other routes. Trains now in operation Winnipeg to Saskatoon and Regina, Yorkton and Canora, Sask., Camrose, Mirror and Edson, Alta., also to Fitzhugh and Tete Jaune,B.C. Before deciding on your trip, consult any Agent of the Grand Trunk Railway for descriptive literature, timetables and particulars or write 0. E. Horning, District Passenger Agent, Union Stat- ion, Toronto, Ontario. H. B. Elliott Town Passenger and Ticket Agent, Phone 4. W.F. Burgman, Station Ticket Agent, Phone 50. World's Greatest Magician and Com- pany will play here. The Redpath Bureau which books nearly all the big entertainments seen in American concert halls is planning a spring tour of Laurant, "The Man of Many Mysteries," and his capable com- pany. Eugene Laurant is the 'successor of Kellar and Herman and is now ad- mitted to be the World's greatest mag- ician. This company carries all special scenery and $10,000.00 worth of paraph- ornalia. Such a stupendous production has never been seen here before. Here is.a company that is absolutely guaran- teed and is refined in every line. For over two hours the most mysterious feats of: magic that seem almost impos- sible, filled with suck comedy that you will laugh every minute, with sparkling music throughout, such a treat awaits you. It is a big show such as appears only in the Iargest theatres. This com- pany has played New York, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, London, Galt, Strat- ford, Hamilton, etc., and we will pos- itively refund your money if you are not pleased with the mar- vellous performance. Further we will pay $100.00 to anyone who can show one word or act in this great production that will offend the most critical. We want parents to bring children as it %sill be a delight to them. It is the first time so expensive a company has play- ed outside the big theatres and we hone you will come along. Remember the date, April 10th and 11th, at 8 p.m., in Wingham Opera House. The plan opens. at McKibbon's'drug store on Wednes- day, April 9th. Tickets are only 25 and 35e and 50e. Order early. SOMETHING TO THINK OVER. In last week's issue of the Presbyter- ian a layman of the Presbyterian Church drew some startling facts of the de- crease of the rural population and the increase of the population in the cities. He showed by figures the decrease in Huron, Bruce and Grey and we give them below:- Huron elow:Huron Bruce Grey Totals 1901. 61,820 59,020 69,500 190,430 1911..52,988 50,032 65,891 168,906 BABY'S OWN TABLETS, Baby's Own Tablets are the best tiicdiciue a mother•ean give her little one. -They act as a- gentle laxative, sweeten up cols e.n the stomach,break d and make teething easy. Concerning them Mrs. Alphonse. Laundry, Upper Car' auet, N. D1., says: `Baby's Own Tablets were of great benefit to my lit- tle boy and I would advise all mothers with sickly children to • give them a trial." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail. at 25 .cents a bex from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Coot Jlroekville, Ont, Decrease 8,837 8,088 3,699 21,524 Here we find a total decrease for the three counties of 21,524, or about 12 per cent. of the population in 1901. The in- crease of population over 6,000 in the city of Owen Sound alone saved the sit- uation from being much worse. This decrease is serious and apparently will continue. The worst is not yet. —Be a booster. Roar and see Laur- ant and Company. —Laurant, the world's greatest mag- ician is coming soon with his big com- pany. —Special rate io school children for Laurante's performance. Look for an- nouncement. —Your money returned if Laurant & Co. do not deliver the goods. Just go to the box office if you are not pleased with the show. Please remember this is a Redpath attraction and it must make good. "Let all Canadians think. We are face to face with a new departure in our national life. I speak not without solemnity. If we pass this bill we turn our back upon the traditional history of this country since Confederation. We interrupt the movement of progress, which has gone steadily onward. We strike at the spirit of self-confidence and reliance. We turn back to another page in the history of colonial govern- ment. We are faced today once more with the choice between concentration and expansion. Let us face it as we have done in the past, and settle it again if need be, settle it in the light of what we owe to ourselves as Can- adians and what we owe to the mother- land as British subjects.— Sir Wilfrid in House of Commons on Monday. notiN: SsnTu -•In 1lluevale, on April 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith; a son. (I' Spring Millinery Having purchased the Millinery business of the late Miss MacPherson, I extend a cordial invita- tion to the ladies of Wingham and locality to visit my show rooms and inspect the Spring Mil- linery. The latest and most fashionable goods are on display and at prices that are in reach of all. Your patronage Solicited Miss L Rush LAURANT & CO. Laurant & Co carry special scenery and $10,000.00 worth of Paraphernalia. Programme opens with a flower prelude, a pretty set with 35 flower effects all created out of nothing. The stage becomes a veritable flower garden. Then followes the most astonishing 30 minutes of sleight of hand you ever saw. The first act concludes with a famous hat trick in which 20 characters are por- trayed under one hat and the last disap- pears in full view of the audience. Act two is called the wizard's supper. Tables and chairs vanish and multiply, ducks, birds, rabits, and guinea pigs all have a place and you will see the most startling and mystifying feasts ever performed in this place. Laurant was I given a gold medal by the Amercian Association of Magicians in New York last fall for this act. It is declared to be the best ever produced by any magic -1 ian. In the last act you see the wonderful tricks of India, Japan. Egypt, Persia Turkey, and other countries, Laurant is a world traveller and brings back the most surprising stunts ever seen in Can- ada. You cannot afford to stay from this show. You would willingly pay $2.00 for it in Toronto. Come out in your own town and make it possible for us to bring good talent here. Date is April 10th and 11th. Price only 25c, 35c, 50c. Plan opens at McKibbon's drug store on Wed.April 9th. See Laurant grow flowers all over the stage out of nothing. See him disap- pear from the stage while you are look- ing and appear in an altogether differ- ent form. Come out and see the tricks of the Hindoo fakirs. —Mr. Bost, Gen. Sec. Hamilton Y. M C. A., E. R. Wilson, Gen. Sec. London Y. M. C. A., R. S. Hamilton, B. A. Galt Collegiate Institute, Rev. Father James and Rev. Father. Hermann, of St. Joseph's Church, Chatham Ont., and scores of others in Ontario recom- mend Laurant & Co. as a clean produc- tion of solid merit and wholesome fun. Come. PorTI•iii—In Lower Wingham, on April 3rd, to Mr. and Mrs, John Potter; a daughter. DaANs.--•In Turnberry, on April 9t11' to Mr. and Mrs. Win. Deans; a daugh- ter. T1rtcHAnm - In Pordwich, on April 1st to Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Reichard; a son, MAEEIEP. CAMEP.ON-STAPLErafv.An• Windham, on March 26th, by Re'd, G. Victor Collins, Mr. Alex. Cameron, of Culross to Miss Annie Stapleton; daughter' of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'Stapleton, of Turnberry. rots). IIot'STo:v—In Grey township on Mar. 29th, James Houston, in his 72nd year. •McMANNus—In Walkerton, on April 2nd, Andrew Mclfannus, formerly of Wingham, in his 85th,year, BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND Subjects taught by expert instructors at the. Y. M. C. A. BLDG., LONDON, ONT. Students assisted to positions. College in session from Sept. 3rd. Catalogue free. Enter any time. J.W. Westervelt J. W. Westervelt, Jr. Principal is CharteedAccountant• Vi NOTICE. All accounts owing McGee & Camp- bell are payable to R. S. McGee and must be settled at once. All accounts not settled by April 15th will be placed in court. • R. S. McGEE. FOR SALE. • Lot 25 on the 4th con. of Culross; 100 acres, 80 acres cleared, well water- ed and good buildings. Wingham six miles.. Apply to RITCHIE & COSENS, Wingham. TENDER WANTED. I i 110. PRODUCE WANTED. PHONE 71. KING BROS- ,.,..„,,,..,, PRODUCE WANTED I WE WANT YOUR TRADE .i(.i9�FX?tlF•4 ' t,..!.�T•1t'G 65;:0".?Faz ,.. {. •.;1'Y..!' .r1::...C.t Mt GOODS KING BROS. I R GHT NEW MATERIAL IN ALL DEPARTMENTS ******0***1:*******>>r:>k*n� :H: a. 7.4 a. a. . Serges ?SUPERBA Noranda Costume e FINISH 8K THE WORLDS BEST SUITABLE FOR ALL NECESSITIES Among the New Spring Dress Goods and Suitings we are showing all the new- est effects in Whip Coros, Bedford Cords, Costume Serges, etc. Prices to suit everyone. Grand Display of Wash Goods, Prints, Ginghams, Chambrays, Rotine's, Vel- ours, Cotton Foulards, Ser pentine Crepe, etc. 111111.414.0111. MEOW. Hosiery and Oloves That will meet with your approval When down town come and see what we can show you in all the different col- ours and qualities. Sealed Tende s will be received by the undersigned u to four o'clock p.m. on the Seventh da of April, next, for the digging of wh is known as Bolt's drain in the. Town ip of Turnberry. Plans and Sp cifications may be seen at my t 13, concession 7, Turnberry. The I • est or any tender not necessarily ace pted, P. Wingham, Ont. OWELL, Clerk, FARM FOR SALE 100 acres, being centre part lot. 42, con. 7, East Wawanosh, 85 acres clear- ed,.8:,acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, balance in grass, well under- dr,.,aiged,• 4. acres orchard; 1 1-2 story frame house, kitchen and woodshed; barn 60 x 7,0wjth stone stabling., cement floors; windmill, with water in horse and baro; .1 1-4 miles from post. office, church and school. WM. WIGHTMAN, Belgrave, '.0. i B .!,*0004G004100000000.00006®A0$ 0 ">•90.••••••••••••••••Oa..o • READ!• 0 0 0 a. C a. a. 0 d a. a a. a 4r 0 a 0 6 6 A a. • a It Mens 6 a. r. you C We wish to announce to the worthy public of Wingham and vicinity, that we have already in our store a very large assortment of all kinds of Men's Spring Wear. We have paid special attention g to Men's Ready-made Sniti, We can guarantee you a suit which will a be according to your taste, also at very reasonable prices. We have, special lines in Blue Serge Suits, the vdry best Cloth, the very best make and the very best prices. Give us a trial for your next suits a We guarantee satisfaction. We have also a large assortment of Boys' ,3 Suits, very cheap and best quality. Now, what about being protec- ted from rain ? Rain Coats, guaranteed waterproof, best quality. a. reasonable prices. Before you do your Spring Buying, see us. You will not be sorry. See our prices in Boots and Shoes; o We are also making suits to your measure. • o • Cooper & Herman; The Bargain Store.• Opposite Presbyterian Church. E� • opo.cootcaomoo*©000**0000+04. 0•040•••0•0.0..0.4.410.0,0004,004. FOR SALE. Part of lot number thirty-three on the South side of the B Line in the Town Plot of Wingham, comprising three acres more or less and being the prem- ises lately occupied by the late Edward Haines. Upon this property is situate a brick house and stable. A desirable property. For further, particulars ap- ply to the undersigned. DUDLEY IIOLMES,• Wingham, Ont. W c' rued An Agent o represent the Internatio al Securtles Co., Ltd.,'who andle G. V. P. Divisional o%vnsite .Proper- ty in stern Canada. Must dcvu whole• time to this work nd will have no limited 'te ritory. Write o wire Rooth 11 , Dominion Saving Building LONDON ONTARIO I _ .-----411111111111111116,—.„ SEEDS We have a full line of the finest Red Clover, Alsike, Alfalfa, Timothy and perman- ant pasture mixtures etc., etc. Good fresh Garden and Root Seeds not a single last year package left over. Now for a rush season in High Grade Seeds at very reasonable prices for cash. We are also selling Seed Corn. . Leave your orders. Our motto, "Nothing but the best," • J. L. AWDE Word Of Explanation On N onda Next, April 15th WE WILL INTRODUCE OUR NEW SYSTEM, NAMELY : Cash And Credit Or in other words we will have two distinct prices — Cash and Credit. We have two reasons for making this change. 1st. Those who pay cash should buy cheaper. 2nd. Shoes are` higher in price and we expect that we will be able to sell for cash at very close to last season's prices. Very disquieting is the January report of the United States Department of , Agriculture. As compared with a year ago, the number of cattle in the country on January 1, 1913, shows a decrease of 1,230,000; the number of sheep a decrease of 880,000. "The decrease has been consistent and progressive for some years." Population,however,is increasing yearly. With this fact before you we hope you will appreciate our effort to keep down the price of Shoes and the only way to do it is to Give Our New System ,a Fair Trial WILLIS & CO. THE SHOE STORE Sole Agents tom, i j• rt for Ladies. i 1.11113 :1gi: 1111.2 1111 �y II: erg "lilll: CRtlI: Cpl 101 m11 :1111 .1111. EI�ti! 11 II 2.» HOUSE FURNISHINGS Now that spring is drawing near the busy house wife. will he making preparations for house cleaning and some particular room will want a new Linoleum another room Oilcloth and still another a Rug or Carpet. Never has this store been so well stocked in all these lines as we are passing into stock the last few weeks Nairs Scotch Linoleum excellent designs, English Floor Oils, lovely patterns, border Oilcloths and Inlaid Linoleums. Rugs and Carpets. We have an unusually large stock of Rugs now in including Union Rugs for bed room, Granite.Rugs, something entirely new from $4.00• -td $lo.00, Tapestry Rugs, Velvet Rugs, English Manufacture; Brussels Rugs, Axminister and W iltons, price from $6.00 to $40.00. We lead in House Furnishings, call and see our stock before buying else- where. 2 Ears Sugar Now In For a short. time we will sell for cash Wal- laceburg Sugar at $4.75 cwt. Red Path Extra Granulated $4.85 in Soo lb. lots, Sc cwt. less. 20 lb. sack $I.00. • Produce of All Kinds Wanted. J A. "M/LLS Successor to T. A. Mills' PHONE 89. , % WINGEAM, ONT. - 11 •r Kt Ilj ,III IIA I IIIU!'I'I'dIIIIIIVIRMINIIflfiIIIIIIIIIIIII1111B:'IIF: 1: