HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-10, Page 1THE WINGHAM TIMES.
VOL, XLII.-NO. '2130
E Keep gown the
Cost of Livia r
Old Straw Hats made to 4;
look as good as new
Straw Nat Enamel 15c Tin
Made in 32 fashionable shades. r•
Applied to hat like ordinary i11
paint. Will not wash off. Dries R
hard very quickly,
Straw Hat Cleaner IOc
Enough to clean two straw
bats and make a gocd job
Just dissolve cleaner in water
and wash the hat with the
J. W. McKibbon 1
The V Store
C. N. Griffin
Coupled with a REAL •EST ATE and
Issuer of Marriage Licenses.
Office over Maloolm'a Grocery.
Agent for
Allan Line
Cunard Line
Donaldson Lines.
Canadian Northern Lines
Ocean Steamships.
W. J. Moon
'Veterinary n• ,
�Veierinary Seo
Office of late Dr. Wilson
Wingham, Ont. .
Phone 1/Q,
Miss Grncey's
Phone 148.
Chrislie's Grocery.;
• PHONE 59.
When.leaving the table have
Sou got that deep sense of
satisfaction which comes from
a really enjoyable meal, OR is
there an unexplainable some•
thing causing just the least bit
of discontent. The reason for
this is often found in the use of a
poor quality food. . •
GOOD CHEESE -That's the kind
we're selling, and it Is GOOD.
Per 1b 20c.
CREAM CHEESE Is a most econo-
mical food. When goad butter
is scarce it makes a grand sub-
•Atititte, Per packet 15c and 25c
FLOWERS, FERNS, .7 TC. -- Drop
in and see our fine assortment
of Pot Plants, Flowers, beautify
the home. RIGHT PRICES.
FRUITS -The hest obtainable in
Bananas, Pine Apple, Ripe To-
matoes, Oranges, Lemons, etc,
Wear Gaeer's Shoes and Rtubbees.
Post Office lock Here.
The new clock fo the tower in ' he
post office building rrived in Wingham
on Monday and will be instilled as soon
as the tower is fitted p fqr its reception.
Good strong boys wanted at the Door
Lacrosse eeting.
A meeting of the E . ecutive Committ-
ee of last year's leer.sse club will be
held in the Council C amber on Thurs-
day evening, April 1 th. The club is to
be re -organized for his year and all in-
terested in ]across are requested to
ll.ttend the meeting
select from at lowest prices.
A meeting of t
ante and Moral
will be held in the
day evening, Apr
at 8 o'clock. All
temperance work
tend the meeting.
ce Meeting.
Wingham Temper -
Reform Association
C.O.F. hall on Mon -
)4th, commencing
,ersons interested in
ire requested to at -
Alsike. Alfalfa. Timothy All new
and Government Testtd.
Oldest W
Probably the olde
Ontario was buried
.day last. Mrs. Ja
Canada in 1E42 from
was married three
to a James. Her
about seven years
children; She wa
an Dead
woman in Western
at Clinton on Satur-
es Cottle came to
Ireland, Mrs. Cottle
mes, and each time
last husband died
ago. She had no
107 years of age.
Highest prices
feathers at the
The bazaar an
the Council Cha
noon and evenin
pices of Ladies'
ham General H
a success. Th
nicely decorate
carried out in
The amount re
March hay o
ing furniture.
from thistles.
id for goose and duck
holstering factory.-
1 Bazaar.
sale of work held in
ber on Friray . after -
last, under the aus-
Auxiliary of the Wing-
spital was in every way
ladies had, the room
and everything was
a successful 'Manner.
'zed was upwards of
medow grass for pack -
Must besoft and free
Apply to - WALKER &
HO • ital Donations.
Mr. Peter 'isher, Chairman of the
Livingstone ••ntenary Committee has
placed the bat nce of the proceeds, of
the offering to en up at the publicmeet-
ing, $8.19, to t credit of the Wingham
General Hospi al. Over $700.00 has
been received .i the Treasurer, Dr. A.
J. Irwin, for t e building fund. .The
following addit onal subscriptions have
been received: •
Peter Campbel Wingham. 5.00
Fenerton Timb r Co., Toronto 2.00
Canada Law 13 e ok Co., Toronto' . 5.00
Canada Paint .,, Montreal • 5.00
J. B. McMaric e, Oswego, N. Y5.00
Canada Furnit re Mfgs. 25.00
COAL. -We are•prepared to receive
your spring order for best D.L.&W.
Scranton Coal at usual •spring prices
for delivery in April or. May. Chest-
nut, $7.15, delivered; Stove . and Egg,
$0.90, delivered; pea, $6, delivered.
• J. A. McLNAN.
Arranging Rural Routes.
• Mr. James Bow. an, M. P. for East
Huron was in to on IIKonday, confer-
ring with a numb:, :of interested parties
in the arranging . new rural mail routes
The route on• the Oth of Turnberry arid
Turnberry-Culro.s boundary was fixed
up as was also, pi one near Belmore,
and these routes, ' ill be started as soon
as possible. Spe, kihg of postal matters
we would advise hat whoever was re-
sponsible for pia ing the letter boxes in
Wingham, could ave made a much bet-
ter job had the ores'btrLn placed Ott
the road side of he poles in place of
'next •to the sid= • alk. As at present
placed,'' a• numbe of the boxes are' in
the road of.peop e walking on the side-
walks. We fe sure that with,
hint, the boxes i11`,bb placed in .Better
.positions•otithe petle'e4
WANTED.-.,We.want three good stove
plate mouldera foie base burners. Steady
ork.and.good money to•first-dihss'nen.
ONES', JA IESON,` Limited,
atriilton. Ontario, .
Call in if a ilia• heW '191;1 Wall
Paper at
.sere.... •••
A Well of Explanation
Picture H use Notes.
By request of s eral citizens o our
town and country we have de ded to
put on a matinee very Satur y after-
noon at 3 p.m. ti 1 4.50 o' ock. We
prefer having the hiidre ee the pict-
ures during the d . We will try' to
have something of . n instructive nat-
ure for them. Chi ren under 15 years
must be accompani d by parent or guar -
dime Admission, hildren 5c.; adults
FOR SALE - . oe and boat house.
Apply to R. G. ' illis.
Burglars entenced.
Thomas Murphy as found guilty of
burglaries at Bru sels, Seaforth and
Harriston and was entenced at Goder-
iclt on Saturday mo ning by Judge Holt
to twelve ears in ingston penitent-
iary. Edouard Burl ng, who was an ac-
complice of Murphy in the Brussels and
Seaforth cases, got four years in the
penitentiary. Cro n Attorney Seeger
and High Consta e Whitesides have
been working on t e cases for the last
two months follow ng the breaking open
of the store of Th s. Strachan at Brus-
Feed! Feed! Feed! Just received
a car load of good oats. We also have
bran, shorts, good DRY AMERICAN CoRN
and other feeds.
A Busin as Change.
Last week Mr. . Ross, who has been
many years local gent for the Domin-
ion Express Co. nd the C.P.R Tele-
graph Co. resigne his positions andthe
two agencies hay been transferred to
Willis & Co. M . 'Ross has been a
resident of Wingham for upwards of
thirty years and as enjoyed the confi-
dence andestee of the people of town
and district. W understand that he
purposes taking trip West. Willis &
Co. have an ext lent stand for the ex-
press and telegr ph business and will
give the duties .< f the position the very
best of attenti and we wish for the
firm many yea s of successful connec-
tion with their ew agencies.
EGGS FOR SALE Best laying strains.
Single Comb White Leghorns. $1 per
15; $5 per 100. Wm. Field, Wingham,
Children's id Concert.
The Wingham oral Society, under
the leadership of r. J. Henry Christie,
will give a'concer in the opera house
on Fridyy evening, April 18th, in aid of
the Wingham bran h of the •Children'.s
Aid Society. ' The Choral Society is
preparing a good rogram of solos,
duetts, choruses, et ., and an excel-
lent program is a ured. Our towns
people should take vantage of hear-
ing this 'excellent p gram and at the
same time give assi ance tothe worthy
work being carried n by the Children's
Aid Society. The dmission is placed
at 25 cents with r erved seats at 35
cents. flap ofall at McKibbon's
drug store- •
WANTED -A Stationery Engineer
for a '• two -hundred kilowatt com-
bined steam and water power plant, 10
hours night shift 7 days a week. Ap-
ply to box 658, TIMES office.
Death of And
Mr. Andrew M
well-known reside
in Walkerton on
week, in his 85th
gentleman for ma
resided on the f.
Purvis Bros., abo
Lucknow. A nu
sold the farm and
residing `for ma
street. After th
Mr. McMannns m
then later to Wal
suited from a seve
tained a few days
Mr. McMannus }vac
esteem by a large
is survived by one
asson, •and one da
son, of Atkinson, I
had foreinany years
the L.O.L. and the
afternoon from the
Hall to »eaeon's ce
waaosh'and was a
niiinber o><incplbers
and many -old+-frie
ew McMannus.
Mannus, a former
of Wingham, died
Wednesday of last
ear. The deceased
y years owned and
rm, now owned by
t two miles east of
ber of years ago he
moved to Wingham,
- years on Minnie
death of his wife
ved to Lucknow, and
erton. His death re -
x fall which he sus-
erior to his death.
a man held in high.
ircle of friends. He
on, John, of ,P.ow-
hter, Mrs. David-
. Mr.. McMannus,
been a member of
funeral on Friday
Wingham Orange
etery in East Wet -
tended by, a large
f the Orange Order'.
ds oi-thd dekessed
Mrs. Barber, , Listowel, is visiting
with her sister, ' rs. Brock.
Mrs. F. McCo nell is visiting with re-
latives and frie . s in Toronto.
Miss Nellie W de returned home from
London last we where she has spent
several weeks.
Mr, Peter Ca pbell, who has been
spending the win er in Wingham left on
Monday for his h.me in the West.
Mrs. James cConnell, who has been
spending a few eeks with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. 1 rank McConnell, left
last week for hi home in Calgary.
Mr. and Mrs. T. Jenkins and Miss
Edna Jenkins le t on Tuesday for their
new home in Regina, Sask. Many
friends regret th it removal from Wing -
Mr. H B. Elliott was in Toronto on
Thursday attend ng a banquet tendered
by the Lideral m mbers of the Ontario
Legislature to t e Liberal newspaper
men of the prov ce and he also spent
Sunday with his parents at Vineland.
jr. F. E. Gillspie, who has been on
the staff of the 1 cal branch of the Bank
of Commerce.a d for some time past
has been actinas cashier, has been
transferred to th branch at Sudbury and
leaves in • a fe days for the northern
town. Mr. Gill spie is a Wingham boy
who has success ully gone up the ladder
in the banking erofession and will carry
the best wishes of Many friends for
success in his n w position.
Garden to r For summer. Apply
to Mrs. Suth and, Pleasant Valley.
Picture ouse. Notes.
No more eye s rain. Not necessary
to sit at the back of the hall as the
new machine does not flicker. On Wed-
desday and Thurs ay of each eek we
give a special pro ramme costing of
a feature film "un ine" and do not for-
get our Animated eekly of the Cur-
rent Events of th week's happenings
all over the world on Friday and Satur-
Newest and ]a est Designs in Wall
Paper at K o. s, oppnsite National
Hotel. Pho 5.
Died in Coll ngwood
Word was receive in town this week
of the death in Collin„ ood, on Tuesday,
March 18th of Arthu E. Stuart, a for-
mer Wingham youn - man. He was a
son of the late W. 0 Stuart and had
been i11 for only a short time with
pneumonia and pl urisy. Only five
weeks previous his li tle daughter Jean,
died after a short it ess with typhoid
fever. Mr. Stuart s survived by his
widow, two daug ers and one son.
' The many friend of Rev. E. H. Croly
Church will be sorry
u poor health and
is room for some
Ir. Croly a speedy
rector of St. Paul's
to learn that he is
will be confined to
weeks. We wish
The interesting
last Sunday in the
in the Methodist C
tinned next Sund
come; come ear
service opens at
On Thursday
subject commenced
arty morning servic e
urch, will he con-
y. Everybody wel-
if you can. Song
.30 a.m.
evening a deputation,
consisting of th Wardens and Advisory
Board of St. Pa 1's church waited upon
Rev. E. H: Crcqly and tendered him a
three months' vacation. Mr. Croly has
not been in the best of health lately
and itis hope the rest will prove a
real benefit to him.
The budget . the Presbyterian Ch• •ch
of Canada for heyear 1913is $1,200 jJO.
The increase over last year of $200,000
reveals in a s •iking way the advance-
ment made b, the church. Some pessi-
mism is said o prevail as to the out-
come of the . mount asked for, but a
strong note i struck by others, who re-
gard the proe ess of the church as a
warrant for' ..king this sum.
Next Sund y the congregation. of
the Methodis a Church, Wingham, expect
to have the ..rivilege of hearing the
Rev. Geo. A. Raley, President of the
British Cbl mbia .Conference. Mr.
Ra ley is in c arge of the Indian mission
orcinthe 1t Simpson istr' t 13:(1.
work p d is
and as he is s ' pported by the Epworth
Leagues of t • Wingham District, his
visit will be one of special interest.
Rev. Mr., cCulloch, late of Chats-
worth, was. i ducted into the . pastoral
charge.of Cr: nbrook and Ethel. Presby-
terian Churc • es, on' Tuesday of last
week. Rev. Mr. Mann, of Brussele
preached; Re . Mr. Perrie, Wingham,
Addressed th = new pastor, and Rev. Mr.
Lundy, Walt n, delivered the c`ha'rge to
.tJie congreg: tions. Rev. Mr; '13e11,
Molesworth, a resided as moderator.' He
was .presents 1 with a purse of gold for
the care he t ok as interim moderator.
.t. 1-
The regular mo hly meeting of the
Town Council was eld on Monday even-
ing with all membe a present and Mayor
VanStono presidin:. Minutes of last
meeting were read and approved.
Communication as read from the
Salvation Army s•liciting a grant in
aid of the Army' social wprk. On
motion of Reeve M Kibbon and Coun.
Bell, the usual gra t of $5 was given.
A petition was ri:d from A. Vanal-
stine and others as •ing that a street
light be placed on c rner of Josephine
and Scott streets, ► n motion of Couns.
Spotton and Mills, t e matter was left
with the Electric Light Committee
with power to act.
The Finance Com ittee recommend
the payment of a nu ber of accounts
for the various depa tments. On motion
of Reeve McKibbon and Coun. Bell,
the report was adop.-d.
The Street and Se er Committee re-
commended that a bylaw be submitted
to the ratepayers ask ng for power to
issue debentures cov ring twenty-five
years, for the purchas- of road -making
machinery and the bui ding of a hose
tower. The Committealso recommend-
ed that a by-law be p: ssed to provide
that all waterworks co nections be made
on Josephine street b fore permanent
road is built.
Moved by Coons, " oung and Bell,
that the report of the Committee be
adopted. -• Carried.
Moved by W. J. : oyce and Reeve
McKibbon, that H. Hinscliffe, John
Amsbury, Peter H. Bans and W. Mil-
ler be added to comp]
Fire Company aske
thirteen pairs of rub
pairs of rubber mit
The matter was le
works Committee.
On motiontf Coun
bister, that the mat
phones in firemen's
the Fire and Wates
with power to act.
On motion of Coun
ter, that the recomm
to the Fire Bri-
Council to supply
er boots, sixteen
s, three rubber
t with the Water -
Young and Is-
er of placing tele-
omes be left with
< ks Committee
Young and Isbis-
•ations of Elec-
Frances street fro
al streets: on Dia
Frances to Victoria
!street from Diagonal
and on Shuter stree
to Diagonal street.
Moved by Courts.
er, that the Bell T
the G.N, W. Telegra
ed to move their pole
street in view of the
manent roadway is t
ine street. -Carried.
On motion of C
Young, Clerk Grove
crease of salary and
given. The Execut.
given power to app
salary to be charge
tric Light Committee e light and pow-
er rates was confirmed by the Council.
The Council then took up the recom-
mendation of the lectric Light Com-
mittee re the inst ll'ng of an auxiliary
plant at the pow; house. Mr. Camp-
bell, the manage , addressed the Coun-
cil, pointing out he necessity of instal-
ling an auxiliary lent. The large in-
crease in people sing power makes it
necessary that t • capacity of the elec-
tric plant shout be increased. Mr.
Campbell advised that a plant costing
$8,500 be installe•t in place of the 86,000
plant as recomme ded by the Commit-
tee as the more e pensive wouldlonger
take care of the equirements of the
plan t.
Moved by Couns Young and Isbister,
that the recomme dation of the Elect-
ric Light Commitee re installing of
new machinery be adopted.
Moved by Couns Spotton and Boyce,
that an expert En; ineer, not connected
with any firm w<ni,h sells machinery be
invited to visit out electric plant and
After the memb rs had spoken on the
motions it was agr ed to allow the mat-
ter to stand for twweeks and in the
meantime the Co mittee will secure
further informatio in the matter.
By -Law No. 669, providing for the
raising of $6,500 on debentures cover-
ing twenty-five yea s for the purpose
of purchasing a sto e crusher and roll-
er and the building of a suitable build-
ing for storing mac inery and erecting
a hose tower was a ven two readings.
The vote of the rat •payers on the by-
law will be taken o Monday, May 5th,
at the usual polling places.
On motion of Cou is. Mills and Isbist-
er, the by-law was o dered to be publish-
ed in the Wingha Advance according
to law.
Mr. A. Cosens a .ressed the Council
and asked that the )hildren's Aid So-
ciety be given per ission to hold a con-
cert under the au. )ices of the Mayor
and Council in aid .f the Children's Aid
Society. The Cou til did not take any
action in the matt r.
Moved by Couns Spotton and Mills
that the Mayor another members of
the Council who d sire, interview 6Hon.
Adam Beck re W gleam's position in
connection with. y
dro Electric.--.Car-
1ectri .--. ar-ried.
Coun. Spotton
Band yearly gra
from $150 to $20
ary to leader and
of the band, and
Spotton and Boy
to $200.
Moved by Co
Ciat sewers be
itiative plan o
Carling Terrace
hought the .Citizens'
Victoria to Diagon-
onal street from
treet; en Victoria
o Josephine street
from John street
potton and Isbist-
lephone Co., and
h Co., be request -
from Josephine
fact that a per -
be laid 00Joseph-
uns. Boyce and
was given an in-
fo extras are to be
ve Committee was
rtion the share of
to each depart -
SHINGLES. -We have a large quantity
of British Columbia Shingles arriving
almost daily and are able to supply all
persons in need of shingles. Price, $1
per bunch. Leave your orders early.
Bulletin XIII of the Census of Can-
ada taken in 1911, 1 s enumerated under
date June lst of t at year, has just
been issued to sho • the Origin of peo-
ple of the Dominion
The increase in po.ulation in the ten
years 1901-1911 amou ted to 1,835,328,
being an increase of 4.16 per cent. Of
this increase the E glish contributed
562,251, or 30.03 per tent, the Irish 61,-
663 or 3.33 per cent, he Scotch 197,726
or 10.77 per cent, the Welsh 11,754 or
0.06 per cent, the rench 405,519 or
22.09 per cent, the G rmans 82.819 or
4.51 per cent, the stro Hungarians
110,925 or 6.05 per c t.
The British races ake up 833,796, or
45.42 per cent of th- total increase, and
with the French and German account;
for 1,322,134, or 72/per cent of the total
increase in the decade. The Scandina-
vians, Jews, Italians, Poles Dutch and I
Finns stand in theiorder named.
Persons of Britih origins were 3,896,-
in 1911, as against 3,063,180 in1901,
being a gain of 83J,796 or 27.22 per cent
in the decade. Of this increase the
English make th- best showing, with
an increase of 56•,251, or 44 59 per cent
over the figures of 1901. The Irish
gained 61,663 or
Scotch 197,726 or
French increased
per cent, Germany ,
Austro-Hungaria s by 110,925 or 610.22
per cent, Chines= by 10,398 or 59.84
per cent, Japanese by 4,347 or .93 per
cent, Italians by 4,577 or 19.15 per
cent, Jfws by 59,5 0 or 69.16 per cent,
Scandinavians by 6,493 or 46.42 per
No Hindus were eported in the Cen-
sus of 1901. In th. last Census 2,342
are reported, of w ich 2,292 are in Bri-
tish Columbia.
For the three rid'
ty the origin of th
ated is shown as fe
This drawing represents a
beautiful shoe, designed for
particular Canadian women.
Note the perfect lines, and
with all its beauty there is
that lovely feeling of comfort
and the knowledge that your
feet are entirely satisfied. This
feeling is assured with every
pair of "Empress" Shoes.
Have you ever wished for
relief from tired feet? Ever
wished for a shoe you could
wear all day without thinking
of your feet? There is just -
such a shoe for women. It is
called "Empress." We are
"Empress" agentt5.
W. J. RE
percent, n
24 and the ^-�^)
4.71 per cent. The THE CAL L
by 405, 519, or 24.59 CAL
b 82,819 or 26.67
es of Huron Coun-
people as enumer-
E. urs S. Hur. W: Hur.
88 6318 5957,
54 4386 6246,
' 32 3969 4071
32 16 43
36 685 110
38 ' 3955 661
1 6
1 2 8
28 25 18
Irish .. 5
Scotch . ....
Others Britons .
German ... .... .1
Italian ..
Swiss . .....
via "Em
The "Empress
Liverpool June 1
Cape Town, Du
pore and Hong K
er August 30th.
at Hong Kong.
$639.10." Excl
between, arrival
departure of "E
stop over at Ho
from Canadian
M. G. Murphy,
ent, Toronto.
25 18• 16
3 1:.
22 6 1
132 103 33
ess of Asia"
of Asia" will leave
calling at Madeira,
ban, Colombo, Singe -
ng, arriving Vancouv-
Vessel remains 14 days
'Rate for entire cruise
ive of maintenance
ime in England and
press of Russia," and
ig Kong. Particulars
acific Agents or write
istrict Passenger. Ag-
itchie & C'osens, Town
Seed Headquarters.
I have in stock all kinds of No. 1.
t should be increased i seeds: Mammoth Clover,Red Clover,A1-
in view of extra, sal- sike, Lteeerve, Timothy 10.,, ;ie seeds,
other extra expenses
n.. motion of Couns.
e the grantw.as:raised
8. Spettosi and Boyce
onstructed ,on, the in -
Victoria street from
to Frances street; on
etc. A car load of Essex selected Seed
Corn to arrive in April.' Guaranteed
to grow. We buy nothing but tha best
that can be secured. No risk when
buying from us T. A. Mills, Wingham.
Wm, R. Bak 'r, Postmaster of Paris
for twenty-five years, died after several
months' illness.
Because of the immigration to
our Western Provinces we oc-
icasionally have a goad farm
placed in Our hands for sale at a
sacrifice price.
Just think of a 200 acre farm with
fine, buildings, good land, big
orchard, well feticed, in a grod
locality, eonvenient to sebool and
churches for the price of 100
We have seldom had an offer
like this in our bands Two
thousand dollars cash, balance on
mortgage. Mustsold
at onc
COAL --April prises for hard coal;
nut, stove and egg, •$6.,0onthe car,$6.75
delivered, Pea,$5.50 on car, 35.75 deliver-
ed; also soft coal .and coke at popular
prices. -R. J. Cantelon. Enquire at
Mooney's; shed G. T. R.
Thousands of amhitiotm 'Cumg pe o-
pg1ie are fast pr.•paring to GI,le ewe
homes to occupy lucrative pt itlt s .^.•.
stenographers, beolil. •e•per,, tt lel.raph
ors, Kw! servants, in £,t,•. the a st,here
0f Business Activitn a You may fiui,it
at college if you wish. Positions guar'
antee 1l Enter colle�•te any day Indi-
vidual instruct:ou. x13:tprrt teachers.
inapt. Sen colleges.
t pecial tour -t• :or tt.o-he t:.+
Affiliated with Cow.nlercial tdu.a
"0 tors' Association of eanada. summer
Sclodl atthe-famous tipottoa Business
College, London,
Wingham Bfls i ess College
1' 1
Geo. Spotton. ' t1". T. ]Morse,