HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-03, Page 6WIN GA!,Ai TIMES APRIL i, uit 3 l'?' n(...•-i:,R'.�. i::.•. M ..MI.IiiWlJ:iW'i�.t'3,k,wl�l�r '+MPI itA.N . a.aW.YIi..M'4.Y.".���=: ... ...- ... ... - _ fwy.�,K:+c•Y•.wtc»r-.a4w u-xpw'Wi.rr,. m:n.e4':.k. e.. . 4 7 cteraes t Vons i ciMa ' r•eYW 1.. �� Z. 'V., Q TMIZ are two sets of nerves in the human body—those which have to do with.e•' objects, and erintrol seeing, hearing, feeling, moving, eta., and the 1;:vnlunt .` which control the action of the vital organs, as the heart, lungs, stt,iva:di and Illustration Ne. 1. chows how at s1!:iht of an ins.10 message is carried by the optical vs.:ye to the bss is I. receives, thinks and decides on seine firm. of a,':..': . .. sends out its command through the nerves lyse;:, :. the hand, Mir ier JOF • Simple as it may seem to see and pick nn an .app%- . act cannot be carried out if there is anything wrong nn.., any of the nerves involved. Injury to or weakness of the optical nerve 11P" ,, t' festive sight; disease of the brain or nerves may roess alysis of the nerves which control the movement of i `. arms or fingers. The brain is the source of all nervous energy, for 11 •,. . is that blood is converted into nerve force, and fee purpose fully enc-tirth of all the blood in the human body is consumed. This explains the It. e', n, sity of looking to the condition of the blood at the first sign of nervous trouble, awl shot a les, :i is that Dr, C'hase's Nerve Food, the great blood -builder, is so remarl;al;jy sttecusful i.t diseases of the nerves. Now, when we turn to the Treat sympathetic nervous system, Illustration No. 2, by which are operated the vital organs of the body, we find conditions somewhat different. For who, by taking thought, can cause his heart to beat or his stomach to digest food ? To be more definite, consider the stomach, which is a Tegular network of nerves. Some of these report to the brain sensations of hung: r. others keep up the peculiar churning motion, and again others control the flow of the all -essential gastric juices by which digestion is brought about. • From this you can readily understand that when nerve force is consumed by excessive mental strain, worry, in- tense emotion or dissase, the supply to the stomach be- comes limited, and nervous indigestion is the result, and similarly other organs are deranged and weakened when the nervous system becomes exhausted. IRO.. 1,—VOLUNTARY NERVES. toecae s Nerve Food cures nervous exhaustion and resulting derangements by supplying to the brain an abundance of pure, rich blood, -the material from which alone nerve force can be manu- factured. Because exhaustion of the nerves leads slowly and surely to locomotor ataxia, paralysis, and even insan- ity, it is most important that effective treatment, such as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, be employed just as soon as warn- ing symptoms appear. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50 cents a box, 6 boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Every box of the genuine bears portrait and signature of A. W. Chase, M.b., the famous Receipt Book author. ,a.e, - - .. ,.e. Crain Centore, \_t - . r' i'ibrC.l, i' -re -Seat '? L_af,* 4�Y Cord NO. 2—SYMPATHETIC NERVES. Give some people a bite of an apple i and there'll be no core. Only the man iebo is a failure sneers at success. is REST AHD HEALTH TO mriliER AHD CHILD. Mxs.Wirrstow's Soornteo SYRte has teen used for over SIXTY YEAS by DSILL:ONS e: TOT Rfor their CHILDRE:s y.'Iia r A IFI; S ;emu: TEETHING. with PERFECT SUCC$-a. is SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the oi':+:ti .ALLAYS all PAIN t CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy kr DIABIIIICEA. It is e`r .olutely harmless, Be sure and asi, fur ••airs ' ivinslow's Soothing Syrup.' and take no other kind. Twenty -dye cents a bottle. A concrete bungalow in California is built of pipe and is kept cool by a cur- rent of water passing through the con- duits. Valuable discoveries of asbestos and chrome iron have been made recently in South African mountains. Catarrh Cannot be Cured } with LOCAL APPLICATIONS. as they cgn.lot reach the seat of the disease. , Catarrh is a bleed or constitutional dis- h..:. , µe cl ii +,:'.,••r t', a WO it you must -ase i'Itc rant r,'m,'di,-s. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts di- i r,'ttly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure is not a quack a;.edic'r.e. It was prescribed by one of the U -sr g•ll sicinns in this country and is a reuiar proscription. It is compos- ed Of the best tonics known, combined with the bast bluo , purifiers, acting di- l reetiy on the mucous surfaces. The perfect cnmi,i na'ion of the two ingredi- ents is what produces such wonderful results in curing Catarrh. Send for l tt•stimon -i.s free. F. J. CHLNlY &; Co., Props., Toledo, Ohio. So.d t•'• Drug,i=t$, price 7iie. Tn.ke Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation, • Geo. Kerr, ex -M. P. P. for Stormont, died at Cornwall, aged 66. Discontent. The man who's discontented, whose temper's always frayed, who keeps his shanty scented with words that are de- ' caged, would do as much complaining of all the gods on high upon his head i were raining ambrosia, gold and pie. The man who busts his gallus because !his house is cheap, would rent if in a ;palace he could high wassail keep, The !vexed and vapid voter who throws a frequent fit; because his neighbors mot- or while he must hit the grit, would have as many worries, his soul would wear its, scars, if he had seven surreys ' and twenty motor ears, The man who earns his living by toil°ng in the ditch, whose heart is unforgiving toward the idle rich, woo hatei his lot so humble, his meal of bread and epee=e, would go ahead and grumble on downy beds of ease. Contentment is a jewel that some wear in the breast, and life can- not be c:uel so lore as it's possessed! This gem makes all things proper, the owner smiles and sings: it may, adorn a pauper, and be denied to kings. WALT. MASON. The :liotbeta' Favorite. A row ih metre': e for children should be lex mites. It should be pleasant to take. It sl'ru'd be effectual. Cham- berlain's Cough lief edy is all .of this and is the trot! els' favorite every- where. For sale by all dealers. A tiresome speech is a cheerful affair. Some time ago a woman entered a well-known London hospital, and the nurses discovered that the upper part of the right arm was entirely occupied with a pict.orial representation of "The Rock of Ages." While in the lower part of the arm was the scene of the Crucifixion. Dee. de Van'":, Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never tails. These pills are exceedingly piwerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. kefuse all cheap imitations, Dr. do Fano are sold at 55 a box, or three for $10. Mailed to any address. The Seob011 Drug Co., St. Catharines, Ont. Cleveland is having difficulty in finding men tall enough to serve on its public force. Electric IResto er for Men PtflmSySlNOnol restores enson;resor vim aril vitality. Premature d"eray and all sexual we.iknes averted at once. Phosphonol will make you a new man. Price $3 a box, or two for $5. Mailed to any a•iiress, Tice Scoben Drug Co., St. Catharines. font. The Montreal Hunt Club's stables and kennels were burned; loss, $15,000. Wm, Lewis, residing near Banner, Oxford county, was fatally crushed by a falling tree. Clinuiberinin's Tablets for Constipation For constipation, Chamberlain's Tab- lets are excellent. Easy to take, mild and gentle in effect. Give them a trial, For sale by all dealers. Before a wise young man attempts Dr. W. 0. Eastwood, for many years to paddle his own canoe he learns to Coroner at Whitby, died at the age of swim. S2 Many a man who professes love Samuel Roach, formerly of Cornwall, ubly finds it difficult afterwards to was burned to death when his hotel the rent cheerfully. was destroyed at Desbarats. y Children. Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA We have built three transcontinental railways, breaking rock for the road- way, crossing mighty rivers, threading a difficult and dangerous path through mountainous passes. Where is the weakling or the coward who says we cannot do on sea as much as we have done on land;' It means Bement of the highest possible quality, h means cement tested by experts whose authority is final at all our mills. It means cement acknowledged by engineers, architects and hundreds of thousands of farmers to fulfil every requirement of scientifically made Portland cement, , ti ft ;neons a cement that is absolutely reliable, whether used for a great bridge of for a concrexe watering trough. You can use Canada Cement v itli complete conliitlence that your concrete !work will be thoroughly satisfactory You ought to have this confidence in the cement you use, because you have not thii facilities for testing its qualities, such as are at the disposal of the engineers in charge bt big contracting jobs. These engineers know them when cement hat passed the tests made upon it at Canada Cement mills, it will pass all their tette. And this came cement is sold to you fot your silo, your foundetieins, your feeding -floor., your milk.ltoure or yout watering -trough. heed seecordhi to the €:len: inns in our free. book "What the Farmer cart do with Cosersts," catititti Content asset fails to tiro istiefactory results. Write kir the book. it not Only tells you holt to• mit Nod bias* tetaaaete. but will *leo suggest scores of Uses for it on your f*rm, every one of tient l,dusbls boyars. 1a *skins toy the book you do not infer the slierhtset obligation. VOWS its se Canada Cement Dealer in Your Neighborhood etddrest> Fatasers' Inferntatiou Bateau cover& Cement Company Limited, Montr+I val- pay Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The only serious results of the heavy rainfall last night, reported here this morning was a wash out at Balk, near Gait. A train load of cinders was des- patched early this morning. Testing Roush Diamonea. When the- eel est i- aleiist te exam- ine and apteraiee a ;edea eliemond he places hi: ;ire en, '. t., the tissue paper wiser .Oil it reet; and breathe. gen;;y en the .•m. It ti.er.,il•.'n takes on a elientne. , it e: -t. Dia- monds even intie rough are so bright, that, the eye leei.,•t easily distinguish an "(Ai color" tint, but when one breathes On them the sii_iit coatine of moisture tat::•;: away for a moment or two their briliiaece. so the examiner is able to digitin nish with certainty any defee, of the kind. A Mozart Masterpiece. An appeal for assistance was once made to Mozart, the composer, by an old acquaintance kilo: e days had been more prosperous. Mozart, finding that be had Mk money in his pockets, asked the man to wait, entered a coffee room, sat down and composed a minu- et. He went out, handed the manu- script to the man and suggested that he should sell it to a music dealer. The dealer gave 5 louis for the com- position, which was on publication considered a• masterpiece. To Rebuild Palace, Sir .Aston Webb, the arcliitect in elhtarge of the reconstruetien work soon to burin at huekir:gitalll Pa lace, i9 reei,onsible fur the archite eturai sur- roundings for the Vittoria memorial whi.'h has long graced the palace. He wee born in London and seems to have inherited much of his talent, Iris father having linen an engraver and painter. 'Trees Budded ie Montreal. On Slit•rbr,euke-tr,•et, Montreal, dl2rinr the early ,lays of January, in elh"lter.'d tarts, the trees began to hu.l. "while one newspaper (Aioe xe. eeiv,-d went from a corre:,pondeuti that a butterfly had been seen it the in nutain park. Youthful High Finance. "Say, mother, give me a ,lime for the .not machine," "Co away : Those slot nistehines axe ofict, no acrid." " hilt one iS. rile tried it. with buttf,lt " The above is a picture of "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CA.RMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the iarmer tills the larsi. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water !! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country, It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town, •, OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the property we have X0 sell in) ar angay Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West (, CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW 11! AND SEND IT TO US Western Canada Real Estate Company Head Office .-502 TEMPLE BUILDING.. Toronto, Out BRANCHES;, 1010lfr5ZAi. OUP. HAMILTON, ONT. UMW; DIMT. is * WN. Aau.a 503 thus Chausb..s ti UeeaieIw Beak eCttsnlp WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts,, figures and views of CARMANOAT, Name .-„..-,........ -- Address .....:.... ..r,,...,.... HE WINGHAM 'fIMi S A. 0. U. W. Rates. The A. 0. U. W. in annual convention at Toronto lust week, endorsed the rates suggested by R. W. Longmore, D. D. G. M. W., and which are identical with the tariff adopted last year, but which was nullified by the courts on the ground of insufficiency of notice. The Longmore schedule was adopted by a big majority, a two-thirds vote being necessary. The new rates will go into effect on the first of May next. A. Lumberman's Opinion, "I was troubled with palpitation of the heart and sleeplessness,” writes Mr. Wm. Pritchard, Lumber Inspector, Lumsden Mills, Ont., "and used Dr. Chase's Nerve Food with very great benefit, as my whole system was strengthened and built up." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food forms new, rich blood and restores the feeble, wasted nerve cells. Bombay, with a population, by the latest census, of 979,445, claims second place among the cities of the British Empire. English and Dutch financiers are con- sidering a loan of $2,500,000 to Turkey at 10 per cent. Rev. Geo. Gilmore, pastor of Knox Presbyterian Church,)~ ingal, has announ- ed his acceptance of a call to the Pres- byterian Church in Ripley. A man may develop into a ripe scholar if he lives to a green old age. Cleveland's 200 women ragpickers have been declared by the state factory inspector a menace to public health. Chicagoans are demanding a separ- ate prison, for women, to be run by women. ` 01,1SA$DS OF PEOPLE SUFFER UNTOLD AGONY FROM SLi r,e of the most prevalent troubles :Iliacci life, and the poor dyepeptic aa, vr•n e"nioe. ameallwithoutdiet res - e eltcete, for nearly everything that ••i•.. rn a weak dyspseptic stomach arts as a irritant. Burdock Blood Bitters, will regesl:ere the stomach, stimulate -+•cre- :e n of the salitra, and gastric juive to tseilitate digestion, remove acidity, orad tone up the entire system. ' • • • Mrs. Bennis Hebert, `t. Boniface, llau. whites; -•--"I have mast Burdock Bleed 1'itt.,ts, with great emcees, for alespep: ia, indigestion and sour stomach. I. was terribly troubled with my stoanach : ta• months, and spent a, lot of money without getting any relief, until I hap - i led to rue about a ;roman using it, t ff Iter tionhle iseemtd the asset as '.:no. l tried one bottle, and was so u.icll relieved, I bought five more, and t, • taken them, and I now ('alt eat any. .:h: i;; I wiaha" Manufactured only by The T. Milbura Co„ Limited, Toronto, Ont. ti PRIN A net." I Ci STATIONERY We have put in our office Stationery and can WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, a complete stock of Staple supply your wants in WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIL G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may require; n the printing line: Siftnariptiolnis taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. • he Times Office" STONE BLOCK Wingham, Ont.