HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-04-03, Page 1rR /P�11.IRAM�Y'A's•'i./'A'i�r i��'•i r .- -w••�-�.•�. THETIMES. VOL. XLII.--NO. 2129 . BOYS GIRLS 1 EVERYBODY ATTENTION! We are giving away for a limited time. A Good Scribbler or Practice Book, Big value at 5 cents each. ' Every Rex a I 1 purchase amounting to 25 cents or os er entitles the purchaser to a book "without chaige." Boys and Girls tell your parents or do their shopping ' for them. Remember Rexall Remedies and Toilet Articles are the best made and every one sold to you under OUR GUARANTEE. Money refunded if unsatisfactory. ' J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIST AND OPTICIAN noG.-12.4..CA Store C. N. GENERAL FIRE LIFE PLATE CLASS WEATHER Coupled with MONEY LOANING Issuer of Marriage Griffin AGENT 6-o0ca7o* Insurance RatiAWV+ a REAL ESTATE and Business. Licenses. Office over Malooim's Grocery. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO • ' Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line Donaldson Lines. Canadian Northern Lines • ' Ocean Steamships. W. I Moon Veterinary Surgeon LATE GOVT. VET. INSP. Office of late Pr. Wilson Miss Gracey's Wingham, Ont. Residence Photo 179. , Phone 148.µ Christie's Grocery PHONE 59. ihf•• BEST FOODS. SAVES YOU MONEY Think'this'over and we believe you will' find only one answer. The DIF- FERENCE IN PRICE between Poor and the Best Foods I8 bICIiE THAN SAVED by the intense satisfaction in every bite and also by the fact that there are NO UNEATABLE LEFT OVERS. Bono BISCUITS Are never overdone, by flavouring. A biscuit that is rank with vanilla, lemon, maple or any other flavour is not the biscuit of,gond taste. Our biscuits are CAREFULLY SELECT- ED AND ALWAYS FRESH. ' USE . CRISCO ` We believe•Crisco to be unequalled for shortening and cake baking. Less of . it . is required than of either butter or lard, and used according;o directions will be much cheaper. er tin 30c. WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY APRIL 3, 1913, SI A YEAR IN ADVAMT Wear G<zeer's Shoes and Rubbers. Party from .gland. On Monday afte noon a party of English emmigrants arrived in Wing - ham. The party umbered seventy- six persons and the were engaged by the farmers of t s section through Mr. D. Lougheed, ' ominion immigra- tion Agent. Rural Rout • Started. Mr. John T. Leon rural route No. 1 ou meneed his duties o week. The route is lines of Turnberry. Wingham at noon an the B line and 6th Ho wick boundary. th boundary to the 8th c ing this to Wingham. be a great convenient served by this route, x, mail carrier on of Wingham, corn - Tuesday of this n the 0th and 8th r. Lennox leaves 1 proceeds along oncession to the nce north on the .cession, follow - Rural mail will to the farmers TRUNKS AND VALISES:—Big stock of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GREER. Ladies' Auxil The Ladies' Auxil ham General Hospit in the Council Chem and evening of Fridal will be on sale fano and other home -mad home-made cooking people of Wingham ed to liberally patrol thus aid the Hospital to donate cooking, c asked to have the ar the Council Chambe noon. Good strong boys Factory. ry Bazaar. ary of the Wing- ! will hold a bazaar er on the afternoon April 4th. There and kitchen aprons sewing as well as and candy. The rid vicinity are ask- ze this bazaar and Ladies who wish ndy or sewing are icles delivered to early in the after - panted at the Door Have YouRenewed? The subscription is $1.00 per year,, point in Canada; to $1.50 per year, in who have already scription for 1913. its heartiest thanks in arrears, a prom appeal will be appre counts aresmall in till the aggregate they a siderable sum. trice of the TIMES advance, to any he United States, vance. To those enewed their sub - ;he TIMES extends If you are still jt response to our ated. These ac- emeselves, but in ount to a con - Highest prices paid for goose and duck feathers at the Upholstering factory. — WALKER & CLEGG, —� The D. L. & W. Scranton' Coal. Mr. J.A. McLean, local agent for the D. L..& W. Scranton Coal Co., received the following letter from his company a few days ago:— In view of quotations h ern t made by others on "D. L. & W." ." d ff the D. L. & W. Scranton Standa.i" and var- ious other ways they are ikely to con- vey the impression tha • they are for our genuine D. L. & ', Scranton Coal, we wish to re-iterto .urformer advices that we are sole e r ors andshippers of D. L: & W. Sc 3 ton Coal, and that all shipments int • your territory are made by this officeonly, and invoiced direct by us to the retailer. - While other coal may be shipped., Via the D. L. & W. Railroad, --a common carrier—or in its equipment, this •does not necessarily make it our coal, and we trust with this information, the re- tail coal trade will fully appreciate the unfairness of others marketing, in any manner or under any name that might indicate our D. L. &• W. Scranton Coal, Further action may be necessary to prevent the unauthorized use, in whole or part, of our esta'blislied frade name, "D, L. & W. Scranton Coal, the Stand- ard Anthracite." Hospital onations. The following nations have been received by Dr. A. . Irwin, Treasurer of Wingham Hos ital in aid of the building fund:— d nu•un t The T. Eaton Co., td., Toronto.... $10 W. R. Johnston & o,, Toronto.... • .5 Bunton, Gillies & o., Hamilton.•, , 5 Ayers & Lang, .De oit Mich .. 5 The Fullerton -Po ell Hardwood Lumber Co.. Sou h Bend, Ind 5 Canadian H. W. ohns, Manville Co„ Ltd., Toron o... 5 Griffin Curled II it Co.,, Toronto, 5 Joseph Doust, Tor' neo, 5 Lake. Erie Coal Co Walkerville.,.. 5 Wood Valiance Co. Hamilton 5 Welland Vale Mfg Co., St. Cath- arines.,,. .. ., • , 5 British American 1 Co., Ltd:, •To• .onto Copeldnd, Chatter.....5 Co., Toronto5 J. H. Conner. &• S Ltd.,TorgnoC. P. Smith, Wingh •.. . . 15 B. Greening, WireCo:,• Hamilton . 2 J. C. McLaren Belting Co., Ltd., 5 ly London ,.. 5 fitos:. , 5 QI Ce;;'Detroit,., Montreal The Globe Casket Ca Richards Bros., Torc W. H. Warner, Cc Mich A. H. • Williams• Mac inery Coe, To • - •rontb,< rW. ••.. 6 The Tiiatr e� f ilarry ` Co.; St. Marys 3 Imperial Rattan Coy tratfo.rd 5 mmmmmmmmmmsmmmsms.mmmmsrMmmomrmsmmmrsmrrrm— Big Sale Women's Boots Read about it in our ad, on last page WILLIS & CO. •..,assIINIOMM1 License Insp Mr. Wm. Clegg, se Inspector for N. years has resigned will take effect on We understand th of this town has b successor to Mr, ctor Resigned. who has been Licen- rth Huron for some and the resignation the 30th of April. t Mr. John J Mitchell en recommended as egg. SEEDS SEEDS FOR SALE —Red Clover, Alsike Alfalfa. Timothy. All new and Government Tested. KING BROS, Moving to Ne Premises. Mr. W. A. Campb I1 has leased the store in the'Macdon:ld Block which ha been used as an oflla by the Wingham Business College. • iterations will be made in the store at •rice and Mr. Camp- bell will move his st.,ek of clothing and gent's furnishings t• the new premises in a course of a few eeks. Heavy Loss to Companies. It is estimated that seventy-five thousand dollars tot Is the net loss sus- tained by the teleph•ne and telegraph companies in Ontari + and Quebec, caus- ed by the Good F iday gale and the snow and sleet whic followed the gale. The loss sustained ., independent tele- phone companies, a• well as those which supply light, heat a d power to urban and rural areas, wi 1 also be very heavy. • AROUND T E WORLD. via "Empr ss of Asia" The "Empress •f Asia" will leave Liverpool June 14, calling at Madeira, Cape Town, Durb n, Colombo, Singa- pore and Hong Ko g, arriving Vancouv- er August 30th. essel remains 14days at Hong Kong. " ate for entire cruise $639.10." Exclusi e of maintenance between arrival ti e in England and departure of"Emp ss of Russia," and stop over at Hong Kong. Particulars from Canadian Pac' c Agents or write M. G. Murphy, Dis rict Passenger Ag- ent, Toronto. Rit ie & Cosens, Town Agents, Leader of 'Ities' Band. 'Mr. W. S. Shepard, of Galt, has been appointed lea er of the Galt Kilt- ies Band, to take . e place made va- cant by the resign • tion of Mr. Stock- ton, who has g ne to Berlin. Mr. Sheppard is a v' y clever musician, having had a wide experience as a lead- er of bands. and der his directorship the Kilties will no doubt maintain their high prestige. Mr Sheppard is a Wing - ham old boy and as leader of the Cit- izens' Band durin z the su mer of 1011. OATS AND POTATOES Wehave on hand a quantity of d seed • oafs and a car load of Dele are potatoes will arrive in a few days. Duff & Stewart, BIuevale. Bitten •, a Dog. Some days ago, Gordon Buchanan, son of Mr. F. Bu anan, was playing with another boy .n the street, when he was bitten by : dog, owned by Mr. John Galbraith. i he young boy did not inform his parent of the accident at the time and on t riday evening his leg was so swollen a d sore that he was unAble to walk. A physician was 'then called and after few days treatment the young 'man i. recovering. Mr. and N1rs. Buchanan w -re put to considerable inconvenience an had several ver / an- xious days until heir son took t • e turn for the better. COAL—April rices fo hard coal; nut, stove and e;:g, $ .75 n the car, $7 delivered, Pea, '. •,75 • car, $6, deliver- ed; also soft coal an coke at popular prices.—R. J. : antelon, Enquire at Mooney's; shed a T. R. The Picture Busin ss has Conic to Stay. Wingham will h+ve the best picture machine in Cana ,. The m ager has installed one of t e greater projecting machines known t t the • ving picture world. We inten to 1' t the moving picture business t • a ry high stand - third and 'wool• •.s. the citizens of Wingham to au •. us in the matter. The picture bus • ss has come to stay. The clergy say sThe machine just installed is absol tely fire proof and passed by the N. ional Board of Un- derwriters. Wit this machine there is no flicker on th • curtain. You will want to sit close as there is no eye strain whatever. The company has sent ,their renre' ntative from New York City.. to i stall this ' wonderfuI machine, We ha o a special program on for Wednesda and Thursday, nights giving you four.r els of instructive pic- tures. iatures. / , SrnnNGLEs.=We have af gequantity of -British Coln bia liingles arriving almost daily a able to •supply all rsbns •iii noel shingles. • Price,$1 per bunch. • Ltiive youtvorders earl. . 3. A. MCLEAN. PRESENTA ON AT BRUSSELS. (Br .:sels Post.) Last week TI E Pose referred in the report of the in i uction of Rev. A. J. Mann, B.A., the *presentation of $50.00 in gold • Rev. D. Verrie, of Wingham, wh• officiated as interim moderator dur g the vacancy in Mel- ville church. ' e have since secured a copy of the a • • ress read on the occasion and this week give it a place in ours columns. It as as follows:— DEAR MR, P RRIE,--The office -bearers and members •f Melville church rejoic- ed that the P esbytery of Maitland saw fit to appoint ou Moderator of Session during the va ancy which was caused by the translati• of our beloved Pastor, Rev.A. C. W is art;to one of the great and growing citie of the West. Our confi- dent expecte • on was that you would discharge you duties as interim Mod- erator in a fa thful, judicious and cap- able manner nd this expectation has been realized o the fullest measure, so that to -day • are in the happy position of being a un ted, harmonious and hope- ful people an' have settled over us as our Pastor, o • e whom we believe him- self to be a ti a minister of the Gospel, in nourishing s in spiritual things and in leading us i•rward in Christian ser- vice. This de•irable state of affairs is to be attribut;d in a large measure to the wisdom a • discretion with which you have guid d the Congregation in its action. We sh to assume you that we appreciate he valuable service that has been thus endered and we would at the same ti a ask you to accept this purse of gold a a slight acknowledge- ment of the c ngregation's gratitude to you. We w uld also venture to con- gratulate you o your long and efficient service in the inistry of the Gospel and to express ur sincere wish that your bdw may l ng abide in strength and that your e: teemed partner in life may continue to njoy for many years the blessings of gracious God and the joy of happy a fruitful toil in the church of Jesus hrist. Signed on be- half of the Sessi•n, Managers and Con- gregation. WALTER YOUILL, G. A. DEADMAN, M. BLACK, Brussels, Marc 18th, 1913. Mrs. (Rev.) P.rrie is a former Brussel- ite, her maiden ame being Miss Annie Knechtel. She as a daughter of the late Jno. R. Knee el. Mrs. Perrie re- ceived her first le sons on church work in Brussels. Rev Mr. Perrie's boyhood home was only few miles away so that anything th t concerns Rev. and Mrs. Perrie is o' special interest to the people of this lo'ality. COAL.—We are prepare to receive your spring order for est D.L.&W. Scranton Coal at is I spring prices for delivery in Ap ' or May. Chest- nut, $7:15, delivered; Stove and Egg, $0:90, delivered; pea, $6, delivered. J. A. MCLEAN. COMING. World's Greatest Magician and Com- pany will play here. The Redpath Bureau which hooks nearly all the big entertainments seen in American concert halls is planning a spring tour of Laurant, "The Man of Many Mysteries," and his capable com- pany. Eugene Laurant is the successor of Kellar and Herman and is now ad- mitted to be the World's greatest mag- ician. This company carries all special scenery and $10,000.00 worth of paraph- ornalia. Such a stupendous oduction has never been seen here be ore. Here is a company that is absol ely guaran- teed and is refined in ev y line. For over two hours the st mysterious feats of:magic that sem almost impos- sible, filled with suc comedy that you will laugh every n ' ute, with. sparkling music throughout, such a treat awaits you. It is a big show such as appears only in the largest theatres. This com- pany has played New York, Chicago, Detroit, Toronto, London, Galt, Strat- ford, Hamilton, etc., and we will pos- itively refund your money if you are not pleased with the mar- vellous performance. Further we vill pay $100.00 to anyone who can s1 vv one word or act in this greatproduc• :n that will offend the most critical. .,'e want parents to bring children ::'• it will be a delight to them. It is the first time so expensive a company has play- ed outside the big theatres and we hope you will come along. Remember the date, Friday, April 11th, at 8• pan., in Wingham Opera House. The plan opens at McKibbon's drug store on . Wednes- day, April 9th. Tickets are; only 25 and 35 cents. Order early. CH'URC Lieut. Ward, wl Salvation Army h months, has been where he will c. work. .4 farew Ward was held la A helpful Sunday morning ' the Wingham Me (by request) a se sons will be coma teresting subject. joy the song sery the minute at 9r, crass' are especiall so as not to miss lessons. Everybo NOTES:. • has been with the e for the past nine ransfered to Sarnia, tinue in the Army .11 service to Lieut. t Thursday evening. ervice is held every the South parlor of hodist. Next Sunday, ies of scripture les- ncedon a very in- Ceirlein•time, to ep- • ,• which opens to r. Members of the urged to be on time, e thread of these welcome. PERS NALS. Miss Alice Simm ns, left on Tuesday for Paris. Mr, F. Buchanan ' as in Toronto this week on business. Mr. W. H. Willis as calling on old friends in Seaforth . n Monday. Mr. Alex. McNair of Ripley, visited friends in Wingham this week. Miss Irlma Kenedy returned to Branksome Hall, ronto, on Wednes- day. Miss Della Mitch it left on Tuesday for St. ,Thomas to esume her studies in Alma Ladies' Coll: ge. Mr. Lloyd McN • il, of Ailsa Craig was visiting for over S nday at the home of Mr. Charles Knee tel. Reeve McKibb• is in Toronto this week attending t • annual convention of the United Dru • Co. Miss Martha i, ell and Miss Lena Gemmill, of Riple, , spent the week- end with friends i town, Postmaster and Mrs. Fisher spent part of last week isiting at the home of Mr. Archibald • ishex, in Paisley. Mrs. Robt. McG: e and Master Jack McGee of East W 3wamash spent the past week visiting ' ith friends in Blyth. Mrs. Geo. Rober nosh is visiting w (Rev.) W. A. Fin Mr, and Mrs. Jo ph, were visiting ter, Mrs.,John Fo Miss N. Findlat Morris, left last w D.C., where she visit. son, of East Wawa- th her sister, Mrs. ay, at Brownsville. n Conery, of Ga$l- ith the former's sis- er, Bluevale Road. r of the 2nd line of ek for Washington, ill make an extended Mr. and Mrs. J•hn Raby and Miss Mabel Raby, left ast Friday for For- ests where Mr. R. by has taken a pos- ition as manager o a large farm.' • BLU YALE. Mr. and Mrs J. Y. Johnston and Mr. Fred Johnston left on Tuesday for their new home in Sask toon, Sask. Many old friends here will wish them pros- perity in the West. Rev. Dr. Barber o Listowel gave a delightful lecture i the Methodist Church, Mar. 26, on "A Trip to the Pyramids." It was eld under the aus- pices of the Literar , Social and De- bating Society. R. . Walter Moffat of Millbank, who was advertised to ap- pear, lost his lanter slides and gener- ator in a fire that d• stroyed his home on Good Friday, so as unable to keep his engagement. D . Barber, on very short notice, kindly onsented to take his place and it is s. e to say that no one who heard him, egretted the ex- change. Dr. Barbe is a very fluent speaker and wit a d eloquence were blended throughou his lecture while the word pictures h • conveyed of life and scenery in the l.nd of thePharoahs were striking in th •ir vividness. At the close of the meting a very hearty vote of thanks was endered Dr. Bar- ber for the pleasur lie had given his hearers. It is to b hoped this will not be his last visit to luevale. The cllairmau o the evening was Rev. J. E. Cook, an 1 in addition to the lecture, a violin solo was rendered by L. Ruttan. Miss A nes Aitchison sang a solo, "Mary"; a met "Anchored" was given by Mrs. atson and Miss Mary Stewart and here were other numbers. As this as the final meet- ing of the Literar Society for the season, Robt. Black was called on to give a review of its • ork for the win- ter. Some of the details mentioned were as follows: — Eleven meetings •f the Society were held. Receipts fro membership and admission fees, not including the pro- ceeds of the lectur were $31.50. The total membership as 127. Identified with the work o r the society were ninety-eight differ nt people, and, of these, eighty-four contributed to the weekly programs. Four debates were held in which twen y different speakers of both sexes took art, Five numbers of "The Literary f igest,"the Society's journal, were pub 'shed, representing the work of elev: contributors. A Mock Court Trial was held in which twenty-nine took . rt; a great' variety of readings, songs ' choruses and instru- mental music was a given; a lecture was held and eigh speakers gave ad- dresses. These f._ res indicate the success of the Lite ary Society and its value to the comm ity. The meeting dos d with "Auld Lang Sync" and the me hers separated with real regret that the weekly gatherings that bad been so m ch enjoyed by all, had come to an en.. It was the best Literary Society i the history of Blue - tale and there is e ery encouragement to repeat its sucee s next winter. Feed! Feed! Feed!' Just received a car load of good•oatie. We also have bran, shorts,ood DRYAMEI.ICAN CORN and other feeds. HowsoN & BROCELMIANK. DELIVERY 0 MACHINERY. Many Farmers in ingham on Friday I st. Mr, John J. Fr ogle, local agent for the Cockshutt Pio Co , of Brantford, held a special deli cry of farm machin- ery on Friday las . All morning Mr. Fryfogle and his :-sistants were, busy loading the machi ery from the cars to the farmers wag ns. After dinner a procession was fo med near the C.P.R. station and hewed by the Citizens' Band. The proc.ssion proceeded down John street and t en up Josephine street. When in front of the Town Hall, there was a halt and a picture taken of the large crowd, an. Mr. W. S, McFarlane, Sales Manager f •r the Cockshutt Plow Co. delivered a s ort address There were some seventy te, ms in the procession and on every a agon was displayed a large card with the words: "We use Cockshutt Far Machinery." Had the roads been in b. tter shape the crowd would have bee much larger. As it was, the town •resented a very busy scene all day. he list of machinery delivered inch dad binders, mowers, cultivators, ma ure spreaders, etc., etc. Mr. Fryfogle, tie local agent of the company is a hu•tler and covers a large territory. On riday, farmers were in Wingham from ast and West Wawa - nosh, Turnberr Morris, Howick, Cul- ross, Kinloss an• Carrick. • Seed eadquarters. I have in stock all kinds of No. 1 seeds: Mammoth Clover,Red Clover,Al- sikri, Lucerve, Timothy Mangle seeds, etc. A car load of Essex selected Seed Corn to arrive in April. Guaranteed to grow. We buy nothing but the best that can be secured. No risk when buyingfromus. J. A. Mills, Wingham. ARE YOU GO G WEST THIS SP ING If so, exception l opportunities are now being offered b • the Grand Trunk Railway System 1 connection with Colonist, Homeseek s and Settlers ex- cursions. , The Colonist rates a •cone -way tickets applying from statins in Ontari i to Vancouver, B,C., Vic ria, B,C., Prince Rupert, B. C., Seatle,, Wash., Spokane, Wash., Portland, Ore., San Francsiso, Cal., Los Angles, Cal., 'San Diego, Cal.. and other points i. Arizona, British• Columbia, Californi•, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, U and Washington, and are on sale Bail, until April lith, inclusive. The Settlers ex•ursions apply from stations in Ontario, •ort Hope, Peter - bore and West to pints in Alberta and Saskatchewan ever Tuesday until April 29th inclusive at lot rates. Iiomeseekers' rou •d trip tickets will be issued at very low rates from stations in Canada to points i' Manitoba, Saskat- chewan and Albert, and are in effect each Tuesday until t etcher 28th inclus- ive via Chicago and t. Paul, and will also be on sale on certain (Tuesdays) during above perio• via Sarnia and Northern Navigati• Company. The Homeseekers' ticke : are good returning two months from da .e of issue. Through coaches . d Pullman Tourist •Sleeping cars are op rated every Tues- day in connection ith Settlers and Homeseekers excur ions, leaving Tor- onto 11.00 p.m. and tinning through to Winnipeg via Ch ago and St.Paul without change. R. nervations in Tour- st cars may be se ured at a nomial charge on applicatio'i to Grand Trunk Agents. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and qui kest route between Winnipeg-Saskatoo •-Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, et ctric lighted sleep- ing cars, through thnewest, most pict- uresque and most rapidly developing section of Wester Canada, Through tickets sold and reservations made by all Grand Trunk Agents. Costs no more than by othe routes. Trains now in o •ration Winnipeg to Saskatoon and R. •gins, Yorkton and Canora, Sask., mrose, Mirror and Edson, Alta., also o Fitzhugh and Tete Jaune, B.C, Before deciding any Agent of the for descriptive lit particulars or District Passen ion, Toronto, O H. B. Elliott Ticket Agent. W.F. Burg= Phone 50. on your trip, consult grand Trunk Railway rature, timetables and rite C. ' E: Horning, r Agent, Union Stat- tario. own Passenger and Phone 4. Station Ticket Agent, EGGS FOR SALE - Best lasing strains, Single Comb White Leghorns. $1 per Ont $5 per 100. Wm. Field, Wingham, WANncb•—A " tationery Engineer for a two-hun red kilowatt corns bined steam and ater power plant, 10 hours night shif 7 days a week. Ap- ply to box 6.58, TIMES office. DOES QUALITY COUNT when you select your footwear? If it does not, then please remember: -- Nothing but the best is used in making INVICTUS Shoes. The choicest skins, the highest grade trimmings and expert work- manship, all contra ibute to making INVICTUS "The Best Good Shoe" and therefore worthy of a trial. W. J. GREEK THE SHOE MAN THE CALL OF THE WEST Because of the im migration to our Western Province.; we oc casionally have a go d farm placed in our hands for sale 'at a sacrifice price. Just think of a 200 acre f:.rm with fine building's, good land, big orchard, well feaeed, in a good locality, convenient to school and churches fez. the price of 100 acres. We have seldom had an offer like this in our hands Two thousand dollars cash, balance on mortgage. Must be sola at once. Ritchie & Cosensi REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE "BUY YOUR C. P. R. TICKETS FROM US" March hay or niedow grass for pack- ing furniture. Must be soft and free from thistles. Apply to—.WALKER & CLEGG. TENDER Sealed Tend the undersigned on the Seventh the digging of w drain in the To% rr Plans and seen at my offic Turnberry. Th not necessarily WANTED. s will be reeei.ee i•,y p to four o'clock Ian,. y of April, next, for rat is known as Bolt's ship of'rnraberry. pecifications may be , lot 1n, CO/WCssiorr 7. lowest or any tender ccepted. P. POWELL Clerk, , Wing i tat, Ott. COLLEGE AT t=IUC1E : Y111.1•NOMMII,Imift 100.0•114101111•S* W.; Thousands of ami,itimmv gmuig peo- pplearts fast prepafing in'th* 'r own holes, to occupy Int-ratme l:ositini:,; ;,, ' stenographers. liooltItoep. rs.telegsaph- • era. civil strvant6, in fact • t,+ry sphere of llus nosy Aetisities. You may finish at eolltgeif you wish. positions guar. anteed Enter college any day In aa vidual instruction.. Expert teachers. I Thirty year',' experreneo. Lout at trainers in Canada. Seven colleges. special court*, for teachers Affiliated with Commercial Educe tors' Association of Canada Summer Schaal at the famous Spotton Business •College, London. Wingham Business College Geo. Spotton, W. T. Morse, President. Prircrpal.