The Wingham Times, 1913-03-27, Page 6M.r-� a„f..�a-ase•. iii • LA Es LUTE! die L 4.4ru104.wr04.4-,moa yr 17- �d.,...hdr: .�.:.:... _ .* ;„_wa. � ,is:si - :'z:, .✓ .i.:«*t""`.."..l^'71t'r. .aw.-....;.=.xsrr:._••--�a.�;nc'asara.T=�+w.!euxxv�.,..s. n,-;�.o�e,^.. eeeemow Den ♦ '� t• dbt•-•, , ....'°`i •.. t,ee a ,c 0 ppp C, -.,f' I. d'....- , IV �\� } 0 ( ,,.� - / Inv j "��ti�,�,-�� �.•"'- a :' v �a:a.. .y/r9 � V aez -. m irauIl: better ple humen 1 stt'rt is Understood the mer v ' tazeiee r'at usefulness of pain . s ,iiia.. r ala: , .'1 signal. Heald:.. he 1s Fait), to be the most beneficial of ail ed.. ' o lye' a Title,.;, lick:':?e u it e011teS as a warning with ,o neatly !shutouts. Rarely is the cause found in lite head itself, but usually In the condition of the system. The i est pmieteet and most painful head- aches are ecus •td by exhausted nerves, and are of a neuralgia nature. The nerves are in a starved and waet,'d eoudition, and a little ex- tra strain or excitement brings on an. attack of sick, nervous headache. Nervous heath elle is said to be the cry of starved nerves for more rich, nourishing blood. The brain is the centre of the human nervous system, and there is manufactured the nervous energy which controls the action of the mem- bers of the body. Consequently, when nervous headache comes it is a warning that the nervous system is in a run-down ,•ondition, and must be re- stored if some form of paralysis is to be avoided. It is a,. mistake to nee powerful headache powders to relieve the pain and then neglect to remove the cause of trouble, which is of far more consequence if you value life. You can restore and revitalize the wasted nerve cells by the use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. This treatment is not recommended as a '�;:, -`J tee relief -for headache, but it cines 11' efvely cure by removing the. cause of trout`' Nervous hendacli ei will when the nervous system is no.n s : ' ;. to strength and vigor by use of such a la. aera- tive as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Mrs. T. Gray, farmer's See.. e, Ont., writes : "I had nerve and ::: was very much run down. I su-;r, headaches, and my ey esirht Wfts scarcely read or sew. The pain in . • head was almost constant. Two they could not help me. ercl �;•,. operation. "I had heard of many being Chase's Nerve Food, and decided t r t gether I used six boxes, an'] with t`: benefits. They did. me sol in ever not long until I was about and housework." No one wants to take .chances tor ataxia or paralysis. And yei ailments as these that neglected ne.tac'- bles naturally lead. How much better it is to b .- such symptoms as headache.. ^'oe•i::t:' . ritability, Iack of vigor and emer-, t.... lugs of fatigue and discouraee meal. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is bewail i ' you under such conditions, for by f ,riain : new, rich blood it works hand in lieetcl :vii *.a- ture, and supplies the very e'leuie.lt > Wl:=e :t lace necessary for the restoration of heaittii and strength. The benefits of this treatmeet are both thorough and lasting. t3 r,.a . ,:..•1- ere- i- i. - re Chase's Nerve The great nerve restorative, 50e. a box, 6 for $2.50, all dealers or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA J. C. Ebbs, Conservative, was elect- ed in South Lanark for the Legislature in succession to the late Col. Mathesen, by 611 majority. STATE Or OIIto, CITY OF TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNTY. . SS. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senic:.' partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore- said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure_ FRANK. J. CIIENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this l th day of Decem- ber, A. D. 1886. (SEAL.) A. W. GLEASON, NOTARY PUBLIC. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold by all Druggists. 73c. Take Hall's Family Pills for constip- ation. • Judge Macbeth declared the London totership local option by-law invalid, lacking ttva-:iftbs of a vote to carry. Rev. Dr. D. S. Dix of Chalmers Church Guelph, has been invited to the pastor- ate of Westminster Presbyterian Church ,Nutana, Saskatoon. Old Age. Old age as it comes in the orderly pro- cess of nature is a beautiful and majes- tic thing. It stands for experience. knowledge, wisdom, counsel. That is Old age as it should be. but old age as it often is means poor digestion, torpid bowels, a sluggish liver and a general feeling of ill health, despondency and misery. This in almost every instance is wholly unnecessary. One of Cham- berlain's Tablets taken immediately af- ter supper will improve the digestion, tone up the liver and regulate the bow- els. That feeling of despondency will give way to one of hope and good cheer. Iie'er sale by all dealers. � - A great many of the farms of older Ontario, which were once heavy prod- ucers of grain, have been greatly reduc- ed in productiveness owing to exhaust - icor ef xhaust- i nof the soil, the exhaustion being chiefly in the form of the removal of humus or decaying vegetable matter. 'The quickest and cheapest way by which such farms can be brought back into fertility is by the plowing under of green trope Mb as clover, alfalfa or peas. wile HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS TO WESTERN CANADA. The Creme Trunk Railway System will issue round trip tickets from Stations in Canada to points in Manitoba. Sask- atchewan and Alberta each TUESDAY \larch 4th to Oct. 28th inclusive, at low rates, Tickets are good for (ic1 days. Through coaches and Pullman Tourist Sleeping cars will leave Toronto 11 00 p. rn. on above dates, running through to Winnipeg; via Chicago and St. Paul, without change. Tourist cars will be equipped with bedding and Porter in charge. Berths may be secured in these ears at a nominal charge. The route via Chicago is an attractive one, as many large cities and towns are passed en route, which breaks the monotony of the journey. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Winnipeg -Saskatoon -Edmonton, with smooth roadbed, electric lighted sleep- ing cars, through the newest, most pic- turesque, and most rapidly developing section of Western Canada. Through tickets sold and reservations made by all Grand Trunk Agents. Costs no more than by other routes. Trains now in operation, WinnipegtoRegina, Yorkton and Cancra, Sask.. also to Camrose, Miaror anc Edson, Alta. Time Tables, Land Pamphlets and. other descriptive literature relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway may be obtained on application to Grand Trunk Agents or write C. E. Horning, District Prssenger Agent, Toronto, Ont. H. B. Elliott, Town Agent, can give fail information. The etr Cc 1.0 iicalriLe. "I have used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever since I have been keeping house," says L. C. Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I consider it one of the best rem- edies I ever used. Any children have all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whooping cough it is ex- cellent." For sale by all dealers. • One of the largest 'eposits ever made in a Canadian bank under one account was received at the Sarnia Hank of 'Commerce, $6,400,000 being paid in by stockholders of the Imperial Oil Co. DR. t., VI. CHASE'S CATARRH POWDER is sent direct to the diseased parts by the Improved Blower. Husk the ulcers, clears the air passages, stops drop. piegs in the throat and permanent. ly tures Catarrh and hay Fever. 'Lek. A bort'blower free. Accept no substituteci. All dealers or edrnamian, Baba & CO., UmltedrToronte: Win, Astings, Toronto, and Thos. Sharpe, Peterbo r o C.P.R. telegraph aph linemen, were instantly killed by a T., H. es P. engine at Hamilton. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CAS 1 O R i A Uses for Parsley. The green, curling parsley fronds in the garden are picked for a dozens pur- poses in the kitchen. Cold fish and cold meat, ham especi- ally, appear unfinished on their dishes without the vivid dish of lovely green that parsley bestows. When the green is sot between vivid sections of scarlet tomato, the color scheme of any cold dish is enhanced. Parsley, a rock plant originally, with the rock -name still attached to it, had the old idea of the ancient curse trans- ferred to it. It is one of the Peter plants, having been dedicated to St. Peter on account of its liking for rocks and because of its stony name. The re- move a rock or,' by analogy, a rock - plant, would be like removing the found- ation from that place. Hence the idea of ill -luck to the transplanter of parsley. ono se 710ii, a ZAM-ILII: HAS HEALED IT! Mrs. Wilson, 110 Wickson Ave., Toronto, says: " About four years ago a sore spot appeared on. the right side of my face. This spot increased in size until it became about half an inch In diameter and very painful. I went, to a doctor, but the ointment he gave me did not have any good effect. The sore continued to dis- charge freely, and was most painful, I had it cauterized, tried poultices and all kinds of salves, but it was no goad, and I continued to suffer from it for four years! "A sample of Gam-Buk was one .day given to me, and I used it. Although the quantity was so small, it seemed to do me some good, so I purchased a further supply.' - "Each box did me more and more good, and, to my delight, before I had been using Zam-Buk three weeks, I saw that it was going to heal thq tore. In less than a month it was healed! " I know a lady in the east of the nity, whose husband suffered for years with an open sore on his leg. On my recommendation, Zam-Buk was tried is that ease. The other day, when I saw her, she told me that it had healed the sore completely. "My 'daughter, who lives in Leth- bridge, Alta., has also used Lam-Buk with the same satisfactory result. I think it is, beyond all doubt, the finest healing balm known." Such Is the opinion of all persons 1 -BIt Who ]lave rLuir tried Zamuk. h; a sure cure for eczema, piles, abscesses, ulcers, scalp sores, ring- worm, ruts, burns, scalde, bruises, -end all skin injuries and diseases, 50e. box. all druggists and stores, or post free 'from Zren-Buk Co., Toronto, for price. In ease of skin disease use also Zam-l3uk Soap, 25c. tablet. It Won the French Author a Sic Price For a Little Poem. Francois liulez, the loutetler and in a et the famous French joitrnari, La IR'vue des Deux elondt.•, was by no means celebrated for his ge u'rt,sity to t ,,tributers. Dee Clay snurtly at- ter tee Pllblcati t.1 e'f f true trtrrie'.3 "Le- c.7 t .,:dicta," a,.tl witilee the liter- iL t•,e,rl.l a.us diming with the fame et i:5 sreet Wive. lluluz called on !lint alit! u.;t:ed nim to write an arti- cle fur his nuig;wi:.e:. Lamartine eon. sorted, but stated tnat he could not !este :t r-'acly for some weeks. liulez, fearing that this was only av4..xeutte elei that he would never 5 s tee teteeie. nt eed Lalililrtine all advance. It s'.1 11 at coned that the menor was Li need. to 4,000 trains at tee, time, tied d lie ni 'etueresed the Wit') at once handed over the Ili.. Ly. 'I moo a:''reties later he called 1.:::iiartiee's Menthe' to the fact that tee ceetrib tion laid not yet been received. It was toward the end of lei7, and tee great author was devot- ing his entire time to politics, "While you are: waiting foe this article w:'u:.d you care fur a little perm I have here?" he naked Bnloz. lie entllusia.ticiely replied in the affirmative.. Muntas later, when Lamartine had become Minister of Foreign Affairs. Bul,u •grata called upon him to re- mind hire of the promised contribu- tion. "But you'see my position," answer- ed the Minister, "how busy I aro:" Pee, z fr'c nej. "But, Citizen Minister, a certain amount of money was advanced, and the` hits rests of my magazine do not penult Tilt' to" -- "now much was it?" "Four thousand. frame," Lamartine took this amount -of nm.:.,;• freer the drawer and laid it upon his desk. Tee editor, however, looked some- what embarrassed. "Well, what more can I do for you? You have your money." "The fact is; I owe you for a small poem." "Oh, that's not worth mentioning! I'll make you a present of it." l ulez drew himself up haughtily. "Citizen Minister, La Revue des Deux .Mendes does not accept pres- ents. How much do I owe you?" "Oh. well, if you insist," answered Lcneurtine dryly as he took up the 4,000 francs and replaced them in his drawer, "we will call it square The One Person. There was a certain old minister who had a blunt way of getting right at the bottom of things. . With a sol- emn air he announced from the pul- pit one day that a button had been =found in the collection. "Only one individual in the church could have been guilty of this trick," he said, "and I shall expect this person to replace the button with a coin:" After service a member of the church own- ed up to being the culprit and asked, "How did you know I was the man?" "I did not know," said the clergyman. "But you said only one person could have done it." "Just so," was the reply. "Two persons could not have put tee same button on the plate." A conference took place at Windsor of representatives of Western • Ontario municipalities regarding the prolftised radial line to connect those parts with Eastern Ontario. Dr, de Van's Female Pills A reliable French regulator; never fails. These pills are exceedingly powerful in regulating the generative portion of the female system. Refuse all cheap Imitations. Dr. de Va-n's are sold at Th box, Drug Go., St. Cathoarine� Oat. Castor oil seems to be the best purg- ative, as it leaves no bad effects behind such as the usual purgative medicines will do. Constipation is a bad thing for child or adult, and if possible, it should be cured by feeding properly: but some- times just what to give to the sufferer is not known. Oatmeal gruel is good, with plenty of water to drink. An a- bundanee of water alone will often cure. After giving worm medicine, the dose of caster oil should follow. A Word of Gratitude. "In justice to humanity I want to tell you that I was a great sufferer from• itching pile and have Dr. Chase's Oint- ment the treatmentol?tainable." writes Mr. Fred Hinz, Brodhagen, Ont. "It gives instant relief and I can recommend it to any suffer from this dreadful dis- ease." It is claimed that a tea made of the inner white bark of the apple tree will cure inflammation of the stomach. Put a heaping tablespoonsul of the powdered bark in a granite saucepan and pour boiling water over it to cover well; let boil five minutes. Strain, and when cold drink this instead of water. It does not taste badly, and in a short time you will like it. For food, use •cereals, or light diet for one or two weeks, then gradually get back to regular meals` drinking the apple -bark tea all the time for a month, at least. Eat any plainly cooked, nourishing food; but don't over- eat Nothing Like It For Coftit, Mrs. Holland Ferguson, Sheffield, let. B., writes: ---"Dr. Chase'sSyrup of Lin- seed. and Turpentine has curee my chil- dren and myself of severe colds,. We are never without it in the house. There is nothing like it for colds and throat trouble, and it is so Soothing and plea- sant to take my children would drink a whole bottle if they were permitted, Ven. Archdeacon Pentreath of Van- couver died! at Paso Robles, and Rura Dean'Godden of Coledonia •also passed' away. The above is a picture of "Chief Little Bow," who was probably the first inisabi*ant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the farmer tills the land. ilways, Wheat, Coal and Water 1!. CARIVIANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRE on account of the topography of the country; ft is aitiesst:d on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OL" -I I' UPERTY is WITHIN the, TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business, Send for our illustrated booklet describing the 'property we have to sell int Work for your Money in the East, but invest It in the West CUT OUT THE COUPON COUPON AND SEND IT TO US NOW C.. Western Canada Real Estate Company I-iead Of flee .-502 TEMPLE BUILDING, Toronto, Ont. BRANCI-iES•r. faocnuzi L. cult. RAMILToN, oNT. LeNDea: ON?: an Si... UR:. A.... 302 u,t,. Ch„d,ee. it Dominica Dank ca.erarra WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE Co. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMANGAY. Name Address ' THE WINGIAM TXT�l:• 91 et a:",1.•t -Canaan. e,ds Ohara b. e;h I: e•m.•,,y. Rev. Jan • - vis, Milaca, Minn. writes: ''( • sin's Cough -Retire - de has been •' end wele;ome guest in our hone mber of years. I highly niece, a • • to my fellows as being a n,c; it r.' -thy of trial in eas- es of colds, ' •,r;-:. -rid croup." Give Chambe-!•lair '• ( eel) Remedy a trial and we are c c re, z.e. you will find it very effectem ter'• continue to Use it as occasion require •'t r years to come, as many others have clone. For sale by all dealers. BEFORE THE MIRROR. Warts will disappear if touched sev- eral times a day with acetic acid: ap- ply with a small camel's hair brush. For tired feet put a handful of com- mon salt into Your quarts of hot water, and while it is as hot as can be borne place the feet in it. Afterwards rub dry with a rough towel. A little salt dissolved in warm water is recommended for eyelids reddened by the wind. About a quarter of salt- spoonful to half a cup of water is the proper proportion. Be sure to get plenty of sleep. You can sleep yourself into good looks. A long reap and a hot bath will make any. woman more attractive and lift years from her shoulders, If the cuticle about your nails seems tough and there is a tendency to "hang nails," rub ih a little vaseline or cold cream every night before retiring. Soon you will see a marked improvement in the condition of the nails. Had a Weak Heart. Doctored For Three Years Without Any Benefit. Through one cause or another a large majority of people are troubled, more or tis, with some form of heart trouble. Little attention is paid to the slight weakness, but when at starts to beat irregularly, and every once in a while, pain seems to shoot through it, then it causes great anxiety and alarm. Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills will give prompt and permanent relief to all those suffering from any weakness of the heart or nerves. a - Mrs. M. Shea, 103 Holland Ave.; Ottawa,'Ont., Writes write you these lines •' to let you know that I have used Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. After doctoring for the last three years with all kinds of medicines and pills for weak heart, I heard of vont Heart and Nerve Pills, so thinking I bad never used any- thing.that did' Me tee much good, I kept on using them, and I had only used four ilexes, when I was perfectly cured." ;rice, 50 cents per box, 3' boxes for C.".'23 at all dealers, Or mailed.direct on r'eceip't of. price .bya TM T. "Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. 12 STA T I 0 RV We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETEI4IES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS A ND- INK TOILET PAPER PLAYIr- G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will . receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING INVITATIONS POSTERS 1CATALOGUES Or anything you may require:in the printing line. Subsoripltions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. - The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wingham, •