The Wingham Times, 1913-03-13, Page 6WING TDU F S',A. l' CII 1 'r r/.1'1'� 1.C.) g 7-773 LI ,+ J a. r• -•t ab• Ants. cArlaiN cLavefesu5Tli. 1 i 1j'J 1 i�,zc�t,i;. NERVES - 3 STUNG Did Not Know What Rest ©r Sleep Was Mrs. Captain Mans/smith of the Salvation Army, formerly of Essex, and now living at Leamington, Ont., writes :—"I have used in all about 18 boxes of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and this treatment certainly worked like magic. I was so run down that I suffered for 12 months with acute nervous prostration and was so bad that I never knew what sleep or rent was. "I consulted five different doctors, but still I did not make any signs of recovery. A friend of mine had suffered as I did and had been cured by Dr. Chase's Nerve Food and recommended it to me. "I can say that after taking the first box I felt every dose doing me good and by con- tinuance of this medicine I was cured. I could sleep as well as ever and found life worth living. When other medicines failed the nerve food built me right up. "A few years ago I was cured of a most severe case of protruding piles by using Dr. Chase's Ointment. I had to keep to my bed and doctors could give me no help. When suffering untold agony I heard of Dr. Chase's Ointment and was cured of piles, to the wonder of those around me, and after I had almost given up hope." Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has made a won- derful record as a cure for nervous exhaus- tion and prostration. By forming new, rich blood it restores feeble, wasted nerve cells, and, working hand in hand with nature, its cures are thorough and lasting. 50 cents a box, 6 for $2.50. All dealers or Edinanson, Bates & Co., Limited, Toronto. An eminent scientist, the other o v, gave his opinion that the Ino: t va.aite earful discovery of recent years was t'ae discovery of lam -Bub. rust t tn't! As soon as a single thin l,yer o° 'am -lisle Is applied to a wound c.r tfaire, such injury is insured ago t :deed poison! Not one spa tic c f f-ieroba hen been found that iann , :'. dors not kill! Then again. As soon as e am -^u:: Is applied to a sore, or a cut, car t) ',cin disease, it stops the ea:tonin^;. That is why children are such friendS : i;arn-1171.17. They care nothiae fa a taa selenee of the thing. All tiller t . erg✓ id that ••••-;.,• t:. .".'dou rs caou'd nevee'f,x,,.s, :a. ;^seotrnasy r-tc shI to a woen:i or t'u a ai,::., t 'a coils beneath the s fiat':; e'.r- so stimulated that of -v aithy alone is quickly ly fo r,t,d Thhi c fresh healthy y tis le fro t,iste.e rottt t z, thus forme.I is wr:-. .;•s l,a •-artaee and literally casts off t ' i tissue above it. This is ea,vat ,3u. ewes are peemeneet. e) l v the other day Mr. Marsh, of 1 li lc,r. t Er Ave., Montreal, called r the ';:am -Butt Company and told r tb for over twenty-five years a. had been a martyr to ecaertra. His .: tet St ono time so covered that he, had to .lee,, in e.aer .eere peeeZeirtenuir. wes tr, . cl to h . t, and in a few months it cured him. To -day --over rroe you r s after his cure of a disease 1 i r twenty -11w) years -.--hes is tl cured, and has ball no trace of ;• rattan of the ceeema! :All druggists sell 'Lam -Duk at 5Gc. r r, or V'e will send free trial box if 'yea ..•nd this advertisement and a 1c. (te p y return postage). Ad- e _..s :aaa-l;ul. Co., Toronto. IS IT WORTH WHILE? [Joaquin Miller] Is it worth while that we jostle a brother Bearing his load on the rough road of life? I : it worth while that we jeer at each e: her In blackness of heart?—that we war to the knife? God pity us all in cur pitiful strife! Gori fat us all as we jostle each other! Gcd 1 ancien us all for the triumphs we feel When a fellow goes down; poor, heart] broken brother, , Pierced to the heart words are keen - Er than steel, And mightier far for vele or for weal. Were it not well in this brief littlejour- coy Oct ON or the isthmus, down into the tide, That we give him a fish instead of a serpent, Ere folding the hands to be and abide For ever and aye in dust at his side? Look at the re-ses saluting each other: Look at the heads all at peace on the plain— Man and man only makes war on his blether And dotes in his heart en his peril and pain— Shamed by the brutes that go down on the plain. pY 'i^& N:^:P �C..LJ.'-2a�f*E%'S'iIL:81FR�L'S'«^._"lL2SS-'.e�..-r.«i,CfiO:GS."_T.>u••C:3'_�*s�:�i.R.�^£C�,C Alv ,•':.;S-..,-ear.I/YS_r4F, Good OkI D. a. Flow I regret the ; t o d thee, cad all the the ..,:.. ?'S', 1. r . perished noa. the ca.tth. Na taore ... worn breadwinner singa, an more the �- r fit•(" rl �. 3 �+. tr wt.t "tA (.- cottage ieof �. c hearty mirth. The , a-1 v , t..: The cheerful nights! We had then no elec- tric lights, but oil la to le= dared and smok- ed; and now and tla n thay would explode and blow the rhef•ty 'crass the read, and sometimes v ietleaa croala ti. The windows had ro winder; screens, there were ..:n l ac? : of reveleinf. to make Our monis lame; Ne used to sit 'round in the dark re bI e father talked vi Noah's ark until our bedtime came. No furn- ace or steam -heating pent would make the coil air , ailiv..., ; a fireplace kept us warn; the h•tua. ,: as full Of :I3 lag snot and bureit- bra:.'•,, end eO Ohe to hoot, wher'e'er' i'r..•ae a stor. r. • No telephone: t -n taste ...en ours.'; if with a neigh.,or yi e'd converse, yell hoofed it oh teen ' the girl who e ishrd to b • a i•t ile 1= Roved that she was doing w -li if she knew last year's styles. Ther:' 1 r ever be such tiny.= as those, lea people were no us erclothes and beds were stuffed with hay, when paper collars were the rage --o!3, dear, delightful byeeme age, who;• r:e were young •;.a; Epi ait. Moser Children Cry . VEIR FLETCHER'S CA T°H.I yJ Loetimotor.t:a'' w. "My nerves were very bad, and I could not sleep at r.ihl.t, nor could I con- trol my arms or t " writes M s':. Robt. L-'ustard Ms :acii, N. B. "Dr. Chase's Nerve 1-'eral cared me of what I believe was the early stage of loco- motor - motor aiaxia or i-a'•al3cis. I Cannot describe what I eufl. reel, but t,ow I am entirely cured." • Thirty-six years ago the pension bill of the United States was 1;435,00,tw0. It was then thought that high-water mark had been reached, but to -day that pension bill amounts to $1,1O,GOO,OeO. This is one illustration of what is likely to happen whenever military and jingo infiaences are given heed. Clip ant this arti t �SZ y�Jtf1 oi ®1?send your name and address for a free copy of the book that has opened the eyes of Canadian farmers to the possibilities of the " material -of -all -work 99 --concrete, This book, t6 What The Fanner Can Do With Concrete," will be sent to you absolutely free. You do not place yourself under the slightest obligation to buy any " Canada" Cement or to do anything else for us. ` OIT will find the book interesting, instructive, and its information will be of real cash value to you. It is not a catalogue. It gives in plain, simple language the directions for using concrete for every possible kind of farm construction. Scores of every day uses, fully described and illustrated. Write your name and address, on the coupon below, or send them by letter .ur post card, end the book will be seat to you immediately. Address, Publicity Manager CANADA CEMENT COMPANY LIMITED 511 Herald Building, Montreal Iv you art using CO.4Creta and wish to ask any questions about its nee, remember we have aFarrners' Free Information £ereau Mat wrat anewer them without charge. She est Cough Medicine "I have used Chamberlain's Cough g Remedy ever since I have been keeping g house," says L. C. Hames, of Marbury, Ala. "I consider it one of the best rem- edies I ever used. i/ y children have all taken it and it works like a charm. For colds and whooping cough it is ex- cellent." For sale by all dealers. Rev. A. J. McGillivray of Toronto was unanimously invited to the pastor- ate of Knox Church, Guelph. --.---a>P Methodist Minister Recommends char beriain's Cough Remedy. Rev. James A. Lewis, Milaca, Minn. writes: "Chamberlain's Cough Reme- dy has been a needed and welcome guest in our home for a number of years. I highly recommend it to my fellows as being a medicine worthy of trial in cas- es of colds, coughs and croup." Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy a trial and we are confident you will find it very effectual and continue to use it as occasion requires for years to come, as many others have done. For sale by all dealers. ABS1TE SECURITY. ecnuira a Carter's Litho Liver Pills Must Bear Signature of /r/zeiv-4s- See Paa31ml16o Wrapper itetow. Vary small and as eney litt.talu5 as srtsgsrl CARTERS ITTLE Pt LS. FOR HEADACHE. Ftifl DIZZINESS. FOR RILIOUSNEO. FaR.TORP10 LIVER' FOII,CONSTIPAtION FOR ;ALLOW SKIN: FOR' THE COMPLEXION Battu! tro7er(ge1sbUe/4W2: 3.:_4 G1181t SICK HEADACHE. I a n , -n rc'e 1E k ilcrc.FI;y. [lilt I ' 11;.•c t. tl e /meriet:n Magt.- 111.t'. i r Ic•e t' Ce poor, but it nLc. I • • c u Lin ,'c t' th' thea -tor v *1It r: 1 t'}ttt itir(Ctrrnad. I, I t i Ibetb ctltlstatin' th' •r• r-«!'' cr..ii up 414E ie that yen a ill to. I ; • « I ort • t, tut it don't pay ctt at - • :•toe lt111rs. I1:' I . ' . l f : llt,s ha.t« a to break tIi :1 4I• i" • • , ,1 1• I ;u(Ic tcorth lit' energy i, 1• t 1.1le , ' i.' hi -chess again. 1 t . ' 1. - 1 lt.« 1' e. t sc.n t• fellers, I t • i I 1 lit' atla.t geed wives t. i• ti t',' gills. t: . ; ei t a t n nett' 'emselves It n„ t :tett' -erae little touch t' e• t.mely t ' : 4, , l t t.-i,r;r d can't under - stet .(lute %. wr•e should need any u cr c;V.1 r+:re can't ehcre er smoke. I et; '« f u' -e err how chicken -pie gfit its rum e. Vt let Women are Doing. 'ihe ?n, a v ho it teliigently manage their curl ii f •u. mess tcrd property affairs are l:cet n k•g r.unerous, while few of th, 8:'vl o l:r:ve neither Business nerpro- per'ty ale l•at.t.fit-u u.ith the alternative foro,crl3 elf ,red them of resignation to por, et. y or etyrneen.ee on the bounty of others, 'lite ;nimbi r of self-respecting and self-sul.p »sting women, married and single, is, as the Commoner remarks, growing at a rapid pace. 'hey riot only hold ar, it,.purtnnt piece in the modern wet Id c at t Led literature, but in many of the I lo.o• cions, teethes and business- es, they arc finding ;heir way tosuccess Many a vtorrsn, left with a house full of lit tie chilert•r,, vithcut money or influ- ence, has s*cutly fnet•d the conditions and gone on, bravely fighting down every obstacle, and not only making a good living where the husband failed, but have achieved wealth and prominence, and brought up their dependent family to a high degree of. usefulness. REST MID HEALTH TO MOTHER AHO OHIO. MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTIIIeo SYROP has b.eett used for over SIXTY YEARS by MILLIONS of MOTHERS for their CHILDREN WHILE TEETHING, with PERFECT SUCCESS. It SOOTHES the CHILD, SOFTENS the GUMS ALLAYS al: PAIN , CURES WIND COLIC, and is the best remedy for DIARRHOEA. It is ab• colutely harmless he sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other wad. Twenty -fire cents a bottle. C. C. James, expert adviser of the Dominion Department of Agriculture, in an address before the Canadian Club at Toronto, Monday, pointed out that in the last ten years the population of Canada has increased by 3,834,000, but of this increase 1,259,000 has been in ur- ban centres. Moreover, the rural in- crease, such as it is, has been entirely west of the great lakes where farmers are chiefly concerned in the growing of whea4 end flax. As a solution of the difficvity that has arisen in the way of high cost of living in Toronto and other large Eastern cities, Mr. James said there ought to be a larger number of producers near at hand, with good road leading to the cities, and a cheap elect- ric service with a number of good cen- tal markets where producer and consu- mer could be brought directly in touch with each other. Don't You Relieve It. Some say that chronic constipation cannot be cured. Don't you believe it. Chamberlain's Tablets have cured oth- ers—why not you? Give them a trial. They cost only a quarter. For sale by all dealers. That $355,000,000 appropriation of 36 years ago has, by the way, an ominous sounsl. It is exactly the amount which it is now proposed to compel Canada to contribute towards the upkeep of the British navy. t.'n t.11 -ntSl 11 ,0 1:111:' till.,+ • • •1 11 ittt1„ 'SsUt111t1 11s11 1_ at,... . ',Ii'i., •1 i. •lI 'al rbtS.,.1_.rt pts; ;;;;.;•; It. ,A. ..;1 i,a.atQ ;q: troy; l.0 umil 5' «5,11, tttla ;t: 410115 •ui uu of ' l V .100(1 Ill.'', 111'155 -51414. 'd fl 4seurs 'au Unq) -xg— lltl amp 'emoq ;s stem oils pus °aeq do Ilc,r u 021Unli o; ieeo f.alaniq I os'emon lu;,trsxu SpnD 's.tri are; am pro; eqs--Sgspup sin LnoS o; auop oqs ssq ;sgAA—Sggie 'am •eiggs0 'sai51 slim twee ;aJ lld--Lgsput) 'sags *P918!IN ,dpauaisS on ping nor; esaoAi„ „•osunanui gsattq pass pus pose palllsl eq pasoddns I 'ims a.eArq Y eeanoa 3O„ „tmlq fiuipioon %meg noS seek„ 'sorer elgtuaxa 1@.o Bra a e nae tt sl puugsnti gri„ 'Su lloo;un •.trl3 etIOTxs Ut oaaea nOS ppm 01; LS1a'••ms;its elm non ;nogg 2upgil 30 40o01 Sig splouoa p.tuaq I esnroafl„ tttalptr.r 'uoll .eOnb v 'i;o`is '!lstt noS op Sem. ; antra ,itsd, s;aogSrea rood slat lulltlt) Ilttnots wool! put: `: ultllatnos 36 a0assivuno) IS ti`s sago.' pun ottioq stunla.t `a.inl111a 30 leasee u alasurlq sAnq pun pnoaqu 11eo2 ' I1RI0tu as loop a1:aaf t; soloq -u1 oget nomad U sl 'alppa 'imus v„ agons s sl ;mist 'Sou olau;l.. , 'sl Alitou goug c 4rgM m t:Iridra .s..� • -, yo lir PeWiting you will be interested in the typewriter of light touch. With the Monarch Typewriter, light touch is a matter of typebar mechanism, simplic- ity, balance and a something that me- chanical men ' call a creeping fulcrum. Never mind the technical description. The fact is, and it is a fact admitted by other typewriter makers, that The on.ch has a wonderfully light touch Of course, it has the other essentials of visible writing, adaptability to all kinds of writing, and splendid durability. Send for illustrated 400llet to Monarch ar--; .m rtment Remington Typewlacr Company • Limited4.18-2Qc Victoria. r care, Montreal, Que. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA P RI N Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S (,-1 ASTORIA STATIONERY We have put in our office a complete stock of Staple Stationery and can supply your wants in WRITING PADS ENVELOPES LEAD PENCILS BUTTER PAPER PAPETERIES, WRITING PAPER BLANK BOOKS PENS AND INK TOILET PAPER PLAYII'G CARDS, etc We will keep the best stock in the respective lines and sell at reasonable prices. JOB PRINTING We are in a better position than ever before to attend to your wants in the Job Printing line and all orders will receive prompt attention. Leave your order with us when in need of LETTER HEADS BILL HEADS,;: ENVELOPES CALLING CARDS CIRCULARS NOTE:HEADS STATEMENTS WEDDING: INVITATIONS POSTERS CATALOGUES Or anything you may requirein the printing line. Stibscriptions taken for all the Leading Newspapers and Magazines. The Times Office STONE BLOCK Wngham,