The Wingham Times, 1913-03-06, Page 3THE WINO11AN TIMES, MARCH 6, 1913 Just Arrived at KNOX'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE. STATIONERY AND FANCY GOODS Watch and Jewellery Repairing promptly attended to • 1 .A . M. KNOX'S Watch Repairing a Specialty. Phone 65. Opposite National Hotel err^.a■a.uaasaun•-- rie asn+rt71 A h `• rt F4'; :3 :l ., li •:,1 tlua t',e Tb t C"'1 t•,,a }•. ic'^ ;�-1 . . • r E7 n. ALCS. RICCAaTEa WALL: LIMN Ova., BMA* 9th. 19rr. "I have 1, c n in 'Walkerton in bun ! • .•. i fur a '-sod. many years and r i tof 11. t<nv,, ,ince know that my in :l.lt, f•,r hug periods was precarious. Lly irou;,le was e:xtr.nae Nervousness, b:•o:r'ht on by tndi:cstion and Dys- pe••ria f:ern whit% I suffered in the inert sevr:of .iii. It was so bad that I could not sleep before about four in the morning, I enticed one of your published testimonials of how someone had used "Fruit-a.tives" for similar trouble and asked Mr. Hunter, my drugpirt, his opinion on the matter and he advised their use. I immediately procured several boxes and I am pleased to say that I now enjoy splendid health and could not possibly feel better. I can eat'with every degree of satisfaction and sleep without an effort. I strongly advise anyone suffering from like complaints, to commence using "Fruit-a-tives". AI,BX. McCARTER. 5oc. a box, 6 for $2.50 -trial size, 25c. At dealers or from Fruit-a-tives Limited, Ottawa. Numerous and peculiar ingenious have been the methods of secret- ly getting liquor through to mining camp, of Northern Ontario, but the most recent, just discovered at South, Porcupine, takes the palm for novelty and at the sane time reflects credit on astuteness of the Provincial police. By some means or other the authorities had received information, and the result was that a woman, on being searched after alighting from the train, was found to be wearing an artificial bust manu- factured out of tin or galvanized iron which contained no less than two gallons of the raw spirit. She also wore a kind of life -belt containing.), further two gal- lons. The police confhteating the liquor allowed her to go. The above is a Picture of "Chief -Little Bow," who was probably the first inhabitant of CARMANGAY, where once the savage roamed at will, NOW the .iar'mer tills the land. Railways, Wheat, Coal and Water!! CARMANGAY is a NATURAL RAILWAY CENTRL on account of the topography of the country. It is situated on the Little Bow River, and has an UNLIMITED SUPPLY. OF PURE WATER. It has VAST QUANTITIES OF COAL close to the town. OUR PROPERTY is WITHIN the TOWN LIMITS and ONLY TWO BLOCKS from the centre of business Send for our illustrated booklet describing the pt'opertr we have to sell armang Work for your Money in the East, but invest it in the West CUT OUT THE COUPON NOW H! AND SEND IT TO US Western Canada Real &tate Company Head Office .-502 TEMPLE BUILDING,: Torosrtto, Out. BRANCHES:, . IitOltT9tCCA4 our,. HA IU.TON, ONT. WIDOW, ONT: 11 Sea iii. Asea 902 Lista Csaa.is , 11 Dinelah., B.,, C a,.S"s WESTERN CANADA REAL ESTATE, Co. 502 Temple Building, Toronto, Ont. Please send me without obligation on my part, literature containing facts, figures and views of CARMAN(3AY; Name Address rte.,: THE WIN C HAM TIMES UNANIMOUS. Final Prescription Was .lust the Thing to Make Him Well. VERY honest man who was sick wanted to peep on living. With that end in view he called the maghborhoud doctors. into cousulta. tion, dose," said the allopath, "Emil doses," stud the homoeopath sa pu'rttly. "1• rush air and exercise," said the physical culturist. "Blit operation," said the surgeon. "Stene," said the fester. "Fruits and nuts,." said the dietist. "Kneading," said the osteopath, "ply favorite prescription," said the patent medicine man. 'Mils is all very interesting," said the patient, "but likewise it is all very different, is there any grand principle on which you all agree':" "Yes," they cheated in chorus, "we all agree that when it comes to fees the proper thing is to charge all the triitfie will bean and the devil take the undertaker. We will send our bills by the next mall." And they did. Which was exactly the prescription that the honest wan needed, for he was obliged to get well in order to earn enough mulaey to die free from debt. -!'lick. Just a Slight Mistake, "The reporter's life is a happy one. When lie stirrers all iodignity tbecatise of that indignity is usually beneath consideration or else the insult is due to some umisunderstanding." The speaker was Albert ,1, Beveridge, himself a one time reporter. Ile cou- tinued: "1 know a reported" who went to a house the day titter a wedding and said to the servant who a OS Were(' his ring: ""Can you let me have some details, please, of yesterday's ceremony? "The servant frowned. "'No, I can't,' she said. 'They ate every crumb! And I think you ought to be ashamed, an ablehodiecl young train like you going around begging for cold details!'" - St, Paul Dispatch. Still Going On. Our friend had mit:tried a woman. We thought that 1w alight always stay a bachelor, but he succumbed. and we hastened to interview hien. It was a delicate task, for we never had ap- proved of the lady of his choice, and he well knew it, so our congratulations sounded hollow. It was not until he had ordered tile third bottle that we found courage to speak, and then we biurte'cl: "How did you come to marry her, old man?' "1 told her I'd take net on trial," he confessed. "But you are still living with her." "Yes. You see. ,he is stt.1 a trial!" We inve.ti.'atcnl no lumen -Cleve- land ['lain healer•. 000000 000000 The Smart Aleck. It is hart/ to resist the tempta- tion to say Stuart things that stake other people smuart.-Lip- pincott's Magazine. 00000••0 0000.0 With Limitations. A man tvho uteri' a big, .Vete York restaurant, but does .cot cure to ren it, was engaging a manager. He thought he had just the 'right man and was talking over the matter with Win be- fore final arra a goner' ts. "Of course," said he. "yon are to have entire charge or the restaurant and the employees. But John, the heat/ chef, has heen here for ten years, and I wouldn't want you to tire him, and fete, the night doorkeeper, has been here since we opened, and would not want him fired." "See here." said the prospective man- ager, before any note were put on the safety list, "you don't want a man- ager. You want a watchman." -Van- ity Pair. The Safety Shampoo. I',t 11111'n The shampoo might be robbed of somd'of its tenor by the use of signals (of distress and ethers), so that the victim, especially when hard pressed, could communicate with the operator. -Punch. Emergency Call. Breathless Urchin (to constable in the . slums)- You're wanted dahn our court -and bring ii hamblance. Policeman -What do you want the :unbalance for? Urchin-Muriver•'s found the lily wet pinched our doormat. -Loudon Tit - Bits. Not Thaw t: Kind "Mr, Cnzzlitt, have you any rivets in your aides?' "No. Bobby, Why do you ask me such a question?" "My father said you were a hnmatai 44ink."•-Birming1t4ati Age•Herald, 'BE A BOOSTER. Do you know there's lots of people Settin' round in every town, Growlin' like a broody chicken Knockin' every good thing down? Don't you be that kind o' grouch, Cause they ain't no use on earth, You just be a booster rooster, Crow and boost for all you're worth. If your town needs boostin', boost 'er Don't hold back and wait to see If some other fellow's willin'--- Eail right in, this country's free. No one's get, a rrortgage cn it, It's just yours as much as his, If your town is shy on boosters, You get in the bcostin' biz. If things just don't seem to suit you, And the world seems kinder wrong What's the matter with a boostin' Just to help the thing along. 'Cause if things should stop a goin' We'd be in a sorry plight, You just keep that horn a-bloin'-- Boost 'en up with all your might. If you know some fellow's failin's Just forget 'em, cause you know That the same feller's got scme good points, Them's the one's you want to show, "Cast your loaves out on the waters, They'll come back," a sayin' true, Mebbe, too, they'll come back "butter- ed" When some feller boosts for you. More Strikes in 1912. The loss in working days from strikes in 1912, according to the Department of Labor's record, was only about half the similar loss in 1911, though amount- ing to over one million days. This cov- ers the whole of the Dominion. There was a larger number of strikes, but the great majority were short and involved only a small numberof men, Altogether 40,500 employees went out on strike in 1912. The industrial disputes investiga- tion act applies only to disputes in in- dustries involving public utilities, and practically all the above-mentioned dis- turbances were outside its jurisdiction. Altogether about nineteen threatened strikes were referred under the act in 1912, settlements being thereby effect- ed in all but three cases. The Tungsten Lamps. The following computation by the Farmers' Advocate, based on actual ex- perience, will be of interest to electric light users. With the carbon -film light in common use, a horse -power of elec- tric current will run 13 1-2 sixteen -can- dle power lamps. The same horse pow- er turned into the most efficient makes of Tungsten lumps, will supply thirty 25 -watt lamps, each producing 18 to 20 candle-power of light, which is whiter and more agreeable than the light from the old style fixtures. The Tungsten lamps are a little more expensive and not quite so long-lived, the filaments be- ing subject to breakage by jarring, though not nearly so much so as was the case with those first made. A car- bon- film lli candle-power lamp ordin- arily retails at 25 cents, and a 32 canble power at 30 cents. A Tungsten 18 to 20 candle power ordinarily retails at 55 cents, going considerably higher with some makes as the candle- power in- creases. ULD NOT LET MUM, TALK TO HER SNE WAS SO NERVOUS. . Di,cases of the nervous system are ry :common. All ,the organs of the i y may be sound while the nervous er.a is all upset, on account of the' .,:.ablea and worry which tall to the lot 3.t;' who has to look after the trouble: lent; ta housekeeping, and when tilt. -: v ::s become unstrung the heart is also ' .ectcrf. "t 3lilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills is :ar'+iacti a treatment that will cure all ru of nervous disorder as well as act ,;. heart itself, and for this reason we .1:o highly recommend them to all ar,e'n women. •tiro. Win. Smith, Terra Nova, Ont., wish to tell you that 1 have .-d Milburn's Heart -and Nerve Pills. . ran: so nervous I could hardly -let ally- talk lly- t_lk to me until a neighbour told me • ,r; your Milburn's Heart and Nerve I got three- boxes, and did not '. to get any more as they completely ! .u.Y nervous system." a'd'oura's Heart and Nerve Pills are r .,,,!e at all dealers, or mailed direct on 1 iii price, 50 cents per box, 3 boxes :t'25. cis 1'. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, WANTED A live representative for WINGHAM and sur.ounding District toscli high-class stock for THE FRNTHILi. NURSERIES More fruit trees will he planted in the Fall of 1911 and Spring of 1912 than ever before in the history of Ontario, The orchard of the future will be the best paying part of the farm, We teach our men Salesmanship Tree Culture and bow big profits in fruit•growing can be made. Pay weekly, permanent 'employ- ment, exclusive territory?. • Write for particulars. STONE &ti WELLINGTON T.nrsol'pro, SOWING 1 WILD OATS REAPING A H,4 :V,S T OF SORROW •r • ?..'2 ' • "} .1;., new many young men can look back on their early life and regret their misdeeds. ' ^owitig their wild oat't" In ti arion ways, gixceaseo, violation of la- ture'slaws, ' "wine, and song" --all have their victims. You have z'c• brined hut what about the seed you have sown -what about the harvest? Don't trust to luck. If you are a present within the clutches of any secret l: tl'it which is sapping your life by degrees; if you are sal - faring from the ;exults of past indiscretions; if tour blood has been tainted fro m •':: R any private dise:me and you dare not marry; if you are married and live in dread of symptoms breaking out and exposing your past; if you are suffering as the result of a iii napeut life -DRS. K. & K. ARE YOUR REFUGE. Lay your case before them confidentially and they will tell you honestly if you are curable. YOU CAN PAY WHEN CURED We Treat and Cure VARICOSE VEINS, NERVOUS DEBILITY, BLOOD and URINARY COMPLAiNTS, KIDNEY and BLADDER Dit. eases and all Diseases Peculiar to Men. CONSULTATION FREE. Book Free on Diseases of Man. If unable to call, write for a Question Blank for HOME . RsE KENN!Y Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our aseamarimaines Canadian Correspondence Department in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat no patients in our Windsor offices which are used for correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. Write for oar private address. �.:fly:isxr;; '.T i .t. Times Clubbing dist OfattralarriaNiTalialrianTaXilaalraaa `itums and t�Sa eekly Globe . . Times ants baity Ulube Times and Family Herald and `i eerie Star .... Times ani Toiento etliiy .`'nn Tidies- ane 'brunt° Baily !,tar ... ........ .... Times and Toronto Daily News.. Times and Daily Mail and i'nspir'e. Times anti Weekly Mail arta Times tirtd 'las iaers Advocate Times and Canadian Farm (weekly) Times ar.d Farm and Dairy . Times and Winnipeg Weekly Free Press. Times and Daily .Adrvertiaer....... ...... ... Times and London Advertiser (rd eekly) .. , . Times and London Daily Fre; Press illcinirg Edition.. a Evening Edition ..... Times and Montreal Daily Witness Times and Montreal Weekly Witness Times and World 17Vide.......... ... Times and Western House Monthly, Winnipeg Times and Presbyterian... ....,., Times and Westminster' ..... Times, Presbyterian and Westminster Times and Toronto Saturday Night Times and Busy Man's Magazine Times and Home Journal, Toronto,..... Times and Youth's Companion Times and No" Bern Messenger Times and Daily World,. .. . Times and Canadian Magazine (monthly). Times and Caannidi.:a Pictorial Times and Lippineott's Magazine Times and Woman's Home Companion .... Times and Delineator Times and Cosmopolitan Times and Strand ..... .,., Times and Success Times and McClure's Magazine.... Times and ?lunsey's Megazine Times and Designer Times and Everybody's 1.60 I .b5 30 '1.a0 1.60 3.35 1,60 1 80 1 €0 2.85 1.80 3. 2 ;i 0 k.0 1.t5 2 2 5 1.401 2 2'5 2.25 3.25 3 40 :x.50 1275 2.90 1.35 3.10 2.90 1.00 3.15 2,6C 2 30 2.50 2,15 2.00 2,55 1.S 2A0 These prices are for addresses in Canada or Great Britain. 3' ,a, .I, Ca. 'I, �g> The, above publications may be obtained IT `l'rrra subscribers in any combination, the price for fine pill=iii tion being the figure given above less $1.00 re ;rest haft the'price of The Times. For instance : The Times and Weekly Globe The Farmer's Advocate (23.35 less ti1,Ciia;1 :15 making the price of the three papers $2.o5. The Times and the Weekly San........ The •Toronto Daily Star (..2.30 less '61.00:.. 1.:t11 The Weekly Globe ($1.40 less $1,00) till :; 70 the four papers for $3.70. 6' Ii, If the paab.icat on you want is not in hbovr' lit t, lit us know. We ^ t' supply almost any wdl-krotan C dian or American publication. These price:. re ntt ictav cash in ads'ance Send subscriptions by post (,t'tice or evpress ert"err to ' Tile times Office P Stone Block :t WYNGHrA1VI ONTARIO .r' t i•'f"kt'& 'Irvk