HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-27, Page 4N THE WINGUAM .LIMES FEBRUARY ?7, 1913 TO ADVERTISERS !THE SECRE1 OF Notice of changes must be left at this office net later than saturday noon. t The copy for changes must be left i not later than Monday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up i to noon Wednesday of each week. tt itSTAd;LISIIDI Pen Pure, and the Nerves Pro- GiRLISHI BEAUTY The Blood Must be Kept Rich and THE WING -11 -AR TINES R. 13. i i,LiOTx, Ptrsctsrtr,a AND Peon.. croft THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 27,1913 EAST WAWANOSII. Mr. Jas. J. Spence, of Cass City, Mich , is spending a week at the home of Mr. Alex Morton. 6th concession. 1 P tGN •optu. r The funeral of the late Mrs. Frank W. Wright, of Turnberry, took place to the Wroxeter cemetery on Monday afternoon of last week, service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Wesley. Mrs. Wright, whose maiden name was Mary Ann Lake, bad reached her sixtieth year and had suffered intensely from rheumatism for some years, and her death was not unlooked for. She was a very kind woman of quiet disposition and greatly respected by all who knew her. She is survived by her husband, and two sons, Thomas, of Turnberry, and Armine, of Sask., and two daugh- ters, Mrs. Wm. Casemore and Mrs. Finlay. JAAIESTOWIC • R. Jacklin's horse dropped dead while he was driving home from Brussels one day lately. The animal was valued at $200. George Johnston, is cutting wood on the 4th of Grey this week. Robt. Strachan has a little lassie come to reside at his home. Congrat- ulations. John Lake had a bee last week mov- ing A, Reynold's across to his own house. Mr. Lake intends bricking the house and will then have a nice resi- dence.. Alex. Bryan's sale is on Wednesday of this week. Quite a number from here attended the Fax concert in Brussels. Lawrence Wheeler has buught some bush from C. Strachan, and has a num- ber of men working in it this week. W. Turnbull has sold a fine Clyde horse to (ileo. Keys of Brussels. MORRIS There died at her home on the 8th concession of Morris, on Tuesday morn- ing, Feb'y 18th, Matilda J. McElroy, beloved wife of Mr. Thomas C. Roger- son, after an illness extending about three weeks, the cause being hemorage of the brain. The deceased was a daugh- of the late John McElroy, of Morris, and was born in that township in the year 1865. She was married to her now bereft husband on the 29th day of November, 1882, the result of such un- ion being a family of nine—eight girls and one boy, namely: —Misses Edith, Ella, Florence and Amey, of Toronto; Mabel, of Goderich; Matilda, Lily, Mary Ellen and Christopher at home. For some time after their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Rogerson resided in Mor- ris and Blyth and in the year 1886 went to Manitoba where they remained for a year, leaving there and going to Eng- land where two years were spent, re- turning to Morris and purchasing the farm upon which she resided until the time of her demise. Deceased was a member of the Methodist church and took an interest in the work of that de- nomination. Besides her immediate family she leaves four brothers and one sister to mourn her loss. Misses Carrie and Maud Jackson, 8th line, left this week for the Spring Mill- inery opening at Toronto. A new cellar will be put under Simp- son McCall's residence. The gravel is being hauled now for the work Last week D. and Mrs. Badgely mov- ed to their new farm purchased from John Cutt near Jamestown. We are sorry to have them remove from Morris but wish them the best of success in their new home. The people of James- town locality will find them good neigh- bors. A farm of J. B. Kerney, 4th line, has been leased for a term of years to Peter Rutledge, of the same line, Mr. Kerney will remove to the Knox farm, 3rd line, which he recently purchased. SCOTT'S EMULSION im- proves the quality of breast milk —it supplies the material for bone and muscle—if scanty or thin, it makes it rich and abundant,. For bottle babies a few drops of emulsion with every feeding produces marvelous effects— en.dies new, firm flesh and ruddy hell: h. SCOTT'S EMULSION is the cream of the purest cod liver oil ci.'licttely emulsified into tiny particles re..emabling maternal mLlv 1• and e1 h particle i:,, e•,a d tei'lt glycerin —no alcohol or nl.l..±.l.-a a5112)!•.,•Sin le. strength -making food. ?Tat a e -err-'ober' ems, 1.7 44'0)::!: Scott's Essurt:nr.. itt on getting ,SCOTT'S. .t to 7.1toroP.IIAroatN Ontario n -as perly Nourished, Every parent of a growing girl and every young woman who looks after herself, should be constantly on the watch for symptons of impoverished blood. Girls in their teens should not be pale, languid and constantly fatigued. Nature intended them to be bright, en- ergetic and active. The happiness of a lifetime depends upon giving the blood the help it needs at this time, when girls are too frequently allowed to over - study, overwork or to suffer from lack of exercise. The symptons of impoverished blood are unmistakeable. They are languid- ness, pale, sallow complexion, shortness of breath, violent palpitation of the heart, particularly on going up stairs, poor appetite, dizziness and headaches, and a tendency to faint. These symp- tons of course are not all found in every case, but the more the victim has of them the greater progress has the trouble made and the more imperative is the necessity to at once begin to check it, through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which bring back the glow of health and energy to every part of the body. The case of Miss Jeanie Fraser, Hamilton, Ont., offers proof of this. She says: "For about eighteen months I was in a very bad state of health and thoroughly run down. I had no appetite and suffered from most of the symptons of anaemia. I went to a local doctor and received treatment from him for three months, and although I took bottle after bottle of medicine I was steadily growing worse, and I got so down -hearted and depressed that I felt I would never get better, At this time I read the case of a young lady whose symptoms were similar to my own, who had been cured by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills, and I decided to try them. By the time I had used three boxes my appetite had improved and I was feeling more encouraged. I con- tinued the use of the Pills for a time edger and my health was fully restor- These Pills are sold by all medicine dealers or may be had by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. FORDYCE. Mrs, Wm. Coulter, of Zetland, is ser- iously ill at present. Mr. Joshua Dawson, of Langside, has moved to Toronto. A large number of hardwood logs are being delivered to Lucknow. The ice house and cold storage room at the creamery has been filled with ice. The ice was procured near David Kennedy's, west of the village and the work this year was much easier on the horses. The crows are with us again. A good article from our correspond- ent on "Why the boys have the fame" is held over until next week. The Whitechurch Literary Society held its regular meeting on Friday ev- ening. The debate was "Resolved, the Country Boy can adopt himself to City Life better than the City Boy can adopt himself to Country Life." Both sides were well put by the different speak- ers. The debate was decided in favor of the Country Lad. LIVE STOOK 11IARSETS Toronto, Feb'y 25.—Trade at the Western Cattle Market was practically at a standstill this morning, owing to the low receipts at the yards. But little business was done and prices remained firm at last week's quotations. The receipts at the yards were two cars, containing 14 head of cattle, 47 calves and 17 horses. Export $675 $700 Butcher cattle choice .. 6 50 6 75 do medium........ . 525 5 75 Butcher cows choice .. . 5 00 5 50 do medium .... .... 3 00 3 50 do common 2 50 3 00 do bulls ....... 4 50 5 25 Feeders 4 50 5 50 Stockers 4 25 5 50 do medium 3 00 3 50 do light.... .. 2 75 3 00 Canners and cutters .. • 2 50 3 50 Milkers, choice, .. 50 00 70 00 Springers ........ .. 50 00 70 00 Common and medium..... 40 00 50 00 Lambs.... . .. 8 00 8 75 Light ewes . .. .. ... 4 75 5 25 do bucks... .. 4 00 4 25 Hogs fed and watered . 9 10 do f.o b 8 80 Calves 4 00 10 00 WIYOHAM StARKET REPORTS. Wingham, Feb. 26th, 1913 Thos. McAndrews was killed at the Rev. J. T. Dowling, retired Baptist Flour per 100 lbs ..... 2 60 to 3 15 Fall wheat—.. to 090 Alexander mine, Cobalt, a Cross -head minister, died at Petrolea, aged 78 year's. .... .... dro in on pp g his head. Oats 0 3., to 0 36 THE DOMINION BANK SIR EDMUND 6. CSLER, M.P., PRE'JIDENT. W. D. MATTHEW9, YICE•PRESIDENT. C. A. BOGERT, General Manager. Capital paid up - - Reserve Fund Total As'cts $5,000,000 0,000,000 $70,000,000 Whenever You Travel at home or abroad—carry funds in Travellers' Cheques or Letters of Credit, issued by The Dominion Bank. They are current all over the world, and cashed at their face value. They prevent loss—and save all the annoyances of being identified, and the worries of foreign exchange. WINGHAM BRANCH : N. EVANS, Manager. Owners Wan Wat d for Stolen hes. Ladies' Gold hun 743011; Waltham m "A.B.D." engrave open-faced watch; movement; No. 407 ing-case watch; old, Narden, L.O.C.E.' maker's name) en, 1163. Owners plea A. W High Cq ing-case watch; No. tvement; monogram on outside. Silver imerican Waltham 468. Silver hunt - stop watch; "N. (apparently the raved inside; No. telephone. ITESIDE, astable of Huron, Hensall, Ontario. NOW FOR YOUR Spring Suit OR Overcoat I have received a full line of the very latest styles of goods for Spring Suit- ings for both . Ladies and Gentlemen. Your order will receive prompt attention. L. G. WHITE The Tailor. Maxwell's old stand, opposite Bank of Hamilton. Phone 227 Capital Paid Up $3,000,000. Reserve $3,750,000. ted- s , . !�gei ... � Total Assets Over $43,000,009. Your Present Salary yOU once earned smaller salary than you are now getting, and managed well enough. You also enjoyed about as many pleasures. Have you ever considered how much the difference between what you are mak- ing now and what your wages were then would amount to in a few years if deposited at interest with this bank? Make up .your mind to save a certain part of your salary and deposit that amount each pay day in this bank, wherein will earn the highest current interest. One dollar will open an account. C. Pa SMITH, M wager, Wingham. 00.0040000•®ooa®a•ea oaco•r•o* a 0 8' 0,„* v 0 a 0 m s a v 0 O A 0 ., s 0 a it a a O 8 O 0 •0 0 0 i • 0 d 8' 9 i ♦443J A A 4.6 i. . a0o0,4.400v. o•sa.0®oa.d9 QA®oe.os, v SEED OATS We have a quantity of choice Seed Oats for quick sale at 6oc per bushels. These are an extra fine sample of Bright Heavy Oats, weighing about 40 lbs. per bushel and not damages by rain. Now is the time to secure your Seed Oats while we have something really good in this line. We also have Alsike Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover and Barley. J. L. AWDE 4 4 ti A 0 •A • O 6 0 e • a 6 A v 0 4 8' e 0 e •• 0 8' 0 4 4 4 a A 0 a T •b 4• .s ,p 8' a �..'., 4)*******Ot•Oe4444t* **• * Barley.. 50 to 0 55 Peas . . .... 1 10 to 1 10 Butter dairy...... .. 0 22 to 0 22 Eggs per doz .... 0 20 to 0 20 Wood per cora 2 75 to 3 25 Hay per ton ..11 00 to 12 00 Hogs..,..... ....... 890 to 890 NO fICE TO CREDITORS. In the estate of Samuel Gracey, deceased. Creditors of Samuel Gracey, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Soren. Undertaker and Furniture dealer, deceased, who died on or about the 20th clay of January. 1019 and all others having claims against or en- titled to share in the estate of eatd deeYased. are hereby notiSed to send by peat, prepaid, or otherwise deliver to the undersigned, oa or before the 8th day of March, 1913, their names, addresses ata and descriptions. and fall n ot_eul• a4 of their claim a accounts ore e n< r t s, and th L* timtueo et their security airy . if, held be them. imm, lister atter amid Haat mentioned date. the aa.eta of the deceer'd x111 he t: bated ane act the parties entitled thereto. a having regard only to elSims or interests of which the adru:niatratrix lbell then have no. *lea and the field admustratrix will not be hostile For thesai4 assets, or any part thereof, to any person or trereoas, or whose claim or ;n`araa• the shall not have rieelved notice et *he tanto of fir eb dintritlntii)n. J A MORTON, Winttbam.Ont tiolicifor for the Adnunietratrix. Dated this 15th day of February, 1015, 8t CANADIAN P csF C SPEGIAL GRUISE AROUND THE WORLD Empresses of "Russia" and "Asia," I View C.P.R. Pacito Steamships) 'the Empress et Russia will leave Liver- ; pool April las. Palliate at Gibralter. ViI' letranehe and Port Said, proceeding via Suez. Colombo; Penang, Singapore. Bong xong, Shanghai. Is egaaakt,irobe and Yoko- hama,arriving at Vancouver May 31st1018. TheSan resa s1 Asia a will shit tro:n Liver - poet May .17th, making aitnilar cruise. )!t.•9,.Y direct connection for April let sail- ing is via •"Empreee of Britain' from St. John, Nit . March::trt. Bate for Entire Cruise $639.10 kxelnsive of maintainanre between arrival time in Ragland anddepertu-e of"'kmpress of Sasaki" and slop•ova• at Bong Hong /own Agerits,'Piteao nt 3. B. Rtenttr, Station Agent. 'none I. 41/ "/'fic'`i�,/•/" titp ctaATross•;. O," The best practical training school n 0 n tario. —Three departm ents, Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy. All courses are thorough and prac- tical. Teachers are experienced and graduates are placed in positions. We give individual uel at tenti on and tudenta may enter any time. Write for free catalogue at once. D. A. Me1ACHtAfI PRINCIPAL. NOW FOR A BIG HOUSE CLEANING SALE. Our Clearing Sale has been quite a success, but we have a lot of Winter Goods on hand yet, also quite a stock of broken lines and a few lines that we are going to clear right out. PRICES CUT DEEPER THAN EVER ON THESE LINES Underwear for Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants. Winter Hosiery for Men, Wo- men, Boys, Girls, Infants. Winter Gloves tor'Men, Women, Boys, Girls, Infants, Sweaters, Tarns, Caps, Toques, Hats, Shawls, etc, Damask Cur. ' tains and Lace Curtaias, Men's and Boys' Ready -to -Wear Suits and Overcoats, Lumberman's Rubbers and Sox, also Overshoes, Car- pets, Rugs, Linoleums and Floor Oilcloth. Buttons, Buttons, Buttons all kinds of Buttons. ALL THE ABOVE LINES AT 25 PER CENT OFF. ONE THIRD OFF ALL FURS Big Sale of Corsets Three new lines of Corsets, short waist, long skirt, 4 to 6 Suspenders, regular $1.25 for 98c, regular 1.00 for 75c, regular 75c for 58c. Some 1.5o Corsets for r.00, some r.00 Corsets for 69c, some 75c Corsets for 49c. Big Sale of Hand Bags' 4.00 Bags for 3.00, 3.00 Bags for 2.25, 2.00 Bag; for 1.5o, 1.5o Bags for 1.13 1.25 Bags for 84c, 1.00 Bags for 69c, 75c Bags for 49c. A quantity of Men's Shirts at 25 Per Cent. Off All the above lines must be cleared out at once to make room for NEW SPRING GOODS THAT ARE COMING IN EVERY DAY NOW. FARMERS We want large quantities of Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, &c. Bring in your Seed Onions and Seed Beans now. KERB O. BIRD s FARM FOR SALE MMIMMiON IMO 100 acres, being centre part lot 42, con. 7, East Wawanosh, 85 acres clear- ed, 8 acres fall wheat, 14 acres fall plowed, balance in grass, well under - drained; 4 acres orchard; 1 1-2 story frame house, kitchen and woodshed; barn 60 x 70 with stone stabling, cement floors; windmill, with water in house and barn; 1 1-4 miles from post office, church and school. WM. WIGHTMAN, Belgrave, P.O. G'' AND TRUNK lYS EM HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS Each TUESDAY, MARCH 4 to OCTOBER 28 (inclusive) Via Chicago and St Paul. Winnipeg return, $35..00 Edmonton return, $43.00 Tickets good for 60 days Proportionate low rates to other points in Manitoba, Saskatoon. Edmonton. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway is the shortest and quickest route between Win. nipeg,-astatoon, Edmonton Time Tables, Land Pamphlets and other doscriptiveJiterature relative to the Grand Trunk Pacific S7. may be obtained from nearest Grand Trunk Agent. " H B. EontoTr, Town Passenger (lc Ticket Agent, Phone /. W. W. Btracimmir, Station Ticket Agent, Phone 50. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to Section 55, Chap 26, of the Statutes of Ontario, 1. George V., that all persons having claims against the Estate of Ann Jane Anderson, deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of February, A.D. 1912, at the Township of East Wa= wanosh in the County of Huron, are re- quired to send by post, prepaid or to deliver to R. Vanstone,Wingham,Ont., Solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 3rd day of March, A.D. 1913, their names and addresses, with full particu- lars of their claims in writing, and the nature of the securities fif any) held by them, duly verified by a statutory de- claration. And further take notice that after the said 3rd day of March, A. D. 1918, the assets of t e said d estateit w I be disc tributethe Executors d bytutor 8 the among parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, and the estate will not be liable for any claims not filled at the time of the said distribution. Dated at Wingham this 5th day of February, A. D. 1911 R. VANSTONE, Wingham P. 0. Solicitor for the Executors i Just Arrived at KNOX'S WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELLERY AND SILVERWARE. STATIONERY 'AND FANCY GOODS Watch and Jewellery Repairing promptly attended to A. M. KNOX'S Watch Repairing a Specialty. Phone 65. Opposite National Hotel