HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1913-02-27, Page 1• THE WINCiHAM TIMES. VOL. XLIL—NO. 2125 i1 ENINNIMENIMMOON aeras► R11EUMATIG REMEDY REXALL Contains such ingredients as Postassium Iodide, Sodium Sal- icylate Oil of Wintergreen and Colchicine -all of which ingred- ients have been and still are used by the most experienced physic- ians in treating Rheumatic ail- ments. If you suffer with Rheumatism do not hesitate to use Rexall Rheumatic Remedy. You will probably experience relief after taking a few doses. You may need no more than one bottle to completely put you on your feet again. Because of the vast difference in human consti- tutions it is, of course, manifest- ly impossible for anyone to for - toll just how long it will take to produce the desired results in your case. But we feel certain that if your disease really is Rheumatism, that you may ex- pect splendid results from this treatment. If you do not get these beneficial results. we want y. .0 to let us re - find your money. Price of Tablets 50 cts. Price of Liquid 50c. & $1.00. "Instead .f buying Patent Medicine buy Rexall r emedies." J. W. McKibbon DRUGGIE9 Al\D OPTICIAN; 2 o ena....1.........cla Stora "Eyesight Tested Free" d glasses supplied when needed at reasonable prices. C. N. Griffin GENERAL AGENT FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT PLATE tiLASS WEATHER Insurance Coupled with a REAL ESTATE and MONEY LOANING Business. Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Oflioe over M,.Ic•rlm's Grooery• Fun! Fun! Fun! Let No Innocent Man Escape At the great MOCK COURT TRIAL under the auspices of LORD CHARLES BERESFORD'S TROOP CANADIAN BOY SCOUTS in the T WN HALL, on THURS- DAY EVENING, CH 13TH. One of our st respected citizens will be charged with BREACH OF PROMISE. REGULAR COURT RULES. STARTLING DEVELOPMENTS. LUDICROUS SITUATIONS. LOCAL HITS. An even- ing Of REPINED FUN. Prices, 25 and 50c. • Tickets on sale at McKibbon's Drug Store, March 1st; open at 7:30. Court called at 8. Twelve hundred fowl were burned in the destruction of a large poultry house on Dr. Mackendrick's farm, near Galt. Christie's Grocery 11111=11••••••••=1s PHONE 59. Marmalade Oranges The best stock and well colloured per dozen 25e. We. Sell Good Tea and Coffee We have ' bad largely increased sales in these two lines during the past year for which we thank our many good customers. GOOD QUALITY is the principle on which we hope to obtain and hold all Tea and Coffee Business. They are worth just the price we ask Coffee per lb. 40c Teas 30c, 40c 50c, 60c, 75c per lb. Sought too Many Herring Our Lake Herring were No. 1 quality this year but we bought too many. We c flee the remaind- er of our stock at Per Dozen 15c Per Barrel $4.00 . WINGHAM, ONTARIO THURSDAY •1 EBRUARY 27, 1913. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE Wear Gaeer's Shoes and Rubbers. Pure ilk. Samples of milk rem the dairies of Messrs Geo. Finla , Geo. Day and John Fisher were subm tted recently to the analyst of the rovincial Board of Health by Dr. Re mond, Medical Health Officer. The res t shows that the milk supplied by then •dairies contains the full percentage fi butter fat. There is no evidence o cream being removed nor adulteratio with water or any chemical preser : tive.:`. It is satisfact- ory for the poop of Wingham to know that they are bei g supplied with milk which is pure a d up to the normal standard in quali Rich prices p the Wingham Thir Messrs. King nounce their thi which will open week. There general dry goo ceries, in fact e eluded in this bi new, having be past year. This able t� give this sired, so only a quoted in the a you are looking you to visit Kin y ices for rich cream at reamery. - Annual Sale. ros. in this issue an- d annual March sale on Saturday of this II be big reductions on s, furs, clothing, gro- ery department is in - sale. All goods are bought during the week we have not, been firm the space they de- ortion of prices are t. on page eight. If or bargains it will pay Bros. store. GOING WEST? Travel C.P.R. and buy your tickets from RITHIE & COSENS, Town Agents. Low Colonist R es to Paci.ic Coast. via Chicago and way. On sale da April 15th inclusi Canada to Los An Portland. Salt La toria, Vancouver, many other point sleepers and free from Chicago. V al stop -overs. as to rates, route or call on B H Be 46 Yonge Street, orth Western Rail- ly. March 15th to e, from all points in eles, San Francisco, e City, Seattle, Vic- elson, Rossland and 'through Tourist •eclining chair cars riable routes. Liber - or full information and literature, write nett, General Agent, 'oronto. Degree eam Coming. The Degree Te m of Pat Merston En- campment or the Independent Order of Oddfellows will i ay a visit to Minerva Encampment in his town on , Monday evening, March 11th, when the three beautiful degrees in this branch of the Order will be con essed upon, a number of candidates. G and Patriarch Clapp, of Toronto will al o be present on the same evening. T Yis branch of Oddfell- owship in Wingh is having a revival and a large mere. .e in membership is looked for during he next few months. All members of th Encampment branch are invited to atte d the meeting on the evening of March 0th. Shoe Sale for girls on Monday next. Read our ad. on last page. WILLIS & CO. r_rir_.�ssr_ Euchre The members of nadian Order of Fo progressive euchre room on Friday ev All members of th to attend. We want your cr ham Creamery. arty, urt. Maitland, Ca - 'esters, will hold a arty in their Court ning of this week. Order are invited am at the Wing- Aucti Mr. Fred Hardie 25, concession 1, auction sale of fa ments, on Thursda eluded in the stock gistered Shorthor is to be sold as Mr. his farm. John P tioneer. FOR SALE -Comfortable home, well located in Wingham. All modern con- veniences. To be sold quick as propriet- or is leaving town. Apply at TIMES office. ' n Sales. of north half of lot ross, will hold an, m stock and imple- , March 13th. In - re a number of re - cows. Everything Hardie has rented vis w' be the auc- A BREACH OF PROMISE CASE. Prominent Citizen Charged With Trifling • With A Widow's Affections. For some time, it is alleged, one of our prominent citizens has paid more or le ss attention to a young and beautiful widow of this town, forgetting or at least not heeding the advice of the •im- mortal Mr. Weller to his son Samuel to "beware of the vidders. He now claims that he was not serious in his intentions and t she was not attached to him, and as he seems to have lost interest in he matter she has attached his prope y, which is a form of attachment th he does not enjoy. The result is, at he finds himself defendant in a first class Breach of Promise Ca d his questionable atti- tude toward the widow will be given an airing in he near future. The parties in the case are so prom- inent that it is feared 110 court room will hold the vast crowd desirous of at- tending the trial, so it will be held in the Town Hall, on Thursday evening, March 13th, under the auspices of Lord Charles Beresford's Troop Canadian Boy Scouts, for whose benefit the proceed will be devoted. In other words, it will be a Mock Court Trial, and it promises to be one of the.most enjoyable affairs of many years, as a large number of our leading people will participate in the proceed- mThe committee having the trial in charge have engaged Col. A. V. New- ton, the well-known lawyer -lecturer of Worcestor, Mass. to attend to the de- tails and personally conduct the enter- tainment. Col. Newton has had remarkable suc- cess in conducting similar entertain- mente and without doubt the Breath of Promise Trial will be here, as elsewhere an event long to be remember with plea- sure. LOGS WANTED—Z will pay the highest task • price for all kinds of saw logs. Get prices atoffice. J. A. MoLEAN. We are again re at the Wingham dy to receive cream .eamery: Wedded f Mr. and Mrs, London, former of Wingham, cele niversary of their Both were born but have lived the lives in Canada. Port Hope in 1863 of eighteen years to London in 189 was active in mun in Wingham and s for a number of friends here will Brockenshire man py wedded life. r Fifty Years. F. Brockenshire, of ell -known residents rated the fiftieth an- edding on'jtuesday. n New York State, rester part of their hey were married in • rid after a residence Wingham, moved Mr. Brockenshire cipal matters while rved in the Council ears. Numerous old wish Mr. and Mrs. more yes of hap - March hay or medo ing furniture. from thistles. CLEGG. Huron's Publ The editing corn the pamphlet }vh issue to advertis at Seaforth last we Govenlock, presid Association; Mayoii Co. Clerk Lane, Sec chell, and R. R: Se the photo selections atter, who had subn the work to,Mr. Ro ister of Agricultu again revised by th ing some suggesti Roadhouse, and is t the printer. The that in quality of photos for engrav' up of the book tl thing yet publish county. grass for pack - e soft and free ply to WALKER & sty Pamphlet. ittee in charge of ch it is proposed to Huron County, met k, including Reeve t of the County Greig, chairman; etary, James Mit- lows in charge of and Mr. J. W. Van- itted the copy for dhouse, Dep. \lin- e. The copy was committee, includ- ns made by Mr. ow in the hands of Committee decided paper, selection of gs and general get ey would excel any- ad by any Ontario L . LIBERAL CO VENTION. West Huron Lib Nominating Conve in the Temperance March 3rd at 1.30 Candidate for the Mr.. Hugh Guthrie, is expected to be p the meeting. All attend. rals will hold a ion in. Goderich, Hall, on Monday, . in. to select a Dominion Riding. P., of Guelph esent and address iberals invited to HIGH SCH s OL NOTES. On February 14t cptive of last fall Zurbriggs, where ti graphed One of th donated to the schoo The next meetin Society will be held Valuable H A team of horse; Wm. Davies Co. be ran away on Friday of the horses fell o and broke two of its was killed. The ho ward of $200. TRUNKS AND VALISES: -Big Stock Of select from at lowest prices. W. J. GitEER. An Unfavor• The County Ju now go into the qu of votes cast in lo. according to a judg Court of Canada ha on Tuesday afterno setback to tempera anticipating the .! through the W.C.T. W. J. Hanna with t amending legislatio session of the Legi of the decision may in a ease like the fo voter may cast his have it counted on t recount or scrutiny, egal and deducted f favor of local option The law as laid do Court makes it thea were known that th his 'ballot against lo must' be taken off t. The judgment re as ,the West Lorne may depend, to a e the iesult of local Aurora, Kincardine Gravenhurst, Wes places. The probe option will not now been carried in so palities. It is likely the la ed at this session 0 to prevent any su. the future. Rural Mai A new rural mail ham is being esta will be along the 6th berry to the Turn boundary and then a sion of Turnberry John Lennex,of the awarded the contra the date for comm has not yet been an the Literary Exe- esembled at Mr. group was photo - photos is to be by the Society. of the Literary n Friday, Feb. 28. rse .Killed. belonging to the me frightened and orning last. One the slippery road egs and the animal se was worth up - Route. ute out of Wing - fished. The route oncession of Turn- rry and Howick ong the 9th conces- o Wingham. Mr. unction has been t as carrier, but neing the contract ounced. / SEEDS FOR SALE - Alsike. Alfalfa Timo and Government Tes . Immigrants i A party of._immigr with their families, mestic help, are ar in the latter part of to supply all farme other parties are c person requiring help dersigned know at on ing houses for rent t kindly let me know. No. 235, David Lough ed Clover, y All new act KING BROS Wingham. Local Bo The Wingham Cu holding a local bonspi rink the latter part o members wishing t bonspiel are requeste names as soon as pos spiel. ling Club intend Ion the Wingham next week. All take part in the to hand in their ible. Curlers Mr. A. M. Craw Wingham rink ha St. Paul four sets peppers, being the St. Paul Associatio at the recent cur•lin city. The prizes ar at Mr. Crawford' players had a num while away and wer the curlers of St. P nts, married men Ingle men, and do- iving in Wingham larch. I am able s needing help, as ming later. Any hould let the un - e. Farmers hav- farm help will rite, or phone ed, Wingham. le Decision. • yes of Ontario may tion of the legality 1 option contests, ent of the Supreme ded down in Ottawa n. It is a distinct ce workers, who, cision last week, . approached Hon. e object of having introduced at this lature. The force .est be understood owing: An illegal )lot against option, at side, then by a have itdeclared ill - .m the count in n by the Supreme that even if it illegal voter cast I option, that vote local option side. ered was known ase, and upon • it nsiderable degree, .ption contests in. Clinton, Meaford, Lorne and other e ility is that local declared to have of these munici- will be so amend - the Legislature as difficulty arising in Health Exhi A railway coach, mottoes, sanitary el houses for sick f Station Toronto o three months' trip public health exhi Provincial Board • travel from town t one an opportunity against disease. l' Ontario first. it to Tour. lied with pictures, .plianees and mod- lk, left the Union Wednesday for a round Ontario, as a t instituted by the f Health. It will town, giving every - seeing safeguards will be in Western WANTED -A good general girl wanted at once. Apply Richard Clegg. Died Ur Mr. John Van home in Ethel of Mr. Dane was t way home from pendicitis. He widow and four Mrs. John Dane, ters and two b took place to Gor day afternoon. I of Mr. W. J. Gre Mr. Greer atte Gorrie. servant to Mrs. on Prize.. rd, skip, of the received from f silver salt and urth prize in the of Commerce event bonspiel in that now on exhibition store. The local er of good games treated well by ul and Wpsnipeg. FOR SALE Cow, due to calve in two weeks; Heifer, fresh ved. Stable, with accommodatio r six horses, for rental. Apply 1 to A. Bell, at Park house. BLLTE LE. An interesting lib the meeting of the Debating Syciets on Patience Puttyfoot s Literary Digest for $ libelous statements a injurious to her than The court -room was and the judge had to tors that they were ferance of the Court cordingly. His Lord looked striking in th ice. He severely re ned Council for appe out their gowns but on the ground of po of the Court, W. H. several cases on -the one was heard before ed. Four witnesses side. One lady talked to be dismissed as the ished an interpreter. evidence was dragged a number of the witnes were dragged out too s tiff, K. 0. Counsel for! ed tam exhibits; exhi pie covered with whipp (b) --A plate of biscu sworn to be the work and expert testimony lent qualities was hea A. McCall and Miss i Lary Collie who t them. Robt. fence also pro- f a very substan- g to be the dom- intiff and Stuart on as an expert fused to act and iciently demag- ctators found it restrain their r Howard Stew - k Cleghorn had them in check. ng the jury were qurnt while the model of impar - The jury through .mith, returned a ith recommenda- e judge sentenced to be suspended pology to be print - and each side to expectedly. Dane. died at his r a very brief illness. ken ill while on his thel with acute • ap- is survived by his hildren, his mother, orrie, and two sis- others. The funeral ie cemetery on Tues- eceased was a cou•ain r of this town a id ded the funeral at Highest prices 'paid for oose and duck feathers at the Upho ering factory. - WALKER & CLEGG. Consu The world's c rapidly on the i ago England was four pounds per y ing over six poun nada the amount four and one -quay Some years ago p were imported for finer grades of C gradually supplan 30,0!0,000 pounds Ceylon and India, Lion of Tea. neumption of tea is crease. A few years .'linking, per capita, .ar, now she is drink - per capita. In Ca- nsumed in 1912 was r pounds per capita. Ina and Japan teas e most part, but the ylon and India have d them. During 1912 ame to Canada from whereas . only 8,000,- 000 pounds were i nported from China and Japan. Und the scientific cul- ture'of tea by En lisp producers in In- a product of those fly increased from world's production y, but it scarcely growing demands 1 suit was tried at terary, Social and eb. 19. when Miss ed The Bluevale 0,000 damages for out her cooking es of matrimony. densely crowded warn the specta- esent on the mi- nd should act ac - hip J. W. King full robes of off- imanded the leer- ing in court with- xcused them for it erty. The Clerk aney announced docket but only he court adjourn - ere called on each n German and had ourt had not furn- Some said the t too long but es thought they on. A. L. Pos- laintiff produc- it (a) -An apple dcream; exhibit ts. These were of the plaintiff s to their excel - from Mrs. H. • die and Ceylon countries has gr year to year. T is increasing rapi keeps pace with th of the western we. d. were called upon to t Black, K. C. for the d duced pie and biscuits tial character purporti estic products of the pl McNaughton was cello but he turned pale an this was considered su ing evidence. The sp impossible at times feelings and Court Cri art and Constable Gra very hard work to kec. The counsel in addres both learned and el judge's charge was a tiality and research. the foreman, Jos. verdict of "guilty; tion to mercy" and t The Literary'Diges. for one week, a full ed in it's next issu pay its own costs. The musical part •f the program was supplied by the Yo ng Men's orchestra from Glenannan w o played a number of spirited selectio s. Miss Belle Pow- ell was the accomp nist and Miss Bessie Aitken sang sever I very pleasing sel- ections. Next Wednesda night there will be another good prog amme with a varie- ty of interesting atures. WINGHAM I FINALS. Since our last is doings in connectio Wingham is proud of On Wednesday eveni the Wingham rink t from Mount Forest b The game was well boys received loyal local lovers of the g was as follows: - Wingham - Goal, McLean; cover, Joh fer; centre, Elliott: left, 0. Pender. Mount Forest -Go McLauchlan; cover Langdon; centre, B ray; left, Pennor. Referee -Rankin This being the Northern League games being the .o was played at Mo evening. The ma cal club arranged Railway for a spe here shortly after was the most sue sion train that ev connection with a were upwards of o passengers. The companied the par est players, on the the locals by a sco to a disagreemen keepers, Mount F pelled our boys to utes instead of s thirty-two minutes players scored th Wingham wins the 12 to 7, putting th the championship. e there has been with hockey and the local players. g of last week in local boys won a score of 8 to 1, ttended and the upport from the e. The line up rover; point, F. sten: rover, Tel- ight, C. McLean; i, Hamilton; point, McNiven; rover, ebber; right, Mur - London. semi-finals in the rid home and home der, the return game nt Forest on Friday agement of the lo- ith the Grand Trunk ial train, which left even o'clock. This ssful special excur- left Wingham in ockey game. There e hundred and sixty Citizens' Band ac - y. The Mount For - r own ice, defeated e of 6 to 4. Owing among the time - est practically corn - lay ninty-two min- ty. In the extra the Mount Forest e of their goals. ound by a score of into the finals for N We would like t insthe rule book o ports that "time sides?" ES. know on what page the O.H.A. it re - e taken off for off - Was the report i i the Mount Forest papers re the Harr'ston-Mount Forest game an example o good sportsman- ship? The Citizens' Ba d made a "hit" in Mount Forest. T e management of the local club heart ly thank them for their generous sup rt. The managemen desires to thank every person who as in any manner assisted the Hoclee Club this season and asks for their patronage at the last game of the seson which will be played on Friday ev ning, 28th instant, with Wiarton for t e championship of the Northern Leag e. Everybody had a good time, but a little "early" in th morning inreahcing home. ' Referee BamforY, of Listowel, deliv- ered the goods. All the home p yers were stars! May Try w Scott Act. The Huron cou y branch of the Do- minion Alliance w II probably be called in convention fo the latter part of March, and one f the important sub- jects to be discuss d is the advisability of introducing the anada Temperance Act, sometimes 1• own as the "New Scott Act." This aw applies to coun- ties, and. with the ew amendments, is said to be a very stringent measure. At present it is in .rce in New Bruns- wick and Nova Seo is with good effect, and the Provincial e.vernment, through Hon. W. J. Hanna, has promised it the same rigid enforce 'nt that other liq- uor laws receive s its hands. This measure can be ado ted•on .a majority vote and involves a entire county. It I .Manitoulin. � was recently adopt in Before Judge Ma .uin, in the Quebec Superior Court, a j ry rendered a ver- dict for $15,000 for onduetor Frechette against the C. P. on account of the ,loss of a leg and of ier injuries. • t isn't the Price you p.' y for Shoes -it's the s alae you get for your Vloney that tells whether you are buying wisely or not The remembrance of quality re- mains lung after the price is forgot- ten. We specialize on the well. known INVICTUS AND HAGAR Shr es fir Men and this sure aught to he heady mixers fir every person who r•*1.1ty wants h„st quality in Sh•,es There's no extra charge for c• uitesy here, nor for the Great A•s'irtwent of Styles from which we make a e•eleetion nor for the certainty th 'tt w oatever you choose is good. Sec the new styles. Ladies' A xiliary Meeting. The regular m.nthly meeting of the Ladies' Auxilia , of the Wingham Gen- eral Hospital tai I be held in the Council Chamber next : onday afternoon at 4.15 o'clock. All me hers and ladies inter- ested in hospital work are requested to attend. CHUR H NOTES. The Bishop of Rev. B. A. Kin incumbency of L ley, in successio who has gone W Sacramental s St. Andrew's Pr Sunday morning. will be held on F mencing at 2,30 Rev. Dr. Oate 'sets Methodist el home by an atta. will probably be work for a numb W. J. OEM THE SHOE MAIC (S/.NWVWV,MMN• W./W•• turon has appointed r, of Gorrie, to the amington and Wheat - to Rev. John Morris, st. • rvice will be held in byterian Church next Preparatory service iday afterhoon, corn - 'clock. , pastor of the Brus- roh is confined to his of typhoid fever and laid . aside from his r of weeks. s,. formerly of Blue - own to many of our ved . a unanimous in - the third year as pas- hodist Church at St. Rev. D. Roge vale, and well - readers has rest vitation to remai for of Central M Thomas. Rev. E. H. Cro cion Study Class at the Rectory, petus given by missions which St. Paul's church NextSunday , ands w day in the Meth A. C. Farrell M. eign Missions, wi and evening. M the Mission field' and in the North conditions and rte Are You Going West? We can sell you tickets to any point via CANADIAN PACIFIC; RAILWAY or any route you may desire. Are You Staying East? We can give you bargains in either Town or Farm Property. Watch this space next week for list of Wingham properties for sale. Ritchie Covens REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE C.P,R. Town Ticket .agency WE -T W.. WANO'B. Another of the of and highly esteem- ed pioneers of this wnship passed a- way on Monday eve ing in the person of Mrs. T. Alexand r, in her 91st year. The deceased lady as born in the north of Ireland and in y ung girlhood came to Canada, settlin at Kingston. In 1871, in company w th her husband and family she came to est Wawanosh and settled on the eigh concession. Mrs. Alexander was hel in high esteem in the community in hieh she had so long resided. In religio she was a Presby- terian. . resby-terian.. Seventeen years ago she fell and fractured one f her limbs and le. st July the same lim was fractured and this last fracture ether hastened her death. Mrs. Ale- nder is survived by four sons and two 'aughters. The fun- eral took place on ednesday afternoon to Green Hill cem tery at Lucknow will conduct a Mis-. very Tuesday evening ollowing itp. the im- he Lenten Course in as held last week in Il be MissionarySun- dist .. dist church the Rev. . Secretary of ror- I preach both morning Farrell, has been on imself, both in Japan West, and knows the ds of the work. H. DAVIS WINGHAM, ONTARIO Agent for Allan Line Cunard Line S6naldson. Lines. Canadian Northern Lines Ocean Steamships. HOME STUDY Tuou=rands of amt=.gone yenn„ people fi hi,ing Distrito -tee intheir homes by our .Home H+ndr Dept. 1 w, snag Dahl College 9f you d.�ir< Y:a:• evertmh�•r- Thirty `b' S wish..+rt you wish.. 'IS t r • ienee. 'Veal 13s drl°e. La1'ez.at ftIIit:('iN 1, FlYI:ir.:1. ter say day. i?o+trier'” mini;lr. En you wish to Face i;nar•d and learn Hilo you cern, !!rite for particulars. ,NO VACATIONWingham Business Colleg ns at w Ott). SPOTTON, Pr" .'Pent